HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-7-19, Page 4uLY 19, 1900 0,0,„.,„,.„„y,, N 1 f ,p ,,wo i k, It hoe given urs the growing time for the blowing time, and proaperity in faring and faoteriea for prosperity in ata• Promisee. His porvereion of faote le notorious, "With all hie I'refetsimtie of honesty, no more yokleas pian ever ems tember, Among the numerous gifte received by tha bride were ti life Mein- ein bership oerttlieete from he Seaforth Local Improvement " /� 'g - 4A�i p �� i C 1 �J L!� l 7 r $ � � �' � plinth Vi IQ i, ..._,.. T-----.-:"_ . _ ..-. •- r- -- THURSDAY, JOD, .k''19, 1900, �• tiatloe and edjeatives. It hag lowered imperial and domeatio P p08tttl OhAYgae, and Yet has ledn08d the gegen in the polities of title Nu/10y." The 'toiletry realizes haw the (treat in. gaCloe dopa is 1111. inti°Items{e by the Auxiliary of the Women's Foreign MS. Bionary Society, a out g 808 water bottle Y, tram the Sunshine 11[180{Olt Band, .'4f Court o lev><,o eo I - .. __,,,,,,- - _ - Enron Eivesn, of Old London, may be has pretty ear• a very clever man but he a p ly made a fool of himself in OOgncOtipn . ith bi eo maUed 001110lsma of the British w a nation and the Boor war, In the opinion of many popple be might tie well sign Iiia 1+ f Stead. Mime Dennis" 7n plains a S dellen in the Postofnioe Department from 780,Op0't0 $880,000, It has ordered all the railroads to abandon discriminating rates in favor of g a e0rparati0n wbiob tor Years controlled t arailway of 4he Uqi ed States. b It has liberalized and improved the 9 uaraotins relations between Canada and United States, to the great advantage of 0anudian atookbreedere, all's ealumniee,-and the same game will not smooth in driving the preae8t Government from power. Minnie VaLOE Fen OABn PAID. The lief of railway sabeidlee anbinfEted by Ghe 4ioVarnmeut is a very dieuppoint. Ing °pe, -that {0 to the OppOh 111 1 911 the loriee had annonocett, with that auY of essuranee wbiab tbovernmeut °r{tie1 • 1 k jet dtxp.ity when tb¢y now tatheart, whioh for many yearn she has been the energetic Presi.leitt, and tt mase of fruit ,;divas and forks from lair, Sotnervilteia fallow members oP Sb, Andre,v's Olraroll S8aa1Dq, LOgdOn, Mr. and 9i r, Somer. Ville Will reside aC 044 Uu..uad sLieet, London. For srvernl ease there' heel been a starts brewing in the Collegiate ;Instituto board whioh eventually dieobarged its PTJBLIr1 NyyOTI0y1 is berth); given of the ga11 g,Oypenale o'Iir r on,ER i,l fti10ot1 h tl y rl y angles, a at the hoar o18 p, ni , for the nearing of unseals pursuant to the'8t0010. i" ,hal hehrllroeneeting tiro itropoaol oom- out atdowalke op the 908111 silo n1 Witham street between East'siao int •140 and side. want on Turnbm'ry Hiroat; on Wast Nide of Dliraheth Street bglav000 100 NOV1O BRIO, Of Frgr oelnb and Uatheriuu etroots • on rho west eiao.of Albert atreot hotweep bite eidq• AND OTfl88— TESTED .r £i S ' D REMEDI]1 S' SPECIFIC ARO ANTIDOTE For Impure, Week and Im overfished L P ' e Blood, Dysf]epeia, Sl°°plee "ri P4lpita• Inver Uom leant Neer. that of the p , algia, L°ee of Memory, Brou°hitia, Oen• earn flop Gell Stu aa, Jaunduo, KfdtiH P n y and UrinaryDieeases,St.Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General lle• bilis Y' wrtr3M4ttA LABORATORY, GODER9C7i, ONT. J. M. MaLEOD,a Prop, and 1liaunfaotarer, Bell Ary 31,0' 000. ,,,,,i.v.,,,, elt,tn rh, ---------•••--- -- •- . ^•-- 8HINCL I l Skate grinding attended to W1t11 IleatriBBB ltrifl tllBjlfit011, 1 ala° Sharpen Morse CI{ 'were, fioi9• p 1P ' IOre, bread knive9 and other' edged tools 1n IT' .to data style. Saw Gumming and Piling attended Lo Irl it Wtu ani ngJke manner, thilla- lnolicn assured, j� ADA FRED. RU800 Shap on Mill Street, BRU9SE15S, -� _ ! •- "1 _ y It o" of •., ..x i '#r at I ......_.-.