HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-9-13, Page 5•. '- M
SEPT. 18, IVO()
cast, r.s. SOQTT, BruoOole,
e Isnpor of Marriage Lleoneea, Ot,
pee At GrOoory, Turnbolry Meet, ilrnesele,
, Tonsorial Artist. Bliop rext'0000
Berth of the Standard
Gbildeen'ahate cutting asl,ecia] Ladies' and
nnoox000n has several good Farina for
Bala and to rant, easy berme in Tow
of Morrie and. Grey. G S. SOOTT ,Braooele
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
-TEAo817It OF -
;BR.V-aSn32.ir.S, OTST..
L. Q. M..
Academia graduate • '01 London Conserva-
tory of Mingo, also Member of the Aasooiated
Musicians of Ontario, pupils prepared to reoeiv0
onithe piano Qualified ifiied tp prepare pupil a for
the Prinoipal'0 Form in the Conservatory of
Mu ski.
Brussels, Ontario.
Olorlr of the Fourth Division Court,
Co, IH'uron; Conveyancer, Notary Publto,
Land, Loan tend Insurence Agout.; Anotion-
eer. Funds invested and to,loan. Oolleo-
tionsmade, ()dice fu Grahate's93lo0k,.Bras-.
J. • unit,will sellfor better prices, to
better men in leve time and leas charges
than Uuy other Auctioneer In Mist Huron or
he won't charge anything. Dates end orders
can always be arranged at this odioe or by
personal application,
Woman= ow 01AFOBT3)
Graduate of It,. 0.D EL, Termite ; Poet Grad-
uate course at Heake % School, Chicago, ill.
crown and bridge work. S%-Prioea 0a21e as
In surrounding Lewin.
Office over A. R. Smith's store, Brusnele,
Ls • Honor Graduate of the Outeri° Vet-
erinary 0011000, is prepared to treat all dis-
eases of domesticated animals Ifo a compet-
entmanner. Particular attention paid to
Veterinary Dentistry.Calls prompt) at-
tended to. Office andyutirmary-Four doors
North of bridge, Turnberry at., Brussels.
i o anger
W • Dns, &o. ,Bole -S wart y
Notary Pnblio, &c, Uffioe-8towart'e Block
1 dao North r
tho}Central 1 Hotel.
Solicitor for the Standard Bank.
<Jt • Solicitor, deo. Office over Stand-
ard Bank. Solicitor for Village of Brussels.
Money to Loan atlowestrates.
• (Formerly of Cameron, Holt &
Cameron) Barrister and Solicitor, Goderion
Ont, Omoo-B.amiltcn street, opposite Ool-
borne Hotel. -
M. D.,
Licentiate of Royal College of Phyalotans
and SurgEeons, Kingston ; Member of the Col -
logo of Yhysleiana and Surgoo00 o1 Ontario.
Diseases of Woman and Children a.special-
ty. Niue years' experience. Office and res-
idence, opposite L0g110h,ohttrch, Brussels.
M. L., U. 114,
Triuityf0otvereltyy, Follow Trinity Medical
Collogo,Membor College of Physicians. and
Surgeons, Ont. Licentiate of the Royal Ool-
logo of Physioiaus and Licentiate of Mid-
wifery Edinburgh, lia•Tolepboue No.14,
Res1U' onee-MUl street, Emends.
13101e00101, 0111101140 AND .100000010211,
(Successor to lir. 10.14 M10101101000)
M. D, Bellevue Hospital Med. Col., Now
York ; 101 D 0 M Viotorla University, Toron-
to; Member of the College of Pnyeielaue and
Surgeons of Ontario. Spoolal attention paid
to diseases of women,eye, ear, nose and
throat. 1941
Graduate of Malik College, Montreal, &„
,bo, All opeotaltyy work eatlefaotol'ily treat-
ed, 01Boe upstairs in the Stratton Block.
Oflloo hours, 11 to 12 a, m" and 7 to 10 p, m.
Specialist work,. avoir as for eye, ear, throat,
&o,. in the oilooat his rosidenoo, Elizabeth
street, from 2 to 0 p ni. All
ins -wilt
be dloponnod poreonally by the 1)r. or under
his direct supervision.
