HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-10-4, Page 7USE OF BACTERIA IN FOOD.
reelable YtlluO TireY Muy liosaaas 1n, An
strains Mgrattoil,
„The t%nee bee passed when bacteria
nee oral upon we unmixed soils,
Flhme etale plants owe thea' some.
What vn!savary reputation In large
degree to the Shat that they fiirst at
tesote(1 general interest beoantse of
their power of produoing divease,
The isetedlles of recent years,
however, have been giving more at
temtion to phases of bacteriological
life wlaucliare not oonncoted with die -
ease, These studies bave diechoeed to
els a large series of phenomena where
these 1'dttlo plants are, in various ways
of direct advantage to mankind,
Anteing other facts we have been
alorw1y learning that in the prepara-
tion of the food which comae -upon oua•
tables, and in its digestion, the bacilli
play no inconsiderable part.
"Since they are almost Lneoncoivab-
iy miirrabe, beeturia owe their great
influence in nature to their wonderful
powers of reproduoLion. A single in-
dividual may, in the cons n of twenty-,
Pour hours, traduce from ten to
twenty million offspring. This ex-
tmao!rdinary-Power of reproduction
involves the consumption of a vast
amount of food material, and pro-
found alterrations are produced in this thick handkerchiefs and a few rolls
food as the bacteria feed upon it. The of cotton, with which he requested
bacteria are so small that they pro one of the bystanders to blindfoldhtm.
bably do not take the food Inside of This !being done, the Doctor, who is
their bodies, but they live hi the midst a low sized, alert, swarthy and very
of their food and dtgetet it outside suave gentleman, turned to his friend,
of tJsemseelves. This results in certain General Moscoso, 'who accompanied
chemical changes in the nature of the him, and announoed that he was ready
food. These renames etre mostly of to begin. For a few minutes there
'relalrpnthy vs, 'winless 'PeIOgrn )IIY --
Possibility or needing a l'orsail'a
Photons at a Dfstnaea Wonderful.
il(Yota:rmenla In occultism.
Exceptionally inl:eresting was an
exhibitions of mind reading, or rather
of " double vision," winch was given
to a representative of the prose a few
days ago by Dr. Alberto de Sarak,
Oonde de Das said to be a distinguish-
ed occultist, and one of the beat known
physicians in Uru'g'uay, The Doctor is
now en hie way to 'aerie, where he
will aot ae a representative of Urea
guay at to scientific OOngress which
is soon to be head in that city. At
this congress he intends to give some
novel tests of his bowers as a mind
reader, his speoial hope being that he
will be able t'o canvinoe those pres-
ent at the congress of the possibility
oS reading a persona thoughts at any
The work done by Dootor Sarak was
deoidedly novel and interesting. He
asked for a, glass of water, a set of with wleiob to make each move. He I to Saratoga to find out if this were
dominoes, a few sheets o' paper and did not win the game, but it is very , true and I discovered that it was."
