HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-9-13, Page 8JBI 0 Ai T 1900 Beauty and Utility Though worn as a riece$sity, ,1 beautiful eye 'glass artistically fitted is a facial 'ornament, 1We will fit you ou with a frame ibest adapted to your features. G. A. Deadman, hruggispp��tand Geaduaeo Optician; Brussels, Ont„ IOo, WORT•H 1 2 dozen Tea Bisonits, 2 „ $Dopee, 4 " Cookies, 4 " oatmeal Oakes, 0 " Ginger Snaps, 1 Jelly Cake, 1 Chocolate Cake, 2 Apple Puddings, 3 or more Pies, *o, .the above is what 10e, worth of Deadman's Baking Powder will make. Have you ever used it ? You need not be afraid -it con- tains no alum and costs you little, too little for what it con- tains and does, but we .sell all the more. Manufactured by G. A. Deadman, Druggist, Optician & Bookseller, GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 80o008105 ExTEN$(ON w. a. & B. Trains leave Bruesele Station, North and South, as follows: GOINe SOvOf. GOING NOa9H. 'Express 7:18 a.m. I Mail 2:10 p.m Mrxed......... 9:95 a.m. Express 8:17p.m gond Pis Pins. A. ohiel's amang ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. SisoarssINO days. READ the advte. in THE POST. Scimot Board Friday evening of this week, Sone talk of another store opening in Brussels tbie Fall. MISS OLLIE Bloom has a bioyole end rides it gracefully. WM. DENBOW loot a good horse last week from indigestion. 0. Zit= has purchased two biopsies one for hie daughters and the other for his sons. W. H. elcOnac0EN opens the Fall Fair season next week with Listowel and Atwood Shows. Tae high wind of Tuesday afternoon and night effeoted great damage in sweep- ing down apples and other fruits in the orohards. Tuzenernight the G. T. R. motion men of Brusseis dietriot were called upon to go to Henfryn to fight bush fires that were threatening the re.ilwey track. MAB. RoGERS has engaged the services of Miss Lawrence, of Gnelph, to take charge of her Millinery rooms for this eeasos, Mies Dunbar, who was here last year, has gone to Peterboro'. Mies Law- rence arrived in town last Saturday. Poor BALL. -The return Foot Ball match between Windham and Bruesele is expeoted to be played on Victoria Park in this place, on Friday afternoon, coat. menoing at 4.30 o'clock. Tt should be a good game as both teams put up good ball. This will likely be the last game of the season. Bins, FLEmomtn, optician, has added another new instrument to be used for testing the eyes. It is said to be one of the beet things on the market for the purpose. Mre. Fletcher is bound to have everything the latest in her optioal de- partment so as to render the best service possible to her patrons. Tan eidewalk gang bas completed the work on Albert street and are busy on the South aide of Mill street, runningEast from Turnberry. A 4 fot walk will also be put down on John Street connecting King and Mi11 streets. This, with a new walk on Turnberry street North will about wind op business for the season, totalling from $4,500 to $5,000 beside the private walks. Oontraotor Lloyd is doing a good job and at a low rate. Tan Wtarton Canadian reoently planed in Court 200 cases of subscribers who did not whack up after being notified. In every Daae judgment was granted at the rate of $1.50 per year. Leat week the same paper warns rte delinquents that 200 more will be plaoed in court in two weeks. Therewonld be no delinquents if papera were stopped at expiration of time, but a country publisher is in a peculiar position, at least as regards his tonal eubeoribere, many of whom would be offended if their paper were stopped in tbie way. Then by degrees some get behind and don't want topay at all. DIED AT A GOOD CLD Aon. -This week Thomas Ballantyne, Obaroh street, re. aeived word from Scotland that hie mother had passed away on the 28th of August. Her maiden Deme was Eliza. beth MaDongall and she was born at Glenisla in the year 1806, making