HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-10-4, Page 8Twitching Eyelids Indicate eyestrain, The slightest hint of it should not be neglected. We test eyes free of charge, and recommend glasses only when absolutely necessary. G. A. Deadman, riruggi„ tand Graduate Optician, Brussels, Ont. TOE B 1 U$ S E A°T,, 4, 1900 WOR E3ASKETS. Have yen seen our stook of Work Bechets 7 We lave a large variety of abntles and aizee. They were all hougbb et 25 per cent. Discount and we are therefore selling these geode uineh below regales prices. There le no nicer present for A. Wedding than one of these better ones with satin linings and complete with "fittings." Yoe eau make no mietakd in giving one of these on Any minion. G. A. Deadman, Druggist, Optiolan & Bookseller. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SODTBEBN EXTENSION W. O. & D. Trains leave Brunie Station, North and South, as follows : G°INe Boom. GoINe Ro9Tu. 2iaprose 7:18 a.m. Mail ...........2:10 p.m M1xad9:48 a.m. l Dxproes ...... 8:17 p.m cal Nits kerns. A ohiel'e amang ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. OcTonan. Wet. Jaen=T is shipping applee to Manitoba. Sneezes School Board Friday evening of next week. BRns8ELs grain market is receiving generoue patronage this Fall. H0wxor township Fall Show at Ford. with on Batarday of this week, W. 13. McCRAO==N was a jadge at Looknow Fall Fair on Wednesday. A s-otimin of Brueselitee attended Bel. grave Fall Fair on Tuesday of this week. Is you are going to wear a beard thie Winter, now is the fashionable time for seeding lb down. STROI D meeting of Brunelle Oouncil(on Monday evening of next week to strike rates for the year. TEB sale of tiokets for Fair night Con. 0ert iegoing at a lively rate. A splendid program le assured. P. SaorT Was judge of implements and carriages at Wingbam Fall Fair last Friday. Mr. Scott Bays there was a good crowd. "'Tee strange," a legal gentleman, Just wed, was heard to say ' 1 won my snit in Cupid's court, Yet I the costs must pay." AT Seaforth Fall Fair last Friday Doe. Warwick, of Brussels, captured 2nd prize for a 8 year old colt ; let for a 2 year old ; and 2nd on a yearling Dolt. All aired by "Costumer," Scott & War- wick's roadster stallion. Tule sidewalk men have about completed their oontraot in Brussels for this season end done a good job. Contraotor Lloyd deserves credit for the honesty in laying idewalk and Brussels will be ready to give him a recommend any time. Tun Gerrie Vedette says: -Bryson Cochrane, of the firm of Cochrane & Johnston, marble dealers, Brussels, was in Gorrie finishing up a . fine monument to the memory of the late James Perkins. This firm have also pat up line mono. meats to the memory of the late Samuel Greer and Frederick Evans in the Gorrie cemetery. 00558ED THosn.—Thnreday afternoon while attempting to turn a pulley an the Campbell prees while 15 was at work running off the weekly edition of Tr Poet, Will. Good bad the end of his thumb on his left band badly crushed. The Dr, removed the damaged flesh and the nail and the wounded member ie do. fog as well as weld be expected. It fortunately was the left hand that re• eeived the pinnh. Men RESERVE.—Last week's Teeewater News says of a former Braeeelite :-A. Rivera has purchased a strip of ground along the South side of the river extend- ing from the rear of S. R. Brill's resi- dence to the rear of J. Sharpe's boaee. This land contains some very fine springs and Mr. Rivers intends to build a dam with three divisions, one for small fish, the next for half grown fleh and the next for large fish. Work will likely be began shortly. Bra OoNOERT.