The Brussels Post, 1900-7-19, Page 7•!, tray 191 1900 THE CITY OF BAGDAD. ite eliernetorletee Mei Suggest Olio Hays or olio telioba. Bagdad is one a 'Lilo last a the tins wetted great office of the mist. Tbe beeaaro Conetentenople lute been tie - filed by we/stenn innovationes, and Mire °Pecan fashions ere stealing into the ishope of Tabriz, Bagdad ii ta noing, too, bolt its eolers and ways aro rich still with suggestions of the days of the caliphs and the luxuirioue era di esiem. The old pant 1st the customs holoiee Is• the pale= of the caliphate, heas'y with the marks of more than eight centuries, and mosque and mite.' aret rectal great names of great days which will...neva Dome again, iJntrhe palace court now are iron from Birmingham and cote= from Meincheete,r, meltchem from Sweden andel-leaver and more step/sure= ones trone Japan, chlnaware from China, and Resale, spirits and anger frora Merecillee, with wheat far shipment to London and wool and hides for ,eme erica, Where the caliph's favorites once sold kingdoms, inspectors now take their petty brides. It is a our - tone bedlam. °mavens coma in from Pereia, Arabia wad Mesopotamia, The laden camels, icases and donkeys merge out east, wet, north and south, A hamaI, or porter, paellas by, carry - en ,his book a 850 -pound bale at oteton. And the Bagdad natives are distinguished Dram the resit by the Bagdad button, a ecar about the eke of a date, atten on the end of a nose, always no the Lane, the mwrk of an ugly (nab which sooner or later conies to disfigure almost every resie deat of Bagdad. Hebrews, of who= there are 40,000 one-third of the population of the oitY, Armeneees, many of whose women have been married to Buropeants, Ar- abs from eh° desert, Turks, soldiers end fait olviliaces, some dark, seine blonde es itthe janizaries, chavadars with their caravans, Persian teachers wite their caravans, Persian traders of all kinds mess to end fro, under the covered streets between the bazaar, slope displaying all the produce of the eerie A HIMPLE REMEDY. Here is a simple but never -failing Cure for wounds made by rusty runts, bites of angry animals, felons, wounds, made by fireworks, in-flare:ad and poi- sonoes flealiwounds genertely. Put equal pants of good fresh wood ashes Lead hot water in a pail or pan large enough to moire than cover the hand or foot hurt. Keep it in some time and when 4he water cools put freak waiter en as hot as can oornfortebly bei used, sometimes renewing ashes mud het water both. After a short bime a soothing sense of relief from pain will ovine, buil. keep We treatment going on until the pain is sootbed, the iteg Rammed= gone, and 'the pus camera from the wound, and the flesh Is white and wrinkled, as from hot ands. Always keep a bag of good wood tweeze in your home for time of need. ._...„0.-. MOTOR CARS. Motor cars registered in Paris num- ber 3,701 ; the suburbs of Paris, 1,219; in the reat of Prance, 2,455; in the whole of Germany, 1,427; in the whole of England, 800; in the United States, lees than 300. UNDERMINED BY EDIJOAT/ON, The average graduate always pre - ignite to know it all. . Yes, and sometimes, he doesn't get Over the tendency even wben gets to be a college professor. WORSE YET. I thought if I gave 'Uncle John a earetty scarf pin, be would out off his long whiskers. Did he9 No; he wears them braided now. NO HOPE FOR HIM. (How does Jimson expect to live when be reaches the other aide 'By his wits. ahem of course, he's coming back moon. • / ANXIETIES w"raE COUNTRY 8 SIDE, What a harassed look Min. 'Waddle - ton always wears when she gets up a picnic. Yea; she either afraid of snakes or t.