HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-8-9, Page 1Vol, 29. No. B
W, H. KERB, Prop,'
New Advertisements,
Looal—G. E. King.
Strayed—Wm. ()Putts.
Vetere' List—F. S. Scott.
n 8peobaolea lost—Tae Poet,
Vetere' List—Wm. Spence.
Farm for sale -Wm. Fischer,
Oa Others' Faults—Dr, Pitoher,
Bicycle Emporium—A. Coseley.
Tarin for ealo—W, J• MoAllistor.
zsil:xCt'� CE�
L eadbvxx• V.
Miss Alloe Dundas is home from Wing.
Mies Maggie Davidson is .home at
Frank Haokwell is Buffering from a
bad cold,
John R. Mitohell has returned from
Parry Sound.
Mise Emma J. Forbes is now the pee.
eee8or of a "Oreaoent" wheel.
Mre. Philip Murray, of Varna, was
visiting at the reeidenoe .of her father,
Thoe. Jones, last week.
Leet Friday mdruing Alex. Brothereon
was thrown from a milk wagon and got
badly braised and shaken up. We hope
aeon to, hear of his'reoovery.
Mrs. Cornish, of Mitohell, ie visiting
her eider in Bluevale.
Joe. Pugh's livery is in good demand.
Hie drivers are safe and goad.
W. Masser, druggist, has gone to a sit.
nation at Caro, Mich. We wish him
Mre. 0. S. Brinker ie on an extended
visit to her mother who resides across
the lines.
J. Diment, jr., does not recover so
rapidly from the effects or a dislocated
limb95 hie friends could wish.
Robt. Stewart and bride are gueate in
the village. He capitols to seoare a good
position as teaohor in one of the eghoole
of the County.
Joe. Leeoh, an old friend and fellow
oharoh worker of the late Jonathan Dol.
mage, attended the latter'° funeral at
Fordwioh on Sunday last.
Thoe. Jewitt visited `friends in Dun.
gannoo, Mra. Jewitt returning with him
after a more extended visit with ber
daughter, Mrs. D. Errington.
Mies Rogers, teacher in Pickering, left.
for her work on Wednesday after a visit
with friends in the village. Wm. Rogers'
aoeompanied her on the way to hie sohool
-at Port Sandfield,
le oleteworttt.
George ttenzie8 left on Friday morn-
ing for the Old Oountry with a ship load
of cattle.
Charles Mitchell delivered his export
cattle to Mr. Stinson, of Gerrie, on Tues.
day morning.
Mr. and Mre Holmes, of Grand Rapids,
Michigan, are vieiting at Wm. Wood's,
for a few days.
Miee Alexander, of Guelph, has return-
ed to the city atter spending two weeks
with ber friend, Miee Wood.
Oat harvest has commenced in this
vicinity. The extreme warm weather has
ripened the grain very quickly.
Rev. Mr. West. of Bluevale,will occupy
the pulpit next Sabbath evening here as
Rev. Mr. Ballantyne purposes taking hie
Master Walter Wood, who has been
under the dootor'e care for the past weak,
is muab better and we hope will goon be
around again.
This week some to have been a week
of aoaidente. Andrew McKee fell from
the top of a ladder at Mr. Spence'°, while
they were threshing. He reaeived a
severe shaking np, but nut serionely, hurt.
John MoIntoeh out his arm badly while
repairing his binder. James Elliott had
his arm badly bruieed and ie unable to
W. H. Robinson, of Winthrop, spent
Sunday at A, Raymann'e.
Geo. Coates, of Idaho, is home on a
visit to his parents on the 14th oon. He
looks hearty.
Ilthel, will play a game of football with
our boys here on Saturday at 6:80 o'alook.
A good game ie expeoted.
Mre. J. Hubbard, of Ohioago, and plies
Mamie Edwards, of. Milverton, were the
guests of A. Raymann over Sunday.
Cameron Bros. are through pulling
ilea now and the mill will be running
shortly, threehing out the reason's Drop.
Henry Siemon left last week for Hart.
ley, Iowa, where he has a position es
salesman in a large store. We wish him
moms in Unole Same country.
Tom McRae is a dandy at foot ball
and wan not disoonnted in the mateb
last Monday at Brueeela, by the highly
praised Berlin Rangers who were aseiet.
lug Listowel.
A. McDonald's new reeidenoe is near.
ing completion. The oarpentere are
waiting for the elatere. It will be a
substantial hanlding when completed and
will add greatly to the beeaty of the
Our burg was nearly deserted on
Tneeday owing to the exoureion to Godes•
rich. Now we hear nothing but what a
pleasant place to live in Summer with
the cool breezes Irom the lake and some
probably pinked out pitmen where they
would like to reside.
Mre. Andrew Campbell, of Paisley,
Ono„ has been vieiting at her daughter's,
Mrs. A. Reymann, for the poet three
weeks and has gone to ber eon's, ber
former home. in Logan, to visit her
' relatives there for a time, She and her
late husband Dame from Paisley, Soot.
land, with their parents, the Campbells
and Flemings, and settled in Guelph
when it was a wilderneee, Mr, Camp.
bell oou d well remember when the first
tree was oat where the oity now stands.
