HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-8-30, Page 8E BRUSHY TL
S,ipling's pathetic tale of the artist
Who lost his sight, teaches a moral.
The eyes are the bread winners,
Take care of them.
Ilan them examined.
Know that they are right.
We are eye experts.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
G. A. Deadman,
nruggist and Graduate Optician'
Brussels, Ont.
Slin Co!uk.
The Brusaelo Fall Show will
soon be here, when prizoe for the
Best Cakes
will be given, and those uredo with
Deadman'a Baking Powder are %bent
slice to take the
i Px
eo have your supply ready and do not.
risk spoiling your pastry by ueing
any other Baking Powder. See
our ad. in laet week's POST about
Baking Powder containing alum.
Out Baking Powder contains no
G. A. Deadman,
Druggist, Optioian & Bookseller.
00050ERN EXTENSION W. 0. & D,
Trains leave Brnesele Station, North
and South, as follows:
Gored BoaTH. 00INa NOETE.
Express 7:10 aim,Mail 2:10 p
Mixed...,.. . 0:45 aim. I .m
Express 8:17 pan
rad skis pins,
A ohiel's among ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
Following our usual practice Tag Pon
will not be issued next week as our staff
wig take their annual holiday. Next
Nene will be dated Sept, 12. Moe will
be, yen to receive eabeoriptions and to
attend to job work. Our correspondents
will kindly take note of our holiday.
8 s 1,nAs-Sept. let.
A WEDDING ie mooted in town.
FALL Fair in Brussels, Oat. 4 and 6.
Towne is the centre of attraotion this
Sone of ourlooal anglers report good
Tats week has seen a lot of grain safe.
ly housed.
25 CENTS oeonree THE POST for the
balance of the year.
BOWLING, end Lawn Tennis appear to
have the pall just now.
Nese Monday will be Labor Day and
consequently a public holiday.
AN old baohelor says the only way to
mire a man of Love is to have it bad
BBUSeELe Foot Ball team will play the
third match for tbie season with Listo-
wel next Monday at Gerrie.
THE brick work on the new Leckie
is well on toward completion. It will be
a neat structure and add greatly to the
appearance of the Main street.
Altmann week or so will about wind up
the granolithio sidewalk building for this
eaamon in Brussels. Over $4,000 worth
has been put down this year.
Has the oountry gone mad on sports
and prize fights ? A crowd stood around
the newspaper offices in Toronto last
Friday night to hear the result of two
men having made brutes of themselves
in fighting.
DIMING the beat of a few days ago we
were reminded of what we read when a
cold snap was on last Winter :
"Let ne bottle up the zero,
That has mut ne like a blade,
For we'll need it all next Sommer
When it's 90 in the shade."
TEE chief game warden of the Prov-
ince of game
the attention
dealers, commission merobante, store-
keepers and others engaged in the land.
nese of buying and selling game in the
Province, that it is necessary for them to
procure licensee to enable them to legally
engege in the business,
Tut members ot the A. 0. u. W.
ame in
a double assessment Ontario will pay
August, the extra assessment being
known ae the Transvaal Fund assess•
ment as the receipts from each assess-
ment are to go towerdepaying the bene-
floiaries of any of the members of the
order meeting with death in South
Africa. At least two Ontario Workmen
have already passed to the Great Beyond
in the war. The "double header" mast
be paid before Sept. let.
NEw OtanIT. - George Edwards has
placed a new ontflt in bis cider mill and
apple butter factory, Brussels, by which
last year's capacity for work has been
doubled and is now ready to take pare of
200 barrele per day. He makes a opeoial-
ty of apple butter and jellies and dose the
work while the :customers wait. With
the plentiful supply of apples and the
small demand on the market Mr. Ed-
wards expecte to have a buoy season in
hie fnotory. Mill street, Brussels, is the
Thom •-- The Oonrier•Demoorat, of
Langdon, North Dakota, of Aug. 28rd,
continue the following sad new in which
former Brneselitee are interested :-"Per•
hape no death in child life that has oo-
curved in tbie community so profoundly
affected everyone with sorrow as that of
James Stuart, the youngest obild of
States Attorney and Biro. W. B. Diokeon.
The little fellow's constant struggle with
the grim reaper for several months past
had filled everyone with hope that meal -
eel skill and oarotul naming, combined
with the strong vitality of the patient
would finally win the battle, bet it was
not to be. He,bad been sickly dime birth
acid a year and a half ago, though at
times would rally for a short time and
appear to gain tbrength, Manypreoions
memories will linger in the family oirole
Chat he has loft for the home' above.