her 94 yeare of age at the time of her decease. In 1829 she was united in marriage to James Ballantyne, who pre.deoeased her 26 years ago, and they made their home in Linthrathen Pariah. Nine ohildren were born to them, two of whom are dead. In addition to Mr. Ballantyne, of Brussels, a daughter, Mre. W. B. Brown, reeidesin Boston. Althongh never very ragged Mrs. Ballantyne reaohed a royal old age. She was a Sieber to the late Mre. James Mitohell, of oon. 12, Grey. Mre, Ballantyne was never in this country. She was a member of the Presbyterian church all her days, SPEEDING GoNTESTO. - The following speeding contests will take plaoe at the East Huron Fall Fair et Braseele on Oot. 5th :-Farmers' trot oe pace, half mile beats, lett, $5 ; 2nd, 53 ; 8rd, $2. Gentleman's drivere ranee mile heats, let, 512 ; 2utl, $8 ; 8rd, ;t5. Free•for.all race, mile heats, $25 ; 2nd, 15 ; 8r8, $10. Rules, -In Farmers' Raoe Committee to name harem that are eligible. No entrance fee in either Farmers' or Gen- tloman'e rases -hobbles not allowed in either of these raoes. For other rase en. trance fee 5 per cent, of purse. All oom- petitore inset be members of the, Agri. cultural Sooiety. Farmers' and Gentle- man's; ra080 2 in 3, finish the 8rd heat, Free-for-all best 8 in 5. American As. sudation Rules to govern. Horne eligible on Sept. let, 4 to enter and 8 to start. Other conditions made known on Fair day. Speeding to take plaoe at2 o'clock sharp, A NUMBER of Brueselitee attended the Assizes at Goderioh this week as witness. es in the Ro$e-Rae oSSe. Teams are prone to look rosy when we run into debt, bat not long afterwards everything is dun-oolored.. WILLIE BDamoN was injured by some iron rode belonging to. George Birt'e drill rolling on him, He is about all right again. Bnnsesns oheeee factory sold their July make of cheese to Ballantyne & Son, of Stratford, @ 11 cents. It was ebipped last Monday. Tan oarpentere are shingling the roof of the new Methodist Parsonage and the interior work will also be pushed ahead as fast as possible. THE other day Wm. Campbell bad his right band caught in a machine in the flax mill and had a couple of fingers lammed, patting him off work. A PETITION for new granolithio aide. walk on Turnberry etreet, North of the G. T. R., has been signed. The walk will run past P. Ament's factory. THE Grand Jury found a true bill against Robt. Rae at Goderioh Assizes and hie trial oame off on Thursday bat was not oonoluded when we went to press, IN the List of successful pupils in eon. neotion with Bruesele Pablio Sohool the name of Russell Taylor was omitted, the name Telfer being substituted by mist. take. Russell is a good etndent and ie entitled to the credit he earned. IT ie said that Harry Brewer, artist, of Bruseele, has purchased the photo gallery at Blyth from Mise Sutherland, and John MoArter, a competent photographer, of this town, will take charge. The Blyth people will find both Mr. Mariner and Mr. Brewer "all right." IN oonoeotion with the sale of the Geo. Seeker estate property, last Saturday, the residence, store and storehouse at G. T. R., will remain with the estate. Ream Thomson purohaeed the lot on the bank of the Maitland, near the iron bridge, for $105, and the lot, corner of Market and John etreet°, will become the property of Alfred Beeper at $150. ONE day recently a Milverton, young woman and a male companion drove over to Bruseele in the early morning and calling at a home near the G. T. R., left e little girl baby, about a month or so old, upon the table. The pater of the family declined the present and attempted to return the child to the rig at the door e made bythe ed retreatwa hula speedy p Y Easterners. A warrant was issued for the arrest of the foolish mother bot she same bank to town, took the baby and paid expenses incurred and there the matter was allowed to drop by the com- plainant. Monne ScaooL.