HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-9-20, Page 8• VVALL. • PAPERS 1, ausasLa 11 0 Savr, 20, 1900 TORONTO MONTREAL We have lately received two shipments of Wail Paper selected from Toronto and Montreal fac- tories. If there is any best we have it. Some lines ordered have to be made and will follow later. G. A. Deadman, nrogelst and Graduate Optician, 13russeis, Ont. 10o. WORT 2'dosett TeaBlOotilte, 2 0 Soonee, 4 Cookies, 4 " Oottneed Oahe, 6 " Gingee OOP, 1 jelly Cake, 1 Ch000late Oahe, 2 Apple Puddingu, 3 or More Pies, cao. The above is what 10c, worth of Deadman's Baking Powder will make, Have you ever used it ? You need not be afraid—it con., tains no alum and costs you little, too little for what it con- tains and does, but we sell all the more, Manufactured by G. A. Deadman, Druggist, Optician & Bookseller, GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. sountans EXTENSION W. a. & 8, Tettine leave Brussels Station, North %a South, as folic:ve : GOING Sol:MX. Gomm Nowa. Fixeren 7:18 axe. Mail c.10 p,m Mixed 9:46 a,m, I Expees 8;17 p.m ratal Etivs Iftms. A ohiel's among ye takin' notes, Au' faith 11811 prent it. Pam, PAIRS. EARLY frosts, APPLE buyers are out. PLANT your Fall advt. Maur down Qst. 4 & 5. BRAD every advertisement. Enemata market leads. Try it. G.= a prize list of Brueeele Fall Fair. MILLINERY OPENINGS will soon be to the front. GRAIN is beginning to some to Brueeele market at a lively rate. Lenart quantitiee of peaches, pease and tomatoes have been sold in town during the past week. TEE cement sidewalk on Mill street le completed and the workman are finishing John street walk. TEE flax mill has oompleted the job of threshing for this season. Scotching will begin as soon as the flax ia ready. IT was reported thab Harry Mercer was injured by foiling from a scaffold or a pole falling on him while employed at Moorefield. "UP Bee RISES"—THE POST subsorip• tion liat. 10 new subscribers during the peat week. We want 190 more by Jan. let. Yon oan help se. BEASTS:MEI Bowlers played a return game with Brucleals Thursday afternoon of this week. The match was not cam. plated when we went to press. A JOLLY oarry.all load of young people to Trowbridge to a Tea meeting in the Methodist church last Monday evening. They were home for breakfast, Almeria; sale season is at hand. THE Poor will be glad to fill your order, promptly and at moderate rates. We Cft also arrange dates for auotioneer. Masa & Co. disposed of two ladies' wheels of the Canada Carole Motor faotory manufacture to Jas. Oakley, Brussels, and Miss Ella Lamont, a teacher in Grey, BRUSSELS Valera' List Court will be held in the Connell Chamber on Thurs. day, Oot. 11, at 10 o'clock a. m., before Judge Marmon. There are 37 appeals to deal with. Samna Famacnt removed to Version, Man., going with hie oar on Thareday of this week. Mrs. Fraliok and children left on Tuesday intending to 'make a oall on relatives before reaching their death. nation. Minns. Low= & BARKER, of this town, took 6 First priZert and 4 Seconds at Listowel Fall Fair on Wedneeday with their poultry. There was a large number of entries as they give awards for chiokens as well as grown birds. FIND REsEDENCE PURCHASED. — Alex. • Straohan, merchant, purchased the briok residence, corner of Turnberry and Elle• n etreete;froin Dr. Snider, paying $1,676 for it. Be will get possession at once se the Dr. has removed from to to Port Dover. The house has been fitted up in the moat modern style during the past year and is oentrally located. STma the sidewalk petitions come to the front. Mite