HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-8-9, Page 5An,. O, I.AOO BUSINESS CARDS, 1OaUSS] LN .COST ATONEX TO LOAN AT 0 PER .411. vont, 1',s, SWAT, Brussels, 11 T H. MoORAOKEN-- Issuer of Marriage Li1ouoco, Of. at Orecery, Tar lUorry stroot, Brussolo. N. DAARETT— L10 Tonsorial Artist, Shop—Next door North. of the Standard Bank, Lantos' and windr•00'1 hair cutting a epoolalty, 1i1ARMS FOR SALE—THE UN.. L. nnnaraoun nae several good Farms for or Morrle is to Grey. tonna, 800TTin ' Townships �t M. MORRISON' Issuer of Marriage Licenses, WALTON, ONT. MiSS JEAN M'LAUCHLiN, TEAOII.ER OF— PIANO AND ORGAN, ROBERT CUNNINGHAM: INBOn1NOE, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. MiSS SARAH LOUISE MOORE, L, O. M.. Academie graduate sof London Conserve - tor y onserve-tory of Of tulle, also Member of the Associated Musicians of Ontario, is prepared to receive a limited number of pupils for instruction on the Principal'ss Vorm in that Conservatory orf Music. Brussels; Ontario. ALEX. HUNTER— Mork of the Fourth Division Court, 00. Huron; Conveyancer, Notary Pnbllo, Land, Loan 'and Ineul'anee Agent ; Auction- 61ons mads investOffice in Graham's:Bloch, Brnd and to1loan, B e. - sole, AUCTIONEERS. . S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION - • nun, will sell for butter prices, to better mon, in lase time and less charges than any other Auotioueer In hast Huron or he won't obarge anything. Dates and orders can always be arranged at this adios or by personal application. DENTISTRY F. W. TWEDDLE. (0OBEIB0L0 OF eEAPOUTH) DENTIST, Graduate of R. 0, D . S., Toronto ; Poet Grad- uate course at Haekel's 6obool, Chicago, in orown and bridge work. i L'rfoee same as in surrounding towns. 21 - Office over A. 11. Smith's store, Brussels, VETERINARY. T D. WARWICK— e) • Honer Graduate of the Ontario Vet- erinary College, is prepared to treat all dis- eases of domesticated animals lin a compet- ent manner. Particular attention paid to Veterinary Dentistry. Calle promptly at- tended to. Office and Infirmary—Four doors North of bridge, Turnberry et., Brussels. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. "`V Ivf. SINOLAIR- 1 blic%d er, ffice tor, t wart's ancer, Notary Pnblio, &o. 01200-0 tewart's ii look 1 door Nor tb of Central Hotel.' Solicitor for the Standard Bank. !''1. F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, ‘..A• Solicitor, &o. Office over Stand- ard 13an1. Solicitor for Village of Brussels. Money to Loan at lowest rates, G. CAMERON— • (Formerly of Cameron, Holt & Cameron) Barrister and Solicitor, Goderieb Ont. On1co—Eamiltcn street, opposite (Mi. borne Hotel. MEDICAL CARDS. E. T. SNIDER, 111, O., 0. 71.,1 Licentiate of Royal College of Physicians and Surggeons, Kingetou ; Member of the Col - loge of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Diseases of Women and Children a special- ty. Nino years' experieaoo. Office and res. idendo, opposite English ,ehuroh, Brussels. J. A. M'NAUGHTON, M. 7r., C. 71„ TrlultylUniverefty, Fellow Trinity Medical College, Member College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ont. Licentiate of the Royal Col- lege of Physicians and Licentiate of Mid- wifery, Edinburgh. r=y-Tolopboue No.14, Residence—Mill street, Brussels. DR. WM, L. IIHLMES Pnr0ICIAN, summon ASD A000110llEUlt, (Successor to Ila F. 11. l:albilelech) M. D. Bellevue Hospital Mod. 0o1., New York ; fit D 0 Al Victoria University,Toron- to ; Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Special attention paid to diseases of women, eye, oar, nose and throat. 10-tf K D. F. SMITH, M. D. 0. M., Graduate of McGill College, Montreal, 11., do, All specialty work satisfaot0•ily treat- ed. Ogles upstairs in the Strottou Bloolc. 001 co hours, 0 to 12 a. m., and 7 to 10 p. m. SPecialisb work, such as for eye, oar, throat, &o„ in the oMoo at his residence, Elisabeth stroot, from 2 to 0 p in. All medicines will ,bo dispensed personally by the Dr, or under hie direct sap0rvisiou, 'Fall berm Opens Sept; 41h 1 CENTRIC ifirgi „Obit No loss than night largo })Iioiuose colleges hay applied tons within the last eix weeks for our graduates to take positions as towel], 000 n tboir 001100l8. AS many ns five 1/0131* EMI firms have applied to ria in ono day for Mlle help, This ie surely the boat school IOC you, Oatalogee tree, •1T .1 tELII''9TT Principal, Tlip B V.»