The Brussels Post, 1900-10-18, Page 1, f4i6i-4,454,,,sv,4y20 1$ ors, gets The Post 4,' Ta Jan, 1,1907 ' f .6 ., . A„ „...................,,......„„............,,.......... v91. .29. No, 18' BRUSSELS, ONTARIO tr ..211.1111mmin.••601.0022240.10.111 New Advertisements, not been very robust of tale and we apo the reet w 11 prove beneibiel. Lac -.D. Ilwau, Eleoher will hold an antigen sale ou t.onal-W, Mime. 'WedneedaY, Nuv, 14.h, of his term eteok L0041-.4.111, Kleg. field implenaente, ottlataloes4t07_111: Pr e. ox, feoneiag-T, p, Smith. Watellee, her. Your nerves -Dr. Ward Co, Speotale.-MeTeinnoa & 09, Anotiou eale-Wm. Fisobar. Looal-kire, W. M. Si, Marvelous/ Ouree-Dr, Pitcher. Par sale or to rene-Tue ,Tatnestown store -Walter Innes, Buggies' and Wagons -Ewan Co. E'llue vet lett George McDonald spent Sunday in Molesworth. Dr, Toole lakeside removing to Area. sole thle week, We while hien good look, Dogmata and Wire. MoDoneld, of Wing - hem, spent enday a Andrew Rohnee', Mrs. Rutherford intends gelling her house in the village and will remove to Remit ton. Fred. and Mrs. PdoCrimeen and ohild, rein, of Brussels, spent Sunday at John Garsliner's, C. R. and Mrs. Brinker returned on IFIxafrxrt geins, nieg Saturdevefrom elating relatives in Careoaynville, near Detroit, te,' ete b nok.0 A political meeting will be held here I on Monday evening of next weak to be addreoed by Dr. MaeDouald, D. L. Diokinson and others. Meeting oom- mencee At 7.80 o'clock. Albert, the 17 year old son of Valentine Foereter, who lives Best of Oranbrook, has been very Hi with typhoid fever but bre taken a turn for the better we are pleased to hear. Miss Clennan, 91 Mor- ris, is the 'mesei oharge and has clone her part excellently. PSBR SOLD. --The fine 200 nue farm belonging to Wm. Fieober, lknown as the Brown farm, bus been sold to August Fieober, of Logan township, uncle to the late proprietor, for the sutra of 69,000. Re will get poseeSsion in Deoerober when Mr. Fischer will probably remove to Milverton for a time. Me health has • COMING! COINING / T. P. Smith EYE SPECIALIST, Graduate of New York, Philadelphia aud Toronto Optical Colleges, will be at FOX'S DRUG STORE, BRussms, ONE DAY ONLY, Wednesday; Oct. 31st. Call early and avail yourself of his valuable Bervicses. St:TA/MAT/ION FRB& eo. and Mrs. Pocock, of Bast Wawa. nosh, spent a day lust week with Mrs. P000ck'e mother, Mee Rutherfo d The Foreetere etteuded Divine worship in the Presbyterian (Muscle last Sabbath morning. Quite a number of visitors/ were present from Brussels and Wing. hem. Rev. kir. Weet preaobed 0,fine sermon. Pomexcere-Dr. 2.1aoDonald and 13ar. rieber Dickinson held apolitical tneativa bare on Tuesday everting of this week whieh was well attended. joeeph Leech was chairman. Mr. Dickinson opened the meeting with a epeech clean bour and the Dr, tools the mine time and, your ooreepondent thinks, disposed of the resume given by hie opponent as to why Sir Muria Tupper and hie followers should onoe more be re -instated at Ob. taws,. Mr. Diokinson made a brief re• ply. Owing to the latter not furling an Watches Clocks Jewelry Albbongh prism have advanced in theee linea, through eare• fat buying we are able to aell at low prices. Ladies' and Gents' Gold, Goldefilled, Silverold and Sliver Watohes, with Elgin, Waltham and Dueber Hampton movements. We have something extra fine in Ladies' Gold•filled oases. We make a epeoialty in our watch department, having had a large experience in this particular line. We geesantee eatlefaetion in our repair trade, as our reputation is worth more them the mere money. Call in and see our very large and well assorted stock of Ladies' and Genie' Watobee. We carry whet everyone wants in our line. T. FLETCHER Jeweler. 