The Brussels Post, 1900-10-4, Page 4era . 1It ! 1xeae1I , tat. J'!,f UJ SD4 Yt OOT, 4, 1900, FOlitlual roj.00rs. irOharieoTapper has ably thirty- three retaliates who are drawing money at title moment froth the public orlb. Our total ex oet8 of a rioultaral im. pismonts In 1004, wee 0005,277 ; in 1807 it rose to 01,847,223. '!bat is the way the Liberal tariff Is "runiag" our mewl - featuring indestrles, The Liberal Goverttmoot lute root all the expenditure of the past year—intend- ing the $5,000,000 fur the contingents to South Mews, and has not added cue copper 00 the debt during the year. Return° thew that the total shipments In °hawse for rho octagon to date front Montreal and Portland are 100,106 bone over the shipments to the oorreepo t ndit' h date last year, while the increase from the Port of New York is only 124,164. Under the last tone years of Ibir, Fos. ter'a flnanoing the public debt grew $17,000,000, under the four years of Mr. F ielding's it lose only inerea8ed 07,000,000 and this current year ib hoe aotually been reduced for the flret time 831)06 Cooled, erati0n, The total increase in the trade of Canada during the teethe 18 years that the Conservatives were ip office amounted to $40,000,000, The inoreaee in trade during the 4 years of Liberal rale was more than twice as much ae during the entire term of their predecessors in ollioe, being $13.4,000,000. In the last three years of Conservative admioiatrabinu there were deflates of 80,651, a tottatl of $5,494,758. B In 1806.7,76 and before before the new tariff woo in force, the deficit wee $520,000. In lbs last three years there have been, big sarpluees of $1,722,712, $4,837,750 and over 07,600,000, a tote! of $14,000,000 surplus. The yearly postal (teflon under the Conservatives was 0600,000. The Liber. vis have opened many new offioee, added hundreds ot miles of new mail routes, reduced the postal rate to le ants, im. proved the mail service y, and natwithstaudingthese vast improvements hove practically wiped out the defloit in the poeml depertmeut. ettleert 0)) Wawanotlt boundary ; /,'wane; $14,40, heave! ; Max, !.tartar, $1,, culvert Wiagllaut boundary ; R. Arnot strong, 08, Abraham drain ; A. Oarrutll• ere, 000, 8ulver1 ; 10lttt ]lie'lavieb, $14.00, week 00 read ; Arthur Magee, 08, Wolk Ott road 1 1'. MoDqugell, 000, repairing 00raper 1Peter Uaatlu e, $2.40, repeliug Jobb's bridge ; Henry 'Wheeler, 01, dant ages ; .John Gannett, $8,10, work o1) NAB ; Asn} A, Esty, 04, rant. Ocunoil. adjourned t0 meet In llety's hail, Blue• vele, on Me/tidily, Nov, 12bb, et 10 a. m. J. Bononse, alar k. Luciano w. Luoltnow Fall Show on Wednesday and `1'hereday of this week. 12. Jellnsben bad the misfortune to have two tinware on his right band out at the evaporator. A Sunday School convention of the Aehiisld 010004 will be held in Bleke'e ahnroh, on Tuesday, Oat, 9, Sessions will be held at 0,80 a, m. and 2 30 p, m. Addressee will be given on different aubjeots in connecion with Sabbath School work. In the evening an mew gelietia ureter, will be held. 1,.sad and fatal accident occurred near Underwood on Sunday evening. Some young people were returning borne on a Orli from attending divine service. The eart broke down and a Mho Struthers, of Bruoe township, falling forward, wee kinked to death by the horse. The young lady was highly reepeeted, and the affair has oast a gloom over the entire neighborhood. GI (try ft'• Mrs. . Philip M0I140811 has "one on a month's visit to friends in Proton. The carpenters wore melting some im. provemeute aronud the 0. P. R. holt week. Mee. Carruthers, of Portage•la-Prairie, Dian., ie at proem i1) town visiting her relatives and friende. Geo. Dane, traveller for Knox Morgan 0o., Hamilton, was in town last week re• newicg old aequsi0tan0ea. Mrs. 12. Copeland, Mrs. H. Perkins and ,Mise Ella Porkies visited with Pal- merston friends for a few days last week. The anniversary services in 000neobiou with the Gerrie Methodist church will be held on Sunday, Oot,7tb, and a tea -meet- ing will be held on Monday, 8th inst. %MAT Tan LIn9IttLe /LANs n0159. Sir Wilfrid Laurier at Montreal : And what hae