HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-10-11, Page 2COURTSHIP oz SAVAGES.
Vie Way Young Ideltenlets, Z8DIbesl Benue
nail Ynutkrel t►a•alts li'in Wives,
Aaneng the land Dyake no youth' dare
venture to tray addressee to a Malden
Slam he oan throw at her fent is net-
fu1 of skalle, it being necessary for him
to prove his proweee by killing a few
men, ,women Or children. Among
these tribes the lover offers the maid-
en of lags Menke some betel nuts. If
eJie ecoepte he is Nappy,' ;but if she
refuseal and says,"be good enough to
know I10 this fir's+," it means that he
is dienateeed. Sometimes the courting
is carried on through a medium of a
Bart. of Jaw's harp, apo handing it Lo.
taieeether,e asking questions and re-
turning anawora,
When a young 13ottentot goes court•
lug, to render himself more attractive,
he paints his nose, oheeks and forehead
with; soot. Among some tribes of Mad-
agascar the boys decorate their long
looks with leaves, flowers and feath-
ers, "only in order to please the wo-
L'' ,Da
ensu." The na rves of New
blacken some of their teeth and knock
cut othere, knowing that otherwise
they run the risk of being refused by
t'he ones of their choice on account of
ugliness, A woman in that beautiful
land would "scorn to accept the ad-
dresses of one possessing white teeth,
like a dog or a trig." A girl who has
arrived ata marriageable age"has her
teeth, filed.
The beaux of Zambesi file the middle
teeth in the upper jaw into the form of
a swallow's' tail. In one ;province of
Tasmania a rebellionll.on nearly broke out
when orders were once iseued forbid-
ding the use of ochre and greuse, for
the young men feared the loss of
favor in the eyes of their country-
women. Among the Guarayos the
suitor, when courting, keeps for days
close to the cabin of the mistress of
his heart, being painted from head to
foot, and armed with his battle club.
The Melonesian woman do the court-
ing. \Vlsen a girl likes a man she tells
his sister, and gives her a ring of
string. The sister says to her broth-
er, "Brother, 1 have good news for
you. !Al woman loves you." If willing
to go on with the affair, through the
sister, an sppointment is made and
following/ dialogue takes place:
The man says, "You like me proper?"
"Yes, I like you proper, with my
heart inside."
Unwilling to give himself away
rashly he asks, "Now, you like mel"
"1 like you altogether. Your skin
The girl, anxious to olinoh the mat-
ter, asks when they are to be married.
The man says. "To -morrow, if you
like. "There is a monk fight when
they tell their relatives, and every-
thing is settled.
In Maoriland the girl generally
begins the courting. The love token
which' the girl throws at the feet of
her lover is a little bit of flax made
into a sort of half knot. "yes," is
signified by pulling the kreiat tight,
"No," by leaving the matrimonial
noose alone.
Leader or ehle Scram Rime of (7pi.caials,
Every Bit a 017!rrler--A. (Wawa o at ilia
Camp -Able 01d scan,
He malas a picture' fist to • fill au
artist's eye, and never had a portrait
fluor setting than this old war •rior
h'ad when first I saw bim. Ile stood
upon the jagged edge of a little rough
and rooky kopje, watching the for-
ward movements of his troops upon
a stony height, where Britain's ene-
mies lay waiting the onslaught. Be -
bind hint, in a hollow, which looked
like a dimiple in the cheek of, Nature,
lay chi's can*, the camp of the frit:' -
famed colonial division. There every-
thing that spoke of military order anal
striot discipline failed to catch the
eye, obape reigned, like some un-
crowned despot, horses straggled
hither and thither, dragging their
raw hide tethering reins through the
grass beside them, Niggers sprawled
in the sun like toads on the muddy
margin of a silent swamp, saddles
and bridles lay strewn around like
dirt heaps waiting for the dustman
in a played -out mining town, tamp
cooking fires fliokered in the wintry
sunlight between the tents, which
sprawled abeut the plaee like the
crew of a North Sea whaler on the
floor of a drinking den.
The soldiers within the Imes loung-
ed around with pipe in mouth, expec-
of long
a skill born
torating with k
practioe at the eye of some wander-
ing mule or drowsy son of Ham.