a pencil, and then], after seating him- doubtful if he weld have played better I The feats performed by Dr. Sarak
self in a chair he produced some heavy, even with the aid Of his two eyes. will be repeated by hien at the soten-
Alter each move 'Lie fingers wander- ; tifle congress in Paris, and, in addi-
ed restlessly for a moment or two over tion.he will perform several other feats
the dominos in front of him, and then of a more difficult and more technical
they grasped the proper one, and, order. He delights in drawing a
with a little ahuckle of satisfaoties, character portrait of any ons who as -
the Doctor laid it in its fitting place. sista him during a seance, and he did
t4Vhen the game was over a curious ! not fail to display his ability in this
scene occurred. With a try of pain
or bewilderment the sleeper rose from
his chair and staggered toward Gen-
eral Moscoso, who,caugh't him and laid Spanish tongue he drew a vivid sketch
hum on two chairs, where he reclined of this person, who was an entire
in a state of torpor. General Mosoo- stranger to bwm; and though the por-
e* explained that it was a oeteleptic"trayal was somewhat vague it was,
the processes of digestion, The di-; fit from wlaio'h his friend was suffer- nevertheless, true enough in the main
gestion that • takes place in aur Spanish that he would like one of the ing and that it would pass away in points, and, in vLew of the rather
stomach and intestines consists in a ti• a. few ininlites. He was right. For , weird conditions under which it was
chemical ohmage in the food. Now [V .. a tow Mbytes the Dootor lay rigid made, it was certainly of exceptional
thest�omnoih and intestines ere crowd- �0 aT ll R tJ fA'1'T�IQI , as a odrpse, but then the power of interest. work
ed with bacteria in inconceivable num- 1J iAmotion and of speethe came back to That the Doctor's psycbological
bens. As the baoterd'ol'ogists have I
studied the notion of these intestinal; THE CONDITION OF THOSE AF• said that he Felt ve wail as ever, tem is evident. Difficult feats he can -
bacteria upon such food as we take in- FLICTED WITH INDIGESTION. I Doctor Sarak is of French-Eindos- not perform unless in a fitting mood
to our stoneacts, they find that the
gontlemon present to place ills hand
on a sweet at paper,.wb.iab lay in
/rant of him, •ills desire was grab-
t the
fled, avhar'e.axian he asked the
hand be raised froom the paper and
write on it soma one word. The word'
" veioclpede" was tbozc written, after
whieb the paper was folded and plat
ed cal the Doctor's bead.
fable simple apt excited the aleepfa'
will captivsale the taste of any Japan
tea drinker,
strangely. Be moved uneasily In bis , ;,- - __ , .st... w,d ., ,yq,,w„an,,
chair, but ween recovered himself, now alive, and I will toll you what
and, ti'iusnphantly seizing a penal] he is thinking of at any given m@ -
and another sheat of paper, ho peen- meat, It makes n+yt the s1igbteat 411-
oue1y but rapidly wrote on it the word feronee where the man may be at
"velocipede, and beneath the word that moment, whether in NeW York
A rough drawing of an old-fashioned on' in Constantinople. Dy mars men -
bicycle. The auOaese with willed] be tal'power I oar picture that man to
performed Lhie tliefioult feat was the
more marked since he does not speak
English, and benne' the word " volooi-
myself and inn learn his inmost
tsougsts at will,
General Moiscoso says that he has
pede" had at first no meaning for bim, tested the Doctor's powers and is am -
)at. that he in time eompr'nitehded Its azed at them. "I showed him," he
significance was mude. clear frsgm the says, " a picture o'f a relative of Paine
fact that he not only wrote it but who lives at Saratoga, and, though
also gave its pieterial meaning he has neves seen her and bas never
The Doctor next played a game of been in Saratoga, be told me all about
dominoes, and marvelous was the man ger and assured me that silo was in
ner In which, though blindfolded, het a certain hotel at the moment when
unerringly seleoted the right domino' 1 showed him her photograph, I wrote
that character which the chemist
calls destructive.
"In considering the use of bacterids
in food, WA may notice first, a possible
value they may possess in assisting
was dead silence, and General Mosooso
explained that the Doctor was going
into the necessary tranee.
Suddenly the dark little man with
the thick white bandage over his eyes
half rose from the chair and said in
direction in the ease of the gentleman
who gave him the word " velocipede"
as a test. In his nervous, energetic
him: and, removing his bandages, he ie a severe strain on his nervous sys-
tanee descent and he has been study- and in good physical condition. and he
bacteria produce chemical changes in 1+latul0uay, Stell Ileadeche, Ofrensfvq l.asg occultism for the last twenty does not care• to do any work in a
the food in many resppects* similar to uremia' oul and ell! �I`t,a g rails sumo
years. He was a delegate to the Place where he will be disturbed by
those aP tnaamary digestion. Council of Mahatmas, which was held noise, His collapse after the seance
The value of bacteria en our food pro. "cit ere Among thesYMPtonas.
