HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-7-19, Page 8�4-.14NTNp445Y'tt:CM�.'W�w�W� µy,' he.11.e 2ND HAND BICYCLE ! We ilave a Gents' Bioyele, groroont of ovum, that has only been used a few Woetre, Nothing wrong, only we eau spare thio ono, It le up. to.dato,Duniop tlr;a, and game wheel se 1 ride myself, only mine bite the Patent Coaster and Brake attaoh, ment, Tile, priest of this wheel new i $40 but you flan have this one for $80 part thele or 5% off for aeste Zany's Eloyole. A. new lady's wheel just in. We'll give yon a.bergain on it or oan let youhave one Hoed a little over a month, in pealed order, for $26.60. We rent Bioyolee by the day, week, month or year. G. A. Deadma,u, Agent for Crescent Biayelee. We have shoat everything to kill,. Fliers, In Fly Poisen Paper We haV8 6 different kinds, 'notice Powder whioh we guarantee good as we bay it from those who powder it, and the We sell For 5 Cts. Four sheets of Tanglefoot for those who like it, No imitation about U either. Potato Bugs. There le nothing better after all than the Pure Eugiieh Parie Green, Yon know what you are getting and only payfor what you get. 25 oente per pound at DEADMAN'S Drug & Book Store GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. souennn1 ExemeeION w. G. & n, Trains leave Brussels Station, North and South, as follow; GOING Sourer. GOING Nonni, 'Express 7:18 a.m.I Mall 2.10 p,m aflxea .m 0:40 a. Express .. 8:17 p.m tacaC Beins Plus. A obiel'e amang ye bailie' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. FALL wheat harvest. Berman Oivio Holiday on Monday August G. REPonx of the 12th of July Celebration may be read on page 5 of this issue. POSTERS are out annonnoing Brussels ranee whioh are to be held on Monday, August O. A MINER of Brneeelitee attended the Seaforth races 013 Tuesday and Wednes. day of tbie week. Lase Satarday'e Toronto Globe had a photo. of Pte. Leon F, Jackson, of town, DOW soldiering in South Airfoil,. TEE aenai Saturday exoursione are be. ing run to the lake tbie season. Return fare to Goderich ie $1.45 and Rinoardiae $1.00. TEE sidewalk men moved to the South aide of the river on Tuesday and are working on Elizabeth and Frederick ;treats. Ooa thanks are due the MoLanohlin Park proprietor, Owen Sound, for a com- plimentary season ticket for steamer "Mazeppa" to Balmy Beach. D. A. Lower was awarded the con- tract for the new blook, to be built on Tarnbetr street, bya i Jae. Leckie. Build. B y 3 ingis toe b readyfor occupation ors orlon byUot. P rat. RONALD MoNeucaxonl hada granolithin walk plat down from the street to big residence last Monday. Prineees street is determined to take no back seat along tha line of improvement. BY a militia order recently issued the following officers of the 83rd regiment are authorized to take a special meanie of iuetruotion at London • Second Lieu- tenants S. J. A. Boyd, J. A. Snell, a. C. Masson and W. M. Sinolair. LIC1118E InspeceOn Mara= laid infor- mation against the Qneen'e and Central Hotels, last Saturday, for violation of the law by selling after hours on the night of Jane 22nd and they were each fined $20 and costs. They plead guilty to the charge. A SOIIEIznER subscriber to Tam POST writes in making for a change of address : -We cannot dowithout Tam Posr. It is like a weekly letter keeping us posted in all that ie taking place in the old town, -A Dettoit eubeoraber says :-En- closed En- closed yon will please find enrolee order for $2.00 (whioh by the way pays him to Jan.1902) wbioh please apply to my sub- scription to that good ani constant friend TEE POST. LleTawEL offered to play Ibe return foot ball match with Braesele on There• day evening of this week but onrteam wart unable to accept tbat date as three Braeselitea'are unable to play, Hamilton, Lowry and Bootie. The Bret mentioned is laid up from an accident ; the second is bricklaying with hie father on a eon• treat in Moorefield ; and the latter is away to Petrolia on hie holidays. It is expeoted that the game will be played on Aug. Gth, our Clvio Holiday, WIGGINS W$ATEEE,-Hare Li a bit of velnable information- Professor Wig. gins' opinion of the weather during July and August. It was given a few weeke ago, and the reader can judge for bim• self how nearly correct the Professor was ae to the weather we have already had. The famous prognosticator, being asked for the two months mentioned, replied: "I will give it to you without hesitation, notas a prediotion but as an opinion. The temperature of these months will not be above the average, batthere will be strong eplashee of heat. The botteet daye will be July 24th to 27th, and August 28rd to 28th. 