HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-7-19, Page 5114
J'uLy l'9, 1000
11 Dont. 7,1i, SOOT'1', lireaael°,
NAT H. 14001.1n,OKEN—
• testier of Marriage Mimeos. Of -
hoe at Or000ry, Turnberry street, Brussel&
, Tonoorlal Artist, Bbop--No:ol door
North of the Standard Bank, Ladies' and
Children's hair outting'a epeoialte,
annex pan11aayoor severalgood Farms for
Oslo oand oola 0 11 (lto any tortes, lu '1'owaehipe
01 Morris and Grey, it B, St7UTT.Brueaele
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
7EAM1111111 07—
i3zv' V's1 1 S, exam,
ZN0O1Alaon, .
L. O. M„
A endemic graduate' of London Oonoerva-
tory of Muelo. oleo Member of the Associated
Mnotolans 0! Ontario, is prepared to receive
a limited number of Pupils for inetruotion
on the piano. Qualified to prepare pupil for
the Prinolpal's Form is the Conservatory of
Music, Brussel&, .Ontario.
t9 olark of the Fourth Diviolou Court,
Co, Huron; Conveyancer, Notary Public,
Land, Loan rand lne1raat00 Agent; Auotlon-
eer. Funis luveeted and to'9oan. Onlleo-
. tions made. Office iu Grahtun'ep3look, Brea-
. sole,
wan, will sell for bettor prices, to
better men in Lees time and lose (shelves
than any other Auotloneor in Mist Unroll or
he won't charge anything. Dittos and orders
can always be arranged at tole h21ce or by
personal application.
(1,0111140211 Our 6EAFOBWn)
Graduate of R. 0. D 8., Toronto ; Poet Grad.
unto (mares at Hnekel'e School, Chicago, in
orowu and bridge work, 13Priceo same as
in surrounding towns. 21.
OAlee over A.R. Smith's store, Brussels.
ea • Honer Graduate o1 the Ontario Vet-
erinary College, is prepared to treat all die-
(sases of domoetiaatod animals tit a oompet-
eetmannor. Particular attention paid to
Veterinary Dentistry. 0e110 promptly at-
tended to. Ofilee and Infirmary—Four doors
Norio of bridge, Turnberry at., Brussels.
a Barrister, Solicitor, l0Ouveyancer,
- Notary Public, &o. Olfioe-8 towart'a Block
1 door Nor Lb of Central Hotel.,
Solicitor for the Standard Bank.
lJ� Bolioltor, &o. OT rte over Stand-
ard Bank. So1)oitor for Village of Brussels.
Money to Loan at lowest rate0.
• (Formorly of Camerae, Holt &
Cameron) Barrister and Solicitor, Go(1wioh
Ont. Ofiloe—Hamilton street, opposite 001.
borne Hotel,
M. i)„ C.
Licentiate of Royal College of Phyetoiane
and sal'geen8,'iiiugebon ; Member of the Col-
lea of Physiolans and Burgeons of Ontario,
Diseases of Women and Obildreu a special-
ty. Nine years' experience. 07100 and res-
idence, opposite Englioh.church , Brussels,
nt. n., n. M.,
'PrioitylUnivoreity,Fellow Trinityy. Medical
College, Member Collage of Pbyeioiaus and
Serpens Ont. Licentiate of the Royal Col-
lege of
and Licentiate of Mid-
WIfery Edinburgh. IarTolepbone N0.14,
Residence—M111 street, Biennials.
enein0IAN, 02003308 ANb A0000011E1311,
(Sttocessor to Ilr,E, II. ICalbl1Ciseh)
M. D. Bellevue Hospital Med. Col., New
'York •MD M lotoria University,
20•iMember of t g
e Yb
8u(oone of Ontario. Special attention
t0 diseases of women, eye, ear, n000 and
throat. le•tf
M. D. O. M.,
Oradnoto 0f McGill College, Montreal,
&o, All specialty work eatisfuetorily treat-
ed. 011i00 upstairs In the Stratton 1310018,
Offto hours, A to 12 a. 1u., and 7 to 10 9, m.
