HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-10-4, Page 5OoT, 4, 1300 OUOINES$ CARDS. Ei BJtOS$JL POUT 1vrONEY TO LOAN AT 5 TER .r,Y.L cont. 1 F, SCOTT, Brawls, MoQ13,M0lil N-.._ Y I a Issuer of Marriage Idoeuson,-.'Of. floc at Grocery, Turnberry btroot, liratsels, N. BARRETT- • Tonsorial Artist, Shop -Next :door North of elle 8taedard ]sank. Ladies' and Children's hair Dubbing a speoialtY, ' ''ARMS FOR SALE -THE TJN. Duaero0nn bac soyeral good Fetus for B'tle add to rent, eaeyberme, iu Townships of garrets and Grey, lr 6, RCOTT, Brueeols ORISON M. M R ! Issuer of Marriage Licenses, WAL.TON, ONT, MISS JEAN M'LAUCNLIN, -.TEACHER OP - PIANO - AND - ORGAN, :gsaxvsexmoa, ROBERT 0UNNINGHAM- 16gna,NOE, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH - MISS SARAH LOUISE MOORE, L, O. M.. A endemic graduate 'of London Conserva- tory of 010610, also Member of the Assooiatad Mnelniane of Ontario, isprepared to reoeive a limited number of pupils for lnotruotiou on the Principal'ss Qualified 1 to prepare Ooneorvatory of Musts, Brussels, Ontario. ALEX. E.UNTER— Clerk of the Fourth Division Court, Co. Huron ; Conveyancer, Notary Public, Laud, Loam 'and Insurance Agent ; Auotlon- uer. Funds invested and to' loan. Oolleo- ttons matte. Office iu Graham'elBlook, Brits - eels. AUCTiOrdIi. 7T S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- � • R%n, will sell for hotter prime), to bettor men in s time and lees 011rgu ae than any other lea her Auctioneer in East Aaron or be won't &barge anything. Dates end orders Dau alway) be arranged at this office or by personal application. DENTISTRY F. W. TWEDDLE, (FOROXERLY OF enAFORTIr) DENTIST. Graduate of R. 0. D 8., To routo ; Poet Grad- uate course at Iiaekol'e School, Chicago, in Drown and bridge work. 1St -Prices same as in surrounding overA towns. mth's store, Brussels. VETERINARY. T D. WARWICK - el • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Vet- erinary College, is prepared to treat all die- . oases of domesticatedanimals tin a oowpot- ent manner. Pertieular attentionpaid to Veterinary tog Office Infirmary- promptly North of bridge, Turnberry et., Brunel°. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. 1. M. SINULAIR- • Barrister, solicitor, 'Conveyancer, Notary Public, &o. Of le e -s thwart's Bock 1 door Nor th of Oen tral Hotel. Solicitor for the Standard Bank. G• F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, Solicitor, &o. Office over 8tand- ardMoney Solicitor at lowestrates. Village Brnseele. to Loa G. CAMERON- • (Formerly o1 Cameron, Holt & Cameron) Barrister and Solicitor. Goderiab Ont. 01Uoe-Hamiltonstreet, opposite - borne Hotel. MEDICAL CARDS. J. A. M'NAUGHTON, M. 0., 0, 110, Trinity,Universi.t ,Follow Trinity Medical Oollogo,Mombor College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ont. LiOeutiatc of tho Royal Col- lege of ibyeioiaos and Lioentfato of M1d- wffery,Edinbur h, tS"Telephoue No.14, Residence -Mill street, Brussels. DR. WM. L. HOLMES, masIoIAtl, memos AND A100120H0n11, (Bnec00000 to Dr. F. 11. Eldbflelaeh) TL D. Bellevue Hospital Med. 001., New York ; M D 0 M Victoria University, Toron- to ; Member of the College of Pnyeiolane and Surgeons of Ontario. Special attention paid to diseases of women, eye, ear, nose and throat, 10-af D. F. SMITH, M. D. O. M., Graduate of MaG111 College, ifontroa I, &„ &c. All apoolalt work satisfactorily treat- ed. Olfoo upstairs fu the Stretton Block. Moe hours, 0 to 12 a. in., and 7 to 10 p. m. Specialist work, such as for eye, oar, throat, &o,. io the oifoe at hie residence, Elizabeth street, from 2 to 6 p m, A11 medloines will bo dispensed personally by the Dr. or under his direct eupervisiou. Patents Guaranteed. 0110 fee returned!! wo fail, Any ono send- ing skotoh and desorlption of any iuventiou will promptly receive our opiuiou free eon - earning tho patentability of same. "How to obtain a patent" sant upon request, Pat- ents 000010d through us advertised for sale at our expouee. Patents taken out through no receive SPECIAL 2(011100, without charge in THEPATIIIT ilnoonn, en illustrated and Widely ciroulated Journal, ooneulted by Man- ufaoturers and Investors. Send for sample copy rue. Address 'VICTOR J. L'VANO 8 00., (Patent Attorneys,) Hymn Building, Washington, D, 0. •CENTRAL 4 -rt vj s T' GoTi1 .' i it fa! Send for one of our Catalogues and be oonvinoed that we are doing the best work in Imagined eduoabion in Canada to. day, Enter now 11 possible. George Smith and family, who lost the W J, ELLIOTT Princj lel, greater part of their furniture and cloth. 