�ryess 4.1,h7�,L,L[�.IA7►J Ontario Listowel _oi.1ege, ,!»QUA1 TO ANT IN ONTARIO. A thorough, complete and praotioal train• ing in all branoheo of Oommeroial work, at oonelderably leve than regular rates. For full information MAY Buenos or College ever I'oxt OBtoc. L, HARTT, LISTOWNL, PRINCIPAL. CStr cit Nets. Gorrito. Mise Bessie Strom is at the "Soo" vieiting friends, Mrs. 8. Perkins le at present visiting friends at Owen Sound. Hoyle Lennox, of Toronto, is vioiting hie grandparents in town, E. Carlisle, of Hensel', ie vieiting hie Water, Mrs. Geo. A. Found, Vernon Armstrong is spending hie boli• dive with friends at Bayfield. Henry Young returned home from Manitoba. He reports times slack. Mise Mabel Campbell, of Niagara Falls, ie spending her holidays under the porental roof. The people of the North End are nom• planing of someone either shooting or poisoning their oats. Mathew Dane, just North of the village, had a large barn raised on Wednesday evening of last week. ' John M. Kaine, principal of the Sault Ste. Marie public eohool, is speeding hie holidays under the parental roof, Atwood. Lawrence, little son of W. Marshall, is sel'iauely 111, The Misses Ethel and Myrtle Fergaeon are viaitiog friends in Mount Forest. James Priest has taken obarge of the 0,-01ion gang at Palmerston for a abort time. J. W. Ward attended the re union of the Bruce Old Boys' Association at Walkerton lost week. R:v. H. E. Currie, of Ethel, and Rev. R, J. Currie, of Rochester, N. Y., were the guests of -their brother, George, in town. There is a good opening in Atwood for n dentist. Splendid offices could be leased in 0. H. Holmes' new store this Fall. The Bee editor epent Sunday with his parents at Innerkip, Oxford Co., return. ing to Atwood Monday of last week on his wheel Mrs. Patterson and daughters, Ruby and Gladys, from Winnipeg are vieiting at Rev. E. P, Fear's. The former is Mrs, Fear's eider. Mies Biala Klnmp fell from her wheel last week and broke one of the bones in her ankle and strained several of the cords. We hope she will soon be around again. A severe thunder storm visited this locality Sunday week. The lightning was particularly destructive. A chimney on Robt. P'orrest's house was destroyed, and in falling some of the bricks struck John Bell's house, breaking two panes of glees. eSettlort11. New and extensive improvements are being effected at the oatmeal mill. Mrs. (Rev.) Russell left last week to visit her parents who reside at Ford- wich. Dr. and Mrs. Campbell, of Brooklyu, New York, are viaitiog old friends in town and vicinity. M. McGrath has rented the, older mill for the mason and is putting it in shape to do custom work. A.. Mowat, B. A., head mneter of the Meaford High school, has been appointed bead master of the Collegiate Institute here. The eoienoe master has not yet been appointed. Heneall Lawn Tennis Oluh defeated the Seaforth team in Hensel!, on Tues- day of last week, by a score of 6 events t0 3, Messrs. T. J. Wilson, Hepburn, Deck and Paugman were the Seafortb repro- eentativee. A couple of wedding parties boarded the afternoon train at Clinton on ,Wed. nesday of lash week and it ie claimed the gaanlity of rine swept out of the oar at this station will be sufficient to feed the sparrows for the balance of the year. "Wilf❑l,waete bring(' woeful want." John MoNab, wbo is driving for Wil- son & Richardson, met with an aaoident Wedoeeday evening of Last week, near the residence of James Cowan. One of the wheele of the wagon Dame off throw- ing him to the ground and mousing severe internal injury. The egg boxes were scattered and a large number of eggs broken. Working Overtime. Eight hour laws are ignored by these tireless, little workero—Dr. King's New Life Pills, Millions are always at work night and day, curing indigestion, btl- loneness, constipation, sick headache and all stomach, liver and bowel troubles. Only 25o at G. A. Deadman's drug