The Brussels Post, 1900-10-18, Page 2I0E-FEATING PROCESS,
Temperature, Teals Rintataiacd at the
ereeslag holm—Paper is Also Used,
(The tree cif ice tot' b'oatin'g purposes
is one oe the host envious devices in
the transportation of perishable
goods. A new kind oe eter it double
lined, and has at etude end 'Lour gal-
vanlzed iron cylinders, reaching from
the floor to near the . top, In sum-
mer these oylindels are .filled with
iso end salt, tamped down hard, and
let Is alatanod that e •retrigerabar Ver
hlele thus equipped floes not need any.
renewal of its stook of ice on a jour-
ney eleer .,cruse the eontinent. The
remarkable, point, bowever, is that
the oar is iced in winter just the
same, for the purpose of preventing
free:iye:"",tca_ifs normally at about 32
degrees Fahrenheit, and it is very re-
ts tem-
'o anyll
to give a
n P
lucre t15
hence, when IL Is zero
weather otrvide, the cylinders of re-
latively warm ice ant as stoves, help-
ing to keep up the thermometer in-
Another novet nevice by which ice
is employed for protection against
thio upon t
cold consists in throwing
ear, when the weather is near the
zero point, a stream of water, which
promptly freezes
and forms a come
plete coat all ovelr the vehicle. This
prevents radiation of beat from the
ear, and so tends to keep up the tem-
perature inside. It is a plan fre-
quently adapted in the transmuta-
tion of bananas, which are particular-
ly susceptible to cold. Fruit of this
kind Is but in paper bags, inside of
heavy canvas bags, and covered with
salt, hay wlllem the temperature is
_. M. dangerously low.
Large shippers of fruit in the South
have found out by experience that it
aces not do to take the fruit, espe-
cially peaches and cantaloupes, and
load it upon the ears without chill-
ing it first. Accordingly, one railroad
in that part et the country is about
to establish, at the largest shipping
points along its lines, cooling rooms,
in which the perishable merchandise
may be put for a while before send-
ing it on its journey. Oranges on the
trees will endure 20 degrees for an
hour or two, but in four •)lours will
freeze inside. One recommendation
made by the Weather Bureau in re-
"te !D e
011 the Farm,
Th'sre are a great many orchards
all over the country of the "has -
Won" kind, that are not exhausted
because of old age, says en exchange.
They were well planted ortglnally,
peirhaps, and for a titin• well caked
for, bet eventually they have fallen
Into neglect, and tate trees became
mere cambet'8rs of the ground, that
hake no return. for the 18Wl they cm -
Dopy. Sometimes 1t is because no
effort has been made to keep up the
fertility of the soil; sometimes ibe
vitality of the trees has been lea-
eapaired by overbearing; sometimes the
greed of the owner bits prompted bin
to try to snake the land do double
duty, or there is lack of cultivation,
or it meeting down that hos changed
the texture of the eon and, weakened
the growth; praising has perhaps been
neglected, and the fop thickens and
prevents rise entrance of air and
light, ineeet.s and fungi have been per -
milted to multiply, aad .fn scores of
ways, differing in different cases,
oases, neglect bas produced the inert -
ss. 111e
bh• Guan
e uruee
0- uses are so numerous that it is im-
possible to lay down any prescrip-
tion for the cure of a run-down orch-
ard, lyuc this much is certain,
trees must not only be startel well,
but there is never a time in their his -
Pronounced hunk
tory wh'em they do not quits re-
quire attention, A tree never be -
aaln�9 ran sow, im this way' 'ivlth
bayiing for souse previous seasons
given warning of the (loom that wee
impending. It meet drawl food from
fertile soil, and if tex•tillty is faiLng,
ate appearance will inform elm wetob-
fud owner, It should web season
have an abundance of healthy foliage,
and if it'tails indibisithe cause, should
be looked for. It connote safely) bear
the harden of susluining u large
amount of unprofllable wood,
Pvei'y entelligent horticulturist too,
recognizes the fact th t trees must
be protected against insect and fung-
ous peat by Intelligent spr'sying.