'mar of Marriage Lioeuses. BA EAT GAINS ..... „ ..AT THE JAM ESTOWN TORE 1 NNialitlinfiezmigoillinglmmomem. T WISE to inform the public that I have purchased A. R. Johnston's entire stock of Dry Goods, Gents' 'Furnishings, ]3oots and Shoes, Groceries and Hardware AT A LOW PERCENTAGE ON THE DOLLAR and I'm prepared to give the public the entire benefit. We have also renovated the store and have added a large amount of Goods to each already well•filled depart- ment. The following prices may interest you :- 17 Ms, best Granulated Sugar for $1 00 20 lbs. best Coffee Sugar for 1 00 8 lb. Tin of Perrin's Soda Biscuits for 22 3 97.piece Dinner Sets, regular $8.60, for 7 25 2 48.piece Tea Sets, regular $450,, for 8 50 -6 doz. White Plates, all sizes, to be sold at a sweeping reduction. -Ail Dry Goods,,Boots and Shoes reduced from 16 to 20 per oent. -Some nice lines of Tweeds for Men's and Boy's Suits at a great Reduotion. -Only 4 Men's WaterprooMoats left, will be sold at Cost. -Young Men's Long Boots at 90 cents. .A. call will convince you that we are selling goods CHEAPER than the CEPJA.PaST. Motto -"&,Z l Profits afid Oda Returns." alter Innes. Highest Price for Butter and Eggs, additbeetti speaker With hire Mr, e3lair, of Breeeele, coniines to speak in defame of the Laurier solminietretion. We 'Ave hardly got warmed rip yet in the earn. PAW] bat expect this eeotion will give la good Remnant of iteelf on Not, 7*11for the Liberal Goveenment. itifecnertes, Mies Laura Edwards was the guest of Miss Mary Peamak, It eon. Jas. and Miee Janie Ilegg,olGroYi Sendayed et Jae, Rogge', let con. Will. Sellers and wife, of the ard, spent Sunday Under the parental roof, let con. Ed. Beyer's' took god prize in the 13loyale race at Blyth Fair on Weduee• day of last week. Walker Bros., 6th Mae, auction gale will take plaoe on Thursday of next Week. It will be a big sale; 01/ Wedoeeday evening of this week John Maetard, of the 2ncl, and kliee Jaue ?Meer ware united in marriage. Mie Lizzie MoLauchlin bee been re. engaged as teeoher iii S. S. No. 4 at au inerestee In eatery. She ie Is. good tam). er, Special evangelistic servioes will be held in Sunshiue Methodist oharch, own menoIng on Tuesday evening, of uext week. Rev, J. Sandereou, of Auburn preach ed at Sunshine last Sabbath alien:con, He Was on this ob•oult one time when Blyth Was beadquartere. Fail wheat ie malting great growth in many eeotione. Peter Jackson, lot 19, 8th line, pulled a stalk in bio field of Egyptian•Red variety that measured 23 iodate Mrs. Forrest and children, who were visiting relatives and friends here, re. Serried to Michigan on Tuesday. Miee Forrest accompanied them and will spend a few weeks with the Michiganders. A new bank barn will be bent by Hurry Duncan, 4111 lite, next Summer. Be will aleo move the house nearer the eon. omission and when it is all completed be will fetob "Mrs." Darmau home, Rev. D. Regere has been holding a ;series of revival meetings at Ebenezer or the past two wail. Last week he wae assisted by Rev. 0. Y. Lake of Wroxeter, and *hie weak by Rev. te, B. Burwath, of Wingham. Politioal meeting will be held in the Township Rail on Friday evening, of this week comroeuoing at 7.80 o'clock. Both oandidates will speak, as well as otlaere, Mr. Diokiuson will have tbe reply and there will likely be a large turn out. A number from Morrie attended the political meeting iu Bleevale on Taee• day evening. Dr. MacDonald will poll a good vote in Morrie at this election but every Liberal should take copy from the Conservatives and get out and hustle. At 13lyth Fair ou Wednesday of last week W. H. MoClutcheon, 6th line, swept the Tamworth olase stud wag also award. ed the red ticket for best bead. R, Niohol, of the Seine line, took 5 prizes with five entries in Yorkshires and 2nd for herd. Morris township pig men are hard to beat. Ger wee, prelieust. Minnie Campbell is here at Miss I. Ritchie, 14th eon., is visiting in Toronto 10( 8. week. Potato lifting and plowing has been all tbe go during the past week. Tbe dredge is working on Robe. Dong• Jae' farm, 15th oon. Good program is being made. Mrs. John Smith and children, 4th can., were vieitiug for a week or more with relatives at Guelph. Preemie Woods and Jes. of the 16th and 17th eons., were the guests' of Peter Kerr, 7th con„ efoKillop, last Sunday. Audrew Simpson and wife are away on a boliday visit with relatives and friends in Dumfries. They will be absent for a week or BO. We wiab them an enjoyable time. Pommies.