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Vol, .29, No, 10 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SE1'TEMB>JR 13, 1900
Nevv Advertisements,
Looe,—John Pgtland,
strayed.—Daniel Shine..
Local—J. A., Creighton.
Glaeoee—Mrs, T. Fletcher.
Washstand lest—T113 Poex,
New goods—Atex, Skraoban."
10o. worth—G. A. Deadman,
Property for sato -Tam PoeT,
Cleaning up .McKinnon & Co.
Fell business—J. Ferguson & Co,
g up
Givfnbusineoo—A. R. Smith,
310 xotxx.ct Reims,
25 Dente in advance pays for THE PosM
to January let, 1901.
Quite a few from this locality are away
to the Western Fair ab London.
A number of Waltonians are at Gode.
rioh this week as witneasee in the Ree
Next Sabbath afternoon a memorial
service will be 'held in the Methodiet
ohnroh having reference to the decease of
tbe late Thos. Dennison, Rev.Mr. Dever'
will preaoh.
it number from
Leet Saturday quite a rob
Walton and vicinity attended the funeral
of the late Thos. Dennison, of Brunets,
formerly e well known resident of Mo
K•tllop. He had been ill for a long time.
By reference to the Birth notioee in
THE POST it will be observed that a baby
daughter has been added to the fetidly of
Rev. A. 0. Tiffin, of Romney, formerly of
Walton. ' Our oongratelations are extend.
John Hell is putting q new fouedation
under his :house.
Mies Smith, of New York is viehiug at
her unole'e, John Rolph'e,
Mies Lillie Rogers left on Monday to
epend a term at Alma College, St.
It ie thought that the grist mill here
has been Bold to. Joseph Warder, of
Rev. D. Rogers and Joseph Leechat•
tended the Dietrmt meeting at White.
church on Tuesday.
Ira Etcher bus retnrned from hie
proepeoting tour in Buffalo. He expecte
to take in London this week.
We regret to report the aooident to
Russel MoKinney at the flax mill by
whioh be lost part of a finger.
Mre. C. R. Brinker, who hae been
[pending some months at her mother's,
in Miobigan, sent word to W .B. that she
will soon bring him home twine to cheer,
him in his lonlineea.
About 29 persona fexom here attended
the Tea meeting at Wlbxeter on Monday
evening and vera well pleased with the
David Hail and Mies Mary Fluker
were united in marriage at Wroxeter
some three weeke einoe. Pongratulatione
are extended.
Reg. Caaemore hae bought a bankrupt
stook at Newbridge, He will ran off
some of the goods . both here and there,
not having decided as yet whether he will
keep both stares open or settle in New.
bridge. We would be sorry to lose him.
Mise May Hogg is attending the Lie,
towel Business College,
D. L,i3lraohan returned to hie studies
at Kincardine High eobool last week.
Mr. Wherry, of Elms, preaohed at
Roe's and Whitfield's ohnrohee lest Son.
day morning and afternoon.
Charles MaQoarrie, 10th oon., hae gone
on a beeioese trip to Dakota, He will be
back this Fell. D. Inglie, of the 7th, is
also away.
Mre. John Strachan is vleiting in Lon.
don, St. Thomas and Rodney, acoompan•
isd by her daughter, Mre, MoOoeh, of
Pine River.
Bash fires have kept some of the far.
mere busy this ` week. . In some 0aeee
fences as well ae rail timber and poste
have suffered and buildings bad close calla.
Samuel Pollook, a former resident of
the 2nd eon., to renewing old friendebipe
from Bruoe Co. Mr. Pollook took up
land in Manitoba last year, but may
oontinue to reside in Ontario. It ie 15
years einoe be lett. Mrs. Pollock wag a
Mise Hing, formerly of Morrie township.
(Continued on page 5.]
The Cameroncider mill is running.
Flax threshing was completed this
Charles Raddatz, of Detroit, le home
on a. visit.
Tuesday's wind made amuse of fences
and orchards.
25 Dente pays for THE P_eT for the
balance of the 19th Dentary.
People in this loaality are oommenoing
to talk politica, a sure sign of an election.
Adam o'oereter and meter, Millie, of
Detroit, were welcome visitors at Oran•
brook. They returned lad Saturday.
Rev. D. B. McRae, who bee beau boli•
Baying in Glengarry, will 000apy hie own
pulpit next Sabbath. W. H. Kerr, of
THE Pose, Brussels, took the service last
Sabbath morning.
M. Reymann, of Detroit, ie here on a0
extended visit with relatives and friends.
He is in hie 86th year but is quite hale
yet and able to get about withexoeptional
activity. Mr. Reymann is one of the
early eettiere in Grey township.
LT. .
Co. Ck
Reay tol' Pall Bus!lless!
