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`fTITU.1 SDAB', O0,'i". 11, 1900.
1899 Vetere' Bet will be the one used at
the ooming eleetjon, not 1900 oe some
11.utnreMut Monica, )f Wingham, will
be tbe Returning OfMeer for ]last Duron,
kTe is a most oompetent an for tbe
Bxwrsn °teeth:ma show that the late
Government hoe good baoking and the
mother land will onto more settle down
to" bnsineee,
No graveyard vote in this election,
thanks to the wiping out of the unfair
Dominion Franchise Aot. One man one
vote is the condition.
GET ready fora Short, abarp and we
believe a deoieive eleotion. Nomination
on Wednesday, Oot. 81st, and polling on
Wednesday, Nov. 7th,
Bra WILFam LAvnrnn well deeervea re•
election as Premier of the Dominion of
Canada and we will be greatly deoeived
if election day does not plaoe the reins of
government in his hands for another
MaKmLAr and Bryan are haviug a
lively race for the Presidential chair but
we judge the former will win. 1llr.
Bryan is a olever man but his silver fad
and the support he has in some sections
will strangle bim politically this time.
If he oan get his breath for another "go"
four years hence he may atand a better
Veer cheering reports Dome from the
West Riding of Huron concerning the
prospects of the re-election of Robert
Holmes, the Liberal oandidate, and the
indications are be will ioorease hie major-
ity reoeived at the bye election. The
South Huron Nominating Convention
was held at Bruoefield on Thursday of
this week. There le little doubt but that
the three Hurons will stand in line once
more under the Liberal banner.
A Nommen of Opposition papers are
greatly exeroieed over Dr. MoDonald'a
views on Prohibition and are foolishly
making statements that the Dr. empbat•
ioally denies is relation to this enbjeot at
a meeting reoently held in Wingham.
Dr. MoDonald's record on this question
is a good one aa he was a temperance
man Jong years before he went into
politics. If the Oonservative press would
give a report of what their party did for
Prohibition when in power it would
make interesting reading but it would
necessarily be very brief.
Goan Jonx McDooALn ie playing a
catah•penny game in Manitoba and the
Northwest in telling the farmers that he
sante to see free trade in agrioultural
implements an that the U.S. manufaotnr•
ers oan send in their machinery free of
duty and thereby give the fermata a
show. He sang a different tune when he
waa in the Eastern oitiee where the
Canadian mannfaoturere live. It would
not be a bad thing for Sir Charles Tapper
to gather in his lieutenants and agree on
some one policy so that their views would
come somewhere near harmonizing, but
Sir Charles has several platforms to suit
the oiroumetancea of the Dass as has been
proven by the literature hie party has
sent into the Province of Quebec commit.
ed with the Ontario budgets.
Tac' public' debt of this Dominion is
being made a peg upon which Sir Charles
Tupper hopes to hang his hat in this
contest. Here ie a comparison of debt
builders that should be carefully eon.
aidered. For every year the Conserve,
tive Government was in power they in•
creased the debt six and "a half million
dollars while the Laurier Government's
record for the last three years was only
two and a half million dollars. Eleotora
want value for their money and it will be
an interesting story to read the record of
each party on the disbursing of their
cash. Hon. Mr. Fielding, Finance
Minister, le business from the top of his
head to the soles of hie feet.
Wao have given this Dominion the
Temperance legislation on the statute
book both past and present? By their
fruits ye Shall know them is a safe and
sure way 01 rendering judgment. Some
folk are championing Prohibition this
Fall, for political purposes solely, who
voted• against the Scott Act and the
plebiscite and boasted of the way they
laid oat the Temperan0e party and now,
forsooth, because they think they can
make a little capital against the Liberal
candidate in East Huron are tooting.
from the house top. Dr. McDonald oan
give a satisfactory explanation of hie
position to anyone who is unbiassed, and
is able to show to a demonstration the
ffallaoy of the arguments need by those
who are "agin" the Government in this
matter. The man who blossoms out into
full fledged temperance advocate a
month before an eleotion and backslides
On hour after the poll closes is poor ma•
foetal to count on to eboalder a Probibi.