M. D. C. M..
1111 Tam Opens SO 4th 1
1`) nJ Cs/ 111.
:i5fr(ltfora,O d
• o loss than eight large .bus! lees oollegoe
have applied to us within the loot six week§
for our gradlmtoe to. take posit one as Muth -
ere no their eolioolo, As mauy its five bus:-
0000 terms have applied to u0 in one day for
0)901 Help. Thin to purely the boat school
for y)n, Oataloguo Sroo.
_1V, J. ItlatIOTT, Prluoinnl,
"10 Business
Listowel O0 .,e _ e,
A thorougb, complete and praotioal train,
ing in all branohee of Commercial work,
at oouoiderably 14og than regular rates.
Far full information apply
Deems or OMean over lost Ot1luo,
L, /-/ARTT,
Jon Rae is ho e f
John m from Toronto,
Wm. IIaokwell Bundayod in l'almer-
Rob, Mibohell bas gone to, Estevan,
Jas, A. Watt, of Toronto, vent Sunday
at Finlay Molotosh's.
Mise Jane Boyd left for Drayton, North
Dakota, on Sept, 11111.
Mrs. Wm. Davidson has returned from
a visit to her sister in Sherbrooke.
Samuel Haokwell, of Michigan State
University, ie enjoying a short vacation
at home.
MATa0ti0NIAI,,-000 of those pleasant
events,; whioh always cause it ripple of
excitement in any oommunity, took place
on Wednesday, Sept. 5th, when a vary
pretty home wedding was eolemuized at
the residence of Councillor Alex. Genii.
ner. His eldeet and estimable daughter,
Mise Annie, was united in marriage to
Rev. D. B. Marsh, Ph. D., of Hamilton.'
The ceremony was witnessed by a large
number of relatives and Mende of the
contracting parties. At 11 o'olook the
wedding march was played by Mimi Grace
Gemmell, cousin of the bride, as the
bridal party took their places in front of
a bank of ferns and flowering plants, and
stood beneath a floral bell. The bride
was very prettily and teetotally attired
in white organdie. The aelemony was
performed by Rev. Mr. Sawere, of Bruce.
field, assisted by Rev. Samuel Marsh, of
Chicago, brother of the groom, and Mr.
Cranston, of Walton. The ceremony and
congratulations being over, the oompafy
set down to a very substantial repast, to
which, it is needlees to say, ample juotioe
wan done. After dinner the happy sou•
ple left for Seatorth, to take the 3 o'olook
train for Rooheeter, New York, and otber
Eastern pointe, where they will spend
their honeymoon, atter which they will
return, to their home in Hamilton.
Among the invited guests were friends
from Ohioago, Toronto, London, Listowel,
Seatorth, and other places. The bride
wail the recipient of many handsome,
useful and costly presents, which testify
to the high esteem in which she is held
by her large oirole of friends. She will
be muoh missed here in eooial circles,
and eepeoially in the Christian Endeavor
Society at Walton, of which she was a
most Motive member, and President of
the Society. While we deeply regret her
removal from our midst, all unite in wish-
ing her continued happiness and pros.
perity in the new sphere of ate in which
she hae entered.
(3 -rear.
(Oootinned from page 1.)
Neat Monday Township Council will
A. Hislop, M. P. P., was a visitor at
Toronto Fair last week.
Mre. Hogg, 3rd oon., was holidaying
with friends in Wingham.
Miee Day, of Winghom, was visiting
Miee Bertha Armstrong, 10th eon.
Miee Annie Smith is home from an en•
joyable visit of several weeks in Brant.
Mise Lizzie Bielby hae been visiting
at Bernie and Sombre with relatives and
Jae. Calder baa been doing some wire
feuding on his farm on the 12th non.
this eeaeon.
Master Jae. Riohardsan, of Seatorth,
is visiting at hie unole's and aunt's on
the 3rd and 8th eons,
An old land mark in the shape of a
large elm tree opposite Mrs. Thos.
Calder's, 12th eon„ hae fallen.
Donald Pope, with hie fine threshing
0001, assisted by Messrs. Breckenridge
and Forrest was filling she granaries on
the 2nd and 8rd Done.