- - „ it is reported that aomebody in Bras eel° is violating the Sabbath law by Bell• • mg cigars, &c., and laying themselves liabletoanother oh0.0 e. bydis nein offleeted g p g them to minors in some oases. A little investigation 19 on foot now to see if the peraons named are file right parties and 11 so 0, charge will likely be laid before the magistrates. Tba Lioeneo Inspaotor'e Sunday attention has been called to Sunda selling of liquor and evidenoa snob as. If i had not been obetraoted bya t e abolished partisan Senate 1t meld have the soandal0us gerrymander of 1882 and the unfairdiatribetion measure of 1802. It has seen the trade °f 0anada grow from $224,000,000 in 1897, to legit00,• 000 in 1899, and has promoted all let item• ate trade interests by timely and amps. thetfm interest. It has seen general trade conditions improved, many old Pactoriee enlarged and many new once opened, employment become plenty and wages increased in many mdaetriee. It hoe given a tariff whioh rednoes the gegorally tory at their midsummer melting, when about Et, that the ,000001 to ba asked far the ren ointment °f the teething staff would reach 920,000 000 whereas the PP g total is only $8,403,000 of whiolt near) was up for dieonesion. At their first y y meeting 0. Clarkson, the prinoipal, was 9200,000 is re votes, Theu t o, it 1880 cn• that the vote per mils would be 10011 pon whittle was followed by a dead. doubted this year but this geese aloe fall I°alt upon the re•appolutmegt °! Mr. entire) wide of the mark for no Shane Oheewright, ars omen's master. At the Y g adjourned meeting on Saturday •morning has been made in the rate. it wee decided that Mr. Cheswri ht must 'rheilequalifyingand re0traiuing van• g ditione trodgebythe resent Govern go also. Petitions are being circulated ,neat last year, for he Brat time in the emacs the ratepayers requesting the history of the Dominion, are agate rut• board to reconsider their decision in both Y g instanues and we hope they will be guide tavhed t0 the grants, and the Umuntly 10 ed b the ex teased will of the e° le who thereby indemnified for ever cent ex. Y p P p Y y elected them to of110e.-Tho Sun. Pdd ; Endeed, as was the cage Iuet ,ya]k on North side Of William atroet and Egath n$ont Qaoon atreot ; ,°n rho N,4%, area oI Wi111am and River streote 1 DENegn pun street and East side 011 t 210 ; on the Faetewe 01Atbertatrootbet weon Wlitiam and Quntr atraoto; oft°11; 00.4 etas of Turn. berry street from North side of Iotas to River street; on the West ciao of PrW0000 street between North side of Queen and South side of William streets; on bbe smith aide of Frederick street between Elisabeth aide of Qu out etas of lbatweeu Turebercy, Bast side, and West aide 01 Ann street, and the special 080085ment of t+be coat thereof upon tuts lands immealatsly beaeattod.pur- avant to the rep°xte of the Engineer dated fortes ns one about mentioned atroet June 4th, 7000,; tee next six, Juna 8th, ]aoU; and for the tiataue° Jaty 2nd,1000; naw Oati`in may secure a few convictions is sa{d t° be hand. taxes on many of the neoesearies of life, oheapena the raw materil of many manufacturers, and g{vee a preference of gear, �he a ll, but are note gree grout ipof .4tVVOO( °10OB at all, but are aim 1 loans u oa A lt of our' eo le celebrated the hence.ame people oiiliio sail imkprovemoato lis eAeimo �aaoet south aide W10 lam street, $672.00 West alae •• Dins & Co's weekly review of trade in the Dominion bears out what is said by the Liberal party. It sane :-"Business. "oonditione throughout the Dominion of "Canada are steadily improving and re. ''ports from Vaxious oftiee are e00000ag• Ing almost without exception. With a good harvest in,prospeot and the prob. ability of a rising market the proepeot Psoost most reassuring and we hope the out- look may be followed by the practical prooto of well filled granaries and devel• aped business. 33 per eent to the mother country. It has legislated against the sweating dd system On Government contracts, an provided for the payment of standard wages on all works aided by grants of public moony. It has successfully imposed and CO leafed gold royalties in rho Yukon, ande made the natural reaonrcesl of that mote territory meet th0000easarily heavy of the administration of its affairs and the. preservation of law and order under very exceptional conditions, 11 sou hb to establish an all Oenadian g route t0 the Yukon, and if the Senate, influenced by American lobbyists, bad blooked the would now whioh pay Intel'est and eventually P Glorious Twelfth in Listowel. 