HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-9-13, Page 7C. p 3 SOMETHING QU1T4� NEW, Y "i not, ourpallood .Ak. WX-WW� c d to taGlaty the most/Pa�tieulnr ton lrinicma. �LJlF - I' if t7 s aS g g Y �"XIi�I�7''S FOR�� dlsBharni;nnxtui into vat)laag'atidi ADA o,alelHhax+oltisa dEft,O ofthoAnosltrsaabt4tlnuhicga6ra»to f) U Wal.s and ruiixati of wax's slid thratmq'h a Air 131nar whish a!l(»vs it to LJJe snags Dat rall.es upon certain nei'.assinttikadla and uxassaarsa had not TH FARMER, fail Into small st.•raams, The expos- otitohea for different naeds ji It as L U D t fi fill rl eve:ry utpuoe a:lluma. in the haws• rare of the ft l; to the air for Rohe lima " the tinessrnaiker pinks Bud eh•veseo 1eInove+s the. Deice. tmongthe vurunue forms of stitchtnIr.tlat+r:i iutmlY, gan0ritl attantiOn Z'QUI.,7.'IlY 1J0�'IOS.' a g. ra1•ul:t l4avax bserl Attracted b a re- L LA Afteir the fat;hus been Reffielantl.y ' That h.nlstll1oh, crit stlleh; lt••h'ilobolle, y a 'S'.01�T is Load Pnphots YG, na, 4er 80 slid Gpo, n a.rkabh+ exoduat of the Chll(lren of Ventilate ,wail coo roosting .houses nes itt tl in th4s manwor it is ready fur herring loons, running rt tch'a0d back far poultry during hot weather, the next sLe'). rl'his is the Adding of CEYL,QN GREEN TEA --- — - --- - -- lrartt=al. fxcva a m,r)hlern land of Egypt, � 1• g band o: dear to I.}zn'fetaxGnJnjs Eingox°y I anit:PY would bl healtllla'r 1f noL con- abouk one-fourth us much Skim 'mills • fatnt'I ®aver a■ Japan, only more delicious, g I Foil bave noticed the dif - for pretty muolt the same reasons as llavt, their o(Yul),ter'INl4'ta ii4 alta. su - QQ p 3 S fined in any building to roost in lit as there is fat: A perfect Amulslonl '7 ' j fElE11GE 111 tile $1)pflill't1ItCQ 0 ihasE ldaalyn to the momentous oxo- geuats tnattruss sntulr, interrupt YO'7 reAstonished stun she d'tis wades 'Mosses, and in soan,owhat ni0hb, 1'oai mast h•ouaas for this iiur" of k,ho fait u»cl alciW WIJk ie wutlei.by and eat(innu•us suture, sub_cut!oulur U 111 iJ i1 El iJUU r post are eallroly too close. thio same pumping operation, except THE SURGEON'S THREAD, A, g UllCitia after i f160C1Et1 Yeived it- tslan]hz.z• elraunxsfarzues, far some of P' ,, s�nture, llitr:ae� strung awl. Figura. eight 111 ' Il,llfi &�bEl li'i 11l1Ci PECQIVE(I McJn ve•t out to travel Doti Pout to thu Powsa should be well supplied wILh th,ut the strtclnor, is removed. The rBe- a' vat of 1Hnny funds sr Needle, and a i'nrlely of au'.uro% Lembert and Czerney matures, - clean fresh hater dnringsumm ir, 1J em'ulsaon is 'then run lnto v f lI COtI 0� t1111.0 Oti'Y6 EEIi promised land. ",Out' exiapa and signi- 91tIpbes IN C41 lit 4)peritile»s, As ilio' sounzr;tress $pleats an rppro- p r very oareful about the diinKag ves- ice water, where it to quiokly oh}llad astonished floadloe at the exa�:tu�s izavo bao0' veil- Lma Lno u tail•on• `t+^ha deliberately 11, Lite stitch for a Sleum, ahutton- ^a�'it°R sale to keep .chum well cleaned, L'ul' taking the g+rttnu.lei4' form and look, $. Y (xl by t;bo fact thy[ tlin'pllg,rints hilae bole orc an edging, s•O liter surgeon p9�tp��'+/t, 1 this is where most diseases sLart, And in like batter before it is Suited and lel ins to have+ the Stitches be, so cure r9D'•t1iNBSAY S not rnai ehed'In it bodyr but have been B full setWs ive ivn of a olvrtuiu Uiue, chooses Jaz fouanlD:g his 1ife.st4vlug from where it spreads, Better to worked: It is now salted And worked Y g Y -ti � PAINTS. TS coining alan.g In vcluitd.; nufloampN4n«, - .s'tltrthets. tat„!:. p have Jar re vessels than small Does; anal printed or Disked in Ltllxs read Suppose he shuul.l use and kind of Ia. Soma urs 41ri+n (y ,in the United 1 1 Y - a---- ,w I't r r }4t but pua•o running tvatur is bast of nil. tiprread in ti Eoat, warranted to � � � ,� . ;� PdIA� GOES II1010 �O 111CPEl1,Q Slates and Cannan, :a fo izi,e g cur the ntArket. RA'SILY EXPLAINJ;O, t. Loue$oyz; some are on ilia WAY across' Feed the young, growing chicks re- -- break to cst40 uarai aed t er kind in 111E VibiLtE OFA pl'4])Ei'Cy 'ti1Lt11 the LnDvBais, uaranteed Cu full apart. 