Others squatted about examining
with loving care the magazine of a
fondly favoured rifle. Others, with
heels cocked upwards between the
spokes of waggon wheels, their heads
and hips buried in the soft, warm
grass, read the ancient nowspupers,
Frayed with much handling from man
to man, and threw with rough strong
voices the scraps of news they gained
to comrades loafing about on ant-
hills or piles of blankets. An
of soldiers theee, if one is to judge
them by the look. There is more than
a suspicion of 'untidiness about their
dress, something almost slovenly in
the way they hang around. But, he is
a poor observer who does not notice
the splendid development of thew and
sinew, the clear out of the powe rful
shoulders, the depth. of chest which
tapers to the waist, proof positive, of
strength and activity. The hard,
brown faces, clean as an athlete's in
full training; the bright, bold eye,
which glitters unfalteringly in sun or
shade, speaking of ready watchful-
ness in time of trial; the firm snap
of the jaws, which stand like mute
monuments to hours of danger faced
with manly courage. A drill ser-
geant's heart would ache to look at
them, but a fighting general would
ask for no better men at his right
hand when the tide of battle was
running against him. Such was the
camp that lay behind the greatest of
Colonial Generals. Around him, to
th'e right and left, Nature's master-
piece in Africa, the black, burnished,
barren mountains, in front of him-,
the foe• What better framework for
a portrait could a soldier ask than
this; his friends beside him, the enemy
in front, and overshading all the
massive handiwork of the Great
The shadows lay beneath, the sun-
light kissed him where he stood, a
hale old man, upon whose face sixty-
five long stormy years had out their
tracks, as rivers leave the imprint
of their passage down the gorges and
the glens in Scottish mountains. The
soft slouch hat, cocked jauntily to
Meade his face, laid bare a portion; of
his head, showing his hair as white
ax driven snow. The face beneath the
sombrero's brim was keen, sharp
featured, full of life and fire. The
pale blue eyes, steady and true, no
sign of fading power in
though the moustache that hi,d
the upper lip was as white as a girl
baby's conscience. His figura, just a
shade below six feet in height, built
as a cavalryman's should be for speed.
strength and endurance, without a
solitary ounce of waste flesh from
head to heel. He wore no ornaments,
no fancy gew-gn.ws, everything about
:he man was simplicity embodied.
The yellow-brown khaki oloth jacket
fitter) his body as if he had grown in
it. Over his shoulders he wore his
•fi:lel-gloeses, slung ready for use.
11 .i lower limbs were encased inclose -
fitting corduroy pants and riding
boots. His brown hands were guiltless
of gloves. A fine figure of a fighting
soldier be looked from the crown of
his hat to the glittering slurs at
his heels. Good as he looked, his re-
cord stands well worthy of hie appear-
ance. He comes of a Devonshire fam-
ily, and when merely a led
he per -
chased 0 commission in the British
followed hie g
South Africa when only seventeen
years of age. He sold out of the army
just before the groat Indian mutiny
brotte out, and when his old regiment
was ordered mit to that theatre of
Vonore he did not accompany It.
.Latex on he returned, to England and
married ;dies Mary Hobinson, dauglr-
►What an Educated ('htuese Etas to nay.
About it.
The Chinese language is a purely
symbolic language, all other lan-
guages are phonetic or alphabetical.
In all the phonetio languages the
sounds that are beard in the spoken
language are analyzed or split up into
a few elementary sounds, which by
oombination, form worde. To each of
these few elementary sounds an ar-
bitrary sign on paper is assigned and
these signs constitute the alphabet.
Thus, in any European language, and
in any other language, except Chi-
nese, the sound of the voice in speak-
ing is the basis of the written lan-
guage—they are all phonetic. If the
same sound is used to represent two
or more ideas, this makes no differ-
enete, the appropriate letters of the
alphabet are used, and the writer re-
lies 'upon the neighbouring words to
prevent absurdity.
The ;Chinese written language ie
totally different from this, It has nu'
alphabet at all, and no approach to
an alphabet, but proceeds on a differ-
ent basis, which will be best brought
home by a steeple illustration, Recent-
ly in Belgium a traaveller bird. occ. -
sion to examine a railway time table,
and there found that certain railway
stations where refreshments might be
procured were marked by a little rep-
resentation of a Wine cep.