ducts is chiefly Brom the flavors which Dyspepsia, ox indigestion, as it is some time ago in Thibst, and on his. is over is startling and is apt to be
they produce. Anna" the new chemi- also frequently caned, is one of the return to this country he founded an regarded with undue seriousness by
gesoteric center, in Lima, Peru, and those who are unaware of the Doctor's
cal oodpaunds to which bacteria most serious ailments taxa afflicts also started a magazine devoted to peculiarly nervous temperament and
give rise, there are many which have mankind. When the stomach loses occultism'. Much of his time recently of the emit that his seemingly inani-
vary strong tastes, much stranger its craving for food; and the power has been spent in giving lectures and mate condition is not so much the re -
than the taste of the material out of to digest ,it, the 1101 pn so afflicted is seances. For Mane. Blavataky, Judge' sult of physical pain as cee his en -
which they are made. When these bolsi menially and physically in a and other modern oeoulists be has leaven to recover his temporarily lost
are produced tisecd in food products, they condition of wretos, The high words of praise and some of his personality. Fortunately this torpor
give to them a favor. Though chem fold, of the disorderma are muni lectures are devoted to them and never lasts long and after it has pass -
lets mad physiologists tell us that the fold, and among them may be noted, their work. The Doctor's attainments ed away the Doctor is seemingly in his
Slevotr of food has nothing to do with a feeling of weight in the region of as a physician and a psychologist hnve usual condition. As a rule, his wife
its tau tuitions quality, there le no the stomach, sial]] headache, offensive
question that this flavor is a very breath, heartburn, a disagreeable been recognized by several learned so- is present whenever he gives an ex-
i,mparinsit teeter."oieties, both in this country and in hibition of his powers, and eho is the
taste in the mouth, irritability of
--�— temper, disturbed sleep, ole. The o0n-
MORE PLAY dilion is in fact one of slow starve -
tion of the blood, nerves and body;
Koodete to Bala Hee Greater Amount of and on the first symptoms treatment
Work We Are Doing, through the use. 01 Dr. Williams' Pink
It used to bo that bona awl mer Pills, should be Bought., Mr. William
who worked had ahoster work ng Birt, a well known blaoksmits at
hours and lass prank to do in the Pisquid.•' P. E. I., is one Wile suffered
eame lame than do the men and boys for years, and relates his e;perienae
of to -day,. Consequently they had for the benefit of similar sufferers.
batten' opportunities and greater in- Mr. Birt says :—"For many years I
clic atdoas for recreation of ilia heal- was a victim of indigestion, a000m
tlbiest kind, They felt able to ,rico ponied by nervousness, palpitation of
in the roaming early enough for the heart and other distressing synap-
gymmastecs, tlsairr wends the day be- toms. My appetite was irregular,.
fore not boe3,ng 'se irksome as to and what 1 ate felt like a weight in
make them feel they needed every my stomach; - this was accompanied
moment of sleep possible, as is often by a feeling of stupor or sleepiness,
the once nowadays, and in the late and yet I rarely enjoyed a night's
afternoons and evenings they could sound sleep. When I would retire a
enjoy an abhlatin game. The girls ,oreaping' sensation would tome over
snore yams ago exerted themselves me, with grains and fluttering around.
mentally and p0aysbcally much less the heart, and then when I arose in
than they do now, their course of the morning, I would feel as tired
study usually balling nem do compari- and fatigued as I did before I went to
sem. to tate aveara,ge of today, and few
bed. It is needless to say hhat I was
of theme were to baseness o4 the woe. continually baking anedieine, and:
feeisions, Therefore their need was tailed, I think, almost everything
LOOS foe strengtlheniag exorcizes. racommesded as a core for the trou-
Altihourgh the mental nod physical b1e. Occasionally 1 got temporary
wolrlk 141101 the mon and women of relief, but the trouble always calms
this gemeer'abion do has greatly in- back, usually in a still mode aggra-
eneased they do not seenato have sea- 'rates] form. All tilde, of course, aoet
]dead yet thlat a aounteraotumg force a great deal of money, and as the
is abseltetcly necessary, for the num. expenditure seemed useless I was
bar is growing larger every day— very ranch deseouraged. One day
we cannot help ebsorving it on the one bS any neighbors, who had used
streets and eveaywbere—ot men and Dir. Williams' Pink Pills with murals
wo,nsem Whit) slouch along with droop- lemmatt, advised me to try them, and
Mg figure a;nsi dragging steps, the I decided bo do so, thinking never"-
pdoture of undeveloped physical man- ttteless, that it would be but an -
hood and womanhood. other hopeless experiment. To my
There is nothing mesa pleasant to great gratification, however, I had
look upon: -than a strong, graceful, only been using the p1115 a few weeks
happy yowo'g man or woman, and when I felt de:Medly bettor, and
the last two gaueliltins depend Old the things began to look brighter. I 0011 -
first and all three on physical exor- tinned taking the pills for several
elves and development, months, with the result that nsy
Therefore, boys and girls, you health was 5a good and my digestion
know what you, most do to be happy better than it had over been. One
and attractive, and it Is your duty of the most flattering results of the
to be all three. You can,' of course, treatment was my increase in weight
fin varying degree, and you ought to tram 125 pound's to 155 pounds. .It
add much to the 'beauty of this old is mora than a year no-ty since I clis-
woerLd, whose fine mon and women are oantinnted the use o' the pi11s and in
fats most splendid teat -urea. that time I bave not had the slight-
- -- — est return of the trouble. We al-
HRTGFWT REPARTEE k the ill til house
Sis,reasiao wife, read.img—Another
mysteru,ans suicide—Ur/in 0RYO roan
thalami himself from a cliff.