1 Lutvr+Pa and the rool are trying to gulatrly, for they ounnot pick till u' TO OBTAIN T11L ST SEED CORN, 13 Well tA�' OG21Ei' Uil© illil7(; ��11ii0S a v fr rm tlu CtvuwtGuth 'century goad Living and " develop into good in a m rnth, uxzra vs6ng lsau'tnananl ma- Wh'IVe thA diffrir4.n.t:e ll.4ween 'it 1r o y Gather your seed Far the next pleat, tematl.Oml rte making u,n n tvnislcuut. 11 10011 1J1'lpailt ftDt� iliLll(]SO1119 biirds without it. -The ulder fowls may Y g i WCi041'S WE�1 1L11C1 preserves it &9 I'11•Artl-oh-tho .GOV�ei"naait4L of lion- uaigas arils anklry3 gat along, but C14e Pu%lets will neLl ing tt'itort yOur.eorn is in the dough, YOL Lhih+is exaaLly w"h'xt t}zeisu;rgendL anrini.t, If a man is wt:'rkinG; fat• $6 a day repay YOUIjaxt.fall sled n•ini:ur by riv-. Bofors getting hard strip the aback dues every day. Sutures, as the Site- only i)llI'E pflllib Cilli,; bitch, hang it up olid let it dry until a rn.'s thrasd it called, are made from sinning a meahin.e, of urine kbaL or Of, course the persecution of the Jews Mg them goad attention now. NLP' 6 g' lying ba^ielk or doing snruet:hing else u A. �BAMSAY &t SON)Est'd isaz. a,rltIs the cockerels from the pallets cold weather, then house for wluLer' various materials, according to lige in several at the 17uropean states fornc maria a white ets " unl cuffs as soon as possible, especially Ure. and you will have Lite strongest And x+etpuiire,moruts'. Gutgut; yolk thread, I°V101VTFtGAL, Paint Makers. years has grown Dilute+ gild more hit- best seed you ever planted, ailkwall lu gut, Silver wire, kangaroo uliDumfc riAble 11'e gets w ogee. DO sm:ril breads. ter, brut in Rou(ulaniA the limit of ycu unlcntstatnd what 14nean3 (,oil Owl; the old flunks to give room tamtluns and ha.tsehair are in cummuu Ye sir, ALREADY COUNTED. GUILTY OF MACBETH, thole eu)(liirance has beau reached. D'or --- for the growing chicks. It would be' uGe' Bill if he a'ih4 at a dr-rkk' arld uses a Old Merchant -Before I answer " the last year measures of cruelly of much boLLelr it the old fowls were POULTRY HOUSE, Catt•gat was AL one, time obtained School Visitor -Now, w otte then, boy all kinds have been pushed by a fierce If you use tarred aper In ordar to beim its, l i Pts fell a wgataveek rLncllh'ts soft perur t me to for my at Is your is earlynd, l�]labea' One, who wrote ing violeB kept emti,roly sepxtt•atod ' from the P frndn maml:,arr uS the feline tribe. As anti-Somitic-league, with a perfect or- have our poultry house warm, place L ,u zl run s14I.A.h'a tLcls htl r:cev: ; n solar} N::'x• da permit me to oak what is y;Fur yen.rly lioy Number One, trembling violent- young cues, And it will pay to have Y P Y fro a -,a. incarease.l bo Pl Y , goal lotion thraughouL the whole it on the outside cE the house and 1 yn•n see the J•ifferena•e l i.nc+ome, sit i ly.-I lens:e sir, 1 didn't, county, of w1liclh the ohiat minister Yunds 'au arranged to sepurute the I Expz't' uriEntS s,hatvasd Hutt sheaf fu.rh- young Off}oar-All it•11, tt amounts S, r Y' flooka; or un • part of them at tiny Point it. Any kind of watOr-Proof l i,hed as aetssptable sabstitate. :a chool Visitor -I know you didn't; of the government And the editors of. ) A LOL+D-VOICED BIRD. to £800. r were time desired. Alat•nred fowls will Paper trill itnstver if it: is painted, and catgut tLasd by surgeoms, jew•ell.ers but y N did3 the most pbwerfal. newspapers w b tar results any time if and K will keep the cold and :dvall"I('Ss and mukoW of m0stcal 'Instruments A st:'rry runt! that on it e.ertai:g <lay Glil Merahunt.