store. Fordwieh. The corner atone of the new Baptist ohuroh on con. 2, will be laid on August 10th, 4 p. m. Ieaeo Wade line purchased a borne, It is a fine animal and is said to have a record of 2.52. Dr. (Ruseel) t7. R. Cook has gone to Emcee to praatioe medicine with Dr. Brien of that village. The telephone wires have been brought into town, the neutral office being at J. H. Rogers' grooery store. Mrs.Ohiney, of Detroit, is spending a couple of weeks with her stater, Mrs, Townsend, 4th eon., and her ooaein, B. S. Cook, of town, 'Omar Cole has returned from Grand Valley, where he has been for the past month assisting Thos, MoLauohlin in the bakery business. Wm. C aetellP who hal arobased the t w stook of dry geode, groceries, mockery and millinery from Jamie Argo, took possession loot week. Mrs. Time. IYIeLanohlin, of Grand Valley, came to town on Thursday last and will spend a week or two with her parents, Robt, and Mrs. Hooey. Alex, Orr tbreebed on Wednesday last from 90 lbs. Bowing of wheat 25ba1hels, and they say if the sparrows had left it alone he would have had 80 buehelo, The last halt of the June make of ahem Irons the'ordw'oh ()home o'o factory wits ebiped from Wile station to John W. Cook, of Ingersol, who pals 9,k14, per 1. t b 't. fo' 1 Cxode ritai�, 1), J, Naftel has been appointed treasurer of the Publio Library Board, vioo 5, P. Halle, deo00led, The old Renk of Commerce building in the Bingham block is being fitted up for F, F. Lawrence's argue and tele, graph ofloe. Wee Lizzie Robertson left Tuesday morning of lest week for Now West. minister; B. 0., where ebe will be wedded to Sidney Maloomeon, Earnest Platt hoe taken a position es engineer of the steam yacht Stolle, which wan recently purohaeed here by McLean Bros., of Stratford, and now plies on 'iotoria Lake, at that city. The members of Inverness Camp, S. 0, S. with their families. and invited guests, bald their aomiel pro ni0 on the arouude of Bro. A, P, McLean, Huron' Road, last Friday. Pipiug, dancing and Romeo, with a well spread table of good things made everybody happy till after dark. The white flag hen been 'flying from the tower on Castle Griffin since Friday last, government bailiff,]ioglieh having taken to the ventral prison the two prisoners, David Smith and Wesley Perry, who were each sentenced by Judge Masson to 13 months for stealing wool in the town- ship of Tnokeremith. Clinton. Mrs. Holmes, who has been very ill for several weeks, has recovered sufficiently to be able to move about. We regret to hear that the eldest coo of Samuel Eagleson, of Milton, North Dakota, is seriously ill with typhoid fever. John Orgill, the veteran plaatorer, re. porta a better season than for yearn. He has a number of oontreats but ie increae• ing his etaff and finishing his work both iu good style and good time. While engaged loading pare at the G. T. R station Thursday, Harry Glazier had one of hie thumbs so severely jam and that he will be compelled to lay off work for a couple of days or so. H. Houlden, who hao been behind the counter of R. Coate & Son, leaves on bbe 15th for Kincardine, where he has excepted a situation there with R. Malcolm, of the Palace dry goods house. L. Kennedy's highly bred Baotoh collie, has died from poison which was get for rate. "Mack," as the dog was known, was a general favorite, eepeoially with all the children of the town. The owner feels his lose ae he set the poison him• self, Dr. Blacken thinks he could have saved the dog only it had just recovered from a severe attack of distemper and was too weak to stand the shook. Wiu=hthnl. Rev; and Mrs, Perrie are visiting in Seaforth and will spend a short time at Bayfield Summer resort. H. Davie shot a ground hog at a div• tame of 200yardswith a rifle, 'on the farm of John Roe, Morrie. A little. boy of 0. Blaokall'e while playing on a lumber pile at the G. T. R. station, fell from the top of the pile, and was badly bruised and shaken up. Rev. Mr. Bnrwaeb has oommenoed to make the neoeesary changes in hie build. ing on Josephine street to make it euitable for a general store, which his eon -in-law, Mr. Beard, purposes opening. Drs. Jerome