They afterwarde moved to the township
of Fullarton, then to Logau and later
with one of their sone to the town of
Oheeley where Mr. Campbell died in
1800, The eon then bought a farm at
Paisley, Mrs, Campbell, although in
her 81st year, went to Guelph with her
eon, making the trip from Guelph to
Oranbrook alone. She is quite hale and
hearty and has good eyeelght,
Rev. A. W, Dever has perohased a
hendeome driver,
Mrs. Dill, of Seaforth, ie spending a
few days at L. McDonald's,
Mimeo H. and R. Hewitt, of Paris, are
waiting at W. H. Sholdioe'e.
Allan Bond, of Ridgetown, is holiday.
ing with F.C. Neal this week.
Mise Bertha Crittenden returned from
a month's visit to Tara on Tneeday.
We have aonoladed not to play 'lune.
eels at football. We've a hundred that
we are worse than Listowel.
Jonas Beoker has purchased the house
and shop formerly owned by Robb. Olark,
and will shortly open up a wood work
business there.
A number of Waltoniene attended the
ranee in Brussels on Monday ; also the
Huron -Rangers football match in Seaforth
on Wednesday.
J. A. Walker is away on a business trip..
J. Brethauer was in Listowel on Tam.
day on bueinese.
Thoe. Hemphill took a bueinese trip on
Monday to Wiegham.
Mr. White and Henry Allen were in
Wingham on Sunday last.
A number of our citizens attended the
moos at Brussels on Monday.
J. Brethauer, and his nieee,Mies Carey,
of Oentremill, were visiting at Teeewater
on Sunday last.
Miss Janie Gibson, daughter of T. W.
Gibson, is visiting her aunt, Mre. F. V.
Dickson, on Howiok street.
A daughter of Edward Stafford is on
the eiak lien at her 'grandmother's, Mre:
James Stafford's, Main street.
John Bray took a trip to Seaforth on
Wednesday with his sister, who has been
vieiting in the viaiuity for Rome time.
Gibson Bros. are about ereating a new
aider mill which they will attend' to the
boiler and engine house of the eaw mill.
Bertram Hisoox, who has been visiting
at his aunt's, Mre. Geo. Allen, at the C.
P. R. station, returned on Tneeday morn-
rn Mies Oarey, who has been 'visiting
her uncle, J. Brethauer, 'returned to her
home in Berlin on Tneeday last. This
was her first visit to this place.
Thos. B. Sanders returned home from
the "Soo," aod was highly pleased with
the trip on the lake and amongst the
islands. He met many old friends.
The Quarterly meeting held at Salem,
was fairly well attended last Sunday.
The Quarterly Board met at Salem on
Monday. Members present were Messrs.
Hazlewood, Brethauer, Ball, Higgins,
Luoae and tHall. Meiners. Hazlewood
and Lame were elected delegates to
attend Dietriat Convention.
J. Brethauer was eleoted a delegate to
attend the Financial District meeting to
be held at Whiteoharoh at Boma future
date. Thoe. Walker, who has been a
faithful steward in the Methodist oharoh
withdrew from the office and J. Brethauer
was appotnted In bie place. The oharoh
here le nearing' oompletion and when
finished' will compare favo rably with
any in the village.
This week has been a soorober.
e Mise Oakley is visiting Miee Annie
Davie, 4th line.
Mise Lizzie Godfrey, of Toronto, is the
guest of the Miseee Roe.
Mre, H. M. Beeman, who has been in-
disposed, ie on the mend.
D. Hamilton, of Wingham, is spending
efew days 'at Geo, W. Torvey'e, 2nd
Mies Emma Stevenson, of Clinton, was
vieiting her aunt, Mrs. Ed. Beeman, last
Wesley Roe, eon of John Roe is at p088.
ent on an extended trip to Rome, Paris
and. Ireland.
Mrs. H. Robb and daughter, Mies
Christina, arrived wifely ,among their
friends in Manitoba,
W.H. Stewart, Principal of New Ham-
burg sohooi, preaohed st Johnstone]
oharoh last Sunday evening.
Harry Demean and Miee Annie Speir,
4th line, enjoyed lake Huron breezee eb
Go deriob on Tneeday of this week.
Fall wheat la turning out well in
Morrie, the average returns being from
85 to 40 bushels per gore. Ib is a fine
Miee Duncan, of Soarboro', and Mre.
Purvis, of Teeewater, were vieitore at
James Dnncan's, 4th line. The ladies
are cousins of Mr. Donoan,
A, F.Embory and G. Nioholoon were
away this week et a shooting matoh with
Wingham against Dungannon whioh the
former won by 42 pointe, Oar Morrie
Mote are able to hold their own with the
beet going.
Edward Johnston has been enlarging
hie barn and potting atone under the en-
tire building. However it may be with
himself, Edward ie bound to keep hie
horses and cattle comfortable during the
coming Winter.