-lt'ml 'I'o that Buy NumULur Ow, tv}J:h at spasm of give uta would be added the interert ret 4 vlritxr'-Please, sir, I don't wanter be active mlembo.rs: What money the Y e y eel properly a•nd attended 'Lu than if (rut. It used an the, inside it condenses Gomrss now from the submucosa, or tiva me.n, erne of than -very de'tf, leers Jews had was .extorted from them by running al large. the moistnro and causes the house to im:ldfe layer of the intewcupe of a walking by the railway. Suldenly pe,r cunt. on the auto at £?U,000 ih It I u tell-tale, but it was Bob Bu4ter, grinding taxes, and the possibility of g B tnteall to give my daughl.ar far her uvea on the corner seat. 1 age him If fDWLs are constantly kept In oar be dame, With a strong frame no sheep• It is the most erial. �hy Catgut nn Seld the tlaih ne vi 1 to and as xi getting more was removed by n Ban' glace for years they are sure to bave boards need be used at all if ilia heavy (A an suturing material. Catgut Passed the engone emitted ,a shriek sat+rcu a dada' of it. eral and complete, boycott of the rep- consumed, the lieeessalry Supply of three -1)[y paper ie resorted .to, but it thrit ace:mad to renal iii• _cry sky, Young QlPiaer-Well, the feat is, [ re,sentatives of this race, both as shop- stitches a1+a absorbed ire n t flue to have taken the liberty of including • rl4 in a roof mon • lc<iulolies, and must be AcImiCLed [hitt the boards seven days, depending on the indi- The, henrin.g nvan's aur.; lases +yell nigh ktrapers And employes to factories Lind 6 g y that La the calculation just submit- ---- — ---' they siloul.d ba furnished with grit will be of goad advantage with lha visual upon whom they ore used. Ln split, but the d•catL 4nin struck an p Q� .ry� business houses. _•Tony professions oP- Arid shell matter. Lima should W Paper. occasional instances catgut stitches eOstatoc attitude. Then, turning to ice' --_ ��L�19 �� / F ficially were closed to them, their chit- his suffering friend, he snit with n Darboue Disinfectants, soaps, oint• dean' were excluded from the sohools, 'cavlalanlly within their reach. Lime have ossa lcuow•n to be oboesbed 114 REASONABLE. p1e.•1s�aut smile: rnent, Tooth F•owdora, etc„ have been A. solid mixed, Suchras IS used fur SELL BETTER. thirty six bcnlrS. By treating it with awarded 100 medals and diplomas for superior they themselves were subjected to AS- "Tbat's the first robin. I've heard The lather -Look here. my boy, you excellence. Their regular use prevent infoott- pinsteu ing, is Axa lout. It pays to chi^orate void, such it sutura will re- one diseases. Ask your dealer to obtain a' saults And indignities, at the hands keep them supplied with oyster shells, Deharned atltle salt better than mtiain pasitionfO.r many weeks, Be- thhS spring!" told ren you ttwulcl need only $500 far supply. Ustsmailadfree onapplication. of mobs, disenfranchised•, forbidden too horned cattle for all purposes. They -- your college term, a:nrl now you want settle outside the cities forced to serve are preferred by shippers, slaughters oawsa of its adapt mater and the F. C. CJaI!