The Modal was held Tueeday afternoon
Molt thefamily home on the hill and
the remains followed to their last resting
plane by''a large number of friends wbo
tbaa ebowod their eympathy for the liv.
Mg, The servioee were 000dttoted by
Itev. Tbs. Deegan. The many old
Mende of Mr. and Mrs. Dickson in
ilrus00le and locality will deeply gym.
pattai00 with them in their bereat''ament,
Nun Monday will be a bank holiday.
BOSTON Bloomers Wednesday of next
week in Brussefe,
11, See advt. of rates 1n Tax POST..
A NEW hardwood floor hae been pat
down in the Queen's hotel bar and office.
Exopnsxooa fare on the G. T. R. to Tor.
onto Fair next Tuesday and Thursday,
good to return on or before Sept 10th.
Tuts week a new MoOlary medium
furnace was ordered for the Methodist
Parsonage from N. F. Gerry. It will be
pat in before the floor goes on in the new
Banesxne was well represented at the
Garden Party at L. Frain's, 8rd con. of
Grey, on Tueeday evening. Reeve and
Mrs. Thomson, Fred. Gflpia and Ed.
Hart, of town, took part in the program.
W. H. Mo01Acame, of Brussels, was in
town on Wednesday. Mr. MoOraoken is
as young looking es of yore, and no doubt
will Le heard of as extensively in the
Fall fair prize lista this year as formerly.
-Seaforth Expositor.
Tan Gerrie Vidette remarks :-Geo.
Ardell, who has been in the employ of
Wm. Mose at the Oity Harness shop, for
the past two and a half yeare, left Thurs-
day of last week for Brussels where he
has secured a situation with L 0. Riob•
arde. We wish "Dod" 8acoess and hope
to see him at the top of the ladder soon.
CLARENCE BLAME -CZ, of Brussels, who ie
employed in the Broadfoot & Box .Pnrni.
tura fnotory, Seaforth, while playing with
some other boyo on Thursday evening,
16th inst., had the misfortune to have
hie aye badly burs, and for some time
his eight was despaired of, but we aro
glad to bear that he is recovering.
Tae Goderiob Star of last week says :
-"On Wednesday morning there was
great excitement among the residents of
the East end of Nelson St., as a young
visitor from Brueeele, aged 3, could not
be located. As soon as the boy was mis-
sed a large number of friends started on a
search, and the hero ot the oocasion was
found not far from home building houses
beside a lumber pile. There was joy in
the household when the lost was found."
The young gentleman was no lees person•
age than Master Wilfrid, sou of Barrister
Wel Business College and Shorthand
Institute graduated 100% of its pupils in
the Shorthand and Typewriting depart.
menta, during the term just closed, and
we understand the saooeeeful students
through the agency and instrumentality
of the 0ollege have received good eitna-
tione, The Listowel College has the
reputation of being a first olds Inetite.
tion, and the rates (Merged for tuition
and supplies are reasonable, and our
young people should take advantage of
this opportunity to qualify themselves to
enter into a business career. The Fall
term opens Sept. 4th. Illaetrated cata-
logaae sent upon application to 0. L.
Hardt, Pr.
Llsxowon BOWLERS Wog. -Thursday
afternoon two rinks from Listowel played
a match here with the local bowlers win-
ning by 16 allots. It was an off day with
some of our bowl trandlere bot the game
wghut. The
one throughout. was an enjoyable
ell's was as follows :-
R, A. Olimie,
F. R. Blewett,
J. Sbinbein,
G. Zilliax, ek28
J. Grant,
R. Thompson,
R. McMillan,
A, Yule, els 19
Tae POST Will 1101May next week,
A, 0, U, W. Friday evening og this
Anna prize flat of Wisp Huron Fall
Frain are bad en bored and, Oattie at
this 8eae0n of the year.
Beeson., may send a rink to the Bowl-
ing Tournament at Walkerviilo next
A NUMBER of enquiries are being made
for houses to buy or to rent by proepeo,
rive residents.
Tun sidewalk gang is through on the
fiolath Side of the put river
down on Millstl
eet,, Bast of i Turwalk n
Loon Der the Beneeals postofliee will
be opep from 8 to O a. m• ; an hour after
arrival of the mail train and from 0 to
0.80 p. m.
Banded pent quite a oontiogent to
Wingham last Friday evening to see the
Wingnam•Bruseelo foot ball ,match by
eleatnto light.
Tun,railwaye issue Bingle return fare
tickets for Labor Day. Good going Sept.
let 2nd and 8rd and returoiog on or
before Sept. 4,
Derma mast remember that the
granolithio crossings meet be grossed
with oars or a downfall of the equines
may be the result.