2 ble and satisfaolory change This J, W. and Mrs. Ward, of Mildmay, are old polioy of givingspend{ng the vacation in town, a every. . rand railways thin theywanted,. o New books to the vales of $170 for the more andliaisingnothing in return. Atwood Public Library mer{ve I b''8 weak. g00 "Buff" Hoar has secured a jot :.1 con. TIE 0108 raaSEfi0NTIAL, notion with the G. T. B. at Nah,teret°n. With the beginning of last week the '1'. M. Wilson, B, A. of the Paris High new preferential tariff came into furca, ash°°l staff, is visiting his ut ther in co and all imports of English neanUfaoLure town, who is nfined to 1,..1 with goods are now admitted into Canada at paralysis. two thirds of the duty charged neon the Eddie Octhberteon was riding John products of other oountriee, As a result Arnold'e •bio ale, and at Ra Roger hard. Y g of this latest reduction the Sommer ship- ware store mat the Listowel egg wagon menta of British manufactures to the with Clare Wilson driving. In his efforts Canadian market have been larger than to evade the wagon the boy loot control of of Elizabeth 001ert trust street, $827.00 ;ids of whiner mad River streets, $746.00', Beet aide of Al- vert street, $107,00; West Bide of TRe stre y street, 62x5.00; Weet aide of Prince t, ae street, 8174,00; south aide of Fradee1sk attest, 8141. ; Bonth aide of Qoeea etreo6, $196Atl street,. pay- able gang: 011091 sauna, rnetalmeate of principal and interest combined, interest being at 4 perp cent.per a assessed and the Islds ooesistof aa sot out in schedules hereto at -Bankrupt twilled. Brussels, July 10111,1000. F. B. mOTT, Mark. -- Assessment Schedule. Sentit Milo William Street t r t 1 t f i'1LI 1 Uotui111J1I1 p ! ,a 6�,77. shingles Red Cedar S11]il Refi AND• — orttii Shore Pine and Cedar � SALE AT TRH 7�1yt��'1ii1 Brussels 7p(Y{(y111�] q 77��++111rr��� Planing cap n and to follow the above injunction ipjUnOtiOn and then OUII On Ls4 gslp y1 a,•'s�a Af Ap�� �i y i . %../‘.., i,.o a»x. r,w. Y / Who is clearing out the balms of a g Stock of Hats and Caps, p t at unheard of Low Prices, lEIJFJU�FJ l ifh�lJlylt1S A1Ho Doore and Sash of all Pat texas °° hand or made to order at Short Nobive. Estimates Furnished for ell kinds of Buildiuge. Workman- ship and Material Guaranteed. A �/� -�1�li, -1- r ID. t3..1.Y.i.l'-!lY 1- You can get a good Cap for the small sum ®g>�41 of cJ Every one of them must go s° oall early and make your choice. A. COUSLEY, LD0201E BLOCJf. , Canadian Express Agent. n �' True ie the growing time for the alert, trio railway business, There are now not project, we hold a mach strooger position in 0090- Mating with the United States for an ad• juetneent of the Alaskan boundary. aver before, and without any exception, the wheel in some way and ran square those in position to judge of the von• int° the rig,'whiail the driver stopped as diti000 appear to agree that this ivill be q°iokly as poeeible, but not until the a permanent and growing effect of the bioy°le was demolished and its rider bad- Tractional Lot or pelt OWNER parrot of Lot Total Aae'b over 632 miles Of this kind of track in Canada and lest year 104 033,659 pee. P eengers were carried. The number of miles ran were 20,646,847. It is not nn- likely that an eleotrio belt line may some day run from rxoderiol. to Lnoknow, Wtnghatn, Wroxeter, Brussels, Seaforth, Brimfield, Bayfield and bask to the Co. town. A good business could be done in the Sommer months in passenger and freight traffio to say nothing about the oonvenien°e of mails, express, &a. Of course the snow blockades some Winters It has made a oonbraot with a strong eyndioate by which great grain elevators will be established ea Montreal and Port Colborne, a fleet of modern grain oar. pvastly tiara, put on the lakes and a vaso greaterp volume of the p0040010 of the West (tarried through Cagadi2n channels, t0 g the great advantage