/ERT E C©., of th material eat t PLENTY Ob' OTHIai.4. $500 m•a�re'• MANCHESTER ENQLAND, in the army without the possibility now gh of bran kept in the dry A trough have or exporters, They look better, feed cheapness a gu beads the list of surgieatl threads, Btobbs-fie doesn't know- Enough to The Son -But this is far the things of [ng commissions, and made but where the chicks can access Ca it xt all time`s velli be found oC r.x- bettor, sell tinct kat bitter. The Sil.kwo�rm gut can be more thorough- conic in out of the rain. tlaemBs-New importatmne d„set English I van t need. Sheep t --- snrep Anrancan xn6• C.,aincs-•reliahln goose at aliens in the land oC their birth, -+u n- ns ill affect preventing bowel ee.da lr m=in ihaL feeds barnecl cattle s handt- stes'ilma them any other knaw4+ Siobbs-'l+hat's nothing. S�vemal asausage nae t, , r ht tuieon. FARIC, nLAckWF,LL& CO., Toronto. A Thing of Beauty is a Jay.' tilt at last such of the victims as could manUg'e. it have tDt•Lled their bllek3 OD troubL troubles. It the bran becomes veal 1: a than bouomE a wtpped from 10 to 25 cents per bull- dyed LYelght In most CA9P,9. suture material. In preparing su- su ('uses Of all tnar'ts, the usual method thetuman years Ago wort Sas only one mita in all E11H w'nl'1'1 11]•lt did. NB in tho I9 a jay also, �lU .tall- ORGALE-CHOICE FARMS, mss K. to art, in the World equals it. Neural- � out. write for particulars. James K. Stewart, Emeriti-, everything they still owned and hue- ried)ou(t of the country. Within the last fete weeks 6000 have left, mean and will soon sour and will sau�rce of disease. Whatever shatter to provtoed for Lt must ba built with from e - HAST PALMATION. is L•a boil alga material in other, al- tow' it to soak far twenty-four, hours, t0urin it in alcohol for a'day or Illi name WAR N`nab• - IIF E�P7,Al �5. ,ndy Bit ❑act rheumutis4n are relieved al-• Ont. znns_t instantly and minor aches and MILLS MILLS &HALES pains :Lye sales by a single applies- r uer".ta AW warren, but principally young men. a vista of perfectly protecting Y . pi -los two and follow this with a bath of Jki mmn-1\ by da you call hitu ".ran- lir u• �ervtliu. iv stile to cure. edto RRiahla -,d St. .,Budding., xichmo•+d Sc W., Torunta Most Df thean ware too nearly desti-. tato to think of paying railroad or da ngpness. It is well to keep the fact In aniud _ mercury solution. Notwithstand- eaYZ Airbnmy-IVell, you see. bis name is --- Books, noaarien, cru, FOR Till: YEAR 1900 Catholic Prayer ottlxen, soapumrs, fares, so they resolved to that pure a r and sunshine are the A QUEBEC LADY RELEASED FROM is this thorough cleansing, the mi- B g g' Janes, Iyul we roll him ,four :y tar No bettor can be [Wade than Heliglou. dotes., statuary, mud Ohrucb Orraxnum • steamboat st on foot across Europa to more bet of ditsinfeo•Cants. They dig= GREAT SUFFERING• c'.roscop, reverts germs still present to sh'o't t, resolution Eduoatiw.l works. afnu erase. ee,etreprompta��ow to resit buying any of the substi- tion, D, & J. SADLIEa & BO., Montreal. friendly countries, begging by the way. if necessary. They have lett in core- Daunt everything in keeping the IrUWSery coops lit CondiLlon. Turn frequently so when �- g,ld tone Tried :11nuy Sleaictnrs T9'Illwnt Aea:i, nut' 117tlntately round a cure 'I'liroagh Ilia use or lit- wuunnw' rtuic vu rying numberis- in many instances. SLhk warm suturOs show fewer micro- arganL>ms than other materials treat- --- DANGEROUS WO1 K tat” offered s "just s good" as u r a a the great unit' slue -pop corn oil" -Putnam's P,inl as Gare Extractor. 