time it is for a walk from Turnberry Street to Primula' on the North aide of Queen street. This ie a • necessary link in the walk and will add materially to the oonvenienoe and corn. fort of pedestrians. The Eaet end of Queen should have a walk too to oom. pieta the improvements in that part of Brnesels. G. T. R. NOTEL—The following are among the shipmenta made from the G. T. R., Amoeba during the past week Dr. Snider, one oar of household goods; R. Graham, 2 cars peas ; A. Beaker, 3 oars of oats ; W. F. Vanetone, 1 oar of hoga ; G. Beet, 2 oars of lambs ; Jam. Roddiok, 1 oar of lorobs A. 0. Dames, 1 oar of cattle ; Salt Works, 2 oars of salt; W. Maria 1 oar of cheese •, S. Fralick, 1 oar of gobblers' effects to Manitoba. Inwards, 1'. Ardent, 1 oar of lumber 1 Salt Works, 2 oars of coal and 1 oar of elaveri. EXPLOSION. —The Seaforth,papers give the following particulars in which a former Brusselite was concerned :--On Friday afternoon hot an exploeion ourred in the cellar of the dons of W. H. Willis, boot and shoe merchant, of thie town. The store is lighted by acetylene gas and eomething having gone wrong • with the machine Thos. Hatcher, of the Sills & Murdie firm was employed to re. pair it. The goe wad let out of the maohine into the cellar and as wan atip. posed had teased out of the window, bat upon miming in contact with a lighted • lamp cd the other end of tbe sellar ari ex. plosion occurred. It knooked Mr. Willie and Mr, Hatt:her down, slinging their hait and whiskers. The stellar door was blown down and eeVeral pansy of glees broken. It Wee all over in a Moond. fa' MoDosman-Oastanort, Oot, 5. Tet Ameut factory is through cutting beading for this season. They had a big stook. THE bricklayere have the addition to A. Straehe,n's store well up on the Bret storey. IN the Rae case at Goderioh Assizes last week the jury returned a verdict of "not guilty." A 610.00 0. P. R. excursion to Mani. soba and Assine,bote, is announced. See advt. in this issue. SOME new stalls will be fitted up for the accommodation of cattle men on the Agricultural grounds preparatory to the Fall Fair. FRED.. ADAMS is fitting np a stable and drive hones in the West side of his pump works, Mill street, and will have a tip-top place when oompleted. 01,550 is the amount asked by the Public School Board for the maintenanoe of the eohool for 1900. This hi $100 more than last year. H. L. JACESON and W. Grewar, of Bras - and Wm. Wilson, ef Morrie, will consti- tute, with a pianist, an instrumental quartette for Belgrave Fall Fair Oonoert. AUGUST make of theme from Anneals factory was eold to Ballantyne & Bon, Stratford, at 11 5/16 cents per pound, a good price. It was shipped lad Monday. %NORMS Footballere did not show up on Friday as announced by bills and press. A telephone message Thursday evening stated their Inability to get hare but too late to recall the announcement of the game. Wingham is a great team for borne motolies. BRIISSELS Fall Fair Oot, 4 & 5. No one ehoold fail to attend. It's a de,ndy. Big Concert on Friday evening in Town Hall. H. Itirthven McDonald and Mrs. PdoDon, old, of London, and J. H. Cameron, of Toronto, are the outside talent. The pro- gram will be a fine one. THEY KNOW WHERE TO GET GOOD Worm —This week Jno. Donaldson, harness maker, of Brussels, delivered a fine set of double harness trimmed with Gelid nickle, russet lines, &o, to Mayor Watson, Listowel, for hie dandy roadster team. Mr. Watson took the red tioket at Lis. towel Fair on Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Donaldson turns ont a lot of fine work and the militia are finding it out. CRIMINAL STATISTICS.