the Government done for the r. .00try ? The Conservativepress and the Coueervabive leaders say everywhere that we have dome nothing. Well, here fe a little of what we have done, First 01 all we faced the school question, whiah ow enemies attempted to settle without h inn able to do so. We settled that ,j,eation, and I will speak more frilly upon it later. We reformed the tariff, and by doing 00 were enabled to dlmiuieb the burdens of the people and to increase trade. We obtained the denunciation of the Belgium and Garman treaties, and the day we obtained that reform Canada become a nation more than it had been before. We have reduced the defioits which existed in the Postotlice Depart- ment. In 1890, when my friend, Mr, Mnlock, Poatmaster•Geaeral, assumed tate direotiou of that department there was lit deficit of $800,000 to meet• At the end of two years of admi0lstratimi he had reduced that deticit to nearly $50.000. He thea thought it time to in- troduce a reform which the Conservative party haddeolared impossible. He re- .inaad the rate by one thir3, and at the end of cue year eatabtiebed an egnili- brinm, and I veotare to predict that in ,;••ocher year he will have completely -ncceeded in establishing an equilibrium between receipts and expenditure. We !!sued up the great tniniug country which ie known as Roseland, by having the railway known as the Crow's :,est Pass Railway constructed. Getting the work done by the Oanadiau Pacific Com. pony, we made with that corporation an errangetneut by which the tariff of freight race, wee reduced from 10 to 30 tate cent. which bad the effect of giving to consumers of that region the means of saving at least $600,000 a year. Ws have prolonged the Intercalanial to Montreal, and by so doing we have pat an end to the era of deficits and inangurated an era at surpluses. This year the surplus will be over half a million. We have com- leted the construction of annals for the purpose of bringing the prodaats of the West to Montreal, and £cosily the Laurie Government has made Montreal reaogoiz• ed as the national port of Gonads. 13ltr.eva.le. Tra1n3Rer Corxrm —Minutes of Coatt- ail meeting held in Lsty's hall, Blnevsle, au Monday, Sept. 24th. Members of o1) Sept. 011.1. "Fritz" as he was Council allathe Reeve in the familiarly koowo here, joined the Amer'. chair. The agnates of test meeting were can army daring the Cuban war, and e few months ago bis company was remov• ed from New Orleans to Galveston, where Mr. Howe had received word from him only a short time before the dire 1a A:F E BB. o r ' C:iyttoiet.*¢ltt Tdryee. Sir Wilfrid Laurier will epeeit at Masesy Gall on Act, 113. George Irwin, an aged farmer, dropped dead in the Imperial Sank at Tngereol . F. W. Galbraith, editor of the Guelph Msrsnry, ie serionely 111 with an internal trouble. 1.00151, E. Armstrong, editor .of the Bt. i Wise)(a11fT,`Ir, Andrew's Beacon, is the Liberal eandl. l date in Oharlotbe, N, B. CnwvunaRr,. Otto, Joseph Vance, the eon of a prominent May20rO io, farmer of the township 01 JIfoudfotd, 000, committed euioide by hanging, I J. M. McLeod, MoLeod Laboratory, Brakeman G. W. 'Web, of Baratta, died st the Stratford Tioepilal from injariea received in an aenideut at New Gambnrg.. John Agnew, of Wingbam le attending the Western school of medicine, lie is the 6th in that family to enter the medical proteeeion. 3. II, Bertram, eon of the late Geo. 17. Bertram, bus been appointed assistant appraiser at the hardware Mamie of the Onatouts ogles at Toronto, Friday Gordou, Ironsides dr Fares, of Wiuuipeg, shipped 1,000 oatble to Eng land, Smoe June 1 this firth has sent 20,000 head aorose the water. Mies Griffon, of Dundee, was shot and killed by au euknowu man, who drove up behind as she was riding is a buggy with Geo. A. Pearson, at Waterdown. P. T. McLennan, aged fourteen years of age and Chas. T, Mumtnsry, aged 21, were killed white driving on the Victoria avenue oroseing of the G. T. R. at Ham. ilton. The steamer Aloidee, belonging to the Donaldson Line, from Glasgow, passed the quarantine ab Grosse Isle without reporting, and will be sent back to quer. antics. Rev. R. E. Knowles, of Galt, wbo is touring in Great Britain, met with a painful aooident at Port Stewart, Ireland. He stepped off a wall in the dark and fell a distance of 12 feet, spraining both ankles. The Minister of Agrioulture has tom• plated arrangements for the fumigation of fruit trees at the ports of entry where, under the San Jose Boole ameudmeut aot, nursery stook may now be imported into POb* Mee. Maxima Dupuis of Tilbury, waft crushed to death by s i'1orkle falling Open her, Snperlutei,dent Terrier, of the Indus. 