Spooialine work, such as for eye, ear, throat,
&o,. in the Whim at his reindeuooElizabeth
street, from 2 to 6 p m. A11 14e.thei0es will
be diepeneed personally by the Dr. or under
hie direat 110erv1610n.
Fall Term Opens ScpLL 46
No less than eight large bu91no80 colleges
have applied to un within the int six week0
Wr'in0011th0ir gtaduata0 to. take poeiti0n0 no teach,- 0 a , At many n0 dvo
uo00 demo haveve applied to u0 to Duo Baylor
Dube (28111, Thio 19 surely tho boot 0011001
Mr you, Catalogue teen.
.16', J. Ii1,L*OTT, PrtnelpiQ,
t.;7u::. _ne� s 137
Listowel l
A thorough, rompleto and praotioal train-
ing in all branohee of Commercial work,
at oousiderably lees than ro122(92 rates.
For full information apply
grooms or Uattege ever feet (M120.
13r,atrtct eti)5.
.131.6- Os.
Dr. Miioo hag [uncharted a dootor'e
Stanhope 061110ge.
Sunday Rev, 0. L, Mala oonduoted
farewell services ju Trinity oharah.
Thos, Higley, of Blenheim, visited
with Blyth friends fora few days.
Dare. A. MaoVioar and baby, of Blunts -
villa, are viaiting with Rev. and lrlr0.
Bcohmer & Co., of Berlin, have a large
staff at work putting in the Queen street
Mica Amy Elder, of the Presbyterian
Ladies' college, Toronto, is home for the
Summer vacation,
Joseph Keliy, of the Detroit Sohool of
Medioine, ie spending a portion of his va.
cation at his home here.
During the heavy wind storm a Targe
portion of the iron smoke stack on Tre-
leaven Brae', millswas blown down.
R. D. Cameron was in St. Thomas last
week auditing the books of the High
Court of independent Order of Foresters.
A Gold Medal contest will be held in
the Town Bali, contestants from Tees -
water, Ripley and Luokoow will compete.
At a recent meeting of the County
Council the committee On petitions and
by laws recommended an increase in the
pedlar and hawkers licensee making the
fee as follows :—On foot to $68 ; with one
borne to $72 ; and with additional horse
$96. The report was adopted but the
by-law confirming received oul
reading and was laid over until December.
Mies Robina Baine, of North Bay, ie
ependiug her vacation under the parental
• A cow belonging to Mr. Gough was
struck by aneugine and both of her lege
broken. She had to be killed.
Austin Mumtaz] met with a bad 0ooi-
dent. 13e and John Bowyer were build.
ins a fence when the axe in the hand of
Mr. Bowyer glanced and bit Mr. Bunton
on the wrist. Fortunately it wag the
bank of the axe whioh bit him or he
would have been minus his left hand, ea
11 le it wag very badly bruised,
Jame Leech very narrowly escaped
what might have post him his life. The
0. P. R. train which should arrive in
Gorrie at 12.60 was unusually late. Mr.
Leech was driving into town and knowing
that it was near time for the train koro
the West an he drew near the orose-
ing on Viotoria street he naturally was
watching in that direction. When be.
)ween the traoke the train from the East
whistled when almost upon him and as
he oroesed the traok the train dashed by
only a few inohee from the buggy.
Sentenced To pseud..
"You are in the last stages of ooneump-
tion and cannot live more than a month,"
were the words of doom beard by Mrs.
Rosa Richardson, of Laurel Springe, N.
0., from her dootoro, "but she began to
nee Dr. King's New Dieuovery" pyrites
R. L. Daugbton, of that place, "and was
oared by it. She is now a stoat, well
woman." 71'e the supreme oars for dee.
perste dioeeaee of throat and lunge, In.
fallible for Coughs, Colds Bronohitie,
Asthma, Oroup, Whooping Cough,
Guaranteed bottles 50a and $1.00. Sold
at G. A. Deadman'e drug store.
