HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-9-20, Page 4gbt e,
'I T -LI D Y,, S.IPT, 20, 1909.
IN hie epeoob a000pting the Liberal
001n,lnation for Center Wellington, Kr.
Semple drew attention to a weak point
The os'•
i le 0 t
ti x P
e rva va p dp. P
n the Don o
tion, he said, pompleined of en exoeealve
expenditure, bat they failed to obaUenge
it fn the House, —,Toronto Sun,
Ton 2 oent poatago rate was a good
move and beneficial to every ratepayer in
the Dominion, In the management of.
the postoffioe,depertment under the old
regime denotes were the order with a 8
gent rate bet Hon, Mr. Malook, the pre.
sent able Postmaster General, hats so
reduoed expenditure and carefully cone
ducted his work that the bualnepa le ran
better than it ever wee. Wben Hon, Mr,
Caron left ofdee the number on the out•
aide staff was 1,610, In 1898 the number
was reduoed,to 1,486 and uow it le down
to 1,473, a redpotioh of 187 in 3 years and
bo this reduction a large saving is made
to the Treasury.
Ittereanem ON returns have formerly
been made for the calendar year, but an
alteration is now to be made to the fiscal
year. The returns for the first pax
montbs.just prepared thew a total for
that period of nearly 24,000 people. This
is at the rate of 48,000 a year, .a marked
increase over 1899, which returos show
44,548, and aver 1898 returns of 81,900,
while 8,000 have Rome from the United
States in six months in 1898 ; 19,000
• came in twelve months previonely, this
being the main source of inorease. The
figures for British immlgrante are over
6,000 in the six mouths, praotioally at the
name rate as in 1899. A very commend-
able point about the immigration work
ofthe government is the drawing back to
.this country of those immigrants who left
Canada under the former administration.
0f inereasad neefulneps bath of wilioll fm.
provemente were decidedly for the Rd -
t p
he gelentry.
ante a of o0
N g Y
Q, Tl#ope two additigpa amounted to
nearly tete and a half ptiUion donate
there meet then have been enmp item of
capital expenditure ap to which the Lib•
orale :tont lees than their predepeeenre,
A, The Oouserestives spent an even
;pillion for the militia in 1890, whereas
e .
in 1809 the expenditure was only
810. There were a!so seme d ffere
On t her small items,
em l ' oma
�nseof the q. 7, hose spoke o h expenditure
do pot necessarily moan that the Govern•
ntent bee beats extravagant ?
A, No, if it be ooneeded that to km•
prove the Interoolonial and to deepen the
aaoal8 ae gniokly ae possible was in the
interest of Canadian oommerce and in•
Q. Then ae to railway subsidies, what
was the amount paid in 1890 ?
A. 96,228,745 ; this inolnded, however,
the Quebeo Railway subsidy of 112,894,-
000 on which interest is paid.
Q, How mooh was paid for railway
enbsidiee in 3899 ?
A. $3,207,220,,
Q. Of what is this prinoipally made
IT will be wisdom on the part of every
elector to take a look over hie own
neighborhood and compare things with
1896 as to whether the =entry is pros•
paring or no and when election day bobs
op to record a vote for the present ad.
ministration if hie review has satisfied
bim as to marked progress. Of coarse
this is narrowing down the situation to a
email limit but if a man is convinced
that his own lot in life is better then be
will be prepared to aocept the broader
prosperity that the Dominion hoe enjoy-
ed. Horses, cattle, sheep, bogs, poultry,
batter, eggs, cheese and almost every
thing raised on the farm has found ready
sale at remunerative prices and it is no
wonder that fine hoaaea and big barns
bave been erected, farms purchased,
mortgages paid off and a generalbeelthy
tone imparted to business generally.
Prosperity of the ooentry was attributed
t0 Hon. Sir John A. Macdonald in bis
day and if the rule works both ways may
u It a fair share of the present brighten.
ing op be credited to Sir Wilfrid Laarier
and Government ?