We looked ahead wisely and well when we placed orders
last Spring with Manufacturers for heavy stooks of Fall and Winter
goods such as Dress Goods, Silks, Household Linens and Cottons of
all kinds, Flannels, Flannelettes and Wrapperettes, Underwear
and Hosiery, goods that have in most every case since advanced
from 15 to 25 per cent. We're not looking for big profits, a fair
margin on our cost will content us.
Latest in Fall and Winter Jackets
Have just arrived. They are all made in the newest styles by the
best German and Canadian manufacturers and guaranteed in every
respect -not a bit too soon to select your Fall Jacket while our
stock is at its best. •
Saturday and Monday
Come as early as you can if you would share in these real
bargains -Eight o'clock Saturday morning will not be too soon.
Silk Gloves at 19c--
Ladiee' Fine Bilk Gloves in bleak and cream, snorted sizes, best Gloves
in, the trade at 25o, to clear 19o.
Children's School Hose at 10c—
Ohildren'e Hose of good, strong, notion yarn, warranted feet black, in
ribbed only, eizee 6 to 9, regular 12c and 16o, to clear at 100.
Boys' 25c Hose at 2 pairs for 35c—
Boys, extra heavy ribbed cotton Hoge, warranted fast bleak, sizes 6d to
9, regular prioe 25o, for Saturday and Monday 2 pairs for 85o.
A Snap in Cottons and Sheetings.
—25 pie0es extra heavy Factory Cotton worth Ge, for Saturday and
Monday 6o per yard.
—4 pieces only 72 inob Twilled and Plain Sheeting, worth regular 160,
for Saturday and Monday 120 per yard.
The last chance to buy Shirt Waists Cheap--
—Oe Saturday and Monday, we olear all Shirt Weide in stock ab 86o
AII, this season styles and worth"regular 76o, 01.00 and 51.25.
J.FergusonFe& Co.
Dry Goods and Groceries.
Lada Sabbath evening Rev. Mr, Girl,
ohler,' of Fullerton, preaohed in the
Methodist obarob, Rev. Mr. Curry took
the eervloe in the afternoon.
The Ethel boys are not so ready with
their osoh ae with their' tongues or the
mural talked of foot ball matoh would
now be a thing' of the post. .We have
given them the opportunity of covering
the stake whioh up to the present time
they have failed to do. No doubt their
presentiment of defeat equals ours of
viotory, Smc.-Taaea.
Full Fair here 0d Oot. 1 and 2.
Rev. E, A.'aad Mrs. Shaw were re.
Hewing old friendships in title locality.
Mies Emily Owens bas been quite poor.
ly at times during the Summer but we
hope abe will goon be fully restored.
Mre. (Rev.) Brown le at London under.
going a course of medical treatment
which we hope will prove efioaoioua.
Wm. Wray hae rented his term on the
3rd line of Morrie, to Ed. Wightman, for
a term of years, and will move book to
hie fine residenoe in Belgrave.
Finn GenaoN Perim—One of the moat
Suooesetul and setietm:torygarden parties
ever held in this section, was the one at
Garner Nioholaon'e, near Belgrave, on
Aug. 90th. The tables were tastefully
decorated and laden with the good things
of life ; the grounds and residence were
well lighted, while the program was
pithy and interesting. Addressee were
given by Meagre. Kerr, of. the Brussels
Pose, MoMath, of Wingham, and Ander-
eon, o! Johannesburg. Mies Maggie
Scott. of Brussels, favored with two of
her oboioe Bolos, and Mise Fannie Thoma
eon; of the same plane with instrumental
masa. Mr. Fothergill, of Westfield,
delighted the oompaoy with a violin solo,
and Memo. David and Bell and Law.
ranee and Bell with instrumental duets.
The proceeds in aid• of the Parsonage
Fund were over 072.00. The eveuiug'e
entertainment closed with singing "God
save the Queen." Rev. Mr. Brown, the
pastor, made an excellent chairman.
Mr. Nicholson made ample provision for
the .comfort of all who attended and
certainly deserved the thanks be received.
Thee. Downey left on Tuesday morn•
ing on his annual visit to Manitoba.
Mies Janet E. Cook left last week to
attend the Coneervotory of Music in Tor-
The annual Harvest Thanksgiving ear.
viae of Trinity ohuroh will be held on
Sunday, 23rd inst.
B. B. Cook left on Tuesday morning
on a business trip to Manitoba. He will
be abeent for about a month.
Rev. T. L. Armstrong, rector of Mill.
bank parieh, 000upied the pulpit in Trin-
ityohuorh on Sunday. Rev. A. B. Far•
ney wee in Millbank preaohing the annual
Harvest Thanksgiving sermon.