- On Thursday evening of next week Dr. MacDonald and Mr. Dick - lesion will hold a political besting at Dnke's eohool houee, Everybody in that locality should hear them. This week R. 111, and Mrs, Coates moved from their farm on the 1461 oon. to their new home on the 10th -the farm just vacated by H. Ball. We welcome them to this locality and hope that proe. parity will attend them. Oar new merohant, W. Lune, at Jamestown, is making quite an improve. meat around the atom, granolithio plat- form, plinking the building, &a. We wish him ettoottee. He is offering big bargains in hie stook. Tuesday of this week Jno. Engel, wife and eon, who have been vieiting in this steatites for the past few months, lel* for heir home in Paw Paw, Mich. klr ngel'e health was very poor when he atm) bat he bas gone bask feeling first. t 10 Mass. This week Arthur Smith, 5th oono Grey, pm:ohm/ea the hog, ',Maple Leaf Billy" from Robb. Niohol, the well known breeder of Yorkshires, 6th line, Morris. This animal took 1st prize in hie ohms at East amen Fall Fair and headed the let prize here at the llama Show, The Deletion sale at R, Baling, 10th can., took pima ou Friday and realized over 61,200. le. S. Scott Wee the ano• tioneer. The Bali family were highly esteemed reeidente of this ooramunity for many years and We are eorry to lase them but wish them stoma 10 Wiegbarn. We hope to often see them back in this locality. A lodge of Royal Template was organ. ized at Moleeworth on Wednaclay even- ing lest by R. Hall, of Methane. 85 charter members were initiated and a uumber will be initiated next Wednesday. The following altars/ were elected 1-5. C., Obae, Leppard ; V. O., etre. Wood ; P. 0., Rev. Geo, Ballantyne ; Chap., J. Cummings ; 11. IS„ Belle Pearson I Asst. Sem, Mabel Brown ; Pin, Bea., R. D. Pat. term ; Treat', Lizzie McKee; Herald, Donald Meuzies ; Dep. Eased, Jenhie Catntning ; °hard, Gerrie Mitohett ; Seotinel, Harvey Elliot ; Trnetees, 55. Grainger, id. McKee and W. Wood. Meetings will be held cm the drat end third Thursday in ettolt Mouth. THURSDAY, A wedding 18 00 the Meng, it is estid, the groom being a reeident of the 15e11 end the bride 08 the 14t11, We wieb Johnnie good luok, 5. ,7, Coates, of Sam, Idaho, who 10 here, "nee thee had 21 ears of Iambi/ isi the Gooding shipment to Chtoege, 5,861 in all. Five men were In charge and the journey 000upied one week, two stops being made for itamection and feeding. This is the third shipment this 008.0011 for the Goodioge. The aero met 0194 eaob, and with 5 omits a bead yardage where feeding is done and 010 a oar to 0001212185100 men the expenses soon rnn up. They stay from e to a dey at feed. nig points. We I Lou, Mies Maud Johnetun le on the we are sorry to hear, Mr. MoIntosh and fareilly, of are slatting at Eli McLaughlin's. Beirnee and wife, at resideots of Walton, were in to week. Rev. Mr. Mailable, of Luckno take charge of Duff's 'thumb coming six menthe. Donald Campbell went to the R Refuge, Clinton, thle week for ire for his heart weakness. Mrs. 0. M. Filer ie expected bo week, from an extended visit former home in tbe II. S. Rev. lir. Dever was at Bruit Monday evening se a speaker Methodist Thereat Home. The marriage of Mee Jennie M ald, fotmerly of Walton, 1.0 8. Mr. of London, is announoed for next w Last week Rev. 0, M. Filer ad a the Presbytery hie abaroh at wood. The reverend gentlemen wil his labors in connection with tbis gregation at the end of this month. The Bible Soolety annual meati Walton was held in the U. P. ohur Tuesday availing, when Rev. Seim 13, A., of Brussels, gave a leotnte Bible Soolety lines. Wok Bet London, ne time wn *hie w, will for the mule of atrnent me thio to her els on at the °Den. Burke, eek, ended Manse I oloee pon• ng in oh on Roes, along 91 000 ob th th bo 01 rev Sa. We the wor Yon you whe His to li Lek Win Mee S. of t rent A.., (lobe Cond Mise Tree Ray 3.15 La know parch Matth aores only o move! when wont get a "Bob. THE politica Huron meetin Reeve and al There Donald hour in in a tre Brugge Tbat o "prop" oli won eriamen or 3 man Leckie, a very .6, Dinkins got a g pared ep Laurier their pl a oritiai and Dr. fared be touched oonversi Wile an your 800 will rol Lanriera better off party an has a goo for Dr. 2d EA/feel. Ethel cheese faotory ie still hu sang. Connell meeting last Monday ite0 