A. ofpayments to the Canadian
Paoifio railway for the ooustrnotion of
the Crow's Nest Pass branob,
Q. Was this an undesirable expendi-
ture ?
A, No, espeoially when it is considered
that according to good authorities, quot-
ed by Sir Richard Cartwright, the con-
etruotion of this road is believed to bave
been the means of adding at least forty
millions to the working oapital of the
Q, What is the total amount of the ex•
penditures on capital amount in 1897,
1898 and 1899.
A. 818,603,005.
Q. What wee the increase in the net
debt of the Dominion in these three
years ?
A. $7,776,012.
Q. So that nearly fourteen millions
worth of public improvements were ob-
tained for a debt increase of under eight
millions 8'
A. Yes.
Q. What were tee capital expenditures
In the last three years under the Con-
servatives ?
A.. 910,344,970.
Q. And what was the debt inorease in
these veare. ?
A. 916,816,392.
Q. Then in this period of Conservative
role it cost nearly seventeen millions of
an addition to the debt to procure ten
millions of improvements ?
A. Yes.
Q. How, then, do the records of the
two Governments compare ?
A. The Liberals were six millions to
the good ; the Conservatives six and a
half millions to the bad. A difference of
twelve and a half millions in favor of
Liberal administration upon a three years
flfLUS$Sl► nQS
t d e
We Visited the Ooanty jail fol
And f
three ip#nate., 00e female Rud two roles.the former obarged wibii lunacy and of
the men, one was awaiting trial and the
other! serving ten days for contempt of
The pat Ie clean and well kept, bat to
matte it and its Barremading: creditable
to the old Oounty, it needs peOpee uo•
eommodation for its governor, ae at the
present time t
hat oleer.
and members of
ieferaily dean an ae e, •
cue Refu o et
i e the H e of
Weveltd K
'o t o
a p it r 4E q #
li o de mA g u d
nt p
4 , g Y l
an establiehmenb in wbiob 81 of our mei.
dente are living. We found everything
in good order, WI the iumatee 0o0teutea
and happy. We think it necessary that
so large an establiebmont should be lash-
ed by every grand jory, and we would
reoommepd Ghat au amendment be made
to Gee muniolpel law making it aompul.
Dory on County Oopngile to provide ter
the oonveyanoe Of the grand panel to the
County kinase of Refsge.
Our thanks are duo the grown p005500•
for and the County attorney for Dour.
tesies and assistance in our duties.
Hours A100A0esrz,
Hie Lordobip thanked the panel for
the full presentment, and said the points
reenbioned would be directed to the pro-
per authorities'.
A jury was then sworn to try the Daae
of the Queen vs. Rae for theft.
(Continued on page 1.)
Q. Into what olasees are the expendi•
tures made by the Dominion Parliament
divided ?
A. Iota expenditures obargeable to
consolidated fund, those chargeable to
capital, railway subsidy, and miscall.
laneoas :Merges.
Q. What is meant by consolidated
fends ?
A. 'Under this heading are included
praotioally all the diabarsementa for the
ordinary; administration of the country.
Q. What items are charged to capital
account ?
A. Prinoipaily payments for permanent
improvements to the canals and rail-
ways, and for the erection of public
_• - Q. Ie the diatinotion eimilar to that
penally made by business hoaaea, as be.
tween capital and expense accounts ?
A. The oases are parallel.
Q. Why are railway subsidies classed
by themselves ?
A. Because although they are nob fair.
ly chargeable to the actual administra-
tion of the conotry, they cannot be
chargeable to capital acoount, inasmuch,
as the resulting railways are not part of
the assets of the Government, whereas
when money is spent on Government
railways or canals, the property of the
Governmentshould inorease in value.
Q. A oomparison between the consoli-
dated fend expenditure ander the Liberal
and the Conservatives has already been
made ; how do obarge, an capital rm.
count ender the Liberal administration
compare with thous of former years ?
