The Brussels Post, 1900-7-19, Page 3JULY 19i 100Q,
Fight Lasted TWO Days and at Noon
the Town Was British.
A despatch from London, saese—
Lord Roberts has sent the following
despateh to the Wer Onkel
'Pinter le, Saturday.—Clements' and
Paget'e forces entered Bethle-
hem on Saturday. The formal., on
nearing the town, Sent in a flag of
truce demanding its surrender, which
Wes refused by Pewee when Paget,
u wide turning movement,
succeeded in getting bold of the
enemy's most important, potation cov_
ering the town. This was earried before
dark by the Munster Fusiliers and
Yorkebire Light Infantry. Tbe
lug morning the attack was eontleeed
and by noon tbe town was in our Poe -
menden and the enemy in full retreat.
"Our casualties were 4 officers and 82
men of the Illuusters wounded; 1
miesIng; Captains Macpherson and
Weaker and Lieut. Conway neverely,
and Lieut. Boyd-Rochefert, Scottish
Rifle -9, slightly wounded; linen of the
Yorkehirea wounded; 1 killed; 2 wound-
ed of the Imperial Yeomanry.
"Paget reports that but far the
acourate practice of the Tbirty-eighth
Royal Artillery and the Vourth City
Imperial Batteries the casualties
would have bean many more,
"Baden-Potiveli reathed Rustenberg
during the evening of Sunday with-
out opposition. He found all OW
there and public confidence entirely
aatisitionerY, thanks to the prompt
•end hoddigramp of the situation taken
by Malin elanburyeTtraoey.
"The district west at this is some -
What unsettled awing to the email
force which attacked Rustenburg
being still in the neighbahood. Mee.
sures are being taken, ea meet, tete.
'Further information regarding the
capture o Bethlehem lute now been
reamed from Clements. He states
that the country, there ia broken and
dlddicui le etannequently hes and
Paget'a cavalry were unable to make
any wide turning meeements.
menta attacked one position white Pa-
get attacked another.
, "The position assailed by Clements
was gallantly uptured by the Royal
Yeomanry, who captured a gun of
the Seeentyeseveuth, lost at Seerm-
berg. Tthe fiat of oasuelties has not
bun issued, but Clements states they
are fe.w considering the strength of
tee positions assailed.
"Hunter's cavalry under Broadwood
reached Bethlehem an Sunday. Hun-
ter, with hie main fame, was within
nine miles of the town when Clements
despatched his report."
Special Police to Patrol the Fraser
River in British Celumbia.
A despaten from Voncolvver, B.C.,
says:—A large, manatee ot special con-
stablee weans sworn bit en Wednesida
and despatched to. S,teenstone the cm
tre, of the salmon fleeing industry o
the Eraser river, to nope with Ili
conteanpiuted trouble between ,Tap
anese and Canadian finhernaen. Th
jsps represent about 811 per cent.
the fieee,rmen, owing to the reoen
heavy immigration, and are witlin
to fiee for 20 out; per fleh,. twilit.
the white and Indian fitherme
want. E5 ciente. Bee energetic organic
ed mitten and more or Less intimidae
tion, the Canadian fishermen have pre
vented Japanese boats going out s
tar, but an Wednesday the canners an
flounced that 7S per cent. of them
will be out that nignt. If the japa
nese attempt to start out, serious
trouble is feared, oonsequently, speoh-
al constables have, been hurried to the
scene from New Westminster and
this Date, and a fleet' of pollee patrol
:boats has bee•n, organism& The Can -
'tiers state Mat they: will eloae down
canneries le title, men insist en 20
oemts per fish, us they cadence com-
pete wen the Amerman/tanneries at
that 'price, It is generally conceded
outside the furheimen's Union that
20; Gouts is a fate pre* if fhb are tol-
erable- abundant.
Company Ready • to Handle All
England Will Send.
A. despatch from Montreal say—
The Canadian Pacific Railway Com-
pany, in answer to the enquiries re-
- coined an Tuesday, has notified the
11 Imperial auLharitiee that it is pre -
e pared to transport from Quebec to
- Hong Kong as large a body of troops
• as the hotter consider necessary to
f and to the seat at the present trou-
t ble ei China. No limit is placed upon
• the number, the O. P. R. management
e• feeling confident that it oan handle
n as many men as the British Govern-
ment sees fit to send via the Canadian
Evacuated All Their - Positions Around
- ' Senekal.