Mon gnu and keep in the tray,
Do. MA0008Axn's Majority ehoeld
be increased in East Herort. at
the Coming eleotion, Surely there
is ample evidence at hand to oan•
vine° fair minded pleobore that the
Laurier Government bas worked hard,
faithfully and anogeeetally'in advancing
the interest of this Dominion, Coo and
bear the candidates,
Sra Mixon) LAanrert is not "too Brit
ieh" for the eleotorate of the Dominion
even it bo is tboeght to be eo by Sir
Charles Tupper when he has the ear of
the Quebec Provinoe elootor, Duplicity
bringa its own oondemnetion• Sir
Obenlea" recollection of the good times be
enjoyed as High Commissioner should
have prevented him from outing a afar
on an honorable igentleman, beloved on
both aides} of the Atlantic, even if he
imagined it was a vote getter. The bait
won't work however and Sir °barlen will
yet be °aught on hie own hook.
IN 1895 and 1890 ander Conservative
rule the total trade of Canada amouuted
to 9289,025,860 and for 1899 and 1900,
under Liberal reign, it has expanded to
9881,825,865 or a difference in favor of
the latter of 9142,600,495. Canada now
takes her plane among the nations and
the eyes of the world are upon us. With
a steady hand at the halm and a orew of
well trained man manning the ship of
State there is little danger of running
against the rooks that have more than
once chattered the hopes of past Govern-
ments. It is doubtful if a more capable
or experienced Cabinet ever eat in the
Connell Room of the Dominion Parlia•
ment than that of Sir Wilfrid Laurier
and many things point favorably to their
being entrusted with the management for
a further period.
Wes it a wise thing to settle the Mani•
tabs school question ? Ia the perferential
tariff an advantage to Canada ? Did the
Government aot wisely in extending the
Interoolonial railway to Montreal and
running it on a paying basis ? Is the re-
duotion of postage from 8 to 2 oeoto and
the establishment of an Imperial rate of
value to the ratepayers ? Hae trade im-
proved, prosperity returned and the ex.
odes ceased ? Are our manufacturere,
business men thriving and the farming
community prospering ? If these quer-
ies can be answered in the affirmative
then there should be a rallying to the polls
on Wednesday, Nov. 7th, and a hearty,
enthusiastic support a000rded the Liber-
al candidates. If the Government nen
make the record they did in the term
closing they bid fair to out -do it by long
odds in the ooming parliaments.
CANADA'S growing time is not at an end
each month appears to open up new
avenges of trade. Last week the follow.
log eogairiee were made at the Depart-
ment of Trade and Commerce at
Ottawa :—"A. Swedish firm wieh to hear
from Canadian shippers of grain, meal,
flour, canned meats, fish, vegetables,
dried apples, eto. A German firm wish
the names of Oanadian manufacturers of
wooden boodles for hammers and shovels.
A Copenhagen merchant wishes the
names of shippers of Canadian salmon.
Makers of specialties suitable for shirt.
makers, eto., desire names of Canadian
manufaotnrera." With jndiaiona states.
=enable' the Land of the Maple will
continue her coward maroh to the finan•
oial advantage of a happy and united
people. No valid reason can be given
why the Laurier Government should not
be returned to wisely admioieter pablio
affairs. Of worse the "outs" want to be
the "ins" but it does not follow by any
means that any snob whim of the Oppo•
sition will be gratified and we believe
that from the Atlantio to the,Paolfla the
thoughtful electors of this Dominion will
mark their ballots for Sir Wilfrid Laurier
and his Government.
.t Thousand Tongues
Could not express the rapture of Annie
E. Springer, Philadelphia, Pa., when Dr.
King's Now Discovery oared her of a
hooking cough that for many years had
madelife a burden. She Saye: "After all
other remedies and dootore failed, it Boon
removed the pain in my cheat and I can
now sleep soundly, something I oan
warmly remember doing before. I feel
like Bounding its praises throughout the
Universe." Dr. King's New Discovery
for Consumption is guaranteed to Dura
all tronblea of the throat, oheet and lunge.
Price 60o and 91.00 at G. A. Deadman'°
drag store.