This ie Chinese writing. Whet
mode of writing could be briefer, or
more to the purpase. or more unmis-
takable? Yaa see the drawing of a
,glass, it stares you in the face, an.'
you know that refreshments there
await your exhausted frame. Th,
symbol expresses an idea quite apart
from the spoken utterance of that
The chlef disadvantage of any phis-
netio system is that since the writing
follows' the sound, and sound of a
language is constantly changing, d
written languages changes, too. This
change is less rapid since: the discov-
orq orf the ar't of printing but there
ie still a gradual change There is no
0element of crena
vena in
t n Y
suds a language. But symbolic lan-
guage never changes. As long as the
idea to be expressed remains the same
Idea, it is expreasad the same way, The
work written in (Almelo thoutonds of
years ago can be read new with ease
and certainty.
ter pf Qanon z1(nl7inaan, of Canterbury.
At the ego of 25 he returued to the
Caps Qolorsy arta, ;joined the Cape
Qoxpe as captain. When this aor•ps
was diebanded and reorganized be
threwup 50141ering'and tools to farm -
lug. lie Mee took ae maim interact
in polities and was returned to Par'lia-
mons for the district of East London,
a position he has held ever since with-
out a break.
The fleet war with, natives, ,known
as the Gaika War, promptly brought
him to the field, and be served right
through it as a captain. Then fol-
lowed a spell of peace, which was
broken at last by
and, once again the English soldler
laid aside his reaping hook and took
up' the sword, serving right through
those stormy times as colonel of
the First Cape Yeomttni•y. When
Lord Roberts raised him to the
r:•suk of general a throb of pride went
through every British heart in all
South Africa,. for every rein in all
the land know well that be but reaped
what he had so fearlessly sown, and
had not garnered where another had
Ploughed. He did not ask other Eng-
lishmen to send their sons whilst his
own remained at home in comfort.
One of hie boys, the eldest, Lieutenant
Arthur Brabant, felldead at the bead.
of his men—the Imperial Light Horse
—at lslandslaagto, in the beginning
of the war. His youngest sent Guy,
Is a sergeant in Bayley's Horse; and
his second eldest, Sohn, Is now, serv-
ing as a lieutenant In Driscoll's
Scouts, and there is no keener man
serving under the Empire's flag B in
As Ile Grew Older lets Trouble seemed to
Increase and Hie P;lreltle Thought hien
Dsonted to au In valld's Life -Dr. Tt7IJ
Dams' Pink Pills Cured Hila When
Hope it .4 Almost Departed.
From the Post, Thorold, Ont.
Mr. Jamas Dabr uld and wife are
two of the bast known residents of
the town af:]'horold, where then lave
passed many years. In their family
they have a little son, who, al-
though but tent yoarg of age, has' ex-
p'arieneed wadi affliction, and his
Barents expended many a dollar in
the search for his renewed health—
all .in vain, however, until Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills were brought into
use. A Post ;reporter hearing of the
cure called at Mr. Dabauld's cosy
home and received full particulars
from Airs. Dabauld. "I am pleased,"
said lairs. Dabrield, "to have the pub-
lic made aware of the facts of my
boy's case df it is likely to help some)
other sufferer. Charier is now ten
year's of age. In infancy he was a
delicate child, but from four to seven
he scarcely passed a well day. At
four years of age he began to com-
plain of frequent headaohes, which
later became almost continuous, and
soon symptoms of .general debility
developed. His appetite was poor
and he grew'ipale and emaciated, and
the least exertion caused a severe
palpitation and fluttering of the
heart, and dizziness. At 'times there
was considerable derangement of his
stomach; a blueness of the lips and a.
alertness of breath. He would often
lie awake et night and rise in the
morning haggard and unrefreshed.
Burble his illness he was treated by
two doctors. Both differed in the
diagnosis of his case. One said, it
was catarrh of the stomach, and
while his treatment was persisted in
there was no improvement. The sec-
ond also attended him for some timo
Witt no better results. Some time
after my attention was attracted by
my aunt to Dr. Williams' Pin'kiys?il1s,
and. alesrnt September, 1307. I pro-
cured the pills and he began taking
them. We had long before come to
the conclusion be would be an invalid
for life, but believing it a duty I
owed to my child to procure all
meatus of relief, I was determined to
give Dr. William,4' Pink Pills a fair
trial. The good effects of the first
box was apparent, and five boxes
were used, which were taken in
about six months' time, when he was
strong and well, and could attend
school, anal Ally and frolic as other
healthy boys do. As every symptom
of his old trouble has vanished, 7
consider his etre Complete. The pille
have certainly done him a world of
good, as nearly three years have since
passed away and be has not seen a
siek day in that length of time. I
shall ever feel that we owe our boy's
health to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills,
and believe that their prompt nae
would relieve much suffering."