-A big Concert under the anepiaee of the Agrioultural Society, in the Town Hall Friday evening of this week. The talent is well worth hearing and ooneegeently there should be a full house. E. Rathven McDonald, of Lon- don, tie a baritone soloist has no peer. J. H. Cemero0, of Toronto, who bee been in Beueseis before, will please in readings and song. Misses Sample and Crooke have also each consented to render eoloe. Mr. Phelps, of London, will contribute a piano selection and officiate as a000m- paniet, The Soolety is going to eon. sideeable expense but expecte a hearty response on the part of the lovers of good mule, &o. Tits 1'osT is perhaps the first Canadian paper to give the following information re the 20th Century :-The twentieth century will open on Tuesday and (lose on Sunday. It will have 24 leap years - the groateet number possible. Febenary will have 5 Sundays three times --1920, 1948 and 1976. The earliest possible date upon which Easter can near is March 12, The last time it matured on that date was 1818, The latest that Easter can odour is April 25, It will wan but once in the coming century on that date -1943. The twentieth oentsry will contain 96,525 days, or lacking one day of 5,218 weeks. The middle day of the century will be January 1, 1951. There will be 880 eclipses daring the comieg clattery. In 1985 there will be 7 eolipees. There will be 8 Bolas eclipses Visible in the United States -1018, 1923, 1925,'1045, 1954, 1979, 1984 and 1994. There will be 12 transits of Mereery. There 77111 be no transit of Venus until 2004. RESERVED seat plan for concert at Fox's Drug store. Don. MOOED was a judge on horses at Belgrave last Tuesday. J. N. Genet; took 2nd prize on hie driving horse at Seaforth last Friday, and let at Belgrave on Taeeday, Idnammax Openings in Brussels Thurs- day and Friday of tbie week. Every lady should attend without fail and in - spot the new fashions. On, every year bas its Winter, And every year has its rain, Bat s day is always earning When the birds go South again. ILL. B YDON W n writing from Marden, Man„ on Sept. 2417,, Saye "The weather here is gone to the bad, so moth rain that the drape are pretty wall spoiled." THe nation's in elation : E2008e this.Antamu whoop, Tho clam takes hie vacation And the oyster's in the soup. =tux and. Braasele will battle for Foot Ball supremacy on Victoria Park here on Friday afternoon of this weak. Game called at 4.30 a'oloak. It should be a dandy game. Goma ea RIPLEY. — A correspondent from Ripley says :-Dr. D. F. Smith, of Breese's, has deoided to locate in Ripley and will bring hie family here shortly. He will occupy Mrs. Frank Franklin's house, GET roan T1cEETe.—The reserved seat plan for the Fair night Concert is filling up and all who purpose taking advantege of this musical treat should secure their seate early. Plan of Hall at Mr. Fox's drug store. AT 2 p, m. on Saturday, Oat.13th, Mrs, W. R. Wilson intends selling her household goods, &o. Sale will be with. out reserve se Mrs. Wilson is leaving town and will reside with her daughters in the future. WASTES.