of Canadian shipping centers. g PP g It has, by Lbe plan adopted for the Construction of the Crow'a Nest Railway, sutured a redootian in grain rates for the Western farmer, and other freight Don. cessions from the Canadian Pacid° Railway, equal in all to from $700,000 to $800,000 a year ; held control of the Crow's Nest Pees reserved for oompet. Laurier polioy of Imperial preference. ly shaken up, but fortunately not serione• There ie a eonoensus of opinion that the ty hurt. prefe5enoe would not only greatly in- Dion. -The community were pined to crease importation from Great Britain learn of the death of Etta, beloved wife bob wo°!d neutralize to the °oneumer, of Geo. S, Rattan• of the 10th con. 0f the effeot of the reoent advance in staple El ma, whioh Occurred on Jnly 4th. The lines. One leading drygcode man states young eonple had not been long married, the •satiation •concisely when he declared she being only 26 years, 11 months and' that but for the redaction there would be 4 days, svhen the grim messenger called, a 000siderable 100050se in the 'cost of Deoea.ed wars a very amiable woman, and leading staples, andpsome lines would ens universally respected in the town• probablynot be im orted at all but for ship. She was a daughter of Andrew the redaction in the tariff. Tennaut, of Atwood. Mr. Rattan is dee I aro 4lhised with m hie optic• R0200 iN80505005 WILL NOT eDFFER. P y y P tion. The funeral took plane to the Moreover be did not believe that the Elma Centre cemetery. Cantdian mannfaoturers were toeing in• 440 8555 8(m 264/0515 980 Roddlek, l9' 208/,218 938 M8nz100,Jae 204/5218 487 DeWolf, Trends 204/510 480 MoOxsc ea, 284/5-18 428 meeelee, n, WH 007/8081 900 800 007 Leokle, John 1^-04/5518 Mato 81001311Xalbileieeh,FB: 1008,8018 PE 911 Baott ll & W 0' 592/5318 Municipal Corporation of Brussels 204/5218 Side of Elizabeth Street N Howe, Jane 607/2070 ni Roes, David 000/207tl 415 Wilson, Catherine 078/2070 005 8traoban, Barbara 010/2970 Munioipal Corp oration of Brussels 456/0076 1Veat Side of Albert Street 20 209 Ozaw1ozdrltlzesusml 2W 008 8. -hest M]_�,�,q 1 `rel g O a Prices. �6S Greatly. G a d as6tV 63 w r.A r� W i ) id 'el ill tel ■-I al 11July 'ta I' have done a Vel' large trade 111 v y , Ladies'and Children's Sailor IIatB this season so far, but ill order to make' a clean sweep we will offer the balance we now have in stook at Greatly Reduced Prices. Our former prices for these goods were cheap --now they are cheaper than ever. Don't 111188 the opportunity While they last• Our Stock throughout in all Lines iS well Assorted. El/el:Whtit�°' Cheap. No Fancy Prices. St tnflalYl Patterns to hand.advantages A. Ji B sbion Sheetl+'tee to those 8110 call for thein. F �, Ev: , `.r.. `,) ; might tell spinet the road bat somebody g g y Ing roads the right of use of the Crow's eaye electric' trains run in some of the Neat rails through the mountains ; pro. there 18 45 ninth aided for cheap coal for British Columbia j0red,-and the gentleman in quaetion is (779nitoln- an ardent Conservative, -in foot it was at Mre. SellOx wire of Rev. S. Seller the present time exceedingly difficult to y y M. A. B. D., of Woodetook, was the 210 011McOongal7, J N 660/1008 04 1 200 211 Tait, John 200/1820 Municipal Corporation of Brussels 102/1028 North Side W(1I(eni and River Streets Northern States where emeltere, to the great advantage of the snow ars in Huron. g g mining industry ; taken over 50,000 acres laude mon. obtain delivery of the staples of Canadian guest of Mre.