Lies 'to w ell.
The Driving Park Association having
reentered the Girouit, a0uounoed a race
meeting on Ang. 9 and 10, following the
Brussels ranee.
Mita Florence Godfrey, daughter of W.
Godfrey, G. T. R. agent, has returned to
town, after taking a highly suooeeetnl
course at the Toronto College of Mueio,
Mrs. F. G. Pardee and two mhildren, of
Medicine Hat, N. W. T., will spend a
month or two with Mrs. Forster's par.
ants, Jas. and Mre. Perrin, lokerman
Jacob Bray, of Elute, has decided to
retire from farming and has sold hie fine
farm in Elma, lot 11, con. 4, to W. J.
Alexander, of the Benne townebip, the
prima being $0,600. Mr. Bray, who had
the miefortune to fracture hie leg about
a fortnight ago, is stilt confined to his
bed, but 19 making good progress
toward recovery. He will take up bis
residence in Listowel as soon as he is able
to make arrangements for removing.
Ailsa Dsey Martin, teacher in the
Regina Public school, and J. S. Martin,
soienoe master in the Niagara Falls High
School, are home for the holidays. Will.
Martin, traveller for the Goodyear Rub.
bar Go., has also arrived Home, but 10
under the doctor's dare, having enetained,
a compound traders of his leg in a run-
away aooident while travelling in Tenne.
see some five or six weeks ago, and bad
only 1000Vere1 eu8ioieutly to permit of
him doming home.
ElismANos LIST. --Of the 61 candidates
who wrote at the Entrance examination
at the Listowel High School, 60 have
outmoded in pausing. 88 of the total
were from the Listowel Pubiic school,
and all but 3 passed. The names of the
encoeeaful candidates and marks taken
are es follows :—Myrtle Barber 607,
Maud Bartley 689, Emma Barton 619,
Atolls Bright 650, Norma Burnett 614,
Carrie(larthew 684, Agnes Cleland 657,
Jeeele Olimie 670, Jean Cullen 616,
Luella Fear 001, Pearl Gibson 694, Pearl
Goddard 503, Helen Hawkins 670, Ruby
L vin atone 684, Louisa Male 561, Grace
Markham 598, Ruby Marko 575,Aegg
MoKsnzie 655, Fannie MoLauoiin
Luoy Noble 629, 'piffle Robertson 687,
Lenora Shaffer 662, Minnie Sherman 654,
Arnett% Smith 578, Viola Spears 667,
Bertha Squires 558, Clara Stephen 018,
Beatrice Tatham 850, Frank Bradley 552,
Manly 86008 ,692, Jarmo Cameron 677,
Percy Davidson 650, Hislop Dickson 028,
Cameron rental, 660, Stanley Hardie
026, John Hawke 882, Andrew Hemphill
702, Joshua J.ohnetOne 617, Peel Large
782, Josiah MoFarlage 580, Perot' Raines
146, George Sharpe 001., Ale, liimpeon
844, Win, Spence 007, Albert Stoll 692,
Req Taeeie 694, Joo Terhune 505, join
Vernon 018, Roland Wilson 699, ,
Ilor hoed A Fright,
"Large sores covered the bead and fade
of our abaci," writes 0. D, Iebiil, of
Morgantown, Tenn., "that no treatment
helped until we need Buokleo'a Arnica
Salve, whioh ggiokly oared heir.' In.
fallible in Demotions, Bruioee, A.00idente,
Piles. Only 25o at G. A, Deadmao's
drug etore.
"No Surrender."
210 years have punted away eines
William of Orange mime over to Eng-
land, urged to his duty by the impulse of
religious rights and liberty. Although
the rote/ethers of Orangeiem have long
since passed away, the celebration There.
day of last week, in Listowel, proved
conclusively dint the order was a lasting
one, very near to the hearts of many in
this motion, and that it had the respect
of a throng of people, seldom witnessed
on any other 000aeion.