There are these, of coarse, wbo have
made up their minds that spraying
is useless. There is a good deal off
spraying that 1s useless; that may K
couoeded. It is often done at ompr'o.
per times, with improper materials
and with a lack of Lbat thorough-
ness that is essential to proving the
advantage of spraying. Spraying is
. re as a
o preven-
a t
also. notsomuch
tive. After a dl18850 or an inseei.
has thoroughly got en its work spray-
ing is not likely, to offset( a complete
cure although, properly done,it would
have been perh lei a perfect preven-
tive. Bat this, by the way, ,is one of
there is0.
t widthob
that B
.+ points a I
deal of orchard neglect—a neglect
that brings its own ptmisbment, anti
until this fact is realized by owners
of orchards the usually large pro-
portion of rundown trees may be ex-
petted to continue.
'1'bi sa'ntnulown orchard should be
stalled if it is to be cured. The
trouble should be diagnosed carefully
before the cure is attempted. is
fertility needed? supply it. Is cul-
tivation wanted? Furnish that.
Should the trees be pruned, thinned,
earubbed, scraped and freshened up
with the soap washes? Give them
what they need. Perhaps the trees•
buve lived too high and the roots need
cutting off at a point where they
are, say, a quarter of an inch' thick,
Many an unproductive orchard has
been made fruitful in this way. An
orchard tbat leas cost money and time
to make Lt ought to bs kept produo-
tive. The best way to do it is to
give it' soma attention every seae0n
and harken to the warnings avhich the
condition of '010 trees gives to the ob-
servant owner. It is a good deal bet-
ter to prevent difficulties than to
ta'y to aura them, but any an or-
chard that is in a condition that
seems to be almost hopeless can be
restored to fruitfulness If the trees
and what is the matter with them he
Shying i5 one of the most' frequent
causes of carriage accidents, yet with
a correct knowledge of wby a horse
shies, and the proper use of the reins
the shying may be partially cured
and accidents often averted. A
horse shies from fear, and while
3 allowing luflammatton or the Lunge a be.
Vere Cough Set to and Her Doctor Said
Her Case was Uogeless—Ur, 1}'1111suts
Pink Pills Have Restored Iler Health.
From the Recorder, Halifax, N. S.
Dire. Agnes Foran, wbo resides at
21 Agricola street, Halifax, N. S.,
tells a wonderful story of her com-
plete restoration to health, after a
pirotraoted and distressing period of
extrema illness, and she attributes
her present happy condition, under
Providence, to the marvellous quali-
ties of Dr. Williams' Pinsk Pills,
When Mrs, Foran was called, u.pon 'by
a representative of the Aoadien Re-
gard to lemons is that in large hotels corder, who stated his mission, ebe
and other places where quantities of , cordMlly welcomed him to her pleas -
them are used for lemonade and other' ant home, where in the presence of
purposes they shell not be taken from ler mother and sister, she freely told
the cold storage room to a heated; the story of her siokness and reeov-
rcom, but shall be squeezed in the cold , cry• She said.. "A. few, years' ago I
storage room. They lose quality quick- suffered a severe attack of inflamma-
ly after being taken eat of cold stor- 1 tion of the lunge, and was attended
age. I by one of the beat physleians In the
One very curious fact that bee been . city. I pulled through but was left
ascertained is that perishable pro -1 a complete wreak, so that I could
duos, such as fruit and vegetables, not do any work, suffering all the
will stand a lower temperature when, tome from palpitation of the heart,
the car is Ln motion than when it nervous prostration and a ringing
is at rest. No theory has been sug- sound in my bead. L also had a dis-
gested to account satisfactorily for tressdng cough and for months I
this phenomenon, which le certainly IIs r
keeping ate eye fixed on the cause of
the tearer USOMOO away from tt 05
)noels as he Ran. The GammonWee-
the of drivmrs its to (keep pulling the
redxi on the aide Ise shies on► The
conseiiuenee is he runs You ixtte dan-
ger lie does not see, perbapS into a
ditch, up a bank or against some ob-
stacle whittle overthrows your vehicle.,
You blame the horse when you, your-
self have oaglsed the sloe/dent lie pull-
ing it head toward the tiling he elites
at. A good driver always shies before
bis horse, that is' by rnaileing the, prick
of the ear of the 'horse, or by some
previous uoguatntanee about bis fail-
ing. The driver gives light' butt con-
tinuous snatc h'es to the rein opposite;
to the slide at which it ie expected
to slhy; the horse feels that be is be-
ing pulled away from the source of
terror, and passes without shying in;
most oases. Learners of driving,
and those who with to oarrest a bad
habit with their horses have only to
try once or twice to' be assured of, the
soundness of this advice, the result
of 40 years' experience of town and
country driving wit71young and res -
live animals.
