HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-9-20, Page 54 Ilv Oe 1 to Rl'll' 20 1900 TIl SS JUA PQ$T BUSINESS CARDS. ONEY TO LOAN AT 5 11E1 Pent,- 0,5, St1A't"t', lereesele, H. WIC CA&OXEN— , Issuer.ot Marriage Lioeneoa. 01. floe at Grooery,'J urnberry t4reet. Brussels, B. a T Tot/Borba on o ba Mel 1, Shop—lien door rllNorrtte of the Standard Bank, Ladies' nud Obildron'u hair Batons a Opeeialty, TPARMS FOB SALE—THE UN. nEn810NEn has several 0004 Farms for gale and to rent, easy terms 141 Townohipe of Morrie and Orate s' S, 800Teeetrasoele M• MORRISON, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, WALTON, ONT. MISS JEAN M'LAUCHLIN,' TRAOHEit OF--. - .. PIANO - AND - ORGAN, pBRV0EI:7TalS, c q• ROBERT CUNNINGHAM; ineueemz,. FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. 41188 SARAH LOU1 SE 'MOORS, 4, O. M.. Aendem)0 graduate of London Conserve,• tory of Mush), also Member of the Associated 1usaolano of Ontario, pis prepared to receive olimited l 88 piano. Qualified pupils prepare pupils for the Eriooipal'e Form in the Conservatory of Muth,. Brussels, Brussels, Ontario, ' ALEX. HUNTER-- clerk of the Fourth Division Court, Co. Huron;- Oonveyencer, Ambled - ear, Public, Land, Loan rand Insurance Agent ; Ablod- ear, Funds invested and to:loan. Oollec- tioue made. Moe in Graham'e1Blook, Brits - sole. AUCTIONEERS. S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION. • inn, will sell for bettor prices, to better men, in lose time and lase charges than any other Auctioneer in Peat Nurou or he charge anything. dr aways arangdat ireoffice oby personal application. DENTISTRY F. W. TWEDDLE. (FOBNEiLF of BEAPODTn) DENTIST. Graduate of R. 0, D 0,, Toronto; Post Grad. unto course at Haokel'a School, Chicago, in crown and bridge work. t13Prioes same act in suroundiOffice over 6 towns. mth's store, 0 resoele. VETERINARY. JD. WARWICK-- . Honer Graduate of the Ontario Vet- erinary College, is prepared to treat all die. oaths of domeetioated aoimale lin a compet- ent manner. Particular attention paid to Veterinary Dentletry. Calls promptly at - t ry tended to. Office and Infirmary—Four doors North of bridge, Turnberry et., Brnaeela. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. N M. SINOLAIR— Y • Barrister, Solicitor, 10ouveya00er, Notary Public, &c. Office -8 thwart's Block 1 door Nnrth of Central Hotel.. Solicitor for the Standard Bank, GF. BLAIR, BARRISTER, Solicitor, deo, Office over Stand. and Bank. Solicitor for Village of Brussels. Molloy oL t osaatlow set rates, G. CAMERON— * (Formerly of Cameron, Bolt & Cameron) Barrister and Solicitor, Godoriob Ont. Office—Hamilton etreet, opposite Col- borne Rotel. MEDICAL CARDS. E. T. SNIDER, 11. D., 0. 711.,' Licentiate of Royal College of Physicians and Surgeooa, Eingatou ; Member of the Col. lege of'Pbyoioiana and Surgeons of Ontario. Diseases of Women and Children a spenial- ty. Nine years' experience. Moe and res- idence, oppoaito itnglieh,church, Brussels. J. A. M'NAUGHTON, M. lt., C, ilr., Trinitylrniversl*y, Fellow Trinity Medioal College, Member College of Physicians and Surgeons Ont, Licentiate of the Royal Col- lege o1 Wilfery E inbiurgh. and �r-TeleplrooeeNo 14, Residence—Mill etreet, Brussels. DR. WM. L. HOLMES, DIIrelal8ll, enna1ON AND Aaaonal0Enit, (Suceemer fe Or. F. 11. K,eIbJlolseh) M. D. Bellevue Hospital Lied. Col., Now York ; M D 0 M Victoria University, Toron- to ; Member of the College of Phy9elolane and 8ur10008:01 Ontario. Special attention paid to diseases of women, eye, ear, nose and throat. 10.0( D. F. SMITH, M. D. C. M., Graduate of LloGill College, Montreal, dr., &e, All epooiaityy work Betio flwtorlly treat. ed. Oflieo upataire in the Suellen Block. OIlloe hours, 0 to 12 a. m;, and 7 to 10 p, m, Specialist work, such as for eye, ear, throat, &o,. in the office at hes residence, Elisabeth atreot, from 0 to 0 p m, All medicines will be diepepsed personally by the Dr. or under Ids direct supervision. MtdTRtIL �3.