—CrOvro Attorney Lewis returns of oases tried at the Oonnty Judge's Criminal aunt. Goderioh, for the firat half of 1900 show nine thefts, one aggravated assault and three cans of hone stealing, fourteen oases in all. There were eleven coovictione, the lien. lancer ranging from three yeare to two months. Six prieonere were sent to the Oentral prison, two to the Ringsten taenetentiary and tbe balance to the county jail. Dissoreasou.—The partnership exist- ing between D. Ewan and Walter Innee, as carriage makers, &o, has been dis- solved this week, the former continuing tbe business. Mr. Ewan has bought the frame shop from Mr. Lanes and now owns tbe whole premises. He wishes to return bis beet thanks to the pnblio for their generous .patronage in the years he has been in business and solioits a oontinuation of the same. We have not learned yet what MrInnes in. tends doing but hope he will not remove from this section as lia ie a firet-olass oitizen. NEWSPAPERD031.—Thellensall Observer has entered upon its 7th year of publica- tion. Bro. Neelands works bard to give the local news in readable shape and snooeeds first rata—The Liman Sun, whith has been conducted for some time by E. J. Phillips, has changed hands, and the new man at the helm is 0. Shoe- maker. Mr. Phillips bas aceepted the position of city editor of the Guelph Mercury,—Could anything be more lip- propriate Olen have the Wroxeter Edi- tor marry a Mise Shears? A PRETTY WEDDING.—The residence of Bishop Ward, 72 Rains And, 66. Tboinas, formerly of Anneals, was the scene of a very pretty wedding Wedneca day evening, Sept. 12, when holy mead. mony was solemnized between William Thomas Faithrother, street railway con- ductor, and Mise Nellie Jemima Ward by Rev. Canon Hill, reotor of Trinity ohnroh. William Ward, of London, stood up with the bridegroom, acid the bride weeassieted by Mise Edith Fair. brother, of Copenhagen, The bride was oharmingly attired in white organdie, trimmed with white lath and ribbon, and Was decorated with smilax and white carnations. Het boquet also ooneiated of white carnations. Bliss Fairbrother wore a drags of pink organdie, trimmed with laoe and ribbon and oarried pink carnations. At the oonolueion of the ceremony the newly married pair sat down to a moat sumptuous despenner with the many guests who were present. The guests from a distance were Dr. and Mat 1, H. Rivers, Creation; Mr. and Mrs. Rosn, Aylmer ; ITt. Conine and kiss Alice Small, Putnam, Beeides Mame a number of relatives and intimate friends of the oonttaoting parties, reel. dent in Ela Thomas, partook of tbe good things providea. The numeroue costly and beautiful preiceats testified' to the high esteem in Wilkie the bride is held by her many friends. The happy couple left for Buffalo on the 8.05 M. .0 R. ttain, followed by showere of tice and beet wielne for their future happinen. 4 WINOS= imVf. Br Van. 640Pe le having the atone bootie be regent, ly porthatani from T. L. Jobb thotOtlghlY reurtated. Mr, Vanstone'e family will (wavy it next week, AT the Ilia meeting Of Beueeele School Beard W, jS. Vanetone tendered bie reeigeation se Trustee. The Board will take no notion in Ailing hie place as the year le Mr nearly out they cone/tiered the exile/lee unneceeeary, This Is right. A Come of foreignere, with bag•PiPee and monkey, amused the young folk, and some Of their elder e go well, in town Monday of last week. The Oonstable gave them the ',move on'notification and they departed for greener pasture, The monkey was the pick of the trie. George B. MeOlellen, of Ghe Standard Bank, Bruesels, will remove to Permit, Lambton Co,, about the lat of October where he will Kamm a position in the Bank there. He was In the same town before uniting bo Bruseels, The potrone pi the Bank and the publio generally will be sorry to see him remove from Brae. male, Bus Posy wisheebin muse. To Gun Buseotuness.