For about a year Alex. McCali, 7011
oon„ has been bothered with a weakness
in hie limbs from a nerve ailment that
incapacitates him from his accustomed
aotivity but we hope he will soon be as
Kmart es ever.
Mre. Alex. MoOall and youngeet eon,
Willie, left last Saturday on a visit to A.
I. MOOall, druggist, at Ohatham.
Willie, who passed the Entrance Exam.
reoently at Brussels, will attend the
Collegiate at Chatham. He i0 a smart
lad and will no doubt do well there. We
Wish him.mooeee.
New TXIAOTION.—We are pleased to re.
port that Henry Bone, who was reoeotly
barbed out, has not allowed hie loee to
bar his way but has, purobaeed a new 17
horse power Maeeey-Sawyer traction en.
gine to run and haul his threehing
machine. Pie expecte it here next week.
Mr. Bone will also rebuild hie eaw and
shingle mill and fit it out in better style
than formerly. His many friends and
patrons win be glad to hear of ,the oho.
nese hie pluck deserves,
Mise Aggie Forrest centemplstea a
visit to her sister who resides in Miohi.
gan. No Fear of her becoming Ameri-
canized as the visit will nob be prolonged.
Sunshine Epworth League intend bas..
ing a Garden Party on Tuesday evening,
Aug. 140h, at the residence of George A.
Hamm, 5611 line, Morrie, Musical and
literary program and good time expect-
ed. Proceede to aid tp re•papering the
Orem—Last SundeY Dia benie Mgr -
alien, beloved wife of Thos, pSkelton, of
lot 9; oon. 7, gamed awayfrom the earthly
home to the hoose' of many maneiope•
Her illness wag not very long, some 5 or 6
weeks and it will be a enrprise to many
to hear of her death. Heart trouble was
the cause. She ie survived by her hue.
band and one ohild, Mre. Skelton was
mob highly esteemed and the sympatby
of the oommnnity will be extended to
her husband and little daughter. Last
Spring Mr, and Mre. Shelton buried a
child aod duce then Mre. McCall, a eie•
ter to Mrs. Skelton, passed away, The
[moral on Tuesday afternoon was largely
attended, Rev. W. Peahen, of Blyth,
oonduoting an appropriate eervioe. In
torment was made in Brussels cemetery.
We, Skelton'° age was 28 years, 7 months
and 15 days. Her decease will be muoh
ENTnnap INTO RaeT.—An old,and muoh
reef:acted resident of Morrie paused to hie
reward on Friday afternoon, 3rd inst., in
the person of Jonathan Duimage aged
86 years. Though advanced in years he
enjoyed left usual health up to the lime
of his death and passed away without a
straggle at the reeidenoe of his daughter,
Mre, Robt. Jobneton, Fordwioh. The
funeral took plaoe en Sunday last. The
pall bearers were members and relatives
of the family, viz., Anson Dulmage, of
Lakelet ; Daniel W., of Palmerston ;
Wm., olNewbridge; Bennett and Leon.
and W. Rattan, (eone•io-law) of Morris,
and Dr. Russell, of Belmore. The body
was deposited in Fordwioh cemetery after
whioh a large congregation assembled in
the Methodist ohurob and, in the absence
of the pastor, Rev. D. Rogers, a friend of
the family, oondnoted the service, preach-
ed an appropriate Hermon and paid a tri-
bute to the departed worthy. His part.
ner, Mre. Dalmege, eurvivee him, aged 84
years, and shares in the sympathy of the
Wm. Dark's No. 1 traction began duty
last week.
Grey township Connell on Wednesday
of next week.
Misses Calder visited at Seaforth and.
Mitchell last week.
Mise Margery Gilleepie, of Seafortb, fit
visiting at. James McNair's,14th am.
Robt. Gantt; and wife were visiting
last week at T. Stokee', of Jamestown.
Harvest will goon be over as the Lot
wave is ripening grain at a lively rate.
Quite a number of Greyitee took in the
ranee and football match at Braeaele on
Dr. G. L. and Mre. Ball, of Toronto,
are holidayiug at the home of H. Ball,
10th oon.
The Misses Armetead, of Grand Val-
ley, are guests at "Elm Row," the home
of T. Bielby.
John L. Davidson, of Toronto, is here
on a holiday visit with' hie uncle and
aunt; Thos. and Mre. Davidson, of the
12011 con.
Mre. N. Cowan, of Paisley, aoeom-
ponied by her daughters, Mieoee Rena
and Katie, were vieitore at, "Riverside"
last week,:
Miee Cowan, of Toronto, returned to
the oity last Saturday after spending a
two weeks' holiday in thio vicinity and
at Seaforth.
Owing to poor health Juo. Engel, of
Paw Paw, Mich., has leased his blank•
smith shop and, with hie wife and family,
has come on an extended visit to this lo -
entity. Mre. Engel ie a daughter of
Chas. Buell. We hope the Mange will
have the desired effect.