'These periods will be immediately followed by cold weather for several daye caused by violent thunder Aortae. The last days of June will be very Warm, bat July will Dome to us with a cloak over bar ehould9re." Pac0nustues.-Tho 26th annual report of the Standard Bank, of Canada, ebowe a year of marked prosperity, There are 19 branch olfioee, Bruseele being one of the number. The Bank has paid two half yearly dividends of 4% each amount- ing to $80,000 ; and 1% bonus upon the pail up oapital stook, totalling $10,000 ; reduction on aloe safes and 60rnitnre account of $10,0.00 ; a transference of 816,000 to rebate of interest account and $28,283 earried forward to profit and fogs. $100,000 ie taken from the latter' nue platted to the credit of the Reserve ifand whioh now amouote to $700,000, The old Board of Direotore was re•eloct• ed, W. b'. Gowan being ohesen President and Jho. Barns Vista Proeident, Geo. P. Reid is the general manager, The Standard Bank le a well and carefully managed in8titutioo and deserved the 0000080 It hes attained. An agency was opened at Richmond 11i11 during the poet vete. Tam bay rake seat advertised in last week's Pose was claimed on Wedneeday. WINOEAIt has arranged for a Sabbath School Emersion to Goderioh on Tuee- day, Aug. 7th. A epeeist train will leave Lietowel at 8.10 a,. m. Return fare from Brussels will be $1.00 for adults and 60 cents for children. Returning train leaves Goderioh at 7 p. m. W. 'Robert- son, of Wingbam, woe in town on Wed. needay morning distributing bills. Lase Friday evening as N. F. Gerry and Harrie Hamilton were having a friendly souffle on the street the latter's face tame in contact with the gravel on the aide of the road which barked hie nose and out hie upper Hp so badly that a doctor's aid had to be enured to sew op the wound. He has been taking enforced holidays. Tun POST is in receipt of a oomple mentary tiaket to the Wingham raoes wbioh take plane on Wedneeday and Tenreday, Aug, 1 and 2. Braesele Base Ball nine will play a matob with Wing. ham on the forenoon of the first men• tioned date, and Goderioh team is expected to measure bats with the Wing - ham sluggers on the second day. NENS.APnaDo8l. - The Action Free Prete] has passed its 26th anniversary. Bre, Moore is still at the helm and turns ont a very aceeptablo weekly. -H, B, Elliott and the Wingbam These is being patted on the beak over another year's growth and development. The Times ie a readable paper and deserves the hearty support of the Wingham bneineee The third third paper in Harrieton is dead. It may be a case of the good dying young but a goose needs aide pockets as much 0s Harrieton requires three papers. -We omitted to record the foot a few weeke ago that the Exeter Advocate celebrated another anniversary. It is a etardy youngster and growing. We wish it ono• 0089. Goners ToR 0 E IST. A meeting of a :amber of farmers interested in contracts signed with the Daly Co. for the sale of their farms, was held in Barrister Blairs nffiee on Thursday evening of last week. John R. Baker, of Henfryn, was elected chairman and Wm. Perrie, of Oranbrook, Secretary. After discussing the situation they deoided to resist tbe payment of any percentages claimed by the above firm and will endeavor to secure the •aid of all who have any dealings with Daley. In some oases people have already paid cer- tain Bums to save litigation but the aaeoeietion think there is a screw loose and purpose testing the matter in tbe Comte before paying anything ,and we think they are right. Ex -Reeve amen PAeeE9 AWAY. -Tues, day of this week, about 1 o'eloak, the spirit of our old and well known towns- man took its flight, the gammons oomi0g as three phyaioiane were at bie bedside intending to bold a consultation. His eon Alfred had been 000versing with him on business until the doctors entered the gate and be was planed in a sitting pne• tur8 so that his heart, where the trouble was, aonld be tested. Without a struggle he passed that bourne from whence no traveller returns aged 50 years 2 months and 18 days. Deceased had been ill for the past 9 weeke but it was hoped by the family and hie many friende that hie vigorous constitution and temperate habits templed with the attention he was receiving would enema