1 1 Jh Th e are started in the rear of the The Business Ontario Listowel O01.1,e 'ea EQUAL. TO ANY IN ONTARIO, A thorough, complete and practical train- ing in all branobeo of Commeroiai work, at considerably lees than regular rates. For full information apply 000111$ or College over Feet Ofllee.. L . HARTT. LISTOW1774, PRINCIPAL. Itstarxxt getvs. 14. t Potatoes are a grand atop, J. T. Anderson, of the Donegal °tore, gathered up 2,600 dozen eggs in one week lately. The August make of choose of the Newry faotory was shipped from Atwood station. 110 cerate wee the price. The trustees of S. S. No, 6, Elmo, have engaged Wm. Robertson, of Monkton, as teacher for the year 1001 at It salary of $860, W. D. Angus has been re,engaged as ahem and butter maker for the Elma Cheese Co. for 1901 at the same salary as last year. Exeter. Dr. Amos has returned after an absence of a few weeks. A number of gipsies have been camp. tog ou the river bank, West of the bridge, during the past week. Samuel Gidley, who baa been confined to his home for Dome months, the result of a fall, is able to be out around again by the aid of aratohee. James Abbott, who hag been dealing in produce here for some time, has deoided to quit the bueineee the latter pert of this week and will move with Ilia family to London. At the Reform meeting held in the Town Hall, among other bueinees Iran slated, Wm. Bawden was elected presi- dent and J, G. Stanbury eeoretary of the looal a0eoaiation, John Snell met with a amnions and painful accident. It seems he, acoom. parried by A. DD . Tennant and some other gentlemen, were driving to Zurich Fair and when a short distance North of the town one of the horses became unmanage- able and after kioking farionely several times ran into the ditch. Mr. Snell, realizing the imminence of his danger and endeavoring to eave himself made a jump, and in coming in contact with the ground twisted hie ankle in snap a manner 00 to dielooate the aokle joint and break a small bone, 3,111011 may render him a cripple for life. He was at once brought home and his injuries dressed, but it will be some time before he will have even a limited use of his in. jived limb. will work ne 111ght. Countless thousands have found a blessing to the body in Dr. King's New Life Pills, whioh positively cure condi. patios, aiok headache, dizziness, jaundice, malaria, fever and ague and all liver and etomaoh troubles. Purely vegetable ; never gripe or weaken. Only 25o. at G. A. Deadman'° drug store. O5eltlorth. Hie many friends will be sorry to hear of Jae. Stewart's continued illness, Jno. A.Jaokeoo retorued to Toronto to resume his worse at Oegoode Ball. Wm. Kerslake has purchased A. In. gram's pretty home on March et„ for whioh be paid 0850, Rev. Mr. Ten Eyke, Reetor of Trivitt Memorial ohnrnh, Exeter, officiated in St. Thomas' church at both services on Sunday. Rev. Father MoOabe'e new residence is fast nearing completion and when fie-, ished will be one of the flneet buildings In the place. A committee of the town baud will wait on oar oitize00 with a 9ubecription list to raise funds to purchase new in. otruments and meet running expenses. On Monday evening of last week about twenty friends of W. E. Kerslake met in the dining room of the Queen's hotel to do honor to him on the eve of his mar- riage to alias Susie Smith, of this town. Through the exertions of Mre. Holm• stead and the liberality of several of the present and ex•membete of the obaroh, a very handsome stained and painted glass window has been pot into Bt. Thomas oburob as a memorial to the late Charles E. St. Clair Simpson who held the ppoitioo of church warden for many years. The Municipal taxes of the town of Seaforth are payable at the Treasurer's Otiioe