• A despetch tram SenekaL Orange
River Colony, Monday, says :—Ait ex-
tendod reconnaissance to -day resulted
in the discovery that the Boers had
evacuated all their positions around
Senekal. Numbers of them appear to
have gone towards Ficksburg and the
remainder in the direotion of Bethle-
hem. The British commanders express
• the opinion that the retirements of
the Boers foreshadows a speedy and.
of the war in this section of the 'man -
Details of the Recapture of the
Arsenal by the Chinese. •
A dsepatole from I/melon, Tames-
dan saysi—Tee expreas pubbishes a
dispatch from TieinsTsin, dated. Friday
lest, via Chefoo, saying; 'Gen. Maims
defeated the allied troops and reoccu-
pied the Chinese eastern arsenal, af-
ter inflicting greet loss upon its de-
fenders. The engagement Lasted six
hours and was fouglit with great do-
mination on bete sides. The Choose
were eventually able to utilize the ef-
featly° glens of the fort abutting an
city walls, near the Taotai's Yemen,
the allied troops suffering severely
from leek of heavy guns and cavalry.
Tee Japanese commander sem all ur-
gent appeal to e•terry reinforcements,
as the allies wore in imminent ;humeri
of general defese.
An Army, With Modern Equipments,
Being Sent to China.
The Chinese correspondent of The
Lcaulon Express telegraphs on Tues -
dee :
"The Japanese niece is equipped with
80 heavy mortars and 120 field guns
and has pontoon and. balloon sect:lona.
It is expected either Marshall Nodzu
or Marshal °yam will take ameraand.
The plan of eampaign oontemedates
operations extending two or three
6. further Woe of 13,000 men will
be landed at Taku a week hence and
an additional 10,000 soon afterwards.
"Before the rainy season Is well ad -
trawled Japan terms to have 6e000
troops in China,"
Will be Roberts' Headquarters A(ter
the War.
despatch trom Cape Town, save
—It to understood that at the elorte of
tee war Bloemfontein will be the
• beadquarters of the cotanuanderen-
thief, the seat of the South Atria/in
eoert of appeaLs, and, eeentually, the
•elerel eapitol at South A,frioa,
Battery Arrives at Cane Town en
Route to China.
:A, despatch from Cape Town, says:
A howitzer battery has arrived here
from the front and is in readiness to
embark for China. Five hendred of
Orpens Horse, who have been serving
throughout the South African cam-
paign, have volunteered for service in
Chine. If their offer IS accepted it is
believed that many more men will
30,000 Russian Troops Advaneing
on Pekin.
A despatch from Simeghai, says:—
It la confirmed, from apparently
trustevartny sourne, teat 80,000, Rus-
sian troops aro advancing on Pekin
from the north,
Sir Henry Blake Does Not Pear
Rebellion in booth China.
A despateh from Hong Knee zees :—
Sir Henry A, Blake, Governor of Hong
long, for the first time after a three
months' absence on Tuesday address-
ed the Executive °mantel. leis Exul-
tancy expressed tile belief that the
antieforeigh rebellion would hot ex-
tend in any eppreciable degree to the
southern provinaea of Canna. He ex-
presses the deepest oondolenoe with
the widow ot the untortunate German
efinteter, Baron Von Ketteler.
Site Iles Appointed Yong Ln
A deeNitoli from Shanghai says :—
Rowe teem official sources was re-
ceived at 10 o'elook oh Monday night
to the effect that the Milpitas bad
resumed the reins of government and
appointed Yung Lu. Primo Minister,
1110 ailed that she sent a despateh to
Marking by tiourier at the rate of
100 miles per day, thanking the Vine-
roys af the tangtatikleng proviricee
for their loYeite, and recommending
that they protect foreigners at any
Ta.,51•_ BIV(715$1143
Butte ie now 11 (lents a iota in
Several Additional suspeet smalls
pox (nue are reported in Montreal.