Bloat in cattle, tram whatever
cause, is very dangerous] and unless
1 will
Lh animal t
r is 9000
die. The most effeetixal way of re-
lief is to use the trocar and °ensu,
an Instrument that is designed for
this purpose. 1f this is not at hand
a knife may be used, the small blade
of a penknife being the right sized
Use the small blade of u jack knife,
witdl rubber over the blade, to make
the right length. Push the right
side of the cow against the wall.
Place the knife on the left side about
midway between the elott rib and hip
bone. Give the knife a sharp blow
with the hand, withdraw the 'knife,
insert a goose or turkey quill, and
leave It there until the gas escapes.
The quill should be watched so that
it may not become clogged with
-blood. The next day after tibia opera-
tion give the cow one and a half
pounds of Glauber's salts, and if she
Ls not chewing her cud by the next
day, give her a strip of salt pork.
The knife operation is not dangerous,
but the gats' le.
In pieoas wlten'thrown. Won the feed- I . Von nava never experienced the plpupura darivod from drink n8 pure slid frog
i' rant teal ecompnequsinted with alt
Dee ty silting yeeer grexet 1p1'
Ing board, A rather better plan is
to babe ground feed anti then arum-
bee It fine. It not convenient to
balite then staid wiltb eltber milk or
than'te mix up Pohl. A
water ra
e in feeding will )sake a ooue cone'se ereG73At' ue� .
slldel'able .diffeneseee in the groleth'
Green Ceylon and India 'Pea whlehl
ie now being introduced into Canada,
in the Well know» packages of the R
" Salado," Tea Company, has got one j
great advantage over Japan Tea ; and
that ie, while it to of the saute) flavor
and the same light coloring liquor. it
is eon, Mauch stronger, and absolutely
free from adulteration, which praa-
ttoally no Japan tea is. Ceylon Green
Tea is sold in.tate sealed Lead Packets
of the " Salada" Tea Company and is
always fresh and fragrant as well as
In Load N00ketsl ,e . 40, 40, 5a, 6e.
0elnire lust published a beautiful oil Portrait of the 4aoon,
111:0 mics, 510015 x e, 80000q for framing, As pmson
gra( of phoeo magnlae0nt9org0 of art, 1.71%als-1100
you to represent us. We .Ire (ml•yopr °helm of
'30 us.,
P1117teIUAta. '
Some of which are Mut trot ed above for 0o111n6 •
6 or more of the
Queen Portraits at 10 cents Write at ooue and we nlll send
you 4 so ply. Also our 0011 illustrated sheetof premiums, 8e11
rho portraits, -otarn tlta money and we 9011 w ll the rke you
aelocttroa, Department 161L AOADAToronto, 0 tg1150 (10,
My Poetry, said the bard Who was a ,®®,,.,,�� le,• e•mW4•
not satisfied with the Way in which '�
the world was being run, always
h heart.
Ob, replied the lady who was in- I
(fined to take a cheerful view of
things, 1 somehow got to supposing
It came from your liver.
—4 ----
n neck
lthl a
scrawny woman wY
doesn't approve of decollette gowns.
Grinding food is not necessary with
A farm yard fowl must have stam-
ina and constitutional vigor.
Daring the moulting season the de-
velepemnt of eggs is checked.
Select hens that are as uniform in
color and size as possible.
No rules in feeding can be laid down
as some fowls require more food than
o Lhers.
Feathers and combs are matters of
fancy, but egg -laying is a matter of
Give the hens that are moulting a
little hemp seed and cooked meat.
