The Brussels Post, 1900-10-11, Page 3RECORD BREAKER.
East Huron Fall Fair Prize List.
Heavy Draught—Stallion over thre
years, Thoe. 111oLauohlin 1 & 2 ; stalks
under three years, Jao. Shortreed ; broo
mare, Digkson Broe l& 2, Jpo MoGavin
horse golt, Diokeon Bros ; mare oolt
Diokson Bros,. Geo Peacook, Geo John
Eton ; two year old filly, Jas Speir, Jos
Evans ; two year old gilding, W T
Pollard, A. Stevenson, Wm Bryana
Yearling filly, Jag Speir; yearling gelding
Wos MoGavin ; heavy draught team
Geo Qteveneon,
Agrloultural — Brood mare, Mre
Piokeon, Andrew Hielop, °brie Eokmier
horse colt, Jno MaGavin, Andrew Ilietup
Thoe Bieiby ; mare golt, Jno MoKinnon
two year old filly, Wm Lowe, A Hislop
J 3 Ball ; two year old gelding, D Milne
J & W Ovane ; one year old filly, Mr
Jno Little, Jae A Moore, Mre E Dickson
one year old gelding, W T Pollard ; spa
agrioultnral horses, W R, Mooney, G
Robertson, D Scott & Song.
Judges—Donald Fisher and Geo Dale
Roadsters—Stallion with 4 of his prop
eny, Soott & Warwiok, W 0 Kidd, R
McDonald ; brood mare, Jno Watson,
Soott & Warwick, W Dais ; horse oolt,
W Ament, W Robb, 13 Zinn ; mare Dolt,
Joo Watson, Scott & Warwick, Albert
Hislop.; two year old filly, A Currie, Jno
Watson, Soott & Warwick ; two year old
gelding, Jno Cunningham 1 & 2, W -
Bryans ; one year old filly, 3 J Ball, R
K Rose, Scott & Warwiok ; one year old
gelding, Jno Watson, H Zinn, Jae Cardiff
buggy horse, 164 hands high and over,
Frank Kling, R Williams ; buggy horse,
under 15a hands high, Thos MoLaaohlin,
13 Zinn, Dr. Kalbfleisah ; roadster team,
Jno Watson, W Dale, R Marray.
Carriage—Brood mare, W T Pollard,
'H Zinn, S Wilton ; two year old filly, H
Zino, Jas Speir ; two year old gelding,
H Zion, 5 Pethiok; yearling filly, Jno
Lambkin, H Zinn, J & W Ovane ; horse
ti colt, H Zinn ; mare oolt, L Hollinger
W T Pollard ; carriage span, Robt Edgar
G T Robertson.
Judge—Oliver Johnston.
Dnrhame—Bull over 2 years, Andrew
Hislop, D Milne ; ball, under 2 years, P
Robertson, D Milne ; miloh cow, over 4
year,, P Robertson, R Corley, D Milne
milob oow, under 4 years, D Milne, R
Corley 2 & 3 ; two year old heifer, 0
Milne, .Trio Calder, D Cook ; one year old
heifer,. R Corley, Jae Speir, D Milne ;
ball oalf, P Robertson, Jae Speir, D
Milne; heifer Dalt, G T Roberteon, R
Corley, D Milne ; herd of Durhame, R
Corley, D Milne.
Jerseys—Bull, ander two years, Thoe
Davidson, G A Deadman ; miloh sow,
over 4 years, G A Deadman 1& 2; milch
oow, ander 4 years, W Armetropg, G A
Deadman ; heifer oalf, Thoe-Davidson,
G A Deadman ; ball Doll, Ed Garvin,
G A Deadman.
Grade—Cow, M H Harrison, Jno Mo.
Kinnon, Jno Cunningham ; two year old
heifer, M 13 Harrison, 1, 2 & 8 1 one
year old heifer, M 13 Harrison, M H
Harrison;two year old steer, Thoe Day.
Ideon, D oots & Sons, M H Harrison;
steer Dalt, M 13 Harrison, D Scott &
Sons, 11113 Harrison ; heifer calf, Jno
Calder, D^Gook, John Cunningham ; fat
oow or heifer, M H Harrieoa 1 & 2 ; fat
ox or steer, D Scott & Sons.
Judge—H. Smith.
Leioeetere—Aged ram, Jas Sanderson
& Son, D Milne; shearling ram, D
Milne, Walter Johnston ; ram lamb, John
Cowan, Jas Sanderson & Son ; pair of
. ewes, Jas Sanderson & Son, Jno Cowan ;
pair of ehearling ewes, Jae Sanderson &
Son,JohnCowan pair of ewe lam
JohCowan,owan 5 Pethiok pen of sheep,
Jae Sanderson & Son, Jno
Shropshire,—Aged ram, Oliver Smith,
W H Webber ; ehearling ram, Oliver
Smith 1 & 2 ; ram lamb, Oliver Smith, 1
& 2 1 pair of ewes, Oliver Smith, Paul
Reid ; pair of ehearling ewes, W H Web.
her, Fred AdamsI
Smith,at Harrison • pen ofeheep,Oli-
ver ith, W H Webber.