„, afraid the lemonade won't go around, " roLoRs oF HOUSES. Three German Courts recently de- cid= that he the Berlin police should judge any eertieultir co/or scheme ot g a beam to be improper or too gently I they could order the winter to change g It. •• MIL HE WANTED TO KNOW, h There's just one thing that I want 1 1' to know, amid the young num. e, Only one? asked the self-satisfied, old tellow. • ; Only one, repeated the young man. f • Welt, you're easily /suited. What is TVB 13".R.'013SELS POST, owitove- -Av."40,400v,4* Oh the Farm. MINTS TO FARMERS. Havels) for a long' time beet), of the (Mint= teal. the reason Ito Mare' email farms do eel; pay la thee 'they are 'worked in a wasteful and un- busieeeslike way, 1 have ventured, 'with some diffidence, to make a int of wasteful methodthat bave come under my obeervation, at talc:rapt:- In& to otataeify them, but Kitting Went down in the order in wet= they occurred to me, says a oorresPoo- "ltee,Ping and feediag nu animal, or few!, or tree, after it has ()eased, to be Profitable. • Leaving biroh wood and pine logs exposed to the weather till the bireh le rotten and the pine worMY, The keeping cif sickly, under sized or otherwise inferior stook. It costs buti little it any more to keep a vow that gtvee twelve, quarts of milk than to keep one giving but hall that amount, and the fv.rmar who could ewe the better animal, and doesn't, is, to all intents and purposes, throw- ing away six quarts ot milk a day, te. any nothing of the loss on the calif ot the poorer cow, whites is fit only for veal. Tide same Principle itePlies to poultry. If the farmer is so situat- ed that to could sell silting eggs and breeding fowl, and contents himself with keeping mongrels or under- sized fowl, he really wastes the dif- terence between what lie does gel and what he might get for eggs and poultry. Keeping fowl confined in small yards, ween by a little( outlay ot mo- ney and Some ingenuity unused pas- ture or grass eland eould be opened to teem, with benefit to both land and hens, maid a saving in the expense for grain. Growing annuli crop of grass on naturally, good grass land that could be made to produce immense crops. Neglect to study the -'available market for crops, to Learn iihat 11 demands that can be profitably rais- ed and marketed. Neglect to studythe soil and learn what its capabilities are. Leaving manure out to be leached by rain, or, putting it on the land in. lumps, und,piles, and leaving it SO for any length cif time. Using greeo manure on mops that. wUt uet do well on green manure, Making 'no use of the fertility in vault ry yards. Leaving, chests, barrels' and, bags et grunt epeu to t110 depredettons 01 rets and mice, Over" -feeding of aunuale, fowls and la ud. Undue:I-feeding of the same. Not feeding ba leveed ra t ions. Uncleanly habits in the burn, caus- ing the milk to be "cowy,' an thus hurting the sale of milk and butler and injuring the health at people and In not doing a thing at the eine it ought to be done, as leaving the cultivation of • a ordp till the weeds have a strong hold, not attending to the disposal at a erne when a day s delay. may make a great deffereuee In price, etc. Leuving till the crowded spring work that can' be done as well in the fall or winter. Neglecting to obtein the govern- ment bundles, or Lo Lake one or more good fares papers, and so not lettenino the latest approved methods of farming, hew, beet to avoid( °eget rid ox particular diseoses, insect pests, etc. The neglect of some necessary detail in the raising or • harvesting of a crop, and thus lessoning, if not de- stroying, its value, as letting bugs and worms get the upper baud, Mato ng potatoes in. the sun after digging they sunburn, pulling omens Loo early' or too late leaving some tender drop out through 11 rust, or lettieg e stand tilt it begins to spoil. Using poor seed. Negileuling to make the meet of ruit trees and vines by cultivetion, praying, pruning, meting out bor- ers, fertilizing, ale. In not Marketing fruil that can not; be lined profitably in the faintly, In dealing with customers who Dave i. bad reputation for paying their ills. In being turned aside from one s nurse by trifling obstructiona. In not being wL1hlng to Lake pains, In not