With d'acke a good grass run is
needful in order to grow them with
i I vas knew what it was to have a profit.
t t s While inbreeding has its objects
interesting. It is suggested that: good night's res
t. ox we, yea S A DRUNKARD Utley are more for the fanoier than
growers may derive suggestions of the my life was a perfect misery to me �i he .praotioel poulterer.
utmost value from the weather re -:and under the doctor's orders I took WAS Fowls, sloe ulter. . eat
ports and predictions, thus avoiding emulsion till I was nauseated with said grain and rid ill Emuch f
the shipment of their goods when a the sight of it, but all to no pur-e E atl Wi{o Cures itel' Husband Df wail seed, besides destroying insect
mild wave in winter or hot spell In pose. My life was despaired of by if
summer is imminent. They ought to all my friends who were assured by
learn at what paints on the railroads the dootor that my case was beyond
trasportation is liable to be block-, the reach of human skill. I was vis -
ed by snowdrifts, and they can ; ).ted by the clergy of my church and
find out as to the altitudes of regions Sisters of Charity, who were very
traversed by • shipping routes. Of kind and sympathet'e ani looked up -
course, the temperatures encounter- ' on me as one whose earthly rase was
ed in Grossing mountain ranges are, about run. I experimented with all
apt to be much lower than in the sorts of remedies for my cough, but
valleys. i without avail. My druggist at last
The use of paper for protection l advised me to try Dr. Williams' Pink
against cold is Increasing very muoh, Pills. Being fairly discouraged, never -
and its effectiveness in this way is'theless I was persuaded to make the
wonderful. Fruit wrapped In heavy trial, when to the surprise and joy
brown papeu will endure 15 degrees of myself, family and friends, I began
more cold than without it. Potatoes) to get better, and by bbe time I had
are sometimes packed in barrels lined taken seven or eight boxed I was as
with paper, and wben the weather is well as you sea 'mel now," and she
unusually severe, the barrels are laughingly added, " I think you will
covered with paper also, Clama and adroit that I don't look very much
oysters are similarly shipped in Pa- like a sick woman." Her mother, who'a
[ the tale of her t l�
per -lined barrels, to keep them from had poen listen v
His Drinking habits Writes
of tier Struggle to
Save Her Home.
to w ' t
freezing, and cars for transporting daughter's long illness, added: '•It "I :fad for a long rime been thinking of
trgir;] the'1'asteles3 Banlali.'t 1•r4.:eription
peishable merchandise are quite just• seems like a dream to us all that truatle tht 001517 hnslaatfor his drink-
commonly lined with paper. There is we encs despaired of her life, when ce4/isthuill S1 glut �uidlhrewmedicine,
s is -
said to be nothing like it to keep out' we now see her the pink of health,' cover that
umnerved mo, I ita•
frost. Eggs, shipped in orates with, Kra. I100ttn said that whoa 0n a , tedfornetirly e weak, hutooe elaywheu,
t. pasteboard divisions and Gov- visit to England about a year ago ' be came lwmn very much intoxicated and
separate t his n'cek's anl•ury me;,rly all spent 1 threw
Bred with a layer of oat chaff, will the contracted a heavy cold and w•rar off all Sear axrd determined to sake .:n
ith a return of ler offorttoeavautrrhomafrontthgluinls:tw
endure a very low temperature. It
threatened w coming, at all latzards. Iscrt for elm
b d b th way that pi-'-'- ' eggs cough, but she at 01500 gat 901118 of ' Ta -),loss at
lee erds.erfpttclt, and Snit C intelligent
It is not always the largest fowl
tIsal is the mosit vigo'puIe, but the
out with full, blight eyes, heavy bone
and compaot body.
All the young fowls not intended
for laying or breeding should be fat-
tened and mankeiod soon now.
It is an old maxim that if any de-
arm,,.c�aa.s .,. .M�. LL
If you have Backache you have
Kidney Disease, If you neglect.
Backache it will develop into.
something worse Bright's Dis-
ease or Diabetes. There is no
use rubbing and doctoring your
back. Cure the kidneys, There
is only one kidney medicine but
it cures Backache every time—
o Kidney
Olhere188 Known as iltx. reap' of Trus)pets
and Day 01 Judgment. '
Roth Hashona, the Jewish New Year
day, began at sundown on Sept, 23rd,
and lasted 24 hours. This is one of
the greatest of the Hebrew holidays
and is generally obsereted with aer-
vioe in the synagogues, with social
calls, sending of presents, exchange
of New Year's cards and good wish-
es. Places of business of Hebrews
were olosed and all work suspended
by them. 1't is the first day of the
Jews' religious New Year 5560, but is
the beginning of the seventh' month s
J.tish.ri, of their civil year.