on the let of Deoember. Three per cent. will be allowed off ou all taxes paid during September, two per oast. allowed during Ootober,and five per cent. will be added to all taxes remaining un• paid on the 1st of Deoember, and collect- ed therewith. JE vtlr. N.B. Gerry has moved to the residence above hie hardware store, Blyth Fair will be held on Tuesday and Wednesday, Oot. 0011 and 10th. Mre. Powell has returned from a five weeks' visit with friends at Attica, Ind, Jae. Mo,lturobie was away on a holiday trip to Boston, Portland and New York. Walter Solid, a resident of Blyth for 20 years, died at the roeidenoe of Me sitter, Mre. Martin, on Tuesday night of lamb week. The old gentleman had been ailing for a long time. FOURTH Fiala -Within one month Biy tb has had three oerious fires and four this year. The fourth one oconrred about 12,80 Tuesday morning of last week and the building to be destroyed was the hotel at the station, The fire had gained pooh headway before being dieoovered that it was impossible to try and save the hotel. Every effort was than pot forth by the fire brigade to save the adjoining burial. him and which was a000mplished by gallant and magnifioent work. The burned building was known ae the Revere House and wag erected by J. G. Ilmigh for hotel purpose0.25 years ago and was ocodpied by him up 1111 eight rare ago when he parehaeed the Oommeroial hotel. During the past eight years the Revere wan used as a tenement house and at the time of the floc waa occupied by .v+ building and iloorigin eenuot be mount- ed for, ae there were no dam ((000 in the beak part. ibirlimlgh places hie 1090 at $2000 with inecranoe at $700. Mr. $inith'e lose is $290 and no Muumuu), Rev, Thomas Wlleon, of London, will give a lecture, with Iilne.light views, in St. Andrew's ehuroh on the evening of 001, 801(2, The lecture will be given tinder the auepioeo of the Ladies' Aid of the cherub. John A. Taylor, of Dutton, who was appaiuled to the poeitiou on the Strath roy Ooilegiate Institute 18001,10g staff, rendered vacant by the retirement of lvir. Reynolds, notified the Board that he was unable to accept the appointment, as the Dutton Board would not lab him go. Henry Conn, B. A., of Walkerton, an honor graduate of Toronto University, wee therefore appointed, and hag accepted the p10ition at a Salary r,f 0900 a year. C lie tou. J, Rumball has lost his great hound "Dane" by poison. W, A, K►Ilough bought J. Moldnrray'e stable and bad it moved to its naso quarters. The Liberals of town have roma opened up above Jae. YloOlaoherty's, Searle blook, ae Committee rooms. During the past year the membership of West Huron Farmers' I110litnle has inoreaeed by nearly 100, now numbering 815, 4. Peteroon is still drilling away at the Collegiate Institute for water, About 120 feet have been bored, but no supply has yet been struck. John Agnew, brother of Dr. Agnew, of town, is attending the Western school of medicine at London. He is the fifth in the family to enter the medical pro. feeston. Maloolm, •eon of Rev. R. Millyard, formerly of Clinton, has gone to St. Thomas, where he has ascored a sii0a• tion in a wholesale dry goods establish• moot. The offices of the Macpherson at Hovey Co. and R. & J. Raneford are now equipped with a long distance phone system. These &faces have been supplied with a long distance receiver at'd trans- mitter. We-t)xeoter. (Intended for last week.) Mre. Geo. Barnard with on the siok lie t last week. Mise Kate Martin, dressmaker, is kept very busy. Mise Jane Appleby has been ill during the past week. R. Black is making several improve. ments in his mill. Mise Lizzie Wright lett for Jamestown on Tumidity morning. David Gadke, one of our electric light men, is still down with the fever. Geo. Jack has shingled his residence and intends to make other improvements. J. Brethauer Bundayed at Centerville, Waterloo Go,, and returned on Monday. Mre. King, of Gerrie, was the guest of her slater, Mre. John Barnard, on Tues- day. .John Robertson bae been busy getting brick to veneer part of hie dwelling on Sanderson street. Rutherford & Munro bad the eleotrio lights put in this week whioh adds