—The very heavy advances in the prise of newsprint paper 10 a suffiotent, reason for requesting prompt payment of all amounts due THE FOOT. A postage "dun" should not be neoeesary ; save us that extra expense. None of the amomite due are large, brit bulked they mean aoneiderable to the publisher. Our patrons who honored their obligations promptly have our thanks. An early remittanoe will great- ly oblige THE POST, Brusaels. ENTRANCE ExAminTrONS, 1901. — The following selections in literature from the fourth book have been preeoribed for the High School Entrance examination of 1901 ;-1, Tom Brown ; 6, Pictures of Memory ; 10, The Barefoot Boy ; 18, The 'Vision of Mirza—Firet Reading ; 20, The Vision of Mirza—Second Reading ; 29, On His Own Annan:an ; 26, from The Deserted Village ; 82, Flow Gently, Bareet Afton; 37, The Bell of Atri ; 42, Lady Clore; 68, The Heroine of Ver. themes ; 76, Landing of Pilgrims ; 89, After Death in Arabia ; 91, Robert Burns ; 64, The Ride from Ghent to Aix ; 96, Canada and the United States •, 98, National Morality ; 101, Scene from "Ring John." The following selections from the fourth reader for memorisation: 13, The Bells of abandon ; 31, To Mary in Heaven ; 40, Ring Out, Wild Bells; 42, Lady Clare 46, Lead Kindly Light : 66, Before Sedan ; Tbe Three Fishers ; 103, To a Skylark ; 105, Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard. ADDRESS AND PRESENTATIoN.—Vire have pleasure in ohronioling the presentation by St. John's Church congregation of a neatly upholatered easy Chair and a Music Cabinet to W. F. Vaintone and family on the eve of their departure to Wingham where they purpose making their borne. They have been closely identified in promoting the interests of the church and it was a graoeful thing on the part of the congregation to show their appreciation of their efforte. The follow. ing is a copy of the addrees which ao- oompanied the gifts :— To Mr, and Mrs. Yanstone and Family. It is with keen regret that we have learned of your intended removal from our midst. We will mise you in tbe thumb, in the Sunday sehool, in tbe sphere of women's work and in the Young People'a Sooiety. We pray that God's choiaset blessings may teat upon 7061 10 your new home, and that among all the changes and °homes of this mor- tal life you may ever be defended by God's most gracious and ready help. We know you will soon form new friends and new aethoilitions yet we hope that yon may ever have a few moments to sit and think of the many pleasant hours spent with the members of St. John'e ahuroh. We ask you to acoept the aca oompanying chair and cabinet as an out- ward expression of our love and esteem. Signed on behalf of Congregation, MRS. JOHN CARDIFF, • Mae. Apex. Gno, J. Asox, Reotor. Breese's, Sept. 14th, 1900. Mr. Vanstone has served as 'Warden ; airs. Vonetone bas taken an motive peat in both the Guild and Auxiliary; and Min 011ie was assistant organist in the Sunday sabool and the Young People's Chapter. The recipients very gratefully accepted the gift of the congregation and will cherish the kind words acoompany- ing them long after removal from Brus• sele. Business Locals. 