number to our village. Missionary meeting in the Meth male here on Wednesday event ie week. August Rupp has bakeu positio e store of IL le. Moallister, He eh 1 the bill. Rev. and ars. Curry and baby ar nee from their trip lase week, erend gentleman taking hie wor bbatb. `his week Will, and Ohae, Rupp, re lire from St. Thomas closing estate of their father, returned k on the Michigan Central railt would search u long while be would Had two finer young men. herniae Laird has gone to Det re be expeote to study Dentia many young friends her will be g ear tif hie =loses. Air. and M d, sr., will spend part of the oom ter, at least, with their daugb . Campbell, of Grey township. 05 T.-Tbe following are the of& he Sons of Temperanoe for the e term :-W. P., Geo. Dobson Mies R. Spenoe ,• R. S., Airs. E r ; A. R. B., Miss Aline Davie 't,, John Lamont ; Aes't Cloud' 81. Imlay ; F. S., Alex. liftmen s., S. Chambers; Chap., Roble M ; Mies Maggie Brown ; 0. . Letehman, et week Robert Dilwortb, the w n rest estate dealer of this looalit seed lot 26, con. 2, Grey, from ewe, The latter bag bought 2 and will remove to it. Ther ne opinion in Mr. Matthews r , viz., that a firatealass citizen go he movee. Of mune Mr. Dilwort remove from Ethel as we could no long here without our hustlin 12 Firm Gs:rte.-Monday evening th al campaign in the East Riding o opened with a largely attends g in the Township Hall here Turnball wag called to the (Mai ode a very good presiding came were four epeakers, Dr. Mao. the Liberal oendidate, took an dealing with the publio mutations nahant manner. Jae. Irwin, of le, followed, ocouping a half hour. oal oil question still etiolsa in his and he can't apparently see that la be clearer if the present Gov. t had not redueed the duty by 2 te a gallou. Our ols1 friend, john of Toronto, oame next and made De address' of a half hour. Mr, on, the Conservative nominee, ood hearing. He gave well pre. eeeh, taking op the line that the Govetnnaeht bad not fulfilled edema If be bad not attempted ene of the Prohibition questioe MacDonald's' vote he might have tter as the Dr, in bie reply rather Mr. D. up a bit on hie sudden on to Prohibiton. The meeting enjoyeble one throughout and ibe expeote that this Division 1 up a good majority for the dminietration as we were never in Grey int the history of any d believe the policy of Laurier d deal to do with it. Hurrah 1 aoDonald. 'sitting drew °diet ng of n in ould rived the k on who up to vay. fore roit try. lad re. ing ter, ere Ur. W. ph. ; t., t ; S. ell Y, 8. 00 ie 0' 80 11 g a • OCT9BER 18, 1900 Epworth League Convention, FOURTH 4110 I/ A L AWN NW; 08 WIMA 1148 insTruor woilicio16 4. most succeesful 7nd well atteuded Epworth League Convention, in oonneo tion with the Methodist oleurobes, of the Wingham Maria, was held in the Gorrie Methodist oburoh on Friday of last week. President Betobart octoupied the olutir. Tice day Ives delightful and had a whole- some effect on the delegates. A hearty reception was acoorded the visitors and the Billetting Committee had their work well in hand. The devotional exercises were con- ducted by Rev, R. J. Garbutt, Min Aehwell, of Kincardine, gave an exoellent Inner on "Our individual responsibility In regard to the pledge." The subjea was considered under the Ave following divisions :-(1) The promise to make stated 0800005 of private prayer and the daily study of the Bible the rule of our Byes ; (2) The promise to Wend the meetings stud take part M them ; (8) The promise to Masten from all &mime - moots and habits upon which We eannot ask God's blessing; (4) The promise to honor God with our substance as he has prospered es ; (5) The promise to do personal work for the Lord Jesus Christ. Interesting reports were from a number of Leagues in the lOistriot which were of a cheering oharaoter and demon- strated the fact that practical work is being done. After the hymn "I never will cease to love Rim" the topio "How Junior League work helps tbe children" was introduced by Kenneth Beaton, of Whiteoharoh. It aids by inspiring them with an embition to be great and good. Intellectually and socially the juniors ere bettered and ate made antedated with Missionary