0141 school at Mimiso, reported to the Board that out of 25 recent admiesi0ne to the school 18 were confirmed tlgaretle smokers, Liesro ♦Fsol. H. Goddard, of tbie town, carried off 17 prizes with his thole' bred poultry at the Palmerston show. Dr. A. H. Nichol has telly recovered from bis recent illeees and lute resumed practice at hie office. Tbe judge's court to hear the appeals re the Listowel voters' list will be held in the Town Hall on Wedoeeday, Oct. 10th, at10a. in. A monster sugar beet, weighing 27 lbs., is to be ,eau 11)the window of J. H. Mc. Dcuald, grocer. It was grown in the garden of Thos. Tinley, of this town. Neil Scott, son of J. W. Scott, met with a painful accident on Monday of last week, he having sprained his arm at We wrist by falling from a tree. No bones were broken, but the epraia is 8 very se- vere one and oeoeesitates hie carrying his arta in splints. Monday afternoon of laet week was the occasion of a large family gathering on the lawn of F. W. Hay. The event was prompted by the intended departure of the Miesee Climie, eietere of W. Climie, of the Banner, for Los Angles, Gal., on Thursday. The party a:waisted of 661 relatives, the majority of whom reside in town. A photoof the group was taken by 0. A. Lee, after wbieh a very sump. tnoos repeat was served on the lawn. Fitting speeches were made by T. E. Hay and Wm. Climie, on the presenta- tion of e. travelling bag to Mrs. Olimie. At a gathering of Congregational church people at the residence of Andrew Climie, Wallace street, on Wednesday eveuiog of last week, hiss Annie Climie was presented with en address and a handsome gold chain in recognition of het services as organist of the church. .Hiss Climie left in a few days ago for Southern California. Her departure will be a lose to musical circles in tale town, her talents having been employed to ex- cellent purpose for a number of years in training the pupils of the POblia school and in the cultivation of the musical art in other ways—in giving private lessons, in the Ladies' Music Club, and as a valuable assistant at maeioal entertain- ments. Miss Climie will take with her the beat wiehee of all wbo have profited by her instruction, end of a very large circle ot friends besides. From enquiries which have been made it now appears almost certain tbat Fred. Hess, formerly barber with F. S. Howe of tide town, lost his life in the devastat- in. storm which swept over Galveston recd, approved and signed. Communica• Goes were read from R. Vansteue, Wiogham, re demsge to road from fire, also from Wm. Grey re cleaning oat Government drain—Filed. Sir, Cope• calamity occurred. Only some la ToAbd reported that he had let 6 rads of eoldiero, out of upwards of a hundred who Township share of 81 Abraham rod dr ain to also were stationed at Galveston, survived the that Andrew Carruthers 1h d repaired red terrible storm, and Pte. Hese' name was reported among the missing. Mr. Howe received word from Will. Hese, 0f Chi- oaga, brother of Fred., stating that a letter which he sent to bis brother's ad- dress at Galveston had been returned to him, marked "Lost in the storm." Hie and fate is deeply regretted by his friends in town, he hotting lived bare from fa- 1aoey to manhood. hire. J. Wilhelm, of Tavistock, is a sister of the unfortunate 0101300, Canada. Oddegarde ve. The Toronto General Trusts Company, au action by the parents of two young men who died in the Yukou dietriot to recover $60,000, hae been decided in favor of the plaintiffs at the Ottawa Assizes. Jeremiah J. Hoskins, of Loudon, Ont , is lying at Victoria Hospital in a serious