A large number went to Toronto last
week to attend the Exhibition from this
district. The last of them returned on
Monday night. Some are in London
this week in attendance at the Western
J. M. Thompson, who has worked in
the "Record" office for about four years
left on Monday morning for Fergus where
he has secured a position on the "News
Reoord" staff. John will be greatly
missed here as be was a willing laborer
in good ood works. He took an active
t in the R. T.of T. E worth League,
s ,
Methodist Sunday School and 0. Y. B.
John will not be able to go 0u any Row(e)•
ing expeditions now. We wish him sno-
26 ciente gets TEE PoeT to ann. let, 1901.
Township Council here next Monday.
Charlie Davies was at Toronto last
week for a holiday.
J. F. and Mrs. Roughen, of Walkerton,
were paste at the Methodiet Parsonage
last week.
Karl, eon of H. F. McAllister, is at-
tending wheal at Brussels. He ie a
smart yonth and we wish him 0000055.
A nnmber•of appeals have been handed
into the Township Clark to add names to
the Voters' list of Grey. Date of the
Court not yet stated.
Rev. H. E, Carry and Robb. McKay
attended the Wingbam Dietriot Meeting
of the Methodiet church last Tuesday.
It was held ab Whitechurch.
Rev. Mr. Grant, of St. Marys, preaohed
in the Presbyterian ohuroh ,Net Sabbath
afternoon. The pastor will be home for
bis regular work next Sabbath.
This week William Lake, of Brnesele,
diopo0ed of hie house and lot in this vil-
lage to Mre. Jno. Biemmon, who will
move into it shortly. The prise paid
was 5425 being good value for the money.
SUDDEN DEATH.—The demise of David
Doall, on Sunday, 2nd inst., mane ae a
great surprise to the community, The
old gentleman had been feeling rather
poorly and was squaring up his wordly
affairs having a premonition that the end
was not far distant. He died about 8 a.
M. while sitting at the . breakfaet table.
Mr. Doull lived on the 16th con. for years
on the farm now owned by Win. Bray,
and on leaving there purchased the 20
acres belonging to the Gill setate, 10bh
con., where he died. He was 70 years,
10 months and 5 days old and is survived
by wife and son. The aableot of this
nolioe was an honest, unassumingman
and had the respect of a large oirole of
friends. Funeral took plaoe on Tuesday,
Rev. Mr. Curry of8oiating, Pall bearers
were Messrs. Coutte, Chambers, Bernath,
King, Robertson and McNair, Interment
wee made at Brunetti cemetery. Mr.
Doull was a Liberal in politics and held
to the Presbyterian ohuroh. He came
from near Myrelandhorn, Sootland.
MATEint0N0AL.—A moat important event
took place Wednesday afternoon, of last
week, at the residenoe of C. and Mre. Ray.
nerd, Maitland Valley Farm, when their
estimable daughter, Mies Winifrid, was
united in marriage to W. E. Luoas, a
well-to-do young farmer, of Belmore.
Rev. H.D. Carry, of this place, and Rev.
C. V. Lake, of Wroxeter, performed the
ceremony with neatness and despatch
and it was witnessed by geode number.
Mg trona 150 to 200, The wedding party
W. i3.KERR,Prop,'
steed under a canopy of evergreens and
flowers on the lawn. The bride was
dressed in a riohdress of oream alpaca,
trimmed with eatin, isoe and ribbon,
wearing a bridal veil and wreath and
carrying a beautiful bouquet of white
rosea. The two little Maida of Hopor,
Mies Olive, eider of the bride, and Mise
Ida Felknor, of Listowel, looked sweetly
pretty attired in drawee of oream and
carrying handsome bouquet's ofcarnetione
and roses, Mise Spector) played the Wad.
ding March in Ord -elan style. After the
ceremony the ggeete eat down toe sump -
teens pepper, the tables being tastefully
set on the lawn. The evening was en.
joyably spent in games and other amine.
manta, alto, a program of eonge,reedinge,
speeches and instrumental music had
been prepared and waa highly appreolated-
by all. R. MoKay 000upied the chair.
A great number of 51591nt presents show.
ed the high esteem in whioh the bride
and groom are held. The happy couple
left on Thursday morning to visit Tor.
onto, Niagara Fella, Buffalo and other
pointe, after which they will take up
their residence at Belmore under most
auepioio00 oiroometances, followed by
the beet wishes of alarge oirole of friends
in whioh Tim POST takes a share.
M or rr til.
Connell meeting on Monday, 17th.
Mre.: 0. Agin leaves for Saginaw this
John Agin hada manure • bee on Tues-
day of thie week.'
Isaac Jewett, of Clinton, spent Sunday
with friends in Morris.