Oxfords -Aged ram, J W Smith, J &
W Ovens ; (Mauling ram, J W Smith, J
& W Ovens 2 & 3; ram lamb, J W Smith
1 & 2 ; pair of ewes, and ehearling ewes,
J W Smith, J & W Ovens ; ewe lambs,
J & W Ovens, 3 W Smith ; pen of Ox-
fords, J W Smith, J & W Ovens.
Judge—Donald Fisher.
Berkshire—Boar over 2 years, P Gib.
bone ; boar 'ander 2 years and boar
wider 1 year, G T Robertson, Jno Cow.
an ; sow having littered in 1900, Jno
Cowan, P Gibbons ; sow under 1 year, 0
T Robertson, P Gibbons.
Yorkshire—Boar under 2 years, la
Nichol, Jno Cowan ; boar under 1 year,
A Stevenson, R Niohol ; sow having
littered in 1900, R Nicbol, A Stevenson ;
sow under 1 year, A Stevenson, Mre Jno
Tamworth—Boar, over 2 years, Jas
Speir, 11 Mo0ntaheon ; boar under 2
years, boar under 1 year, sow having
littered in 1900, and eow ander 1 year,
$ MoOutoheon 1 & 2 ; eow, any age or
breed, R Nichol ; pen of pige, R Niohol,
P Gibbons.'
Judge—Jag Darranae.
Guinea fow1,P Gibbons ; Dark Brats.
Sae, C Henderson & Son, G W Irwin
Light Brahma,, W 13 McCracken, J & W
Ovens; Bleck Spanish, Jno Brethaner,
G W Irwin ; Barred Rooks, Al! Beaker,
S Smillie ; White Rooke, Wilson Bros,
Alf Baeker ; Buff Rooke, Alf Baeker 1
& 2 ; White Leghorn,, Walter Taylor,
Wilson Broe ; Brown Leghorn,, Walter
Taylor, Alt Baeker; Buff Leghorn,, D.
A Lowry 1 Silver Spangled Homburgs,
Wm Carter, 17d Garvin ; Black Ham.
burgs and Poland,, Wm Carter 1 & 2 ;
Bantams, D A Lowry, Jno Brethauer ;
Houdane, Wm Carter 1 & 2 ; Dorking,
G W Irwin 1st 2 ; Langahane, Walter
Taylor, Wilson Bros ; Ooobine, G W Ir-
win, Wilson Bros ; yandotte,, W Car..
ter, Goo Stephenson I Blaok Minorcan, 0
Henderson & Son, Jno Brethauer; White
Minorcan, Medd Bros 1 & 2 ; turkeys, J
& W Crane, Jno Smith geese, 0 Hen.
dereon & Sea ; Rouen dunks, G W Irwin
1&2; Pekinduoks, It W Irwin 1&2;
Ayleebery dunks, G W Irwin, W Garter ;.
Game 'fowl, Alt Backer 1'&2; other
fowl, Walter Taylor, G W Irwin.
Judge—Thos Male.
Ewan ; covered boggy, P Ewan 1 & 2_.;
gutter, 1) Ewan 1 & 2 ; open buggy, D
Judge—Jno Balmier,
2 bus White Pall wheat, 3 Campbell
Son, M H Harrison, 3 Bergen ; 2 bu
red Fall wheat, do, J Iela0allum, 11 Mo
Money ;2 bug Spring wheat, any variety
O Henderson & Son, J Campbell & Son
J Mo0allum ; 2 bus barley, 4 or 0 rowed
0 Henderson & Son, Jas Campbell
Bon, R MoMurray ; 2 bus blank oats
J Campbell & Son, 0 Henderson & Soo
E Garvin ; 2 bee white pate, Jae Camp
bell & Sou, R McMurray, 0 Henderson
2 bus large peas, P Erb, J Campbell
Son, 0 I3endereon & Son; Smal
peas, Jae Campbell & Son, R McMurray
One bushel timothy need, 3 Campbell &
Soo, Jae Speir, J McCallum.
Set double farm barnees, Jno Donald
eon 1. and 2 ; single buggy batmen, Iso
Donaldson 1 and 2 ; axe handle, Jno
Wynn, Geo Johnston ; collection of tin
ware, 12 pieces, Wilton & Turnbull.