Arrangemegte were made by Listowel
to a000mmodate over 60 lodges, and there
was no disappointment to any one. The
early moreieg brought the rumbling
sound of the approaching drums of the
nearer lodgesae they paraded along the
streets. ]]very train whioh arrived, in
the town greatly multiplied the number
of visitors. At 10.90, when the special
train from tho South arrived, the fears of
the moat peeeimiotio were dispelled.
Thirteen moaohea jammed full from one
end to the other ie a fair .estimation of
the throng whioh arrived in Listowel at
that hour. Add that the sky had fully
brightened up and the muse of the
occasion was assured.
After the Mount Forest band, whioh
was the reception band, had ushered the
visitors to the Town Hall, where all
paraphernalia was stored, all made baete
to eat. Io addition to the ample prepare.
tions made by the hotels and confectioners
several of the ohurohes and private 0(01-
zene had tables spread, so that no dearth
of good things for the hungry was ex.
periencod. About Dna o'olook the lodges
assembled in the Athletic Park, where a
grand prooeesion, whioh euoirsled mush
of th,e prosperous Northern town wart
arranged. The eight whioh the park
presented for a short time was one which
drew forth many remarks of sympathy,
and praise for this noble order. The
eixtybanners of beauty, nicely extended
by the gentle breezes whioh prevailed,
were eurely significant of the pease and
yet earnest purpose of the Orange Order,
end its kindred societies, whioh were
Among those present we were able to
get the following lodges : Milverton, No.
1035 ; Cedarville, No. 1258 ; Stratford,
No. 759 ; Logan, No. 908 ; Belmore, No.
11 ; Walton, No, 252, with representa.
times of the Ladies' True Bine Lodge,
No, 16 ; Orangebilt, No. 675 ; Ethel, No.
66; Wartburg, No, 1820 ; Palmeretoo,
No. 655 ; Kirkton, No. 691 ; Biddulph,
No. 890 ; Mildmay, No. 1219 ; Brussels,
No. 774 ; Blnevale, No. 776 ; Woodham,
Nn, 492 ; Downie, No. 707 ; Orwell!, No.
858 ; Conn., No. 49 1 Listowel, No. 370 ;
Fordwinb, 0. Y. B., No. 4 ; Orangehili,
0 Y. B., No. 78 ; Trowbridge, No, 652 ;
Smith Huvon, No. 878 ; Grey, No. 49 ;
Monbt Forest', No. 699 ; Grey, No. 607 ;
0000, No. 986 ; Salem, No. 922 I Son•
shiue, No. 459 ; Howiok, Noe. 642 and
575 ; Zion, No. 1219 ; Allen Park; No.
668; Varner, No. 689 ; Grey, No. 1192 ;
Dromore, No. 861 ; Millbank, No, 751 ;
Weileolly, No. 23; Wallace, Noe. 1847 ;
332, 627 and 656 ; Gowanetown, No. 970 ;
Donegal, No. 78 ; Molesworth, No. $69 ;
Carthage, No. 544 ; Atwood, No, 690 ;
Britton, No. 677; Glendale, No. 592 ;
Hanover, 547.
Atter the parade the prooe•sion return-
ed to the parlr and Boon the rink was
orowded to its utmost oapaoity by those
who wished to spend a abort time Iieten-
iog to the defence and explanation of the
work of the Orange oocietiee,
B. Caswell, County Master, presided
and opened the meeting by a few well
chosen remarks. He asked for order
during the afternoon, whioh was usually
good. The speaker went on to say that a
sheer had helped Tommy Atkins in
Africa, so if a speaker were deserving of
a ohoer, give it to him, and then let him
proceed. That was the largest gathering
Listowel had ever aeon, and no doubt it
was partly caused by the stirring times
in whioh we live, and every patriotio man
and woman in the world should go out to
celebrate the day whioh has given the
world, religious liberty. The speaker
lauded the tending out of contingents to
Africa, stating that it was th1 duty of
every Orangeman to resist any attempt
to weaken the British Empire. The
Order was advancing
and upward,
and were willing and able,If walled
upon, to stand byn ten their
• liberty, whioh their forefathers
had won
with the grand old motto, "No Surrender."