to the beauty of their dors. W. 0. Hazlewood also had them pat into hie store. T. F. Sanders attended the chow at Teeewaber on Tuesday and Wednesday of last week and succeeded in carrying off let prizes for team and light harness. John Nloholeon, 0th of Turuberry, has pnrobaeed 8, B. MoKelvie'e dwelling on Howiok street, for the sum of 01,100. Mr, OiloKelvie will likely move his family to Mildmay. John Barnard, who for many years worked in the oat meal mill here, has aeoared a good situation to Luoan and left for there on Thursday last. He will be much missed in Wroxeter. Wm. Rutherford and John Douglas mot with what might have been a fatal accident at Jos. Higgin'a place on the 0th con. of Turnberry on Monday last. They were putting up eavetroughe when the soolfold gave way and they fell to the ground, a distance of about 20 feet. Mr. Dangles Dame off beat in the fall and except for a lama leg is none the worse -and ie able to attend to business. Mr. Rutherford is laid up from the effeote of the fall but expecte to be around again in about a week. Seventeen Years of 'Torture. "I had a bad cough for seventeen years," writes Mrs. Sam'l Hamilton, of Lawoville, Tenn. "No doctor or medi• eine oould ours it until one year ago I began to use Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, whioh did me more good than all other medicines I ever used. It is a truly grand cure for stub. born coughs, colds and throat and lung troubles." Positively cares consumption, pneumonia, grip, bronobibie, asthma, hay fever and croup. Prioe 50o and 91.. Guaranteed. Trial bottles free at G. A. Deadman') drug store. Coderielt. Wm. Warnock shipped hie 222 pound squash to seedomau Rennie, of Toronto, Macpherson shipped a carload of apples to Winnipeg on Tuesday of last week. Mre. A. M. Todd has returned from a trip to the Sault and other points, =oh improved in health. Euginoer Brangh nye there le now 19 feet of water in front of and close up to the Richardson Elevator. Tho Misses Aoheson have returned from their European trip, whioh iuolnded the Paris Exposition and leading pointe on the continent and in the old land. Deputy Sheriff Gundry is pushing his enquiries after the perpetrators of the Buries of burglaries whioh occurred two weeks ago, and he has reason to believe the work was done by someone in town. Constable Gundry, at the instance of Mayor Wilcox, endeavored to proeeento a well known citizen whose horse, it is alleged, is frequently running the streets, but the owner threatened to resist the pro000atlon on the ground that the by. law was defective, so the matter was allowed to drop, A young lady who oounte many friends in Goderioh, Mise Ada Helen McKay, daughter of Mrs. (Capt.) McKay, Quebeo street, was married on Monday of last week, at the residence of Mr, and Mre. Frank J. Dorsey, Spokane, State of Washington ,to Charles Agostino Plaskett, of that oily. Mr. and Mre, Plaokett are taking a wedding trip on the Paoifio Coast and will then settle down in Spokane. The regular meeting of the Goderioh Divieiou of the Wed Huron `,Teachers' percolation will ba held 10 the 000101.1 60110Q1 an Saturday, Cut, Oth, at 2 p. m.• 11'11ddugor, the atov9 map, hoe void out his etopk in trade to Lee & Shephard. Mr. Fiisiogerr, it ie understood, will travel for a well known furnace maotlfaoturing company. A young lady, a resident of Goderioh, on a recent visit to Toronto, had the misfortune to lose her valise. She planed It in .the care of one of the trans, ter eompapiee and the driver was care• lees enough to drop the vsliee frrnl the wagon. It contained a large number of valuables, and was worth in the'neighbor• hood of 9100. All ettempt0 to recover -11 were futile, and the company o0mpro. tnioed withthe lady by giving her a 0heolt representing about half the value of her property, She would much rather have had her property, though. Ole rooted the Surgeons. All the doctors told Renick Hamilton, of Weet Jefferson, 0., after suffering 18 months froth Rental Fistula, he would die unlearn a ooetly operation was per. formed ; but lie oured himself with Baoklen's Arnica Salve, the -best in the world. Surest pile oure on earth. 