—A By-law to make the filthy prantioe of spitting tobacco juice ou the new sidewalks punishable. There is no excuse for it at all but until the Council act there is no redress unless the enr- olee of good sense on the port of tobacco Ewers. BATURDee afternoon a meeting of the Fall Fair Direobore was held which was well attended. A Committee was ap- pointed to bave stalls put up for tattle along the new fence built this Summer. License fee for refreshment booths, fruit stands, &c., was fixed at 93 for local parties and 54 for outsiders. W. H. Kerr was delegated to issue licensee and collect for same. Directors were named to go with judges on Fair day. eer weak the Beaforthy Expositor pokes a little fun at the bowlers of that town in the following style :-"Two rinks of bowlers went to Brussels, on Thurs- day of last week, to have a friendly game with the Brussels players. They were defeated, but no person, not even the players, seem to remember the score. All they will say is, 'Wait till we get them on our green.' " We jaet whisper that they were turned down by 30 ehobe, only that and nothing more. GRAND OONOear.-A grand Concert will be held in the Town Hall, Bruesele, on Friday evening, Oot. 5, under the aus. pioes of the Agricultural Society. Fol. lowing will be the program :-Piano solo, Geo. Phelps, London ; reading, "A New Year's Raoa," J. H. Cameron, Toronto; solo, "A Soldier Boy'e Motto," Mies Lyda Crooke; solo, "The Wolf," H. R. Mo - Donald, London ; song, "Ga, Ga Good bye," Mr. Cameron ; colo, "The Sands 0 Dee," Mr. McDonald ; reading, "Order- ed to the Front," Mr. Cameron ; solo, "The Carnival," Mies Lizzie Sample l . song, "How do they Know Oim Oirish," Mr. Cameron ' solo, "Friend of the Brave," Mr. McDonald ; reading, "An Italian on the Labor Question," Mr. Cameron ; solo, "The Soldier's Grave," Mr. McDonald ; song, "To -Morrow," Mr. Cameron ; solo, selected, Mt. MoDonald ; "National Anthem." Miss Jean Ma. Laaahlin and Mr. Phelps, a000mpaniste. Doors open at 7 o'clock ; Concert begins at 8. Admission, 25a, ; reserved seats 85o. Plan of Hall at Fox's drug store, OYSTERS AND SEDEcNma.—Last Friday evening 14 members of Bruseele Bowling °lab eseembled at the commodious reel - dance of D. 0. Rose to enjoy a social hoar with Geo. B. MoOlellan, who has been a member of the Standard Bank staff for the past two yenta, prior to his removal to Forest, Lambkin Go., to wbiob point he has been promoted. An excellent spread was made by caterer Bartliff, consisting of oysters, fruits, con. feotionery, coffee, Dake, eta., and ample justice was done to the good things pro- vided, after which a abort program of epeeoh-making followed, Mr. MaOlel. Ian's geniality, courtesy, business abilbty and the active interest he took in de- veloping manly sport were portrayed ; regret expressed over bis leaving town end general good wishes expres8ed for a suocesefel and happy future. He was an excellent bowler and quite an expert at tennis, The gathering broke up, after Mao, had returned thanks, by the porn - pony singing "Shonld anld acquaintance be forget 7" He left for Forest, where he formerly spent 4 months, on Saturday morning carrying with him the good opinions of the oommneity, Mr. Murray, who mensal Mr. MoClellan, 7s now in charge of the oaeh at the Standard, PERSONAL PARAG)19APJISe e t • a�- Sam, Btie . i in town, Dr.. Toole, of ;Bluevale, wee in, town on Tuesday, Mee, Geo, Oardiff Is vielting iu Sarnia this week. Mre. Roberti Burns ie vialbing bee daughter at Blyth. knee Jean MaLauchlin will resume her clan In meek: next week. Mies Oonetable, of Seaforth, le viaiting her that, 94rs, Wen. Almay, Will. Leetberdale, of Seatorbh, was In town for .a few days this week. Albert Potland is visltipg hie aunt, Mee, el. B, Gerry, in Blyth at present, Aire, Jaa. Fox and obildren were visit, ing relabivee at Wingbam during the past week. Jno. Long, wife and children have been enjoying a holiday with friends In Detroit. Relit. and Mee. Malnprivs were visit- ing friends