'as$ Band Br parties, many of Chem over 100 strong, member of them carrying it pass- these coops over the hens and their broads are out on pills. ed tel this way, hance LC os ]righty re- The darggurrnus ttrodk of coil -min- ing Le aimri,it a third as fatal as the It never f til � to give satisfaction. Beware of put�onnus flesh eating sub - each part from the Romanian Govern- the range the sun may shine rex them B ) hew• bodily afflictions are n'�ora ter- Y GD' Ail Car surgical work. The every battlefield, far of eve 1.01!0 miners stitutes. Instruments, Drums, Uniform*, etc. meat. These passports were not given all day. If this is regularly ILLtended rible than disease at the heart. I'0 .material is extracted from n silk - texial 03.2 Axel killed every year int rile 'par- - Every Town Dari have a Band b3' the government until the prospect- to and their location changed eru live in constant dread and expecta- irarmJcille,d immediately before it be- foruutnue Of their work. TO 3GRF:\P UP COURAGE. Loirear prices erer quoted sine a.tslogueaooinra tine emigrant had paid up every farth- as to occupy a fresh spot of ground tion of, death, sudden and with last . t:u- gins to waive Lts oocoonUnfor fon• the surgeons„ silkworm Old Lady -How dare you ask any trstiou, m.n.d tree. write ue tar aaythws m Musto or Musloal Instrumonts. ong of the racking taxes that had been eYour once a Weak, you can relive o farewells unspoken, is for most poo- mately but EASIER SAID THAN DONE. one far money's l'ou'rs full of liquor Whaley Royce & CO., T"1101=11-10a.i 1 h iv n the m''nd of any fear of foulness which Is mcxre awful to contemplate [ban sutures are, not absorbed, remain 1 d %V1, not cit • ou 1 piled upon h m, all w an g e y p permanently in place. Far this rea- — net'.3t+e - y 3 y { ' were marked officially, " Good to GO." will be. injulrious to the ollicks. 'Phis the most serious lingering illness. son its u90 is restricted to apscispeciale emigrant are sorry you married me and dor4o Nailed Sooner -I know it, ludyl Yet The was told that it became kind at disinfecting costs nothing The slightest excitement brings suf- work, with it 3 ser, T come 0' Boos people, an' beggin' bank the. penalty was 'imprisonment ha the WAY of labor, and is one u; foring and danger to such people. Mrs. Newlywed, sighltug-Ah, that is acmavi sa htzvi ter me I golfer take'a with hard labor for not loss than six the cheap things which is thorough For several years, Brea. Craver wife The a,bart, tough tendons taken Easier said than done, dear l couple o' bracers 'fore I kin do it months or more than two ,years, with goal of P.H.A. Gravel, foramen in Barry's fnoan the tail of the ka:agaroo furn- --- the additional clause that after this ---ish su.ngeons ttalth a valuable thread. Cigar facCary, St. ,John's suburb, CONVINOING FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS Imprisonment the rel'urned fugitive TI -1L HONEY MAI ERS.$nnwill (1'uobec, was • scull a sufferer, but garoo tendon stitchesAmi us -So you hive anot.hac' b ,l,y testa. NIggSLOW'9 SOOTHING ething. hen been would again be placed outside the bar- Bees can endure dry cold, but not thanks, to Dr. Williams' Fink Pills of IliiAJ or for many days. The. time theahyd, softaut theirgains. tanteettiing, urc.Itsin liar and made an Outcast, Anyway. al, your house, tvnat i:; he like' the ,had, .octan. the game, sitar. peen, wren wind of ti.bso;ct]on is estimated from few• ooiia.nal.u,e beet remedy for dlarrbma. ave.. bottle. dams)ness. she Gs again in the enjoyment of Eminent Critic -\['ell, he i; nuc Sold by au dmggtars thew hart thhw"'I't Heeun w,aeks to two monthls. --- 'Phare are no lazy bees. Queen- good health. iYfrs. Gravel says: very Interesting, but he is mighty aadaaktor'ltn.winelows ool.hingSyrup." The first, few eclmpanies marched less bees build drone comb. " ly gean9rnl health was bad fo.r Horsehair and silver wire sutures convincing.