'Tie is also called the Daytfof Judg-
ment, Tem Haan. The orthodox be-
lieve that God sits in judgment on
this thy and that all inhabitants of
the world -pass before him in single
file and are judged nacording to theli'
deeds during the past year. It is
believed that God enters his judg-
ment of each person in the Book of,
Life, which determines whether sick-
fecis are in the bird they will appear nessor health, blear death, prosper -
A Matter of
Paint your house with good
clean fresh made paint and y
will have reason to be proud of
its appearance—not only for a
short while, but for a good long''
will give you reasonable,
you see
them on your
douse, fresh in color and style,
economical and durable Ask
your dealer,
MONTREAL. Est'd i640 1
It appears to he tele custom of the
people of Somaliland, which is on the
t of Africa, at the entrance to
Be who talks too much wilt beer
many things of bimsalf that are n8t
domplimentary. r_
the Red Bea, for a man t0 offer the MRs. WINSIAW'O 50005150 SYRUP aur tees
rib ,eotharr for iboir ohlldren tmthioe. Poo—
pee of his property to a mother whose 00l10o91nd l5 the boetromedv D¢o�r a nyrbpman'sror g rod
daughter he wishes to marry. Mr. icaa e,rgetOi elkef tow7noottl Qeyrap
Glechien, wisp accompanied Mr. Ren-
net Rodd's mission to Abyssinia,states Ib is easier for .,person to bear all
that he olffered the use of hie mala the misfortunes of his 'neighbors thitn
a single one of isle own.
to the wife of his head Somali camel -
driver, and she informed him that she
would be honored to have him as a
son-in-law, but unfortunately her
daughter was already married, and
in that case it was impossible that
she could make use 0113 anything be-
longing to him.
Hay Fever Serious This Year.
Huy Fever this season appears to be
of a very virulent type, developing
inflammation of the lungs. Evident-
ial many instances into congestion and
ly.Hay Fever should not be trifled
with. A most fortunate discovery
Lo this class of sufferers is that
marvellous microbe killer, whiob
during the past two years has been
found so absolutely certain in all
cases of Hay Fever, Asthma, Bron-
chitis, Catarrh. It is very strange
how people will persist in using snuffs
ointments and washes which are not
only disgusting to use but are useless.
Catarrlhozome is very pleasant—it is
Carried by dry air through the most
remote aiir calls to the lungs. It
quickly destroys the germs and cures
simply because there is nothing left
to excite disease. It is to he had from
druggists, or the originators, N. C.
Polson & Co, Mfg ,Chemists, King-
ston, Ont., will send it to any address
1n Canada er United States, post and
duty paid, for $1.00.
The memory of a past happiness is a
wrinkle on the face of time.
eI /c//YO'f0
$100 Reward, 8100.
Tho renders of tills paper will be pleased tq
learn that there is at least one. dreaded disease
that science has boor, able to cure in Mite
moos and .that 1e Catarrh, Ha11'a Oa eft
Ours et the only positive cure new known tel
the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a cal.
Muttons' disease, requires o oonetltetteaal
treatment. (fare Catarrh Cure is talon vier,
Holly, acting direoWy upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of rho system, tbereby itea.
Groy{ng the foundation of the disease, ebb
giving the patient strength by building up Me
constitution and as•leting nature in doing It/
work. The proprietors heve eo much faith la
its curative powers, that they offer vee-iSnn•.
tired Dollars for any case that if falls to db'fL.
fiend for list of testimonial..
Sold dry os.drµ10.5. C So.NEEY&CO., Toledo, 0.
Hall'. Fam,13 Pills aro the beet
when the new feathers coma out its e,1• adversity 'and misfortune shall This pi nature i0 on every box of the %me us
atter moulting•
A cockerel will always be true to
color compared with an aged cock.,
be the lot of each during the ensu- Laxative Bretno=Quilifle Tablets
ing year. • the remedy that eases a cold Su one dal
'Milia heels, is left open for 10 days,
and boo much importance ehnuld not called "Thu Ten Days of Penitence," Prosperity sends the balloon up,
be attached to minor defects :after and tt is Ibelioved by the orthodox but adversity pulls it down again.
that God being merciful will forgive �^wu� �en�
mo ulf ging.