Apples — Baldwins, Jas Shaw, Jae
Evans ; Famueeo, D A Lowry, Thoe
Dennison ; Ring o! Tompkins Co, Jae
Evans,'D 0 Rose ; Mann, .0 Henderson
& Son, A Stewart (Queen et) ; Northern
Spies, Jae Speir, 0 Henderson & Son ;
R I Greening,, Jas Evans, Jas Speir ;
Golden Russets, D A Lowry, E Garvin ;
Spitzenbu'rg, Jaa Bpeir ; Seek no Father,
W Armstrong, Jae Bpeir ; Tolman
Sweets, Jas Campbell & Son, Jas Speir ;
Ontario, 0 Henderson & Son, W Arm
strong; Wealthy, Jno Bretbauer, W
Armstrong ; Ribaton Pippins, A Stewart
(Queen et) Jas Evans ; Oolverte, Jae
Speir, Jas Evans ; Roxbury Russets, Lao
Cunningham, M = Harrison ; Duchene
of Oldenburg, 8 Hoggard, Jag Burgess ;
Fall Pippins, Jas Evans, Jno Cunning-
ham Fallawater, Mrs T Ballantyne, Jas
Campbell & Son ; Gravenstein, J Speir ;
Maiden's Blush, A Stewart (Queen et) S
Henderson & Son ; Peewaukee, Rev Joo
Rosa ; St Lawrence, Thoe Davidson, Jae
Shaw ; Chenaogo Strawberry, Jas Camp-
bell & Son ; Winter apples, Jas Evans,
Jas Speir ; Fall apples, Jas Speir.
Fall pears, Jae Speir, E Garvin ; Win.
ter pears, Annie B Roes, D 0 Ross ;
plums, Jno Wynn, Berta Carder ; grapes,
S Hoggard, E Garvin ; peaches, Berta
Carder ; crabs, not known, Mrs W Blas -
hill; apples, any named variety not on
list, Jag Speir, P Gibbons ; plume, Berta
Carder, W H McCracken.
Judges—A W Sloan and F Metcalf,
Doors AND noon 00088.
Early potatoes, Jag MoCallam, P Erb,
E Garvin ; late potatoes, S Hoggard,
Jno Moliinnon, Jas Evans, Jae Burgess
collection of potatoes, E Garvin, 0 Hen.
dereon, P Erb ; Swede turnips, 0 Hen.
dereon & Son, P Gibbons; turnips, 0
Henderson & Son ; white field carrots, 0
Henderson & Son, Jas McCallum ; Al-
tringham carrots, C Henderson & Son,
W Armstrong ; scarlet Nantes, Jno
Brethaner, W H MoOracken ; early horn
garrote, Walter Taylor, Geo Johnston ;
long blood beets, 0 Henderson & Son,
Jae McCallum, blood (turnip beats, Geo
Johnston, Walter Taylor ; white auger
beets,MoOracken, T Ballantyne H ,
parsnips, W Mao e
Jno Bolger, Mre P Scott ;
mangel warzele, W H McCracken, Jae
Shaw ; yellow globe mangele, W 13 Mo-
Craoken, 0 Henderson & Son ; red globe
mongols, W H McCracken, 0 Xendereon
& Son ; long yellow mangele, W 11 Mo-
°recken, Jae McCallum ; Winter radish-
es John Brethauer, Walter Taylor.
Judge -J Graham, Atwood.
Red onions, 0 Henderson & Son, W H
Mooraoken ; yellow onions, W H Mc-
Cracken, C Henderson &-.Son ; Giant
Roma onions, W H MoCracken, P Erb ;
onions topsetTaylor, W H Mo•
e, W
rag en • Dutch sets,I MoCracken
C kW
A StewartQ ); to assn etonions sets J
McOallnm, Marion Stewart ; Dutoh seta,
W H MoCracken, P Erb potato onions,
Walter Taylor, Jae McCallum ; yellow
Canada corn, 0 Henderson & Son, Alex
Stewart (8111 eon) ; white Flint corn, W
Taylor ; yellow Dent corn, Thoe David-
son, R McMurray ; collection of corn, W
Taylor, W H MoOraoken ; Winter cab.
bage, W H McCracken, Walter Taylor ;
curled savoy, Walter Taylor, W 33 Mo•
Cracken ; red plating cabbage, W H
MoCracken, 5 Hoggard ; cauliflower, 0
Henderson & Son, Walter Taylor ; yel-
low field pumpkin, P Erb, Geo Johnston ;
mammoth pumpkin, C Henderson & Son,
W H MoCracken ; Squash, A Stewart
(Queen et) 0 Henderson & Son ; collec-
tion of garden produce, W H Motlracken,
Walter Taylor ; large tomatoes, 0 Hen-
der9on & Son, Walter Taylor ; plum or
olrerry tomatoes, W Taylor, 0 Henderson
& Son ; butter beano, Jas McCallum, 33
Garvin ; white beans, W Taylor, P Erb ;
other variety of beans, Jas McCallum, W
Taylor ; round striped citrons, Jas
Evans, Jae McCallum ; long Californian
citrons, P Erb, Jas MoCallnm t water-
melons, P Erb, Jas Motlallum; musk.
melons, Marion Stewart, C' Henderson &
Son ; cucumbers, Mrs 37 Stewart, Thos
Davidson ; white celery, • Jno Brethauer,
Walter Taylor ; pink celery, Jno
Blethaner, W H MoCracken ; sunflower,
0 Henderson & Son, Jae Evans.
Judge—T 0 Graham.