near Belgrave for a few days this week, Walter Lowry combined bueisees and pleasure in a trip to Toronto and Guelph lest James Bargees was on the sick list with en attack of shingles but is getting better pOW. Mins Maggie MoArber is ill and nndor the dootor's Dare, bat we hope she will soon be better. W. H. Kerr, of Tum Pose, attended the Provincial Endeavor Convention at Guelph this week. Danoan Stewart, of Stratford, agent for the Ontario Mutual, was in town for a few days last week, Mrs. Jerry Blashill is home from the Hospital at Toronto, where ebe has been for some time, considerably improved in health. Barrister E. L. Dickenson, of Wing. ham, Cottnetvative candidate for the Oommone le Bast Huron, was in town last Monday. Mrs, 0. G. Martin, of Niagara Falls, N. Y., is the guest of Mrs. John Leokie. Mrs. Martin wee a resident of Brunets at one time. Daoiel Stewart and Thee. Corry, of Brussels, were judges at Seaforth Fall Show last week, the former on roots and the latter in the fruit department. Mies Annie Rose returned home from Chesley last Tuesday, accompanied by Ler little nephew, Glenn Ross, who bas been ill but we hope the oLange will do him good. Wendell Holmes, eldest son of Rev. Jno. Holmes, is ill with fever we are sorry to state. The other two members of the lamily are recovering nicely from their attack. Henry Green, who has been in the em• ploy of el. T. Plain for more than a year, has completed his term and on Monday left for hie home at Port, Albert. We wish him ene0050. Fred. Gilpin left for Chicago last Sab- nrday wbere be will attend the Dental College. He took an motive interest in the choir of the Methodist ahuroh while home for Me vacation and will be missed, The term extends over 7 months. Dr. Kalbflelaah, writing from Banff, N. W. T., says the scenery is beyond des• aription. The hot sulphur baths are al- so highly commended, The Dr. is sorry that the time at his disposal is too limited to permit of bis going through to the Paoifio ooest. An old addage says "Trouble never omens singly" and it would appear to be so in the home of Alex. Forsyth, Ring street, just now as both he and bis wife and two children, Stella and Ruby, are down with the fever. Four in one family is a heavy aontreat for nurses. By notice elsewhere in this issue it will be observed that Will. Sample, of Brnesele, was united in marriage, at Port Stanley, on Sept. 12, to Miss Eliza Brazier, of London. Rev. H. Douglas Steele performed the ceremony at Christ Church reotory. Although THE Pose was not consulted in the matter we give oar blessing to Mr. and Mrs. Sample and wish them happiness and prosperity. CHURCH CRIMES - Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, Oat. 18. Messrs, Crossley and Hunter began a oeriee of services at Petrolia last Sun- day. A5 a meeting of the exeoutive of the Goderich district Epworth Leagues at Clinton it was decided to oall a aonven. tion to meet at Clinton Oollegiate on November 1st. Sabbath, 14th, is the date of the Her. meet Thanksgiving services in the Metho- dist dearth. Fowl Sapper will follow on Monday eveniog. Good program of ad- dresses, readings and movie. B. Gerry addressed the Epworth League last Sabbath evening on the topic "Riob towerde God." Next Sabbath evening there will be a Conference on the 20th Century Evangeliatio movement and a report of the Provincial Endeavor Con- vention held this week at Guelph. Rev. John G. Patton, of the New Hebrides, who has been addressing meet- ings in Western Ontario, bas been taken ill and ordered to return at one to Great Britain, in oonser/nonce of whish he has been compelled to oanoel all engage. menta made for meetings. Hs was taken ill in Chatham, and Left for New York on the way to Great Britain. F001125 ANNUAL CONVENTION.