25o, a box. Sold by G. A. Deadman, druggist. ]3'ord`Wieb.. Fordwiah Fall Show, Saturday, Oot, 0. Fordwiah Cheese Company shipped a carload of (Meese. Mies Bessie Meave, of Harridan, has again taken charge of the millinery de- partment of the Masonic Block Store. Mrs. L. G. Hooey, who has spent the past ooaple of weeks visiting her parents at Orillia, has returned home. She wee a000mpanied by her mother. Mre. Wm. Spence, 91h coo., has sold her property which lies between Beaker's shoe store and Rbiem's bathed shop to Alex. Orr, of the Albion hotel, who in- tends to erect hotel stables on the same next Summer. Charles McLaughlin, coo. 9, has pur- chased the house and lot just Southwest of the 0. P. R. station from Richard Garter and will mova to oar town next Spring. Ia the meantime he will build a new stable and repair the house con. eiderably. Rev. B. L Hooking arrived home from his European trip on Wednesday of last week and is looking ae though the trip bad been beneficial to him. He reports having spent a very pleasant time while away but that be had a very rough trip homeward. Alex. Orr has added many improve- ments to hie already oomfortable hotel. He has had the old siding taken off and pat on again with two layers of building paper and new aiding placed over the same. He has also had it paintedpure white and all the windows taken onb and replaced with windows of only two panes of glass in each, whioh makes the hotel look much nioer. Wino lan,m. Chas. Barber has oompleted the grano- lithiowalke at Ripley. • M. C. Thornton, of town, is laid np with a painful hand, caused by blood - poisoning. Lawson Bisbee had the top of his thumb takeo'off while jointing staves at McLean's mill. Harold H, again won his race 1n New York State 012 Tuesday of last week. His beet time was 2.121. W. Taylor won a number of prizes in the poultry and roots and vegetable Mass- a at the Goderioh Fair. ' Roland Beattie's building on Victoria street is being most conveniently fitted op for the reception of Jno. Swart'° vale• able moan. The members of Maitland Lodge, No. 119, I. 0. 0. F., with invited friends in. tend bolding a sooial in the Council Chamber on the evening of Thursday, Oct. 11111. Robt. McGee and Jae. H. Lind have arrived home from British Colombia, where they havebeen for the peat three or four years: Mr. McGee spent part of the time id Dakota and other plaoes. A meeting was held with reference to the new grist mill propooed to be installed in the Kent blook. A. H. Carr proposes to establish a mill there, if a bonne from private parties man be secured amounting to $1500. A committee was appointed to mimosa for the amount. and it is said i6 a proepeots are that they will node R. J. 0. Dawson, formerly Postmaster of London, Ont., died in England. A little daughter of E. Grant, of Hol- land Landing, was drowned by falling into a tab of water. John Patterson, of Hamilton, sunonn. gee that a company oonbrolled by him ie about to erect 800 coke ovens just East of the city, and will supply tar and gas e.t muoh oheaper rates than charged at present. They Ccll'e so Well People VD OW io Tell, The Public would douilt only for Local Testimony freely offered in every place where Dr. Pit- chor's Baokaehe Kidney Tab- lets .are known. LD', C. Danford, merchant tailor, Turnberry street, Brnseels, says "Some time ago hearing of Dr. Pitcher's Beek.. ache Kidney Tablets I procured a bottle at the drug store of Jae. Fox and took them home for u0e in my own family, Phe patient Buffered from aheadaehe due to a kidney trouble and reports the re. cult ae very sabiefaotory o0usequently I feel I can give this endorsement." Mrs, R. Hingoton, 101111 St., says, -"At limes for a longtime I have been troubled with a weak bank due to kidney trouble, Some time ago 1 heard of Dr. Pitcher's Baokaoho Kidney Tablets and got a b ,t tle at the drug store of Jas. Fox I think them an excellent msdloine no they aoted well with me and at the o (Ma time gently, eseily and quickly." If you have the !slightest symptom of Sidney and Bladder trouble you cap teat this great medioine free. Arrangements have been made whereby readers of this paper can obtain a trial package of Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tablets abaci. lately free by eooloeing two Dent stamp for postage to The Pitober Tablet Co., Toronto, Ont, When giving address mention this paper. If you are aonvinoed Pitcher's Tablets are what you want, you can purchase regular eize for 50 oeote per bottle. If not obtainable at druggist's, mailed free of postage on receipt of prioe. REAL ESTATE. 