Husband, thoughtlessly.—Bet bis
wlrto was at the bottom of it.
Wife-Obbs) s1
Rimbaud, hurniadly-Of the cliff,
my, love; isot the eatiolde..
Europe, and he is deservedly proud et
the diplomas which he has received
Trow them.
About his work in the field of occul-
tism Dootor Sarak speaks with great
enthusiasm, " I claim,"" he says, " to
have made in this line the same discov-
ery that Marconi has made in the
field oe sciemoe. In other words, as
his discovery enables him to sand
messages without wires, so my disoov-
ery will enable them to transmit their
thoughts without any visible med-
ium. Give mo the picture of any man,
•rfr-+rearo-•:,a:u=ac...s_ere.. ••, wao �c,,��..r„
A Sad Letter From a Lady Whose
Unhand Was Dissipated.
How She Cured Him With a Secret
A tloluptete Abandoned Iaunber ]Tent
Veiled i hie Abitibi of einem
the steamer Bosoowitz, the last to
arrive Iron the north, brings details
of one 0f the strangaet mysteries
connected With the exploration and
development of ,Alaska. For several
months the Oanadlan Government bas
had laborers at work surveying and
putting In a telegraph line from
Vancouver to Dawson.
A few days ago while working near
the old Juneau treil, in a dense for-
est, about one hundred miles from the
coast, where it was thought white
meet had never been before, the sure
veying Party that was several days
ahead oe the pole and wire man, made
a strange and ghastly discovery. As
they were working their way through
the forest they came to a heavily tim-
bered marsh, and near the centre of
this marsh, they euddanly (tame upon
a trot of several acres on whIeli all
the timber had been out. Near one
side of tha clearing was a sawmill,
still in a good state of praaervation.
The machinery had evidently not been
disturbed since these premises were
vaoated by the operators, With the
exception of a little rust on some of
the bearings, the engine seemed to
be ready to Ere up and start at a
moment's notice. The boiler was in
good condition, and in different parts
of the milll were cross -out saws, cant
hooks, axes, beetles, wedges, a black-
smith's forge, with all its appurten-
epees, a kit of carpenter's tools, and
other implements used around a com-
pletely equipped sawmill. The lumbar
of the mill .itself had evidently been
out an the spot, and there were sev-
eral thousand feet a1 lumber, which
first to come to his aid when the
strain of his work is over and the
cataleptic fit seizes him.
It has been said more than once that
Di•. Sarak served in some respects as
the prototype of Svengali, in "Trilby.'