-The following ie a list of the candidates allotted to the re- speative Model eohool° in Heron : 00DEn190 0LINT0N Beckett, Nellie Akinhead, A. Brydgee, Wm. J. Campbell, Geo. Doan, Mina Campbell, Mabel Down, E. E. Ohidley, Agnes Hackett, Walter Cooper, Eva Halliday, Donald Candice, Hattie Hamilton, T. J. Ellis, Mattie Metbeeon, Win, T. Govenlock, Jennie McDonald, Fraser Hooper, Alfrid MoLean, Amelia Howe, Janie Pierce, Amy A. MoEwan, Eliza Smith, Alex. O'Neil, Winnie Smillie, Agnes E. Stewart, Mary Taylor, August Scott, Ethel Turner, Florence Thompson, Winn Wightmae, W. H. Stanbury, Flossie Wellwood, M. Stalk, Robert F. Williams, E. L. Waugh, Isabel H. Wright, Ethwell MRS. BT/TT DECEASED. - On Friday morning, August filet, Mre. Ann Stitt, relict of the late Jackson Stitt, of 001 - borne township, Huron county, formerly of Brueeels, passed away quite suddenly at the home of her daughter, Mre. Wm. Stevenson, near the Listowel High eohool. The deceased had reached the ripe age of 86 years and 90039 monthe, and was in the enjoyment of good health up to with- in a few hours of her death. The old lady had her photograph taken on Mr. Stevenson's lawn only a day or two be- fore, and was bright and cheerful np to the last. Her maiden name was Ana Shannon, and she was a native of County ()even, Ireland. She came to Canada early in the century and in 1832 married her late husband, Jaokeon Stitt, who was founder of Stitteville, in Carleton county, near Ottawa. The latter wee also a native of the Emerald Isle, having been born at Magbadone, Londonderry. The family came Weet in 1868 and settled in Colborne, Huron county, where Mr. Stitt died in 1800. Of 9 Sono and4 daughters the following are living ; William Stitt, of Chicago ; Dr. James Stitt, of Mil- waukee ; Mrs. Wm, Steveneon, of Lieto. wel ; Mre. S. A. Wilson, of Denver, formerly of Goderioh ; Samuel Stitt, of Leadbary, Huron county; John W. Stitt, of Philadelphia, and Mre. Mintern, of Grindstone City, Michigan. The fnneraltook place on Monday to the G. T. R. station, the remains being taken to Huron no00ty and interred beside those of her late husband in Ball's cemetery, base line, Hallett. Rev. J. W. dameron, of North Morningtoo Preebyterian ohuroh, conducted the eervioe at Listowel, Among the mourners in attendance were Dr. Stitt, of Milwaukee, and Rev. B. F. Wilson, of Evanetown, I11., grandson of the deoeaoed. 131.4olietiien PpxrLare bee had a new roof put on 1118 shop, h'lara street, T'ag typhoid fever patients in this 14oality are waking favorable progreae and will soon be convalescent we two, BOtirfwAre97 OYEit.PG4wINe.-0014e Of our townepeople to it Into their heads to visit the Driver family, formerly of Bruseele, at Reoheeter, N, Y. In the company was D. C. BOSS, A, Beaker, 11,. Downing end W. J. McCracken, The hove were met at the boat, driven over the city and then landed at the Driver home where they were royally entertain. ed. It was a delightful trip to the party and the kindness of Mr. and Mrs. Driver and familywill not soon be forgotten, O0AIPLItxENTABY,-A anheoriber in Wia.: oonein, U. S., writes the following cheery recommend :-We always await, very anxiously, the coming of Tan Poste, a newspaper whioh is admireblyvonduoted and a paper that Bruseele and the sue rounding ooantry may well feel proud of and I do not wish to coavey any flat. tery in the least. A good many of my friends and other people have the pleas- are of reading Tag POST from time to time and more then once have bad 00. 