slopping to calculate on vhether it will really pity, before be - inning a eer nun course, or a eertein fete of \vette like metiving bushes, fitting out rocks, killing weeds. In neglect of tools. In neglecting a Ewen. after It is ttrveste,d, In letting entitle be traubled un- ecessarny by flies or mosmxithes, in etting feeds fight, in negleeltug Ude' cows and hOrees, in allowing Owl0 to be, lousy, in letting. fowls Or animals. stiffer from eXes8811,6 cold hi le in In not going about ano seeing tow. other farmers d,o things, Iit the mule not keeping hulled/ : What is the reason that the great international troubles - the affairs e that we most want to (tisanes- always airop out in the placers that have the •ei.ieebeest unproneuriceable nonce! per diet, =Moeda deep, pure air, re - Mee I Me. NO ILC/ON/ FOR POOR COWS, neve is just (me good use for poor claim cows -their hides make elegant hlueltsnal 01'8 aprons. Tee 11011 otry has a surfeit of thein, knoll 01 wbtall aresen good homes and ought to have their "pictures tai -ped toward the Well." Poor cows are not altogether it question of breed, but like plugged =fee tire likely to turn up in pay de- nomination. Them liee bad money natn,. they are either "passed' en to the nazi, telloev or kept at home lie - melee they appeal." to represent some. tilling. They are counterfeits, za118- anueS, goldsbrieks-anything that re - Presents a swindle . They have no (sham to sympathy -nor feed. Dae out the poor kind and pay more ettentioia to good =we good feed and oovreot methods. Tice cow 'you want is one Writ wLlh veturn good, honest produces In paying quantities with- out. the aid of are -tide's, See is the evw there is always room for -a nioemyernaker. She may not be just the "type yon wont, but if she pays her board and "lays by" a little, she bus "type" enough to justify her stall allowance and daily ratton. Look out for the good cow and corral every one you ean. If she makes gill -edge dairy goods in pitying quantities you • can aftord the room for her, no mat ler wbat breed, Ey= if she dome hap- pen as be of the breed you like beet, and you are after money in 'thee dewy, the good sow will do to keep-tuntil she fails you. .Bui there 18 no room in lee dairy for poor cews-lehertater they are poor in quantity or quality. VA.TTENING OLTTLE. The relative merits of quick and eloiwer feeding theve not yet by any mains been determined, iaotwirliettind- fng its importance. A great gap con- eequently exists in the Prat:floe of feeders, writes Thomas Show, of Min- neseta. 'ehe argument . in favor ot quick fattening is in substance as follows; Feed the 411110151e all they will eat ort tdods that are highly carbonaceous in eharsotere Finish, the animate in the emitielionstammis STOMACH TROUBLE MAKES THE LIVES OF THOUSANDS 01? PEOPLE MISERABLE. 88'u. Sohn 1191 land, of Uranium, P. IL 1, tilvee If er Experience tor the illeurflt of SIu,lIar Sufferers -Or. W011aues• Pink P1111 Pencil Mier After Other Medletnes vaned. From the. We tda man, Cbarlottetown. Mrs. Jahn Holland, ot Tarantura, PEI., is well known and highly re- seeded in the community where she resides. For some years her life was one of misery and suffering, having beau an acute sufferer from that itom- mon foe of itutrianity, dyspepsia, A reporter beating of her restoration to health through the agency of that wonderful remedy, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People, called upon Dirs. Holland to obtain porticulars, wet= were cheerfully given isa foe lowa:-"About four years ago I be_ came very ill, I ions attacked with a distressing pain in my etumach, aecompanied by flaohes of heat and cold. •Vices attacks were generally preceded by 4 sleepiness and stupor which required constent exertion to keep awake. I had little or no appe- tite and fooe lay as a stone on my stomach. A5. time passed, I was growing worse, vomiting of food set in, with sudden eleinge,e of heel and cold in my feet. 11 was so reduced in strength as to not he able to walk any dietance without: testing To work 1 dare not attempt. I began to feel that I could not live very! long in my present eandilien. 