complete reetor• ation to health but in the prime of life he passed away. His birthplace was Sebringville, near Stratford, afterwards removing to Zarioh where his father bad a tanningbneineee. In 1871, or thereabouts, Mr. Backer Dame to Brussels and opened a barneae ebop but afterwards went into the grocery business and disposing of that 7 or 8 years, along with W. F. VanBtone, embarked in the grain, produce and hog business, doing a large trade whioh hoe increased 00 the years have gone by. Deceased attended to the office work of the firm and oonld always be found at bie poet up to the time of hie illness. He waea Conservative i0 politico and attended the Methodist °beech. His wife, who was Miee Lingenpaok, of Zap. ich, to whom he was married on June 16, 1878, and 5 sone and 4 daughters Barytes, tbe.only break before Mr, Baeker'e was the depth of Barry whioh took plane 5 months ago, The eubjeot ;of this notlee eat for 9 years at the Municipal Board as Oonuoillor and was elected Reeve in 1899. He wee credited with being an ecouomioal, coneoientiooe, outspoken man. He took an motive interest in the JL 0. T. 180., L 0, 0. F., and L. 0. L. Orders of Brussels. Like a wise man he had his bneineee affairs oarefally attend- ed to before the end came but bis re- moval will be regretted byroety onteid° of his home 0irole. Hie brothers, John, .Louie and William, reside at Greenville, Mich„ and Hamilton, North Dakota, re. epeotively, and his eietere, Urea Keene and Mre. Hough, live at Stratford and Zurich. The funeral will take plow an Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock, eervioe at 2.80, under the direction of the featernai societies mentioned, Who will meet at the Odd Fellows' Hall and, headed by the town Band, will marob 80 the home' and then to the cemetery. Oat et respect to deceased it le expected the bueaneee places will be dosed and the town boll will be tolled at the 1110e of the funeral. Sinaete sympathy will be accorded Mre. Beaker and family in the boar of their sltdneee add bereavement, TAX POST 630110854 twine haft bean going out in largo gnantiti ON Saturdayee, Wipgham 016 006861111 played a 8505819 ball game on the Agri• cultural 11ark grounds at the latter town, the ou8•eome being a wbitewaell for the, Winghams. The eoore was 0 60 6, A Celberou reporter ails :-0n Satter• day afternoon ail James .Danford was hauling a tank of water, he had the lnistnrtune to break the bind axle of hie Wagon. Tile tank dropped end fumed. lately proceeded to empty itself, The boreee were taken from the wagon and it was drawn to one gide and left in MEGA le8, until the owner ooald find Wee to take it to a temp for repaire. A BNIMEOLITw, W88t of Turnberry street, ie oredited with hammering hie Wife on more than one oeceolon, If it is repeated he may be taught a lesson that will not be forgotten for some time. There'sanother individual in town who will have to mend hie ways or a good ducking in the mill pond may be admin. 1080504, There is a time when good ad. viae giving comes to an end and more drastic meteorite are necessary and that time baa about arrived. I1 he gets the bath he'll know what ite for, EDGE R. ELLIOTT Hoton•-Last Sitter. day evening Hugh R. Elliott, who went to Manitoba lest April, arrived home. He was as far Weet as Brandon. He ways the amps are very poor indeed, no rain having fallen from the time he got there until the last week of June and the heat wail 110 to 112 different times. Some have plowed up their wheat and have re•sowed for green feed while others turned their stook into the grain fields. He thinks where a man ie comfortably located in Ontario he had better content himself as he rens many more chances of meeting with eaooene year after year. Mr. Elliott met a number of people from this locality and they appear to be pros• pering. 4 TO 0 .