Home-made tub butter, Jae McCallum,
Jas E
J 3 Ball, W Armstrong, v ane , Jae
Shaw; table butter, Jno McKinnon, W
Armstrong, Mrs Jae Simpson, Jae Mc-
Callum, S Hoggard ; factory cheese, 2nd
prize B 3 Roy ; home made cheese, Mrs
W McKenzie, Thos Davidson ; 14 Ibe
butter, Gordon's special, Wm Armstrong ;
5 lbs butter, Kerr's special, W H Web-
Judge—W M Robinson, Wroxeter.
Blankete, las MaOallum, Geo John,
,ton; rag carpet, Jno Shortreed ; counter.
pane, Mrs Jas Simpson, Mre Ino Wynn ;
home spun yarn, W H MoCracken, Jae
McCallum ; maple sugar, Jae McCallum,
lid Garvin; maple molasses, Jas Mo -
Callum, W H MoCracken ; comb honey,
O Henderson & Son, G A Deadman ;
strained or extracted honey, 0 Henden
son & Son, Jno Brethauer ; grape Wine,
Mre Hele Ino Brotliauer ; rhubarb wine,
Jno Currie, Mre P Soott; strawberry
Patent arm wagon, Jno Wynn, D Wine, hire Walter Wilbee, W Ft MoCrao•
ken; temato wino, W I3 MaOtagken,.
Mre Hole; elderberry wine, Mrs Bela,
Jog Bretbauer ; tomato cateup, 1) 0
Rose, Walter Taylor ; raspberry wino,
Mre Waiter Wiibee, D O Agee t apple
jelly, D 0 Rose, Mies MQC)ellapd
rhubarb jelly, MIss i eOlellan , Jag
Evans ; raspberry jelly, Mre Walter Wil,
bee, Mise Mo0lelland ; jelly, from any
other fruit named, Mre, Walter Wither,
Biro S Wilton ; baker's white bread,
Goo Thomson ; white home made
bread, A Carter, Jae Evans, W Arm,
strong ; baker's brown bread, Geo Thom.
eon ; home made brown bread, Jae
Shaw, 0 A Deadman, S Hoggard ; fruit
oaks, Wm Armebrong,' Mrs. E Sellas;
jelly oake, Jag Sbaw, W Armstrong;
oatmeal cake, W Taylor, Mrs Mete ; col-
lection of canned fruit, $ Hoggard, W 11
MoOraoken ; broad, Rerr'e spooled, Jag
Shaw ; bread, Booker's epeaial, Jag
Ariaoone work, T Ballantyne, Mrs A
Blashill ; Applique work, Annie B' Roee,
D 0 ROBB ; Braiding, Miss McClelland, 3
McCallum, Mrs 111 Stewart ; Berlin wool
work, flat, Berta Carder,' T Ballantyne ;
Berlin wool work, Weed, Mre J Wynn,
Annie B Roes, Berta Carder Berlin
wool and beadwork, Mise MOSlelland,
Annie 13 Ross ; Berlin wool flowers, Mrs
5 Wilton, Berta Carder; Bead work,
Annie B Roes, Berta Carter ; Bonnet,
Annie B Rose, Mre J Wynn; Berlin
work and silk, flat, T Ballantyne, Berta(
Carder ; Cone work, J Brethauer, Mrs E
Stewart; Crewel work, Annie B Roee,
Mre Bela; Cord work, Miss McClelland,
Mrs Bele ; Card board motto, Annie B
Ross, J Shaw; Crochet work, cotton,
Mrs 31 Stewart, Mre Bela; Crochet work,
wool, Annie B Rosa, Clara McCracken ;
Croshet in silk, Mrm E Stewart Mrs Hele ;
Darned net, Annie B Rosa, Miss Ma-
Olelland ; Drawn work, Mrs W MoKen•
zie, Mrs Hale ; Embroidery, cotton or
muslin, Mre E Stewart, Berta Carder ;
Embroidery on worsted, Annie B Ross,
Mre Hale i Embroidery on silk, Clara
MoOraoken, Mrs W Blashill ; Fine shirt,
Mrs W McKenzie, Mrs Hele ; Fancy
knitting in cotton, Mrs E Stewart, Mre
W McKenzie Fancy knitting in wool,
Mrs E Stewart, Mrs J Wynn ; .Fancy
flannel shirt, Mrs Bela, Mrs McKenzie ;
Feather flowers, Mre W Blashill; Feather
stitching, Annie B Rose, Clara MoCrack-
en; Hair flowers, Mrs J Little, Mrs J'!$
Smith ; Hairpin work, Mre E Stewart,
Annie B Roes ; Point lane, Mrs Hele ;
Lase, Honiton, Mrs Bela, Mre W Blash•
ill ; Lambrequin, berlin wool and bead,
Annie B Rosa, D 0 Rose ; Lamp mat,
Annie B Ross, Mre W Blashill ; Leather
work, Mrs W Robb, Berta Carder ; Pair
woollen mite, Mrs Hale, Mrs W McKen-
zie; Pair woollen gloves, Mre McKenzie,
Jas McCallum ; Netting, Mre Hele, Clara
MoCracken; Tufted quilt, Mrs E Stewart,
Mise McClelland ; Oroohet quilt, Mre J