and Holloway have die - solved portnerehip in the dentistry busi- ness. Dr. Jerome hos ohosen the Arthur end of the busineae, and Dr. Holloway will have eole control of the Wingham office. On Wednesday of last week Wm. Dore'e youngest child got hold of some fly paper and ate a portion of it. It was very sick for a while, but the promp t measures taken were effeotnal, and it was not much the worse the next morning, hire. McTavish has retuned from o Lan• don Hospital after undergoing an opera. tion for the removal of a large oanoeroue tumor. The operation was performed on Thursday, July 121h, and that she was able to return home on the 2903 is con- sidered to be a favorable indioation.: Dr. Kennedy and daughter, Gretna, were in Bowmanville last week attend. ing the marriage of hie brother, George Eddy Kennedy,- of Ottawa, to Mies Addie Louise, daughter of the late Rev. D, 0. McDowell, a former Winghamite, having been pastor of the Wingham Methodist ohnroh some years ago. The JIIWI Or a Lion. The gallant Major Swaine tells of being knocked eenoeleee by a lion that laoerated hie arm. His thrilling escape from the jaws of death' le only equalled by Dr. Kingh New Dieoovery for Con. enmption, which has saved thoueande from desperate throat and lung troubles. "All doctors said my wife would soon die of consumption," writes L. 0, Overstreet, Elgin, Tenn„ "but your wonderful medicine completely cured her and eoved her life." Satiefaotion ie guaranteed by G. A. Deadman, who gives triol bottles free. Large bottles 500 and 21.00. LiBltowel. Mrs. John Livingston, Mies Livingston, Mise Ruby Livingston and W. W.Living- sten are spending a few weeks in Mus- koka. On Tuesday evening of last weak, Simnel McKee, of Molesworth, who was returning home from Lietowel on his wheel, ran into a horse and buggy, heath. ring his e.kull. He was pinked up by Jos. Wilson and brought to town, when medioal aid was called in. He ie slowly recovering. Friday at 1:80 o'olook, fire wee diecov ered in Seaman's carriage shop, Main, St., which with Younge'e blacksmith (chop, wag completely consumed. The bnildings were large two storey frame etrnotures and burned furiously. Mr. Youngs suooeeded in getting moat of his kook out, but Mr. Seaman loot the whole of his stook. The fire opread to Mr. Younge's stable and house. The stable was gniekly re1noed to ashen. The house was badly damaged. Loss probably 20,000 ; ineurane°, unknown. The bowlers from Mitchell, the town famous for ohampionehip players at the game, game up to thio town and played with Listowel club ab 9 o'olook Wednes- day morning of last week. Mitchell won on all three rinks by 4, 2 and 11 respect. tively, 17 shote in all. In ono rink the tonriete get in a three and it four end which proved fatal, otherwiee the home pfayere hold them down well,.. Wednos. day of last week three rtnite front Barrie. the in Jin and b to tr tonarrived on mo bean a contest with IDlltobell st the Jon• election of their game with Listowel. TIM 'ams woo a keen one, Mitchell got o lead in the earlier angel, on one rink and in the other two It was shot and phot about, The game ended with A4itohell 11 up all round.—In the afternoon Harrio, top administered detest to the Lietowel olub, They started to climb tip on all rinise and bid fair at one time to get out of eight altogether, being 41 ahead, The home teem pulled up at the lest and brought their lead down to 20. Ills Wonslerrul Nerve Alone sustained Editor F. M. 'Jigging, of Seneca, I11,, when all dootore and medioinea failed to relione hie pain from piles. Then Bnoklen'e Arnica. Salve wholly oared him, Iafallible for injuries, pains and bodily eruptions. 