-�i��i Strati' 'oIr „Q ant: Sand for one of our Catalogues and be oonvinoed that we are doing the beet Work in business education in Canada to. day. . Enter now if possible. W. Y. ELLIOTT, Principal. .�I r1 .L p Business Ontario �^�y Listow�"✓ el ollege, NQUAf- TO RNY fN ONTARIO, A thorough, complete end praotlaal train• ing in all brauohee of Oommeroial work, n4 aonsidorably leas than regular rattle. For full information apply haeme et College Oyer Peet 01110e. L. HARTTO LISTOWEL, PRINCIPAL, i. S, t rZ xt.CSS, J Gtorr'400. Swamp fires have been around here. Howiok Coattail met to Newbridge on Wednesday., Wedding here next week, Gerrie sup - pito the bride. J. A., Strong left on Tuesday of last week for Manitoba. Will. Horton bee gone to Herrieton to attend the High wheel, Will. Arden, jr., wheeled to London to visit friends and take in the Fair. N. McLaughlin, our druggist, left on Tuesday of last week toe Manitoba where be will visit Mende. Exeter. John H. Brooker, of Buffelo, N. Y., spent afew days here with hie mother, Mrs. J. V. Brooker, last week. Mies Edith Rohine bae gone to London to take a term at the Ooo Academy. She is taking up stenography and type writing. 0'. Teiebner met with the misfortune of having a rnety nail run into bie hand at some length musing an ugly and: pain• fel wound. N. D. Harden, who has been unable to attend to hie duties at the Bank, owing to a painful gathering on bie leg, hag left biobed and is able to move around a little. Thos. Jeekell met with a painful mai. dent, He was In John Manning's butcher shop and just as he went to step into the street fainted, hie head striking the bard walk heavily and inflicting a painful wound. The Advocate says:—We understand that the present County Oounoillore, Dr, Rollins' and D. Molnnis, for Huron Dia. iriat No. 4, bave deoided not to take part in the coming contest in January next, and the only candidates spoken of thus far are R, Hicks, Coanaillor of Stephen, and H. Speakman, ex -Reeve of Exeter. The gentlemen spoken of are able and worthy men and both having bad con- siderable experience in municipal mat- ters they oertainfy would do honor to the office. It would snit us pretty well—and we think we voice the sentiment of the people—if the two gentlemen spoken of were eleoted by aoalamation. 1131.A -tit. Blyth fair on Tuesday and Wednesday, Oot. 9th and 10th. Brown & Allen, of the Blyth evapora- tor,have started the season's baeinese, Dr. J. N. Perdue hoe bought the livery mea bnain es fMoon o Ja and takeso Ps session. Huron county W. 0. T. U, purpose holding their Annual County Convention In Blyth the last week in September. Mee. W. A. Carter returned on Tues. day morning of last week from her visit with relatives and friends in Manitoba. For several yeses Blyth eneaped any serious fires but during the preeent year three big conflagrations visited our village. John MoNally, father of oar townie man, A. McNally, died at home in Hanover on Sept. 0th. Deoeaeed bad a bad attack of la grippe last Winter, from which he never fully recovered and whin read ere h brongbt about a general breaking op of hie whole system. The Powell elevators, together with several hundred bushels of grain, were completely destroyed by fire recently. The loss on the elevators is planed at $2,000 ; bantams, $1,800. Lees on grain ie covered by insurance. Mr. Powell intends rebuilding the elevators at once. Geo. King, a former .resident of ,Blyth, dropped dead in one of the city parka of Chicago on Friday at noon, Sept. 7th. He bad been et work during the forenoon and was on hie way to work when death overtook him. He wae the aeeond eon of Wm. King, 1st non. of East Wawanoeb, and was 42 years of age. He leaves a widow but no children. Interment