—The fol• lowing is the program of the 4th Annual Convention of the Epworth Leagues of Wingbam Disbriot to be held in Gorrie on Oct. 12: - Morning Session - De. votiooal exercises, Rev. R. J. Garbutt, Gorrie ; "One individual responsibility in regard to the pledge," Miss Ashwell, Kincardine ; Disoussion ; Reports of loael Leagues l "How Junior League work helps the children," Kenneth Bea. ton, Whiteohnrch ; Praotioal Junior Leagoe work, Gorrie Juniors ; "How shall the League do practical temperance Work 7" Wesley Johnston, Fordwiota ; Dieaossion ; Appointment of commit. tees ; "A model bneinees meeting," Wingbam League ; Dieonaeion, After. noon Session - Devotional exeroisee; Bea..Treas, report, Dr, M. H. Gillies, Teeewater ; "Modern forms of Sabbath desecration," Bev. D. Rogers, Bluevale ; Distension ; Reports of District Vice - Presidents ; Round table conference OD Epworth League Work, W. H. Herr, Brussels ; "Practical methods for For- ward Movement work." Bev. T. Sawyer, Salem ; Disoussioh ; Reports of Oom- mittees; Evangeliatio eervioe, Rev. A, G. Harris, Looknow. EveningSeeeion- Soog service ; Devotional exeroises ; Ad- drese, "Soul winning," Rev. H. Irvine, Listowel ; Music and oolleotion ; Ad - dame "Fruit bearing, the eeesntial work of the League," Rev. Gerald Willoughby, Teeewater ; Moalo ; Closing Connotation The followlog oilicere were elected for the W. rd, 5, in oonnoatien with the betbodiet obnrnil I-Prete,Mrs, J. L, lferr; let Vide, Mrs, R' Paal ; Tress„ Mee, W. I'`, Stewart ; 11eo,•Seoby., Mrs, J. Twit; oon•Seoty„ bins. S. Walker, "The Ohrietian'e Heritage" was Rev, 51r, Mosinee' subject lust Sabbath ae m, in the Methodist ahardh and in the evening he dieeoureed frons the well known text "Oome unto boo all ye that labor and are heavy laden and 1 wdl gum you net." Next Sabbath morning Mr. lloimos oomurenoes a short wiles of eervioee on "The Spirib.hlied Lite," Lan Sabbath wee Ohildren'O Day in Melville chetah end the preacher was 1iev, Mr, MoEntoeb, of Elora, who SE. ohaaged pglpibe with Rey, Mr. Roes for the day. Hie morning text was "Thy Kingdom Ceme" and in the evening "His name shall be called Wonderfgl." The Saviour Was wonderful (1) In Hie Origin ; (2) Birth ; (2) Lite ; (4) Teething ; (5) Death ; (5) Reeuereotion, The ennead gentleman also addressed the Sabbath School in the afternoon and hie eff0r5e during the day were highly appreolated by the congregation. Harvest Qom° 80571008 in St. John's church next Sunday, The ohnroh 1s be- ing decorated for the 000aefon. Speolal pains have been taken with the musical part of the eervioe, Mr. Dowding, Who bas obarge of the choir, has been training them for some wean for this eervioe. Bev. Mr. Abey will preach at both ser. vices and the muaioal part of the eervioe will be as follows : Opening hymn, "Come ye thui.?.fub people some," Sr. German VeniceChant) Bevies Gloria (Chant) , , HEIRVEY Te Daum W000wAIIn AND 0aoTOH J abilate JONES Hymns (1) 1'reies 0 Praise our God and King. MoNELANiC (2) For mercies Countless as the Send. Inlseo Anthem....0 Lord how Manifold ale Thy Works Benue Hymn.. My God and is Thy table spread. EVENSONG Opening hymn -All People that on Earth do Dwell. OLD IIaNDnETE Gloria Peahen (Chan,)HEUVEY Caotate Domino (Chant).,..Teenrenal( Deis Miseateur LANODON Hymns (1) Lord of Heaven and Earth and Ocean AUSTRIA (2) Hark the sound of Holy Veins. DEERHURBT