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are just
as valuable in the case of c]sildree
as with adults, and puny little ones
would soon thrive and grow fat un-
der this treatment, which has no
equalunI aor bulidi,n.g up
the blood
renewed strength to brain,
foody and nerves. Sold by all dealees
50c. a box or
or sent postpaid at
Six boxes for 42.50, by addressing
the Dr. Williams Medicine 0o.,
Brockville, Ont. Iso not be perauad-
ad to try something olse said to be
The New Tea, Ceylon and India
Green Tea, is rapidly growing, In' fav-
ox' w1Ch' Japan tea drinkers, beoaeee,
though it le Mantle's' In taste to the
finest, 9'epttn too, It le infinitely
More deliolous and far more health
fel in use. It le being'ln'troduaod h s
The "Salado" Tea Oompany in tions
well lrnown,sealed Load Packets and
they say it going to, displace arspan
tea just as "Sela'da" black tea 'has dis.
allt bleak Q]uoed other blur a s.
I,e Itimensi,no Vary Prom :l'linse Illlher-
to Bettered to be Onrrepi-ltudtullt by
For centuries scientists have been.
endeavouring to ascertain the exact
dimensions and the other secrets of
the architecture of the Tower of Ba-
bel, but, though many ingenious the-
ories have been broached and some val-
uable facts have been gathered, no
authoritative statement in regard to
the famous tower has been forthcom-
ing .until now, when it reaches us in
the form of en ancient Greek manu-
script, which was recently discovered
by M. de Mely, the distinguished
French archaeologist. The exact data
of this .mansseoript does not seem to
be known, but M. de Maly and several
of his 'colleagues of the Academy of
Inscriptions who have examined it are
confident that it is one of the oldest
in existence and that the facts con-
tained therein' may be accepted as his-
To the modern world this ancient
dooument is of value because it eon -
tains a very clear description of the
Tawas' of Babel, The Tower, it says,
was eighty-four kilometres, distant
from Babylon; and its basement or
first story was 184 metres eD, each side
and seventy-five feet high. In the
middle was a square tower, construct-
ed of six stories, placed one above the
other, and at the summit was a small
ruins, and one off mo first acts after'
ho asoonded the throne was to order
that it be restored with great splen-
The present ruins consist of a huge
irregslar mound, which Mace abrupt-
ly from a wide desert plain and which
is erowaied by the reins 02 a tower,
the height of mound and tower being.
153 feat, ;Most of the bricks which
have been excavated from this mound
bear in cuneiform ohareetens the name
of Nebecbadnezzar, and oie one of
them is en inscription which says that
a former king had built title tower,
but had not completed` the uppermost
story, end that the people bad aban-
doped the building ages ago,
(Now the suggestion has heti made
that the dimensions as given In the
Greek manuscript may be those oe the
original tower and not of the building
as restored' by Nebuchadnezzar. This,
however, is not likely to be the ease,
In the first place, there is ample test-
imony that the original building was.
n when -N
practically in ruins Nebuchad-
nezzar began his work of restoration,
d probable that any
and it is hardly p y
authentic description of it was hand-
ed down from generation to genera-
tion, and in the second place, there is
internal evidence thattheauthor of
the Greek manuscript was referring to
the tower ox its ruins as they existed
in his own time.
The height of these stories was 67
metres, and an exterior stairway, con-
taining 805 steps, led to the senatu-
ary. These steps, of which 805 were
fashioned of silver and 60 of gold,
were designed to represent the 365
days of the year, Furthermore, the
seven stories were intended to corres-
pond to the seven days of the week, 'I
and also to the weeks of the year,since
366, the nwnber a the steps, divided
by 7, the nnbn1ler of the stories, gives
us 52, the number of the weeks In each
Furthermore, a very old legend says
that the various stories were painted
so as to represent the planets which
are sslpposed to rule over the days
02 each week. Thus the lowest story,
was painted black, this being Saturn's
Dolor ; the next was painted orange,
in honor of Jupiter ; the third was
painted red to represent Marc; the
fourth, was of a golden hue, the sun
being symbolized in this fashion; the'
fifth was painted yellow in honor of
Venus ; the sixth was blue, this being
Meroury's Dolor, and the seventh was'
silver, in honor of the moon.