-Bruseele Foot ball teem drove to Ltetowel on the afternoon of July 12th to play a game with the lively ball Idols. ere of that town. There was a big crowd and as the park was in good oondition a fact game was the result. In the first half time Brussels soared 3 goals and after a °outwit in the second half time added another making 4. During the hour and a half the home team made many vigorous attempts to poll them. selves together sod stay the onslaught of the enemy bot notwithstanding their acquaintance with the ins and onto of foot ball, the baulky sphere would not go between the flags of the visitors and When time was called the resalt stood 4 to 0. Our lade were generously beaked by the large crowd, many of the spots - tore being from this locality who were attending the Orange Celebration. The boys deserve the applause as they pat up an elegant game. It ie just a little doubtful if Brussels ever had a better foot ball team than it has this year although a number of the players are joniore, this being the first season for some of them in senior matches. The teams lined up as follows :- 8n9eseas 608908790 Eerr Goal Peareoa Pepper } ,Boake { Qook Sample Sleeman Irwin 1 (f1 i6 36a Jackson F Backe { Morehea<0 Ferguson 1 I Stuart H%Loaewomdariyltton H a0ydo eonk ForwardBamf Thomson Crime AToDonald..... ••••� Wilson Ira Gerry, of Brussels, was the referee and bie desertions, with the exception of the last goal appeared to be eatiefaotory to both teams. Beeman Onootizno-According to an- nouncement a meeting was held in the Council Chamber, Brussels, last Friday evening for the purpose of discussing the gnestion of forming a local branch of the National Sanitarium Aeeoeiation. Reeve Thomson oeonpied the chair and intro• diced Mr. Watson, the representative of the Aeeoeiation, wbowants fatly into the eubjeot stating that the object was to aid in stamping mat that terrible disastrous disease-Conenmption. The Sanitarium le situated in Muskoka, near Graven - hetet, and was founded largely by the generosity of W. J. Gage and the lata Mr, Maeoey who each aootributed $25,- 000. Lord Strethccna is the President, end His Honor, W. R. Meridith, the Viae President. There are no share- holders nor dividendo,the institution being run in the interests of humanity. The location was ohoeen On amount of fie high altitude and light air, $80;000 was epent in fitting up the place. The British Phyeiotene' Aeeo,, when in this country, visited the Sanitarium and re. ported most favorably' on it. It was opened Nov, let, 1897, and 16% of the 83 patients were reported permanently cured In the first year and 21% the 2nd year. The oharge is $7 per week' per patient. Little or no medicine is used. 0ut•door living, with proper food, disin- fecting, &a., ie the process. Over 1000 were refused admittanoe for want of room and fineness. 50 was the limit but now that the free Sanitarium is to be built for poor patients the oapaeity will be largely increased. Several aottagee have been bail$ and donated to the Ae- 000108ion by Well-to•do charitably dis- posed ladies and gentlemen. Every patient hoe e, room for themselves and they are expected to remain outside from 10 to 12 hours eaob day, even in oold weather. An infirmary bae been donated by a Toronto lady. 826,000 is now in hand for the free Sanitarium and the contract is let. The 14 or 16 local Ageo- oiations are undertaking, along with othere to be formed, to assist in paying the way of those unable to receive the treatment at their own expenee. They also are expected to be an educating foroe, a very necessary part of the work. Consumption is rarely hereditary but is terribly contageous and is not inoarable if taken in time. After Mr. Watson had completed bie address and answered nnmeroue queries it was moved by W. M, Sinclair, and eeoonded by G. A. Dead. roan, that a looal Asenoietion be eetab• lithed in Brueeole, Tb'ie woe carried and the following officers elected, who will hold office for a year :-Chairman, Reeve Thomeoo ; Secretary, Jae, Fox ; Trento nrer, J. N. Gordon, of the Standard Bank ; Committee, in addition to the resident ministers, J. H. Cameron, W. F. Vanstone, L, Maboneld, (Walton) and W. H. Kerr and Mee. Walter Innis, Mrs, George Rogers, Mrs. Fletcher and Mrs, S. Wilton. 1The membership fee ie $1.00 per annum. A partial oeuvres of Brute 8e18 Wa8 made and some 86 0am'e9 'sem. ed. The members will kindly pay the dollar to the Trea9nrer, 18 f0 expected that a goodly number of those not oat - vaned will aid in this philaothropio movement, Farther particulars may be Obtained by application to the otlioerti. 688411 pulling baa oommeneed in game .pla088. STn teeon ileo,, "Taxes Goy " tank dth place in hie rete at Seaforth on Wednes- day, Standard Back hag adorned the front of theft 5901ri1058 by planing two long boxes ni bout planta In the win• dove, D411. MoNauanxon boo pub up the pow iron pipe !epos ot'the South sides of th iron bridge. The po0ts aro nvm4,y owe: and the whole outfit will be painted. P. J. Bottler, I, P. 111„ ie at Londe, ST04yt D42?J) �vfi.