•A. T. Cooper. manufactured goods. Another leading g P firm corroborates this latter statement, The eahsonee Cataract arrived in 22; D pt 224 ,Scott, F S W pt 224 Thomson, George zea 212/0772�-s 208/07711r� SO4j4770LYS of opal as a guarantee against A GREAT RECORD. opoly in coal preclude ;power to regulate rates on all traffic originating 00 the by declaring that in spite of the large Goderith on July 2nd, having on board importation, the difficulty experienced {n about 180,000 feet of lumber eoneigned to W. Doherty & Co. Moore, Thomas 212 Henry, Mrs Il v 007 Forbes, Annie 007/0770 9281077¢ THE 'WORK 02 88101 LAUIL1BIt 401', Crow's Nest road, or destined for points on the Crow's Nest system, and made it JEi1 NJIEST. impossible for the Canadian Paoifio pr0c0ring delivery of Canadian woollens as well as cottons has been extreme, and Covetable Welsh is around informing ars evidence of this the feat was mention- bonseh0ldere and tenants to have the been Weeds on their stemless cut, or etrioter 202 Wilton, Wm 107 Melville oburoh 882 Aln10Ty.wsllia 22 H01141110Obnroh 008/6770 coo/x770 420/5770 6,08/0778 Railway to increase the rates on many The Liberal Government has redaoed staple •artiolee beyond the prises •fixed by imperial postage from 5 cents to 2 cents, Ibe Crow's Nest bar aiu. and domestic postage from 3 °ante to 2 g ed that oertain lines had removed from the traveltsr•e eamptee entirely be• measures will need to be enforced. (tense orders given six weeks ago could Our readers will be intereeled in know. not be filled by the manufacturers till Ing that Mies Bessie Roes, the eldest Municipal Corporation of Brussels 1084/0770 East Side of Albert Street 212 218 Henry, Mre E 202/1014 sante. It has stopped the exodus. OUR OTTAWA LETTER. It has provided for the free carriage of September. Thus is the poor down• daughter of Mrs• Anna Ross, Ottawa, trodden mannfaoturor being 'ruined" by formerly of Clinton, expects to g° to the Liberate "tinkering with the tariff." India ere long se a missionary. 9 4 Lite, Mira 274/1514 Municipal Corporation of Hrusaols 418f150 West 80180 Tnrnberry Street mails on subsidized railways. It bas made provision for terminal Ottawa, Only 14th. -The ofb•gnoted elevators at St. John and Halifax. lawyer who is said to have frequently re- Rhos perfected a 14 foot canal system sorted to the expedient of abusing the op. from thelakesto Montreal. posing attorney when hie own client had It has constructed a government tele•. no 0488, moat have been a member of the graph line in the Yukon country. present Tory Opposition, 0r at all events It bas admitted the West Indies to the if he should join that august body be of preferential tariff. would And himself in mighty congenial It bag provided for the 000etrnation of company. Abase, elauder, and reckless a bridge across the St. Lawrence . at misrepresentation, seam to be the stook Q°ebeo, in trade of the oppouents of the Govern- It is legislating to remove the elevator meat at the present moment, and spear. Mates- grievance in Manitoba and the territories. enbly it is with this admirable, It has replaced the "nest of traitors" manlike and patriotic) polioy that they by a strong, harmonious and united propose to meet the °°entry at the next government. eleatios. Hon. Mr. Sutherland, eating It has guaranteed Canada a full share Minister of the Interior, balled attention of the out of the construction of the to this discreditable condition of affairs The fates are not kind to the Tory blue. The friends of Mrs. R. Holmes will be ruin prophets, -and last on the eve of a Pleased to know that ebe baa taken a2150 tarn for the hater, and expects in the general election too. p course of a few weeks to be around again. 30100101. TRAINING. She is able to leave het bed daily but is' The movement to introduce manual still very weak indeed. braising into the Public schools in eaab Rev, flit, Howson, who has been suffer- of the Provinces of Canada, ander the {ng from nervous prostration, left fora Macdonald -Floyd echo°i fund, hag been month's vacation, and it is the sincere root suocessful so far as it has gone. wish of his friends that be may return The sahnol at Frederioton, N. B., was thoroughly recuperated. During his opened in April and continued until the absence his work will be attended to by end of Oahe, and has been most highlyRev. W. J. Asht , who oclnmeu°ed hie pulpit work lest Sabbath. spoken of by the educational authoritien of New Brunswick as well as by the par. T. Jackson, jr.. returned last Tneeday ante and pupils themselves. Is order from hie trip to England and the Paris that teaobers in the maritime