condition. with a fractured skull, as a result of injuries inflioted by his son, William, aged 26 years, The young man is thought to be insane. The Department of Agriculture has been notified that the epeoiel shipment of fruit eeot from Grimsby a few weeks ago bas arrived at Manchester is excel. lent oonditiou. No report has base re- ceived yet as to prima realized. Civil service entrance examinatione will be held at Charlottetown, St. John, Halifax, Quebec, Montreal, Ottawa, Kiogaton, Toronto, Hamilton, London, Winnipeg, Viotoria and Vancouver, tom• menoiug on Tuesday, the 13th day of November next. D. 3, MoGillie, Secretary of the Montreal Cold Storage Company, and Ilex. MoOnlloah, of the dairy firm of Droll d: MoOulloob, who had large deal- ings with the company, have been arrest- ed at the inetanee of the Merchant's Bank of Halifax, charged with =aspir- ing to defraud the Bank out of $320,000 on bogus warehouse receipts. At the annual rifle matches of the 77th Regiment Mise Lizzie,Bibby, of Dundee, carried off the honors of I the day. Mies Bibby tied for the first place in the. open match, and woo first plane in the commanding officers. The beat elicits of the regiment were competing so that the victory was not au empty one. Two children, a boy tbree years old and a girl of five years, were burned to death in a farm hoose near Fallowfield. The children were left in the house asleep, and their parents were at work in a field. Between the bowie and wbere they were at work was a barn which hid from their parents' row the fire until the building was almost destroyed. culvert o1) lib line at toe. Mr. Mosgrove reporte3 hawing let a job of filling np road where damaged by fire to John Mo. Tavish at $14.70 ; else engaged A. MoGee to work at road damaged by fire. Mr. Mitchell reported bavicg let a job of gravelling 50 yards on east gravel road mutt B. line to r,Vm. Willie at 26 oen10 per yard ; also let n job of repairing culvert on east gravel road to Wm. Witlite at 8200, Freak W. Wright to inspect gravelling. Moved by Mr, Mit. °!tell, eeconded by air. Lovell, that the Commit settle with Rola. Harris for datuags to road by fire for the sum of 90. —Carried. Moved by Mr. Copeland, seconded by Mr. Moegrove, that the treeenrer's bond having been read is es.tisfa6tory to this Coaucil.—Carried. A. number of ratepayers applied to the bychronic kidney trouble, that no meat. Conuoil re oleaniog out drains, but as y nuns seemed willing to take the eonrse nice belped until he used Eleotrio Bitters preeoribsd by Otatnbe the matter was left end was wholly cured by three bottles. for the different parties to settle among Cures baokaohe, nervousness, loss of themselves. The following aaootnite appetite, all kidney troubles Ooly 500 were passed and checks loaned 1—John at t3. A, Dsodman'e drug ares• etc is a Wonder. Alt who see C. F. Cherokee, Iowa, ae be is orate cheertat, erect, vigorous, with. out nn eche, could bardly believe he was the sums man, who, a abort time ago bad to sit i1) a chair, propped op by coshtoue, suffering intensely from an aching back, ie agony it he tried to stoop—all caused Bargees, 8t 617, Thoroton drain, and $27.12, Voters' List revision ; Wm. F. Smith, $T 50, voters' list revision ; John S McTavish $2 40, voters' list revision Forester's Hell $2,voters` list revision ; W. Ii: Kerr, $] ea, Armstrong dram ; D. E. Hastings $8.10, gravely R. Arm. strong, $103.70, A ntstraag' drain; Rabe. Mosgrove, 500, cutting weeds ;. Arthat Wheeler, $7.1.0, work on 0)8Ss 1 Robert Cnrrie,$0.10, ?urnbsrry's share filling Rev. W. F. Wilson, of Hamilton has been invited to become the 'Astor of Etat Street Methodist °borab, Toronto, atter the close of this 00n1ere005 year, and hes accepted the invitation. Kent Conservatives have nominated Myer Smith, of Chatham, for the Commone, bet Copt. Patterson announced atthe convention that he would run as Ion Iodepandeut. Conservative, Godsrioh, Ontario. Dobe Sm,—Your liquid, medicine, "Boort and Swab;' has oared me entirely of rho more I had on my sipper jaw. The dootore that the�old tne lt it as a n bone would baveto beout ooer ut and the affected