The Brussels Post, 1900-10-18, Page 4BAU OSLf5 POSE OCT,, 1$, 1900 , r 4 Orifi ,ald.storage fora year and Its gee Mahlon, J M MuKsy, Xeaao Wade ; net, iyl iti $ X e'kt pearanee andflavor were a verita,le .ting, J M Molf,?y, Mrs McKenzie _. _,.-.,. _. surprise po the judges among wham were Macrame bracket work, Mre Hole ; tinsel • - _ -,— the loading fruit expert? of Europe, `File work, Mrs Zoellner, W IX MOOraaken ; THURSDAY, 00T 1$ 1900, exhibit canned everything before it and pillow shams, Wm Spence, Mrs Zue1lter ; of the six provinoee interested, live took eetten (milt, Mrs Rattner ; silk tient, gold mutant and one a eilver modal, Mre Hula, Wen Spence ; patch Werk, W These are the praotioal restate of the I3 Webber ; emit ladies' underwear, Mrs "monstrous bungling" and "blundering Zoellner, Aire McKenzie ; darned aeon incepaaity" of tion. Sidney Fisher, Minie. or stocking, Mre Hele, Mre MpKeozie ; ter of Agriculture. No one ever heard of table mat, Mre Hole, W R Faille' fanny Cituadian fruit in the markets of Europe knitting, in cotton, Mre McKenzie, Mre wbon the trade was dependant upon the Bele, fancy knitting, in woo), J M Mo. gold -storage spatula operated by the Kay, Mrs Hele; braiding, 3 Al Natty, Ooneervative Government and it will re. Ed Cousins ; tatting, Mre Hale, J M quire more than the eopbietry of Sir McKay ; rag carpet, J $chmuar & Son, Oherlee Tupper, spread over a halt dozen W R Fellie ; toilet mat, J M Ma1Cey, W columns of gelid' type, to oonviooe the H MoOreoken ; rag mat, Mrs IkfoKeneie, practical fanner that the Toriee will be Mrs Hele ; woollen mat, W 1i Fallis ; able to develop praotioal aold•etorege and obeli work, Mre Z,eliner ; times work, rapid treneportatiou eshemee that will Mrs Zoellner, Mre MoKeuzie ; natural be an improvement upon the methods not tlowere, Ed Cousins ; out flowers, 3' only advocated but actually put into Brethauer, Ed Cousins ; table boquet, J successful operation under the anepicee Brethauer, Ed 0011eine ; astere, E and intelligent direction of the present cousins ; stooks, E Conine; llrethauer; Liberal Minister. Four years of Grit ooileatioo of weeds, W Strong ; pearl work hae done infinitely more than painting, Mrs Hale I oil painting, Mrs eighteen years of Tory talk, Hale, J H Johnston ; water color paint. 0nUAT STATESMANSHIP. lag, Mrs Hele ; painting on eilk or vol. Our old friend Sir Charles Tupper le vet, R Hooey, J M McKay ;painting on Haver tiratl of telling us how he has, satin, Mre Hele, R Hooey ; pencil draw• g lag, A7re Hele, 'Mid Segmiller.; crayon practically without a eietanoeeitlerfrom drawing, Mra Hele, mins Segmilier ; oral. Providenoe or hie fellowmen, brought lection of photographs, W A Edwards ; abort Oonfederation, worked out and put printing on wood, J M McKay, Mrs Hele ; into eff et the famous—or le it famous— portrait painting, Mrs Hele, National policy, built the either st UarrnnEN'e DEn fl1tIENT. — Needle Pacific R!r , and ie entitled work—Darned etookinge or eooke, Ieaao directly or indireotly —principally six button holes, A Laird, Wm formWade i former—to all the credit attaching to every development that hae made for the A 8tineon, advenoemont of Meade during the lad Judges—Mies M McKee, Barrieton; forty-five yearn. Iu order to remove say ore W M Robinson, Wroxeter. doubt that may possibly exist as to the PENtiANeuin,--Two verses of God Save justice of these remarke at Peterborough the Queen, children from 18 to 14 years the other day when he observed that the old, A Laird, B Beaker ; from 11 to 12 contribution of Sir Charles Tupper and years old, P Donaghy, L Donaghy ; 10 hie aeeooiatee to the oonetruotiou of the years old or under, 3 Haiuetock, J Patter. Canadian P. It, was to make it Dost near. eon, ly twice as mach to the people, and to Judges—T G Sheerer, R Deaohman. fool an empire in the West for less money SPECIAL PRIEE9.