- _ Sze. than -absorbable.. The fluids of �""` SLtMPl'UOUN GHC\PtiF, DI:tTILRN. out in triamp'h, but thein the govern- Heat does flat damage honey, but several years my Appetite was poor, the body do not afferit them in any , A Chinese dinner is pleasant only Ment began to get scared. Little Rou- tend, to ripen and improve it. Damp- and I was easily bireld, bu't it was itny, soil ansa in place elle stitnhes as a remtnisrence: For lavish tlLs- mania cuuldn'tapare so many artisans. Deals. and darkness do not agree with Chic+ frequent slrarp pains and violent The police %veto ordered to make the iL, palpitation of any hioart which caused By ren, it until forcibly removed: l pity, abut' tilct+si floral decorations progress of the others as difficult as Honey that oematns in the comb me the greatest alarm. I tried many By same it s asserted that solver (trig!aaltty of co dinner and no co n- po sihle, And they did. In some Plac:os same time After being atoned is always medicines, atnd'ilvas treated by sever- +titre hos distinct antiseptic proper- di;he+, a Chin::>sc clinuer has no couu- -t tleei. NitOnta' of silver in. solution, is tsrp;Irl. - their interference tank the foam of the best arttate when extracted. al .doctors; but Ln v.aut. ( Finally I assaulting ille refugees, in others they In very cold weeLlher bees often die, because sa poorly hbat I wets not knawatc to ban goon germicide, klrncH 'Alnefueed to let the people ];ave in and, falling, will clog the entrance. able, to dv any 'houseloold n•ork, and it is outage that l solver salt m a MatarnEaL HOrEL UteEB US batches, and so lh.e • crawled awn b • Jtit•i"us to germ dnvelopmenl is form- The °t Banti@Yah," Fret 61.05La &t p 7 Y 3 They must be the bees was confined le my hid• Ierl b the'c;rntract n�f body fluids tt•ich uls" v --' '- ► bwas and tlttroes and met outside the smother. At the eu Y xoai0—college erenue ggaist•Lan of one of my RdiEIdUE ifDUSE—�,;ttlty Hutet rete. elle ciLoeS. Once there they made straight Duritlg the winter care must be friends Idecided to try Dr, Willinme' siivrir wiim. Thus stitch abscesses Is s symptom of Kidney pw day. far the border of Roumania and Hun- laking in rednoving (lead hoes, So Its Pink Pills. After taking a few bores are, said Lobs of rare Occurrence when Disease, A well-known ail vex wire is utilised, doctor has said, I never FAITU L:'UL IAKI N BINS. gory. road and shelter were given to not to dieturb the hive and arouse 1 began to gain new strungth null yet Diaries, post-niortemex- them b the cants aloe the coon- v'• u,r, 'Cha papas to lay Il>arc were FLtk,hbread. su rlu as is used, by tail- antinationinacascoldestlz Y P�+ g Chem outoactivity. from Heart Diseasewitll_ Artist -hare is the portrait of your try roads, wild so they covered Lite 725 It. its not so much Ln understanding erre, but of lbs filLasl qunnlity and out finding the kidneys waft wh'irla --- te9sL; fregdont am.{ less save re, and in 0. miles Lla t lay between their starting the theory of beekeeping that brings Every WAY my bbe:tlth was improv- os l rges enlibar, is frequently used. wereatfault," The Kidney 4Tr. Rialtanun-:131! ft's very like hent p suceeass a9 1D lila C0.pAClly far laUkttlg e: i The slLLchea are practically Ilan -ab- medichi[ whichwasfirstolt lace and Ptedeeul, au the boundary ing. 1. ouditinue-;I tsinn th•r pills until Artist-She-er-h'iii he didn't pry line.. There the rabbis And thea• pea -I had taken eii„ht byxeay whon I had1 sorbibint though at times no trace of ilia market, mostsuccess- tt[ler the details. fol' it. ziha s:ritl you'd do th•it, catnpGetely recovered n h'e:ilth. L bh;read has been found in the tisane flat for Heart Disease and pie o Bd funds and cont the pilgrims It' there is too much drone comb all Kidney Troubles, and lir. Richm.rn.