took plane at Chioago on Sunday. Hie father wae present at the funeral. It ie 10 years einem deceased left Blyth for Chi. ago. While here he was a member of Rose & King, of the Blyth foundry. Wiinere ham . Fall Fair here on Sept. 27 and 28. Dr. Macdonald, M. P., will aot as town Medical Health Officer daring Dr. Tow. ler'e abeenoe. James Ooahrane, who has spent the set two months in Manitoba a a rad the Northwest has returned home. John MoDonogh underwent a enooese. ful operation on Monday of last week, for the removal of a growth from bia body. Wm, Armour hae aommenoed the work of platting a. foundation ander the old town hall building recently purchased by him. The defunct Journal printing plant wae shipped to London on Wedoeeday of last week. Mr, Simmons intends starting a job printing oittie in East London. Dr. and Mee. Towler left on Tuesday Of last week on their trip to the Old Land. They will spend the Winter in England and will visit the Paris Expoeition. A heavy wind storm visited this section on Tuesday evening of last week. The front of John Campbell's warm= alt Josephine St., was blown out and a num. bee of ehede and fruit trees were blown over in tbe town. The apples and pears were blown from the trove. Mine Bella and Mary Scott, danghtere of the Rev. Dr. Soott, formerly Methodist minister of Wingham, now euperinteo. dent of missions in Japan, have arrived gaiety at the home of their aunt, Mrs. Madden, of London. They have come to Canada to avail themselvea of education- al advantages not to be moored in Japan. Returns from the Union Sunday Sobool Exonreton reoontly run to Goderioh were reoeived by G, T. R. Agent Gordon. The return from the G. T. R. to the ' ee lanb d o $280.55 lova Comml t amo o b l b � and abet Pitying expopeoo, the balance wao divided pre rate among the different. Sated ay Bartels of the town. 'S'V0'QXeetee . W. O. Heelewood hag lied the 010000 light put into bie store, John Brawn left for Toronto to attend the Iiobool of Pharmacy. We wieb bin Ottoman, He le a popular young man, Gibson Brea, have got their older mill np, painted and oompleta and are start. t' laaddition to eagnvate for as ddi ion t o hold a number of tanks for the Manufacture of vinegar, into whiolt indgetry they intend to go. The Prinoe Albert Advocate, of Sept. 3rd, oontaine a vary interesting oolumo about the loss, four days' search and the finding of a three year-old eon of Mrs. David MoBride. It appears Arch. Bal. lantyue, wife and abildren, and Mrs. Mo. Bride end her little eon James; went, soros the river about 4 miles from Port Albert, N. W. T., to piok berries, when the little boy wag missed and a eearob was oornmenced which continued for 4 days and nights in drenching rain and In which almoot every resident of Prinoe Albert took pert. The searcher/1 were at last' rewarded by finding the ohild lying in some hrneh, about a mile and a half from where he was loot, blue with ooldand exhausted, but yet able to say "Take me to my mamma," which was gniokly done and the little fellow ie re. covering now. The parties named are well known here, both Mrs. Ballantyne and Mrs. McBride being deters of our townsman, Jas. Forsyth, and daughters of David Forsyth, and up to a few years ago reeideote of Wroxeter. Mr. Ballan• tyne ie a partner in a flourishing mill where Mr. McBride is employed. aDintlEAL.