Fall ShowDay, Saturday of last week.
Mre. J. A. Johnston took in the two
weeks' exouraion to Detroit.
B. S. Cook has returned from Mani.
toba and reports having had a pleasant
trip and an enjoyable time.
8. Strome took a ttip to Hamilton and
purchased a new traction engine to be
need with hia well boring apparatus.
The teachers and pupils took possession
of the new school house on Monday of
iaet week and report it moth nicer and
more convenient than the old one.
Rev. A. B. Dobson has returned from
a month's vaoation. He enjoyed hie
trip and visit very mnoh, and Tooke as
though it bad agreed with bim physically,
Mies Sara Williamson, who has been
in Vancouver, B. 0., for the past year, ie
visiting Mende in town and vicinity.
She has not had the nee of her right
hand for some time on account of rheum.
There is a general repo rt from femora
that turnips are being destroyed by a
small bent. The more advanced turnips
are suffering most and the late sown
may escape the ravages of the pest. The
white turnips are not abtaoked ao serious.
ly attdaked PS bbe others,
11:( JA 11 ,11 Sit1, a iS '
The following ie the report of Ilrueeela.
Public School for bite month of
September :
Primary Claae—Lxamined inArithmetio,
Total, 600,. `i Wilbee
1, 1300
Al,'Th nneen 4;..., , 4,,, 4,-4810
L.'KoKennis , • •,,, „814
0 Armstrong ,,, .......,,„,„811
LC MoArter , ,,., ,,,,t ,t„” .290
goon.,,, „280
k' Campbell 278
I' fitrettoo ' 2272
0 Holmes '2660
P Decker 245
L MoOraoken 190
Wgoott 198
Boon 180
W •Burke 188
B MoICibbin 137
W Dowding....., 135
F Mol ay., • 52
A McMillan 4�4
Mtea 141, T. Dowusr, Teacher,
Geography, I letory, Algebra, Orammtr, W Henderson
nom 4. W Tornboll
I' Armebrong
H Johnston
L Nicholls
F Buchanan ,.
M Skene
C Zilliax
0 Rioharde .,,•... .. .. .......105
'. g. L. ---Examined in Arithmetic,
Geography, Bietory, Algebra, Grammar.
Total, 500.
ARon ............ .......:......898.
H Gooding • 853
L Ro
,.., ..,250
B Howe
G Tbomeop
N MoGniro
M Wilson
E Funeton
B Soott
B MaKelvie
D Moore
18 Oakley
xoom 1.
852 Olese Y—Rxoellent :Edna Qood, Edith
830 Wilton, Homer Barrett, Jaok Leckie,
81.1 Tommy Burke. Goad; Ida M0Qutoheon,
1308 Emma Forsythe, John Wilton, Florence
204 Mainprize, Bob Leckie, Edith Colvin,
246 Harry. Moore.
245 Claes IV—Exoellent : Florence Oakley,
159 Eardly Wflliee, VinoMcCutoheon, Fraelt
108 Scott, Minerva Jones, Katie Ament.
Good ; Lelia Lindsay, Lizzie Innes,
Charlie McMillan, Beatrice Carry, Carrie
Ameut, Lizzie D email, John Burke.
Fair : John Cooper, Arthur Dowding.
Claes III—Exoellent : W Adams, A
Bose, H Rogereon, I Barkley, .1 Bender -
eon, A Nichol, F Gerry. (t "nd ; M
Walker, J Martin, W Lott, P Swan, R
MoOraaken, 0 Jaokeon. Fele : W Ain-
ley, R Roohe.
Clase II—Excellent; J Arm Crone, E
Deadman, E Gilpin, B Go.'d, Willie
Long, F Friendship, 0 Limey, 5 Fox.
Good : W Burton, E Mot adzean, W
Miller, H Campbell, Wiunie Lone, W
&inlay, E Plum, E Somers, R Haiate.
Fair ; M Edwards, J McNlobol.
Claes I—Exoellent; G Oakley, 8 Gerry,
M Burgess, G Jamieson, 0 Leckie.
Good : S Burgess, LBurke, G Wilbee.