Well digging is all the go. Water is a
scarce thing at present.
Charles Fraser, let con., has gone to
the "Boo" for a pleasure trip.
Miss Davison, of Dungannon, is visit.
ing her uncle, W. J. Johnston.
Mies Aggie Smillie has gone to Gode.
riob to attend the Model School.
Joseph Smillie has returned to Toronto
where be will resume hie medical studies.
Fall wheat is coming on very slowly
and uneven on account of the terrible
Mies Bewely, of the 7th, is visiting her
friend, Miss Mamie Turvey for a couple
of weeks.
Mre. A. G. Maeoo and children, of
W ingbam, spent a few days last week at
Geo. Johnston's.
Mies Godfrey, who has been visiting
on the 2nd con., returned to her home in
Toronto last week.
David and Mrs. Strood, of Luoknow,
were visiting relatives and friends on the
let non. last week.
Robb. Robertson, of Ottawa, hae been
holidaying at Joseph Smillie'e for the
past couple of weeks.
Mise Davidson, of Dungannon, is visit-
ing her anole and aunt, W. J. and Ma.
Jobneton, at present.
Mrs. Joel Sellers, 2nd line. is visiting
with Mende in London and taking in the
Western Fair this week.
Miss Marion Forrest, Mre. Wm. A.
Turvey, Lewis Jewett and wife attended
the Exhibition in Toronto.
Geo. Taylor bas got up a good driving
shed. Mr. Taylor hae splendid buildings
and is an up•to•date farmer.
A terrible fire ie now raring on the 7th
line West near the G. T. R. crossing and
no doubt will do a Id of damage.
Mise Maggie Wilson, of Essex Co.,
formerly of
Morrie be renewing
eoquaiutanoee in Morrie
and Grey.
D. Irwin has returned from a six weeks'
sojourn at Hyde Park. That part of the
country evidently agreed with Dave.
Mre. Rome, of British Columbia, is
visiting at Samuel Oaldbick's. She was
formerly Mee Emma Oaldbiok, of Braze
Rev. N. S. Barwaeh will preaoh Mis.
aionary sermon at Sunshine next
Sabbath afternoon. Rev. Mr. Brown will
preach on Whibeohuroh circuit on Bab.
Dave Ramsay and bride returned home
last Monday from their wedding trip to
Toronto and other pointe. We wioh
them a happy and prosperous voyage o'er
life's sea.
II. M. Bosman has sold his farm on
the 2nd con. to Mr. Davidson, of Bel.
more for 53,600. H. M. will will take
possession of hie father's plaoe, at
Browntown, the first of next March.
Among those who visited the 'Toronto
Fair from this vioiaity were John and
Mrs. Watson, W. B. and Mre. Wilkinson,
Jas. and Mre. Hall, J. and Mise Lottie
Cook. Mies Fleming, of Sunshine, was
assistant housekeeper during Mr. and
Mre. Hall's absence in the oity.
On the omission of Mre. Miekimmon'e
leaving her present home at Snnohine to
take np bar abode in Blyth, a few of bar
friends joined in a farewell party at whioh
a very enjoyable time was experienced by
all. Mrs. Miskimmon'e friends, while
regretting her departure, hope that
bappiaese may follow her to her new
BAne Bunemn.—Tuesday, shortly after
noon, the bank barn on the farm of T.
Ellis, 3rd line, was destroyed by fire,
canned by flying sparks from a bush fire.
The building was 50 feet square and in
addition there wag the season's crop, a
Spring colt, 15 or 16 pigs, &o. There is
an insurance of 51,200 on building and
oontente in the Perth Mutual. The lose
would have been more severe had not W.
I, MoCraoken,of Brussels, been there at
the time and aided in the reeoue of Morsel,
&o, It was feared at ane time the same
day that Time. Bone and John Ellie
would be cleared out of their homes by
the devouring element aa the high wind
swept the fire so aloes to them. By hard
work the hooseswere saved.
Paulin AWAY. --On Monday morning of
this week at 5 o'olook, there died at his
home, 7th line, an old settler in the pat.
son of Jamee Craig, er. Deceased had
been ailing for some time and was for
moat part confined to the house since last
February, gradually growing ' worse.
Dropsy and heart failure was the main
pause. Mr. Craig wen a stoat, hearty
man in his younger days and used to go
threshing when the horee•power wag used,
and he also worked at framing. He was
a School Truetee for many years. He
leaves a large family ail grown up, Mr.
Cali; was a ataunoh Liberal and in his
death the party loge a good eupperter.
The funeral took place on Wednesday to
Myth oemetery where the remains were
laid to rest.