059100 to make oomparieone and I Den amen you they have always expreseed tbemselveevery favorably of Tag Pose and its Editor, OBIT, -Last Friday evening Jane Perry, retial of the late Robert Buohanao and mother to Mark Buchanan, of Bruesele, died at the home of her eon, at west. field, Wawanosh township, aged 84 years. Deceased had been a very hearty person up to a few years ago and was moot highly esteemed by it large oirole of friends. She was born in the North of Ireland in 1816 and was married to Mr. Buchanan 58 years ago, Doming to Can- ada two years later. They resided in Quebec for a little while, then to Btreete. ville and next to Westfield where they located 46 years ago. The eubjeot of this notioe was an old time Methodist. Four children survive, viz, Dire. Aikeoe, of Wiogbam ; Mre. Murray, of Duluth ; Robert, of Westfield ; and Mark, of Brue- ee1e. The funeral took place on Satur- day afternoon, Rev. Mr. Kennedy coe ducting an appropriate eervioe. THOS. DENNISON PASSED. AWAY. -OD Thursday morning of last week Thoma° Dennison paid Nature's debt, passing away very peacefully. He had been ail- ing for about 11 years so that his decease was not an unlooked for event. Mr. Dee nieon was a Canadian by birth, and in hie earlier years lived in the laoality of Dorchester, coming to McKillop town- ship 32 yeare ago where he resided until leaving the farm a year ago and Doming to Bruesele. He 18 survived by Mrs. Dennison (who was a Mies Freokeiton, of St. Thomas) 2 ecce and 4 daughters, The funeral took plane on Batnrday after- noon to Brussels cemetery, Service was oonduoted by Reeds. R. Paul, of Brussels, and A. W. Dever, of Walton. The pall bearers were old friends viz :--J. S wallow, G. Grigg, D. Crawford, R. Pollard, J. Stafford and T. Dennis. The floral trib- utes were very neat. Ingram Dennison, of Owasso, Mioh., brother to the deceits. ed, and Robb. Dennison, a nephew, of Varna, were in attendance at the funeral. Mr. Dennison was a member of the Methodist °hush for many yeare and waa widely and favorably known. YOUNG PEOPLES' SooIAL.-The Y. P. S. 0. E. of Melville Cherish held a social on Friday evening of last week in the Sun. day echool room. The room was suitably decorated with flowers, fruits, •vegetables and grain and a most enjoyable time was spent by all who attended, apparently, every effort being pot forth by everybody to make it truly a eooiel evening. Ae the guests entered the door a tioket was pinned on hie or her book and on this, ticket wee written the name of some kind of grain, fruit, flower or vegetable, then it remained for the wearer to guess what he or she represented by the various re. marks of others. As it is not possible for a person to see the book of their own neck with any degree of convenience, muoh laughter and mirth ensued and one and all good nateredly joined in the fun and reoeived the sundryopinions of their friends in the same riendly spirit in whioh they were given. Honorary Presi- dent Rev. Jno. Rose, B. A., occupied the chair and the following moat excellent program was carried oat :-Hymn, "Har- vest Home," and two anthema by the Moir ; solos from Mesera. Gilpin and Jones t reoitatione from Miseee Halliday, McGuire and Soott ; and a splendid ad. drese on "Botany" from Prinoipal Cam. exon, Ice oream and other refreshments were served at the close. Proceeds $10.00 whioh will be devoted to Mbeeions. Regret was expressed that Mies Lizzie Sample, who had also consented to assist, was ill and could not appear. No meetings of the Society have been held during July and Augnet, and it ie to be hoped that now the meetinge have commenced the young people will go on with the good work with renewed energy.-Oom. FALL FAIR ATTRACTIONS. -In eonneotion with East Huron Fall Fair,whioh will be held in Bru°sele on hursday and Friday, Oat. 4 and 5, the following at. tractions will be on the program :-Com- fort Soap Rase. -This was one of the special features of the Fair last year and will be repeated this year, through the kindness of the Comfort Soap people. The rape will be 100 yards, open to any lady of 18 years of age or over. No en. trance fee. Aprons and Soap supplied by the Oompaoy. Valuable prizes will be offered and they will be on exhibition et Tun Pose Publishing House before the Fair. Entries