parte removed by the knife. It was this that frightened mo and made me get the "Soak and Swab." I used only three pint bottles, I am well ever eine, and it ie three years sauce I need it. ]Raving great confidence in your medioino I will moommend it to those in need, I am, ern., MRs. J. HannttN. The following was reoelved froth the same lady ten years ago : I suffered for nearly four years from fits, and almost at the same hour daily, out of which no nue could waken me, un- til I awoke of myself, weak and wearied after the lapse of from ten to twelve hours' time during wbieh time I was wholly nnooneaioue. I was uttecded to and consulted no fewer the, sixteen doctors without any benefit Red no re. lief. I got to be absentminded, tten an- 000*03oue of my surrouudieg•, look no notice of anything, until, to the good providence of God, e. frteod insiebed on bringing J. M. McLeod to our house. He took me out of the fit i1) halt a min- ute's time. I began to gain rapidly after this in health and soundness of mind, and to this day I have not had any more fits. Yours, etc., 3053011INE E. MARTIN. ltiugebridge, Ont. Sold by James Fox, druggiet, Brussels. Details of the Canadian and other col. 00431 0000 nary in 80001 .Africa will go to England Re the gneets of the nation before returning 110004, The Queen will present each corps with new colon, The master•ln.ordluary rand tine Chat- ham Banner to W. G, Dickson, 0f Chat. ham,. for 00,111, Mr, •Barber, AL P. P., wig!e lit heavy orsditor of the Banner Company, nosy in liquidation, bid 06,000, but would not raise the bid, 2315 Te twain nays : 'Ina Gleba is trying to matte out that 11 the Laurie Government is returned to power the factory ohhnneys will go on smoking and probably learn to thew." Certainly. The pulp mills have learned to chew already.—Toronto Globo. People of Lamblon oonnty want to preserve the few deer still to be found in that district, and the Provincial Government has passed an order.le• council making it a close season for deer in Larebton, for an indefinite number of years, In Eesex a ten years' close season woe proolaimed some time ago, with very good results. BRUSSELS CIDER MILL. Few Plant Throughout. This season a new plant tae been pub in Bruseels Cidr Mill and rime better wok than ever, doubling the one. aaity. It is now in full awing. In addition to mannfaotnring Older a specialty is made of Apple Batter and Jelly. Work done while you wait. Satisfaction assured and ul argee reasonable. Geo. Edwards, MILL STREET. MIL -.-I ERY OPENING. . MISS RODDICK'S Splendid stock of Fall Millinery will be opened for the inspection of the Ladies of Brussels and vicinity, On THURSDAY 0 t 4 &5 and FRIDAY, Sixty Oddfellowe and their families, who were left homeless and destitute by the Ottawa fire, have been relieved by a generous oontribatioo of over six thous and dollars, snbsoribed by the brethren of the following jurisdictions : Ontario, 82,610.70 ; Michigan, $810.20 ; New Hampshire, 5364.29 ; Quebec, $277.25 ; Illinois, $100 ; Maritime Provinces, 5401 ; Manitoba, $718.30 ; Maine, (36.16•- 60I Vermont, $80 ; total, $5,049.24. J. W. Bait. of the Burson of Mies, has returned from Lelia Nipigoo, on the Baster] side of which, near Sturgeon River, a large body of iron ore has been discovered. The ore is hematite banded with jasper. It is 100 feet wide and ex- tends over several miles in length. A. number of locations have been taken up on the range, and farther diecoveries have been made at a paint 20 !miles East, wherelthe formation presents much the same appearance. SABBATH GnexavANCR.