A. They are higber in 1898 and 1899
than in the years immediately preceding
the eleotion.
Q. What was the total in 1896, the last
year of Conservative Government ?
A. $8,781,311.
Q.nd what Was the total in 1890 ?
Q, What increase does this represent?
A. 92,155,081.
Q. slow was it made op ?
A. In 1896 the Conservatives spent on
the oanale $2,253,788, in 1899 the Liberals
spent $3,899,877.
Q. What increase does tbia represent ?
A. 91,081,929,
Q. How mooh was spent oa capital ac-
aonnt for the Interoolonial Railway in
1899 ?
A. $260,895.
Q. And how mnah by the Liberate in
1806 ?
A. $1,081,029.
Q. By how mooh dose tbis exceed the
former charge ?
A. $821,584.
Q. Were these two i00Cea9ee a good lo.
vestment for the country ?
A. They went far towards making the
railway an np.bo•dete oon0ern, and in
bringing the oanale to Chair present ,state
H. P. O'Connor, Q. 0., died at Walker-
ton on Thursday morning of last week of
the iojuriee received by being thrown
from bis horse on Sunday morning.
Hamilton Parke O'Connor sat for two
terms in the Ontario Legislature and
proved himself an able and ooneoisotione
member, Mr. O'Connor's great strength
was in his ability as a platform orator,
He was born in London, Ont., in 1844.
Hie grandfather, who was a Captain in
the 96th Regiment, name to Canada in
1886 and settled in the County of Mid-
dlesex • bis father wile subsequently
Olerk of the Division Court at Teeewater,
Ont. H. P. O'Connor received hie ed4-
oati0n at the Goderioh Grammar Sobool
and at private Brame's, and finally entered
upon the study of law. He was called to
the bar of Ontario in 1878, and was an,
pointed Queen's Counsel by the Provin
olal Government to 1890. Hie fleet public
position wag that of Mayor of Walkerton,
which oflkoe be filled in 1880 and 1881.
The following year he was eleoted to fiat
the vacanoy caused by the resignation of
R. M. Wells upon the letter's elevation to
the Commons. Mr, O'Oonnor was re.
turned to the Legislature by aoolamation
at the general eleotion to 1883, and was
re.elected in 1886 and 1890. He took an
active part in the debates in the House on
the Liberal side. More than orae 1110
name was mentioned in connection with
positions in the Cabinet, but he continue
ed a private member until be dropped
opt of politioe a few years ago. In 1875
be married Jane Watkins, fourth daogh•
ter of Allan N. McLean, of Toronto, De•
ceased was a nephew to 3. M.,O'Oonnon,
of Brussels.
The Fall assizes for the County of
Heron opened on Tuesday afternoon of
loot week, before bis Lordship Justine
Ferguson. There was a great array of
legal talent, the one oivil case on the
docket having brought at least ten bar.
deters into Court. The names of the
grand juries having been palled, and those
present sworn iu, Hie Lordship nom.
maimed bie obarge, but seeing only nine
jurymen present be stopped and directed
the ehetiff to complete the panel from
the court, While this was being done
two of the absentees appeared, and the
sheriff selecting Mayor Young aod H.
W. Ball as the tailemen. The following
composed the jury, the first named being
chosen as foreman :—Hugh MoOroetie,
W. Wawanosh John Bell, Clinton ;
Robert Carriok, Ashfield ; W. 0. Davie,
Hensell ; David Dambar, E. Wawanoeh ;
John Henderson, Tnokeremith ; Joseph
Lawson, Hallett ; John MoOrae, Tooker.
smith ; Arobibald Sterling, Stanley ;
Thomas Simpson, McKillop ; Wm. Snell,
Usborne ; A. Young, Colborne ; H. W.
Ball, Goderioh.