—At "Lookeley Hall," the home of the bride's patents, at high noon Thursday of last week, Mise Alma, only daughter of Dr. and Mre. S. B. Swale, Wroxeter, was united in marriage to 0. Franklin McLean, druggist, Toronto, by Rev. R. S. G. Anderson, M. A., peeler of the Presbyterian ohuroh, The bride was charmingly costumed in a handeome travelling gown of dove•oolored ladies' oloth and wore a diamond brooch, the gift of the groom. The bride entered the drawing -room accompanied by her (ether and attended by Mise Edythe Perkins, of Gorrie, who looked very attraotive in a tailor-made gown of a neat check of robin's egg blue. The groom's gift to the bridesmaid wae a ring set with rubies and turquoise. The happy couple received many valuable presents, amongstwhich was a handsome cheque from the bride's father and a piano from the tether of the groom. Mr. and Mrs. McLean left on the 8.30 train on an extended trip through the principal cities of the United States, and on their return will reside in Toronto. The bride wae'aocompenied by the bridesmaid, Mies Perkins, es far as Toronto. May happiness and prosperity attend them. A. Widow's ,cove Affair Receives a violent setback, if she has an offensive breath through ooustipation, biliousness or stomach trouble, but Dr. King's New Life kills always cure these troubles ; clean the system, sweeten the breatb, banish headache ; best in the world for liver, kidneys and bowels. Only 25 aerate at G. A. Deadmao'e drug store. Atwood. Rev. Mr. MoLeod attended the Pres- bytery meeting in Stratford Tuesday of laet week. W. H. Gilmer brought to Atwood e. sample stalk of red flint corn measuring 14 feet long. The brick work of the Kimberley blook is oompleted, and the carpenters are now at work on the interior. David H. Hume, eon of Geo. Hume, of Elma, holds a lnorative position on the staff of the Cornwell Business College. The Elma Cheese 0o. shipped 685 August oheesee from Atwood. They were gold to T. Ballantyne & Bane al 11 and I14 Dente per )b. John Pelton has hada brick .addition put to hie residence, making a great im- provement in the appearance and a000m. modation of the latter. At a meeting of the Exeontive of the Senate of Knox College, held Sept. 5, permission was given Rev. P. A. hloLeod, B. A., of Atwood, to enter college in order to take poet•graduate stadia. We are pleased to note the enooese of A. A. Gray, photographer, Toronto, at the recent Industrial Fair. He captured e silver medal, two first and two second prizes for his pictures. He is is Bon of James Gray, of Elma. In the absence of Poatmaeter Knox, who with Mre. Knox ie'''"spending a couple of weeks vacation with her people in Wallace, George Wilson is looking after the pee office. Mr. Knox has not been well of late, and the change will probably do him good. On Tuesday of last. week Andrew Bachanan'e house and barn on the 16111 eon., were totally destroyed by fire, to- gether with much of the oontente. There was little or no influence on either houee or barn. The property is owned by his brother Williem, of Milverton. About 75 men gathered and managed to save the organ and a few articles of furniture, besides 700 baebele of oats and the im. plemente. Most of the contents of the bouee and 250 bushels of oats and several tone of bay were destroyed. The house wae one and a half storey frame e*ruotnre built four or five yeare ago, and the barn was emoted three years ago, henae both buildings' were in good repair: Miles of fences hdve been burned. J. H. Holmes, residing on lot 29, eon. 10. Elma, lost 25 oorde of wood and some loge by the fire. I..Mtowel. R. Rothwell received word last week from Winnipeg that hie eon, Benjamin, is down with the fever in the hospital there. Mies Vivian E. Olayton, B. A. left for Colorado, where she hag aooepted a posi- tion to teach English, Frenoh and German. At a vestry meeting of Christ Church R. C. Bamford was appointed reefer's warden in thelace of Z' R. Blewitt, p w t, resigned. Joseph Ainley, foreman at the piano (eatery, bed the misfortune to run a rusty nail into bie foot, whiob. has laid him off for a few days. At the Western Fair Mayor Watson, of this town, took Srd prize' on hie span of blaok roadsters. Henry Zinn, of Wal- lace, captured eeverai first prizes on hie string of Wilkiee etook, H. Goddaed (tarried off 4 prizes in the poultry de. partment, F+rod. ZIlliax