A, J. Lowes is at work on the stone
foundation of the addition to .Dr. Gra•
ham's block and ae soon as ready Pugh
& Lowry will bustle up the brick walls
eo as to get the roof on early.
POSTMASTER FAalow is going to make it
bot for the youths who behove die.
orderly in the poetoffice while waiting
the distribution of mile. This is right
and Toe Poem will back him up in it.
Mn. ROnnnTeoN, manager of the Can-
adian Typewriter Exchange, Toronto,
states :-that the new gaartere of the
Listowel Baeinees Oollege and Short.
band Institute, ere the beet College
rooms North of Toronto. Thio speaks
well for the enterprise at Listowel.
BEnxooens INMIRED.-James M. Martin,
one of P. Ament's teamsters, was loading
hie wagon with Blabs at the mill on Tbure-
day last when a large pile fell on him
breaking two or three ribs, °rushing hie
ohest and slightly damaging his head.
He has been laid up since bat we hope he
will soon be able to attend to his work as
of this week a fine and complete carry-
all was taken to Day's livery at Walker
ton, the output of Mager@. Ewan & Innes'
Carriage Works, Brussels. These are
the loudest talking testimonials a firm
can reoeive and prove beyond question
the exoellenoy of the work turned out by
this shop.
Lenon DAs IN Gonia, -Arrangements
are about oompleted for a grand day of
sports on Viotoria Park. There will be
three or fear of the beet base ball teams
in the [Monty there and a game of foot
ball will be played between Listowel and
Brussels. These teams have won a game
each and are bot rivals. They will play
off the third match that day.
KINCARDINE and Brnesele play base
ball on Victoria Park on Friday after-
noon of this week. It is Kincardine's
Oivio Holiday Game called at4 o'olook.
The visiting team play good ball eo a
snappy game may be expected. Brussels
has added a new player in the person of
Geo. Ardell, of Gerrie, who hae taken a
position in L 0. Richards' harness em.
potion). Mr. Ardell handles i:ie sphere
with considerable dexterity.
Owns Am. -At the inetanee of In.
specter Miller a charge was laid against
the hotel -keeper at Bluevale for violating
the law. The oaee came up for hearing
in the Connell Chamber, Brussels, last
Friday afternoon, before A. Hunter and
Reeve Thomson. Several witnesses were
oalled bat the complaint was not proven.
Barristers Vanetone, of Wingham, and
Sinolair looked after the respective sides.
READ TEE Tosoero Wonrm.-During
the past few yeare The Toronto World
hae been building up a remarkable repo.
tation as a reliable authority on finanoe,
commerce and mining industry. Also
for its reports of the live stook market.
In these departmente The World employe
a staff of men epeoially qualifiedby actual
personal experience to handle the ques-
tions with which they haveto deal. This
in these
o le interested whyfe
are regular
readers of The World.
G. T. R. NoxEa.-It ie said the Grand
Trunk authorities are thinking of putting
down some cement in the station yard to
oonneot with the town walks. Tbie is a
neceesity ae the old walk is done. -Daring
the past week ehipmente have been ae
ora heading, P. A
Howe: -3 0
Enterprise lee Salt Worke
Vaudoise, double deck B4careW. F.
hogs •,P. Hogg, 1
oar flax Beed ; Jno. Roddick, oar of
lambs ; Clegg & Dames, oar of cattle.
Inwards there was a oar of cement for
J. L. Lloyd ; oar Manitoba flour, A.
Backer ; car coal for Salt Works. -Pao.
Sanger traffio is livening up.
AT the I, 0. 0. F. Grand Lodge of
Hamilton the following amendments
were made to the conetitnbion :-Eleo-
tiooe shall hereafter be bald in May and
November ; the initiation fee is kept at
$5 • no benefits are to be paid for the
first week's siokness ; dues shall not be
less than $6 a year ; widows' benefits and
funeral expends are not to exceed $100
and 540 reepeotivoly. A membership
oommittee ie to be added to the oommit'
tees. Guelph was chosen as the place of
meeting next year. The report of the
epeoial committee on the Oddfellowa'
Home was received enthusiastically.
Eleven thoneand dollars has already been
subscribed to this fund, and when $10,-
000 more ie on hand the Home will be
built. The report recommended that
eaoh lodge enheoribe and committees be
appointed to get individual enbsoriptions.
No place for the home has yet been se-
VETERANS' JEWELS. -A pleasing oere-
mony was on the program of the Odd
Fellows' Lodge in this place on Thursday
evening of last week, viz., the presenta-
tion of Veteran Jewels to R. Leatherdale,
et Brawls, and Wm, Spence, of Ethel,
as an aoknowledgement of 25 yeare'
membership in the Order. Barrister
Blair made the preeentation in fitting
terms and appropriate acknowledgment
was made by the reoipiente. In addition
instrumentals were well rendered by T.