[Continued on page 6.]
wvialIAM AIS7'RIUt' MSI'lt'LNU,
The annual saealan of the Fall Dtatrlot
meeting °f Wlbgham Dietriot convened In
the Methodist anurob Whiboahuroh, leu
'Tuesday mornin g of file week at 10 o'alook.
Rev, D, Rogers000upied the °hair, Rev. A.
G, Harris, Secretary.
After devotional exercises the roll was.
called and tba following pereeus answered
to their namee l—
R Hobbs
W '8 Rigsby
A G Harris
Gerald Willoughby
HIO Curry
R J Garbutt
O V Lake
D Rogers
F J Oaten
T E Sawyer
0 0 Kafue
F Swann
Geo Baker
H D 'Tyler H 0 Foster
A I Brown W Kew
A H Brown W Wray
Tiverton misafoS Dema before the seg.
Bion asking for a grant of 8320. The meet.
ice r000mmended that the request be for-
warded to the Missionary Oommitteo.
Snporanouatfon amounts wore levied as
follows ;—
Fe ea
W Peasant
D L Taylor
W 15 Kerr
R McKay
Jae Dowuey
W Simpson
J Leech
J 5' Andrew
8 Stattae
W L Blair
T Henry
Ford wioh
CmouzS' MltusTEne
See al)
6063 00 01 00
43 00 23 00
44 10 50
82 1005 18 00
4200 1920
31 00 16 00
6000 11600
88 00 19 00
23 00 15 16
hiteohnroM 08 00 17 10
elgrava 117 00 10 50
Total $780 00 5305 05
On motion the above amounts w83-02155r0105115000-
ere 10-
oe enae.le
undernder: Wing ens, d2 assessment e,
8s L:—Wingham, 811 ru Kinel% 80.82;
'Slsxewater, .649'; Ethel, $$681ee1Fardwioh,
50.281 Gerrie. 07.05 ; Wroxeter, 54.73 ; Blue -
vale, 50.28 ; A010010, S5,84 ; Salem, $4.73 ;
Bethel, $4.81 ; Ripley, 87 58 ; Bervie. 58.46 ;
Tiverton. $8,40 ; Whitechurch, 86.87; Bel -
grave, 85.64 ; total, 8117.92.
The general Treasurer's report was as
Mleonary arrangements were made as
the anneal meetings as follows
Wingham, Local arrangements ;
BrnekEinele. ,
Teeewater, Mar 24, Rev.. Dr. Henderson 1
Ethel, Looal arrangements ;
Gerrie. Mar. 25, Rev. Dr. Henderson ;
Wroxeter.Nov., Rev. N. S. Burwash and W.
H.Kern ;
Bluevale, Oct -21, Rev. R. J. Garbutt;
Salem, l Rev.
Salem, Oct.eb Rev. Geo. Baker
Bale 0 . 7
Bethel, Local arrasgemaate ; � '
Ripley, Nov.2, Rev. J. 0. Pomeroy;
Bervie, Oot. 7, Rev.O, 0. Keine and Rev.
F. 10, Sawyers ;
Tiverton, Oct. 7, Rev. W. S. Rigsby •
Whitechurob, Sept.16, Rev, A. H, Brown ;
Belgrave, Local arrangements.
The arrangement' for Eduoatiooal meet.
saga were left iu the halide of the several
pastors.orauit the Committee will moat in
In reteraaoe to rearrangement of Pine
Ripley on Monday,Oet, 20, at 8 o'ofo00, their
cotton to be submitted to the next May
Diezlot meeting.
d. circularwas
rand from
Rev. Dr, Potts
relative 10 the completion of the 30th Cen-
tury Thanksgiving Fund. Nearly $900,000
have already bean subscribed toward the
million alined at and the outlook is cheer -
Alma College claim on Dietriot was stat-
ed to be 8245 subscribed and amount paid
5110.61 as reported by Rev, J. R, Gundy.
The May Dietriot meeting will be held at
After a discussion on the Temperance
question an adjournment was made for din-
The afternoon was devoted to the dia-
0058(0n of topics along the line of the own-
ing 2011 Century Revival. Atter op ening
exorcises Rev, 0. V. Lake, of Wroxeter, in-
troduced the subjeob "Our need of a Re-
vival." The address was a capital oue and
dealt with it along these main divisions ;—
(1) We require a revival to give us enlarged
and clearer views of Divine Truth ; (2) To
stimulate, correct and direct our Faith ; (8)
To awaken seal in the Charon of God ; (4) To
purify the moral atmosphere of the home
and Church ; (5) To make the agenoies of
the Church more effective.
The dismission was taken part in by Rev.
Walter Rigsby, R.MoSay, Rev. R. J. Gar.
butt and W H. Kmrr.