0809 for butter and eggs. A. Consley. HOWIE and lot for sale, John street. Joan Pinamen. WANTED, eggs, 130., butter, 180. The sale atill goes on for three weeks with the obsap R. R. ratan. Ask those who have been here bow they liked their parcels. G. 331. KING, Wineheir0. COMFORTABLE house with lot, pump, &a., well looated, for sale or to rent, on Turn - berry street, Brussels. Further infor. motion and tbe key may be had by call. ing at THE Pose. Possession may be had at once. COMFORTABLE hones to rent, with stable and good garden, on Alexander street. Posseesion oan be given early in Septem. ber. For further particulate apply to Tun Posy, REVERE House, Banseins.—The mort- gagees of this estate are desirous of die. posing of the property at once. It Will be sold at a great menace and any party wanting a bargaio should apply immed- iately, It will be rented if not sold. J. A. OBEIONTON, Agent. Stitolumz. MoQueramt.—At the rentory, Blytb, on Sept. 11th, to Bev. and Mrs, George MoQaillin, a daughter. TURVEY,—In Monis, on Sept., llth, to Air. and Afro. Chas, Turvey, a dough. ter. 714.4..RaW.MBEMB. RUSIE—ELUMP.—In Atwood, on Sept. 12, 1900, at the home of the bride% parents, by Rev. P. A.. McLeod, B. D., Mr. J. A. Hume to Mies Elsie Ides daughter of Mr. and Mrs, 1. A. Klurop, of Atwood. 14013L111—NETHEBY.—At the residence of the bride's parente, on Sept. 12th, by Rev. George AloQuillin, Me, James E. Noble to Miss Sam Ellen, dapgh. ter of Mr. James Nethery, all of East Wawanosh. Roma— Oman:Ms—At Paisley, on Sept. 4, by Rev. Mr, Fitzpatriok, Mr. David Ramsay, of Morrie, to Mise Martha, daughter of the late Andrew 001Well, VAnisRoYilion••474sue—A.0 th13 residenoe of the hride'e patonte, St, Tbornask QP Bent, 12, by Rev, Othen HW Mr, WM, T. Pairbother, to Wilee Nellie J„ daughter Pt Air, and Xi% Ilisbop Ward, formerly o Brueeole. Itmeyow—Hourirox.—In Mina, 90Sept, 12th, 1009, at the borne of the bridele porante, by Zlev, • 4. 95n3eod, 93, Mr, Wm. L. Arietow, of Sebring. vale, to Mee Buphpmle 0.,_rinuebter of Mr, au,1 Mee. kitinnitiour • of Jana. uzxouixo, CuAnt.—In Norris, on Sept, 10th, Jas, Craig, aged 73 years and 11 montbs, Ohioago on Sept, 7411, George Eing, oon 01 'Wm, King, of Bad wawanoth, aged 42 years, AloGoiven.—In Blyth, on Sept, llth, • ktre, Jane McGowan, aged 77 yeere, 8 months and 15 days. AfoNsma.—In Ranover, on Sept, 6111, Jelin MoNally, father of A, PdoNally, of Blyth, aged 76 yeare. .e...1.7*VpxtOINT Tummies, Oar, 9.—gamin stook, imple- manta, household furniture, &o, Sale, uoreeerved, at 1 o'olook, eharp. Wilhel. mina Rapp, rtanainiebratrix ; k`, S. Scott, auotioneer. Trinneaty, 00T. 11.—PartEL etook, implements, &o. Lot 25, Oon. 8, Grey. Sale, unreserved, at 1 &cloak, eliarp. Jae. Laird, Prop, ; S. Seat, Auo. Pamir, 007.12. --Lot 4, Con. 10, Grey. Farm stook, implements, gse. Bale an, reserved, at 1 o'olools. El, Ball, prop., F. S. Booth, arm Atwood, Sept. 20-21. Clinton, Sept. 20-21. Teamster, Sept. 25-26. Stratford, Sept. 25-26. Mitchell, Sept. 28-27. Guelph, Sept. 26-27. Milverton, Sept. 27-28. Pahneraton, Sept. 27-28. Seaforth, Sept. 27-28. Wiogham, Sept. 27-28. Belgrave, Oot. 1-2. St. Marye, Oat. 2-3, Kirkton, Oot, 4-5. Brussels, Oot. 4-5, Bayfield, Oct. 4-5. Lo3ridh, o wio b 0 , 0o -t1.06. Dungannon, Oeb. 11-12. 331Z t7eth7E17...S B.2..5-Ms==TS, Fall Wheat 63 64 Barley 38 35 Fear 55 66 Oats ........... 23 24 Butter, tubs and rolls 15 16 Eggs per dozen ..... 11 12 Flour per barrel .. 4 00 4 60 Potatoee (per bash.) 1 00 1 00 Apples (per bog) 25 25 Sheep skins, each 80 1 00 Lamb skins each 25 25 Salt per bbl., retail 1 00 70 Hay per ton 6 00 7 00 Rides trimmed 6 6 Rides rough 5 Hogs, Live 6 75 6 75 Wool 16 15a. Ingersoll, Sept. 18.