Another wedding or two are said to be
on the tapir. Tbie should be a good Fall
for marriages as crops have been good
and baohelare and maidens are plentiful.
We meet admire the mueioal talent
displayed by some of our youths on the
8rd. Keep at it boyo and you Will make
your mark, if at nothing ales, on your
lungs, ehoating and singing combined
being good lung exercise.
Alex. McTaggart, formerly of the 1601
con., hae resigned hie position with
Messrs. Sweet, Wallaoh ,k 0o., Chicago,
and has gone to Park Coliege, Perkville,
Mo„ to resume hie mfnieterial studies.
We wish him e000ees.
()LEVER Yet/TM-John S„ eon of D.
Orerar, 9th oou., hae gone to Stratford
where he will attend the Collegiate. He
passed the Primary when 19 yeare of
age and is bound to make his way up the
eduoational ladder as he is a student in
every sense of the word• We wish him
II. Ball, 10th can„ who hae sold hie
100 sore farm to W. abates, will hold an
auction male of stook, implements, bo., on
Friday, Oot, 12111, P. 9, Soott will wield
the hammer. Mr. Ball and family will
remove to Winghom. They have been
residents of Grey for over 20 yeare and
are well known and highly esteemed.
Dr, Whitfield, of Fort Soott, Kneen,
was home on a brief visit while on his
way to Baltimore where he takes a.
epeeist( coarse. He is a clever, affable,
jolly going gentleman, who makes friends
wilerever he goes. We wieh him con•
Mimed eueoe0e in the profession of hie
Bielby, who has been tenant of the Diolt•
eon 200 sore Farm, 11th con., for some
years, will leave next Spring, having
purohaaed the MoIlroy 100 aoree on the
8th line of Morrie. We will be sorry to
lose them from Grey as they are a moot
eetimable family. It is stated that Thos.
Davidson, a well known resident of the
1110 eon„ hae bought the Dickson farms
at $10,500 and will take possession this
Fall ae far ae plowing is concerned. Mr.
Davidson will be a bonanza farmer as
this putt 400 sorbs under hie control but
ae he has ample help he will make it go
Witil a good awing all right,
PBo e Brown, rnwn, wbp Ilvao on
the B nlid rp,bas sYorkshire b
sow that 111 be c t a t
t.) wl herd o equal. In be
past year gbe has had three Ilttore pro.
dulling 18, 20 and 22 little porkers,
roepeetivoly, 60 in ell. With the hog
market around the $0.00 mark a person
Manila walk into wealth with a few
mothers like the above.
George Goatee, who woe here on avleit
with relatives and old Iniende, lute re.
turned to hie sheep ranch et Carey,
Idaho, to resume operations. Richard
Bielby, 11th con„ went with bim to the
West and will take a band in caring for
the flocks, Mr, 000100 Is greatly talion
up with his sheep and le well satisfied
with the outlook from a financial otaud•
Next week Samuel Paella will leave
for hie new home at Verdon, Manitoba,
where he has pnraba0ed an improved
form from Dr, Guest, formerly of St,
Marys, Ont. He will take a nor of
eettlere' effe a and
of Mre, Praliok and
family will follow shortly atter. We
wish them 00100030 in the West. They
have resided in the same locality before
so will be acquainted with the country.
Wm. Rands, who parohaeed the Franck
property here, it milesSoethof Bruesele,
12th oon., will take possession next week.
80100L REporT,=Phe following le the
report of S. 8, No, 1, Grey, for the month
of August. The mime are in order of
merit ;-P. S. Leaving -Vine Armstrong,
Gortie Bielby. IV-Boatrioe Armetrong,
Edith Blake, Bessie Davidson, Lizzie
Dickson, Frank Davidson, Elton Rogan,
Mabel Cardiff, Emmie $ollinger. Br.
III -Mary Dark, Willie Stevenson, Jenny
Randa, T. Bielby, Jr, III -Mabel Hog.
Bard, Bella Dark, II -Lizzie Grant,
Hazel Mozell, Jobn StevensonTom Dai k,
Louie Blake. II Part -Sidney Arm-
strong, Fred. Lawson, Jae, Dickson, Jno.