HYIIENRAL. — The Orangeville prose
gives the following particulars concern.
ing the marriage of a young gentleman
who formerly taught in the Smith
eahool :—"The marriage of J. L. Hogg,
M. A., of Toronto, formerly aoienoe
master in the Orangeville High Soboot,
to Mies Amy T. McLean, daughter of
Mre. Wm. McLean, James at., was
solemnized in St. Andrew's oharoh on
Tuesday afternoon. Snob was the inter.
eat in the anepioibhae event that at 3.30,
the hour. set for the nuptial oeremony,
the auditorium was almost completely
filled with spectators. Rev. R. W.
Diokie, paetor of the church, officiated,
and Miee Maggie Marohall, the oharoh
organist, played the wedding maroh.
The bride was prettify attired in a cream
gown, trimmed with pearl sequins and
chiffon, with the venal bridal veil and
orangeblossoms, and oarried a 'baguet
of white roses. The bridesmaid was
Miee Emily McLean, a amain of the
bride. She wore a gown of white dimity,
with lane and chiffon trimmings, a
dainty white hat with yellow and white
trimmings, and carried a boquet of yellow
roses. Mies Winnifred Meek, of Alton,
a little cousin of the bride, made a pretty
maid of honor. She was dressed in
white taffeta silk, with lace trimmings
and hat to matoh, and oarried a basket
of flowers. The position of groomsman
was filled by E. E. White, B. A., of
Oakwood, Ontario, After the oeremony
the bridal party drove to the home of the
bride'e mother, where a dainty dejeaner
was served. The happy oouple after•
wards took the evening train for Barrie,
where they will spend a brief honey -moon
before proceeding to their future home in
Toronto. The bride, who was a mem.
ber of St. Andrew's choir and widely
known in aooial and musical oirolee, re-
ceived a large Dumber of very handsome
preeente. Among these was a beautifal
heart shaped pendant, get with pearla
and turquoises, from the groom. Their
many friends wish Mr, and Mre. Hogg
happiness and good fortune." The many
old friends of Mr, Hogg here will wteh
hie bride and himself long life and pros.
parity. This marriage should prompt
some of ourbaohelore to go and do like-
't Conrad Miohei, lith oon., bag arrived
home in safety from hie 7 weeks' trip to
Germany, He looks firat•claea, Mr,
Michel says many ohenges have taken.
plane in people and places etnoe be was
there before but is persuaded that there is
no plane yet like Ontario. He went and
oameby New York.
An improved farm has been pnrohaeed
by 8, B. Fraliok, near Virden, Mane and
he intends removing his family to the
West, Hie farm, located If miles Beath
of Brueeete, hoe been sold to Wm,
Randa who will move to it as anon as
vacated, We wish Mr, and Mra. Franck
and family aaooeee in the Prairie Prov-
Thie week George Coates arrived home
on a visit from Oarey, Idaho, U. S.,
where he has been eheep ranching with
hie brother forthe past 3 years. He
looks first-olase and will put in a month
holidaying here before returning. They
have 4,700 ebeep and are doing well.
He says paeturea are not very good thie
eeaeon owing to dry weather. Mr.
Coatee Dame to Chicago with a shipment
of sheep, 21 oars oonetitating the °ergo,
with his party. He has his eyes wide
open to more than °heap ranches and
givee many interesting pointers relative
to the West.
JAB. TRAVIS Peens ' AWAY. Wedneeday
of this week, James Travis, a resident of
Grey for over 40 peace, passed off this
Beene of notion, aged 51 years. He had
not been in very robust health for some
time but an attaok of typhoid fever and
other complications were the cause of hie
deatb. Dammed reeided with hie sister
on lot 26, con. 10, and .last Winter he
added another 50 aoree adjoining, pur
ohaeing from Wilson McKay. Mr.
Travis never married. The funeral takes
place on Friday to the R. 0. cemetery at
Seaforth. The eabjeot of this notice was
a square going, unassuming man who
enjoyed the respect of the oommnnity.
Mies Annie Smith; of Brussels, was
holidaying here for a week.
Mrs. Geo. Imlay, of Buffalo, N. Y., is
visiting at her old home here.
The hum of the threehing machine is
heard on all aides. Fall wheat is turning
out good.
Quite a number of our football enthae•
Taste were at Brussels Monday evening
to witnese the Braeaele-Listowel match.
They say it was a dandy from start to
finish. Not ae lively a game ae us and
the Highlanders play however.
It is hinted that a certain widower,
formerly of this locality, may wed a
widow in a neighboring town, bat, dear
me, half the Ikea you hear are not true so
there may be nothing in this story.
Everybody does not get married whom
people talk about.
Township Clerk Spence has a good big
job on hand just now in the Revision of
the Township Bylaws. It is very im•
portant that these should be in oonformity
with the Statutes and also that the rate-
payers should know what the law is on
the many questions that orop up.