left town en a trip to Manitoba, Iiietowol Oooeervativee have lodged about 80 appeals with the cleric against the town Voters' flet, The Ingersoll Beryt40 Stone 00. have e force et work building a granolitble walk Po the Horth side of Inkarman etreet West. The wank will bo nine feet wide along the side of the Queen'o hotel, and from there to the Week sldo of the Methodist obaroh It will be five feet in width. A four foot week will be laid from the Methodiet 0)rtlreh to the end of the street. When thio work is completed a granolithio walk will be laid on the North side of.Biemerk street. O'eetheretone Smith, implement agent of thio town, received a telegram convey ing the rad inteillgenee that hie 800, Robert, who bad been reported seriously ill with fever in Brandon hospital, wee dead. The deoeaeod bad been in Mani. toba Mum March last, where he wae sating es implement semi for the Massey. Harris 0o, Re was in bie 26th year end Was married, His wife and three email children reside here with her lather, Chao. Fisher, Elma etreet, Mrs. J. W. Mayers and daughter, 011ie, a000mpenied by her slater, Mime Bella McDowell, left town for Vancouver, where they expect to join lyir. Meyers, when the party will proceed to Daweon and spend the Winter there. Mr, Meyers had in. tended ooming home for a short time, but owing to the near approach of Winter he has decided to return to the Klondike se early se possible, in order to give hie personal attention to bis mining inter. este. To Save Iter Child From frightful disfigurement Mrs. Rennie Gellegar, of La Grange, Ga„ ap• plied Buoklen's Arnica Salve to great eoree on her head and face, and writes its quick aura exceeded all her hoped. It Works wonders in sores; bruises, skin map. tions, oute, borne, maids and piles. 25e. Cure guaranteed by G. A. Deadman, druggist. OSeaiortll. Senforth Fall Fair on the 27th and 28th of this month. The G. T. R. workmen are putting in a new manhole in the town sewer rnuning through their property. Seafortb bowlers loot the first prize in Walkerville tournament by the measure. ment of a quarter of an Well, The R. T. of T's intend baying a social on the mouton of the re.opening of their hall in the Odd Fellows' Bleak. The famous lecturer, known as the Black Knight, will deliver a leotare in the Methodist ohnrob on the 20th inst. W. J. Clark has diepoeed of his baking and oonteationary business to H. Cnn• ningham, of Villanova, Norfolk County, The sum of $300 of the Jubilee funds wae ordered to be paid by the Council to the treasurer of the Taokeremith Agrical. (Oral Society. Geo. E. Henderson, of the Grip House, has purchased the "Commercial" and will take possession sometime daring the present month. Archie Scott, who bee been confined to hie bed for over four weeks with typhoid fever, is able to be up and we trust he will soon be folly recovered. John Spain, who is employed in work- ing a hay press in McKillop, bad the misfortune to have his foota ht int as the g working gear of the bine which re. stilted 1 ram lted in ate being severely meshed, many of the small boner being broken. A meeting was held in the assembly room for the purpose of re -organizing the Collegiate Institute football club for the eeaeon. The following offiaere were elected :—Hon. Pres., Dr. MoKay ; Pres., Mr. Stone ; Seo.