must be made with W. H. Kerr before 2 p. m. on the 2nd day of the Fair. The aprons and soap pinked op in the race become the property of each competitor. Best Lady Driver, the contestant to harness horse, hitch to buggy and drive o00e around the half mile traok. Horses to trot or pane. Full set of harnere. let, $2 ; 2nd., $1.50 ; Bed, $1. Foot Ram, 100 yards, beet 2 in 3. (Professionals barred.) let, 51.60 ; 2nd, $1. Boys' Race, under 12 yeare, 50 yards, let, 78 ; 211d, 60 ; 8rd, 250 ; 4th, 25o. Girls' Raoe, under 14 years, 50 yards. let, 750 ; 2nd, 50 ; 8rd, 25o ; 4th, 26o. Ladiee' Bane, 50 yards. let, $1 ; 2nd, 50a, Old Man's Ram, Over 50 yeare, 100 yards. let, $1 ; 2nd, 50o, Best trained collie dog (exhibition to be given on the Fair grouud. let, 52 ; 2nd, $1. Three entries or no prize. BioyoleRaoe, open to Heron, mile heats, best 2 in 8. let, $4 ; 2nd, $3 ; 8rd, $1. No entrance fee. let prize winnerelof other years bar- red. Foot and bioyale races at 3; Lady driving at 4 o'clock sharp. Big concert in the Town Hall in the evening at whioh H. Rnthven McDonald, of London, end J. H. Cameron, of Toronto, will take a oonepionone part. The Couoertie ander the auepioiee of the Agl, Rudely. Barrister Blair wa0 in the Co, town on bu°inese title week. Among vieitore hi Toronto last week were 'Place. POpe, wife and daughter, Mies Eiio Fanetsn, wee Mary Beattie,' Mrs, Will. Ainley, 'Atlee Mary McDonnell, Mies Nina Rogers, D, 0. Rose„ F, Down. 100, W. J. MoOraulleu, J, Fox, G. A. Deadman, Gee. Beet, 1t, Denbow, hire. Nome, O, Zilliax and wife and Jut), Wynn, SHIPPING le livening np at the G. T, it. 'file record for the past week 10 no f01' Iowa ;--R, Graham, oar of poo°; W. F. yanelone, Oar of hogs ; Geo, Be°t, Oar of lambs •,W. W. Harris, car of cheese Jno. ammtt, 8 oars of cattle ; Enterprise Salt Works, 2 care Bait ; P. Hogg oar of flax seed. Freight inward was 4 oars of goal for Salt Works oar of brick from Drew for D. A. Lowry ; and a oar of young cattle for Jae, Hall, Morris. Tboe, J: Wilson, who is a graduate of the Cbi°ago Dental College, Intends leaving about the middle of next mouth for India, where he will praotlee bis pro. teeeion ata olty named Mhow, a place of 60,000 without a dentist. He will go in company with Rev. J. Wilkie, of Indore, Mx) is returning to hie work there, The trip will take 5 or 6 weeks. Dr. Wilson is a eon of D. D. Willson, the well known. Egg King, of Seaforth, and a brobher.in- law to Dr.- Twaddle, of Brussels. The Dr. has a large airole of friends who will wish him every semen in hie new home. One °loud on the horizon may be that foot ball ie not played in India bot Dr. Wilson may have an 0990910 lily of waking up an interest in it ce ,198 will have to content himself with the quieter games of orioket and tennis. HURON'S' GREATFAoe.-The bigi.eet Fall Mow of 1900 for this motionwill he the G. N. W. Exhibition at Goderioh, Tues. day and Wednesday of next week. The prize list is several hundred dollars in advance of last year, and the speed teeth, four in number, promiee to develop lots.. of fun for lovers of good horses. The traok is in No. 1 condition and the grand stand, rebuilt this Sommer, will accom- modate an immenee crowd. The poultry list is mooed only to that of the county Winter show, and the "ohioken oranke" will be out in fall force. The fruit and root grope promise to make a display en. excelled in the history of the Fair. The popular Marine Band will furnish muele,, each day and evening, and among the attractions will be Edison's moving Pictures, including South African battle scenes and other views just now of special interest. A' visit to ';Goderioh next week well be doubly ecjoyable, PROVEN BEYOND ADovwr.