Mayor Watson, of Listowel, wee the
next speaker. Ho appeared on, behalf of
the town and Oounoil, and extended a
hearty welcome to the lodges, hoping
that none would regret the selection of
Listowel as the meeting ground for 1900.
13. Willoughby, D. M., of Elms, was
next mailed upon. The speaker referred
Welly to the work the organization bad
done in extending religiouel liberty, and
then made way for others who were to
fol low,
Rev, Mr. Irvine, of Listowel, was the
next speaker, and his adduce was a good
lesson to many of the unthinking admir.
ere of the Order. The Speaker was born
and raised a Roman Catholic and upon
his first acquaigtanoe with Oeabgeiem
was not very favorably impre0sed, "To
hell with the Pope" and similar °enema
Mons having been .beard, Later be
n m t
be a e aesootated with ag rand old
Orangeman, whom be know to bo honest
and upright, and with him he learned
what true Oranp,etem meant, and how
wrong the mottvee of the Order were
by their follow ohurohmen. He Don.
eequentty made the change in his lite,
and wag today an example of God.toal.
Mg Orangelem, The epeeker said the
Orrice would stand by the British, Empire
and the Queen. During the last year
the world had seen what the loyalty of
the true Belton meant, Some people aG
the outbreak of the late wee said Britain
bad gone into 6131313080(ot with a desire
and greed for gold, and on that 400000t
the millionaire should bo the one to
engage 1113 blue and money in the eon.
$lot. On the contrary, the same high
ideate of liberty wiueh prompted the
.viotorious British arms in days gone by,
urged them to their duty et present.
Coolie', (hikes' and milfionairee' sone had
all gone to share in the hardest of the
,00ntliot and the greatest of the glory.
The wealthy young men of Britain had
gone out to Africa at their own expeue".
Omit 1Rho101 spent hie money and his
person in the hotteet of the fray, nod
nnmeroue others might be mentioned.
France bowled after the slight revereeo
whioh oar arms met,, that Britain was
failing, bat the war had shown that
Britain was growing, Boller either
friend or made a way 10 Ladysmith, while
LordRoberte' campaign was a triumphant
marob,suoeesfully conducted by brains
and energy. The British was not a fail-
ing nation. 76 stood for the beet of ho.
inanity and the glory of God, concluded
Mr. Irvine•
3. 141. Thompeoa, G. M., 0. Y. B., of
Fordwioh, was the next speaker, and
made a few short remarks on the society
he represented. He approved of the cele-
bration of all national days, but the 12th
was a day of greater importance than any
of them. It was a day on whioh religions
liberty triumphed over tyranny and was
worthy of the honor of all. The Orange
sooietiee should not be judged by the
roughs, which, he wag sorry to say, were
to be found in 000neobioo with every so-
(iety and church. Judge the Order by its
oonstltotion and those who followed it
out, and it surnamed any chinch or
organization in the land. Mr, Thompson
Mowed how metal the lodged should be
in receiving members, stating that snob
of their success lay there.
Wm, White, of Hibbert, was the nex
speaker, and was asked for a speech and
song. He highly appreciated the honor
paid him, an old 1)00181er from the
South, and disappointed none. Mr.
White expressed bis bopee that every
Orangeman in Listowel would aot in a
manner that would bring honor to the
Order, rattler than disgrace. In con-
clusion Mr. White very nicely rendered a
patriotic song whioh was exoellently re.
oeived by the immense gathering.
Rev. Mr. Armstrong, of Millbank, was
the next speaker, and after paying a few
tributes to hie Dative Boil, as none bat an
Irishman can do, expressed himself very
kindly toward the Orange Order. He
eoorned the idea of some that the Order
would in any way insult or injure the
Pope in Rome. They would, however,
stand true to the religious liberty of
Protestantism. Kruger's' runaway in
Africa made Mr. Armstrong think of the
runaway of James in the days of old,
whioh introduced liberty into Britain and
the world.