D Warwick, Mrs ?Q Stewart ; Patchwork
quilt, T Ballantyne, Mre Hele, Mre W
Blashill ; Log cabin gailt, Olara Mo-
Cracken, Mrs Bele ; Fancy quilt, Mre
Hale, Mre W Blashill ; Knitted quilt,
Mies McClelland, Walter Taylor, Mrs
Bele ; Rag mat, Mre Hele, Mrs W
Blashill ; Ribboecene, Annie 33 Rosa, T
'Ballantyne ; Rope Bilk, Annie B Roes,
Mrs W Blaehill;'Roman embroidery, Mrs
Blashill, Annie B Rosa ; Shell work, Mrs
E Stewart : sofa pillow, Berlin work, flat,
Clara McCracken, T Ballantyne ; Sofa
pillow, Berlin work, raised, Clara Mc-
Cracken, Mre W Blashill ; Sofa pillow,
braided, -J J Ball, Miss McClelland; Sofa
pillow, patchwork, Annie B Ross, T Bal-
lantyne ; Pair stockings, wool, Mre Hele,
Mre W McKenzie 1 Pair stockings, cotton,
Mre ' Stewart Mrs McKenzie
1; W
Pair Cocke, woollen, Mrs W MaKen-
zie, Mre E Stewart ; Pair Books, cotton,
Mrs E Stewart ; Seed wreath, J Breth-
auer ; Straw hat, Mre 3 Wynn ; Tatting,
Mre Hale, Mrs W Blashill ; Tinsel work,
Annie B Rose, D 0 Rose ; Tissue paper
flowers, Mre W Robb, Mary Davidson ;
Wax flowers, rethauer • Outline work,
Annie B Res, Mrs E Stewart;Fieh
scale work, Emma Cardiff, arion
Judges—Mre Young Coultas and M
FINE sung.
Collection of professional photographs,
H R Brewer ; Collection of amateor
pbotos, Rev J Ross, Rev R 5 G Ander-
son ; oolleotion of stuffed birds in case,
Mrs J Wynn , Pencil drawing, Mrs Bela,
Berta Carder ; water Dolor landscape,
do, Mre Rev Abey• water color $fares
Berta Carder, MrHele ; oil painting
landscape, do, do, ; oil portrait, Mre (Rev)
Abey, do ; black °rayon drawing, Berta
Carder, Mrs Bele ; colored crayon draw-
ing, Berta Carder, Mrs Hele ; spatter
work, Mien MoOlelle,nd ; painting on
pottery, Berta Carder, ngie B Rosa ;
painting on silk or velvet, J Shaw,' Mre
W Blashill ; painting on plaoquee, let
not known, Annie B Ross ; skeletonized
leaves, 5 Hoggard, R Leatherdale ;
ornamental penmanship, Berta Carder ;
business penmanship, Mre J R Smith,
W H McCracken ; girl's penmanship,
Grace Stewart, 3 'alder ; modelling in
May, Mre W Blashill, Merlon Stewart ;
oil painting, still life, Mrs (Rev) Abey, J
Shaw ; water color, still life, J Shaw ;
original eketab, Mre (Rev) Abey.
Judges—Mre Andrews and J H Cam.
rrewan8 AND PLANTS.
Table briquet, Marion Stewart, B Hog.
gard ; table boquet, Marion Stewart, J
Evans ; button hole or dress bogaet,
Marion Stewart, 3 Shaw ; oolleotion of
out flowers, John Bretbauer; Samuel
Hoggard ; oolleotion of dahlias, Marion
Stewart, Mre E Sellers ; pansies, J Calder,
Walter Taylor ; phlox, Marion Stewart,
J Evans ; asters, Marion Stewart, Mre J
i S
RSmith ; stooks Marion Stewart, t
r Mrs
E Sellers ; petunias, Marion Stewart, 3
Evans ; Atrium marigolds, Marion Stew.
art, J Evans ; French marigolds, Mariob
Stewart, J Evansdianthus, Marion
Stewart, J Calder ; balsams, Jas Evans,
Marion Stewart ; zinnias, Mre J R
Smith, Marion Stewart ; gladiolna
spikes, Marion Stewart ; verbenas,
Marion Stewart, 5 Hoggard ; obryean.
themum°, .1 Evans, Mre J i, Smith ;
perennial phlox, Marion Stewart, Mrs J
R Smith ; double hollyhocks, J Calder,.5
Hoggard'; cockscombs, Marion Stewart,
J Bretbauer ; collodion of native grasser',
Grace M Stewart, Berta Carder ;
collootion of ornamental fruits, Marion
Stewart, 5 Hoggard 1 varieties o! out-
door flowers not speoided in above list,
Marion Stewart, 5 Hoggard ; collodion
of noxious weeds with common and,
botanical names, not tenor than six
varieties, W 13 MoCracken, 5 Hoggard,
Judges, Mre 0 W Andrews, Barriston,
and J 11 Cameron,
ioNlms, mos, rak¢NDeiuv, r1hL8albN0Tx.