110R SALE IN ETHEL VIL- raea.-The property of the late John Elliott, ooasistiug of a gelid brick house, with frame kitchen and woodshed, good stable and 1 acre of land, all in aret-olaee condition. If not sold will be rented. Poe- soseton at any time. Por particular() apply to Wo,. $PRRoz, Ethel; AL0x. PATTnas0N Galt; or Du, MaE0Lvny, Mt. Permit, 201f ARM FOR SALE. -FIFTY 12 acre farm for cele, toffy -seven a01e6 cleared, the balance hardwood bush. Good orchard and a never failing well, Buildings good, atone foundation 'under barn, atone cellar under bowie. Farm is well folioed, nearly all straight roll. Poasession could be given at any Uwe. For further particulars apply to W. 1. MoALLISTElt, West 5 Lot 10, Con. 17, Grey, or Walton P. 0. 9 8 T'ARDI FOR SALE -100 ACRES -South Hall Lot 27, Con. b, Morrie Tow vehip, within 1 mile o1 Brussels. Dwell - Ing house, huildinge and fences in good con- dition. The lot has a spring oreek on the Met and river Maitland arenas the rear. About 60 acres timber and a young bearing orchard. Apply to G. A,DEADMAN, 46-t1 Druggist, Brussels. TIRST - CLASS FARM FOR BArn.-Lot 17,con. Townshipof Grey. 100 acres mre or lase. Situat45 miles iron:Omeea's and 2 miles from village of Ethel. All cleared excepting 6 sores of hardwood bush. Buildings and fenoee in good repair. Good wells, All Fall plowing done. Pries and terms of payment on ap- plication to W. M. SINCLAIR, 20.11 Barrister, &o., Brussels, TARM FOR SALE. -160 ACRES L Consisting of the Routh 1 and South l of the North 1 of Lot 80, Con. 2, East WOMB: nosh. This is an excellent stock farm, belog well supplied with good spring water. It is situated about a miles from the thriving Vil- lage of Blyth. A large part of Itis under grass. Buildings and fences are le a lair state of repair, Easy terms of payment will be given, For all information apply to 11-tf G. F. BLAIR, Barrister, Brussels. PINE FARIMI FOR SALE.— 200 acres in the Township of Grey, County of Huron, being lots 10 and 17, eon, 10 ; 1 mile from eoheel, church, poet 011100, store and blaokgmith shop ; 2 miles from Ethel station ; 4 miles from village of Brus- eele ; 1 mile from cheese factory. This farm is well fenced, well un dordrained and well watered• river Maitland runs through Southeast corner. 4 acres of good bearing orchard ; large bank barn with straw gleed ; a driving shed, stone house and kitchen and woodehod. 00 acres in grass ; 24 a0re6 hard- wood bush ; 25 acres in rougand good ced- ar; balance under good cultivation. For further partloulare apply to WM. FI80HER, proprietor, Oranbrook P. O. 5-tf TilARM FOR SALE. - FOR Bale Lot 21, Concession 10, McKillop, containing 100 aoree, 80 acres cleared and ready for orop being well nu derdraiued and well fenced with cedar and black ash. The balance is timber and pasture. There is a small orobai'd and three good welts. There is a good frame house and wood shed, a barn - and stables 61x80 Seet, also aheepp house, pig pen, implement house and all other necessary out buildings, Itis 15 miles East of the North gravel road and is con- venient to suhoolo, 01106311es, post office, eta. Is 71 miles from Seatorth and 10 miles from Brussels. It is 0120 of the beat farms in the township and will be sold on easy terms as the proprietor wishes to retire. Apply on the premises or address Winthrop P. 0. NM, MRR OI80N. THE NEW $HOE TORR N'7 O A Shoe Both Dainty E and Durable and combines what is rarely found, Style with Comfort, made in all sizes and widths, Lace and Button. Prices Stamped on Sole of Shoe—$2.00 ; $2,50 ; $3.00 ; $3.50. Patent Leather, very stylish, at $3,50.. A. Special line for Fall and Winter wear, with Rubber Heel, $8.50 -0- Trot Tun EMPRESS !bon DREssllao