Provinces Exposition. having had a vary enjoyable may have an opportunity of seeing for time. He states that the people of Eng. themselves the nature of this iustrnetion land are most enthusiastic about Canada 887 Brewer,H R 2tl0/2180 422 War Jo, 204/ 921 Warwiok,JD 279/21sG 1 Williams, Hugh 254/_185 2 Birt, George 200/2180 8 Ainley, Wm 28/010a Municipal Corporation of Brussels 784/2150 ,vest Side Prin°oss Street 157 058198...,Melviae Obuasb 500/0085 870 Sample, Anthony 004(1085 Municipal Corporation of Brossele 4091550 Bantu Side of Frederick Street 627 024 Deadman, G A 608/1284 020 Rogers, George 805/1204 MnnioIpal Corporation of Br°9eels 248/1081 South Side of Uuemt Street .apt 422,..,Tosk, J 0 104/15448 424 t422 "*"."/ ourza Joha 28 028/1558 Municipal Corporation of Breese's 210/1828 /p�t LEX.STr �y + i t f""b Pi Ja I i tl i �� , Pacific °able. the other day when replying to the latest He re• It hag settled bbe wheal question, with. oolieotion of "Yukon °barges•" rr the habefal polioy of federal °oercion. marked :-"Sir, it is history repeating it. and in some oases of preparing them. and Canadians. The Canadian exhibit salves to false it up in their eahoals, Prof. at Parte ie constantly thronged, and is Robertson has deoided to provide a Sam• the subject of very favorable comment. Patents Gln:> r4inteed. •7 l r•' 1oat ff i l It has put a ne0B8sa3y °heck upon the self only worse. In 1878 Alexander participation of public officials In election Mackenzie and his Government were at. contests, tacked by It has sent out contingents of Canadian ALL KINDS OF 81411D10000 troops to fight the battles of the empire and calumnies ; and the policy of the pres• in South Africa. eat Opposition appears t° be ars they are It has made pxoviaion for necessary not able t° criticize eu°oeesfall the ad- yin improvements and enlargements of the ministration of the Government, to harbor facilities at Montreal. throw broadcast the most unfounded It has improved sad developed the the mem mer course for teachers at Fredericton. While away be enjoyed better health — Our toe returned it we fail • Any one send- The inatrnotion will be free, and both Chari usual, no doubt being from the es- in ertetab mad description of any invention men and women Members will be accept. hilarating sea breezes. Ile returned by will promptly receive our opinion free eon. te ed. The course will begin on July 16th, way of New York. On Tuesday of this flaming the patentability of mime. 'How to and last 0020 weeks. Atter the Sommer week the annual Summer business trip obis aeaaloofi t0T°100 6006005 r64lue for ala holidays manual training courses are to to the North West was taken by him and at our oxponse, patents taken out through be provided under the Macdonald -Floyd he will go as far as Edmonton. u8 8000188 8/140/AL 24000010, Wl011006 °barge, TRE PAT77NT ,1010002101, an illusirat°,1 and school food at Truro, N. S., sad at — — widely circulated Journal, consulted by Man- Charlottetown, P. E.I. ufa¢turers and investors. Bend for sample ..r copy rime. Address VICTOR 3, L'VANS & ��j �a and Mother and Son. . Iy • "i ®�� Mot o ia i lUtl �pc r • ! P v \ . ' BINDER. 5 Sr., 5} sr. AND 6 rt. 101, i t �� ) Highest Drive Wheel Made, iN Brame Bosse, slanders against characters of system of cold storage for Canadian ship• berg of Government and oeoiels of to British markets, Cm, Patent Attorneys) Evans Building, •the �,ealowLb. Washington, I),0, a,. a 1 C ; h'• Rollet Bearings, y� , it,it ,{W .n, , ',,gal „,,.:;i„rids,IP.,,.. f,' r;;' Seventh Roller for Elevator, All the latest and best improvements manta the Government, without any regard to It hoe extended the Intecaolnnial from what is right or fair. It is my humble Levis to Montreal, and abolished deficits opinion Mr. Speaker, that there •ie nota on the national railway. member sitting on the opposite side of It hoe improved the relations between the House who believes that there is one The Sun ie holidaying this week. ROy, Willie hoe secured a pas{tion Two Lives freed from Suffering as junior clerk • is PJoksrd s dry gouda Spectacles store, and theHospital Avoided. Chau. L. Willie and Jno. Wren, _ _ Canada and Great Britain and between word of troth in Ghia document, or one ex.