Ray. A, f5. Harris, of Luoknow, gave a
pointed address 0u The best methods of
promoting the Revival." This is the age of
enterprise, he said and the Ohuroh. of God
[Mould not lag behind. The plan of this
20th Century flvaogelietio movement is a
large one, it means a revival in 10,000 fami-
lies in the Methodist ohuroli in London
Conference; 403 appointment revivals; 180
circuit revivals; and 39,000 heart revivals,
so wide reaching would it be, It moans the
unifying,eularalug and epiritualzlug of the
ohuroh. The beat method of promoting a
revival is (11 A full baptism of the Holy
Spirit; (2) 111s to be preseuted to the peo-
ple ; (3) (Ratting the hearty leo-operation of
the official Board; (4) Setting apart the 14111
day of October as the initial date for a great
epiritualoampaignby united Methodism.
11.0. Taylor, Alre. Coy ler , Rev. D. Roger[,
Rev. G. Willoughby and Rev. Mr. Garbutt
followed in the dieoussion of theaubjeot,
50 the evening Rev R Hobbs, of WI ngbam,
in the absence o2 Rey J Holmes, of Brut'•
cele, owing to illness in his family, preaoh-
ed to alarge audience and demonstrated the
Truth with power mud anility, 2'uo Sacra-
mentofthe Lord's. Supper was die penned
at the close of the aorvioe.
Tha Wbitaohuroh people, headed by the
Ina au this p00ter, Rev A SBrown, loft noth-
ing asadane 00 exemplyfying their Moepltal-
ity to tMa visiting mini'bere and laymou and
0050 day wan ge enjoyable oue throughout.
Rev air 1008510 makes a good presiding
oflloer halos ey01s talo, hind, thoughtful
auupr OHIO la °srrying out the program of
Hamilton cabmen have deeidad to in.
oteaee their rates.
Hon. Edward Blake, M. 2., and Mre.
Blake, who lately arrived from England,
are enjoying a few weeks at their Sum.
mer house at Murray Bay.
A big fire raged at Paris, Ont., on
Wedneeday morning and late reports
elate that the whole business section of
the town suffered seriously. Loos said
to be half a million doliars,
t alne0 as
Two men who gave heir n
James Dowling, of Detroit, and William
McGuire, of Toronto, were arreated In
the mot of robbing a store at Webbwood
MsGuiro fired three shote at the officers.
People We Talk About.
Mies E. B. Kerr ie on the Well lint.
Eddie Lowry is visiting in London.
Min Maggie Burgess is here on a vjeit,
0.'P. Plum took to the London Fair
on Tuesday,
S. B. Swale, of Listowel, was in town
for a few days,
Ed, Hart wee in Toronto for a few
days thie week,
Barrister 'Sinclair was in Exeter an
week on a business trip.
Mine Sadie Jamieson has returned
atter a visit of five weeks.
Mies Maud Ripg, of Blybh, was
visiting Mre. Frank Baines.
A J. Lowry is enjoying a well earned
holiday at London this week.
Miss Josie Buchanan bee taken a
position in Braaeele postoffloe,
Mre. Hearn, of Stratford, is renewing
old friendships in Brussels.
Mies Maggie Becker has gone to Lon.
don to resume her situation.
Fred. Gilpin and L. Carruthers were
visiting in Goderioh last week.
John Ballantyne and wife were visit-
ing relatives at Petrolia last week.
Misses Teenie Sample and Lizzie
Downing were visiting at Seaforfh.
Charlie Kerr, of A. Straohan'e store,
was holidaying last weak at Toronto.
G. A. Deadman and Mies May are
holidaying at London and Delaware.
W. J. Good holidayed with relatives
and friends at Southampton last week.
Mies Lizzie Sample ie on the sick list
bat we hope she will soon be convalescent,
Mies Annie Lowry has taken a position
in London going to it last Tuesday morn-
Mies Sarah Dudley, who has been visit.
ing her parents returned to Toronto last
Jno. Flood, wife and daughter, of
Uhealey, were visiting at Thoe. Curry's
last week.
Mise Annie Grieve is home from Paris
on the sink list. We hope she will soon
be better.
Mre. Twaddle and children are visit.
ing Mra, Somerville, of London. The
ladies are sisters.
Mre. Ed. Lowry ie under the dootor'e
oars bat we trust the duration of her
illness will be brief.
Dr. and Mre. Kalbfieieoh are away on
a trip to Oalgary, Edmonton, Banff, the
Roo ky Mountains, d:o.
W. H. MoOraoken is book from hie
annual visit to relatives and friends at
Peterboro' and locality.
Mies Porter, of Atwood, and Mre.
Blair, of Woodetook, are visiting their
and, Mrs. Jno. Ooueley.
Mies Ada Msinpr ize returned on Moo•
day from an enjoyable visit with friends
in Luoknow and vicinity.