What nobler emblem could any patrio•
tie party desire to emblazon on ito.
bannare than that offered by Six 'Wilfrid
at Sohmer Park the ether day;—"Union,
Peace, Friendship, Fraternity ?" Union
of all the diversified elemonte of our pop.
Magog, which must be harmonianely
blended into ope great Canadian nation.
ality if we are ever to adequately fulfil
our destiny ; Prone within our oornlaer.
Mel borders, that under the continued
benign infloenae of 40 iteeured, stability
of tariff and other trade oanditioiie, our
merghanle and mennfaoburers, our
miners and agrieulturiete, may go for.
ward in ognildenoe to take the tallest ad.
vantage of the unequalled opportunities
offering on every hand ;' Friendship with
our neighbors to the South with whom
we are and always must be in close con.,
Mot and relationship eoaial and corn.
meroial ; Fraternity within the empire,
ever fostering and strengthening thgee
bonds of brotherhood which have re-
oeived euoh development singe the pre,•
ant Government assumed .oliioe. The
Liberal party bas by right of its record
every justification in assuming euoh a
motto, and there is no man in the empire
today who has greater right to appro-
priate it aa hie bettle•ory, than Sir Wit.
frid Laurier.
One would have imagined that the
Tories had long sicca reached the limit
of their ingenuity in their policy of en-
deavoring to set one notion of the coun-
try against another. But the past week
has witnessed two or three developments
which indicate more closely than ever
the desperation and despair whish bee
seized them. Opposition journals in On.
Soria, having apparently given op all
hope of capturing Quebec, are making a
wild effort to stampede the West by de-
claring that the Liberals only hope to re
tain power ie by the solid support of the
Frenoh•Caoadiansection of the Domi
nion. Would it not occur to a true
patriot -even though a Tory -if he hon•
estly believes that snob domination
would be harmful to the country, that
the safest and moat effectual way of
neutralizing the baneful influence, would
be to give the Government a sul.oiently
strong support from the English nation
to oonnteraat it 2 It ie when one eeotion
of a party hold, the "balance of power,"
that they have the greatest opportunity
to control a Government.
Speaking at the Mo0arthy convention
in North Simaoe the other day, Col. 0'.
Brien—one of the cleanest and most
highly reepeoted men who ever eat 10
Parliament—referred to the deepiaable
personal saws's' being made 'upon
Ministers of the Crown by the Tories in
this campaign, and made a point which
cannot bot appeal to every fair•mindad
elector. He remarked that Mr. Sifton
hoeing bought a house in Ottawa, it was
immediately stated he was corrupt, Sir
Charles was the only man in public life
he said, that he knew of who had come
out rich and therefore he must be oar.
rapt. That would not be fair perhaps,
but it was as fair as the charge against
Mr. Sifton. When so mach loose talk ie
indulged in by Oppoeibioniets with re•
gard to the personal probity of prominent
Liberals, it ie necessary to emphasize the
feat that in eplte of every effort to die
clover corruption, not a single thing—not
a suspicion even—has been verified,
whereas the Tory record includes the
oonviotioo of more than one Tory es-
Minister of personal corruption, and the
implication of any number of small fry.
Not content with their frantic efforts
to set the French and English eeotion, of
the country in antagonism, Sir Charles
and bis followers are now extending their
baneful endeavors to the German-speak-
ing portion of our people, and are striving
to create an antipathy to Sir Wilfrid
Laurier, became o! certain sympathetic
references be made when in Paris to the
lose of Aleaae and Lorraine, and to Sir
Riebard Cartwright for his jesting
reference to apossible blood relationship
between Bfr Charles Tupper and ex -Pres.
ident Kruger. It is difficult for sober-
minded eleotore, genuinely anxious to
inform themselves upon the public ques-
tions of the day, to toleiatB surds foolish-
ness in the leaders of one of the great
political parties.
T8E "80480011" Or THE meta.