A. Hawking, F. Adams and Jae. Medlin ;
solos by Jas. Jonte and W. Spence and
short romarke by Bros. Ti ling, D. D. G.
M., Lewis, Worthington, &o. An extra
fine lunch was served by caterer Bartliff,
&insisting of sandwiohee, Dake, lemonade,
foe oream and frnit. Earlier in the
evening two candidates were initiated
into the mysteries of the three linke, the
WinghamDegree Team putting on the
work in good style, Some 25 brethren
from Wingham were present,
J. Hewitt,
A. Cooeley,
J. Irwin,
D. 0. Roes, ek..18
R. Leatherdale,
G. McClellan,
Dr. MaNaaghton,
J. Cameron, ek..13
Tait POST gives the new.
AL1', Benicia bee bad hie telae newly
painted and papered,
Setae--•Tleureporty of the Booker
estate will be offered for sale on Saturday,
Sept, 8, at 2 0101001500 80 00 alone pp the
aaooent. Alfred Beaker ilea anion over
the groin and flour and feed bueinees and
will continue it in the old stand, He le
a 'Weedy going, reliable, biddy esteemed
young man with ooaeiderahle experienOO'
and will, no doubt, do a goad i,t,Ioeiu.
Ibir. Baeker'smany friends including' Tae
Pod wish him 0000000,
MoNar SToLog,-Wednesday of tole
week Chas, Rosa, who liven near Ethel
lame to Brindle and drew some 575 or
thereabonte from the Standard Bank far
flax Bald to Cameron Bros„ Ci'anbrook.
He gave 510 of it to hie daughter and
Shortly met in, with Robb. Rae, of Wal.
ton. Liquid refreshments were partaken
of and ere long Mr. Roto went to sleep at
the Qoeen'e Hotel. When he awoke he
was minus sixty odd dollars, which he
save had been entreated from hie puree,
the latter being left. A ,warrant was
sworn oat charging Mr, Rae, who had
left for home, with having taken the
bills. Information was laid before W.
H. Kerr, J. P„ and the warrant planed
In the hands of Constable Scott wile ar-
rested his man. He was brought before
the magistrate Thursday morning and re.
mended until Friday at 2 o'olook. Ball
nut being forthcoming he was left in
oharge of the Constable.
was a new line of sport for this eeotion'
inaugurated by Wingliam Ise' Friday
night, when the team of that town and
an eleven from Brueoela play, d a match
on the Park in that town before a large
number of opeotatore. The guru Band
conceived the idea, we believe, and the
arrangements were made under their
auspices. It was 9 o'clock before the
game started and after 10 a good while
before it ended. No goals were scored
by either side altboogh a few hot abate
were stopped by both goal keepers. The
chief difficulty was that the ground was
not well enough lighted and as it con.
sequence the Referee often had to gall
halts to straighten out the play, other.
wise the game went off pleasantly
enough barring interference once by
onteidere. If some of these always -
ready -sluggers were taken in hand by
the police an examplewould be set that
would have a good effect on the youth of
the hoodlum class. The teams lined up
as. follows :-
Herr Goal
Totals ...,81 47
LIoxTNING's Fichte. -Every few days
we read accounts of 'fires and other
damage dons by lightning but are not
much impressed by it but when the elec.
trio current commences knooking shingles
off roofs in Brussels we begin to think of
the much abutted lightning rod agent and
lookup oar ineuranoe policies. Sunday
night last there was a thunder storm on
the program and one particularly sharp
float of lightning and a tremendous thun-
der olap. Wm. Blashill's reeidenoe was
the only property interfered with outside
of the nervous systems of many
residents. Mr. Blaohill was reading and
Mrs. Blaehill and Beatrice in the dining
room with him. His younger daughter,
Via„ had retired to bed and the butcher
boy, Wilbert Rae, was locked in the arms
of Morpheus. Soddenly the (watch of
thunder Dame and Mr. Blaehill Says the
house ehook as if some giant blow bad
fallen upon it. When no one was injured
downstairs and no sign ,of fire the door
was opened to allow the otrong sulphur-
ous smell to escape and Mr. B. took the
light and went upetairs to investigate,
The boy's bed was covered with particles
of plaster, the paper on the wall was
aoorbbed in several places, boles punched
in the plaster, and picture mouldings
blackened but nothing more serious.
The lad acid the noise of the thunder
waked him up but be appeared to be no
worse of the olose oall he had. Orchefde a
board on the Northwest oorner of the
house was split near the downoorner from
the ovetroagh. Mre, Blaahill'e nervoa
have been rather unatrnng.sadMr.