1 was re- duced in weight to 115, pound% Two years agu I begun tieing Dr. Williains' Pink Pills. Beton this 1 had tried various advertised medieines, but without any beadle resulting, 1 was tieing the second box ot the pills be- fore nett any benefit, but from that • my recovery was rapid. I used In all five boxes of the pills, rand have never felt better in my life lean 1 do at the present moment. All the aleagree- able sensations that acoonmany dys- pepeitt eave vanished ; 1 eau enjoy nzy meats with relish, and any weight has increased from 115 to 139 pounds, It is now more thee a year since I die- oonliutied the use of the pi11, tied as a twee inet hait the slightest tow= of the trouble In that time 1 teel, safe 112 saying that my cure is permanent. would Strongly advise others sot. - ming from stuumeh trottbles to give Dr. Wiltiains'. Pink Pills a fair Dr. Williams' Pink Pine =re byl going 1.0 the root of the disease. 'play renew and build up the blood end strengthen the nerves, thus driving disease Linen the systeM. Avoid Ind - tatter= by insisting that every box you purchase us enclosed in IL WrACIPer bullring b.he full trade mark. Dr. Wile limn's' Pink rills 5or Pale People. If your iIi.iI, dour lee keep Idem they will be seat posepaid al 50 tents a box, Or six boxes for 42,50, by addressing the Pi', tvintmols* Media= Go., Brook- vIlk Ond re the best, poesible enedition by pre- SOMETHINQ QUITE New - CEYLON GREEN TEA Same flavor ne jepan, only more delicioue. /Shortest posiiiele timer cold there will be e avileeffected 111 the food of ranieitepence. There will also be aomelthing saved in lebev, For in - 1± one animal is fattened, in the Dee histance in 01) days, and in the other inetance In 150 clam it Is iarguedi that the fent of maintenenee in tee flamer instance for 69 days will all be sueed, and also 'the labor of feediage the sense. The Arguments In Laver Of SiOlVor feeding are somewhat as teeniest If tee eutinals are fed all the conoentrat- BM food they will take, some of teens at least will eat in expose and. cloy llierappetite, and. all of them will eat MOTs alrl112 they will properly depot end assimilate?, Mu= of the food therefore, will be wasted, since it will pass through the animal inapprepeats eel, Much cit the. food will to thieetvas bedost, and it is maintained that. the loss in food will more than offset the saving effected in the food of main tenunee under tamed feeding. POULTRY VS. INSECTS. Ii's'uit gro.wees are tepidly coming io the opinion that one of the cheapest and best, ways of fighting loggias vest 1611.13 poultry. With many, especi- ally with farmers, spraying is not praotical, whin the keeping of poul- try is. In addition, by providing com- fortable quarters and giving proper care, the poultry can be made to ?re- turn it good profit while they are doing a good work in desiroytng in- sect pests en the garden. Cold was Found In the discovery al s(e wonderful a reanedy as Nerviline-meeve-peen cure. Noieemedy en the merket affords sueli prompt reliel for toothache, neuralgia and rthenimetitian. Its action in cramps, &e., is siMply lous. STRENGTH OF THE FORCES THE NUMBER OF MEN IN THE BRITISH AND BOER ARMIES, An Interesting Letter From a Prominent Yunkre Who titres Feel. odd Figures A bout the Two .31111163 In South Afr ia Mr. Thomas G. Waterman, a pro- minent man in tee United States, writes tee subjoined letter to the New York Tintes:-"I remember myself, as a young man, taking part 151 a tre- mentleue jubilation in 18135, over' she capture of Gen. Lee al Appomattox, with only 9,000 soldiers, by Gen. Grant with 150,000. Moreover, Lees army had not for months exceeded 40,- 500 In number, and yet held Great at eey, from Ostober, 1861, to April, 1865. Ne vertee less I thought