for keeping a Stylish Shoe in perfect condition. Every bottle warranted first-class, This Modern Shoe for Women is a high grade shoe, made to fit the feet with ease. It is made from especially selected stock, which, with unusual attention given by expert designers to lines and shapes, has produced Downing Bros. Dealers. IQ lrQ J5l There le a gratifying sense of seonrity and satisfaction ip bpYing in t11i6 store. It isknown goods are just as represented t0 be and all goods are reelable. This store is adding to ire ouetomere daily, attracted by the attractive, nese of the store, its splendid appoiotmente and ire vary complete oto0ke, The high artieli0 character of the goods, and the exolusiveneee fn ma01 lines, make it a store that beoomes increasingly 111e favorite place for hike Dress hoods, Mantles, Millinery and the Choicest Fur vends. Our Drees Goods Department briotlos whit) all Ghe newest 0101110 in all the wanted oolors• We can please the moot fastidioug, -New Plaids, for ekirte and cootumoe, f0 camel's hair effects, very stytiah, at 50o, 750 and $1. -New Plaids, in smooth fioieb, for skirts, 75o and 51. -New Plain Cheviot Sailings, 42 inches wide, in grey, brown, belabor mixed and black, apeoiat 50a. -New navy and blank Coating Serge, all wool, heavy weight, 4r inahoa wide, a snap at 40o, -New Homespuoe, 62 isoho0 wide, hi Oxford grey, brown and heather mixed, for ekirte and costumes, at 75o, -Heavy all wool Homeopnne, 50 luahes wide, in a variety of oolore, at $1,00. -New Poplins, in blaok and navy, at 50o and 750. McKINNON & Go., BLYTH 1�Ii�li er f Mantle Opening. . MRS: E. BOGEBS Begs to announce that her Millinery and Mantle Openings will take place on THURSDAY and FRIDAY, —OCT, 4 & 5, When will be shown all the Newest and Leading Styles for the coming Season. MISS LAWRENCE Has been engaged for the Fall Season and we feel confident that every lady plaeing her orders with us will re- ceive entire satisfaction both as regards Style and Workman- ship. Thanking the Ladies for their past patronage I solicit a continuance of their favors. BRUSSELS, Sept. 25th, 1900. Psomsnuoss ,'.lads. Spectacles Important to Breeders and Horsemen, Eureka y Caustic Balsam. alsam. A reliable and a oedy remedy for Curbs, Splints, Spaying, Sweeney, oto., etc., in Horses zed Lump Jaw Y4 �'-`" --,,.a�• in Cattle. °mann 11Anx "See pamph- let which accompanies every bottle, giving scientific treatment iu Mae various diseaeee.' It can be used in every case of veterinary practice where stimulating applications and blisters are preserlbed, It has no 00FRnlo1. Every bottle sold is guaranteed to give satis- faction. Prise 750 per bottle. Sold by all druggists and country storekeepers. Pre- pared by TIM MORE BA VETERINARY MEDICINE 00MPANY, London, Ont. -OF ALL HINDS - Fitted to Correct all Failures of Eyesight, and your Eyes tested FREE by latest Optioal methods at Division Court Office, BRUSSELS. NcLEOD'S System Renovator -dNU 01131:11 - TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpita- tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Near - algia, Lose of Memory, Bronohitis, Con- sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Danoe, Female Irregularities and General De. bility LABORATORY, GODERION, ONT. J. M. MOLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer. Hold by Jae, Fox, Druggist, Brussels SHINOLES British Columbia Red Cedar Shingles AND -- North Shore Pine and Cedar FOR SALE AT THE Brussels Planing Mills Also Dooro and Sash of 3(11 Pat terns on hand or made to order at Short Notice, Eetimatee Furnished for all kinds of Baildinge, Workman- ship and Material Guaranteed, P. AIV EN.l.r MONEY TO LOAN At 1 Per Cent. Costs of Loan Very Reasonable. Liberal Terms of Re -payment. G. F. BLAIR, SOLIOITOR, &o. Office over Standard Bank, Brussels. COUSLEY'S WYOLE IUh1 IS THE TALK OF THE COUNTRYSIDE. If you want a new Wheel, or would prefer a Second Hander or require repairs of any kind he can supply you and at prices that will please y011. Agent for lbs Canadian Express 0o. by whioh line you should do your busi• naso. .9. specialty made of money order buainoto, A. COUSLEY, Ln0RIS 011001£,