—At the cheese market held here to -day onlY 226 boxes, comprising two lots of first week of September, were boarded. - Eleven and a (porter was laid and refueed, Women holding for higher prices. Attendance fair, but market dull. Eaet Buffislo, N. Y., Sept. 18.—Oattle steady to a shade easier than yeeterday's Mose. Calves nominally $7.75 to $13. Sheep unchanged ; Raabe, choice to ex- tra, $5.75 to 96 ; good to choice, $5.50 to 06.75; sheep, ohoioe to extra, 54 to 64.- 25 ; good to ohoioe, 63.75 to 641 Canada lambs, $6 80 to $6. Hoge, 5o higher; heavy, 96.65 to $6.75 I mixed, 95,75 to 95.80 ; Yorkers, 96 80 to 95,85 ; pigs, 96.- 75 to 05 80 ; grassers, 65.60 to 95 66 ; roughs 94.90 to 05,20 ; stage, 63.75 to 94.26. Tomato, Sept. 18.—Fifty loads in to. day including 480 hogs, 1,100 sheep and Iambs and 10 calves. Export cattle, ohoioe, $4.75 to $5 ; do, light, 64 25 to 94.50 ; export bulls,theme, $4 to 54.25; do, ligt, 93,25 to $3,50 ; loads of good butobere' and exporters mixed. $4 to $4.50 ; butchers' oattle, picked lots, 94.25 to 6460; do, medium mixed, $8.60 to $4; do, Gammon, 92.50 to $8 ; feedere, homy, $4 to $4.25 ; do, light, $3.25 to $3.50 ; stookere, 92 75 to $2 ; milk cows, ohoioe, 945 and 060 each; do, common, $25 and $80 eaoh. Export ewes, $3.50 to 58.75 do, tame, 52.75 to 53 ; butchers' sheep, 52. 50 to $3.50 eaoh ; Iambs, $4 to $4.40 ; lambs, each, 02.50 to 93.50. °elves, 92 to $8 eaoh. Hogs—Singers, 56,25; fate and lights, 55.50 off oars. Export cattle slow. Toronto, Sept. 18.—Flour, demand for flou le good, and prices unobanged ; 90 per cent, patents are quoted at 92.70 to 32.75 in buyers' bags Wed ; special brands are worth 10o and 16o mors than these pane ; Manitoba patents, 94.60 and strong bakers 54.25. Bran steady at $12 West. Shorts firm at 914 West. Wheat flamer, the demand being good and offerings moderate ; Ontario red and white 630 North and West ; Spring wheat 67o East ; goose at 65 West ; No. 1 ManitOe, bhard, 920 Toronto and Wast; 88o to 890 Midland and Owen Sonnd, and at 86e Fort William. Oats unclear:a. ed and new white selling at 260 West •, mixed at 23ao weat. Peas quiet with sales of new West at 590 and Bad 60o. Corn steady Canadian quoted ab 410 West; Amerman at 480 to 490 on traok here. Barley in good demand, and prioes firm, with No. 1 at 42 bo 43o West; No 2, 40 to 410 and No. 3 extre, at 88 to 890 West, Rye is firm, with sales at 490 East and at 48ao Weet. Eggs, 14 to 150; butter, beet roils, 240 to 25o 1 potatoes, 40o bo 45o per bag ; tomatoes, 250 to 800 per bus, ; ducks'dressed, per pair, 750 to $1 ; Spring ohiokens, armed, 40o to 60o per pair apples per bag, 25o to 30o; ' plums per biteket,', a0o to 60e ; pears, per bushel, 600 to 76o. ONE CENT A WORD COLUMN. MADE and foal for sale. Will be Ka cheap. Apply to WM.ItILLY, Lot 10, Oen, 8, Gray, 11.2 Bonn pupe for sale, Rligibbe for xegistration. J., D. MoNAIlt, OranbrOek P.O . Lot 20 On, 14, Grey. Goon lYilloh cow for sale, will calve thio month, 8, EAOPP014110), Or abronville. lerusaole,P, O. 0.41 ST4NIMR.D BaX,K OF 04X4.1301, =ew.A.,23Z..,XesTz:10o9 1.W7, HEAD OFFICE, TORONTQ CAPITAL PAID UP (One Million Pollare) • 01,090,000 BAST • • • , r 9700,000 Amides in 411 prinoipai points 614 Ontario, Quobeo, Manitoba, United Stator* Ongiatt4, lireSSAIS A. General Banking Pineineee Transacted. Farmers' Nettie L'irmounted. • Drafts Issued and CoSeotions Made etri all Pointe. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, Intermit allowed on deposits of 91.00 and upward e and compounded half yearly, Oreloun ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE COLLEOTION ror Rumors& Gov Nom. • Avery fading afforded Customers living at et distanoe, , Konoy1;„„ Mable at any bank issued tinder Ole,. ,. 8a, $20 to $80., tikete at the following rates $10 to $213,...10o. 80 to 40., ..14o N, GORDON, Amuse. Two eligible' building Iota for sale on Prineeth street, liruesele, For further per. tion Jars 00 60 prim), ternati, &o., apply to SM. MRS, a, GillEVE,Brueselii, 111E PEOPLE'S COLUMN.' 1410!10.8ALE. — A. BEAUTIFUL willi°4t' am' e insbeatiFt06i Nig tr.?1,u87:s s .sd 0 r A HUNTER, LICENSED AUC. e MONEER for the Oounty. Exper. lone° of over 14 years, and knowledge of who bo sell to. Will guarantee satisfaction, If yo0 want to sell or buy a farm call on me, Money to loan at 45 per cent. TMEOUNDED AT JAMESTOWN on Sept„ 18, two white pigs. Owner is rermeated to prove property, pay wiper:gee awl take them away.MO . ¥o9WEN. eP ke per. aa1:13 estown. Tenders For Woodshed. TENDERS will be rani -pad, up to Ock 15th, for the erection of a woodelied at school house, 8, S. No. 8. Grey. For further particulars apply to STRATH, Secretary, Lot 17, 000.10, Grey. HOUSE AND ABOUT AN MOM of land for eale, Graham's S,rr- 757,4 mile South of Brussels. The home contains 7 rooms ; good stable ; ; fruit trees and small frulte. Possession given at thee. Terme reaaonable. If property is not sold soon, will be vented. For price, berme, Jo„ apply to WM. RANDS, on the premises, or Brussels 7.0. •114 Voters' List Court. Notice le nereby given that a Court will 128 held, nursuant to the Ontario -Vetere' List Aot, 1880, by his Honor, the Judge of the 0ounty Court of the Comity of Huron, at the Town Hall, Brunetti, on the 11th day of 00 - tabor, 1900, at 10 o'olook in the forenoon, to hear and determine the several oomplainte 01 800000 and omissions in the Voters' List of the Municipality of Brussels for 1900, All persons having business at the Court are re- dlthed to attend at the said time and pines. F. 8. SCOTT, Dated Sept.18, 1900, Olork of Bruesele. Local Improvement Court of Revision PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given of the sitting of the 00010 of Revision at the Towo Hall, Brussels, on Monday. Oct.16th. 1900. at the 11010 010 p. m., for the bearing o/ appeals pursuant to the Statute in that be. half respecting the proposed cement side- walks on the West side of John street be- tween North eidee of Ellen and Thomas atreets ; on the South side of Flora street from Turnberry street to end. of said Flora street; on the South side of Thomas, street between Turnberry and James streets; on the South side of Fang street between Turn. berry and. James streets ; on the North side of Queen street between Princess and Albert streets; on the North side of Hawke street between Turnberry and Elizabeth streets; on the East ;side of John street between Thornae and end of street; on the East side of Jamar street between Market and South side lot 178 ; on the North aide of Market street between Turnberry and James greets ; on the South tide of Ellen street and the special assesemeut of the oast thereof upon the lands immediately benedtted,• pursuant to the reports of the Engineer, dated for the first one above mentioued streets Sept. 8th, 1600, now on 1115 in the Clerk's ()Mee. The estimated coat of said improvements ie as follows :—West side of John street, 8183.00 ; South side of Flora street, $470.00 ; South side of Thomas street, 8000,00; South side of Ries Aide. 8802.00 •, North side ot Queen street, 6208 .00 ; North side of Hawke Street, 8140,00; East side of John street. 