Ilion, It nd think no3v, that Grant's victory was a great and exceedingly difficult eohieeeenent; as I think 1e/envoy's vic- tory a brilliant one, "But I bit to see the subetiential difference 'between these victories and the victory of General Roberts, who, with 40,000 mein at the outside, de- stroyed, Cronje's Army ot 12,000, acqu- it Ily capturing 4,000 ed them, While two Opposing a ;antes are, man to man, as good as each oteer, there are Pew cases oft reamed in .wittelt either has been completely destroyed without a superiority of - fully three to one in numbers. STRENGTH Olr 'THE roncts. "With regaed to the relative num- bers of the two imposing forces in South Ateice, we live a right to as- sume that Dr. Leyds, the Officio re- presentative uL the Transvaal, 1015 tee truthwhen be said that Cho cool - blued forces of the Transvaal and Orange Free State amounted to 100,- 100, tnesi, giving the figurein detail. But even if Dr. Leyds fled, which it dime not become any pro -Boer to as - Sere there ran be no queSI ion that the Boer forcee, including not only thoise of the. two republies, but ineny thousands from Cape Colony and for- eign meireenartes, [mounted Ito fully 70,000. Moist of these were in ;Mlle last October. At that time the Britieh lied not, in a I I, 20,000 spielers tn South Atrice; and these Were scatter- ed in foul: widely saperated (Weems, fur tram their belie of 8119010m The Boers outnumbered the British fully two to one at Ladysmith, and fon. to one at Kimberley and Mefeking. All those plecee were without any forto fineries, and yet, elem. menthe of siege, the Boers failed to eapture uny one of them. "When Geherre Roberts at last col- lected 100,010 Men in South &flans, he dad to divide them into three armies end to use 1 he greater pea of =eh in protecting lines Of comminute lion. WEI AT PIGUILES SAY, "One'of the ere -Boer advocates has e dernotrtel rated the t en a rely of 04,003, under surii ritnuatetnners, MU Id DOI possibly noncom rot e MOND ide 12 50,000 in the Tiensvaal tor Eight- ing euipties, all leo rest being roe gulled to protect eorelnuinic Lions. hie mead= is (=aliened by one own expereeme II e olvil ivex a 1861. On =eerie oeeastons during 1 eat War tee Eerie, had mere than 700,000 men gm. Wally in the field, and yet we aver° never eine to pill more than 120 000 inte ae)uel operation al any one nor to enter Into any battle with 121ran lbitn 50,000 men, if Indeed we OW r 'had 533 015313' 00101111y engaged. "Tbo British have never Sent inure than 200,003 troops to Smith Africia. Of thew, the killed, wounded and pre =tiers rilkIVO amounted to 10,000, while More 1131111 12,000 have been sent home, (tumbled by illness, With less than 165,090 men, 13..Chell 3 1.10 le protect two lines ot railroad communiiiiiiion, one, of 200 miles and the other of 800 miles, besides taking eare ot Kimber- ley and Mateking, %elude are severe! eundred miles to the weal of his mein army. The disparity of opposing fora - es is *enclose nue so greet, in Soule Africa aa it was in the Southern States in 1881. 'MAT ARE THE PACTS? "The Boor advocates bave only one remaining ground for exultateon, Their deliglit 'at the supposed fearful slaughter p1 Britieb troops bas been unbounded, and their prayers that tee piece of crape might rise have been load. Yei what are the fitets, when compared with these of Ottlr CI weer- In the summer uf 1801 Gen. Sherman sleeted for Atlanta with 90.002 men, J.n four months he 1001 07,000 men, without inducting M my of his se*, whether in hospitals or sent home. In the ssms time, Grant. test 35,604 in the same way. "In eight montes of euntinual 1 ight- ing the British have Mat in the same way 211,1100 men, while in actual deaths they huve not lost Oen as mat as did Gen. Shermain, our one-fourth as many as did Grant. . DRAWING A. PARALIsEL, "I tion far from admiring the ordt- nary run of Britesb officers, inelud- bag sueli generale as Butler and Meth- uen. But