General Mosanso was asked if this
were true and be replied that. he had
often heard the statement made and
saw no reason to doubt its accuracy,
In conclusion, it may be said that
whatever May be the extent or na-
t,uae et Dr. Sarak's powers he is cer-
tainly modest enough in speaking of
them. " I ask no one to believe me,"
he says, " on my baro Word, as I am
always ready to prove that what I
say is true, If I cannot perform the
tests I am a charlatan, but if I do
perform them, I am entitled to re-
cognition, and the reason why I have
performed a reew simple feats is be-
cause 1 know that you will describe
faithfully and acourataly what Shave
Dr. Sarak will remain for some
time in Paris, and on his return he
will give public demonstrations of the
trutth of his statem'e'nt that it is pos-
sible to learn by mere mental power
the " Lhelugbts of a person at a dis-
An ingenious Australian watahmak-
ea lana gone to the trouble of inventing
n watehi which, by an arrangement
of et redia5b with twenty-four point -
ere; workipg in eonjun0tion with a 24-
hour dial, enables any person readily
to Sint] tbia time at various parts of
the world. The sone radiant is form-
ed of frosted silver, and, although the
watch perfarma the spacial function
described, ie does not in any way dero-
gate; from Ile usefulness as an ordin-
ary watch, It will be obvious that to
"I had. for years patiently borne the die- a nieroha nil sending telegrams to
grace mooring mtsoryandprivations due various countries it would be useful to
to my Jetsam 'a dein -ing "bits. Hair ascertain, as this ,watoh enables him
ing of your marvelous remedy Inc the oure to do,.whether the cable will reach
of drunkenness, whish I could give myy
husband secretly, I decided to try it. T its ilesti5ation before or after banking
proauredapaakago and mixed it in his yours or tolegrapb hours.- It wilIalso
food and ooifoe and as the remedy "Pas
odorloes and taatclees,he did not know be useful in countries where the rail
whaatitg was
for that so
q oonlybo¢linvedhie way system covers several zones, as
up nosh- Ids appetite for solid food return• in Canada and Russia.
ed he sleek to his work regularly, and
wt thew have a isepppy home, After ho
om lotol curccl told him what I.
ways tali c p s in o nue was o p y
now, end my family have used them had done, widen he acknowledged that it
had bene hie saving, as he had aot tho
for othev ailments with the same resolution eo break cif of lila own assess]
gratifying rosette." I heartily advise all WOlnen afflicted as I
dealer in methane, or will be sent of Tasteless Samaria I"TORO ption 5000
post paid met 50 mints a box or six num with full partieulare in plain Sealed
ra f t svgs to 'heartier
your r amedy a trial to
Those ,pills may be had from any yatNx�na>I To A7,r.,—A auntie package
elope. All otters considered enema-
edy Co,,boxes for $2,ES0, by addressing the; lv oonildoeitiaL Address The Samaria
Dr, Williams' Modicino Co„ Brock. Rem 20 Jordan street, Toronto.
villa, Ont panado
tr 0
I11]Al)G i'bA1t OR EDt1C ATION.
Site is et interested in higher esu -
cation I"
"Yes," Answered Miss Cayenne, A
mortes board le very becoming to her
style oe beauty, and she knows it.
In South AusLs•alla a mine Of 0a
:oral hunt -rubber has been lately die.
One of the most danger-
ous and repulsive forms of
Kidney Disease is
for which Dodd's Kidney
Pills are the only certain
cure. In Dropsy the Kid-
neys are actually dammed
vel, and the water, which
should be expelled in the
form of urine, flows back
and lodges in the cells of
the flesh and puffs out the
skin. Remove the filth
which plugs up the drain.
Restore the Kidneys to
health. Thera is only one
Kidney Medicine
to all appearances, had boon but about
three years.
Near the sawmill was a shed that
had evidently been used for horses,
and at intervals of a few feet around
the shed were the skeletons of twelve
horses, most of them, judging from
the banes, being large animals. The
bones were entirely free from flesh.
indicating that they had bean there
at least two summers. Tbey everely-
ing Ln sees positions as to show that
they had never been disturbed by man.
Lying beside the skeletons were'wea-
tiserbeaten ropes and straps, the re-
mains of the pack blankets, and a
quantity of half decayed flour and
other provisions that had rolled from
tie b k of til h
e ac s e orses.
Near the mill were three small cab-
ins oonstruoted of logs and sawed lum-
ber, and carefully stored away was a
quantity of provisions, canned goods,
berlan and Deem. The bunks ou the
walls contained a small quantity of
bedding, and a grindstone and sever-;
al pairs of overalls were found in one
corner of one of them.