250 a box at G. A. Deadman'e drug store. i3L,' Cb. John Nivine left for Feeeerton, where he hao secured a situation. Mise Millie Hirone ham gone to Detroit where she hag eeoured a situation. Mina Edith Gibson, of Wroxeter, ie vieiting at the reeidenoe of N. H. Young. Mien Della Graney, of Wingham, is vieiting at the home of her grandmother, Mre. Buie. The mtin sewer on Queen street is completed and the men are laying the branch sewers. Mrs. Tennant and Miee Florence of Carson City, Miobigen, are visiting with friends and relatives ie Blyth and vicinity. James Metals commenced this season's threshing on Tuesday. Mr. Mutoh has been threshing in this neighborhood for the pant 22 yearn. CANADA AND THE PAN— AMERiCAN EXPOSI— `T/ON. Io the Herald'o opinion the Dominion government will make a serious mistake if it decides against a Canadian national exhibit at the Pan-Amerioan Exposition in Buffalo next year. The Canadian Manufacturers' Associa- tion attempted to diedourage euoh a pro- ject by arguing that the Dingley tariff proves that the Yankees don't wish to tootle with as, and therefore no good will result from exhibiting Canadian wares. It might be said in reply that a good way to make our neighbors regret the Ding. ley tariff, so far as it affeote Canada, ie to ehow them that there are very many things they want which Canada oan supply them with to better advantage than their owe country oan. Bat it is not;so much the people of the United States whom it is desirable to impreee by a Canadian exhibit at the big ehow ; it is the people of Mexico, Can• tral America, South America and the West Indies. With these people it is desirable that Canada should build up trade ; many. thousands of them will visit the Pon-Amerioan Exposition ; every country in the—Western Hemisphere will be represented among the visitors. They will wish to learn something about the natural reeourcee and finished pro. ducts of the great Dominion whose territory forme the Northeru half of North America. If Canada baa no national exhibit—it this oonntry is the only American country which fails to show to the worldwhat it hie done and what it is doiug in induetriee, arta and edemas—a great opportunity will be loot. We have said that it is not chiefly for the effect it might have on the people of the United States that a Dominion ex- hibit should be made, and yet, when we ooneider that the Laurier government is pledged to the principle of commercial reotprooity with the States, it is difficult to see how the government oan oonaiet- ently prevent the Dominion from portioipating in thePan-American Exposition. A good Canadian exhibit there might not result directlyin a regi. prooity treaty; but its influece would certainly be in the direotion of reoiproo• ity. On this point the Buffalo Enquirer mokee the following remarks, as cants se they are kindly : "Wise Americana recognize' that politioal.noion with Canada is probably centuries distant. No fair-minded Amerioan wishes anything bat prosperity to the British Empire, of which Canada is an important' member, and while the Empire lasts Canada wilt doubtless be a part of it. Commercial union ienot only to be greatly desired, but it is a thing which may be brought about in the not distant future. The immediate effeote of a reoiprooity treaty with the Dominion would doubtless be to the partioular advantage of Canada, but that ehould not prevent Americana from advocating it on the ground that it would promote civilization ae well ae trade, Mee of the most practical means of bring. ing euoh a thing to pass is preoieely such an exposition ae the Pan•Amerioan. The representative of Canadian intereete in this all-American fair would do more to establish the feeling required to bring about oommeroial anion than years of talk and newspaper argument. Both Canadians' and Americans should recog- nize this, and make the fact clear to the oommittee of the Canadian parliament which has the say iu the matter." —Hamilton Herald. On Others' Faults. It Is the time of Casae where Other Medi. clues Felled, that las Harte the Great Deputation for lir. Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tablets. Take all the medieine0 in the world's history, combine their records, and you will not have the proof that ie established for Dr, Pitober'e Baokaohe Kidney Tab. late for the cure of Backache and all Kid- ney and Bladder troubles. John Legier, 308 Wilton Ave., Toronto, caretaker and sexton of 8t. James Cattle- dral for 14 years, writes :—Last Febru• ary I took down sink with a kidney and liver trouble, due to cold I think. I was t go home and go to told bytwo dootore0 bod if 1 wanted to get well. I went Home, but did not go to bed ; I was too uncomfortable. I took all aorta of pre. noriptione from the dootore, and tried many kihde of patent medioinee, with no relief. My appetite gave out. I could eat nothing at all without distress and bloating. A pain came on low down in front and to tell you the truth no one could have felt more miserable. Finally I heard of and got a bottle of Dr, 13Bullet '0 Baokaohe Kidney Tabletp, and they di me r n d 1 a wo Id of ood r ed'at 1 Y g mon 1 e y, I never yaw or heard of auything meting 00 welt and 00 quickly. I feel well and t'a'un stro 11, i The pain and sureness are ell gone, else the bloating, and I can eat with pleasure and comfort, I tape n0 little 111859140 in telling everyone of the results, and will continue to do so, as I Peel it a duty I owe the Tablets and the public." George Letrey, 00 Bathurst St„ Toron• to, writes :,—"For a long time I was out. faring from a gnawing pain in my bank. ACaornpaoying it was at times au ante lameneee across the loins. I read about Dr. Pitohor'e Baokaohe Kidney Tablets and got a bottle. I do not believe that there oan be anything better, I have had none of those troubles since, and be- sides they banished that blurring of the eyes ; they eliminated the urio poieou that permeated my blood, and the gases that formed in the stomach, causing in- digestion, were completely neutralized, I strongly recommend those Tablets to any person suffering from their beep and kidneys. They are prompt in relieving, they Canes 110 inconvenience, and can be earried about with yon." Any reader of this paper eon test the merits of Dr. Pitober'o Backache Kidney Tablets free by enclosing two Dente poetage for trial package to The Pitcher Tablets Co., Toronto, Ont. Regular size 50 ciente per bottle. ASSASSINATIONS. Other Attempts, Rimy Successful On Lives of Rulers. From 1848 to 1898 there were 28 at. temple, many of them e000eeeful, on the lives of royal per000ageo and rulers. Pietro Aooiarito tried to kill King Humbert on April 22, 1897. Four attempts were made to aseaesin• ate the great Napoleon. Queen Victoria's life has been attempt- ed three times. Two efforts were made to kill the Prince of Wales. Napoleon III. was frequently shot at, but died in bed. The King of Prueeia was twice fired at in 1851, but esoaped injury. King Victor Emmanuel of Italy nor. rowly escaped death at an assassin's hands in 1853. King Ferdinand, of Naples, was stab- bed by a eoldierin 1856. Queen Isabella, of Spain, was attaoked by Fuentes in 1866. The Queen, of Greene, was shot by a student in 1862. Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, died on April 15, 1885, from a bulletfired by Wilkse Booth the night before. One attempt on the life of the German Emperor in 1873 and another in 1878. King Alfonso, of Spain, was shot at in 1878. Alexander II., of Ramie, was aaeaesin- ated on March 13, 1881, in 8t. Peters- burg. Unsuccessful attempts on hie life had been made in 8t, Petersburg in 1866 and in Paris in 1867, President James A. Garfield was ebot by Charlee J, Gniteau on July 2, 1881, and died on Sept. 19. A bomb was thrown at President Faure, of France, on June 13, 1897. Patents Guaranteed. Our fee returned if wo fail. An one send- ing sketch and description of any invention will promptly receive our opinion free con- cerning the patentability of same. How to obtain a patent" sent upon request. Pat- entseeoured through us advertised for sale at our expense. Patents taken out through no receive 01,80/AL NOTT n itlto t charge. in TRH PATENT RECORD, awnillustratedaand widely circulated journal, consulted by Man. ufaoturere and Inve ore. Send for ample copy Pn1E. Address VICTOR J. EVAN6 & Co„ Patent Attorneys,) .Evans Building, Washington, D, 0. e Blacts�ilV 1O•sew The ❑ndereigned bege leave to intim- ate to the people of Brussels and locality that he has leased the Blacksmith Shop in connection with Jno. Wynn's Carriage Works, Brussels, where he will be pleased to attend to the wants of the public. A general Blaokemith business will be done and horee•ehoeing amorally attended to. Prices