• Canada and the United States, just reason why any nation should be students of Seafortb Collegiate Institute, ---- - It baa a bill before Parliament to pre- taken upon it. It Es put forward for one Dent new railways eide•teaoking existing only that is, beoanoe bon, seri• � Passed Normal College, Hamilton, and A MOTHER'S STO-1tY. received the rank of specialist in Mnbhe• r,� E ! N p •N NO G 0," •LIM)Tkn,• -•I NGERSOLL \ihtl OST:', n= i Wly� 'Li .• / l t - V71,57 . a� '''" rl 1,79.4 A ? y +' , /" `vF ,'. .in'•nr+ !'°"telt rl"' I, . --- purpose ; towns on the line of oonstruotion, Haman opposite are unable t° find any It has before Parliamentan promote roved • ,net or fair polioy with whioh to go to the law of oopyright which willP c0antx the have adopted this unfair, protest the publishing iobereet in Canada• y' y P improper, immoral polioy of throwing un• It has eewared €roe the British founded slanders against members of the G°vexamentauthority100Britishtrustees Government. In this diegraoeful doe°- to invest trust same in Caned tan security. meat they are not only directing their It is oonetrooting branch railways in slanders against the Liberal party and Prince Edward Island, to which the the Liberal Government bet thr are country was pledged and whish were l Y of y P g danadating ere grand old 00 limit sadly needed. Canada. There seems to be no ]Emit to I1 bashed the ory of settlers' grievag008 the len th 40 whioh these sudamen are in the West, and ie filling the gxairi00 willinggto go fn diearaditing and destroy with a pro 90x008 and o°ntented people, iog the country if they 040 only make it It has introduced the postal note appear that tUere Pe some (tense for cett, system, to the great v°nvenieaoe of all aura upon the Govarnmsnt" persons who have 'to remit money in small amounts. 510LF °ON0ia010D 00 BLANDER, ,_ r _ maths. Jas. M. McKinley passed ars �. "`” sp Rev. Dednethtliat in OHod las left here on Pi ober s Baokaohe Iis. The remarkable adney Tablets borntll 6 d t' } �? `;. g Tuesdayfor well earned holida his forme of Kidney and Bladder trouble is n.•r ` �° y' y r'` congregation having granted biro leave of ehown in the experience of Mre. J. C. �i absence for three menthe. fie will spend Pitiably, MauroSt., Toronto. A great the time in seeing the great North Weet, feature of this medicine is its action is so Hie work will be taken by Mr. Hovey, a gentle that women and children ban tlse -0F ALL 200808- 3rd year student of Trinity °otiose, it without experiencing the ill effects of t • Toronto, and by the neighboring clergy other kidney medicines on either the I'ltted to E7orrect all roan. bowels or stomuah, Mrs. Paisley says Failures of Eyesight, Sott0R7IDLE-WI,.onN.-A very pretty -"I had been a great sufferer from wedding was oelebrated al "fegleoide," rheumatism, and had been treated ter it an jaiest Our yee test methods at by the residence of D. D. Wileon, 01 Sea- by physloiane, Aftetwarde my kidneys p forth, on Wednesday of last week, at seemed affected. I know that they were, 12 80 P. m''when bis oldest daughter, My bask caused me ranch misery. I had Division Court Off'f ce, Miss Obritenn, was united in marriage dreadful headaches. I wile nervous and BRUSSELS. to 0. R. Somerville, London. The bride could not rest at nighte ; the kidney _ .. THE •_ Oxford Clipper, Front and Rear Cut 1�1��11 • . MOWERS o � E �,S qLL SIZES. With Roller and Ball Boartvus. Serrated Ledger Plates if desired. •lk-.i �' t }}}tl' I ` } i•{i° 1 `, r r �1 "t g, ,I, t li' 1 „ l �j ' llh �I I I I It bas increased the population, and by Liberal papers have been calling at- adding to the number of bcrden•bearere tuition to this before, and the Toronto lightened the load of the individual tax. Globe 60088819 remarked :-"Is it not a paver. foot that Alexander Mackenzie when It has set an example to all future Premier of Canada Was the viotim of a Governments by prop0ging