Under average conditions a fowl all sinners who are truly repentant,
weighing not over four or five and _that Hie will substitute a good
pounds and fat will always sell remit- I judgment for a bad one. So solemn
ly and bring the highest price in and serious are those 10 days to the
market, so llfat there is no advent- i olrtlhoeloe that they go to the syna
age. in feeding especially for weight. 1 gegen at nigb't in their death shrouds
and pray. On the Tenth day, whioh
FENCES AND RA.M.S, is • called Tom Kippur, the Day of
''hare be nothing to -day to prevent, Atonement, they remain in the synae
the farmer from keeping sheep it he gogues all day, fasting and praying)
themes; he Dan do so to -day If he i for forgiveness. AL sundown on
ever could do so to a 'Profit- He eau ; Yom Kippur the Book of Life is aeal-
ouf the brush, fence properly the ; ed for one year, The Naw -Year's cards
sic ep and give them better and more I contain the words; "Le Shona Tovo
o servo y a ;tar pills and by the time she had ttlnhle coffee as directed nextlllortl ng housing .than in the days Tlckosev," which means; "May you be
are Injured by cold more quickly than reached Naw Park she was as well ! andwntched and prayed for the result. of loosely covered barns. 1Tia m1Ar- inscribed for a good year;' referring
fresh ansa. a A.tnnon I Savo hila mora and ah.n at sup-
as ever again. She relater) a number ,.psr, tie mover suected a thing, anal l els aro near and the price 15.high; to the entry In the Boolc of Lite.
BETWEEN THE LINES. of instances in which she had advis- l then boldly kept right on giving it rcgu- land is cheaper than ever, and with, This Is also called the Feast of
persons suffering from chronic 9 Indy, as I had discovered something dust a strand of barbed wire of the bottom T,rumpeis, as in the old days tram-
Miss Passat't Yea, and when he pro- cd pa 13 ra tarty,
ax '(sad in my my lady tingling of a gond woven wire -fence ee and a pet., were lylawn'fram morning until
pared I triad to pretend tried
I d didn'toPink Pills to take Dr. Wi1lCams' i height future (t1;ro1 hist rbrt.,reln1l,-aa rand on lop, he Oen be very (secure ram -night. ''lbia custom still prevails
caro for him at all, I trips lard not Pink Pills and always with Ila boot peacr:Yn1, happy holo ase:aroln trio{§nod ' p
d un encouragement results. She mentitmod particularly thtnt1tt'a of life. an attcnti;e, lx0ing m1a from sags. If 11011 done. not answer, u'ldong tm4 orthodox ahs. :Trumpets
to let him rad y g basil, comforts, and everythinst bass dear let hien poi one horned Dorset ram'
B rst whoa l teal arts still'biown on tit first ane tenth
in my face, but he did. an leae r,f hers living In r on to a w"mans Lr oris or my hit a days.
.Miss Peppery—Ah1 1 sappone he was run down and in a'wretched , told f.lothat wet akr was vile sl,nifanile In .,(look and trust to him to keep
a out anything from a dog to a Com-. e:_._ '--
could read bgtwaen the Lines. Icond'etCOat of health, but was now a j boo trn l Lfor before ai Io lady�),tvon Lim t] n I d p hg va one Ln may flock
Peal: to the use oP the .pills When 1 got;,cs'i but K'�akrio mad then sent the and 'know robes
sono f
h lt•1d 1
r n as e
la l t ]a so
�, facsimiles of the' �f t' said;"I am very g lap
young tvlldnan who owed the full course no Leel stoped risking alto- encase .n dansff
1 di of otbing which so thoe-
the evening owns '9
ofb g ggook, not only b
Somebis fl o y y
clot f kr 1 Wa.
ixgth Ylid%
re- ptb�aaal�t faroign designers are little I the reporter ems taking his leave. } other tut, to have on Land if he should da but b night, as he
romisesbcr Y Y
1 es . rs. ,
re. or less than .acs fore. lIo never �aa. mad am wrlrin You
Nimes worn, by belies of the Louis have +inopportunity to testify what
t33is lotler to tell 1 t thankful ern.
XV. era,
Finger nailg are at last to bo cut
to conform to the shape of the fin-
ger rips and made reasonably short.