Mr. Fitzgerald, Grand Master of the
Tree Blues of Ontario, was the next
speaker, and was a volume of information
on the Orange societies'. Having retort'.
ed to the spirit whioh prompted William
to come over to England, and wbioh en-
sured his mosses, he showed that Orange -
ism had not outlived its 'usefulness.
Roman Catholicism was aggressive, The
Orange blood had prevented Ireland being
given bank to Boman rule and had saved
Manitoba with her schools. The speaker
regretted that Canadian children should
be separated in youth by a eohoo! system
or dual language, saying that in those
reepente there was mnoh to be done.
Orangeiem was no pulitioal organization,
and as soon as any man need the Order
In that oapaoity be was false to his
moat sacred obligation. They had no
purpose to injure a Roman Catbolio, or
deprive them of their rigbte. They only
celebrated the memory of William, who
gave them their rights and were willing
t11at all others shoal(' have equal liberty
bob would never see Protestantism
abused. The Orange Society had been
more insulted than any other in the
land and still it was in calm waters, and
mould bold up its bead. The three main
and tnndameotal prinaiples of the order
"Fear God"
"Love The Brotherhood"
"Honor The King"
Man of such a color were bound to be
good subjects and would never be found
to shirk duty when loyalty was required.
Mr. Fitzgerald spoke at some length on
behalf of the home the Orange eooieties
were enpporting of late in Platen, show-
ing:wherein it was useful, and how it woe
At the close of the address a oolleotion
wee taken up in behalf of this cause,
which was liberally responded to, and
concluded his remarks by making a
strong appeal to all Orange sympathisers
to be respectful to all others, but to use
every means and energy to promote (their
Order, one (tattoo!, one language and the
Union Jaok.
While the contributions were being
taken Mr. Magwood made a few remarks
appreoiative of the Order, and the good
day in Listowel whioh was conducted go
enooesefally throughout.
The meeting Closed about 5 p. In. with
cheers, and thus ended one of the grand.
est days Orangeism has ever seen in
the di
AT 31201120180.
The memory of King William and the.
battle of the Boyne was celebrated at
Kinosrdine right royally under the am-
putee of Kincardine L. 0. L., 765. The
visitors numbered 6,000. Thera w110 a
large prooeoeion to Lakeview Park, where
Mayor MoKendriok welcomed the visitors.
The orator of the day was Alexander
Muir, Other speakers were H. F, Hal-
denby, County Master, Weet Brume (W.
H, aoted as chairman) ; Lient.Mol. Boot),
Kincardine ; A. H. Muegreee, Wingham ;
Rev. G. A. Hall, Bervia, and Dr. Martyr),
The Goderioh Organ Co, received a oar
of lumber from St. Louie last week,
Albert Diokoou has taken it poeition as
junior in the Bank of Montreal at Strut.
P. B. Holmes is emoting a one sod a
halt story oonorete dwelling at hie coal
mar the station.
Drt, G. 0. Shannon and W. P. Gatiaw
have formed a partnership in the practise
of medicine and surgery.
Last month's ehipmente from the
Goderiob knitting factory were the
heaviest in the history of the company.
A, 112, Polley ie now running a hand-
some 'bus, comfortably furnished within
and elegantly painted without. The;
The law pioee of town :will close din,
ing Joly and Angngt at 1 o'oimer p. m.,
on Saturdays and 8 o'oiooltOP other days,
A peddler was fined $10 and mete by
POlfae Magistrate 801998[ for neglecting
t0 )aka out a 11ee0oo, The constables are
looking for others who make the game
The Public eobool board is advertieleg
for a teeoiler with a lirst•oiaos oertidoate
to 8(1 the poeition of principal made
vacant by the death of Aar. Balls. The
salary je planed at $700 per an0am.