✓Y,[.), OF a/IX/1W. =„fel`FA,deMeZO Ce;ne e,e372, HEAR OFFICE, - TORONTO CAPITAL PAID UP (One Million Dollars) •. $1,000,000 Itusr,e , 8700,000 dyenciea in ail principal palate in Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, United States r8E1plan4, e. fop it '0" d VWS:J1J6r.S ZZ'IB'.t.A1'E'+'87. n A General Banking Buslnese Tranoaoted. thie weak.attending the Masonic . Gran t' SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Interest allowed on depoaito of $1,00 and apwardo and eomponnded ball yearly. Lodge as the representative from S John's Lodge, Brunets. lag's an en tbuelaeti0 Mamn, A elnmme/a petition will be presente at next meeting of the Commit for walk on the South side of King street It will be 5 feet wide from Tnrnberry t John and then 4 feet to tbo Maitland. WILL, EtameeNNY met with a painfu aooide1)6 On Wednesday afternoon at the sale stable of Magee. Hewitt & Moore, a bores tramping ea his foot and oraobiag the toes quite badly. We hope he will soon be o. k. Tun Clinton New Era of last week says :-W. A, B:illough has brought home his young driver which he has had pas• taring on the farm be sold before coming to town, She i0 the makings of a rale. able beast, being bred from Soott & War- wick's noted etallion "Costumer," of Entente. Sao. 0909E0 -Tile blaollemith shop in 000neotion with Jeo. Wynne Carriage Werke, Brussels, has been leered 18 Wm. Philips, who was resent t burned out at 8t. Augustine, losing house, ebop and stable. Mr, Phillipe Ilse taken possession and bas also move„ hie wife and family to town. His advt. appears in this week's iseno of Tim Pew in whioh he aeke a share of public patron. nee and guarantees eatiefaetion and moderate prices. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Phillips to Bruseele and hope they may do well, AN UNrala REPORT. -The following re- port of the Brussels -Listowel toot ball matoh, played in the latter town on the 12th ie clipped from the Listowel Standard :-"Brussels downed the Marl- boros. -The biggest onrpriee that baa mime to town for some time came on July 12th when the Brussels football team defeated the Marlboros by a score of 4 to 0. The game started nt 5 10 and WAS a poor exhibition ,of football, over. kicker and misjudged balls were the feature of the game, eepeoially by the home players. The first part of the game was in favor of the visitors, who played the mane of the Hurons of Sea• forth, who scored 3 goals during the fleet half, The tables changed considerably the emend half, the Marlboros having the ball down in Brussels' goal most of the time, but were playing in hard Intik, not being able to score any goals. The Brassele team snored one more in the last half by an off.aide, but this was allowed by Referee Gerry, of Brunie. The soars at the end was 4 to 0 in favor of Braesele. The return match will be played in Brussels on Aug. 6th," 69 eeem0 a difficult thing for some towns and newspapers to take a defeat gratefully. Tbere is nearly always some trumped op Bemuse and generally unfair motives noted. As amatter of foot Listowel was a 1net simply out -played yed on the 12th and they could not help themselves. They were not counting on Brussels running away with them to the tune of 4 to 0 and we bays no doubt it was "Ibe biggest surprise that had mime to the town for HOMO time." When the Standard says Braesele played the cream of the "Hurons" they state what is inaarreet. Jackson watt the only outside member that played with oar team that day. Pepper, who is a blaokemith in Broeeels, played "a game with Seaforth ogaiuet Ber- lfn but is and has always been a member of the town olnb. Dowling, of Harrieton, was one of the Listowel team but played with his home elnb against Listowel. One of oar best kickers was off duty, owing to recent illness, in the person of Ira 'Gerry, who was the referee. He thoroughly understands the game and neither he not oar team hone any necessity to take advantoge of flakes se they can win without. Whoever repott- ed bhe match to the daily press as 3 to 1 woe of the small potato variety as far as veraeity is concerned. Listowel ought to be the last to kink in any event about outsiders as onr boyo went over to Ford- wioh on May 24111 to play the club of that village but to their surprise found the Fordwioh team to be composed almoet entirely of the Listowel Marlboros and then it wee a tie seers until almost the last minute of the game when a goal was kinked by Listowel. Our boys don't al- ways win but we endeavor to give credit • where credit is due in either gain or lose. We believe this to be the oorreot thing to do and it may be Liatowel's turn next time but they will have to get a big hustle on to make it 4 to 0, That "goose egg" same to be a hard dose to take. • Businessv Locals. Farmers' Notes Di000nnted, Drafts Iaeu: 81toad Collections made on all points, SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO ring Oormaceroe or Ftuornno' 5ALm NOTma, Every facility afforded Customers living at a dieianoe, °payable at any.bauk issued tinder 510,. ,, 80. $20 to $80..,.12e NM VCd9CS at the following rates :- $10 to 520...,100. 