I have good reason to re- inendier Burnside, Pepe and Hooker, and ibu desperate attacks on the trent. of Fredericketrurg, to both of which ono 04 nty brothers rook en naive part, and ineach of whoolb our Northern troops wecre defeated, with grouter lose than Buller and Methuen sustained all put together. intenne patent and bragging generals are. un- fortunately, not monopolized by any part of the world. "Tile civilized.world never Wise more eouvinced of the impossibility of Northern victory than in 1804, just before. tlieeeollapse of Leo. And even alter that tlic world was almost as unanimous. in tee, belief that the peo- ple ot the South would be irrecon- cilable, as it is no',', the belief that the South African. Dutch 1,411 be. The Boere cannot possibly hate the British more intensely than rhe men and WO- menfart the Southhated the North in 1664. The reconeiliattou of races In South Africa will depend enttrely upon f he 'wisdom v meg:Inutility of the eonquerors. Th" present bit iernees of the conquered is an element of small relative importance.' .One of the moat danger. ous and repel/eye forms of Kidney bisease 1. OPS for which podd's Kidney Pill. are th• only certain mere. In Dropsy the Hid - nays 0118 aatunity inetssed tap, and the weter, which thouhl be expelled in the form of untie, flows back and lodges in the cella of the flesh and puffs out the akin. Remove the filth which plugs ap the drain, Restore the Kidneys to health. There is only ono Kidney Medicine DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS 811e8miliminig.••••OMIMOSvandasinwli•EIEMMONIMINB BROKEN IN. Well, bete does your automobile go by this time 1" Oh, it's all right; it has quit shying 8,1 the electric cars. MBA 'FAR REACHING Perfume of e good mime heralds the comm that Putnam's ?minims Corn extractor is a sure, certain, and pain- less remedy for corns. Fifty mita- Ilona prOVS 11 to be the best., At d niggle ts. HE CONSIDERED HIMSELF. Why (lid you eremorage your wife to leave for bar mothers on Friday Don't you know it's unInekye Not for me. W11814 WE ()ROE TOO TO TRY CEYLON 'IL* feeling P that, Ito a0m1iont Savor W./ OW1E. VOI. ' LEAP Ineeleme. all, PO, 4% oc ono Pee. fkeseeseseiseiseeestiveelsseremeleatetkeseeteieeleetsetee Alwees reetieeleee a good pal* when he sow it, or seben he UseE et. He knows it pays to use enod paint, ane that's why tte atony paletero teak for A Cod Paiitler 1 RAMSAY'S PAINTS The (=both rie,ss ot Its working' qualities, its great " ooverleig" eapaelty, and it remarkable durability, for both indoor and outdoor use, are Coins Of Hi eiltiarlositerlsties. Ii RENY & 801 * moNTR.L. ' NMI M(11{013. 1101'» 1840. rle ebelielk/tAbAlbAbblIP English Teething Syrup Comforts Crying Children. POSITIVELY PREVENTS CHOLERA INFANTUM. CURES IVVLSI:enDdIVPITOTtl'INGIVENOTARLYEe8. LANCEST 8111 IN THE W0111.9. BRITISH CHEMISTS COMPANY. REGULATED BY OCCULT REASONS, go -Sugar has gone up again. She -Yee; two use =eh a lot at it on strawberries 110W. He -That ought to make it cheap - e'. She -No; when our grocery man sells plenty of anything he puts up the price; and when he =mile 8511 much of it he puts up the, price. A LIGHTNING DESTROYER. i Tour Charlie seems to be an active ,little fellow, Arm Dobbs. Antivel I put a clean shirt waist on him, and in five minutes he makes it look as if he had worn it a week. FOR OVItilt FIFTY YEARS MAIL WINSLOW'S IMOTILINO SSRUT has been ...4 by mothers tor their chneren leetbiug. It soo'hoe Ihe 111114, torte.. the fume allay. 011e, our. Irina polio .4016 e bast remedy for dierrhOrr. 