and Temperance work in the most practical forms. Good oitizauship has ite foundation laid in a way that will tel in the corning years. It was an inter- esting paper and well presented by the youth mentioned above, Prelatical Junior work was exhibited by the Gorrie Juniors, led by Miss M. A. Mabel), a well known aud enthusiastic League worker of Gorrie. They retailed the pledge individually and oolleotively ; also the names of the books of the Bible and the keynote of each ; a trio was sung in good form by Emma Zimmerman, Mary Morton and Irene Strong. After the hymn "rll go where you want nee to go" the Nominating Com- mittee was ahosen as follows : E. P. Paulin, Dr, Gillies, Rev, Mr. Roger's and D. 0. Taylor; Finance and Resolution Committee, Bev, R. 5, Gerbil:be, Mies Staples and W. R. Kerr. 'Sow may the League do practical Temperance work" was takea up by Wesley Johnston, of Fordwioh. Revs greater enthusiasm in our work. A Total Abstinence pledge should be found in every League. Hold occasional publie Temperance meetings when addresses would be given, the pledge oirOUlated and good, live Temperance most Educate the people to press this question in the Municipal, 0ourtty and Parliamentary eleotions. Oar vote and influence slaould count. Demand Prohibition at the hands of our Perlis. ment. M. Johnston handled the subjeot well. The disoussioa was taken part in by Rev. Mr. Wilson, of Bervie ; Rev. Mr. Hobbs, of Wingham ; and Rev. 5.55011008, of Bruesele. "A model business meeting wee illustrated by Wingham League with E. P. Paulin in the (shale. Mealy timely tante were dropped that should have a good effect, in aiding in more busi- nesslike raehhode iu oonneotion with the Distriot Leagues. Foreuctou session wee brought to a conolusion by Rev. R. Hobbs pronounc- ing the Benediotion, The alto moon serving opened nb112, Itev. A.I. Brown, B., of winteehuroh, takinft charge Of the opening services. 'goons the Light of the world" was swig after whielt Dr. 01.81. Gillies, of Teeswater, the Doer, getio and painstaking Seeretary-Tree surer. preeentedh10 report whion showed a bel. 11500 on hand 08 00 cents, Leagnee, 11; ann. ion Leagues, 6; tota141. Active men...There, 815 ; Associate, 452 ; total 1,259. Money misocl :-Looal League purposes, $420 ; Gen. oral 19pWorth League Pinta, 828115; Atiseion. ratil Se10,a11.7.5.411In= Vilitliaon5044;211419e, Year 8105.59. Tho report 09108 adopted. Iteports were given by the Vies Presidents of the Dietrict Association in the following aourdaerzfr, Ws.. B. aTivecr,53G,,OR‘vu. A. mudettoSfylsyentu.tele pointers were elicited and, should prove helpful to those present. St wee agreed to have an assistant In the kliesionary De- partment, and Rev T Sawyer wits Op. PRieuvt.eLd.. Rogers, 08Itheevate, gave a very lino war, with many (Alto tioal hints iuter- Broseele Setiost Beare. The regular monthly meeting of th,s Brussels Public) School Board wee held in the Board room on Friday evening. Newberg preeent, J. 0, &one, Jae. Turnball, W. Biaehifl and A., Consley. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. The following amounts wore read G. Edwards, epoat et pump 9 50 Wiltou & Tiutabull, repairing 1. 80 P. Ament, lumber and kindling70 aas. Fox, Empties 8 00 Joe. Mute, soppliee 1 98 Moved by A. Cotudey, thoonded by W. that above asmonuts be paid. - Carried. Board then edjournid. looteol, 011 Ole "150(10(11 50(1110 78(5 10155(18.51 o055,"5 think the 1:105ontive did wiselY Iso Sliding a plena On au Bpwerth Lougee program for this timely Reelect. • The presetvatiou of tho Sabbeeti mem the la. roads of pleasure, business and labor is the ehief work the Lord's Day Alliance has to band. and hilts work they solicit kilo aid 00 OUr Sunday schools, Young Poo. pOys soeteties and all peetiote, for patriot. ism an wall as piety ought to maim tui earnest In the oonservation of one 4035 10 7 for purposes of rest and worship, Lougfel. low soya, "Sabbath is the gold clasp whielo bolds togothOr the wholo of the week." Let 150 1)0 impressed first with the nano tity of the day. Sind bleased the Sabbath. day and sanctified it. eTo somata," is to separ- ate from a oonamon and profane nee to an appropriate and Special service. The Sab- bath le the link whioh binds all the ooin- Danuttiee together,and with it they stand r fall, God endorsee this Download With ZLis signifteent stud woollens> "Remote/ate' and under the Th000moy, the Collation 00 be Sabbath was regarded ao high treason and punished With death. 