Mtn J. N. Ritohie, Teacher.
Entrance — Examined in Arithmetic,
Geography, History, Compoeition, Gram.
mar and 'Mutation. Total, 500.
N Irwin 600
M Thomson 423
O MoOraaken
O Mainprize
J Baetliff
W Zilliaz
B Geddes
E Wilton
R McKenzie
A Currie
A Smith
P Richards
5 Soott
E Baker
M MoLauoblIn
S Soott
W Ament
H Ainley
J. H. OAtinxoN, 'Blather.
noom 2,
Junior IV Claes—Examined in Arith•
metio, Grammar, History, Spelling,
Total, 500.
A McMillan 468
E Denbow 406
G Roee • 408
17 Danford 408
A Lott 374
M Adams 372
M MoArter 870
O Mooney 382
P Lowry 860
B Beattie 858
M Roes 349
K MoDougall 817
W McGuire 308
D Inoea 269
R Ainley 225
I Johnston 223
✓ Cooper 206
J Thomson 150
Senior III Olaae—Examined in Arith.
mesio. Grammar, History, Spelling and
Reeding. Totol 500.
Bertha Rose 449
Argo Rose 442
Lulu Danford 414
Jenoie Armstrong • 396
Elsie Good 381
Leslie Turnbull 378
Roger Deadman 343
Gertie Zilliax 341
Norman Forbes 288
Eva Cameron 838
Margaret Ament 883
Ransil Lowry 825
Elsie Currie 318
Aileen Soott 299
Annie MoQaarrie 297
Florence Thomson 284
Levine Edwards 277
Johnnie Mooney 275
Addis Oakley 265
Roy Pugh 268
Walter Williamson 256
Harold Rtoharde 188
Junior II1 Class—Examined in Arith-
meth), Geography, Grammar and Read.
ing. Total, 600.
Victoria Blaehili 488
Gertie Ewan 463
Herbert Lowry 449
Pearl Leatherdale 448
Laura Leatherdale 419
Edith Adama 419
James Bloomfield 867
Emma Oolvin 839
Jennie Burgess 809
Earl Ament 234
Mtge M. L. Bnoox, Teaoher.
noon 8
Int. Second Claes—Examined in Arith.
natio, Spelling, Geography and Litera-
ture. Total 400.
K Deadman 313
J Ament 297
C Innee 287
O Bell 283
W Strachan '280
V McKenzie 267
O Gerry 237
8 Walker 285
W Rioharde 218
M Brothers. 208
Al Jaokeon • 188
E Ewan 171
A Jaokeon 149
S Ament 138
O Wilbee 182
3 Phillipe • 118
8 Campbell 69
Jr. II Olaes—Examined in Arithmetic,
Spelling, Literature and Geography.
Total, 400.
M Birt 827
O Simmons 383
W Ball 288
A Battliff 268
T Armstrong 266
O Denbow 258
W Mo0raoken 243
W Wilton 207
E Currie 206
T Friendship 204
Jr. III Class—Examined in Ari thmetio,
Diotation, Geography and Grammar.
Total, 400.
A Martin 817
A Sager 293
Ed MoNiohol 277
W MoQuarrie 268
V Barrett 250
L Sinclair 284
J Moore 284
Geo Rosa. ..,, 229
J Kerr . 208
J Wilton 121
Sr. II Olaes—Examined in Arithmetic,
Spelling, Geography, Literature. 'Total,
M Miner 888
H Brothers 888
Mole 8wo ry,1 r .
Charles Bennett is confined to bis bed
with typhoid fever.
3. Wileoo and Mies Gib on left on the
exouraion to Detroit.
Jae. Menzies, ar., spent a few days
with friends in Tavietook.
M. Motee got thrown nut of hie wagon
and had his shoulder hurt.
M. H. and Mre. Moore, of Brussels,
called on Mr. Moore's mother lust week.
Geo. Shearer, of Hamilton, and James
Shearer, of Britton, celled on James and
Mre. Wilson.
A. MoDonald, G. Menzies and H.
Campbell have returned from a trip to
the Old Country.
Geo. Gibson, we are pleased to see, is
able to be out again after being confined
to the house through eiokneee.