Judge Ferguson addressed the jury for
one boor, pointing out their duties, their
privileges and their power. After inform.
ing them that they were expected to visit
the public imitations of the County,
and tbat they might open the door of any
building supported by pablio money, be
dwelt at ooneiderable length on the grand
system,mpast and present, esent and drew
attention to the causes of the
that led to the present number (13), arid
gave the sheriff power to make that num-
ben up from citizens present in ooart,
His Lordship congratulated the jury on
the fact that only one criminal ease
would be submitted to them, a Daae of
theft, and after defining what oonetitnted
that crime he dismissed the grand panel
to its duties.
The civil case on the docket was than
called, and a jury being sworn in the ease,
Asquith ve. the G. T. R., was opened by
J. T. Garrow, Q. C., who appeared for
the plaintiff. Asquith sees the G. T. R.
for damages, on :torment of an injury to
his person while passing into Clinton
from Goderioh tp. The plaintiff, it
appears, was standing in a wagon, and
not noticing a wire stretched to the G. T.
le, telegraph poste, he was ought by the
neck and thrown backwards, bis throat
being out by the oollision. The bar was
crowded at the opening of lbs case, the
plaintiff, the G. T. R., the G. N. W.
Telegraph Co., and the Clinton Eleotria
Light Co., being represented. The case
was continued until p, m„ when the
court adjotroed till 9 a, m. on Wednes.
Shortly after six the grand jury return-
ed to court and presented s true bill in
the csse, the Queen vs. Rae, theft.
The court opened se 9 a. m. and As-
quith ve. the G. T. le, was continued, and
it closed in the evening in favor of plain-
tiff for 9500, sabjeot to a question of law.
The Court cpeued at 0.80 a, m. when
the Grand. Jury made the following pre.
Tea Eos. Mo. Jc5Trr0 FEEOniON
$ie,—The Grand Jitters of Our Sover-
eign Lady the Qaeeu, beg to congratulate
iron on the light criminal cslendar of
Huron, and the fact tbat the one charge
On the list id a ruin= are.
We thank Jeer Lardabip fur the in.
tereeting expirnatia..1 the grand jory
system, peat and present- your clever
preeeotatioa of vilest eaoofitatee theft,
and your remake on the derti0 of grand
juries in refateed to P'xbiie institutions.
The angers appointed far the enttlip
Year are ; President, Itev, d', Maipolm
'moo President, Rev, 0, M. Dpnp, White-
ohprob ; Cor:, Sep„ lieu, 218. Whaley, St..
Helene ; Beo, Sao, and Treas.. Ube
Andersou, Wrozzeter,
The Y. P. B. of the Presbytery of
Maitland met in Knoxobarob, Teeewater,
on Wednesday afternoon and evening,
Sept. 5th. The date of the convention
originally was ooneidered later bat it
was ohanged to soft the ohange in the
date of bolding the Presbytery, eonee-
gaeutly the attendance from outside
points was not nearly so large as it other-
wise might bsvebeen. The home eooiety
looked well after the comfort of the visit.
lug delegates and also bad the obarab
nioely decorated with flowers for the
occasion. The following topics were
discussed at the afternoon session : "How
far ahoald young people's societies fern.
ish literary and social entertainments ?"
introduced by Mr. Anderson, of Wrox.