It ie fanny to notice how mad the
Torieset over anyreferenoe bythe
Liberals to Hugh Jon Maodonald per-
sonal appearanoe. They appear to have
forgotten that from the moment .Hugh
John entered the fight his likeness to hie
father has bean persistently harped upon
by himself and hie friends. At every
meeting he has addressed, Sir John Mao.
donald'e bust has been the chief platform
decoration and attention has bean called
to the resemblance ; at the Tory demon.
titration in Toronto the most prominent
motto displayed was one bearing the
legion "More Like Hia Dad Every Day,"
and ie it not a simple fact that np to the
present moment no other claim has been
urged to justify the electors of the Domi•
nion in showing him any greater eon.
sideration than they have done in the
past. Hugh John has always been an
acknowledged failure in federal politics,
and it he had not happened to Bemire a
snap verdiot in the recent Manitoba elec-
tions it is safe to say that he never would
have been heard -of again.
No more useful regulation has been put
into operation under. this Government
than that which provided for the appoint-
ingof ins eators of Canadian exports at
the points both of departure and arrival.
The dishonesty of one or two unprin.
oipled shippers, combined with the inex-
perienoe of a few incompetent packers,
has wrought inoalanlabie harm to Can•
ada'e reputation, in the markets of the
01d World, for it was manifestly useless
for the Government's agents or the indi-
vidual shipper, to endeavor to introduoe
Canadian apples for example, when the
next shipment contained two or three
barrels stuffed in the oentre with news•
papers or old boots. The dation of the
inspectors include the examination of
shipments of agricultural, animal and
fruit products before they leave Canada
and upon their arrival in England, to
watoh the state of the British market, to,
note where improvement oan be made in
the methods of packing and transports.
tion, and generally to help forward in a
thoroughly practical manner the inter.
este of this section of Canada's trade with
, the old land. This ie but a sample of the
vast amount of praolioal133151atlon wbioh
hatbaeu quietly pat ipto operation by
the Gover,imenb—wlthont any lugs or
leathern, hue with immense advantage to
the oormluteity at large.
.0580101800401. 00150030001,
31 may btionly a ooinoidenoe, but the
faot is worth noting That in one important
partioular at least there is a remarltable
tlmiliarity in the condition of the Tory
party now and just before the last genet,
al election. In the Spring o; 1890 half
the Tory aabinet bolted, threw over their
old, leader and pill a new man in his
place—dethroned Bowell and orowned
Tupper, Now the party is seeking to
turn down Tupper and put Macdonald in
hie plaoe, There is the mime evidence of
utter want or confidence in their titular
leader, the same appreciation of their
desperate straits ; and there is also the
some evident determination on the part
of the 000ntry to have nothing more to
do with a party which has'eo little con
fideoge in itself.
Ottawa, Sept. 29th,
Girdles The Globe.
The fame of Bunion's Arnica Salve,
as the beet in the world extends roiled
the earth. It's the one perfect heal. r of
cute, cores, burns, bruises, gores, sea de,
boils, ulnare, felons, aches, pains and all
skin eruptions, Ooly infallible pile Imre,
28o a box at G. A. Deadman's drug store.
Hamilton's population is 6205.
The population of 'Toronto looks bat
967 of being 200,000.
The war being almost over an immense
Thanksgiving service' will be held in
Notre Dame oburoh, Montreal, shortly.
Protestante will be asked to take part,
Aline Pearson, of Winnipeg, aged 19,
who was married to a middle•aged man
named Charles Mills last Thursday
afternoon, took oerbolio acid and died in
two hours,
Astounded 'file 0,51(0r.
Editor S. A, Brown, of Bennetteville,
S. 0.. was .once immensely surprised.
'Through long suffering from dyopep.ia
my wife was greatly run down. She
had no strength or vigor and suffered
great distress from her etamooh, but ebe
tried Eleotrio Bitters which helped her
at once, and after using four bottles she
is entirely well and oan eat anything.
It is a grand tonic, and its gentle, laxa-
tive qualities are splendid for torpid
liver." For indigestion, loss of appetite,
stomach and liver troubles ib'a a positive,
guaranteed cure, Only 50a. at G. A.
Deadman', drug store.
• 0400. The property of the late John
Elliott, ooneisting of a solid brink house,
with frame kitchen and woodshed, good
stable and i acre of land, all in Bret -alae,
condition, I8 not sold will be rented. Pos-
session at any time. For particulars apply
10 Wu. SPENCE, Ethel; ALEX. PATTEa500
Galt; or Da,111oKELVEY, 111. Forest 901f
acre farm for sate, forty-seven agree
cleared, the balaooe hardwood bush. Good
orcbard and a never failing well. Buildings
good, stone foundation .under barn, stone
cellar under house. Farm is well fenced,
nearly all straight rail. Possession could be
given at any time. For further particulars
apply to W. J. MOALLIBTER, West i Lot
10, Con. 17, Grey, or Walton P, 0. 5.8
Booth Half Lot 27, Con. 3, Morrie
Tow whip, within 1 nine of-Bruseele. Dwell-
ing house. buildings and fences in good con-
dition, The lot bee a spring creek on th
front river aitland crosses the rear.