Reasonable and satisfaction Guaranteed. WM, PHILLIPS. Important to Breeders and Horsemen. Enrekstexiaary Caustic Bassam. VM A reliable and speedy remedy for Curbs, Splints, Spaying, Sweeney, etc., ete.,111 Horses and Lump Jaw >,'+:•4' "-9 _ s fes„ s .,i in Cattle, TRADE stens "See pamph- let which accompanies every bottle, giving ocientiiio treatment in the various diseases," It oan bo used in every case of veterinary practice where stimulating applications and blisters are prescribed. It has no SUPERIOR. Every bottle sold i, guaranteed to give satis- faction, Price 700 per bottle, Bold by all druggists and country storekeepers, Pro - limed by Tut EUR111CA VETERINARY ME010100E COMPANY, London, Ont, rump Works Skate grinding attended to with neatness and dispatch. I also Sharpen Horse Olippere, Saie- nore, bread knives and other edged tools in np.to•date style. Saw Gumming and Filing attended to in a Workmanlike manner, Satis. faotion assured. FRED. ADAMS, Shop on Mill Street, BRUSSELS, Mc I NNON & 00„ S ec1a1 Clothing Bale p �' We have done a large trade iu Clothing this 00asoit, and we to• tend to clear out the remainder of our stook at reduced prises. The cheek ie all now and the latest etylee, but in some lines we haven't a full range of eizee, bat if we haven't your size in one line we have in another and all equally good, Thie Bale will last two weeks and we imprint the following prioee will make a glean eweep in that time t— Men's Blue and Blaoli'Serge Suite, regulirr 114 50 for 163.60. Men'e 1'weed Snits in cheeks and mixtures, worth $5 00 for 54 00. ielen'o Pine Tweed Suits in a variety of patterns and oolore, worth 27.50 to 28 50, mile price $5,05. Men's Fine Blick Worsted Suite, lined with the best Italian, new Frenoh faeinge, regular prion $10, $11.50 and 212, all go at 28 95. Boys' Fine Tweed Suite, whore pants, einem from 28 to 88, regular price 25 00, sale priori 23 08, Boys' Suite in Tweed, Serge and Fine Worsted, sizes from 22 to 28, at 111,50, 112.00, $2,50 and $3.00. We have just closed a big deal for Men's Panto at a low rate on the dollar, and ae the etook ie larger than we want we will let them goat the 1 following priaoe :- io Men's Heavy Tweed Pante, worth $1.20 for 70o, Men's Fine Tweed Pants, worth 161.50 for 980. Men'e Extra Heavy Wire Twist Tweed Pats, all pure wool, will give /'•+,, �� great wear, worth 22,500fryor� 51,005..��\ ��1 �\F'�1�f�cC�.,dy'�.?"��T C�yc�•.[i��); �,lS7L�:,�,k�l� smsamitl Wilton & Turnbull Headquarters for GENERAL HARDWARE BUILDERS' SUPPLIES of All Kinds. Farmers should see our American Field Fence, Best Fence on the market. Barb and Plain Wire, All kinds harvest Tools. Binder Twine. Paints and Oils. S. W, P., the best Ready Mixed Paints made, always in stook. TRY US, WILTON & T URNBULL Buggy Season EWAN INNES The well known firm of OCARRIAGE MAKERS, peiaed are to the front with. a 111111•"' Large, Well Select- ed and Well Finished STOCK OF Buggies, ¶agoras, Road Carts, Eto., that they are selllingat CLOSE prices. Already they have disposed of many Buggies and the Prospects are good. Call at our Show Rooms and see for yourself, Special attention given Re -painting, Tri7n7ming, to Repairs, Vie•, Ewan & Innes, - Brussels. More Room Having made a Large addition to my Blacksmith Shop I am iu a better position than ever to attend to Illy Customers. vvroomt won= All kinds on hand, both for new work or repairs, and prices the lowest. General BlacksIN all lines will be promptly at- tended to as usual and satisfac- tion guaranteed. Morse Shoeing. I have made a speciaof this lino for years, andlty if you have any horses that interfere, over -reach or troubled with bad feet, bring them to me, I will relieve or euro them in less than three months or will make no charge. Wagons & Buggies. I alit prepared to supply the above at the very lowest prices, and best quality, either of my own snake or From the largest Factories in the Dominion. Thanking my numerous customers for their very liberal support in the past, and hoping by strict attention to business and satielaotory prices, to secure a continuance of the same. S. T. P L U M, BRUSSELS.