30 to 40,,,.14o J. N. GORDON, AGENT. Wen for butter and ogee. A. Gormley. BlcrorEe repaired easefully and prompt- ly at the Electric Light Works, Brunets. HARNESS ie going steadily. We have got in another large stook in genuine Blaok and White rubber trimming, also niekle, eilver and plated hareems trim. mingo. The harness will speak for itself when tried, ion can get any part In this Zine you want, duelers, whips, &o. Ewan &Innes, CONrolTAELE house with lot, pump, &a•, well located, for gale or to rent, on Torn - berry street, Bruesele. Further infor- mation and the key may be bad by pall. ing at Tan POST, Possession may be bad at once. To THE LA71E8 0p Batreoloae AND Voo1N- Ira, Oar July and August sale of high °lase dross geode, organdies and general dry geode ie now in. To any lady buying $15.00 or upwards we pay your R. R. ticket and return. G. E. Mem, Wingham. SWAN & INNne will Bell the balance of baggies on hand at a big redaction in price. We havo Bold about GO buggies this season already and expeet to sell 40 more go Dome and get goat ohoioe. Ewan S: Linea will have on hand, next week, a rubber tired buggy for sale. It gives great eatiofaotion when it lute been tried. - Buggy top repairing a speciality. Blown TO ,hours, The old idea that the body eomotimes needs a powerful draetio purgative pill has been exploded 1 109 Dr. King's new, Lite Pills, which are variedly hermitage, gently stimulate liver and bowlo to out• pet poisonous matter, cleanse the system and absolutely cure aonetipation and sick headaohe, Only 250 at G. A. Dsadman's drug store. ONORN. HALLEweoo,-Zn Clifford, on July 2nd, to Mr. and Mrs, R. M, Hazlewood, a son. JOmtoxose-In Blyth on June 80811, the. wife of Mr. John Johnston, of a eon. SISITIo.-In Wroxeter, on July 5th, the wife of Mr. Thos. M. Smith, of a daughter. S2ARRa:f7]], SoanEnvoLLE-WereoN, - At "Ingleside." Seaforth, the reeidenoe of the bride's father, on Wednesday, July 11, by the Rev. Colin Pletcher, M. A., Exeter, assisted by the Rev, Dr. Johnston, London, and the Rev. F. H. Larkin, B. D., Seaforth, Mr. Charles Ross Somerville, London, Ont„ to Mies Chrietena, eldest Baugh. ter of Mr. D. D. Wilson, Seaforth. rxaNO. , BAEEEn.-In Brussels, on July 17, George Basher, aged 60 years, 2 months and 18 days. lefumIo.N.-In Morris, on July 16, Ed- ward Malligtn, aged 76 years. Rem, -Un let con., Grey, on Wedneeday, July 11th, Mies Annie Reid, aged 39 years and 6 months, memo •rrmseei S SA.a.ees wHTS, Fall Wheat.. 70 71 Barley 37 87 Peas ....• 59 60 Otto 26 27 Batter, tube and rolls .. 16 16 Eggs per dozen 10 13. Flour per barrel4 00 4 60 Potatoes: (per bash.) 1 00 1 00 Apples (per bag) 1 00 1 00 Salt per bbl., retail 1 00 70 Hay per ton 5 00 6 00 Hides trimmed 6 06 Hides rough 5 5 Hoge, Live 5 25 5 50 Wool 15 151} In ereoll Ont., July the ohe sae market held here e e today, 775 horse, July cheese were boarded ; 96a offered ; no galea ; holding for 950. Toronto, July 17. -Wheat dull and easier, at 70e for red and white West ; Spring quoted low, at 88o to 690 west ; Manitoba is easier ; No. 1 hard quoted at 93o C.P.R. and 94o G,T.R. Toronto and West ; 8360 to 840 afloat Fort William, 936o grinding in transit, 888 Midland. Floor easier ; oars of 90 per Dent. patent quoted at $2.85 in buyers' bags, middle freigbte ; ohoioe brands are held 20o higher ; Manitoba flour is steady at 54.65 for strong bakers' and 56 for patents in oar Iota Toronto. Millfoed steady, at $18 to 614 for shorts West, according to loca- tion, and $11 for bran West. Barley steady : No. 2 ie quoted at 41o, and No. 8 at 40o West. Corn steady : Canada yellow is quoted at 410 West ; No. 3 new Amerio anyellow is toted at • 6 0 q 0 Toren. 