-Treas., A. S. MoLean ; Manager, Mr. Hogg; Capt., Ed. Jackson ; Committee—Mr. Rogers, L. McDonald, G. Mann, H. Eberhardt. The committee appointed to interview James McGinnis re damages to store on account of Dement walk being higher than the entrance to store doore, reported as follows ;—That Mr. McGinnis agrees to settle the matter by arbitration, be to appoint one arbitrator and the town an• other, earth to share equally the met of tine arbitration. The report, aslread,,wae adopted and the mayor authorized to ap• point the town arbitrator. Goderioh. The W. C. T. U. served bot dinners for 25o et the Fair ground thie week. The shoots of the Gun Club have been stopped on account 0f the short eveninge. The Goderioh bowling club was not represented at the Walkerville toarna• men! There are 24 Andante -11 males and 18 females—in attendance at Goderioh Model oboe!. Wm. Warnook hae raised hie quartette of baby squashes, and now each of them will turn the beam at 300 Ibe, The attendance at the Collegiate Ineti. tute hae already remind 176, the largest on record for eo early in the term. Anglers are doing a little better these days, as base are Doming into the river and perob into the harbor ; with a few good rains, base should provide good sport. Stewart Straiton, eon of A. Straiton, G. T. R. station agent, is ill at Wood- etook. having been taken with fever about two weeks after hie return to work after bie repent visit here. Be wae threaten. ed with typhoid, but the fever was cheek. ed and be is now slowly r000vering, By.law No. 13 of 1900, to ammo and levy the sum of $29,724.12 for the Durrant year was read at the Council and adopted. The rate is 25 mills on the amassment of $1,188,965, as follows : Collegiate Ineti• tate rate, 2 1/10 mine ; town rate, 14 8/10 mills ; Public and Separate school rate, 4 6/10 mills ; county rete, 8/10 mills ; consolidated debt debenture rate, 3 1/10 mills. J. P. Brown returned from his Mani- toba trip on Monday of Inst week. He speaks highly of the rancher's prospects, as oettle are abowing rap well, but for the wheat growers he has many words of e m athY, manyashave their harvest y P Mill in the field, kept there by the reoent heavy rains. J. P. Days that ooneider• able of the outstanding grain hae sprout- eaand that there are manyfields that at will not pay to draw in. A pretty epotie that at the corner of East and Victoria otree*e--the Knox ohuroh grounds. Since the remodelling of the ohnroh building a few years ago the grounds have gradually been improv ed and beantified, and the old board fence bag given away to au open pipe fenoe, and the eye of the passerby may now refit upon a lawn of the freshest green, with a number of abede and ornamental treee and bode of bright Amara, The Town Council held a opsalol meet - is to qon eforL3013009,1 fro Blurts lflvingsto,,, of BiYth, whose saw mill, handle and stave featoriee were reoeutly burned down in Blytb, 4o ideate to Goderioh. The teaohere of the G}oderiell Division' of the Wept Maim Teaohera' emooiation met at the Central school on Saturday I net at 2 0 olaok and Pleated a president and arranged it Program for thole meet- ing on the first Setnrday in Weber. Clime tem. For a tory time Clinton hae bee two Blaming parlours, and now a ,third has been added, John Medd has opened pp in the Hodgene blook (in the aloe for• merly 000upied by Jaoob Taylor) on Rat. tenbnry street East. Sometimes fun is dearly bought as was learned by the two young Seaforth fel- lows who drove their horse over the grapolitbio walk in front of J, W, Hill's grocery. Rather than facto the megie. trate and have the matter made pablie. they thought it a better and easier way to pat op $10.00 and have it settled off. bend. The New Era ear! :—We regret to in- form the oitizene of 'town, and pardon. July the ladies whom ebe bee had am her ouetomere, that Mime Raee, who has. bad a millinery More here for some few yee.re past, removed to Seaforth last week, She will conduct a millinery eetablieh• meet in oonneotion with Gann's dry (;node store there. While here ebe en- joyed a good patronage from the ladies of Clinton and vioinity. We hope she may prosper abnudantly in tbe town South of no, where there ie a splendid opening for an np.to.date milliner. REAL ESTATE. CHOICE FARMS.