5075000 God rote vTliou shalt not stood" in half a lino, nd gave Gm law re the Sabbath 0,8 theca s much %mos, *08001(00117 405,1 not Minh thief worse thati a Sabbath breaker, Be ould have ne rue above a 80111511, worlelY pinlOn into the Divine opinion blink to teal ft dollar ita a len' ofronee thou to meal day hat stamps both tho 110111.8 of God nd th most: attend rights of Men; Toren. 0 10 ea id to bo the boot 801)1)0111 keeping a 0911. 0. 09 W, KER14, I -"r- op, (say the worle. earl stands Bewail 14 this blab dietinctiot, but front the trend of tlainge for the past 9 or years we may well be awakened to the feet that our Canadian Sabbath is imperilled, and tbe modern forma of desecration aro (1) ,Ingoluiablo greed of gate ; 011 inordinate love of pleesure; (8) antlepecianry hear, Theee combined would rob us of the Christian Sabbath end oonver6 iG into a day of gain and pleamre. .Look at the first named-Oreed of saln, This is one of toe mightiest forces Operabire 0900 00' utety at this ditstu 0 1 'We:nal sentury and whieb would bole nothing steered, bather the law of God, the interests of Ate king- dom, the rellOwoltip of the family 050010, nor Che industrial liberty of the toilers. elm Shearer says "There is just one ob. jeot it seeksi-more gold -and, it cares not though every holy and worthy thin be trampled into the dust under its profaae feet in the unrelenting pursuit of this ob. ject." It is eaid of the American that he worthless the almighty dollar, and per. haps it oan be said of some in our be. loved Canada that there ie nothing they like so mull es the doller unless it be 92.00. On this plea, though perhaps not expressed, in nob Sabbath visiting is dome They cannot afford to spare the time from the 6 days. (2) Inordinate love of pleasure, in the following forms : Sunday theatres and variety shows, sports, ball, leoroese, eto., and to these games are run excursions by boat and street oar, and these gatherings are at. tended by the worst elements of society who indulge in gambling and beep drink- ing. Then there are the private ezour. cions by wheel and ouriage-of tea ex. tending from $aturdoy eveniug to Mon- day morning -involving Sabbath visita- tion, often musing the families visited, as well as the visitors, to absent themselves from the semotuary and the instituted mewls of Grace. Though in our quiet rural sections we have no base ball or kindred anansemeate I fear the Sabbath visitation and recreation is on the in, orease and should be carefully avoided by all Christian people, inoluding of course our Epworth Leaguers, for a Sabbath keeping 011nroli only, oan make a Sab- bath keeping world, (3) Unnecessary labor, Of course the excursions by boat or rail mean the employment oe a num. ber of men who are deprived of their day ok rest. There be the railway Sunday traffic, on the main lines, including both freight and passenger, and other forms of labor, which must be deemed unarms. sarY, and whiob takes the fathers from their hornee, many of them scarcely, see. ing their obildrett save when asleep. Yon owe see how all this interferes with the quiet of the day and makes inroads upon the fellowelam of the family, the worship of the God of the Sabbath and the interests of Hie church. You may have noticed this case, as having baken place in London, Ont., less than a month ago. "Police Magistrate Love gave a de- cision on Sept. igth that will be of iuter. est to Sunday observence people. Three street oar employees were charged with profanation of the Lord's day, having spent last Sunday in 'steeling' Emits% points. The defence warn that the work was one of necessity, as it could not be done during ordinary week days, owing to the frequent running of the care and could not be properly done at night. The defence held good and the defendants Were discharged." Now it will be the Work of the Lord's Day Alliance to bring to the attention of