Anthem..0 Lord how Manifold are Thy Works BARNEY Hymn..Saviour again to Thy dear name we raise Business Locals. CASE for butter and eggs. A. Oousley. House and ,Lot for sale, John street. JOHN PUTLAND. C0a1FORTAR1.n house to rent, with stable and good garden, on Alexander street. Possession can be given early in Septem- ber. For further partioalars apply to THE Pose. CoairosTADLE house with lot, pump, &o., well located, for sale or to rent, on Tarn - berry street, Breese's, Further infor- mation end the key may be had by call- ing at Tun POST. Possession may be bad at oboe. Weeran.-Any quantity of - dried ap- ples. They mast be large, bright a nartere and thoroughly dried. Butter, 18e. ; eggs, 13a. Our stook of dress goods, silks and furs ie ooearpassed. G. E. KIND, Wiaeham. ANYONE wiabing to get the latest im- proved fast and easy nutting new sews or wishing their saws improved and the privilege of trading or buying improved second hand saws, I will recommend you to eaw-dler, T. McGnt°os, Bennie, Ont. Brussels Council. The regular monthly meeting al Brns- eele Council was held last Monday new ing. Present, the Reeve and Counoillore Fox, Witton and Gerry. Minutes of last meeting read and passed. A000nnte were read as follows : Jno. Coseley, work on drain ....0 4 19 Robt. Burne, work on street .... 62 Alex. MoLanoblin, salary 26 50 Jno. Donaldson, mis. 30 Brussels Eleotrie Light 101 25 Geo. Thomson, for W. Barr ,,82 W. Decbow, week on street ,,,, 89 14 N. F. Gerry, coal 9 07 Moved by Jas. Fox, ee000ded by S. Wilton, that above aoaosnte be paid. - Carried.' Bylaw No. 4, 1900, was read. Connell adjourned to meet on Monday evening of next week to strike the rates for next year. HON. A. M. ROSS PASSES AWAY, Hon. Alexander M, ROBS, Clerk of the County Court of York, formerly Pro- vincial Treasurer of Ontario, died at Grape Hospital, Toronto, on Saturday afternoon of malarial fever after an ill - nen of some months, The deceased was one of the pioneers oftbe "Huron Tract," and was one of the best known public men of Western Ontario until he retired from public life ten years ago. He was born in Dundee, Scotland, April 20, 1827, and was the son of the late Colin Rase. He same to this country with his parents in 1888 and settled in Goderich, and was educated in the poblbo sohool there. When he WAS fourteen ysare of age he learned the oabihet.making trade, but after a year of this he went East, near Trent, with a contractor named Walter Lawson, The death of his elder brother recalled him to Godorioh, where he entered the Bank of Upper Canada, He became Manager of the Royal Oana. dian Bank in Goderiob, and later of the Bank of Commerce branob, established there wben the Royal Oanadian went out of bueinese. He continued to sat at; Manager of the Bank of ()ammonia until 1883, when ho was appointed Provincial Treasurer, having been first elected to the Legielatnre in 1875. In 1890 be left the Ontario Treasurership to aoaept the position of County Clerk, whir% he held until his death. Ab the time of the Trent affair in 1861 and 1862 he organized an artillery cam. pally at Goderiob, and was appointed Captain. In 1868, daring the Fenian raid, he was with his company on frontier service, and during the same year was appointed Liertenant-Oolonels on the retiree list. In 1809 he Dom• mended the gunboat Alfred on frontier eervioe, Rev, 0, G. Harris, Lnaknow, service on the Detroit .hives, S.T'4XDit 2D 134XE OF gull XI D%, 17i3T,es. 2+XISMXM10,7 a•1 79. HEAP QF.F10E, TORONTO CAP1TAL PAID 'OP (One Mil►ion Dollare) $1,000,000 1117751' . . , , 0709,000 Agencies in all prineipal points to Ontario, Quebec, dfanitoba, United ,States st England, ArtAYSVAN A General Banking I3usinoes Transacted, Farmers' Netne Disoonnted, Drafte Iseneit and Oolleotions made ren all po7uts, SAVINGS SANK DEPARTMENT. Interest allowed on deposits of 51.00 and upwards and compounded belt yearly, S'r]noosx ATTNNT1os arum TO Tut Oonr,EOTIoN Or FABt1EBs' 51210 Mors, Every taoility afforded'Onetomere liviug at a dlstanoe, payable at any hank 70890,1 Under 010, ... 