5180 00 ; East side of James street, 800,00; North side of Market street, 8004.001 South side of Ellen etreet, 580.00; payable Ili fif- teen equal annual instalments of principal and interest combined, interest bein g at 4 Per Sent, per annum and the lauds pr °polled to be specially assessed therefore ooneist of as sot out in se hedulee hereto attached, Bruseels,Bept,18111, 1000. F. S. SCOTT, Clerk, Assessrnent Schedule. West Stele of John. Street. Lot or part OWNER of Lob Emotional part of Total AEA 133 5 3 183 180100 180 MoNaughton, Lizzie 182/1668 Blakeman, E 108/1088 Hayereft, jaw) 884/1068 Meadows,E 884/1608 Donna, It 884/1688 Municipal Corporation 06 111005510 636/1668 South Side of Flora Street, 000 Willson, 11, G 204/4373 005 BallentYne, John 104/4278 4 0514,, 896 387 Pugh, John 104/4273 Downing, 19 246/4278 Mertin, Wm 508/4273 McCrathen, W a 624/4278 80 Long, John 276/4273 as WynnJohn 006/4278 Efunleipal Oorporatiou of Brussels 1372/4273 Sonia Side of Thomas Street. 465 Good, Mary 3 428/2801 465 Cardiff, Geo 582/2802 Is ut 413 • Howard, Mary • 268/2002 29 W i 418.,Dunford, 18 0 00/2892 Municipal Corporation of Brussels 224/2502 South Side or Ming Street, 162 GrahaM, Wm 888/2747 Wptlm Patterson, J lc 100/2747 0 pt 121 Gerry, Ben 158/2747 E pt 121 Currie, Andrew 88/2747 189,....,.... ..... Turnbull,Jas 270/2747 W i 166 Garry, 9 F 19 9 160 LiVingslone, Jae Mg Municipal Corporation of arussele 12444747 Nerth Side of Queen Street. 264 Currie Tilos 274/1800 202 208 Watson, Peter 058/1800 260 251 Bose 17eW° 526/1850 atuniaipal Corporation of eiruesele 652/1800 North Side of 1111rWite Street, 404 Wynn.John 802/1274 400 Beth, IT a` 030/1274 Municipal Corp oration of Brussels 442/1274 East Side or John $treet, 406 457 ..... „0ardiff, Geo 420/1000 468 460 MaXWell, Thee 000/1094 408 Nfonele, non 020/1000 Meniellial Oorporatital of Srusrele 202/1.050 Eaet Side of James Street, ' 172 1780.... ,....Vanstone W P 060/800 Munielpal 'Corporation of Brueeele 201005 North tilde 01 Market Street, 105 W pt 1y4,..Frey, Fred 467/2277 111 pt 124 Moore, MB 240/2477 142 Bather Estate 415)2477 1651 Stewart, W 27 08/2077 Municipal Corporation m Brussels 1100/.2277 South Side or Ellen Street, 151 Bather, Rebecca 680/728 Municipal Corporation of Brussels 192/728 Jurimrs We are this week show- ing a very nice lino of Jar- dineres so useful at this sea- son of the year, at the very low Price of 10c. and 15c. • eaoh. They are very nicely decorated and at the price cannot last long. 10c, and 113c. Each. 8901 men AT-----ewesor Poz's Drug Store. This Modern Shoe for Women is a high grade shoe, made to fit the feet with ease. It is made from especially selected stook, which, with .,oFt unusual attention given by expert designers to lines and O shapes, has produced A Shoe Both Dainty E and Durable • and combines what is rarely found, Style' with Comfort, made in all sizes and widths, Lace and Button. Prices Stamped on Sole of Shoe—$2.00 ; $2.50 ; $8.00 ; $8.50. Patent Leather, very stylish, at $3.50. A Special line for Fall and Winter wear, with Rubber Heel, $3.50 TRY THE EMPRESS SHOD Danssmo for keeping a Stylish Shoe in perfect condition, Every bottle warranted first-class. Downing Bros. re:rers. •„ipmfaLit„ I I • • • A* I I I I I SMV GIVIN 111) BUSINESS in Brussels AND NO HUMBUG ABOUT IT. gra' Clung Sa - DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS and SHOES GENTS' FURNISHINGS dit Cost Now GOIng on. Our hosts offriends must bid farewell to the Greatest Bargain Sale of the year when our Stock is g -one, A. R. Smith.