—SEVERAL choice fame forsalein one of the moat prosperous districts In Manitoba. Ex, cureaoniste intending to purchase land Would do well to call on US and see what we have to offer. TURNBULL & DAVIDSON, 7-4 Manitou, Man. FARM FOR SALE.—FIFTY 12 acre farm for sale, forty-seven sores cleared, the balance hardwood bush. Good orchard and anever failing well, Buildings good, stone foundation tender barn, atone cellar under house, Farm is well fenced, nearly all straight rail.. Possession could be elven at any time.. For further particulars apply to W,3. MCALL187.'ER, West 3 Lot 10, Oon.17, Grey, or Walton P. O. 5.4 FARl4i FOR SALE -100 ACRES —South Half Lob 27, Con. 5, Morris Tow nehip, within 1 mile of Bruesele, Dwe11- ing house, buildings and fences in good con• dation. The lot has a spring oreek on the front and river Maitland aromas the rear, About 80 sores timber and a young bearing orchard. Apply to G. A.DEADMAN, 45.11 Druggist, Brussels, FOR SALE IN ETHEL VIL— LAGE.—The property 0f the late John Elliott, consisting of a solid brlok house, with frame kitoheu and woodshed, good stable and acre of land, all in first -oleos condition. If not gold will be rented. Pos. seesioa atany time. Por pailleulare apply to War. SPENCE, Ethel ; ALEN, PATTERSON Galt; orpo,Mo]IELvnr,Mt. Forest - 201f FIRST - CLASS FARM FOR BALE: Lot 17, eon. 0, Township of Grey. 100 soma more or Mao. Situate 43 suttee from,Brueaele and 2 miles from village of Ethel. All °leered excepting 5 notes of h ard ood bu Buildings a nd fences i p good T Nair. Goodwalla. All Fall plowing done. Price and ter mof payment on ap- piiaat2onto SIN1, 29•11 Barrister, &0., Brussels. Fl'OR SALE. -160 ACRES Consisting of the Routh 3 and South i of the North l of Lot 80, 000.2, East Wawa - nosh. This is an excellent stook farm, being well supplied with good spring water. Itis situated about 8 miles from the thriving Vil- lage of Blyth. A large part of it is under grass. Buildings and fences are in a fair state of repair. Easy terms of payment will be given. For all information apply to 11-11 G. F. BLAIR, Barrister, Brussels, FINE FARM FOR SALE.— 200 cores In the Township of Grey, County of Huron, being 1018 10 and 17, eon, 10; 1 mile from school, ohuroh, poet office, more and blacksmith shop ; 2 melee from Ethel station ; 4 miles from village of Bruit. eels ; 1 mile from cheese factory. Tbie farm la well fenced, well underdrained and well watered , river Maitland rune through Southeast corner. 4 aorea of good bearing orchard ; large bank barn with straw shed ; a driving Shed, atone hone and kitchen and woodshed. 50 acres in grace ; 24 sores hard- wood bush ; 25 acres in rough and good ood- ar; balance under good oultivation. For further particulars apply to WM. FISCHER, proprietor, Cranbrook P. 0. 541 FARM FOR SALE. — FOR sale Lot 21, 0ouoesaion 10, MoKitlop, containing 100 mores, SO acres cleared and ready for Drop, being well un dordrained and well fenced with cedar andblaok ash. The balance is timber and pasture. Ther) ie a small orchard and three good wells. There is a good frame house and wood shed, a barn and stables 01x80 feet, also sheep house, pig pen, implement house and all other 000088ary out buildings. It is 10oiilee East of the North gravel road and is con- venient to schools, churches, post office, etc. Is 73 miles from 8eaforth and 10 miles from Brussels. It is one of the boat farms in the township and will be Bold on easy terms as the proprietor wishes to retire, Apply on the premises or address Winthrop P.0, Wu. MORRISON. ALLAN LINE Royal Mail Steamships For Liverpool, Calling at Neville. STEAMER Pati FnoM MONTREAL Q*Eoeo Parisian Sat. 25 Aug, D a m 8 P m Tunisian (new) Friday 7 Sep G a m 8 Sep Numidian Sat 15 " 0 a 01 Op m Oorintlrian (new) 22 " 0 a m 0 p m Parisian " 29 " G a m 4 p in Tunisian (new) Tort 13 Oet G 0 m IS Oct Coriinthian (new) . ,Bat 27 " 0 a m 4 p m Parisian " $Nov D a m 4pm Tuotelen new Fr (new) i 10 0am 17 Nov Prom Now York to