8o, 020 to 030....12,1 acedy Orders at the following rates :- 010 to 020.. , ,108. 30 to 40., .. 140 J. N. GORDON, AORNT'. Hon. M. Rose was a member of St. Alban's Oethedral, In November, 1852, he married Agnes, daughter of the late Thomas Kidd, who survives him. He abs,, leaves four Sons, Arthur, Alexander, Merles and William, and two daughters. The remains were taken to Goderich for interment on Tuesday, the funeral tak- ing plane to the Union station from the family residence, 8 Weimer road, and interment took plane on the arrival of the 1,20 p. m, train. Gmeoc.-In Wroxeter, on Sept. 26, the wife of Thoe. Gibson, jr., of a son. HELLP—Rosa.—At the reeidenoe .ot the bride's mother, on Sept. 26, by Rev. A. MoLean, Mr, W. W. Kelly, of Wiener, Loaieianoa, to Maggie, only daughter of Mee. Hugh Ross, of H ollett. MITCHELL-GRUNDY. - At the Englfeh alinah, Looknow, on Bept. 26, by Rev. C. 0, Owen, B. A., Mr. W. J. Mitchell, of Blyth, to Mies Adab Grundy, of Lnaknow. Smarm -Ben ne% - At Christ Church rectory, Port Stanley, on Sept. 12, by the Rev. H. Douglas Steele, Mr, William Sample, of Loddon, former. ly of Breese's, to Mies Eliza Brazier, of London, Enn.-At St. Michael's Hospital, Tor- onto, on Sept. 23rd, Minnie Esther Salome, second daughter of Peter and Margaret Erb, of Grey Town. ship. MaFADOEN.-in Grey, on Sept. 27, John Alexander, eon of John and Edith McFadden, aged 2 months and 9 dela. Rose. -At Toronto, on Sept. 28th, Hon. Alexander M. Roes, Clerk of the County Court of York, in his 74th year. WHEELEa.—In Turnberry, on Sept. 18, Rosanna, intent daughter of Arthur Wheeler. A•r7CT20 . oAIJo. MONDAr, Oar. 8.-N} Lot 20, Con. 4, Morris. Farm stook. Sale, ab I p. m., unreserved as proprietor's barn was burned. Thos. Ellis, prop. ; F. S. Soott, and. TUESDAY, Oor. 9. -Farm etock, imple- ments, household furniture, &c. Sale, unreserved, at 1 o'clock, sharp. Wilbel- mina Rupp, administrabrix ; F. S. Scott, aaotioneer. THURSDAY, OCT. 11,—Farm stock, implements, &o. Lot 25, Oon. 8, Grey. Sale, unreserved, at 1 o'olook, sharp. Jas. Laird, Prop. ; F. S. Scott, Aua, FamAY, Ooc.I2.-Lot 4, Oon. 10, Grey. Farm stook, implements, &o. Sale an• reserved, at 1 o'clock. H. Ball, prop., F. 9, Scott, and. BATnaDAY, OCT. 13th,—Mi)1 at., Brus- sels, household goods, &a. Sale mire - served at 2 o'clock. Mrs. W. R. Wil- son, proprietress ; F. S. Scott, auctioneer. FA?�2., FARarS, Kirkton, Oct. 4-5. Brussels, Oat. 4-5, Fordwioh, Oot. 6. Blyth, Oot. 9-10. Dungannon, Oot. 11-12, =7.'P.VSeaa7..0 sa.A. M11:n'ss. Fall Wheat .... 62 04 Barley 35 30 Peas 55 50 Oats 22 23 Butter, tubs and rape 15 16 Eggs per dozen .... 12 13 Flour per barrel........ 4 00 4 50 Potatooe (per bush.) 25 26 Apples (per bag) 26 25 Sheep skins,eaoh 80 1 00 Lamb skins eaoh 25 26 Salt per bbl., retail 1 00 70 Hay per ton 6 00 7 00 Hides trimmed 6 61: Hides rough 5 5 Hogs, Live 5 85 5 90 Wool 15 155 ONE CENT A WORD COLUMN. Glean wanted to do general house work, Apply to MRS, J. 1,E010IP, Hruseels. Tete toad of cattle, rising 2 and 3 years, for sale, ALLAN 8717111, Lot 14, 8t1 line, Morrie. 