About 60 acres timber and a young bearing
orchard. Apply 10 G. A,DEADMAN,
45.11 - Druggist, Brussels.
lSAIE.—Lot 17, eon, 9, Township of
Grey. 100 acres more or lees. Situate 41
miles from Biueaela and _mile from village
e e Fe
of hardwood
bo cleared Buildings
6 agree of
good cepa bush. 'w lldln 0 nod formes in
good repair. Good walla. All hall plowing
one. n to
and terms of payment80,on ap-
pliaat50-1 Eo W. rn ster, & IR,
20•tf Barrister, &a, Brussels.
ConsistingSouth and South.
of the d d
of the North i of Lot ell bt o a far Wawa -
nosh. This Thuds with
exood springs eater bIi is
wtimted about
m i s d spring th watch It i-
lage ofd abort 3 miles frlargo
mare thriving d r
lage of Blyth. A largo part of rein ander
etute sof Buildings
Easy teremme are in a fair
msaof payment will
be given, For all information apply to
11-11 G. F. BLAIR, Barrister, Brussels.
..L 200 cotes i To
n the Township p of Grey.
10;County of Huron, being lots 30 and 17, fon,
10; 1 one from smith ieop; , pole odea,
,Lore and blacksmith shop • 2 miles from
Ethel station; 4 miles from yillage of Brits.
pale; 1 mile from cheese ?eatery. This farm
Jewell fended, well underdrained and well
watered • river Maitland rune through
Southeast corner. 4 acres of good bearing
orchard ; large bank barn with straw elted ;
a drivingabed stone house and kitchen and
woodshe. 60 acres in grass ; 24 acres hard•
wood bush; 25 aores in rougand good ced-
ar; -balance under good cultivation, For
further particulars apply to WM, FISCHER,
proprietor, Oranbrook 1�. 0. 641
Royal Mail Steamships
For Liverpool, Calling at ,lfovillo.
nom Fnmr
MaNTn1aAL Q0p0aq
Parisian Sat. 25 Aug, S a m B p m
800151an(new) Friday 7 Sep S a m 8 Sep
Numidian Sat 15 " 0am epm
Corinthian (new) " 20 " 9 a m s p in
Parisian " 29 " S a m 4 pm
Tunieiau (new) Fri 12 Cot 5 a m 18 Cot
Numidian Sat 20 " 0 a in 4 p m
Corinthian (now) , 07 " h a m 4 p m
Parisian " 8 Nov 11 a m 4 pm
Tunieiau (new) Fri 10 " 6 a m 17 Nov
From New Yorlt to Glasgow—State of Nob-
raaim, Sept 8 ; Oahforaian, Sept 16,
Pixel cabin,460 and upwards. Second
eabin, .3+911 aucupwards. Steerage, 822.60.
New York to Glasgow—First cabin, 846 ,and
upwards, 8mond eabiu, 380. Steerage,
828.60, Reduebious:on drat and second cabin
return tickets.
PaaseoCore may go via 3ttontroat and re-
turn by Now York, For other ieformatiou,
ttakets,&O., apply to
W, L -X. xiuman,
AOENT, 800Ve0EL5.
Alae Ascus for the White Star Lino,
New York,
-An import stook of Mottle and
doable thiols at epaulet prion.
Lamp Goods
—Our new and improved linea will
please yon. See them, Prioee from
25a. to $5 00,
and Cutlery
poon ey
—We are offering Special Bargains
on our Imported Spoons and Cutlery
this Beason. A apeoial line of Oar-
vera at low prices.
Fall and Winter Mitts
—See' our lined Borse Hide Mitts:
at 33e, per pair.
—Try our 7 moll iuile at 10o.
'1BleY Brother'o11 iioadod Shells
—With Black and Smokeless Powder,
Cross -cut Saws and Axes
Always a good stook to °hoose
from, Sawa from $2,50 up ; Axes
from 50a, op,
Cash or Trade far Hides, Sheep Skins, 016 Metal, Robber, Rego;
Horse Hair, popper, Brass, &a.
. lieK ay & CO.
-°41"---GF? EA
CIearin-' !
Great Clearing Sale of
For the Next 30 Days we offer our entire
Stock at Big Reductions in Prices.
Call and see the Bargains we are offering in
Overcoats and Men's Long Boots and Shoes.
Beatty & Co
CoilsTauhlyGettlug See our Stsliah
=1111111•11111,1111 111=110111•111111111111=11 DRESS
111 Nei Guods G SDS
EQerytnp aurlPFeparIllgIor
Nu Fancy Prices. 11E i11 Trak
A. Strachan.
& Tur
Headquarters for
and t, ,--
of All Kinds.
Farmers should see our
Field Vence,
Best Fence on tho market.
Barb and Plain Wires
A11 kinds Harvest Tools.
Binder Twine.
Paints and Oils.
S. W. P,, the best Ready
Mixed Paints made,
always in stook,
TRY us.