Blaehill says ono0 ie enough as far ei he
ie dammed. It might easily have been
=tee, ,
P. Ferguson was Referee and did fairly
by both teams we believe. Although
Wingbam has not been playing molefoot ball this season so far they have
some old and clever players in their
team ae the above list will show and they
put up a snappy game, bat neither aide
had mnoh show to play ball on Friday
night. The home kickers bad the ad.
vantage of knowing the grounds. Dur-
ing the evening the Band gave a fine
program of music under the leadership
of S. Merrifield. They play well. Re-
freshments were served on the Park
during the evening. There was a large
attendance present from Brussels. The
return matoh will be played in the neer
future bat in daylight next time.
} ;Books
1 Backs
Business Locals.
ST4,7V'D4R1) 2MXE OF a/IX. DA,
OAPI7.'AL PAID UP (One Million Dollars) 51,000,000
REST , 5700,000
Apenoie. fn all prinaipai pointe in Ontario, queLea, Manitoba, United Ptetes 0linglond,
A Clouded Banking Brained Transacted, Farmers' Notes Discounted.
Drafts Dialled and Collocations made on all pointe.
Interest allowed on deposits of $1.00 and upwards and compounded hall yearly..
Every facility afforded Cuatomero' living at a dietanoe,
payable at any bank issued Under $10,,.. 8o, 520 to $30...,12o
MOnay Orders at the following rates t- $10 to $20....10o, 80 to 40... ,140
Canadian Ne woe.
Joseph S. Sutler, photographer, of
Chatham, died very soddenly.
Hamilton bakers have settled their
differences with the employers,
The Grand Lodge of Ontario, Knights
of Pythiee, is meeting at Windsor.
Bessie Vanderwill, a little girl, tell off
the dook at Midland and was drowned.
John Clarke, proprietor of the St.
Nicholas Hotel, Hamilton, died suddenly,.
Winnipeg's building expenditure for
the present year will be nearly $2,000,000.
A convention of New Brunewiok Con.
servatiee will be held at St. John on Sep.
tardier 7.
It is reported that the Southern Bros.,
of Ottawa, have purchased The Winnipeg
The San Jose scale has been di000vered
on apple trees in the Eastern part of
London, Ont.
South Brant Oonvervativee have nom•
hated Robert Heory, of Brantford, for
the Commons.
James Durrant and Thomas Medwin
were drowned while bathing at Cook•
barn's dam, rhythm
Oharles Tait, of Guelph, was killed by
lightning while drawing in a load of oats.
His team was also killed.
Governor Vallee, of the Montreal jail,
is sued for $1,000 damages by Oliver
Barre, a prisoner, whose term expired on
May 3, but who was detained until May
0 through a clerical error.
Friday nigbt Mr. Riddell, lith en.,
Moroington, had a barn burned con.
taining the orop off 50 acres and some
implements. On Sunday night three
fires were visible from Dorking, all to the
A rumor is current in Winnipeg to the
effect that Mann & Mackenzie are nego-
tiating for the purchase of the North•
western branoh of the 0. P. R. and for
the lease of the Portage branch of the N.
When the Belleville contingent went to
Africa, Mrs. Fred. Lingham presented
them with a flag end promised the man
who raised it on Pretoria jail a gold
watoh. Corp. G. G. Hahne, D 00., late
Lieutenant of the 15th Regiment, wine
the watch.
That the Ontario Government are set-
ting wisely in providing additional asy-
lum accommodations is shown by the
returns which have Dome in of the, pa-
tients in attendance at the different
Provincial asylums. They number et
present 4,550 persons, or more than 100
in excess of last year.
The Canadian apple crop will equal
that of 1898. Ontario alone will yield
twelve million barrels of good fruit. The
orop of the United States is estimated at
sixty million barrels. Great Britain,
Germany and France also report good.
crops. Nevertheless it is anticipated that
a good export trade will be done by Can-
adian dealers.
TIMOTIIY seed for sale at MoCraoken'e.
Caen for butter and eggs. A. Ooueley.
Linnet, yarns 1 and 3 ply in various
colors, a full assortment just to hand at
Mrs. Kirk's.
COMFORTABLE house to rent, with stable
and good garden, on -Alexander street.
Possession can be given early in Septem-
ber. For further particulars apply to
THE Pose.
WANTED, eggs, 13e., butter, 180. The
Bale still goes on for three weeks with
the cheap R. R. rates. Ask those who
have been her.
e how they liked their
E. G. Kum, in ham.
parcels. G , W g
CoMFosranLxhouse with lot, pomp, &o.,
well looated, for sale or to rent, on Tarn.
berry street, Brussels. Further infor-
mation and the key may be had by call-
ing at TEE POST. Possession may be had
at once.