—HOme made bread, than it would have coat to make a survey. made from flour purchased from J H No wonder Sir Ohnrlee is proud of him- Johnston, J Patterson; sofa pillow by self. Wm Oasteil, R Harding ; lergeet family on grounds, Jae Bell, W A Edwards, 12 each, divided equal ; Hazelwood Bros, HOWI,JK FALL FAiR, special prize on bread, G Lavery ; J Lord's special prize on home made bread, Jae Donnell, jr ; by Dr Spence for beet baby bora in 1900, Mrs J eloKnight ; by J H Rogers, penmanship, children 13 to 14 year" old, I Wade, J Hainstook t by L 0 Hooey, fattest baby born in 1900, Mrs R E McCallum. DOMWxON 1 L1dTION., NeetFeaTFON,. Wentmaan, Oen. 31. POLLEN°, WnUNnsant, Nov, 7 TOP. POST Teeltlg'r, Premier, HON. WILFRID LAUIi;IFr1't Eget Huron, DR, MAot oNALP Soilth Huron, Jeo. Mo8u.xoo West .Hares, Rono. HOLAFES North Perth, • G. GOETZ North Wellington, JAel. MoMOLLEN OUR OTTAWA LETTER. OETTINO ABSOLUTELY BEC1tLEae. That the Conservative party is realiz fog more olearly every day the hnpeleae. nese of its endeavor to tura out the Government is evident from the fast that the style of Opposition speeches and newapaper artiolee ie becoming more abusive and more ill.tempered every day; while the most ridioulcue fabrioatiooe, having nothing whatever for a founds. tion but the fertile imagination of tbeir originetors, areconstantly appearing in the Tory press. Most people have heard of the famous lawyer, who when he hod a ease always made a point of abusing We opponent's attorney, and the story is told of Dean Swift who when engaged in an argument on one 000aeion with an antagonist who had worked himaelf into a violent rage, was asked how he manag- ed to keep hie temper so admirably. "My dear Sir," replied the Dean, when you know you are in the right it le easy to keep temper, it is the fellow who knows he le on the wrong aide who gets mad. It would be a waste of bath time and space to take notice of half the silly stories that the Coneervatives ore invent inn and disseminating. One of the last that bee been given 0Orreney is to the effect that a oonoerted effort is being made by the Liberals to prevent any candidates being nominated in Ontario who are of the Roman Oalholio faith, and ill their recklessness the originator" of the canard add that Hon. Mr. Sucher. hand, aa a minister of the Laurier Cover/anent, has aotually issued a letter to party managers throughout the Pro- vince to that effect. It would scarcely, seem necessary to take any notice of snob an insane yarn ; certainly all the comment that is necessary is that there is not an atom of troth in it, and that the one desire of the Liberal party in O.,terie and elsewhere is to enure the best man whose services are available to assist in the Government of the country without regard to the color of their hair or eyes, the cat of their clothes, or the partionlarbranoh of the Cbrietian ehurmh to which they may happen to belong. L4 THE INTERESTS OF LABOR. No wonder Sir Charles turns in dee- peration to the farmers, and fires a six- aotmmn cold.storage broadside into the unwary ones,—for his old standby, or rather be whom he hes been so fond of patronizing end claiming ae his humble friend and supporter, the workingman, is slipping throutth his fingers. The workingman does hie own thinking these days and he is just as well, and perhaps a little better, able to tell where Isis best i ,tereste lie, as the professional politician is to instruct bim. "That he who wears the shoe can tell you where it pinches," la e£tf-evident, end the workingman is perfectly competent without assistance, not only to locate the pinch but to know who has done moat to relieve it. The workingman bas long been acoaetomed to all sorts of anti -election promises which are laid aside and forgotten as soon as they have served their purpose and the polls are olosed, but this Government has not only established the Depattment of Labor and the Labor Gazette, but it has otrloered the work by men well known in the Labor movement, men who hove been connected with it all their liven and possess the absolute confidence of those whom the work is intended to benefit. In charge of Hon. Wm. Alaloak, who