At the offioisl Board meeting of the
Methodist March, Ethel Ciroait, held
last Monday, it was decided to close up
Oranbrook, Hentryn and Bethel churches
aod thereby make it a one man circuit
and strengthening the Whitfield:and Ethel
appointments by the amalgamation of
0. W. Willis, who has been in Portage-
la•Prairie, Man., for the past 8 years,
was here on a flying visit this week. He
is in bueinese in that town and doing
nioely and was in Ontario on a bargain
bunting trip. He ie a shrewd young man
and should do well. His relatives live et
F. 8. Boobt, of Brussels, who had the
Belling of James Laird'° 100 sore farm,
Eaet of Ethel, has found a parohaser in
the pereon of Robert Bremner, formerly
of Grey, but more recently of Roseland,
B. O. The priae paid wag $4,000 sad the
parolee -ear will get poeeesion so ae to put
in Fall wheat. Mr. and Mra. Laird will
loaste probably here or in Brussels. The
farm is lot 26, oon. 8, Grey.
Newsy Noena.—The following notes are
taken from a letter written recently by
Mrs. George Hogarth, who lett here last
Spring for a visit to England I get 4
meals a day here and am having a moat
enjoyable time indeed. Was at the
Royal Show, in York and eaw the Royal
family. There are boildinge here thou.
sande of years old. Went to Soarboro'
with the oharoh choir and was at the
Prince of Wales' hotel, It was grand.
The city is beautiful. Saw the tide oome
in and the fishermen and women Belling
Drabs, oysters and fish, the names of
whioh I oan;t tell you. As the fairs have
started everybody is busy and will be for
some time. Topoliffe is a village like
Bruesele and is picturesquely eitaated on
the Eastern bank of the Swale river,
tPhioh is here crossed by a bridge of 5
arohee. Its file old church, standing
proudly on an eminence, from whioh the
same silver toned bellehave for about 200
years invited the eurrounding inhabitants
to "come up higher." I am told that
Topoliffe, from top of olfff, first took her
name and her cliff mounted seat oonflrme
the same. Here streams with curled
winding overflow bestowing a native
beauty on the plaoe. Visited the vicarage
and churchyard and enoh charming views
of the winding Swale with the mill and
foaming weir in the valley, spreading
hedge rows, verdant fields, the riohly
wooded park at Baldeebary, Lady Downs
gardens, perke full of deer end all kinds
of fl°were and Unite in glass houses, enoh
as apples, pine apples, figs, grapes, ,&o.
We took a walk through a vegetable
garden where we eaw cucumbers 14 inohee
long, strawberries, aurrante, tomatoes
and the like, with roses to no end of, all
kinds and colors, The houses are cover-
ed with the latter. Pear trees are brained,
to grow tap the side of the buildings.
The trees are quite different to thee° of
Canada, I think much nicer end more
kinds. Roads are extra good here and
are kept in line condition, eaoh man has.
ing a limit to keep olean from weeds, &o,
The hedges are wild roans and thorn
trees, and they did look beaubital when 4,,
game. The river Swale is joined on its
Beaten] bank at an sante angle by the
smelter river podbeok, along narrow strip
of land being thus enoloeed to which they
forma strong natural defence, Have
been to a plane they Balt the Maiden's
Bower whioh used to be a great resort
some hundred years ego. A short dia.
tante from here aooient coins, gun bar'
rel° and other relies have been found.
You can throw a stone from the Swale, to
the Codbeok and both are fine rivers, I
was fishing one day recently and naught
a 2 pound trout. My aouein and I eeoar.
ed 17 lbe. in one hour in the river Swale.
'Rabbits are very plentiful and gentlemen
come from the oitiee to hoot them
Grope look eplendld, some started hey:ug
on July 1st. There are aoree of poem-
but no bugs, nor are there hou:tales.
Have not seen a stove nor broom'einoe I
lett Toronto, all stone floors which are
very tiring to walk upon. Yesterday was
Fair day and I will never forget the sights
among the crowd being glpeiee,pobtere by
the wholesale, people selling horses, both
men and women drunk. There was a hot
time. Next week ie to be Flower Show
with luncheon at Angel Inn and I am to
be a guest. The let of August le Thirsk
flower show. We are going to take a trip
to Amewaite, Harrowgate, . Bradford,
Edinboro' and London. I will visit some
of the manutaotoriee and Bilk departments
with Mre. Whitaker at •Bradford. The
English people can beat anything I ever
eaw for nice gardens and all kinds of
flowers but they don't have the imple.
menta to term with we have in Canada.
At the Royal Show referred to there was
an exhibit of Maeeey-Hartle maabinery
that looked like home. rdr. Long, of
Thirsk, has a MaeeeyHarrie binder and
says it works well. It looks comical to
see the way the farmers draw in their
hay with one horse and a 2 wheeled cart,
some of them doing all the raking by
hand. It le a slow proaoee. Work is
hard and very little for ib. The tarnip
orop is fine. Roads are elegant for wheel-
A Voice From Damasous.
MY DEAR MR. SxaAoHAN,-Your very
kind and most highly appreciated letter
of Deo. 30th daly received. We have
read it several times aod we read it thin
morning in Damsons, and more than
this, we reoeived another letter contain-
ing a draft for $96, part of whioh bad
been Bent by Mre. Richardson and Mr.