Diokeon, Joe Armstrong, Baxter Stevan -
00n, Annie Dark, Rufus Craig. Sr, I-
Fanny Al000k, Leslie Switzer, John.
MoOallum, Maggie Stevenson, Addie
Grant, Viola Butwell, Pearl Dark, Jr. I
-Florenoe Orerar, Ola Armstrong.
B. R. ClREndn, Tauber.
World's champion muffler.
"I tried many remedies to cure pith"
writes W. R. Smith, of Latham, Ill.,
"but found no relief till I used Buoklen'e
Arnica Salve. I have not been troubled
with piles einoe." Grandest pile cure
on earth and the beet salve in the world.
250 per box, guaranteed by G. A, Dead.
mac, druggist.
The older mill is in operation this
week. '
M. Wendt, jeweller, was visiting at
Robt. Hupfer was the guest of Niro.
J. W. Hupfer.
Mre. Neil White has been ailing but is
somewhat better.
Miee Burgeon, of Luoknow, is the guest
of Mre. Neil White.
Alias Clara Moffatt, of Blyth, is the
guest of Miee Miller.
Mr. Fiimore, our baker, hae had the
electri5 light put in hie dwelling.
Time. Evans, of Detriot, hae sold bis
farm to Andrew Harper for $5,500.
John Blaok, B line, near Blnevale,
oalled on John Robertson last week.
Miee Alice Walker, of Niagara Falls, is
the guest of her grandmother, Mre. Gib•
The Methodist people are oontemplat.
ing putting in electric light into their
3, Brethaoer added to hie stook of
thorough bred poultry a nice strain of
Donald Fieber, of Sanderson street,
was visiting hie sister in Toronto for a
few days.
John Patterson, electrio light engineer,
wassok the n e' list E
o i for a few days but 1a
better again.
Mre. John Robertson and Mra. Breth-
ener were the gthete of Mire, J. Black,
near Bluevale.
Thos. Sage has decorated his dwelling
with a ooat of paint. Who will be the
next to fellow snit ?
Jacob Weiler bad his shoulder knocked
out of joint. He carried his arm in a
Ming for some days.
Mr. Wokee, 2nd of Turnberry, has sold
his farm to Donald. Stewart and bought
again near Teeewater.
Mre, A. Brown, who has been visiting
her daughter, Mre. T. W. Gibson, at
Toronto, hae returned.
Mre. A. Paulin and family went to
Toronto to spend a few days with the
ohildrena' grandparents.
Miee Lin. Hieoott, of Tesewoter, was
the guest of ber sister, Mre, Geo. Allan,
at the 0. P. R. station.
Mrs. McLennan and children, of Lon•
don, who have bean visiting et R. Black's
for dome time, returned home last week.
The court held at Gorrie lasted all day
and until late at night and left some lanai.
nese not finished. Judge Doyle presided.
W. C. Hazlewood has hie mill in aper.
ation and is pumping the water across
the street to hie dwelling to David God -
John Douglas is supplying our village
with a good sample of coal and is dispos-
ing of the 8 oar lends and expeots another
W. 0. Hugha, formerly of this place,
died at Newmarket at about 86 years of
age. He was respected by all who knew
kiln, eepeoially by the ohildren,
A. Paulin, J. W. Hupfer, Chas. Wal.
laoe, Wm. Rutherford, Jas, Allan, Alex.
Gibson, jr., R. Miller and R. Black were
among our villagers who visited Toronto,
Mre: W. M. Robinson, of Ann street,.
gave a party to 20 little gide on the
birthday of her daughter, Sophia. John
Knutson also gave a party to 18 little
girls, At one time Mn, Knutson held e
kindergarten school which ie not for,
gotten and if some lady would start such
a school in our village it would be a move
in the right direction.
Archie Moffat turned his horse into hie
lot to pasture reoeutly. The horse, it
appeare, stepped on a rolling atone and
broke his leg at the fetlock. The Vet.
was called. He thinks the horse will be
useful but will take some time to heal
up. It was taken from the lot to his
stable, Centre street West, by John
Harris, Daniel lbfylee and Mr, Moffat
with a blanket on 8 legs where he was
pot in a sling.