LADDane AT COM. -To clear ont bal.
soca of stook F. Adams
Mill street will
sell the balance of the MoSherer exten•
Bion ladders at coat. Nothing batter on
the market for durability, convenience or
price. Call and see them.
General News.
AGiaiT;-In Seaforth, on Aug. 20th, to
Mr. and. Mrt,. Wm. Ament, a son.
IIEAn. In Amberetburg, on Aug. 27, to
Rev. W. E. and Mrs. Kerr, a. Baugh.
MoNxxx,-In Brunie, on August 28, to
Mr. and Mrs, A; K. MoNeil, a son.
Rlvaae.-In Teeswater, on Aug. 22nd, to
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rivera, formerly
of Brussels, a son.
SkuLTON.-Io Morrie, on Aug. 24, to. Mr,
and Mrs. Robert W. Skelton, a
WIL7da: In Seafortb, on Aug. 19th, to
Mr, and Mrs. W. G. Willie, a daugb.
TOWNSEND-SaEAns. - In Harrieton, on
Aug. 22nd, by Rev. C. Lake, Mr. B.
H. Townsend, Editor of the Wroxe.
ter Star, to Mies Maggie E. Shears,
of Owen Sound.
Boers beaten back and Gen. Olivier
and three of his eons captured.- Jobe
enemy attach Winberg from three sides,
but were repulsed by
Iced Brace Hamilton's
force -The Boers made a determined
etand between Belied and Maahadodorp
but were driven out -Troops under Bal.
ler, French and Pole -Carew engaged them
nearly all day Sunday, fighting over a
line 30 miles long -The enemy, in con-
siderable strength, desperately resisted
the British advance, keeping up
a hot
oannon fire until dark but heavily
-The oountry well suited for Boer tactics
-The Imperial Yeomanry attacked -
Another batch of priaonere surrender at
Harriemith-Death of two Strathoonas
from wounds -Other Canadians danger.
misty ill -Boers on the run again.
Iridian' Champion Base Bail Club of the
One of the moat exciting and interest-
ing games of the season will take plaoe
in Brussels on Wednesday, Sept. 5th be•
tween the ladies' champion base ball olub
of Boston, Mase., and the town club.
The Boston Bloomers is the usual title
given thio famous Ladies' Base Ball Olnb.
They are justly entitled to the same, as
they always appear upon the Hold, to
battle for snpremaoy, droned in the 20th
dentary garb - the bloomers. This
organization of female ballplayers is the
only ladies' ball club in America.
The team was first organized in 1898.
This is their 7th annual tour. The olub
is under the management of W. P. Need-
ham, and they travel in their own palaoe
oar. During the past six yeare this or.
ganization of female ball players have
travelled extensively and visited all the
large 0itie8 in America and the provineee
of Canada. Tho olub has been strength.
snag from year to your, each member se.
looted for her ability to exeonte and 1111
her partienlar p001010h In a manner setae.
fnotory and booming a member of ahie,
the Champion Ladies' Base Ball Club of
the World. Don't fail to see them.
Admieeion Note. Game oalled at 3 p. m,
'Phe manager was in Brueoela on Wed.
nesday. It is said the old baso helliote
are seeking're•engagemente on the team
now since playing matches with ladies is
coming into fashion, We think 'Billy"
Grower and "Tot" Cochrane or any other
confirmed old base ball baohelor should
be allowed on the diamond on Wedges•
Phe 0. I', R. Maohiniete' Committee
at Winnipeg have agreed to arbitrate
their differences with the company,
Beyond a Doubt.
Thousands Give Testimony.
000Txn. In Grey, on Aug. 24, Mary 3
beloved wife of Thos. Cooper, aged
26 years, 7 months and 18 days,
HAnLwoon.-In Clifford, on Aug. 19,
Ira M. Hazelwood, aged 28 yeare, 2
months and 26 days.
Homos. -In Hallett, on Aug. 20tb,
James Holmes, aged 06 years.
MoCALxxe -In Morrie, on Aug. 27, Jennie,
daughter of James 1tfoCall, of Holy-
olyrood, Bruoe Co„ aged 6 menthe and
27 days.
MAeoN.-In Blyth, on Aug. 1301, John
Mason, aged 60 yeare.
Industrial, Toronto, Aug. 27 to Sept. 8.
Western, London, Sept. 8-16.
Walkerton, Sept. 17-18.
Exeter, Sept. 17-18.
Brantford, Sept. 15-20.
Listowel, Sept. 18-19.
Goderiob, Sept. 18-19.