Sir Henry Rawlinson, the famous
Orientalist, after long investigation
concluded that the tower was com-
posed of seven stages, each of which
was an exact aquara, and that on the
seventh' was placed the ark, or tab-
The dimensions of the building he
gives as follows :— First story, 272 feet
each way, and 20 feet in height ; sec-
ond, 230 feet each way and 20 feat
in height ; third, 188 feet square and
16 feet high; fourth, 146 feet square
and 15 £est high; fifth, 101 feet square
and 15 feet high ; sixth, 62 feet square
and 15 feet high, and seventh, 20feet
square and 15 feat high. The height
of the ark he places! at 15 feet and
he thinks that it covered the entire
seventh story. The original height of
the tower, he says, was 156 feet.
Now, a comparison of those figures,
with those in the Greek manuscript
will show a striking discrepancy in
some important particulars. Sir Henry
evidently had an admirable conception
of the tower as it existed in the time
of Nebuchadnezzar, but if the Helle-
nic writing is correct the dimensions
as given by the English archaeologist
and as reproduced in Mr. Palmer's
model are not accurato, The building.
according to these newly discovered
data, was evidently of greater height
and width than Sir Henry Rawlins
son imagined it to be.
is Rheumatism of the face,
Uric Acid left in the blood
by disordered kidneys
lodges along the nerve
which branches from the
eye over the forehead, and
across the cheek to the
nide of the nose. The
cause Is the same as in all
Rheumatism— disordered
Kidneys. The cure ill like-
. wise the same—
The. advice once given to his son by
Henry Ward Beecher is deserving of
high consideration. It was as follows:
When working for others sink
yourself out of sight; seek their inter-
est. Make yourself necessary to those
wee employ you, by industry, fidel-
ity and sorupulous intergrity. Sef-
fishnesa is fatal.
You must not go into debt. Avoid
debt as you would the devil. Make it
a fundamental rale: No debt—cash or
Make few promises. Religiously
observe, the smallest promise. A man
who means to keep his promises oan
not afford to make many.
Be scrupulously careful in all state-
ments. Aim at accuracy and perfect
frankness, no guesswork — either
nothing, or absolute truth.
Held yourself responsible for a
higher standard than anybody expects
of you. Beep your own standard high.
Never excuse yourself to yourself.
Never pity yourself, be lenient to
everybody elan.
Concentrate your force on your own
business ; do not turn off. Be con-
stant, steadfast, persevering.
Hay Fever alotinls.
Here's a pointer for you. It is not
hay that exultes your malady—but a
virulent microbe. Kill the microbe,
the fever ceases amt health returns,
Stoanach =eatables will not kill it,
neither "will ointments, washes or
powders. These foreign substances
cannot go where the microbe builds
uta nest. Caterrhozone will go for
it if carried by the air you breathe
and wherever air goes Catarrhozone
cannot help but go; that meansl that
it gime Lo the most minute, air pass-
age in the head or throat. Catarrhoa
zone gives relief instantly, It cures
absolutely in twenty-four tours—
your money back itf you do nor find
this so. Druggists sell Catarrbo-
zone, or we will send it to you in
Canada or United States, post and
A fact, however, which should be
borne in mind is that the existing
ruins of the Lower, which are known
as Bars Nimrod ant, which may be
seen in Barsippa, a Dormer auburb of
Babylon, cannot properly be said to
represent the original building, sinoa
they are merely the relics at' the old
tower as restored by Nebuchadnezzar,
ri. al
About the original tower
we know
very little, except whet the Bible
tells ua. Tradition says that it was
aa Nebo or Nabu, blfthe
special god of Babylon, and, accord-
ing to Hero tofu t tipper teber-
ru c s iso
baale was furnished with a bad, which
the people believed was used by their
god as a resting place. Long before
Nebuclradnezzar's time the wonderful
"just aa good," old building had begun to crumble into
duty paid, for §1. N. 0. Poison & Co.,
Mfg. Chemists, I€ingston, Ont.