Cnunou RE•oPENIaa.--The reopening
services and tea meeting in oonneotion
with the Methodist ahuroh on Sunday
and Monday of last week, were a deoided
00000018. The eervio00 on Sunday token
in the morning by Rev. R. J. Garbutt, of
Gorrie, and in the evening by Rev. Mr,
Bristol, of Trowbridge, write largely
attended, On Monday evening the
eburoh was well filled end the tea end
program passed off ver s necase
ueting for 1adiao' Aid Society civet
961.00, The improvetnento consisted of
new r t w' ow taken _ n end
elle sof, .be windowe ea ab
repin0ed with 10080 framoo and stained
glae0 of pleaeing hues, the wane and ooil,
lug papered In a bnety manner apd the
woodwork generally given a fresh coat 41
paint. The speaker', at the tea meeting
were Mestere, Anderson, Garbutt and
Rogers, Blnevale choir supplied the
meek. Rev, Mr. Lake made A capital
[Continued from page 1.,
Townehip Opunail next Monday.
Mies Lizzie Clgnuan ie home from
Ted. Moes le under the weather with a
Dore toot,
Peas are terribly
"baggy" in some
g r
Prantarek MoOutoheon spent a taw days
in Toronto loot week.
Mies M. Bewley and A. Lamont took in
the eeryioe at Jaokson's oharch Snnday
Jno. and Miee Lily Sharp left last Sat.
urday for a visit with relatives at London
and Bt, Thomas,
Among those who took in the Toronto
Exhibition last week were L. Jewett and
wife and J. J. Senora and wife.
Jno. nutria and Walter Sharp, 4111
line, were seeing the eights at the West-
ern Fair, London, this week.
S, 8, No. 10 hoe reopened after the
rest of Bevan weeks with its usual at.
tendanoe of brigbt, happy pupils.
We note with pleasure that Mre, Cope.
land Stokes, of Jamestown, who has been
very low has taken a tarn for the better.
Donald McRae, eon of Donald and Ann
Magee, formerly of Morrie, died in Min-
nesota, lately, The family live in Niobi-
Mies Hattie Hodder, who has been
visiting her grandmother, an the and, for
the past five weeks, hae returned to her
home in Chicago.
Mies Lizzie Godfrey returned on Satur-
day to her home in Toronto after a
pleasant visit with her friends, the
Mimes Roe, of the 2nd.
The Trustees of S. B. No. 9, have re.
engaged the services of Mies Jennie Kirk-
by as teacher for 1901. This will be her
third year in the school.
Miee Lily Mooney has taken a position
es milliner at Uxbridge. Her many
friends will wish her a pleasant time in
pleasing the feminine fancy.
Miee Clara Dayment, who bas been
spending a few weeks at Geo. W. Tor-
vey's, has gone to visit friends at Dun-
gannon before returning to her home in
Mise Annie Currie, 4th line, was visit..
ing at Toronto and Hamilton daring the
past week. Her niece, Annie Bayne, of
Hamilton, who was visiting here for six
weeks,. went home with her.
Marshall Hughes and wife, of Esoana.
ba, Mioh., were here on a holiday visit
with relatives and friends. They appear
to be well suited with the U. B. and are
prospering, we are pleased to state.
The 100,aore farm of Jno. and Jae.
McComb, lot 5, 8111 line, hag been pur-
chased by James and David Laidlaw, of
the same line. Price said to be $4,500 or
thereabouts. Possession will be given
next March.
Pant PvnonAaen.-Still the farm buy-
ing goes on. This week George MoOall,
8112 line, bought the fine 125 acres of John
McArthur, 9th line, paying $7,000 for
the same. Thie gives the purchaser 825
scree now which will be capably handled.
Mr. McArthur gives possession on the
let of next April when he will move to
Brussels, it ie said. He is an old and
highly esteemed resident of Morrie and
he aid hie will carry with them the beet
wishes of many old time friends.
FARMS SOLD. -During the past week F.
S. Soott, of Brussels, disposed of two 100
acre farms on the 5th line. The Alex.