McArthur whioh we have acknowledged
already and for whioh we ask you to give
them our heartfelt thanks. I hope Mre.
Straohan is better and it was delightful
to bear about Mr. and Mra. Taylor and
Jessie and about Alex, and hie little
children. I hope yon will kindly re.
member us most kindly to them all.
I sent a letter to Mr. MoArthnr some
menthe ago and a photo to Mra. Riohard-
son. I bo e t ey reoeived them and if
there are any friends who would like a
dopy of that photo. we would be glad to
send it. My thoughts are often in Brno -
sole and neighborhood. Yon have been
kind to us and moat of yon have not for-
gotten ne yet. Mre. Deadman sent as a
dollar not so veryloog ago and throngh
Miee Kate Calder we reoeived about $15
a year from Boieeevain. This is Mrs.
Howie'° first visit to the most anoient
oity in the world and I have bean taking
her round to see the house in whioh
Ananias lived and the portion of the
city wall from whioh Pant was let
down in a basket. Curiously enough the
eite of Naaman'e hoose ie oconpied by a
hone for the lepers. The present popu-
lation is about 200,000 mostly Mahomme.
dans and hence the nnmerono tall
minarets (high Blender towers far above
streets and houses) from the tope of
which the officials of Mahommedaniem
regularly, officially and formally, pro•
claim their oreed. "There is no deity
but God and Mabomet ie the apostle of
God." I admire them for it and I ad-
mire you too for endeavoring amidst
difficulties to preaoh Christ to your
neighbors and I pray God to give them
grace to appreciate their privilege and
lend a listening ear, e're it ie too late.
God bleu you my dear friend and give
you to meet in heaven souls that you
save throngh the blood of Christ. I
have addressed only three publio meet•
Inge here bnt daily have conversations
with individuals and families. This
week I hope to have more public meet-
ings and you will be amused, perhaps
grieved, to bear that I am to address a
meeting next Lord's Day on the eabjeot
of temperance. You did not expect that
the evil of intemperance is so important
in Damascus as to need special often.
tion. Damascus and every town in
Syria are now provided with dram shops
whicheell imported drinks and make a
poor ooantry poorer. At our own
house we have Delle every day to help
finanoially, poor people, nevertheless we
do not profess to be distributors of alms.
The total of our subeoriptions in '99 was
$60 in all ; this year, 1900, we have re.
ceived $96 ae above stated, forwarded
from Toronto on 16th April. Notwith.
standing I still hope that God will make
it possible for me to remain at my poet
in this ooantry. It does look mean and
small to have to leave a promising field
like title, in a country like thia for want
of a few hundred dollars to provide
bread and butter for a missionaries' fan•
ily. Thank God we are all well and de.
sire to be remembered moat kindly to all
the dear friends and hope they are.
well on both aides of the conces-
sion line. Mre. Howie f5 prepar-
ing a book on Palestine and probably you
will hear of it again. While digging a
foundation near 8t. Thomas' Gate,
Damaeoue, they paeeed through three
oemeteriee below eaoh other, showing that
the present oity is built anon the graves
of three of its predecessors. Columns 25
feet high are now burled 12 teat below
the eurtaoe of present etreeta, This let.
ter ie being written in a room where four
women are talking, two at once, and a
baby who oon hardly hear her own ory,
still I hope you will be able to read it and
make some Renee of it. Mre, Howie is
writing on her knee sitting on the floor.
There is Po ohair or table in the room,
ws are Bitting on mete and quilts,
A, strong wind brought down from the
trees time of apples aod aprioote, Mach
of this is piled in streets for sale at low
Prime, d a cent a pound and dile minute
I hear the fruit.eellers sheeting them•
selves hoarse urging peseere.by to buy,
but the fruit ie down ere it is ready
therefore it is a Ipes. What happens to
souls whioh pees away aosaved ere they
be ready ? Let us then do our best and
ask God to help as, peradventure we shall
seemed in indu0lag some to repent, turn
unto God and do works meet for re•
remember me to the
friends at AodKindly
0on'a school house and
tell them to come to Christ while He
Mande at the door aod knocks, to pray
for me or my family and for the people
whom 1 serve, and now with our united
love and grabitade to you alt, I am
Yours ebnoerely,
DamaeouB, Syria, May 21st, 1900.
Brussels Council.
The regular monthly meeting of the
Brussels Conned was held on Tuesday
evening. In the absences of Reeve
Thomson, who ie away bolidaying, Conn.
oillor Roes was voted to the emir,
Minutes of last meeting read and
passed. The following accounts were
W. Denbove, street improvemente..$ 8 45
A. MoLanohlin, salary 25 00
F. B. Soott, sidewalk inspeotor 35 00
E0000mioal Io. 0o., meth. on hall 50 00
Moved by S. Wilton, seconded by Jas.
Fox, that above accounts be paid.
Sidewalk petitions Noe. 28 to 81 were
confirmed, there being no appeals, on
motion of Jae. Fox and B. Wilton.