T. Hall, who has been lecturing to the
interests of temperance. is trying to or•
ganize a lodge of Royal Template.
M. G. Cameron was appointed Crown
proeeootor at the Assize Court for Essex
The Collegiate Institute annual athletic
sports will dome off Friday afternoon of
Obi week.
The only death recorded in the town
for the month of September was that of
an infant, still born.
Geoffery Holt left town Tuesday after-
noon of last week for Toronto, to oom-
menoe the University armee.
McVicar and Sharman completed the
70 foot chimney atMoBwan's Salt works,
Sanford, on Monday of last week.
The extensions of the street electric
light system decided upon by the (toenail
some time ago are being proueeded with.
The bakers have raised the price of
bread to 6 oente a loaf, the reason assign.
ed being a rise in the price of Manitoba
wheat flour.
Wm. Holland was unfortunate enough
to slip while unloading wheat at the
station, the mie•ebep resulting in break,
ing the left arm.
Thos. Pearson, while gathering apples
on the farm of Wm, Gould, Goderieh
Tp., 1e11 from a tree, the result being the
breaking of both bones of the left fore
The committals to the county jail dur-
ing past week were Mre. Sarah Troope,
of Hallett, for ineanity and Henry
Watson, of Wingham, for receiving stolen
goods, the latter being eenlenaed by
Magietrates Clegg and McKenzie, of
Mre. Ohiaholm reoeived a letter from
her eon Austin, in hospital at Bloemfon•
talo, stating that he was recovering from
fever, but not so fast as he oonld wish.
He entered the hospital July 18, and the
letter was written August 23. He hopes
to return borne as soon as be can leave
the hospital.
The Other night When mall tolleetoo
Bieeett tried tp mount his wheel he foand
it bad eollapeible thee. He bad left It
in the R.0. yard ready for nee and while
there some scoundrel had puootured
both wheels, one having 38,prioka and
the other 8,
H. 0. Filainger nae geld his tin, heat.
ing and plumbing buelneae to Lee ea
Shepherd, who are incorporating it with
their own beeineee, Mr, l'lleinger hoe
aeeepted a p004i041 ae traveller for the
Ifeleey heater, whiob is mode by tbe
Jamey Smart Mepafaolering Co., 060olt•
At the request of Robb. Holmes, M. P„
the Postoff ee Department has decided to
erect another street letter box in Gode.,
hob. It le to be placed at the oorner of
East street and Oambria road, where it
will be very convenient to the organ,
bicycle and knitting faotories and a de.
tided aoaommodatiop to the large number
of persons who are employed at these
Two lovely memorial windows were
placed in 81. George's church in loving
memory. They were placed' in the
traneoepts, one 10 each ; that in the
N„rtb one being a life size figure of St.
Peter with the following at the toot, "In
loving memory of Henry Yerwood An-
tal, born Sept. 22nd, 1822, died Jan'y
21st, 1802„and that in the South a lite
size figure of St. John, with the following
insoription, "In loving memory of Helen
Forrester Attrill, born Deo. 6th, 1828,
died Feb. 22nd, 1900.
Polios Magistrate Seager has given
deoieion in the charge against 3, T.
Goldthorpe of keeping a vioioue dog, in.
fliating a fine of 52 and costa, The Daae
waa tried in July, the complainant being
Chas. Walters, who was bitten by the
dog. The delay in giving the deoision
was oaueed by a dimoulty in the legal
Doped of the case. Action was taken in
the Division Court in the same matter,
Mr. Walter° suing for 980 damagee.
The hearing of the suit before Judge
Doyle and a jury on Monday attraoted a
good many residents of Sanford. The
plaintiff got a verdict for 915 and costa.
A Wise Lady.
Onnvardon, Ohio,
May 23rd, 1900,
J. M. McLeod, McLeod Laboratory,
Goderieh, Ontario.
DEAR Srn,—Your liquid medicine,
"Soak and Swab,” has oared me entirely
of the sore I had on my upper jaw. The
doctors told me that it was a cancer and
that the bone would have to be out out
and the affected parte removed by the
knife, It was this that frightened me
and made me gat the "Soak and Swab."