18.2 Goon steady man wanted, to work on farm by the year, Wages, $200 and Board, Apply to W. HARRIS, Day Mills, Algoma. Two eligible building Iota for sale on Princess street, Bruseele, For farther par- ticulars as to price terms, ,Ito„ apply to 84f. ERB. 0. GR1PIW7, Brussels, THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. 1470B SALE. — A. BEAUTIFUL home 00 Queen street, furnished or without, at a bargain. Apply to MI88 M. CAMPBELL, Brussels. Dissolution of Partnership. 0001I033 Is hereby glean that the partner- ship heretofore subsisting between us, the undersigned, tie enrage builders and goner. al blacksmiths in the Village of Brussels in the County of Huron, has this day boon dig. solved by oonseht, A11 debts owing to said partnership are to bo paid to Daniel klwaan wns ho retains the business inDrsels, and all claims against the said partnership aro to be resented to ,the Said l an p o Dame 1877 ,by whom they will bn settled, Brussels, Sept. 20511, 1000. Witness; D, L1WAN, 200, 'BWWANnan1T, WAL11711 INNB19, IMPOUNDED AT.JAM]STOWN on Sept„ 18, two white pigs. Owner to requested to prove property, pay expenses and take them away, 71906. MOIUWIIN, Poun,ikeeper, Jamestown Voters' List Court. Notice. Is hereby given that a Court 77111 bo held, pursuant to the Ontario Voters' List Aot,1880, by his Honor, the Judge of the County Court of the Oounty of Huron, at the Bowaship Hall, on Tuesday the 857, day of October next, at 10 o'clock 1u the forenoon, to bear and determine the oeveral complaints Of errors and omissions in the Voters' List of the Mnnieipality of Grey for 180. .All persons having business at the Count ore re- quired to attend at the said time and place, WM, S4'ENCE, Dated Sept, 24,1000, Clerk of Grey. Jard��'es 1 iwrrL- We are thio vfeelk show- ing a very nice line of Jar- clineres so useful at this son- son of the year, at the very low price of 19e. and 15c, each. They are very nicely decorated and at the price cannot last long. IQc. and•15c. Each. SIsL THEM AT --'o/ Fox's Drug More. HOUSE AND ABOUT AN bare of land for Bale, Graham's Sur. vey,d mile South of Brussels, The house contains 7 rooms; good stable; well; fruit trees and small fruits. Posseeslon gfyeu at oboe, 75108 reasonable. It property 1e not sold soon, will bo rented, Por pries, terms. Ao, apply to WMBANDS, on the premises, or BBrussels P.O. 11-4 :li iqy y _vc;,;,/- ecemp "'tea ARDWARE `� -At import stook of single and double thick at special prime. Lamp Goods -Our new and improved linea will please you. See them. Priam from 25o. to 55,00. Spoons and Cutlery -We are offering Special Bargains on our Imported Spoons and Cutlery this season. A epeoial line of Oar. vera at low prices. Fall and Winter Mitts —See our lined Horse Hide Alilte at 30o. per pair. FTL ES -Try our 7 inch File at 100, "Eloy Brother's" Loaded Shells -With itb Black and Smokeless Powder. Cross -out kws and Axes --Always a good stook to ohoose from. Saws from 52.50 up ; Axes from 50o. up. Cash or Trade for Rides, Sheep Skins, Old Metal, Rubber, Bags, Horse Hair, Copper, Bruce, &a, A M. McKay & Co. GIVING UP BUSINESS! SELLING AT COST! A RUSH SH ! A CROWD ! As the Month is near Out, It Rail .ea. Friends Last Week It's Pouring Them This Week I ALL BUY AIG Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes Hats and Caps, Gents' Furnishings, Underwear. Scarcely enough Salesmen to wait ors the eager throng. What am I any way -a Popular or Maple, or does Soft spell Hard ? Any how, as Pat gays, "Am woind ing up the business in Brussels and no humbug about it." A. R. SMITH.