25o.. bottle. Caleb? en druggist. throughout the world. He sure sad oat Ole" Mn, Winslow'. Soothing Syrup." Every German regiment has a ehir- opodest in its ranks. Beware Of Ointments for Catarrh that contain Mercury. RI meromewill surely destroy the setae ot and completely damage the whole system when entering it, through the mum. aurfaces. Buell articles should never be used exempt on prescriptions from rertable Irby Malone, es the damage they will do sten fold to tbn good ECM ,an possibly derive from Wens. Antra Catarrh Ours, manufartured by F.J. Chatter re Lai. To. ledo, contains no mermtry, and is taken in- ternally. acting directly upon the blood and teucona rarfacee of the 07451o, In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you fret the mum- ble, 11 1, taken intornally,and made in Toledo, Ohio, by 5'. J. Cheney c Ca. Testimonials fr.;111:111r1PlIelailVrtltr bineart.b0"18. ENGLISH MONARCHS. The average 'duration of the reign of English monerobs for the last 600 years has been 21 years. 140808441 80031. 1111111000RY. The "Balmoral," Free Bus Am'Pl"' SAM& ne. AVENUE HOUSE -Yarglantt par day. ST. JAMES' HOTEL -:see. Vtrat•clase Couttoerel.1 Ron.., . retrolo croremetate-Ratee milers te. W. P. C. 1031. CALVERT'S Carbolic DloInfootarito, Seep., cont. imam*, Tooth Powtharo, *to., hey, ORM awarded 100 medala and diplomas for imparter excellence. Their reenter nee provost intpold. ens din... Ask your dealer to supply. Uste nudled free on appetite'''. F, C. CALVERT & CO., MANCHESTER ENSLANS, LA Mills, Mille A Holes Barriaters,oto.,removed bo Waley lIloge,, Rich. mond St. kV...rot-onto. Wianer,'Pricrta:Ettic.Eghip J. J 0 N ;10 •ADELABIE 10RoNTo, rass Band Instruments, Drums, Uniforms, Etc. Every Town can have a Band ,r1=1.124:8 VVLIPWAttur° Music or Musloal Instruments. Whaley Royce & Go., T°'°10,?4,4,714,. POULTRY, BUTTER, EGOS, APPLES, bIt otiror PRODIJOB, to °mto best ratulla opyrilp 11 The Demon Commission Co., Llroitetil Dor, Wast-Siarsibt 1 Colborne ft., Toroe0. INTIM lif7.1110 trereliefgh.j=11. 1.4., 50 CtIgtr.fttiilt.ttliel'groutioreon'e iS4menta, ns Yews St., Toronto, Catholic Prayer 8.00Btstry, ,ad 4,-;:z. repint1:786:013.iiilt moatati:oprik (16, Mali ,rSt,, *068144 prznopl 1146 Red or Ore. BLWITIRicaircoktaillt.tr:?! ,R Or.: 4: F. .1,9%41 lesioN:8 Taf J+I.A e• Dyeing Cleaning for We ,,e erreteend your e'en 10 the "81117101/1 AMERICAN hyalite 06." took for 111.01 01 your tow., at ulna 40.04.Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa, Quebec EASTERN TOWNSHIP NUESSIIT, Lumi.owners and termer. desiring to ermines r aill FRrPIT 5*1108, 5PVR}3,tP14iLOII/g11110.ati.,1 Vlrravr1raett71'7." "!40111ptingt.o'i4.neXtt ley pric. Ordedtreet tn urtsieeeiiero will savethe mil.of wreck ed eteroltoote.Poel.nef4 illustrstml mast.. et It peg., .3011 direotione tor Preparing ramodlee for the dee-ruction of 100.05 DE Ina trees, rose.hunher, etc., east on rietipt or 10 omits TOE EAKTEAN t,,wasa,p NVOSI.P.7, Laween.sille, Quo, A LIST OF MISCELLANEOUS MACHINES FOR SALE AS POLLOWS- ettlee°3sT4"IVO?d Fglpt.kr:47srrAmiite.,' atTri:ltdels Illerret,_Autontatic Spoke Irerhe., Itianeh.rd Dleintee. cketaiikIM.7,11:1:1 Bank or 031ce Itotkno. WOreet, me De, nodes, mom iron, steetreeptatiag_prene10, .8 Violent limo, is/obi...It Oloot, nand Fire Eagle*, ire *ae latt"es lar.tott 00,0.116 whms, Clore* eller Anis ultponner 9 et ader eue Cultivate .r riore# el artto 811 chine, Ire4torillt Two berk 23111, Chanter, tlet. Ido Perrecuto lonnfre' Press, Bement rttraolts noun, eire Teebetobi /10. Mutt, 50 h0.1, feeble 114tor, Poal,bre nUckeim, Ten `711,1°Adrz"'gV,fhlA°.7.,,ttli:,11131in:rt„.,!;114: 34,4111 i',`,11,;`11°1 Yeti 6111Vibb?s't Kr" ni MO; l'7vo‘atlie Gleba re 01 4rslu1110 Mortars • 440* Nit Sneed' Engineers' 'and KM ed's Suppl OP, 'Send for Bnelolf Oanibatia. N. W. PETRIE, Toronto. The Canada Permanent and Western Canada Mortgage Corporation. Canada Permanent Building, Toeozire ST., TORONTO. anaxon 0$01054 • WrIbtineg; Men., Vancouver, 14,80. Jahn, NA Capital Paid Up, $6,000,000 Reserve Fund, - 1,500,000 Vreniciont. goorge Cootlorharn. 151 Tleo•frendont, edid 01mi:humor Steen lito Committee- .). Herbert Mason. leg Vitio•Preettion IN, 14. Beatty. t41,18.111114 Walter O. 1.0e. Money to Lean, Deposita Received and Interest A lloweel Debenturee Issued in Sterling and Cur- rently.