W, H. Roherboon, (13erb) of Toronto,
formerly of Goderioh, hes boon added to
the staff of ou3tome ouumerators at
Ottawa, a branob of service recently in-
etituted by Hon. Mr. Paterson in the in,
tercet of the tutelaries community.
W. Warnock, our well-known amateur
gardener, i0 growing aome of hie famous
ognashfar exhibition at the Indiana State
fair, whioh takes plane at Indianapolis in
September. The prize is offered by a
firm whose fertilizer Mr. War000k le
using this year with hie sgoash.
lyre Troubles OVA Minister.
To benefit others Rev. J,T. W. Vernuu,
of Hartwell, Ga„ writer : "For a long
time I had a running sore on my leg. I
tried many remediee without benefit uu-
ti1 7 used a bottle of Mleotrio Bitters and
a box of Buokleo's Arnica Salve, whioh
cured me sound and well," Sores, seep.
tions, boils, eczema, tetter, Balt rbeutn
Meow impure blood. Tbonsaode have
found is Eleotrio Bitters a grand blood
pnrifter that absolutely Duras obese
tronbleo. Satiofaotion guaranteed by G.
A. Deadman,
Sealed Tenders
Addressed to the undersigned, and ender.
sed "Tenders for dredging, Sarnia, Ont.,'
will be r 0011,8d at his Mee until Tuesday,
the 24th feet., 1000, iucloeively, for dredging
in the Harbour of Sarnia, Ont„ according to
a plan and combined epeoin0atlou and form
of tender to be seen at the office o1 pr. A.
Gray,Eeq„ Engineer in charge of Harbour
and River works for Ontario, - Confederation
Life Building, Toronto, on application to
tbePostmaeter at Sarnia, Ont., on applica-
tion to the Postmaster at Chatham. Ont„
and at the Department of Public Works,
Persons tendering are nodded that tenders
will not be considered unless made on the
form supplied and signed with their actual
Each tender mast be accompanied by an
endorsed hank ehegne made payable to the
order of the Honourable the Minister of
Public Werke, for two th0uaabd (32,000.00)
dollars, which will be forfeited if the party
decline to enter into a contract when called
upon to do so, or if he failed to complete the
workoontraoted for. If the tender be not
aaoepeed the cheque will be returned.
The Department does not bind itself to
accept the lowest or any tender.
By order,
J08.R, ROY,
Acting Seem tary.
Department of Public Works,
Ottawa, 20th July, 1000.
Newspapers inserting this advertisement
without authority from the Department
will not be paid for it.
BINDER TWINE from the Central Prison,
for the season of 1900, will be sold to FARM-
ERS or FARMERS' CLUBS. for their own
use, in any quantity, from one bale to any
number required, at the following prices
per lb. :
"Extra Standard," in bales of 50 1b0. each,
"Farmers' BPeoial," In balee of 00 lbs. each,
Cash must aoo0mpany each order or 11e
received before thine is obipped. Preight
In all eases must be paid by purchaser, and
orders will be accepted for full bales only.
Io eases where a farmer orders a greater
quantity than 10 required for lata own use,
the order must be signed by the perilous join-
ing in elm order and the amount required
by each must accompany it, as well us the
Poet Office address of each applicant.
The twine is well mannlaetnrod, every
pound guaranteed of serviceable quality,
and 10 any prove faulty da use, ou being re-
turned, money will be refunded,
qu.antitiee, tabuts "FarmerslSSpecie),"o trhich
should prove of special valve to farmers us-
ing it, Is in liberal supply.
Orders addressed to "The Warden, Cen-
tral Prison, Toronto," will receive prompt
attention, JAMES NOSON,
Inepeotor of Prisons,
Toronto,July 1x1,1900, 622
Important to Breeders and Horsemen.
VeEerlaaty Caustic Balsam.
A reliable
and speedy
remedy for
eta„ etc., in
Horses and
Lump Jaw
in Cattle,
TRADE MAIM 'Bee pamph-
let whioh accompanies every bottle, givin
scientific treatment in the various diseases.''