that the scandal Ory unequalled for persietenoe °costituenciee should be delimited by and ferocity in the history of Canadian High Court judges. polities 7" The Mail replies :-"No, the It hag energised the Canadian immi• statement is wholly untrue." Unforbn• station agencies in the United Statee, in stately for the Mail, however, a fyle of its the Bntteh Islands and on the continent. issue °l a quarter of a (motors, ago i9 91111 It has tvea no for the 1894-06 definite extant, and to those back nnmliers are of 95,469 000, surpluses for 1808 00 of found the following editorial comments, $6,560,000, and promisee a eurplbe of among many others of a like bbaraster, $7,500,000 foe 1009• having reference to Mr, • Mackenzie :- It has arranged for the oonsbruotion of "Mr. Mackenzie has proved incapable and the Rainy. Rivas Railway, and for other his inept, ereign sant, corrupt and by. branches in another great railway system p0°xibioal reign fe to and." "A 815(0 from the Great Lakes to thePuoiIie, capable of descending to the most desp{o• It has scoured the donnnointion of the stele means to retain hie bold of office and German and the Belgian treaties, under Ito emoltimetits, and therefore, unfitted to whioh British °alon{es could not make fill the position he holds," "There in no referential trade arrangements with man .... __ ,. _, .__ &tn.. th was gowned in white Bilk with chiffon seoretiooe caused me mush inconvenience, trimmings, and bore herseif with grecs and a languor mornings, made me feet ( as she entered the drawing•r00m, where more weary than when I retired at night. CYC 0 FJ EY the marriage took plane. She carried in I bath used Dr, Pitoher'e Backache Kid. her hand a shower boquet of white rosea, neyTablete and I ban say that not only and was attended by her sister, Mies mV backache hag gone, hut thoee other TO LOAN Nettie Wilson, and her cousin, Mise A191ict{ons that I have detailed have disap• Ri°bardeon, of Walkerton, each of wb'om peered. I can voneh for their being a '�f was prettily attired in white organdie and prompt and positive agent foe relieving At "" . Per cent, earned a shower boquet of pink roses, the kidneys. presented by the groom, whose gift to My little boy of ten years, weoeflil°ted, Mies Nettie Wilson w0.8 a eohbare earl bis kidneys hem inactive. I had o00. ring and to Mists Riobardson a pearl eluded to Bend bins to the hospital for Costs of Loan tient de lie pin. The bridegroom was treatment, but when Dr.M2itoher'a sank. Very Reasonable. assisted by Uig brother,Virgil Somerville, auks Kidoey Tablets performed for mo Terms London. The ceremony was performed what other remedies failed in doing, 1 Liberal ,Perms of by Rev. Colin Fletobert M. A. Of Exeter, peri thein to him, which resulted in a assisted b'y IOsv, Robert Johnston, E. D., period cute. Re -payment. . of London, and Rev. F. H. Larkin,Il.D•, Any reader Of Ole paper can test theIlarrowti. of Ssaforth. The house was most taste. mocha -of Dr. Pitob°rs Backache Kidney C. P', BLAIR, fully decorated with flowers and foliage. Tablete free by enclosing two cents pos. 80LI018010, &o. After the de tenet the ha couple left lege for trial antra a to The 1.'itcher thein Toronto. sizeOffCOLimited. t bi b 214.......11l b t h 1 S nt a bottl0 Ilrtinacilu. Ask our Agent to show you the New.fr; Patented Ball Bearing Riot,, Knife Clip,•1 8applled only when a ieetany ordered. 1 ' Id,1,,n1.'''? ,,Ai,Irl" •jsr, " i 1 b ;F au 16x00"t,;,lar ,t .,...Sasso ..0pass `I .in .' � a , =- "�'°®^i "�^^ " "'}."i We oleo manufacture the bast and most nom late line of Cltlf{ atin and SeOil P V g t ing implements on Earth, oomprisingSpring'1'001.b Cullivglers. fitted with rat l g and grass sowing atta°hmonte if 4801684) Sprint; and $ptko l'oatll ilhrroIVB, Ilia+ Wain Drills, (a11 hinds), 1101'80 Bakes, (Motion and ratchet Sump,) eta It you need anything in our 1106 Saud for our 1000111astxatatl Catalogue, (sent tree.) You will and it Very mirth to your Interest to de so, TILE nn_rnrr 110 mothel; ao 0807. n a aE or w o h a amo u ep. ors e view rY LTG ROVE. v, 11 to f1i