to a marked degree p0eseses tbe oonfi- deuce of the wage.earner,—and justly so,—the leglelation already passed by the present Government hae done more for Labor in two or three years than the Toriee bave attempted in their whole history. The workingman knowe this and he will vote aaoordingly. r'A COMPLETE nerwann." Owing probably to lank of space in his six -column essay on cold•"terage Sir Tupper comperes the relative trade in oertain linee of Canadian exports in given years under Tory management and omits to refer to the condition of the some trade now as contrasted with the time when the Liberals took over the business. For example he pointe out that the export of bacon in 1890 was less than eight million pounds whereas in 1899 it had risen to thirty-five million lbs., but he does not go o step farther and call attention to the fact that in 1900 Continued from last week.; D.ttrn PRontice AND PROVISIONS.—Tub butter (20 Ibaj .Robe Harding, Aobeeon Laird ; 10 lbe tub butter, Robt Harding, Robt Edgar; butter in roll, Acheson Laird. Rubt Harding ; home made bread, W A Edwards, Geo Lavery ; bane, W R Faille, G Lavery ; oatmeal cakes, Wm Stinson, W R Fallis ; fruit cake, Wm Stinson, A Laird ; jelly cake, John Pat• tenon, Mre W H hale ; strained honey, A Laird, J Erethaner. Judge—Mre E Talton, Hopes AND VEOETAnLES,—Early potatoes, A Laird, Wm Strong ; late potatoes, A Laird, John Patterson ; oolleotion of potatoes, John Holland, Joe Sohmurr & Son ; swede turnips, J H Johnston, 5 Clark ; turnips, any kind, Ed Krohn, W H McCracken ; red =agate, W H Mc- Cracken, J Campbell & Son ; yellow anneals, W H Motiraeken, J H Johnston ; garden carrots, E Krohn, W Strong 1 field carrots, W 13 MoCraoken, J Ft ;phaeton ; celery, J Brethauer, W H Mo0raeken ; potato onions, Ed Cousin", J Sohmurr Sou ; seed onions, W H MoOracken ; J Sohmurr & San ; Dutch gets, tV H Ma- Crackeu, J Bohmnrr & Son ; collection of onions, J Sohmurr & Son, Ed Coneine 1,. parsnips, J Sohmurr & Son, W Strong ; pumpkins, B B Cook, J Sohmurr & Son ; citrons, J Schmorr & Son, W H Aho- °reaken ; beets, W H MoOracken, J H Johnston ; large tomatoes, J Sohmurr & Son, Wm Spence ; °mall tomatoes, Isaac Wade, Mrs W H Hale ; white oabbage, B 0 Cook, J Sohmurr & Soo ; red cab- bage, J Schmorr & Son, W H MoOraok. en ; red peppers, Ed Cousins, W H Mc- Cra"ken ; cauliflower, W H McCracken ; water mesons, Jae McEwen, W H Mo- Oraoken ; egaaebee, Arthur Oowan, W H McCracken ; cucumbers, A Laird, John Holland. FRUIT,—Northern Spv, W R Fallis, R Harding ; Canadian Red, Ed Cooeiae ; R I Greenings, Mies A Segmiller, J Bohmnrr & Sou ; King of Tompkins, Miee A Segmiller, Watley Brea ; Rosset, American Golden, W R Faliie, A Gibson ; Resists, any kind, J Sohmurr & Son, A Laird ; Baldwins, A Laird, Ed Sohmurr & Son ; Peewaukee, J Sohmurr, Ed ODuero? ; Ben Davte, J Sohmurr & San, A Laird I Mann, J Schmorr & Son ; Tolman sweet, W R Faille, J Sohmnrr & Son ; collection of Winter applee, Ed Cousins, W Lambkin, Fall apples— Colverte, A Laird, Jae Hunter ; Dntcheee of Oldenburg, E Cousins, Jae MoEwen ; Alexander, Mies A Segmiller, Wesley Bros ; Maiden's Biueh, A Laird, J Sohmurr & Bon ; Snow, John Patterson, A Laird ; St. Lawrence, Mies A Seg• miller, J Sohmurr & Son ; Wealthy, J Brethauer, Robt Peel ; McIntosh red, Jae MoEwen ; Gravenstein, E Cousins, Mies A Segmiller ; Ribeton Pippen, Wesley Bros, W R Faille ; oolleotion of Fall apples; Wm Lambkin, Ed Coaxing ; crab apples, W R Fallis, J Connell jr ; plume, W H MoCraoken ; pears, J Hooter, $ Vegan I grapes, E Krohn, Miss A Seg. miller. Judge—E Talton, Clifford. Home 0LANrracTrrtEe, FANCY WORK tan I'rNE Aars.