Grant property, lot 28, con. 6, was
bought by Wm. Keys, of the same line,
late of Michigan, for the Sum of 93,850.
He gets possession at once. The other
property was Si lot 26, con. 5, known as
the Robertson farm. D. W. Jordan, of
Mitohell, wao`the buyer at $3,500. 11
was in the hands of the British Can-
adian Loan Co. The new owner comes
into possession t'bie Fall.
His $Ianim AooITION.-The Bangor
(Mich.) Advance of Aug. 31st, says of a
son of Samuel Oaldbiok, of Morrie
"Dr. S. L. Oaldbiok, who for the past
three years hae been in the veterinary
praatiae at thio place, is about to leave
Bangor and take up the study of medicine
with a view to obtaining the title of M.
D. Dr. Caldbiok is one of the beet veteri-
naries that ever practised in the State
and has enjoyed a large and successful
pyridine here. He is one of those stir•
ring, ambitious fellows whe is bound to
succeed." TEE POST only echoes the
opinion of many of Dr. Oalbiok's old
friends in Morrie and locality when we
wish him the fail realization of hie fond-
est hopes.
Enerat0is ttamltitiee of (loose Sent. 10
South Africa by Great Brttalu.
Some idea of the coat of the South
African war may be derived from the
amount of war material sent out. It ap.
pears from an ettiole in the Edinburgh
Review that 170 millions of small -arm
ammunition have been forwarded. The
following figures give the corresponding
provision of artillery ammunition
Over 105,000 rounds for the 12.pou0der
H. A, gun.
Over 390,000 rounds for the 15 -pounder
field gun.
Over 80,000 rounds for the 5 inob
Over 20,000 rounde for the 5.inuh gun,
Nearly 21,000 rounds for the 4.7 gun.
Nearly 380,000 rounds for the 'pont.
a The clothing etatietioe are ae follows ;
Drab suite, much over 20b,000.
Khaki suite, about 80,000.
Bootsairs over 370 000.
(P ),
Woollen drawers, over !00,000.
Jerseys, over 200,000.
Worsted eooke, over 170,000.
Flannel belts, 400,000.
Flannel shirts, over 500,000.
Besides thie, Borne 18,000 tante, 420,-
000 blankets, 300,000 waterproof sheets,
and other each general stores have been
Ae regards food, though muo11 has been
oolleotod in the oonntry itself, the ex-
ports have been gigantic, 80 million
pounde in weight of the 68 items (meat,
bacon, oheeee, 905.00up, oto.,) having been
despatched, This difiioulbieo of pnokage
may bs imagined from the estimate that
2 ,ie
0 2000 batting differs i
a of different i in ie ware in•
eluded in these 0uppli00, 1010e0111g
items are 10 million pounds of jam and
marmalade, 27 milling pounde of biscuits,
13 million pounde of toba000, 200 million
pounds of preserved meat. 04 forage,
79,004 tone were Bent from English, and
164,000 tone from foreign and Colonial
Owing to the partial failure of the
American Potton crops it le feared that a
number of Lenoaellire oaten mind will
have to be closed.
The Western Dairymen's Aesooiation
will hold Rte annual convention and
Winter dairy ehnw in London, Ont„
January 15th to 18th.
The Poetmeeter.General of New Zea-
land has 00nt a message to Hon, William
Mulook, announcing that thermion)/ will
adopt penny postage on the Drat of Jana,
cry next,
Maud Coruioh, 17 yeare old, employed
at the Proteetaut Hospital, Ottawa, was
killed ie the elevator shaft Monday mora.
log. She started to go up with the ale.
valor, and becoming afraid tried to jump
off, but wee killed between the floor and
the elevator. Deceased was it bright
young girl, Her home was in Hinton -
What A 'rule It 'Tells.
If that mirror of yours shows a wretch-
ed, Ballow complexion, a jaundiced look,
moth patellae and blotches on the akin,
it's liver trouble ; but Dr. King's New
Life Pills regulate the liver, purify the
blood, give clear akin, rosy oheeke, rich
complexion. Only 25o at Deadmen'e
drug store.