-:fuller this heading the Listowel Banner gives the following report of the Foot Ball match on Labor Day at Gorrie between Brus. eels and the Listowel -Berlin combina- tion :-"This is the verdict that wee' rendered at the Listowel-Bruseele Foot Bell matoh at Gorrie on Monday last where the two teams °laebed together to prove whioh were the better team and resulted in the Listowel kiokere proving their superiority over the Bruesele team. At about 4.30 the two teams were order. ed to line up by the referee, which both teams did and as soon as the whistle blew both teams were down to business. For the first ten minutes the play was very even, then Bruseele made a go and scored goes No. 1. - Thie nettled the boys+ in the orange and black and in very short order Beamer of the Marlboros' scored, thus leaving the more even at half time. In the first half the Marlboros' had the wind against them, but when they changed endo things took a tarn and they kept the ball at their opponents' goal the remainder of the game. The Bruseele boys seeing their danger grasped the op. portunity and fell bask into their goal and played a defenoe game, but jet about ten minutes before time was up a arl°or e' when was claimed byhe Di o foal w t by a tricky little kiok by Cook the ball went spinning to Bamford who passed it to Wilson who snored goal No. 2 f..r the Champions of Western Ontario, winning them the game. Referee McDonald gave good satisfaction to ell the players." An important omission in the above vain glorification of the "wouderfnl" thiuge done in a eoore of 2 to 1, ie that the Marlboros' pleyed 5 of the well known Berlin Rangers viz ;-Rodel, Switzer, Gibeon, Bowman eon Boehmer, so what- ever value there was in the victory be longs to Berlin ae much as to Listowel. Our team, who by the way were our own boys, could stay with the nombination in everything except heavy checking and in this Brussels being the lighter team had to go down but if the referee had noticed the off -side play in Lietowel's mooed more Me probable it would not have been allowed and the game would have been a tie ae it should have resulted. If count- ing Coale were taken into aoaount Brus- eele se still ahead for the season as the following will show :-Bruesele won on July 12th by 4 to 0 at Listowel ; Listowel. Berlin won on Aug. 6, at Bruseele, 2 to 1 ; and Listowel -Berlin, at Gorrie, on Labor Day won 2 tol, leaving Brussels still ahead by 2 goals. Our boys can trim the whiskers of Listowel to it nicety any day, playing town for town, and the Eaeternere clearly understand the same or they would not "'sough up" the oold coin for five stare from outside towns in attemping to wipe out that 4 to 0 defeat of July 12th, Business Locals. TIMOTHY seed for sale at MoOraoken'e. Mau for butter and eggs, A. Cotteley. HOUSE end lot for Bale, John street. JOBE POTLANn. COMFORTABLE property on Qaeen street, for sale. Most conveniently located, If not Bold will he rented as owner is removing from Brussels. Apply to THE POST. WASHSTAND lost between Listowel and Brussels, via Molesworth, from load of farnitare. Clothing, &o. inside. Finder will kindly notify Tan Pose, Brueeels, at once. WANTED, eggs, 180., butter, 180. The Bele still goes on for three weeks with the cheap R. R. rates, Aek those wbo have been here bow they liked their parcels. G. E. KING, Wingham. COnxOHTABLT hoose with lot, pump, &0., well located, for sale or to rent, on Turn. berry street, Brueeels, Farther infor. mation and the key may be had by cell. ing at Tan P085. Poseeseion may be had at once. LADDERS. AT Coer.-To clear out bal. ante of stook F. Adams, Mill etreet, w111 h °glen sell the balance of the Mab erer Bion ladders at coat. Nothing better 011 the market for dnrability, convenience or prioe. Call and Bee thorn, ST4ND4„ D , MXIC o. ' 0,4X,4Drb(, PAamx4011m+21aa man P•e72, HEAP OFFICE, - 1QRONTO CAPITAL PAID UP (One Million Dotterel 51,900,0.00 RIOST . r 8700,000 Amain in ailprlraoipai paints On Qntarfo, QuGbea,Manitoba, United Stater d`klnpland. ` da'vSs:. s A Goner 3BAfit ii ' al Banking Bpeineee Tranoaoted. Farmer°' Notes Dieoonnted. Drafte I8°utd and Collections made on all pointe. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed op dopoolte of 51.00 and upwards and compounded hall yearly. SPRcIAL'ATTENTI°N GIVEN mo TUE COLLISOTION OF FARnRns' SALE NOM. Bvery facility afforded Cuslomere living at a dietanoe. payable at any bank leaned Under 510..., 80. 520 to $80.,..12o many Orders al the following rates :- $10 to $20„..10o. 80 to 40..,,14o J. N. GORDON', AGENT, Llexownx yarns 2 and 8 ply in various colors, a full assortment justto hand at Mre, Kirks. COMFORTABLE hell Se to rent, with stable and good garden, on Alexander street. Posaeeeion can be given early in Septem- ber. For farther particulars apply to Tan Poem. REVERE Homo, BRDeenne.-The mort. gagees of this estate are desirous of die. posing of the pro-perty at once. It will be Bold at a great saorifioe and any party wanting a bargain should apply immed- iately. It will be rented if not sold. J. A. 0ansGnTaN, Agent, Brussels Council. The monthly meeting of Bruseele Conn - oil was held on Monday evening the Reeve in the chair. Members present in addition J. Fox, S. Wilton and N. F. Gerry. Minder; of last meeting read and pass. ed. The following accounts were presented A. J. Lowry, earth on street. ...,.$ 9 00 W. Denbow, gravel 78 44 hauling earth 6 50 A. MoLauohlin, salary 25 00 Jae. Lloyd, work on sidewalks ,4 00 F. 6. Scott, inspecting street 54 25 Ino, Long, constable 1 00 Jno. Coueley, on drain marmot 85 00 Moved by S. Wilton, ascended by N. F. Gerry that above amounts be paid. -Car- ried. A petition for a new cement sidewalk on Mill street, East of Turnber ry street, was presented and the necessary steps. were taken advancing it. Moved by S. Wilton, eeoonded by Jas. Fox that Sidewalk Bylaw- be amended by permitting the walk on Mill street to be 4 feet wide inetead of 5. -Carried. Petitions 32, 83, 84, 86, 36, 37, 38, 89. 40, 41, 42 and 43, were read dealing with sidewalks already built. On motion the Engineer's reports was excepted and Court of Revision will be held Oot, 15, at 8 o'olook. Moved by Jae. Fox, seconded by 6. Wilton that orders be granted J. L. Lloyd for 51,060 on sidewalk a000nnt.-Oarried. Reeve and Treasurer were authorized to borrow $2,000 for sidewalk building, the same to be repaid from this year's taxes. Petition regarding Gee of Revere House well received no action. Cannon then adjourned. SORN. DuNN.-In Dolton, Cal., Aug. 24th, 1900, the wife of Mr. Geo. Dunn (formerly of Atwood,) of a eon. TIEPIN, -At the Methodist Personage, on Wednesday, 5th Romney,W y, to Rev. A. 0. and Mre. Tiffin, a daughter. s¢.e..mmexema. GRANT-OLOAHEY.-At the manse, Eg- m ndville on Aug.5th byRev. oN. , g , Shaw, B. A., Mr. Allen P. Grant, of Tuokeremith, to Mise Martha M. Cloakey, daughter of Mr. James Oloakey, of Morrie township. LDOAa-RAYNARD,-At the residence of the bride's parents, on September 5813, by Rev. H. E. Curry, assisted •by Rev. 0. V. Lake, of Wroxeter, Mr. W. E. Leone, of Belmore, to Mies Winifrid A. A., daughter of Mr. and Mrs.O. Raynard, of Ethel. MAuea-GannatnR.-At the residence of the bride'e parents, on Sept. 5, by Rev. Mr. Sewers, assisted by Reeds. Marsh and Cranston, Rev. D. B. Marsh, Ph. D., of Hamilton, to Mise Annie, daughter of Councillor Alex. Gardiner, of MoK£llop. BRELnmo-KEw. At the residence of Mr. W. Kew, Whitoohnroh, by Rev. Mr. Leeoh, on Sept.5th, Mr. A. Skelding, of Shelburne, to Miss Annie -Kew. sten. BuogkNAN.-At Westfield, on Sept. 7th, Jane Perry, relict of the late Robert Buchanan, aged 84 peers, Hammer -ran. - At Redbau, Corteohy, Kerriemnir, Scotland, on Aug. 28, Elizabeth McDougall, relict of the late James Ballantyne, and mother of Thomas Ballantyne, Brunie, aged 94 years. CASEttonE.-In Tnrnberry, eon. 10, on Sept. 5th, Catherine [Jammers, aged 29 years. DENNIoON.