Wm. Govenlook, of Seaforfh, was in
town last week in the interests of the
Equity Fire Inenranoe 0o.
Dr. Jae. Stitt, of Milwaukee, wasin
town last wads. He was over attending
the funeral of his mother.
Mre. John Lott took a well earned
holiday and visited her old home at
Peterharo' during the peat week.
Mre. John Goff and sole, of Toronto,
are visiting the former's parents, Jae.
and Mre. Dudley, Graham's survey.
Charlie Meadows has been having en.
forced holidays through a squeezed band,
damage being received et the flax mill.
Mre. McKibben and daughter, Queen
street wm. ill remove froBrunets to
members of the
Toronto to join other
Mr. and Mre. Gordon, of Lnoknow,
were vieitore with T.IF. and Mre. Fletoher
for e. few days. Mre. Fletcher is their
Rev. 0. 0. and Mrs. Keine and
eon, of Bethel, were in town last Friday
ea route to Mre. Kaine's father's red.
dance, Hallett.
W. Prendergast, Inspector Separate
Schools, Toronto, was a recent visitor
at Dr. Tweddle'e. Mr. Prendergast was
a former teaober in Seaforfh.
B. Garry and wife arrived home last
Saturday from an extended and enjoy-
ably visit with relatives and friends in
Manitoba and the Northwest.
Mise Norma Vanatone hae gone to
Goderiob where she will attend the
Collegiate Institute. She ie a good
student and will do well, no doubt.
Sam. Burke and family have returned
to town from Palmerston to which plana
he removed last Spring. Mr. Burke
sold out his livery business there.
Mre. Rogerson and eon, of Jamestown,
N. Y., were the guests of Mrs. F. Baines
this week. The ladiee are sisters. Mrs.
Rogerson lived at Sunshine one time.
Mee Roddick hae engaged the services
of Miss Mamie Sample for the Fall and
Winter Millinery season and they are at
work now preparing for their opening.
Rev. R. Peal and wife are baok from
an enjoyable visit to Orangeville and
locality. Mies Gordon, Mre. Paul's
eider, returned with them to Brussela.
Mies Carrie Hingetoo, who went to
Paris a few weeks ego, returned home
thia week owing to an attaok of fever.
We hope she will soon be able to be about
Robb. Morrison who bee been harness
making at J. Donaldeon'a, Brunie, left
on Tneeday for Manitoba, where bs5.will
visit his sister and old friends for a
month or so.
Harry Crooke, chemist, of New York
city, was home on a brief visit. -elle likes
tbe U. S., but is es good a Canadian ea
ever. He is a son of Geo. Crooks, Queen
street, and ie doing well.
David Dobson, a former well known
resident of thio locality wbo went to
Solomon City, Kangas, some 15 years ago,
is here on a holiday visit. Ho ie an
extensive and roomful farmer and has
a fair crop thie Beeson. Mr, Dobson took
in the Toronto Fair before coming to
Brussels. For a man 70 years of age he
is a marvel.
The Guelph Herald eaye of a former
Brusselite :—The many frienda of the
family of R. Rose, Dublin street, will
offer oongratulatione to Miss Annie, who
has returned from the Stratford General
hospital, where she recently graduated
an a professional nuncio, A eu000sefal
Mare is before Mies .Rose in this, her
ohoeon profeseio n,
DeWitt and Mioe Luella JTolmpa are
Making ae favorable progress as (meld he
e peoted from the nature of their illness.
Dr. MacDonald, M. P, was in town on
'Friday of last week arraugiug prelimjn-
arywork for tile' coming election aero,
ai u
paten, William Mo0rae, of Leanlin(tee, is
visiting hie brother, John MoOrae, of
Brueeele, He formerly resided at Trow.,
W, Barr has been laid up from i„jaries
sustained by a fall. The old gentlemen
ie over 80 pare of age and will not eel .y
ae goiokly as 1n the days of old, 1Ie none
to the Hour af Refuge, Clinton, on Fri.
Councillor J. T. Rose le oomewbab dia.
abled with a swelling: of the right knee
whioh hae given him no smell automat of
pain and ineonvenienoe. He knows no
reason for the trouble. We hope he will
soon be o. k.
William Habkirk, of Neepawe, Man.,
a former resident of the 9th con. of Grey,
la bare on a visit with relativee and
friends. IIe is an unole tnRobt. Header.
eon, Mr. Habkirk looks first a;aae wet
is evidently enjoying good health.
John MoNaaghton 15 quite ill at the
home of hie brother, Ronald MoNangh.
ton, Princess street. Aa be ie nearly 90
years of egg the vital forces have of course
abated to a largo extent. Mr. MoNangh-
tun fell a short time ago shaking him up
Rev. R, Paul will preach at Teeewater
next Sabbath.