Among some war relics of Spion
Kap recently received by a resident
et Croydon were Lwo 12 -pound Boer
shells. Their weight aroused suspi-
cion, and the police, who were con
municated with, had them examined
at Mileham road barracks. It was
found that they were live projectiles,
the fuse of which had failed, They
were placed in a cold bath.
It's never too late to (earn the good points of
cfain 5E-asece1'5• Torsos. Macy people hese already learned What a good tea rotate ie.
Yoe uiay do 00, also it you give It a fele trial. In Lsad;'pellote, 25, so, 40, 59, bo,
Good Paint Shines. It gives
. the House a newness of appear-
'�✓ anoe which is pleasing. , , .
t Shines
not only shine but wear. t
You will like the way they go
on, and the way they stay on.
Theyare reasonable in price.
Ask your dealer.
k..• li.
EE hr � 4 F
1 x
it WHY & 80N, POI titers
:r t
t$ ' �� f•.�6+�' , fr?OPITNEAL. Eat'd 18h2
♦' 'eb®421A•'ebr®'ei' Rvlivelvm•"la •tea
A great many canaries die of over-
eating. A gluttonous bird should be
given a limited supply of food, and
prevented from gorging himself, a
practice which will in time bring on
fatty degeneration of the heart, a
disease which carries off a great many.
fine cage birds before their time.
It is a mistake fatal tot health ahe cal b of
the bird to give it cake or any rich
food. Seed and a little green reedlike
fresh chickweed, lettuce or wateroress
are all that is desirable. Change the
waterin the bird's nage twice a day
at least in summer. Change the food
daily, so there is No danger of the
bird getting sour food. A canary
should be keptin a room of even tem-
perature. It is a foolish mistake
which is fatal to the bird to imagine
that it is beater off outside of the
cage. A bird that has been brought
up in a cage, and very likely was
hatched in a cage, is as helpless to
take care of itself as a little child put
adrift in the woods. Such birds fall
victims to the sentiment of those who
turn .them out.
(Copy of a leiter whim; appeared in
the Ceylon Observer.)
" C011,.t.SPO_rf ENCii."
Colombo, Aug. 154 11500.
To the Editor' of the, "Cey(lon Obser.
Deal' Sir,—I have carefully examined
and tasted tine small .sample of Tea
marked "Salado." Pure Uncolored Cey-
lon Green Tea you, sent me hast night
and find it is as stated.
The tea has exceptional leaf fra-
grance and deems a choice, flavoury,
cowslip water, somewhat resembling
a hest grade Japan.
,As a specimen of what Green Tea
should be in the cup it would be al-
most impossible to improve on it.
If Ceylon planters will only be care-
ful to ship Greens up to this
standard of excellence, the 'oapture
of the American and Canadian markets
La certain and assured.
Yours faithfully,
Signed. E. F. STREET.
Midshipman 0. 0: Dix, who, at the
teeming of the Take forts, accounted
for two Chinamen and rescued a tar
in distress, is not yet 15 years old.
mead by mothers for their children teething. Itgoo he
tba chid, 001108. We gums, allays pain, ouras soled
Sold end to Eke beet remedy tor. diarrhma, 25,.. bostle
Sold by n0 dim. W10 tbrongbout ng world, Be sure
ted ask for" Mm, W112111 PTA 'Soothing 8 r,,p,t'
There are now 19 cable lines across
the Atlantic in successful operation,
yetthe charge for sending messages
remains what It has been for 20 years
or more -25 cents a word for commer-
cial messages and 10 cants a word
for press dispatches.
Take. Laxative. Bromo Quinine Tablets. All drugghh
refund the money i1 It fails to mire. E. W, Grose'.
,egnututo M on er nh box. 550.
Her Mother—You w'il assume a
grave responeibiliLy when you marry
my daughter. Remember she was
brfnrght alp in the lap of luxury,
Her Adorer -0h, she's pretty well
used to my lap now.
There Is more Catarrh Inthissection of the
country than all other diseases put together,
and until the testi ew years was supposed to bo
incurable. For avast many years doctors pro -
mimed it
nont•aedit a local disease, and proscribed local
remedies, and by coaetantly tilling to eine with
loans treatmonls pronounced it incurable.- Soh
anoe has proven catarrh to be a.constitutionat
disease, and therotore raqutree bonstituElonal
trop ssenb. Mall's Oatarrh Qara manutaotur" d
by .S. 2. Ohonsy & Cy., Toledo, t5hie, is the only
constitutional euro on the Market, It is taken
Internally in doses from 10 drupe to a teaspoon•
Inh It acts directly on the blood and mucous
surfaces of the system. _They offer ono hand.
red do.lste for soy case it fails to euro. Send
Tor circulars and testimonials.