10. Oats easier, at 27a for white East ; mixed are quoted at 270 and white at 2060 West. Oatmeal steady, at $3.10 for ours of bags and $8.20 for bble. Toronto. Peas steady, at 810 Weet. Toronto, Jnly 17. -At western cattle market today the run was homey, 96 loads -1,600 cattle, 1,806 sheep and lambs, 531 hogs and 31 calves. Export cattle - demand weaker; while offerings were large, an odd load of extra ohoioe cattle Bold as high as 55.15 and $5,25 per owl., bat general run for ohoioe loads was $4.75 to $5 per owt•, and $4.60 to $4.75 per owe, for poorer grades. Butohere' cattle - Picked lots of really choice heifers and steers femme, and sold a trifle easier, at $4.30 to $4,80 per cwt. ; general Watchers trade slightly easier, ohoioe loads selling at $4.25 to $4.50 per owl. ; good cattle at $8.86 to $4.15 per owl, ; mediate, at $3.35 to $3.76 per owt., and common at $8 to $3.25 per owl. Ctookere-Very light no sold to a weak demand, at prioea ranging from 52 to $2.60 for off ooloroand heifers, and from $2.50 to 58 for animals weigh. ing 400 to 700 lbs. Milch sows -About 17 cows, generally of fair quality, sold to slightly weaker demand, at $30 to $62 a head. Balla -Export bulls at 1,800 to 2,000 Ibe, sold a trifle easier, at $8.50 to $4,60 per owt. ; betobere' and stockers' butte gold steady, at $2.00 58 for former, and $2 to $2.50 for latter ; offerings all round Tight and demand only moderate. Sheep -Large run met a better demand, at firmer prioea of $8.76 to $4.10 per owt. Lambe -Spring lambs gold more readily at shade higher price of $3.60 to $4,25 a head. Hoge unchanged, at $6.25 per owl, for oeleotione of 100 to 200 lbs., natt'ral weight, $5.276 per owe„ for fats, and $6,25 per owl, for lights. Eget Buffalo, N. Y„ July 17.-Cattle- Praotioally no market to•dayfor tbe want of cattle to operate with, only about ono load on sale, wllioh was peddled out to the oity trade at easy Monday's valuee ; vette and °elves, only a few ordered head of calves on sale, wbioh cold at eteady valuee ; tope, $0.25 to $6.60 ; fair to good, $6,25 to $6, Sheep sad lambs -Handy yearlings, ohoioe to extra, $4.00 to 55.40 ; do. good to extra, $4,50 to $4.86 ; Dulls and common, 58,75 to $4.40 ; mixed sheep, °om'&ion to fair, $4 to $4,23 ; do., good to extra, 54.85 to $4,60; do. wothero, 54.60 to $4.901 culls, oommon to good, $2.50 to 54,15 ; heavy expert Aeon, eWoe to good wethete, $8.75 to 54.86 ; ohoioe to extra Spring loathe, $6.25 to $6.50 ; fair to good, $6 to $6.26 ; tulle to fair, 54 10 $6 90. Hoge -With the hold.overo of ten Rade, we lead about 18 0ar0 on Dale; Western reporto were lower, and our market opened weak and slow, with prices 2to to Co lower on all ; the olose of the market was dull and weak, with all of six loads magold. ONE CENT A WORD COLUMN. FmcT 00480 mil017 Dow for sale, Also good 0016. 0. At. 0961030, ,Walton. AN apprentice wanted, about 16 yearn of age, to learn the trade at RONALD FIRE DD NGINE WORK 8. AGED bay bone stolen from the G, T. E. yard, Brussels on July 18th. Suitable re- ward for information leading to his re- covery. W. EltAOTEIi, Brussels. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. FOR SALE. -- A B.EA:U'TIFU.L home on Queen street, furnished or without, 01 a bargain. Apply to 68188 M. CAMPBELL,'Bru0sels. (1OMFORTABLE BRIOK RES. IDENam for sale or to.rent, Alexander street, 2 doors South 0f PublicSoboe] Bras - eels. Rouse in Good repair. }acre of land, and good cellar, well, 80, Smell fruits in garden. Paesoseion could beiven at once f desired, For further1pr•tidulars apply on the premises to 18118. FERGUSON.FE5281 REAL ESTATE. Tl h0auLoUeeaOoES-Su 07, G. Tow nobfp, within 1 mile of Bruesela. Dwell- ing house, buildings and fencee inoorl 00n• dition. The let hag a spring creek on the frontand river Maitland emeses the rear. About. CO acres timber and a young bearing orchard. Apply to G. A. HEADMAN, 46.81 Druggist, Brussels, 150 ACRE FARMFOR SALE, Being Lot 17 and S d Lot 10, 0ou, 15, Grey, On the premises is a tom for table house, bank barn, orchard, &e. Liberal terms will be given to purabasare. .Farm could be divided, making the 100 and the 60 separate. Per further partleu)are as to prine, terms, &e., apply on the premises or if by letter to Oranbrook P.O, 48-ff JAMES CIITBILL. AR GE FARM FOR SALE. - J 640 soros, ury 1to section, near boundary oYManttoen•o-otacres under cultivation. Fltwo-storey house meting over 61000. 