—Rev. John G. Paton, D. D., the noted missionary says; The New Hebrides converts, of which we have now 18.000, keep the Sabbath Day sacredly to God's worship. All cooking ie done on Satorday preparatory to the Sabbath, eo that Sstnrday is called the "Preparatory day." Worship begins at each station soon after daylight in the morning of Seoday. Every convert is found in his or her appointed seat at the hour of worship unless confined to a bed of sickness. None of the converts speed the Sabbath Day in visiting friends or tarn their backe on the ehnrabes where otiters assemble for worabip as I saw'' multitudes last Sabbath is oouveyanees or on bicycles epeudiug the holy day in pleasure and amusement. Are they not heapiog up wrath against the day of wrath and righteons judgment of God, who said, "Remember the Sabbath Day to keep it holy." II our island converts saw the way In which many professed Ohrietieos keep the Sabbath m Britain, in Canada and in America they would doubt if they were Ohristians at all, and it possible would plead with them to act• company them to the church and the Sunday school that they might enjoy the happiness which they fled in the wor- ship of the dear Lord Jeens on his own day. I have myself met with very meny people who dated their first step into stn and ruin o1) that Lord's Day which they spent with their companions and friends in esekingg worldly plessnre and amuse. meut. This is the message of the ottani. bale t0 Caoada." The Newest, Latest and Prettiest in the market will be collected in most attractive form. .A. cordial invitation is extended, and inspection invited. MISS RODDICK. Strictly One Price Always the Lowest "33 Per Gent. Less than Other Stores.!" Oal, 4, 1900. NOTE THIS New Steck. Stock. A, Low Price. A, Choice St�tc rice. We will Make it. Pay You to Buy All Your Goods of Us. Ie.MOMM.ey OS +WINNOW= ¥OURS THAT DOLLAR Oan BUY MORE and bring BETTER REiULTS than it ever did singe Ole DOLLAR MARK woe invented, IF you put it into OUR DOLLAR, STRETCIIINGi VALUES. Ws annmmmethe greatest gathering of deeirable merohaodiee we hove ever saoceeded in collecting for our patrons. Everything fresh and new, sparkling with the brightest fashion thoughts of the new seasau. Save Money while the Chance Lasts. A little of it will give wonderful eatisfaotion if iuveeted in our sincerely hottest qualities of reliable goods of known value. Yon will delight in our new stack became ie is in toaoh with the times, and antioipatee your every want in INN'S a BOYS'CLOTHING hats, Caps and_Geuts' Purnisliing Goods. Without Doubt or Hesitation, come and Reap the Best Values Year Dollar Ever Bought. A Stock Thoroughly Up-to-date in QUALITIES and STYLES in Every Department. Conte and make your comparisons ; they are the keys that unlock the facts about our Fine Qualities and Low Prices. Tbe simple, plain talk of the Price that is Eight is oar oonviuoing argument. Take advantage of this combination of Saving and Satisfaotion and your mind will be easy and your money saved. We are waiting to give you a Square Deal for a Round Dollar. That is what the people say about our Mantle Prices, and they're right. Do you want to buy a Jacket as cheap as you can, or do you wish to give other merchants more than our prices ? Most any person would feel badly over losing a dollar or two out of their purse between here and other stores, but that is just what you are going to do if you buy a Jacket elsewhere, and there's no doubt about it. Probably you wonder how we know this. We know it because we know the prices other merchants have to pay the Can- adian Wholesaler and Manufacturer, and the Agents for German Manufacturers, and we know by buying direct from the Makers in Berlin we can buy them 25 to 35 per cent. cheaper. We know all Ibis because we have seen the ;Canadian Makers' goods and prices, the samples shown by Agents of German Makers, and the prices asked by them, and after seeing these we have made special ar- rangements with a large retail buyer of German Mantles, who, when in Berlin, bought our Mantles for us, and you will find them just as much cheaper as we claim. Are You Ready to put Us to the Test? t3". Fercruson Or ®.9 Direct Importer of Mantles. ® •ass CnhlstalltIyGettillg�Seeour 8411811 DRESS iuNevGovds Na " O_r' 4*PR11111111 for Everything P Cheap, No Fancy Prices. 'pp ppll Tra(le. a�. trachan. Wilton & Turnbull Ileadquarters for CEERAL HARDWAE and�� BUILDERS' SUPPLIES of All Kinds, Farmers should see our American Field Fence, Best Fence on the market. Barb and Plain Wire, All lands Harvest Tools. Binder Twine. Paints and Oils. S. W. P., the best Ready Mixed Paints made, always in stook. TRY US. WILTON & TURNBULL t'