Jno. Coueley; who bad been awarded
the oonbraot of digging the William-
Priuoese street sewer at last meeting,
addressed the Council, declining to do
work at his offer as he misunderstood
the depth. Moved by Jas. Fox, seoond-
ed by S. Wilton, that Mr. Cawley be
paid the eum of $75.00, lees necessary
drayage, for the work when completed.—
Thos. McGregor was granted permio.
eion to erect frame building on Mill
street on presentation of outline plan.
Council adjourned to meet on Monday,
20th inst., the data of Court of Revision
on William.Prinoess street sewer By-
People We Know.
Leslie herr ie holidaying at Stratford
for a week.
Mies Minnie Moore ie bome from Tor-
onto for a visit.
Mies Allie Currie is vieitiog her grand-
mother in Elma.
Mre, Wm. Blaehill is vieiting ber
daughters in Galt.
Mre. Thoe. Ainley, of Listowel, is holi•
daying in Brussels.
jriiseso Annie and Elora Mitohell spent
Sunday in Belmore.
Mies Dolly Backer and Will. Backer
are visiting at Zoriob.
Mre. Angus Campbell is vieiting her
daughters in London.
Thos. Roee and son, of Cheeley, are
visitors et David Ross'.
Colin Shaw, a former Bruseelite, was
in town for a few days.
James Livingston, M. P., of Baden,
was in town on Thursday.
Barrister Sinclair was in Walkerton
on legal business this week.
W. Kneahtsl, of Wingham, was a
Bruesele visitor for a few days.
Miae Sate Laird, of Seaforth, is vielt•
ing relatives and friends in town.
Thoe, Norton, of Lietowel, was renew-
ing old acquaintanaee in Brunie.
Mre. Wm. Cameron and Mise Eva,
were vieiting at Gerrie for a few Saye.
Reeve Thomson is may on a well
earned holiday to Galt and Hamilton.
Mre. (Rev,) Holmes 18 away to Exeter
vieiting with her sister, Mre. (Dr,)
Mre. Rnesell, of Poineeto, Penn., U. S.,
is vieiting her sister, Mrs. J. Donaldson,
of Brussels.
George and Russell Ferguson, of Tees -
water, were visiting relatives and friends
in town this week.
Mise Annie MaLaohlan, of Grey, was
the guest of Mise Lizzie MoNaaghton for
a few days last week.
Mre. N. B. Gerry and daughter and
Miee Annie Eastland, of Blyth, are visit.
ing in Brussels and locality,
Mies Winnie Turnbull spent part of her
Sommer vacation with her grandparents,
Reeve and Mre. Turnbull, Grey.
Mrs. Wm. Maioprize and Mise Iva, of
Bark's Falls, Parry Sound, are spend.
ing a few days at R. Mainprize'e.
Dr. Cavanagh and W. Boddy, of Owen
Sound, were in town for a few days en
route to Buffalo, N. Y., on a wheeling
Mre. Thompson has returned to
Montana. Her mother, Mre. Ferguson,
accompanied her and will make ber
home iu the Wee6.
R. A. and Mre. Frances, of Kansas
City, are the guests of Mies Francis, of
town. Mr. Franoie and the latter are
brother and sister.
J. D. Burne, of Toronto, A. 0. Monne
and R. Douglas, of Harrieton, were the
paste of the Miseee Douglas, Elizabeth
000080, this week.
Garfield Vanatone, of Toronto, is en.
joying a holiday at late home in thie
plane, He may go to Wingbam with his
parents as assistant to bie Lather.
S. Y. Taylor, tbe'well known pedes
gogoe, of Paris, is making a holiday
visit with relatives and friends in Brus-
sels and locality. Mre. Taylor is also
David Hoist°, Miss Sarah and Henry
are away on a trip to relatives and friends
at Elmira and Hamburg seeking after
improved health, whioh hope we trust
may be realized.
Arthur McGuire, P. N, G„ left on
Wednesday for Hamilton, where be is
attending the Grand Lodge of the I. 0.
0. F. as representative of Western Star
Lodge, No, 149, Brusne18,
Alkse Bali Bawtinhehner is vieitiog nt
Mr, and Mra, I3oltam, of palm' Sou;
Bayed at D, A. Lowry's,
Alias Marion Moore, of Trowhrldce,
10 visiting relatives in town.
Miss Lottie Emig, of Mitohell, ie
renewing old friendehips in Brussels,
Miss Jean Tervit, of Wingham, i0
visiting Mrs. R. Melopeize thie week.
Rohert Williamson is improving In
health but not yet able to roeume work.
Mies Maud Keliington, of Trowbridge,
Ie vieiting her eider, Mre. Fred, Mame.
Mrs. Wm. 'Cornish, of Mlbobell, ie
renewing old aoquaintemeee in this sea.
Mise Sadie Jamieson has gone to her
home for a few weeks well earned boli.