—Flannel, wool, Ere M P Zoellner ; yarn, Airs W McKenzie, W H the export of thie commodity to Great McCracken ;stocking, wool, Mrs Hele, Britain alone bad risen to one hundred W H McCracken ; stocking", fanny, Mrs Hale ; and thirty -live million lbs. He might etoekings, cotton, lire McKenzie ; also have mentioned the fent that less eooke, wool, Mrs MacKenzie, Mre Hal" than five million poanda, of Batter was mitts, wool, Airs Heie, Mrs McKenzie sent to Great Britain in 1896, whereas �mittg,enzie Panay, W H McCracken, arc Flo - this year the amount has grown to nearly K ; gloves, wool, W H IrlcCracken, twenty-five million lbs., oleo that in place Mrs Hele ; (louse, fancy, Mrs McKenzie, of 164,000,000 lbe, of cheese in 1806 we Mrs Heie ; fine shirt, band made, Mrs now Bend nearly 186,000,000., that 10,- C McKenzie, Mre Hele ; fancy shirt, Mre 000,000 dozen eggs find a market in Zoellner, Mra McKenzie; flannel shirt, Great Britain today in place of 5,600,000 lire Zoellner ; log cabin quilt, W H Sia• R Fallis four years ago, and that agricultural Cracken, Wm deo galls, me proti and animals and their produce Woollen, Mrs Reenter,Geo Laeerq •keit quilt, Jos Schmorr & Son, Mrs 8ele ; ?applied by Canada to the Mother Country were this year valued at over croebet quilt, W H McCracken, J 11 Mn $72,000,000 as against 642,000,000 in 1896. These vaet increases, in some oases amounting to over 400%,—of the meet perieht,ble artiolee of commerce, are the result of the Government's oold•etorage system wbioh Sir Charles Tapper, with hie obaracterietio sublime indifference to facts, etigmetiees as a "weepiest(' and dieaetrons tenure," n800LT8 THAT TELL, The report which Dr. Saunders, of the Experimental Farm ha" sent in with reference to the Canadian exhibit of fruit of the P•tris Exposition affords about ae a000lueive an answer to Sir Charles Topper's pondereue menaced° as oonid well have been devilled. Thie fruit ane Of the season of 1890 and bad been In EAST HURON IN 1896, The following are the results in the various municipalities in this riding at the last Dominion eleatione wbioh will no doubt be of interest and should be preserved for future reference : mot/maid Dickinson BLYTH— No. 1 No. 2 58 69 44 43 102 102 Vote a tie. BRUSSELS— No. 3 .....,77 51 No.4 75 53 162 107 Majority for McDonald.. 45 GREY— No. 5 No. 6 No. 7 No. 8 No. 9 No. 10 Kay ; ooverlfd, Mra Zoellner, J 11 Mc- Koy ; crochet in wool, W H McCracken, J Al McKay ; crochet in cotton, Mrs Zoellner, Mrs Hele ; embroidery in cot- ton, ,lire Z Kellner, Rd Cousins ; embroid- ery in muslin, Mrs Hele, Wm Stfaeon ; embroidery in silk on linen, Mrs Bele, Mre Zoellner ; embroidered centre pieces, Mrs Zoellner, Mise A Segmiller ; point' lace, J M .McKay, Ed Cousins; Batten. burg work, J M McKay, Ed Ceasing ; Berlin work, J Sohmarr & Son, Mrs Zoellner ; Berlin Bat work, J AI McKay, Ed Conine ; wax &were, J Bretbaner, Aire Zoellner ; drawn work, Mre McKee. zie, Ed Courting ; armee work, Mre Recliner, Mre Hole ; hair pin work, Mre Zoellner ; leather work, Airs Hole ; eats pillow, &Its Zoeiiner, Mre Hole ; sola 72 116 91 63 86 95 520 Majority for McDonald ..24.4 Howren— No. 11 64 No. 12 63 No. 15 59 No. 14 G4 No. 15 104 No. 16 62 406 Majority for Dickinson Mounts— No. 17 66 No. 18 81. No. 19 52 No. 20 80 No. 21 77 356 Majority for McDonald.. 17 TuRNeEasY— No. 22 63 No. 23 125 No. 24 95 288 Majority for MoDonald.. 64 38 64 31. 25 71. 47 275 100 92 110 106 79 79 572 106 61. 50 70 84 74 339 61 74 84 219 It's Your Nerves. It's the Condition of Ir011F Nerves that Dither Afakos Tour Life a Round of Pleasure 01' a Use- less Burden. To many wn'oen lite le nee round , t etoltne.,•, weak,ioee and ill t,Yattt1, To attempt even the lightest household duties fatigues them. Many of the eymptome aaoompanymg this state at deoline are : a feeling of tiredness on waking, faintness, dizziness, sinking feeling, palpitation of the heart, ehortneee of breath, loss of appetite, old hada and feet, headache, dark eirolee under the (lee, pain in the book and aide and all the other mamma panimenta of a run down and weakened nonetittition. All these symptoms and conditions are simply the result 01 a poor quality and defective oirowlation of the blood, with a wasting away of the nerve forces. By feeding the system with DR. WARD'S BLOOD AND NERVE PILLS You strike at the root of the ttt,eaee and lay a solid foundation ou tvbfc , to build. Soon the weight iuoreaste, sir.t awaken cheeks and flattened bolts it,t nut, the eyes get bright and the thrill . f renewed health and strength vibrates thrangh the system. 