Search was made, but no human
skeletons were found. The discovery
was made about the forty miles off
the old Juineau Indian trail. and all
conditions point to the conclusion that
the clearing was made three years ago
and the horses perished the latter part
of the same season. The trees were
blasted on lour sides, indicating that
the party in some mysterious way had
separated, and were unable to get to-
gether again. The members of the
surveying party think that if the for-
est were'bearohed the skeletons of the
former owners of the camp should be
found. The theory of murder by the
Indians is not entertained, for in that
ease the provisions and tools would
surely leave been taken. It is estim-
ated that the engine, boiler, circular
saw rend the rest of the mill outfit
when new, millet have cost at least
111 You in over t 011Y ti s experienced any dlftioulty in getting a tee SAP solbo env
l y, y overcome thin at once by using
Ed f,.
CI33-XX-e02*T Teas. tie Melt, quality welch never vadat, has become aaudbeio5t
of °eminent among Ula regular consumers. In 4551 Paolleta 26, 00, 40, 60 nn
T'p„ NSY
c'o® o
,....., 2 e,a w `-we'a>v-' ° gat erf---
flow long
will it
look fresh ?
That's one question you sboui
ask when you buy paint, it will
pay to buy good paint., -'mini
that has been tested for yogi(..
Ry�1p SAY'S
retain their glossy newposs, ant)
look fresh and bright, tonged
than any others, because they)
are made right. They aro pure?
paints. They are the beat.
A. RAMSAY & SON, eeB 1.41,,
MONTHUAL, Paint Maker*,
I presume, said the Sweat Young
Thing that you would call that man
who waited 80 years to get to marry
the woman he loved, foolisb
Med No. Of course, he would have
shown more sense ib he bad waited
another 81) years, said the Savage
Nay Fever very Prevalent.
Thousands now suffer from Eayl
Fever. Science now knows that It ie
a germ disease—destroy the germ
and you destroy the disease, Obit -
meths cannot de this, neither can
douches or powders snuffed up. There
is just one remedy that will cure Hay
Fever and cure it quickly. It is ear,
ries by the air to the remotest air
passages of the nasal passages anti
lungs. It is a germ killer—it is e
healing agent, It cures ]Hay Fever,
Asthma, Rronohitis, and Catarrh,
Catarrhozone is a guarantee to cure;
your money back if you are not
benefited. Druggists sell it every-
where. We will send a regular 25
cent trial size to any address in Can-
ada or U.S., on receipt of 10 cents,
or the full treatment, past paid, for
$1,00. N.C. Polson & Co., Mf g., Chem.
ists, Kingston,' Ont.
"It's all right, Mary," he said pleas-
antly. "Go into politics if you want
to. But remember one thing—the
oartoondstts'Il be after you as soonf as
you're a candidate."
"I doba't care!"
"And they'll put your picture in
the piper with your hair out( of curl
and your hat on croaked."
"Da) you thtnlr they will do that 7"
subs inquired apprehensively.
"Of course. Alas they'll make your
Perla gamete look Dille calico, and say
that your senlakiw coat is imitation.,,
"William,•" saes said, after a
hhonnghtful pause, "I thank I'll stay
dsere and snake home happy."
(Copy of a letter which appeared sv
the Ceylon Observer.)
Colombo, Aug. 15, 1900,
15o the Editor of the " Ceylon Observ-
Dear Sir,—I have carefully examin-
ed and tasted the small samtplo of Tea
marked " SALADA" Pure Uncolored
Ceylon Green Tea," you sent .me last
inigiat and find it is as stated.
The tea has exceptional leaf frag-
rance and draws a choice, Savoury,
oowsllp water, somewhat resembling
a best grade Japan.
As a specimen of what Green Tea
attend be in thea cup it would be ale
most impossible to' improve on it.
If Ceylon planters will only be caro•
11111 to ship Greens up to this "tan.
Bard off excellence, the capture of the
American and Canadian markets is
certain and assured.
Yours faithfully.
Signed F. F, STREET."