I used only three pint bottles. I am well
ever 8i0oe, and it is three years ei0oe I
need it. Having great oonfidenoe in your
medicine I will recommend it to those in
need. I am, eto.,
Mee. J. Homes.
The following was reoeived from the
same lady ten years ago :
I Buffered for nearly four years from
fits, and almost at the same hour daily,
out of which no one oonld waken me, un-
til I awoke of myself, weak and wearied
atter the lapse of from ten to twelve
honre time during which time I was
wholly unoonsoione. I was attended to
and oonselted no fewer than sixteen
doctors without any benefit and no re-
lief. I got to be absentminded, often an.
ooneoioue of my surroundings, took no
notice of anything, until, in the good
providence of God, a friend insisted on
bringing J. M. McLeod to our house.
He took me out of the fit in halt a min-
ute's time. I began to gain rapidly after
tbie in health and soundness of mind,
and to this day I have not had any more
fits. Yours, etc.,
Josarnrxz E. MARTIN.
Kingebridge, Oot.
Sold by James Fox, druggist, Brnsaele.
New Plant Throughout.
This season a new plant has been
put in Brussels Cider K111 and does
better work than ever, doubling the cap.
aoity. It is now in full awing.
In addition to manufaoturing- Oider
a specialty is made of Apple Batter and
Work done while yon wait.
Satiefaation secured and charges
Geo. Edwards,
Stoves !
WANT of room
hindered us
from making a dis-
play of Stoves at
Brussels Fall Fair
but we have a dandy
stock just the same,
and want the public
to see them. We
handle the leading
makes and can quote
prices as low as the
lowest, Give us a
Stoves, Hardware
and Tinware,
A gew Stock,
Choice Stook,
e& Low Price.
We will Make .it
Pay You to
Buy All Your
Goods of Us.
Can BUY MORE and bring BETTER RE 3UGTS than it ever
did ainoe the DOLLAR MARK was invented, IF you put it into
We aunouuoe the greateet gathering of desirable merobandiee we have ever
euooeeded in collecting for our patrone. Everything fresh and new, operating with
the brightestfaehion tboaghte of the new season.
Save Money while the Chance Lasts.
A little of it will give wonderful eatiefaotion if invested i0 our sincerely
houeet qualities of reliable goode of known value.
You will delight in our new amok because it is in touob with the times,
and anticipate, your every want in
Hats, Caps and Gents' Furnishing Goods,
Without Doubb or Hesitation, tome and Reap the Beat Values
Your Dollar Ever Bought.
A Stock. Thoroughly Up to -date in QUALITIES and STYLES
in Every Department.
Come and make your comparisons'; they are the keys that nnlook the
facts about our Fine Qualities and Low Priaee. The simple, plain talk
of the Price that is Right is our oonvinoing argument. Take advantage
of this combination of Saving and Satisfaction and your mind
will be easy and your money saved.
We are waiting to give you a Square Deal
for a Round Dollar.
.►O S s
Strictly One Price Always the Lowest
1133 Per Gent. Less than
Other Stores."
That is what the people say about our Mantle Prices, and
they're right. Do you want to buy a Jacket as cheap as yoti can,
or do you wish to give other merchants i• more than our prices ?
Most any person would feel badly over losing a dollar or two out of
their purse between here and other stores, but that is just what you
are going to do if you buy a Jacket elsewhere, and•there's no doubt
about it. Probably you wonder bow we know this. We know it
because we know the prices other merchants have to pay the Can-
adian wholesaler and Manufacturer, and the Agents for German
Manufacturers, and we know by buying direct from the Makers in
Berlin we can buy them 25 to 85 per cent. cheaper. We know all
this because we have seen the Canadian Makers' goods and prices,
the samples shown by Agents of German Makers, and the prices
asked by them, and after seeing these we have made special ar-
rangements with a large retail buyer of German Mantles, who,
when in Berlin, bought our Mantles for ue, and you will find them
just as much cheaper as we claim.
Are You Ready to put
Us to the Test ?
J. Ferguson & Co.
Direct Importer of Mantles,