0110100 farms for sale in one of the
most prosperous districts in Manitoba. Ex-
cursionists intending to purchase land
would do well to call on us and see what we
have. to offer.
7.4 Moulton, Man,
acre farm for Bale, forty-seven acres
Moored, the balano° hardwood bush. Good
orchard and a never failing well. Buildings
good, atone foundation ;under barn, atone
cellar under house.. Farm 10 well fenced,
nearly all straight rail. Possession could be
givten at
iotaploW. MoALLSTAR, WestL
10, Con. 17, Grey, or Walton P. 0. 5.4
-South Half Lot 27, Con. 8, Morris
Township, within 1 mile of Brussels, Dwell-
ing house , buildings and fences in good con•
dttion, The lot has a spring creek on the
front and river Maitland 0100000 the rear.
About 60 acres timber and a young bearing
orchard. Apply to G. A. DEADMAN,
42.11 Druggist, Brussels,
ansa,—The property of the late Man
Elliott, 000eistiog o1 a solid brink house,
with frame kitchen and woodshed, good
conditio , d 1'If not of will be rented, Posin e
Beeston at any time. For particulars apply
to Wu. SrnN011, Ethel; ALEX. PATT30,0oN
Galt ; or Da, MolinLvny, Mt. Forest. 1000
BAL0,-Lot 17, con. 0, Towoohip of
Grey. 100 acres more or lees. Situate 4;
miles from,Blueeals and 2 miles from village
of Ethel, All oleared excepting 5 acres of
hardwood bush. Buldiuge and femme ill
good rehalr. Good walla, Ali l all plowing
done. Price and terms of payment ou ap-
plication to W. M, SINCLAIR,
29-11 Barrister, leo„ Brunie.
Consisting of the South i and South 1
of 1110 North of
Lot Coy .2 East n
nosh. Th10 Is an excellent stook farm,aeing
well supplied with good spring water. It la
situated about 9 miles from the thriving Vil-
lage of Blyth. A large part o1 It is under
Buildings grass. u113i. a and fences f ar
state a repair, information
terms nfpa payment will
be given. allForintvoxmation apply to
11 -ti G.F. BLAIR, Barrister, Brussels.
200 acres in the Township of Grey,
County of Huron, being lobe 16 and 17, con,
10; 1 mile from school, eburoh, post office,
store and blaekemith ehop ; 2 miles from
Ethel station ; 4 miles from village o1 Brits.
sola ; 1 mile from oheeee factory. This farm
is well fenced, well u nderdrained and well
watered ; river Maitland rune through
Southeast ooruer. 4 acres of good bearing
orchard ; large bank barn with straw shed ;
a driving shed, atone house and kitchen and
woodshed, 50 mores in grass ; 24 nares hard-
wood bush ; 23 acres in rough and good ced-
ar• balanus under good cultivation, For
further particulars apply to WM. 1IS0HEI1,
proprietor, Oranbrook P. 0, 5-tf
sale Lot 21, Concession 10, Mo1illop,
containing 100 acme, 80 acres cleared and
ready for crop being well uo derdraiued and
well fenced with cedar and blaok melt. The
balance is timber and pasture. There tee pn, o .Repairs,
email orchard and three cod wens, There S!'ecial givenattentiotRi
b a goon eta house and wood shed, she a .Re_paintiiv , Z'T'1T927YGbn.,, (� c.,
barn and stables 51x80 feet, also all
house, pig pen, implement house and all
other necessary out buildings. Itis 1/ miles
East of the North gravel road and is con-
..•.•....•.... O._ T,. 'Ti•l _�_ _ els
venient to schools, churches, poet oilloe, etc.
Is 70 miles from Seatorth and 10 miles from
Brussels. It is one of the beat farms in
the township and will be sold on easy terms
as the proprietor wishes to retire, Apply
on the promisee or addreea Winthrop P.O.
ITe.s c,x --e..y 3^ -e.ra-= Se �* F...- ,, = `'
Nick �XI�/ON CO.