eter ; "How Y. P. S. oan help the B. S.,"
introdnaed by Rev. G. M. Dann, of
Whiteoharoh ; "The advisability of or-
ganizing denier Endeavor r 8omettee
introd08ed by Mrs. Ooombes, Teeewater
"Tbe ueoessity for more Bible study in
weekly meetings of the eooiety," intro -
clued by Rev. J. Malcolm. Some of the
points brought out were: There should
be a great deal more real Bible study in
the regular meetings, Oar young people
do not know the Bible as well as they
should and banes are wBak. Literary
meetings along the lines of the study of
the works of our poets and great writers,
with appropriate mesio, also the study of
the live topios of the day, might be held
with profit 0000 a month. These meet•
ing. should not interfere with the regular
Christian Endeavor meetings. Better it
there ie a general literary eooiety in the
community to let it take up the literary
work and let the society as such devote
its attention to Bible study and other
purely religious work. The Y. P. B. 00.0
aid the S. S. by providing teachers to fill
gaps oaneed by absent tesobers,by visit-
ing homes in which the children do not
attend B. S. and striving to interest the
parents. In times of ladeneee the floral
committee could carry flowers to the siok
room and thus gain a boll on the in•
mates of the borne. They could assist by
making it their business to call on
absentees from the S. S. and winning
them baok. The eooiety ought to keep
the young people interested at the anti•
cal age when they begin to feel too old to
go to S. S, and by their interest in the Y.
P. S. also keep them interested in the S.
S. Junior Societies were needed because
of the laxity of parents in training
children and allowing them to do mooh
es they pleased, to train the childrenfor
sibizensbip, to train them for the aotive
Christian work of the oburob and to
bridge over that apnea between ohildbood
and young manhood and womanhood
when so many of our boys and girls
wander away from the fold of the ohnrch,
The topics dim:seed at the evening
service were : "The prominence whish
topics on citizenship should receive on Y.
2. S. programmes," introduced by W. T.
Fyfe, Wingham. It ever we are to bave
good government we must have good
oitizene and we ahoald early train oar
boys and gide the meaning and dative of
Obristian oitizenehip 50 that it would be
wise to quite frequently bave topics along
these lines. The feature of the evening's
program wag an address by Rev. J. Rose,
Brgeoela, on "The ideal Ohriotiaa Ea.
deavot " it mast be essentially spiritual,
he members should be eatneak Bible
students, they should be loyal to the
church of their choice and they should be
aggressive in their work.
et 100010 the World,
No dietovery 14 uiaedioino lane aver
created one quarter of the excitement
that baa beau caused by Dr, 1Ci"k's Wee
G tater.,
p O 14 ,a d_
' o ve r 0uue m A u a
leo r fv
D y
opt testa have been on hoetoe0 viotiMe of
i llemorrha e
io p04m A R
onamt o
a u n g,
plouriey and bronehitie, ( tboneends of
whom it has restored to perfect breath,
For ooughe, oolds, aetbma, oreup, hay
fever, 110500eneeesad whooping cough it.
is the quickest, eureet ours In the world.
Itis aold by G.A. Deadman, who guaran-
tees eatisfection or refundmonsy. Large
bottles 600 and $1.00. - Trial bottles tree.
Said Frsdsrick the graft
11Fads Ara Divine Things,"
Such was the saying of a master mind,
and what applies to'.tbioge of state ap-
plies with doable foroe to matters oon-
oerning health. When it is said that
Dr. Pitober'e Baokaohe Kidney Tablets
can, if intelligently need, euro all kidney
and bladder troubles, end ,soh other
diseases as can be traded to a sh,ggieb or
imperfect kidney notion, it .le always
booked up by the positive proof and
testimony of some reputable person,
some one who is glad and wil irg to tell
the world the results obtained, The fol•
lowing testimonial of Mrs. W. Eaton, 10
Fanning Sc, Toronto, has the ring of
truth, and bears out the claim tbab ib is
a ours beyond a doubt for the young,
middle aged, and aged,
Mrs. Eaton says, — "Dr. Pitcher's
Backache Kidoey Tablets have been of
the greatest benefit to me, Formerly I
bad so mooh backache it extended to my
hips and limbs. At times there would
be an acute lameness iu my hips and 8
burning that causes very disagreeable
eeneatioos. I find that I am muub in•
vigorated since I used a bottle of Dr.
Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tablets.
My back has raooveted from its lame•
nese, and I am sleeping well at nights.
From my experience ,n neing the Tab.
tete 1 have mach oonlidenoe iu them, and
I oan highly recommend them."