Glasgow—State of Nob. raaka, Sept 8 ; Californian, ‘Sept 15. RATES OF PASSAGE First cabin,300 and upwards, Second cabin, 885 anupwards, Steerage, 322 50, Now York to Glasgow --First cabin, 845 and uppwards. Bartow/ cabin, 580. Steerage, 825,50. Reductions eu first and mend cabin return thereto. Passengers may go via Mentroal and re - tutu by New York. For other information, tickets, &o„ apply to Ws EX. 1 1U, AoON,, Bhneai11,e, Also Agee t.for the White Star Lino, Neer Xeok, MoKINNON & CO. II 0RINTEREST ,r..i►-To look out for Y5 C IJ INTEREST! We meet give you the beet of everything in Dry Goode, Millinery. Mantles, Olotbipg, Boots and Shoes, Grooeriee, Hta'., and Dell them to you at a right price, Our motive is selfish, bot you get the benefit, No dealer in the county will show you more attraotive styles, and we ere euro none Dan offer you lower prioee. For Fell 00r stooks are exceptionally oomplele, Better, we think, than ever before in tee history of *hie store, We would eek epeoial attention to our elook of New Mantles and Jaokete which we have just opened up, A'eo our New Deese Goode is all the latest designs and fabrioe, We will be pleased 10 bave you well and see them whether You are prepared to buy or not. --Ladies' Jaokete in bleak and brown beaver, high storm Dollar, metal buttons $2.50, -•-Ladies' Jaokete, vicuna .cloth, box front, storm oollar, metal battens, $8 75. —Smart Beaysr Jackets in blank, fawn and brown, velvet collar, mercerized lining, $5.00. —Very atylieb Jackets trimmed with satin and eoataohe, mercerized lining,fanoy bottooe,$7.50. —All wool Kersey Jackets, inlaid velvet dollar, oarved pearl buttons, mercerized lining, $10.00. BRUSSELS CIDER MiLL. New Plant Throughout. Thie eeaeon a new plant bas been put in Brunets Cider Mill and does better work than ever, doubling the cala- mity. It ie nowin fall awing. In addition to manufacturing Oider a specialty is made of Apple Butter and Jelly. Work done while you wait. Satiefaation assured and ! hergee reasonable. Geo. Edwards, HILL STREET. McLEOD'S System, Renovator --AND OTHER --- TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpita. tion of the Heart,Liver L ver ComP laidt, Nanr - algia, Lose of Memory, Bronohitie, Con- sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitue' Dance, Female Irregularities and General De. bi)ity. LABORATORY, GODERICH, ONT. J. M. MaLEOD, Prop. and Manafaotarer, Sold by Jae, Fox, Druggist, Brussels SHINGLES British Columbia Red Cedar Shingles A*D•-- North Shore Pine and Cedar FOR SALE AT THE Brussels Planing Mills a Also Doors and Sash of all Pat terns on band or made to order at Short Notice, Eetimatee Furnished for all kinds of Buildings. Workman. ship and Material Guaranteed. P. AMENT, Spectacles —OF ALL HINDS— Fitted to Correct all Failures of Eyesight, and your Eyes tested FREE by latest Optical methode at Division. Court Office, BRUSSELS. MONEY TO LOAN At 41/ Per Cent. Costs of Loan Very Reasonable. Liberal Terms of Re -payment. C. F. BLAIR, SOLICIT011: &a. Office over Standard Bank, Brussels. COUSLEY'S BICYCLE E PORIUM IS THE TALK OF THE COUNTRYSIDE. If you want a new Wheel, or would prefer a Second Hander or require repairs -of any kind he can supply you and at prices that will please you. Agent for the Canadian Express Co. by which line yon should do your lanai. nese. A epeoialty made of money order busineoe. A. CO JSLE Y, LEOIiID BLCCli. I3uggv Season EWA N INNES Opened vim--_ Large, Well Select- ed and, Well Finished The well known firm of CARRIAGE MAKERS, are to the front with a STOCK OF Buggies, Wagons, Road Carts, Eto,, that they are seining at CLOSE prices. Already they have disposed of many Buggies and the Prospects are good. Call at our Show' dooms and see forour el y s f Special attention given to .Pie airs ,Eepairs, Be -painting', ', Trinninim c. Ewan & Innes, - Brussels.