Address, N. J. CHENEY h 00., Toledo, 0
Bold by Drugqgists% 75G
Hall's Family Pills aro the best:
"What' shall we4'do1" despairingly
asked the poet's wife. "The wolf is at
our door at last. "Run andget my
camera, quick!" exclaimed the poet.
"Perhaps I can sell a picture of
him l".
pl' P . 4
4424 4
Pine feathers may not make line.
birds, bet with the assistance of the
milliner they make fine bills. -
The "Balmoral," Free Bus sBi bo&)u1;,
AVENUE HOUSE—Mg80,1.1 sotoe nl..110
per del.
Lad a million dol.
' Trance,
lar fire.
W. P. 0. 1044.
Carbolic Disinfectants, Ooape, Clint
intent Tooth Powders, etc., have been
awarded. 100 medals and diplomas for superior
excellence. Their regular use prevent lnteetl.
apply. Linde mail your
free dealer
n app) to obtain
r ss
!tet uments, Drums, Uniforms, Etc.
Every Town oan have a Band
Lowest prices ever quoted Fine catalogue 000111,,
Elation. mailed Irog. Write us for anything in
Muslo or Musical Instruments.
Wihale)r Royce Ce & Co.,Toronto, Ont., and
Bau,age Oaring. -New Importations finest English.
Sheep and American Flog Ouinlra-reliable ¢oodrat
right prices. PARK, BLAOKWSLL t CO:, Toronto.
Barrister', its.
St. VV... Toronto.'
and otberPRODt10S, to enema beat results consign t
The Bowser' Commission Co,, Limited,
Cor. West -Market & Colborne St., Toronto,
Catholic Prayer "cle
Rellgiout Ploo, Statuary, and ChnrSaoratoOra:em, 5ea00d.
Educational Wnrk"'aeIreceive.omptattn1(,. 0.&J. Ilan receive prompt
Olpncnn¢be ueo by 1 ort 1 )Ped o tothe bus0 ul co 1 hese
R 0 ID F 1 lA and sheet Mot111WOrklt.
$0000210 SLA to Dleob.
Itod or Green. SLATS 1sLAO ytRDS• I'7a Nell;
Coal 005¢1, School, T22rooto i Nigro; olt, Piti�y
lug, Tar, oto. on ebIo r Arm), idea l G Ola los) .
Ilea, Toronto, dent by our arm)), Motel Ooille,s, Coe.
oian,ela Estimates furotrhedt wartnomelet.aor ref
0.DUYII E&SONS Adelaide& fay wort
SS anct
I. 0. 0. F. Building, Toronto.
Gives a moat thorough course of individual',
Inatruotion in all easiness and 0iull ' Oorvl0e i.
8001eot0, Shorthand, Typewriting,
' Expert experienced teachers, equipment and
advantages unsurpassed, open ontire year,
OIroMlare Free.
Dootor Hammond•
Hull's English Teeth-
ing Syrup, Comfortli
Crying Children, wltli-
out stuplfyingf o)yletoa,
naroetlos, ell aohoi,
pernicious sugar
syrup, or any hurtful
drugs. A sterling
Englioh remedy, up -
preyed byEnglish 0oo-
tere. Prins 25 ole., at
Ask for Englioh Teething Syrup, and
Take No Substitute. (4s 624)
Tho Canada Permanent
and Western Canada
Mortgage Corporation.
President- 1 Heed Office :
George Cooclerham,
1s3 Vice•rroddgot and
Moisten of Exocul
J' Herbert Mason.
nlANtlT O
2nd Vlee-President-
moral Manager- Vancouver, R, 0„
Waiter S, Lee. t o H, a,
W s,uhn
Savings Department.
Toronto St.
To RON rO.
I teroat
id or
compounded bnl!. sIs.
DEEEEPITURE15 mama hi snots end far
ga W: ripE1 VEIi�t3 periods to stilt in0eeters
with lastest oonpon, kitsd
payable heltyearty,
ASSETS • S330000,000.