Atwood, Sept. 20-21.
Clinton, Sept. 20-21.
Teeswater, Sept. 25-26.
Stratford, Sept.' 26-26.
Mitchell, Sept. 28-27,
Guelph, Sept. 26-27.
Milverton, Sept. 27-28.
Palmerston, Sept. 27-28.
Seafortb, Sept. 27-28,
Wingham, Sept. 27-28.
Belgrave, Oot. 1-2.
St. Marys, Oot. 2-3.
Kirkton, Oot. 4-6.
Brueoela; Oot, 4-5.
Bayfield, Oct. 4-5.
Fordwioh, cot. 6.
Blyth, Oot. 9-10.
Dungannon, Oot. 11-12.
Aver, $0, 1900.
Tito Ind
rni NO 01001) 1.1? 1.`.l' PON''#'.
That's the Kind off'
We sell. 'There's a great differ-
ence in the quality of this article
which no doubt those who have
used it are aware. We )haye.yet
to hoar the first complaint about .•
the quality of ours.
Get the BEST
Fall Wheat 69 63
Barley ..... 83 35
Peas 63 54
Oats23 24
Butter, tubs and roll° 16 17
Eggs per dozen ......,11 12
Flour per barrel .. 4 00 4 60
40 50
25 25
80 1 00
Potatoes (per bash.)
Apples (per bag) ..
Sheep dans, eaoh ...,.•
Lamb skins eaoh
AT�^� -
Pox',p Drug Store.
acre farm for sale., forty-seven 'aoroe
cleared, the balance hardwood bush. Good
orchard and a never failing well. Buildings
good, atone foundation under barn, atone
dollar under honed.. Farm is well mimed. ..
nearly all straight rall. Fes000ai.oln oould be
apply at
any time, MoALLIBT lli,rWeatiA Lot
10, Con. 17,,Grey, or Walton P.0, 5.4
Half Lo E27. 000 ACRESon.
Township, within 1 mile of Brueoela. Dwell-
ing house, burl dingo and fences iuood con-
dition. The 100 has a spring . creel' onthe
front and river Maitland crosses the rear.
About 00 acres timber aua a young bearing:
orchard. Apply to G. A. DEADMAN,
45-t1 Druggist, Brussels,
LAGm.-The property of the late Soho
Elliott, consisting of a solld briok house,
with frame 1itopen and woodshed, good
stable and k a0re of land all in nret•alaee
condition. If not sold will ne rented. Poe-
aheoion at any time. For pattioulare apply
to Wm. Sputum, Ethel; ALEX. PATTna00N
Galt; or DII,Mol ELvas, 850. Forest 20tr
HAZE. -Lot 17, con. 0. Township of
Grey. 100 three more or lose. Situate 41
miles from:Bruseels and2 miles from village
of Ethel, All cleared excepting 5 throe of
hardwood bush. Buildings and fences in
good repair. Good.wells. . All Fall plowing
one. Price and terme of payment on ap-
plication to W.M. SINCLAIR,
29-tf Barrister, &o„ Brunnets.
Consisting of the South 1 and South 1
of. the North 1: of Lot 88, Con.2, East Wawa -
nosh. Tine is•an exoollent stook farm,being'
well supplied with good spring water,. It is
situated about B Milos from the thriving Vil-
lage of Blyth. A largo part of it is under
grass. Buildings and fences aroin a hair
state of repair. Easy terms of paymentwill.,.
be given, For all information apply to
11-tf G.F. BLAIR, Barrister, anneals.
..L. 200 aoroe in the Township of Gray,
County of Huron, being .lots 10 and 17, eon,
10 ; 1 mile from school, thumb, poet o10 ce,
etoro and blacksmith shop; Smiles from
Ethel station ; 4. miles fromvillage of Brut-
Salo-; 1 mile from cheese factory. This farm
is well faced, well underdrained and well
watered • river Maitland rune through
Southeast corner.` 4 acres of good -bearing
orchard ; large bank barn with straw shed ; '
a driving shed, et0ne house and kitchen and
woodshed. 60 acres in grass ; 24 agree hard-
wood bush ; 25 acres in rougand good ced-
ar; balance ander good cultivation. For
further particnlare apply to WM. FISCHER,
proprietor, Oranbrook P. O. 0.tf
sale Let 21, Conocsaion 10, McMillen,
Containing 100 acres,. 80 acres Cleared and
ready for crop, being well •underdrained ood.
well Yenned with cedar sad black nail. The
balance is timber and pasture. There Is a
small orchard and three good wells. There
is a good frame house ao,l wood shed, a
barn and etablea 61x80 feet, also deep
bouts, pig pen, implement house and all
other necessary out buildings. It is 1/. miles
26 40 ast of the North gravel road and it con-
venient to schools, churches, post oaloo, etc,
Hall. per bbl., retail...... 1 00 70 Is 71 miles from. Seaforth and 10 miles from
n of the boat farms iu
5 00
8 00
Bre tow. It too e
Lin per sou tared
1 1 e cold on as er
0 e township and it b
h s o
P t tw w y
Hogs, Live 6 50 6 00 ae the proprietor Niahoe 00 retire. Apply
Wool 16 16d) on the premises or address Winthrop P. O.