-.1h; Stilt more like cot to Buda-Peatli by ra}l; the Jewish at lha• expirutoou of a Year• un the Kiva remove it and repines it have gni,ao�d in flash; my Appetite is most widely imitatrdis bo;,.! community there sent them to Vienna tv1,1 worker comb. In this way the 90'a•1, Aad i tun ably. to dei all I11,Y To accommodate, this assor('m:n.l of --•.-• by boast, nmd so, paissett from one city supply Of d'canna is easily regulated. b(ab,ebald work wiLhout feeling the bliireads s�pari'd varieties of needles O'er 9 Lo an.oth:er, they finally found fhexn- awful fail;tla L was baf.nre 9ub,jrt+t Am% naturatlly required. A raurgetan's selves to ltatnkfarb and Nuramburg By hat hive nus keeping the entrtand D to the hives and vicinity clean and la, 1 .cm v4v'ry thankful to Dr. 1t,'il- "huus,ett•ife" cntuins, nae.11es that ������ and 1LatLcrdam, and it was Lr'oxn these convenient for (Ila bees to get !nand hires' PLO110 Pilii, for th,,,yhiv_. truly would solrcely ba rocigiiLz-M us such phases that they were sent Co ling- cul nt,tuy bees may ba saved Ln winter. xelaosed axe from much suffering, and by the uninitiated. Besides flze a land, finally arriving in London, When bees receive but little atter- L hope tlr) tt othays ally be induced to ne,eales curved in different segments ill's ^— MERRY MOMENTS. and tire Allowed to build uil of hry lid wonderful mealioin0." • of a clysis, �urgeatla ttxe ueedlas shtlp their own comb they always it a Dir. Will.is,ma' rink Pills c+nre by e,d like oo:irai p, ,jzveltn; and bayanat - — An Infallible Recipe,-1l'hal: to 'do largo amount, of drone comb, unci going to the root of the disease, They ittAltts. Soanr Lire as long as bolakins, T thss results in an over-ProducUan of xenon• and build tip the blood, and te,rruiusling in a puine like a mania- QUIET' A DIFFERENT 'C1l1Vtr. to obtain white hands. Noibing, - Lure In Ue blade, Others hive the Vicaxa wife \Voll. Mrs. 1}luggs, I'm Her $]'other=Don't you find Jack d.rauos. streasv fro the nerves, tltu, driving o -`--" tli,e.tsc Ei•o4n rhe system, Avoid inn a,ha,t•pem4+d cud triangular, with the glad tD hel4r your husband hits given NI'heclar rttlbet• rough Priscilla!•' t11 aploes of the bugle:, sharpened to a -it,, drinking, L hope he's all ilia bet. a. priseilln lss, ulummn. Anel yet ha uOAY PROCESS 13LITTELt IS MADE to-xliaus by instating that, every box r sAys he shaves evert• day, This product is a comparatively ,von purclwuse is euclaied Ln a tvrap-1 lttzor edge. 6odne few are ter for it, formed butter lar bearing the 'fu:ll trade, mark..I)r hits ordinary sa.t+ing needles, but Mrs. Blaggs-Oh, yea'm, that he be. (101,7)1:1 1 AGI,is'N �I'R1:NGT1T. :$ I'll kissed that young roan new cawlrBtLCar of arnttmely 1 g n L i n sacs tL l aaLor o butter of various Williams' Pink Pills fur ]?tile People,' made of greater ten tl strength. Why, ever since 'e took the pledge he's Tile, goldeal engte has great good -night and le him g, hAvan't t:a S•oil, Stolla f" aald a weary voice it dagroes of ra.ncidaesa and Calor, that 1t[ your dealer does not. keep them InsLoad a,( a Lhimbic a surges been more like a friaml (.ban "a hus- s(rength. It lifts And carries Ofl the lap of 1'.Jxe ,stairway is, so rtiuk iu Lista, 'smell And, «p khey wilt be sent postpaid at bo ales tut instrument called n needle btnil, With ease a weight ,at 80 pounds. baldttr. It Ls shaped, lisle a Pail' Of Yk There nares an awful silence for a pelurnntte tie to be unsalable for dir- cents a box, ur six buxes for $2.50 , moment'.; and thou, in ii timid, Jim act consnniption is thrown into a by addare.ysing the Dr, Williams' Ill (1 scissors, tdna points of which are blunt J ahtmps. The, nr.