It Dan be used in every ease of veterinary
practice where etimulatiag applioatione mod
blisters are prescribed. It hag no 80232100.
Every bottle sold ie guaranteed to giveeatis-
faction. Pride 76o per bottle. Sold by all
druggists and country storekeepers, Pre-
We have a number now reedy and
are getting 0p 66 Buggiee for this season,
Now ie your time. If you want an A 1
Buggy call at the
-`""ETH EL,
w ere you will get the very BUST and
as oheep as the beet Dan be got. We also
havean one a
W d Half Truoke
with any
size tires that may be required.
Field Rollers and and artiolea too
name)ou9 to mention.
Rimming wheels, repairing, re.
trimming and repainting promptly
attended to,
Be euro and give as a pall and tee
what we have before baying elsewhere,
pgaiDngwobp,dmnoh t Eryd• :no. Cobs; Ethel:
;95'. LeS7, ,5.0
B I yI .
i Y/ lL L
R I w
We are winding tip our. Millinery business for Lille 800000, and
any goods now on heed will be sold ea terrido reduotione in priest{ to clear,
We will Derry no millinery goods over till another season, we will eel] then)
at half prion or even lees in some oases, to'mol(o a Menu swoop. Thursday
morning we a commute our great Millinery Bale et prime like these 1
Ladies' black and colored Straw hats, untrimmed, were 400, 65e,
05o and 76o, your ohoioe for 150.
Fine Sailor Hate, worth 78o, for 970.
Sailor Hats, latest shape, worth 50o, for 200.
Bailor fiats, worth 25o sod 90a, for 160.
Lidiee' Trimmed Hate, worth $1.60 for 750.
Colored Ribbons, worth 15c, 20o, 26o and 80o, for' 10a.
Ledtes' Trimmed Elate, worth $3 and $3.50, for $1.95.
Flowers, all new goods, worth 25e and 35o, for I6o.
In the same time al Dom. +fir g'} t OMu mer Goon.
sense a Clearing Sale of 9 .4.i, G�
Organdie Keeling, floral designs, were 10o, for 6o.
Fanny Summer Blouse Goode, worth 15n, for 740.
Printed Demitiee, two patterns, worth 120, for 74n.
Light Prints, fast oolore, worth 10e, for 6o,
Dark Prints, fast colors, worth 100, for 74o.
Wilton. & Turnbull
Headquarters for
of All Kinds.
Fanners should see our
Field Fe21ce,
Best Fence on the market.
Barb and Plain Wire,
Alt kinds Harvest Tools.
Binder 'eine.
Paints and Oils.
S. W. P., the best Ready
Mixed Paints made,
always in stock.
Buggy The well known firm of
Opened are to the front with a.
'tow - Large, Well select-
ed and Well Finished
•••,,. ,..STOOK OF.,,
Buggies, Wagons, Road Carts, Etct,
that they are sellling at CLOSE prices. Already they
have disposed of many Buggies and the Prospects are good.
Call at our Show Rooms and see for yourself,
Special attention given to Repairs,
Re-paintinks, Triinininj,
Ewan & Innes, - Brussels.
Having made a large addition to my Blacksmith Shop I am
in a better position than ever to attend to n17 Customers.
WOOS Warta
All kinds on hand, both for new work or repairs, and prices
the lowest.
IN all will bG promptly at -
General Blacksmithin
teutled tlinino as uslitel and satisfao•
tion guaranteed.
.E[orse Shoeing
I have made a specialty of
this line for years, and if
yon have any horses that interfere, over -reach or troubled with
bad feet, bring them to me, I will relieve or euro them in less
than three months Olwill make no charge.e.
Wagons & Buggies. I ala prepared to supply the
above at the very lowest
prices, and best quality, either of Day own make or frons the.
largest•F+actories in the Dominion.
Thanking my numerous customers for their very liberal' support in the
poet, and hoping by etriot attention to busineee and satisfactory prieee,.
t0 se00r0 a 0outtnnanm of the same,