Any reader of this paper oan te•t the
merits of Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kidney
Tablets fret by enclosing two oeots
postage for trial paokags to The Pitober
Tablet Co., Toronto, Out, Regular size
50 cents per bottle.
CoauasAtan 14 ewe,.
Fire destroyed the Main Building in
the Belleville Fair grounds.
Roberts Evans, the well known seed
merchant, of Hamilton, is dead.
William Saunders, of Graveohuret, was
struck by a train and killed at Muskoka
Wharf station.
The Conners Syndicate has not begun
construction of the elevatore yet and
other works for which it obtained a oon-
oesaion from the Montreal Harbor Board.
A fire caused by spontaneous: embus -
tion started among the raw cotton in the
storehouse of the Dominion Cotton Milia
Company at bbefr 8t. Anne's mill, oans-
ing a lose estimated at $50,000.
H o f
Gage, t ilwop one o
h of Due stn
the p14ee9 nd most highly respected
xeekdentp et Wentworth Aonnty, died in
hie 82nd year.
Winnipeg wholesale hooses ere talking
of buyeottiog bleeper/a, owing to that
place slaving imposed a tax of 909 on
oommetolel travellers,
Immapee pglpmille are preposed for
Port lPranoce, en the Rainy Elver, a town
which will seen be directly connected
W Atl
Winnipeg b rail, Y
d0Beph A1axaudoC,
who silot
watchmen PeRpsera dog
and woundedIdfl_
the owner, wee lined nearly $'dQQ at
Waterloo on varione charges ooneeoted
With the ease,
John Smith, of Waterdown, was blast.
ing stove under a tree at the quarry on
the Galvin farm,.Eaet Flamborc', when
the tree fell on 111M, injuring hie bagk 00
badly that the doetore fear it is broken.
The worst wind and rain storm ever
experiepoed is Manktoba punted- over the
Western portion of the province and
Eastern Aesiniboia, causing anemone
lose to farmers in the deetruotion of
bowies, barns apd stables.
The Collegiate Institute Board of Co.
bourg have sold the property upon which
the Insulate ie' now'eituated for $4,000,
Some time ago the board purohased a lot
to be geed ae the Bite for 8 new Institute,
and an 4p•to•date building will be area,.
ad. _
Seven years In Iced.
"Will wonders ever oea0e ?" inquire
the friends of Mrs. S. Yeast, of Lam'
retiree, Ilan. They knew ebe had been
unable to leave her bed in seven years on
a000npt of kidney and liver trouble, net•
vows prostration and general debility ;
bat, "Three bottles of Electric Bitters
enabled me to walk," she writes, "and in
three months I felt like a new person:"
Women suffering from headache, back-
aohe, nervoaeness, eleepleeeneoe, melan•
oholy, fainting and dizzy spells will find
it a priceless blessing. Try it. Satin.
faction ie guaranteed. Only 25 oents at
G. A. Deadman'e drug store.
Patents Guaranteed.
Oar. fee returned 1f we fail. Any one sand-
ingsketob and desorlptlon of any invention
will promptly receive our opinion free con-
cerning the patentability of same: How to
obtain a patent" Bent upon request, Pat-
ents secured through as advertised for sale
at our expense. eatente taken out through
(is receive SPECIAL NOTICE, without charge,
in TRH PATENT RECORD, ND iilnetrated and
widely circulated journal, consulted by efan-
ntacturers and Investors. Send for ample
copy PIER, Address VICTOR J. EVAN, &
Co., (Patent Attorneys,) Evans. Building,
Washington, D,0.
Important to Breeders and horsemen.
Veterinary Caustic Bassam.
A reliable
and speedy
remedy for
Sp lints,
eta„ eto„tn
Horses and
- Lump Jaw
in Cattle.