Mien Ella Inman is home from Chicago
for a few weeks' visit with relatives and
Charlie Dodds and Mlae Fannie Tbnln'
000 epenb Sunday with. friends in I1nt'
Mies Keefe, of Seaford', 'and Mise
T itohellClinton,re visitors' at 0.
w of Olt on,
H, Bartliff's,
Hugh Montgomery, of Deloraine, Mao.,
it visiting Mre. W. Ie. VanStone,bks 510.
to in Brussels.
r, a s .
Mre. Holland, of Port Huron, 'isvisit. ,
her mother, Mrs. S. Pearson. The latter,
will return with her.
Rev. W. E. Kerr, of Amberelburg,. is
spending a few holidays in town on a
return trip from Owen Sound,
Misses Rilla and Clara Handier area
home from their visit to Exeter and Mies
Myrtle is back from Atwood.
Archie Soott and daughter, of Port
Heron, were visiting relatives here for
a week. They returned home on Timo-
Harry Moore appears to be little the
worse of the "header" he took at the
mill dam last week, barring the out on
his bead.
T. Wilson, of Seaforth, was visiting
Dr, and Mre. Tweddle, of this town.
He may assist the Dr. for a time in bie
practice here.
Robb. Rose, of Kincardine, was in town
last Monday. He played base bell with
our boys against Gerrie and wbaled out a
home run just ae of old.
Brien Scott met with an aooidenbat
Ament's feotory on Thursday of last
week by whioh his head was injured.
He is getting along all right.
Mrs. Harry Ooutte and daughter, of
Ohioago, is here on a visit to her old
home. Rhe is a daughter of James and
Mrs. Menzies, William street.
Cooneillor Gerry is doing the limp
not. Some people thought he was
"foundered" but snob is not the case ae be
spiked hie foot on a nail, a very sore
Mies Jean Rose, of Owen Sound, is
spending her vacation with ber sister,
Mra. Jae. Beattie. Mies Gerty MoLean,
of London, is also visiting Mre, Beattie,
Miss McLean ie a stenographer.
Geo. and Howard McCullough, of Lon-
don, former residente of Brussels, were
here with a running horse for the ranee.
Their horse, "Ed. Dandridge" took 1st
money in the lively time of 1.01.
Robt. Tait, of Oil Oily, Penn., is visit.
ing his brother, John Tait. He was a
former resident of town but has not
been here for the past 22 years. Time.
deals very kindly with thie visitor.
Harry Bartliff, Will, Giffitb, Lorne
Ddittord, Tony Sample, 0. L. Herr, Ira
Gerry, Wendell Holmes, Garf. VanStone
and Miee Thurso Gerry drove over to
Seaforth on Wednesday to witness the
foot ball matoh between that town and
Berlin. It was a bie game 1.1. Gordon
McDonald and Joo. Pepper, of Bruesele.
Mob, played with the Hurons.
Seaforth papers of last week say : '
Miss Cardno is visiting at Brussels.—
russels.Mre. Thompson and Miee Maggie are
holidaying with friends in Brussels.—
Mrs. Ament and Mre. Coates and dough.
ter, of London, are vieiting relatives in
Brneeels.—Mies Jessie Stobie, milliner
at E. Maroon8, went on Monday to
visit friends in Braeaele for a week.
Robert MoOatohson,• of Alameda, N.
W. T., who went West last April, arrived
home on Wednesday of this week, having
finished the "breaking" on his farm.
Mr. Mao. es -ye in some places wheat will
yield from 15 to 20 bushels per acre in
the West while in others it will not be as
good. He will not return until next
Spring. They have bad hot weather up
there but the nights are anal.
Among the callers at Tan Pose on
Wednesday of thie week were Robert and
Walter Angus, of Aurora, Illinois. They
were former residents of Brussels and
with their father, Adam Angus, farmed
in both Grey and Morrie. It is 14 or 15
years einae they removed from town,
going from here to Galt and afterward to
Aurora. We were pleased to meet with
them and hear of their success. Aurora
is a oily of 30,000 population, 40 miles
from Chicago. Messrs. Angus were
visiting friends at Blyth end drove over
to Brussels to see how things looked.
The (Minton News -Record Bays of Nor.
man Hill, eon of Jno, Hill, of Brussels
—Norman Hill, who has been in St.
Marys for the pgaeb year, was the guest of
his brother, J, W. Hill, last week while
on hie way to Oranbrook in the Crow's
Nest Pass, where two of his brothers are
in bueinese. Thie makes seven membere
of the Hill family who have located West
of Lake Superior, two in Manitoba and
five beyond the Rookies. We would not
be surprised if J. W. ehoald yet take the
Western Lever, for to a man of hie ever•
getio nature the West offers great and
almost irresistible attractions.
An Oklahoma girl who advertised tot.
a husband, got him, The total expense
for the advertisement and wedding out.
fit was $11 and within a year the' hoeband
died, leaving a life inenranae of $3,000.
And some people °lake that advertising
does not pay.
0ouNxen>rooT quarters are in °ironies
tion in Western Ontario, They are de-
scribed es exact reproduobione of the
gennine ooin but are lighter in weight,
whiter in color, and the lettering le not
0o prominent, They hear the date of