Landlord—You never saw the new
guest's daughter, yet you insist that
she is a pretty girl.
Clerk—I do.
Landlord—How do you know 1
;Clerk—Her mother took me into her
room to -day to measure the windows
for new curtains, and I counted nine
mirrors scattered around.
How do you like your new neighbors,
Mrs. Way R"
Not at all. Sh'e's awfully stingy.
Why she borrowed our taok hammer
and, a nutmeg early last week, 'but
when I went aver yesterday to ask Ler
tollend me $8 to pay an the rent eke
said she didn't have 1.1 to spare. Wasn't
that small1"
This signature Is on "very box of the gentling,
Laxative Br'omo-Quiuiale Tablets
the remedy that en;'cn a sold in 40e 'dal'
We are in receipt of the following
inquiry; Dear editor—our oow has
gone dry, do you think we could sell
her for dried beef? if so, whear 1
need by mothers for their ohllrea tootling. It eoo;he
the ablld, softens the gum,. allays pain, curs wind
collo, and le the heel r.merly for liarthaoa. aW.a botn0.
So11 by an ins. Winslow.'
t the world. 8a iota
sad,?, for "ins. Wlnalaw'e soothlsg Snap,"
Snarley—How did Jingao get run
over e
Yo'w—He was stooping to pick up a
horseshoe for luck.
There Is more Catarrh in this Booth's. of the
country than all other diseases put Logether,
incurable EForaagreatymanytyo rspdoctorsp da
nonneedit a local disease and prescribed 100
remedies, and by ea,'amntfy failing to cure wit
local treatment, prononnoed it inourable. 80 c
once hoe proven catarrh to bo a constitutional
disaaaa, and therefore requlrss esustltutionall
treatment, Hall's Catarrh Oure m o, is th t only!!
by F. J. Cheney !m Oy., '01510, bhio, is the ani*
aenebitaUoeal Cure on the market, Ib is tekaOE
Interni], le doses from le drops to a toneposq•.
Irl, 11 note he sctly on the blood and a hunosl
Surfaces of the system. They offer one hent
red dollars for any ea66 it 1.110 to euro. Bend
for olroulara and .01311oniale.
Address, 1r.J.OSIHNBY&00.,Toledo, 0
Sold liy Dregg s,
Hall's S►milyPllle are the best:
Asa ooean steamer of the first-olasa,
going at full speed, cannot be brought
to a halt in less than three minutes.
In the meantime she will have travers-
ed a distance of about half a wile,
The "Baimoral," Free Gus a eukt'vt:
AvsmlJE �O JS .uoOIll Qoe crnWnvB %B
per day.
W. P. f1.' 1O43.,-,
Carbolic Disinfectants, Soaps, pint.
plant, Tooth Powders, etc., have WOO
awarded I00 medals and diplomas for impeder
exoellenae. Their regular use prevent ibfectf-
one diseases. Ask your dialer to obtain a
supply. Lists mailed free on application.
IWA0OFteOTER . . 0001.400,
Instruments, Drowns, Uniforms, lite,
Every Town can have a fyaanl 8
Lowest prices ever quoted. Liao catalogue 580 Ilius
battens mailed free. '8,11, e, for anything to
IIUSIO or tlusioai Instruments. pd
Whaley Boyce & Co., T00,1prglpa5"Me5
&Alla to Oaeings-Naw importations finest. Foglia®
prad . AAR1RHAOeiEh0e oode
MILLS, tdlLt,t & HAUS,
ieoli tn'
nal -agora
. ota,W]dl gM
]llohmodQ E. ,Toru a.
and other PUDDING, 10 entre bolt toulh eontlea 11,
Phe nawsoi` Commission Iu., Lilmtited,
Oar, West -Market & Colborne St., Toronto,
Catholic Prayer Sooas,rt:marlce,cru.
.U' elf sae,r 5a5ptllaro
Religious Plantar, et tuaror end ehal'eti Oroemoett'
Educational 55510,. Mall 51861{•6 receive prompt naso,
ahem. D• & IL SADLIee A 00., Montreal.
. .. iJ ►ill 1 At� 1 1'll
ii R'11 ��Il�.
•1 Vr I: r