TRADE maim "See pamph-
let whiob accompanies every bottle, giving
scientific treatment in the various diseases.
practice where be used stimulatinoggaapplicaof tionrs ansa
Elisters we very bottle sold is guaranteed hae to giveo s satis-
faction. 1.1100 755 per bottle. Sold by all
druggists and country storekeepers, Pre-
Throw Away
Those Doubts
You Can't Doubt
When you see our Magnificent Line of Nem Fell and Whiter Goode. You are bound
to find REASONS why you should bey of oe by simply looking at either the Quality
or the Price.
spy, 20, 1900
i frl�tlE.?lii Gt
az Co,
early for Fall Bnsiue 1
We looked ahead wisely and well when we placed orders
last S grin with Manufacturers for heavy stacks of Fall and Winter
p g Dress Goods,Silks,Household Linens and Cottons of
goods such as 1�1
all kinds, ,Flannels, Flannelettes and Wrapperettos, Underwear
and Hosiery, goods that have in moot every case since advanced
from 15 to 25 per, cont. We're not looking for big profits, a fair
margin on out cost will content no.
Latest in Fall and Winter Jackets
e just arrived. are all made in the newest styles by the
best German and Canadian manufacturers and guaranteed in every
respect—not a bit too soon to select your Fall Jacket while our
stock is at its'best.
Every Quality and Grade is a Warrant of Excellence..
Every Price is an Object Lesson in the Economy of Buying,
Such Completeness
In every department, of the BEST and NEWEST GOODS, is timely and tempt,
ing proof that we are prepared to give perfect satisfaction to the most oritioal and
experienced buyers.
And the Fair Price Banner Waves Over All.
With Pride and Confidence in the Variety, Rlohness, Completeness
and Cheapness of our Beautiful Stook, we invite you to
oome and see our seasonable line of
Hats) Oaps all Gents' Furnishing Goods.
The Certainty of the Valuers we are showing, the unquestioned
Superiority and Newness of the Styles, and the Variety
and Range for selection, all Guarantee
Saturday and Monda3r
Come as early as you can if you would share in these real
bargains—Eight o'clock Saturdaymorning will not be too soon.
Silk Gloves at 19e—
Ladtea' Fine Silk Gloves in bleak and cream, assorted eine, best Gloves
in the trade at 255, to olear 190.
Children's School Hose at 10c--,
Children', Eoee of good, strong, cotton yarn, warranted feet blank, in
ribbed only, sizes 6 to 9, regular 14o and 15a, to clear at 100.
Boys' 25e Hose at 2 pairs for 35c --
Boyo' extra heavy ribbed cotton Hose, warranted fast blaok, sizes si to
9, regular pride 250, for Saturday and Monday 2 pairs for 850.
A Snap in Cottons and Shootings.
Remember, we offer values that merit approval on account of QUALITY
and that are without equals for CHEAPNESS.
Our Prices Make Every Dollar do Double Duty.
You can save a sight of money by trading at our store.
Will you 2
Come Once and you'll Come Back --
They A11 Do.
—25 pieces extra heavy Factory Cotton worth 6e, for Saturday and
Monday Is per yard,
--4 pieces only 72 inob Twilled and Plain Sheeting, worth regular 160,
for Saturday and Monday 12io per yard.
The last chance to buy Shirt Waists Cheap-
-On Saturday and Monday we olear all Shirt Waists in stock at 35o.
All tbie.season styles and worth regular 75o, $1,00 and 91.25.
Champion Clothier, Brussels.
J. Ferguson & Co.
Dry Goods and Groceries.
COIISIaIII1Y Getling See 01111
!ii few Goots ° °*(t*)DS
E.,ery „,llg aril PreDari�� for
°°No°F,nc}. Prices (ve FllTi.
A. Strachann
Wilton & Turnbull
Headquarters for
r.• -
of All Kinds.
Farmers should see our
Field Peace,
Best Pence on the market.
Barb and Plain Wire,
All kinds harvest Tools.
Binder Twine.
Paints and Oils.
S. W. P., the best Ready
Mixed Paints made,
always in stock.
A .a4