8 Bailee from rail- way ; river Souris )passes through farm ; near cheap coal supply. Price 81000. Apply to JNO. D. RONALD. JULY 198 1000 aris Green We Guarantee every pound we sell to be !Absolutely :luxe And the price is 25o. per ib. A7• ----r Fez's Drug Store. VOR SALE IN ETHEL VJL- Elliott 1,4000,-Tho tof Bra solid thelatenous" With framo. lrltobon and woedehed, good stableand4 sore of land alt in drat -class condition, If not sold will be rented. Pos. see0iou at any time, Per pa,Haulers apply to Wnr, S.Evor, Ethel ; ALEN. PATTma0ON Galt ; or Da, MrararmEr, 686, Forget 2011 Ti1INE FARM FOR SALE. -BE= TNG Lot 20, N t Oon. 8. Alorris township, containing 88 apron of drat -claw land, There 10 It house, barn, orchard and good ware- house, and farm tswoll fonoed. Thera are 85 00100 in Fall wheat ; 10 acres in bay and 40 acres pasture. Possession could be given at sumo, Farm adjoins tbe village of Brus- sels. Por further particulars as to price, terms, 8o„ write to JAMES LIVINGSTON, 68, P., Baden. 20-11 1 IRRST • CLASS FARM FOR SALE. -Lot. 17, eon, 0, Totvnehtp or Grey. 100 acres more or lass, Situate 41 miles irom;Brtesols- and 2 miles from village of Ylohel. All cleared excepting 6 acres of hardwood bueh, Buildings and fiancee in good repair. Good walla, All Pall plowing done, Price and terms of payment on ap- plication to W. M. SINCLA111, 21.16 Barrister, &c., Brussels. FARM FOR SALE. -150 AORES Oon elating of the Southt. and South t of the North 3 of Lot 80, Con ,2,. East Wawa - nosh, Tine is an excellent stock farm,being well supplied with good spring water, It le situated about 8 miles from the thriving Pit. lase of Blyth. A.largo part of It leunder grass. Buildings and fences are in u fair state of repair. Easy terms of payment will be given. For alti0formatioe apply to 11-81 G, F. BLAI11. Barrister, Brussels. FARM FOR SALE. - .FOR sale Lot 21, Concession 10, Afo7£iilop, containing 100 mores, 80 acres cleared and ready for er0lr being well underdrained and well fenced with sed ar and black ash, The balance is timber and pasture. There to 0 sweat Orchard and three g004 wells, There is a good frame house and wood abed, e. barn and stables 81x80 10ot, also sheep house, pig non, implement house end i,ll other necessary out buildings. Itis It miles Eat of the eNo t r hravel g road p and ee etc• ,en t lent to e ohool sober churches, poet 08300, etc. B u els, from Seaforth dna a miles from Brthe 10ls, It is ono of. the boat teams in the townehl,pair w he sold on easy terms 00 the -proprietor wishes to retire. Apply on the premises or address Winthrop P.O. W1&.51011R160N, Strictly One Price Tice Lowest Does it say us to Advertise 'I Only in proportion as it pays you to read our advertise- ment. If we cannot induce you to buy of us our advertising is wasted money. Therefore you will easily see that it pays us to tell you how you can save money. To clo this we must toll the exact truth about our goods and steep every promise right to the letter so that this will become the best read portion of the paper. You can Save Money Buying Dress food: hue I 3 pieces Black Crepone in small, neatp01tern0, real value 730 per yard, Special at $0 6 pieeee 42 inch Bleak Figured Luo - ire, bright glossy ltnieh, real value 80e per yard, special at, 10 pitman 36 inob pure wool Drees Serge, in bright red, navy blue, brows, green and bleep, worth regular 30a pet yard, clearing at 0 piea80 Fauoy Plaid Drees Geode, very suitable for waists, worth regular 80o per yard, °leering at 8 please 42 inch line quality Black Figured Lustre, very Suitable for skirts, worth 40o per yard, special at 65 22 28 20 29 Black Velvet Ribbons with Satin back in Assorted Widths, J.. Money Saving Chances in . Staples. 20 pie0e0 heavy Flannelette in light and dark calors, epeoial per yd. $ 25 pieces extra heavy Factory Cot- ton, real value Oa per yard, epeoial at 6 600 yards fine quality Oxford Shirt ing, guaranteed Last colors, real value 140 per yard, :special ab,. 11 70 inches wide Unbleaebed Table Linen, very heavy quality, free of 0tanob, well worth to -day 050, ottr special pries 4.6 20 only Ladles' Mercerized Satin Uuderekirte, worth regular $1.50 each, epealal at 1 00 10 dozen Ladiee' Stainless Cotton Stockings, sizes 86 00d 0, worth regular 126a per parr, speohie at 100 or 8 pairs for 25a 6 dozen Ladies' Fine Quality Cotton Vesta with short sleeves, real value 20o each, epeoial at . , 15 28 !nob wide Cottonadee in extra heavy quality, regular 25a and 300 value, epeoial at 21 5 pie000 86 inch extra heavy Flan nelette, in light stripes, worth regular 12so, epeoial at 10 06 Co.