50 aente per box at all dru (fete', or DR. WARD Co., Toronto, Ont. For Sale by 8. A. Deadman, Itr1188818. WINOHASI— No.25 48 64 No. 26 83 41 No. 27 43 64 No. 28 68 94 192 263 Majority for Diokinson 71 WROSETER— No.29 68 41 Majority for McDonald.. 27 RECAPITULATION. McDonald Dlckineon Blyth 102 102 Brunetti 159 107 Grey 520 276 Howick 406 572 Morrie 350 839 Tarnberry 283 219 Wingbam 192 263 Wroxeter 68 41 2,079 1,919 Majority !,.r McDonald..160 cared me of a ohronio bronabial trouble which Tot nausea Night Alarm.'One night my brother's baby was taken with crone;' writes Mrs, J. 0. Snider, of Crittenden, Ky., "ft seemed it wouid strangle biCore we ecoid get a doctor, so we gave it Dr. King's New Dian -every, white) gave quick relief and permanently oared it. We always keep it in the hones to protect out children from crane and whooping cough. It no other remedy would relieve." Infallible for coughs, colds$1,.00. Trial bottles free at G. A. Doadman'e drug throat and lung troubles. 50e and store, A BRIEF note from Belleville dietriat rattle ;—"Our eon, John, hae come home from the Phileetinee on a furlough and one leg. The latter manna a pension for life—thank the Lord, Harry Ei. Croailor wee Lolled at ?felt•, bureham while trying to board a train. AN advertieer says "Ooneumptivee,, oongll while you 080, for after you have taken one bottle of my mixture, you 000'1, A Wise Lady, CI,Evar.ANn, 0(110, Slay Wird, 1909• A1. A1oLeod Blamed Laboratory, J. Goderjoh, O.,taric, DEAD Sze, --Four liquid mtdtotne, "Soak and Swab," has Mired me entirely of the Bore I had on my upper jaw. The doctors told me tbat it was a Mannar and that the bone would have to be cot out and the affected parte removed by the knife. 18 wahtened me and made mesgetithe "Soak tatland Swab." X used only three pint bottles. I am well ever wino, and it to three year" eines I used it. Having great oonfidenee in your medicine I will recommend 18 to thole in need. I am, eta, Mne. J. HUMAN. The following was reoelved from the earns lady ten years ago ; 1 suffered for nearly four yearn from file, and almoet at the acme hoar daily, out of which no one oould waken me, ah - til 1 awoke of myself, weak mud wearied after the lapse of from ten to twelve hours' time during which time I was Wholly unconscious. I was attended to and conealted no fewer than eixteen doatore without any benefit and no re- lief. I got to be absentminded, often un- ooneoioue of my eurroundinga, took no notice of anything, until, i" the good providence of God, a friend insisted on bringing J. M. McLeod to our boas?. He took me out of the fit in half a min- ute'" time. I began to gain rapidly after this in health and soundness of milli, and to this day I have not had any more fits. Yours, etc., JOSEPHINE E. MAnmrg. Kingsbridge, Ont. Sold by Jame Fox, druggist, Brueeels. The Marvellous Becorcl of Cures made by Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tablets in every Section of the Country is Always !lacked by Home Treatment. Brussels Proof. , Mre. R. Hingeton, MITI et., Bays :—"At 17. 0. Danford, merchant tailor, Turn- timee for a long time I have been trouhl. berry et., Bays :—"Some time ago, hear• ed with a weak bank due to a kidney ing of Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kidney trouble. Some time ago I heard of Dr. Tablete, I prooured a bottle at the drug Piboher'e Boolrache Kidney Tablete and store of Jae. Fox and took them home for got a bottle at the drag store of Jae. Fox. nee in my family. The patient suffered I think them an excellent medicine ae from a beekaohe dee to a kidney trouble they acted well with me and at the same and reports the mutt as very satiefaotory time geutly, easily and gniokly." consequently I feel Ioan give this en- doreement. If you have the elighteet symptom o Kidney and Bladder trouble you can teat this great medioine free. Arrongemente have been made whereby readers of this paper can obtain a trial package of Dr. Pitcher's Baokaohe Kidney Tablets elide lately free by enclosing two cent stamp for postage to The Pitober Tablet 0o., Toronto, Ont. When giving address mention this paper. 