+odla i9 hold fust' b0 - ALIAS voice, the young loan in the tank etLrroundod with paler At a cine Co., DrucicvLlle, Ont. darkened ).tell below raspanded: Le4npc-ratnre of 100 degrees h', or ttreen the jaw,+ at Lhn clamps ttulil goo . . a ,f j as No, 111,1011m, but I think She's go.. over, and alelted, ii'iie.n the mass reliused by OpeningNplle the The blades sh (/ I.df/ dC/`yl�a� lit brapmr lhoromghly mell.ed the vat IIIti FAILING. ing i.e. � scissors era opnauyd. '.Clxon a fresh \Vban'' bllout(ld the nrlttO1--'when 1S skiininetl, leaving the Nittee tut .at b'o'ut• ltusb.tnd t.tL,A to ootnm'it cut- hails is ta•kanan lithe Action repeated I > tor, boltuul. 'f 1. is linty ncinovadlo mr r.ia,c, did Ito2 awked the dactar who Willi every stitch. .m will vomit that htewgat' ay who[ every h:td been hal os aummunad: t+Phar ya:L siniilatr in annstrurtion to v . )' wntl nn, A etkiilful aungc,alu hats perfect. 0001• n'inn all, get all be earns 2" Yes, alit, r<iplied late, t eel ing n � o, a where l.ho Ill, 'It tills 31.1190 att'tlll rt. with it raiDrI runnel of thoucedle at all timos. Thore Af _- "It'll coins plont: aboul Ih,t time, tll4rst,w o eiVin,de Ihr tf .... fiatr0uly l,urlr-anstvert'd the :tilt,, in 1.he'. of tlir. llint-eas lilts A very' Incl odor, Yes, ore moments •dairiag an operation /� \tell, niadum ltE htze failed. Iia i(l / +d1°ir 3iG+ -7 . Orowd, who was illern fur Ilial put -i the, next step is to rtiiuovo tills vis- will pull thratl tilll its f when a well-placed Mitch means sav" • ' pose -W" tvhell Avory mall earns All ho ; agrcoabl,e. Anti rlisgaatg insuznll. This Oh, 'I suppoeb Ila Will, sobbed the Lag the 11tH of n patient. At entrh gots l" tadolle, by ptimpilig the fal up, in a wife, Poor Johtm is ao-so ariwkwardI cim a ilia Skillful sttlgtsan displays a POULTRY, BUTTER, EGGS, APPLES, and otharPRODUCE, to ensure bestresults consign G The Dawson Commission Co., Linjitedl Car, West -Market & Colborne et., Toronto, tyelmy i cleaning ! For the vary le.A.wd Jour work to the "BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING C0." Look for agent in your town, or Bend direct. iontreal,Toronto, Ottawa, Quebec. ENGLISH TE THING SYRUP Largest Sale IN THE WORLD. rIG "' and Sheet Metalworne. b 1� ®u ROOtgTel 13LATH in Wadi, ,d or O...n. SLATE RLAOICHOAAI1ttDa, 'Wa tuppla mlt, .lid High 9ahogle Toronto) ]xooflts �elt, Yltoik ,.I Tar, at., ROOFlINb TILE (Seo jog city nun$+ cos oto. Toronto. mate. turulehour arm). d �or work o ore tppl,te'orOtopphlgl .tc,W.sh peed to any ttart of theonuntryrrho,l 1M0 . S UTHIE&SONS, Ado laide & Wldmorats.,Toruatst THE HI1V1MO and HARRIS0i1 3USINESS and SHORTS AND COLLEGE 1. o. 0. F. Building, Toronto. Gives amoot thorougr,h course of individual nstruction in all naelnoge and Civil Sm•rioll tuhleote, Shorthand, Typewriting, Eto, ID:port experienced teachers, oqutpment and .dvanta ices unsurpassed, open entire year, Ilroulara Freih [he Canada Permanent and Western Canada mortgage Corporation. trio [janada Porma iont Building, ).FricID- TOROXTO ST., TORONTO. tatxunOrrtcr•.s•- Winnipog, Man„ Vancouver, R.0„ at. John, 11.11, )'apital Paid Up, $6,000,000 leoerve Ned, - 1,500,000 Praldent- Money to Loan. )eorge Gooderham, - let vico•T'rouidont and Deposits Recotved Chairman of Esuarthe UotnmAtoe- and Interest Allowed d. Herbert Mason. ling Viea•Pr/,s1Qan4- - Debonture9lsauod. W. H. 1100tva General Lieuagor- in sterling and Cur. Walter S. too, renoy.