the Governmeat all such oases and seek to have the law eo changed as to cover these violations of Gods law. What ie our duty in relation to the whole? (1) Assist the Alliance as far as we oan (2) By example and precept seek to influenoe all we Mil 10 the better observance of the day, lest we loth what We have and hopelessly mount for a, good that is forever gone. Eternal vigilance as the price of other things be- side liberty, and if the blessings of a quiet, orderly, well kept Sabbath are to be preserved in this country, we must be on the alert. "Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy." D. 0. Taylor, Rev. A. G. President took part in the disonesnon. .A. Round Table Conference on League work oommied an hour, 24 questione be. ing placed upon slim' distributed. Many ideas were given and experienoes recited. W. H. Kerr took charge of it. "Saved by Grace" was sung, and Rev. '5.15. Sawyer took up the hve subjeole "Practiced methods for Forward. Move- ment Work," He advised the putting of soul into the work. Canvas your corn. munity, dividing the list among members of the Missionary Conenaittee. Collect every month. Rave a book for eaoh 0100. vasser, -Dee etivelopes. Report prompt- ly to the pastor and send on money to General Treasurer. Missionary endeavor tends io developing of Christiau char. eater. Missionary Committee should meet regularly and plan their work. Oomnaittee should be officious, tot a ligure.head. Rold soctial evenings. Have an "Information Bureau" in the way of maps, plasmas, history of missions, &o. Pray for the work. Be,. Mr, Robins stmplemeated the re. marks. The Nominating Committee reported as follows :-RonePres., Rev. D. Rogers, Blnevale ; Pres., W. R. Kerr, Brussels let Vioe Pres., D. C. Taylor, LuoknoW ; 2nd Vice Prete, E, Awde, Wingham ; 8m1 Viee Pres., Miss Gerty VVingham ; 4th Visa Pres., Mise Alice Fisher, Kincardine ; cith Vioe Preo., Mims M. A. Muteh, Gerrie ; SeoeTreas., A. Butchart, Teaawater ; Couferenoe Repre- sentative and assietant to missionary Vise Pres., Rev. T. El, Sawyer, Salem. Conarnittee's report was adopted. President and Secretary wore named as a Committee to deal with Emergency oases and leinanoee during the year. Emoknow was olmeen as the next plan of meeting. Bev. A.. G. Efarris, of Luoknow, eon. ducted an evangelistic service whioh eon. oluded the very profitable afternoon seg. Mon, 5. large audienoe assembled for the evening serviee. The song service was followed by prayer by lieV, Mr. Efobbs. The President elect, W. Et, Eerr, wag introduced and expreesed his thanks for the honor done him. A. flue A.nthem was sung by the Male after which Rev.11. I. tioskings, of Ford- geVe 1110811 !eternising and well pointed Address of three smarten of an hour on ”JillpreBei0110 011 a trip to the Old Mentry." He had jntit retarnod from a 8 months' visit. Another Anthem and itev. Gerald Willoughby, of Tees/wetter, held the °Iota attention of the audience while ho dealt with ',Less/one teethed from Fishermen." Rev, Mr. Harris teed a Wart coneeoree tion Bayles", various' League represents,. Lives responding to the roll mil in song or Scriptural quotation. "When the Roll le called up yonder" and prayer brought to a °lose one 04 the most suooessful and enjoyable Distriot Conventions yet held. 00119.1011TION.11050. Der. Butohart made a capital prootateg decor. The Convention singing was uplifting, Ove hymns appearing on the prOgratir adding new isiterest. There were over 125 delegates reeks.. tered and provided with billets, Gorrm hospitality is proverbiel. The ohoir tie the ohnrob. rendered os fine musical program at the eveniug session. Miss James ie the osganiet. Mies Haggle McKee, organist of the Gorrie League, presided at the organ at the forenoon and afternoon sessions. The new- executive will meet in Wing. barn on Tuesday, Nov. 18th at 10 a. na., to outline the work for themoming year, The Gorrie church is a model one in many portioulara and Was tastefully decorated with mottoes, flu.ga, flowers, dee., for the Convention, Special proultuenoe was given to Missionary work. This Distrzob is mak- ing an effort to support Rev. Mr. Raley. a Missionary at Kitamaat, B. 0, Dr. n. Gilliee, the retiring Seety.