-In Bruseele, on Sept. 6th, Thomas Dennieon, aged 63 yeare. RAPD. -In Listowel, on Sept. 2nd, Eliza, beth Bopp, aged 71 yeare, 2 months and 4 days. BTITT.-In Lietowel, on Aug. .81st, Ann Stitt, formerly of Brussels, aged 86 yeare, 8 months and 24 days. A 70T10ST FRmIx, 00e.12. -Lot 4, Oon, 10, Grey. Farm stook, implements, &a. Sale un. reserved, at 1 o'alook. H. Bell, prop., F. 8, Scott, ane. FAi,xa F'AR7E7f9: Western, London, Sept. 6-15. Walkerton, Sept, 17-18, Exeter, Sept. 17-18. Brantford, Sept, 15-20. Listowel, Sept. 18-19. Goderioh, Sept. 18-19, Atwood, Sept. 20-21. Clinton, Sept. 20-21. Teeswater, Sept. 25-20. Stretford, Sept. 25-26. Mitchell, Sept. 26-27. Gnelph, Sept. 28-27. Milverton, Sept. 27-28..t Palmerston, Sept. 27-28. SeafortbSept. 271-82. Wingham, Sept . 27-28, Belgravo, Oot. 1-2.. St, Marys, Oot. 2-8. Kirkton, cot. 4-5. Brueeels, Oot. 4-5. Bayfield, Oot. 4-5. Fordwioh,Oot. 6, Blyth, Oot. 9-10. Dungannon, Oat. 11.12, 03 Y.79.SF 0,.03 ae:a.C.i=n:'rrr-, Fall Wheat .. 68 64 Barley .t .... ......... 35 85 Peas 55 56 Oats . 24 24 Butter, tube and rolls ,15 18 Eggs per dozen 11 12 Floor per barrel4 00 4 50 Potatoes (per bush.). 40 50 Apples (per bag) 25 25 Sheep eking, each ...,,80 1 00 Lamb skins each 25 25 Salt per bbl., retail1 00 70 Hay per ton 6 00 7 00 Hides trimmed 6 61. Hides rough 5 Hoge, Live....... ...... 5 75 5 75 Wool 15 154 ONE CENT A WORD COLUMN. BLAoxensOTn'e TOOLS Fon SALE, bellows, vise, anvil, &c. JAB. COTHILL, Lot 17, Con. 15, Grey. Soma Collie peps for Bele. Eligible for registration. 'J. D. MONAIft, Oran brook P. 0. Lot 20, Oan. 14, Grey. Two eligible building lots for sale on Princess etreet, Brussels. For further par- ticulars as to prise, terms, &o., apply to 8•tf. hIRS. J. GR1EVE, Bruesele. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. STRAYED FROM THE PREM. Inns of the undersigned. Lot 8, Oon, 12, Grey, on or about August 27, a Yorkshire hog and a white sow, .each having wire ring in nose. Animals about 8 or 9 months old. Any information leading to their recovery will be thankfully received. DANIEL SHINE, 10-1 Bruseele P. 0, The find TWA Ei11s 1 ITS Nu 11001) IF 1'1' 1)0Nf'I, That's the Kind of Insect Powder We sell, There's a great differ- ence in the quality of this article which no doubt those who have used it are aware. We have yet to hear the first complaint about the quality of ours. Get the BEST Ar- Fox's Drug Store. T.pOR SALE. A BEAUTIFUL .home on Queen street, furnished or without, at a bargain. Apply to MISS M. CAMPBELL, Bruesele. HOUI`ID STRAYED ON THE premises of the undersigned, lot 16, eon. e, Morris, about the let of. May. Bleak and .tan in color. The owner 0511 ORM him. by paying expenses, JOIE, 811LL101tS, A HUNTER, LICENSED AUC- • =mutt for the County. Raper - lance of over 14 years, and knowledge of who t0 sell to, Will guarantee- satfefaotlon. If you want to sell or buy a farm pall ou ale. Money to loan at 40 per cent. A Talk About Glasses Oar Glasses are becoming beoanee they fit properly. Our Double Vision Glasses are a great aonvenienoe-they are perfect for far and perfect for near vielon. Eyestrain onuses Headaches. By removing the cense with properly fitted Glasses you make a permanent mire. Our Frameless Glasses please the particular.' Eyee carefully examined - free. Glasses recommended only when absolutely bene- fteial. Having added another new inetru- meat to our optioal department we base all that is necessary in an np-to date Optical Parlor. Call in and•'bee us. No expense has been�ppared in this department to give the publio eabiefao- tion. MRS. T. FLETCHER, GRADUATE OPTICIAN, Also Graduate 00Betinoeoopy.. SIVINu HP BUSINESS in Brussels AND NO HUMBUG ABOUT IT. Gralid Clearillg Sale DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS and SHOES GENTS' • FURNISHINGS At Cost Now Going on. Our hosts offriends riends must bid farewell to the Greatest Bargain Sale of the year when our Stock is gone. A. R. Smith.