1f yon are convinced Pitoher's Tablets are what you want, you con purchase regular size for 50 Dents per bottle. If not obtainable at druggist's, mailed free of poetage on receipt of prion. THE NEW ' SHOE rOR ij This Modern Shoe for Women is a high grade shoe, made to fit the feet with ease. It is made from especially selected stock, which, with unusual attention given by expert designers,to lines and shapes, has produced 2 A Shoe Both Dainty and Durable and combines what is rarely found, Style with Comfort, made in all sizes and widths, Lace and Button. Prices Stamped on Sole of Shoo—$2.00 ; $2.50 ; $3.00 ; $3.50. Patent Leather, very stylish, at $3.50. A. Special line for Fall and Winter wear, with Rubber Heel, $3.50 —o— TItY THE EA1rli1ss SHOE Dltrssnaa for keeping a Stylish Shoe in perfect condition. Every bottle warranted first•elass. D ownin BrosShoe © Dealers. St 4 yes Stoves NOM THIS : Ifal.. .'.t@W Stook. A Choioo Stock. LOW P ion. We will Make it Pay You to Buy All Your Goods of Us. Inememmemn Fey THAT DOLL•AR OF YOURS Can BUY MORE and bring BETTER RE3UGT8 than it ever did ?rocs the DOLLAR MARK wee invented, IF you put it into OUR DOLLAR STRETCHING VALUES. We announce the greatest gathering of desirable merohaudiee we have ever nodded in oolleoting for oar patrons. Everything treeh and new, sparkling with the brightest fashion tboughte of the new Beason. Save Money while the Chance Lasts. A little of it will give wonderful eatiefaotion if invested in our einoerely houeet qualities of reliable goods of known value. Yon will delight in our new stock because it is in tomb with the times, and anticipates your every want in MEN'S ° BOYS' CLOTKINC, Hats, Caps and Gents' Furnishing Goods, Without Doubt or Heeitatiou, come and Reap the Best Values Year Dollar Ever Bought, A Stock Thoroughly Up to -date in QUALITIES and STYLES in Every Department. Come and make your oomparieone ; they are the keye that anlook the facts about our Fine Qualities and Low Pried. The simple, plain talk of the Price that ie Right is our aonvinoing argument. Take advantage of this combination of Saving and Satisfaction and your mind will be easy and your money saved. We are waiting to give you a Square Deal for a Round Dollar. ' ANT of room hindered us from making a dis• play of Stoves at Brussels. Fall Fair but we have a dandy. stock just the same, and want the public to see them. We handle the leading makes and can quote prices as low as the lowest. Give us a call, Stoves, II.trdware' and Tinwal. e, Brussels. • oSs Strictly One Price Always the Lowest "33 Per Cent. Less than Other Stores." That is what the people say about Our Mantle Prices, and they're right. Do you want to buy a Jacket as cheap as you can, or do you wish to give other merchants more than our prices ? Most any person would feel badly over losing a dollar or two out of their purse between here and other stores, but that is just what you are going to do if you buy a Jacket elsewhere, and there's no doubt about it. Probably you wonder how we know this. We know it because we know the prices other merchants have to pay the Can- adian Wholesaler and Manufacturer, and the Agents for German Manufacturers, and we know by, buying direct from the Makers in Berlin we can buy them 25 to 85 per cent. cheaper. We know all this because we have seen the Canadian Makers' goods and prices, the samples shown by Agents of German Makers, and the prices asked by them, and after seeing these we have made special ar- rangements with a large retail buyer of German Mantles, who, when in Berlin, bought our Mantles for us, and you will find them just as mush cheaper as we claim, Are You Ready to put Us to the Test ? Ferguson Co., Direct Importer of .Mantles.