- Treas., has oapably filled the office slime the formation of Wingleam, Dietria Assoolation. Other duties pressing in oa bine oonmelled hina to dentine reealeotion. Resolutions were passed thanking the • pastor, the Billetting Committee arid the people of Gonda for their hospitality, and. the Preeident, Seoretery•Trettearer and Executive for the interest they had. maul - footed in the work. Every speaker ann.:mooed on the pro- gram was present except Rev. H. Inane, of Listowel, and he was detained owing to haviug to sawed the Assizes at Strat- ford to answer to a °barge of slaader by a hotel keeper named Upton, of Eistowel. We 11,re pleaaed to notice that the jury said Kr. Upton wee not elandered. Among the ministers present were Rev. D. Rogers, Bleavale, chairman of the District ; A. G. Harris, Luokuow ; 11. Hobbs, Wingbane ; G. Willoughby, 'Tees. water ; A. I. Brown, Whiteohuroh ; T. E. Sawyer, Salem ; Wilson, Bervie ; A. W. Dever, Walton ; 0. V. Lake, 1Vroxeter ; Pv. Garbute, Gorrie ; Mimes, Brussels ; and R. L Hoskings, Ford tell liCil 12/11,11ES. elontb/y service in R. O. alauroh next Sabbath morning. Leak Sunday Rev, John Rose continu- ed the topics of the previous Sabbath giving two line serruans. ThauksgivIng services will be bald in Melville and St. Johu's (mahas on Thursday, commencing ar 10.80 oenock. ktonday-eveseing nest the °Moen and Teaohers of le/Wyllie Sabbath &Moot will entertain a number, of invited gouts at a Social Oooferenoe ae which &today School topioa will be diectueeed. The idea is a good one. Rev, Jno. Roes, B. A., be away this week on Bible Soolety work, addressing meetings at Atwood oa Tuesday evening ; Trowbridge on Wednesday ; and Moles- worth on Thureday. Next week be ex. peeee to visit St. Helerea, White Laugside and Kinlongb, conemenoing 01 the first mentioned plasm on Tneeday evening. He wilt fill the bill well. Last Sabbath the annual Harvest Home religions services were conducted in the Metlaodist oherch, the pastor preaching able sermons, The morning text was Hob. e and 5. "Tbe powers of the world to oome." Elements of this power were dealt; with under the follow- ing beads The existence of God ; (2) The Bible ; (8) The heavenly ideals of Chriet's life as revealed to us ; (4). Elope ; (5) The Moly Spirit. In the evening tbe topic woe "The Oro* and Mel map," The oburoh Wag appropriately decorated with fruits, flowers, grain, vegetables, maple leaves, &o., and looked very nice. Sped. ial was rendered by the choir, the anthem being "0 I Give Thanks ; " "The earth is the Lord's" ; "The Lord is the Bing ; " and "The Lord is my Light." A duett and chorea "There's no friend like Jesus" was sung at the evening service, Jae. Thomson and W. 05. Kerr taking the duett. /Monday evening the Harvest Horne Dinner was given. A. large company eat down to well laden tabfes, and with ohioken, celery, bread and batter, piee, oakee, tartsono., no one went away hungry. The ladies rather outdid their past mem. tation, which Sfaz li. good one, by tbe variety and ensiles:toe of tha spread. On adjourning to the auditorium, the pastor took the oboir and oonduoted the must. oal and literary program to a enthessfut conolusion, Rev. A. NV. Dever, of Wel- ton, gave neat, compact address on "The Hietory of Methodism ; " Rev. D. A. Fear, of Atwood, was equally at home on "The Improvements; of the Age ; ", and Re. 0, V. Lak, of Wroxeter, put on the "aroueement" in 8. hurooteue tant to the young people, In addition to three seleotions by tbe oboir, Mies Bell Smith sang the solo "The Soldier Boy's Dream" in good style and Mise B, $pawn', Ethel, pleaged the aodienoe with "Little Blank Me," and "Oanada our Empire," Mies Jean PdoLanoblin acting as accompanist for Miss Spence in her capable manner. A. vote al thanks was passed to all wbo had teseieted. Prooeede over 960,00. Taking the aunivereaty all through it Woo a great mom cousideting the lumber who are ill and otheteviee tied. Aire. F. S. Scat end D. M. Soon at. tended the wedding of Mae Nara Eno. into, at Seaforth, on Tuesday of tine week, The bride wee a Lathier maiden's of Bruseele being a daugbter of John Dttneen, a one tina harnas maker here. •