_____ ..,............. n..-._...:___,....•...«. Lig
we make it a point to keep our stook Olean and 1; eels, and never ,I
Pp) allow cid sends to Mocnmulate, In going through our different de ark..
meube we And here and there odd linea which must be cleared out, no
matter et what eaoritloe, These goods are all new, bought thie year, but
''i) when they get down to email tote we don't want them, hence 111e folloWIng
prices ;-
wi Ladies' Lisle Thread Gloved, in. blacks, tans, browns and greys, worth
20o and 25a, for 100,002 pair for 250.
Prints, in dark and light colors, worth 80 and 10e for 5o.
Wrapparette Cloth, suitable for wrappers or ohildrep's dresses, worth
100, for The,
Oashmeree, in two oolore, 40 inches wide, worth 25o, for 15e,.
t�, a e
Panay o Dress
aU dGodei
A limited 'anew styles and fabrics, worth 75o, for 500,<
J4j a number of Ladies Shirt Waldo that were 60o, 75o and $1,
iy fora 5o
I Shirt Weida, in white and colored organdie, with and without yoke,
Irli at epactal prime to olear.
Our Boot and Shoe trade is growing rapidly, and we are running off
aJ the balance of our stook at low prices to make room for our large Fall
I stook now coming forward.
Men's Plow Boots, good and strong, worth $1, for 76a,
Men's Plow Boots, heavy solea, worth $1.26, for 980.
Ladiee' Dongola Shoes, laced or buttoned, worth 91.25, 91 55 and
$1.50, for 584.
Wilton & Turnbull
Headquarters for
of All Kinds.
Farmers should see our
Field Fence,
Best Fence on the market.
Barb and Plain Wire,
All kinds Ilarvest Tools.
Binder Twine.
Paints and Oils.
S. W. P,, the best Ready
Mixed Paints made,
always in stock.
The well known firm of
Opened lied a
o w are to the front with
Iwo'r Large, Well Select-
ed and Well Finished
Buggies, Wagons, -Road Carts; Etc.,
that they are sellling at CLOSE prices. Already they
have disposed of many Buggies and the Prospects are good.
Call at our Show Rooms and see for yourself,
Royal Mail Steamships
For Liverpool, Calling at Nevilie.
Paint Fnont
MONTnOAL Q1114200
Parisian Sat. 25 Aug, S a m 3pm
Tuniolan (new) Friday 7 Sep D a m 8 Sep
Numidian Sat 16 D am 6 p lit
Corinthian (new), . 22 " 0 it m Op in
Parisian " 20 " y a m 4 p m
Tunisian (new) Fri 12 Oot 5 a m 19 Oot
Numldian Sat 20 " 0 a m 4 p m
Corinthian (now)27 " h a m 4 p m
P00101011................" 8 Nov 6 a to 4P m
Tunisian (new)Fri 6 "
1 Oam
17 Nov
From New York to G)aegow-8tate of Neb.
reeks, Sept 8 ; Californian, JSbpt 15,
First cabin 550 and upwards, Second
cabin 0115 and uproot -de, Steerage, 02250,
Now York toGlasgow First cabin, 045 ;and
upwards. Second cabin, 100, Steers e,
return54b eduoa(ous on 01l 0.vdsecond cable
Passenger(' may go vie Montreal aid re-
turn by New York, For other Information,
tickets, dc„ apply 10
w, I3, zzE,n,
Amstar, BnWeeoLe,
Alan Agent for the White Star Lino,
Naw York,
More Room
Having made a large addition to my Blacksmith Shop I am
in a better position than ever to attend to my Customers.
WOOD worm t
All kinds on hand, both for new work or repairs, and prices
• the lowest.
General Blacks IN alt 1intlb will be promptly at-
thill tended to as usual and sat efae-
tion guaranteed.
3orse Shoeing. I have made a specialty ofthis line for years, and if
you have any horses that interfere, over -reach or troubled with
bad feet, bring them to me, will relieve or ono them in less
than throe months or will make no charge.
Wagons & Buggies. 'tun prepared to supply the
above at the very lowest.
prices, and best quality, either of my own make or from the
largest Factories in the Dominion.
Thanking my numerous oustomers for their very liberal support in the
past, and hoping by striot attention to business and eatiofeetory prioee,
to mom a OOntinnan00 of the same.