Monthly service in R. C. obnroh next
Sabbath morning.
"Tares in your field" will be the topio
at the Epworth League next Sabbath
The report of Maitland Presbytery
may be read on page 4 of this intact of
Sunday, 23rd inst., will be the date of
St. John's obarob Harvest Home
Thanksgiving service.
"The Rich Fool" is the subject of next
Sabbath's Sunday Bohool lesson. 'bee
notes on it in this issue.
Sabbath, Oot. 14, ie the date selected
by the London Conference of the Metho•
diet obarob for the opening of the 20th
Century Evangelistic. Oampaign.
A line, modern styled pulpit hae been
presented to Brussels Methodiet ohuroh
by R. Leatherdale, of this town, who
deserves the thanks of the congregation
for his generosity.
Rev. S. J. Allis, of London, writes that.
his Church Board has purchased a par.
mange ioatead of building and they will
move into it in a week or so, House has
gas stove, furnace, bath, &o.
Mies Clara Crawford hae been appeiot-
ed teacher in the Methodist Sabbath
School ae amend to Mise Carrie
Hingston, removed. Mies Martha Smith
succeeds Mise Janie Howe, who le attend-
ing Clinton Model School.
The The Thanksgiving services of St. John's
Church announced for Sept. 23rd will
not be held until Oot. 7th. Rev. Mr.
Abey, the incumbent, leaves next week
far a boliday outing to Sturgeon Falls
and the "Soo." Hie work will be taken
by Mr. Langford, a ardent from London.
Rev. Jno. Boas, B. A„ preaohed an
appropriate sermon to the young people
of Melville oherdb last Sabbath morning.
The Y bine li 110
text was "Whom e shine
in the world." A
lighthouse was in-
stanced as an illustration and these
pointe in oonneotioo with it considered :
(1) It waeconspicuous ; (2) It was lamin.
oue ; (8) It wen useful. In the evening
"The return of the Seventy" was the
theme. Portions of one of Rev. 0. M.
Bhaldon's stories being quoted to em pha.
size the eabjeot under discission.
Aporia THE CnnnomEo,—The Stratford
Herald nays : "It ie rather singular that
the pulpits of three of the moat impor-
tant Presbyterian churches in Toronto
ebeuld be vacant at ones. No steps have
been taken towards filling the vananoiee
so far, but with the meeting of the
Presbytery this montb, ohuroh matters
will stir into activity onoe more, and 8
Presbyterian congregations will be mach
excited over the serious business of
select ing new pastors. It will be a lively
time for the press, and the announce.
menta that willbe made and oontradioted
for three or four months as to the possible
e000essore to the different pulpits, will
furnish the public with a good deal to
think of."
Last Sabbath Rev. Mr. Holmes coon-
pied his own pulpit preaching in the
morning on "Chastisements" and in the
evening from II Kings 9 and 3, David's
kindness to Jonathan's eon as illustrative
of God's kindness. It was ooneidered
under the following divieione :—(1) It
was kindness in purenauoe of itoonvenenb
engagement ; (2) For the Bake of another ;
(8) Kindness that was ooneiderate ; (4) It
was unsought ; (5) Kindness unmerited ;
(5) Kindness suitable to the occasion ; (7)
Kindness unchangeable. On the part of
the recipient it was (1) Appreciated ; (2)
Applied.' The pastor will also preaoh
next Sabbath.
Hon. Henry R. Emmerson, epremier of
Now Bruuswiek, tendered his resignation
Friday of last week, and Lieutenant.
Governor McClellan palled upon Hon, L.
J. Twaddle, provincial aeoretary, to form
a new governmout. Mr, Twaddle an.
nounoed as his oabioet the following
members of the Looal House :—Hon L.
J. Twaddle, premier and provincial see -
rotary ; Hon. W. Fugatey, attorneygen•
eras ; Hon. 0. H. Labillois, ohief Dom.
miaeioner of public works ; Hon. L. P.
Farris, commissioner of agriculture ;
Hon. A. T. Dunn, surveyor.general ;
Hon. H. A. MOKenwn and Hon. G. F.
Hill, without portfolio. The new mem,
bare are Dr. Pugeloy, who takes Premier
Emmerson'a portfolio, and lion. G, F
Hill, Hon. A. S. White, commissioner of
publio works in the Emmereon Govern.
ment, retiree to prepare a consolidation
of the provincial statutes, Mr, Labilloie
was formerly oommiesionso of a rioniturs,
and Mr, Harris had no portiof o. Hon.
Mr. Emmerson will either go en the
supreme court bench or oontest a eonetl-
tuenoy toe the Dominion 'louse.