Talon,* are out: of fashion, No coloring
'11,=t0 -date
sett 1c
Dr. Williams' Piuk P1116 have done I honestly believe ie will euro the worst
for me aid you can say that Isbell"ses,"
i ase r e neR TO ALL—A sample package
never cease to mound their praises, of 'Tasteless Samaria Prescription gladly
and I blasethe goad Lord that they SENT TIM With fallparticulrire to pp1gln
Alt I tt s aoneldoror�
war° placed Ln my way at a time scaled onvelopp0, a dr
sarrally oondrtenttal. Ailrb•ess The Sae
when I:hr;tt stet the hope that i ;nark, Remed? Co., ,.. Jordan street.
Too nruah soft feed is detrimental
to poultry and sloppy food is pest
lively Injurious on as:onut of. its tend-'
eney to induce diarih a, f£ soft
feed Ls given it should be squeezed
eteffibiealtl7,., elrry to crumble nr fell
If there. is any truth in the arcs
"The better the day the be
the deed," then all real estate tre
fers should be made on Sunday.
The "Balmoral," Free Bus s°LabisvR
'. hfa0%—igT, to...errUn
'AVENUE IIDUSE-Fo115 x0101 rtm`$I.e3
par day.
When a roan gets rattled he prob-
ably has a screw loose somewhere,
W. P. 4; . 14)45,
Arc Sou suffering lzom vcrvons wenkure
kidney, Ilver or stomach c acaesluts, rlrcuma•
tient, lame 'back, pains or, aches in any part
of your body* Eo you feel yourself growiltg
k 1 tl t tttf omabusing tthe�aws
fee le and o d too soon? Tryonnreemanwti
llxe wee nese t0. 81011 9 T
mouths Icm1 guavas eo eyes acute u tree
mouths rsOth lay woudet•tel Electric Ilett
Any honeot man tau use Mir appliance three
mm3tha, and 1my me only when Cured,
Denutifid ilhlstrated book which letls of my
110lhod pf trealmeut sari gives 11";',`,1V,
midreda of
leucrs 30001 my� �tatelul patients, sent (.1.•••y
sealed, .free. Address
iso Yoga Bt., Toronto.
fP'L/aS.L�i '
t✓ . �.
Carbolic Disinfectants, Soaps, it
moot, Tooth Powders, etc., have,., - a
awarded 100 medals and diplomas for supe r
exoelloaoe. Their regular ueo provost int t•
one diseases. Ash your d0510r 1, obtala n
supply, Lists mailed tree on application.
METAL ROOFERS Douglasergs.,
1al AdelalJ •bt,i
TOROaTO, i1 T.
Sausage Oseings--New importation. tinegd4t�� ftngll&
s of
pht Trfeen. APARlC, 1t1LAkCKWV.r,LL a100 ,1M t .
MILLS, MILLS & 1181.68,.
Barrister?.eto, awy{yn.,
It Alai,mond 01 WY Torudto ej
d oda'? PRODUCE. to emote beet results coning to
Tile Dawooq Commission Co., Limited,
Oor. Woet.Market & Colborne St., Toronto,
Catholic Prayer enok5,tfo8nrrap,sre-
y oUl aa, soopulnn,
Religious Platens, Statuary, and (thumb Ornaments
5(0. Educational works. diel) adorn receive prompt taken,.
eon. D. &J. BAOLIER & 00., Montre
Sar modest, floods suite10 Clah, valor, 0(15
no earn a1lfdons by the
05101611 AMER1OAN 6YEIHO 110" Montroai,
'�....-...,...._ TO sena ter our
gomplete 0p tab
logua or disci
Mutwith 6peo idrateg
of discount.
RDYGE.& tee
160 voego 01.
Toronto, Ont
Do yyou want to know all about this wielder.
fur State* Read cur NEW nook of reliable
information about the Climate, Retold Tie-
goatees,Scenic Wonders, iltlalnesa 1ndu0lri0A
13e soil,
and tit. b
Lauds, Prods(
fa nCt
liomea and try 00,11 by mol. Wide for
nit. Pried Raycentsbymalt 1 iicforrrl t,10
Nrcufar number 04. George n:. Richards Pah.
Usher, 700 Market St„ San Francisco, r.�1t -,