Letter upon letter pours in from every
point in Canada testifying to the mar.
oolong power of Dr. Pitoher'e Baokaohe
Kidney Tablets to cure kidney and blad-
der troubles both of the young, middle
aged, and aged, and such other troubles
as find their origin in a faulty kidney
action, and they are many. Such a
MOM of evidence puts its power to core
these afflictions layond a doubt, and
ehowe that the Tablet is the right thing
in the right plane.
This is what Mrs. J. W. Hutohine, 82
Portland et., Toronto, has to say, -"I
cannot say too much for Dr. Pitober's
Bachaohe Kidney Tablets. Before using
them I had a gnawing pain in the bank
all the time, and an conte lameness
moss the loins. I had not so much
noising in my head ae between my
shoulders and in the back of my neck.
Since using the Tablets my back is as it
need to be, and the ,rheumatism in the
shoulders bas disappeared. Formerly.
When I did a waahing I was utterly tired
out, not having a bit of meetly left ; this
morning I did my washing in two hours
and I did not mind it. I have no had -
tenon in recommending Dr. Pitcher's
Backache Kidney Tablets, for I never had
anything do me ea much good."
Any reader of this paper oan Leet the
Merits of Dr, Pitcher's Backache Kidney
Tablets free by eneloaing two dente
postage for trial package to The Pitober
Tablet Co., Toronto, Ont, Regular eine
50 canto per bottle.
a Toone Fon SRA bellows
vise, anvil, &o. JAS. CZ/TRILL,
Lot 17, 004.15, Grey.
Rom Collie pupa for Bale. Eligible
for rogietrablon. S. D. MOHAIR,
Oranbrook P. 0.. Lot 20, Con. 14, Grey.
Two eligible building Iota for sale on
Princess -street, 'Breseele, For further par-
ticulars as to price, terms, &c.. apply to
8.00. MRS,; J..GB1p1Vlq,Brussels.
1.. home n Queen streeeLE. - t,Afurmabnd or
without, at ato
M088 8a5. CAMPBELL, PBruaeals.
N_A working order and condition for sale,
Will be Bold at a bargain. ELI SMITH,
Lot 4, Con. 7 Grey.
or Bruseole i?. 0.
promisee of the undersigned, lot 15,
eon, 8, Morris, about the lot of Mny. Black
and tan In color. The owner can have him
by paving expenses, 1011. SELLERS.
STRAYED ON, OR ABOUT July Hui, 1 0100a ewe, with l lamb a
aboarlingewe and a white lamb. Any in-
formation leading to. their rthovery will be
thankfully received, A. E, EASOM,
Lot 7, Con. 5, Morrie,
t-tf Sunshine P. 0.
xsxm of the undereignod, lit 80, con. 11,
Grey, on or about July 16, 4 head of cattle,
Sof them being 2 yore old and the 4th a
Spring,. halt. Who owner is requested to
prove property, pay expenses and take them
away. ROBERT 000TT8,
5.4 OranbrookP. 0.
of Spectacles.
Do your eyes tire easily ?
It so, you need Glaseee.
Do your eyes burn ?
If so, you need Glasses.
Does the type beoome•binrred in reading?
If eo, you need Glasses.
Do you stiffer from frontal headache ?
If so, Glasses will help you.
Doyon know if you have perfect eyesight ?
If not, we can inform you.
It ,v111 Cost Yon Nothing.
Having the latest and most up to.
date method of testing your oyes we
guarantee eatiefaotiou.
Also emanate of,Retino00opy.
oboloo farms for sale in ono of the
most prosperous diotrlots In Manitoba, -Ex-
ouroloniets lutending to perobaee land
would do wenn) oall on us and, see what Ivo
bath to Offer.
7.4 Manitou, Man. 1
New Plant Throughout.
Tbie eeaeon a new plant hue been -. • .,
put in Brussels Cider Mill and does
better work than ever, doubling the cap.
achy, It be now in full swing.
In addition to manufacturing Cider
a specialty is made of Apple Butter and
Work done while yon wait.
Sotiafaotion maimed and oliargoe
Geo, Edwards