Janet year 20,000 deer skins were ex-
ported from British Columbia.
According to the new directory 01
Montreal the population is 351,402,
The Pram of bread has been in -
maimed two cente a loaf in Montreal.
Expert dairy instructors from Eng..
land will teach asurnmer school at
Ameriaan investors are turn
their attention to the Iron ores
Vancouver Island.
A donation of 1020 hes been received
tram Calcutta, India, f or the Ottawa
Fire Relief Fund,
The sum of $3,441.98 haa been oon-
tributed by Hamilton citizens toward
the Indian Famine Fund.
The capital tax of 0100 on Chin
Immigration will hurt the a P.
bueineae in the importation. •
Smallpox Is spreading In Montr
An hotel has been quarantined and
Royal Victoria Hospital is closed.
The Winnipeg smallpox quarant
has been raised after seventy da
during which thirty-four cases w
The new steel bridge across the St.
Lawrence river at Quebec will be 4,-
016v0e,rf.eet long, and 150 feet above
Hexing june 4,208 settlerregist
ed in Winnipeg, including 1,701 of S
yank origin. Total for half year is
The Ottawa City Council proposes to
adopt a by-law regulating and licens-
ing the manufacture and storage of
calcium carbide within the city.
Big quartz tikes are reported at
Millen River, fifty miles from DEM -
son. There is an entensive area, and
a large stampede has taken plue. t
Nearly four hundred shentymen
from the Upper Ottawa, Gatinea
Coulange, and other lumber limi
have arrived in Ottawa, ladened wi
money earned in the canape.
Thos Skinnerr, the Lend= Hume
and a director of the C.P.R., in 00 i
terview at Montreal, to quoted aa e
Entire Squadron of Scots Greys and
90 Lincoinshires With 2
• Guns, Captured.
A despatch from London Sole :—The
War Office has received the following
despateh from Gem. Roberts:— -
"Pretaria, July 12.—The enemy hav-
ing felled La an attempt to get round
cur rigta and in our rear, made 14 de-
teembeed attack an aur right flank
yesterday. I regret to say they sue-
eeeded 1» capturing Nitrers nek, gar.
rbioned by a squadron of the Scots
Greys, two germ of the Royal Horse
Axtillery, and five oompanies of the
Lincolnshire Regiment. The enemy, In
superior number, attacked at dawn,
006 and, /seizing Lite hills which command -
ed the nek, bought a heavy eon -
ea, verging fire upon the small garrison.
Nitral's nek is about 18 miles from
here, near where the road orrises the
in. Orococtile river. et was held by us in
order to maintain road and telegraph -
76' le communication with Rustenburg.
The fighting lambed more or leas
throughout the day.
"Immediately on reoelving Infor-
m, mation early in the morning of the
'enemy's strength I deapatehed rent
er. forcernents from here under Col,. God -
lee trey. Before they reached the epee
men in Bieropeen garb directing the
tb Chineee artillery operatione outside of
, Tien-Tsin. Foreign refugees from Tien
art Tsiu openly 'mouse a European QM-
n_oial whose name the ExPreei amus-
e_ pendent suppresses, and Col. von Han -
however, the garrison was overpow-
•"The two guns and the greater por-
tion of the Scots Greys were captured,
owing to their llamas being shot, and
also about 90 of the Lineoliashires,
".A, list of the casualties has not yet
been received, but I fear they were
"Simultaneously an attack was
made on we outposts near Dards-
dorp, northward of the town, in
whioh the 7th Dragoon Guards were
engaged. The segiment, which was
handled with considerable skill by
Lieut. -Col. Lowe, kept the enemy in
shook until he retired on his supporta.
We would probably have suffered
slight lose had not one troop naistaken
same Boers in the busbes for ours.
• "Smite-Dowrien had a successful
engagement with the enemy yesterday
afternoon nue Krugersdorp, inflict-
ing heavy loss.
"Buller reports that the Boers who
were destroying the railway near
Pseuds Kraal were driven off yester-
day after a short potion.
"Hart reports from Heidelberg that
the surrendering of arms and ammu-
nition continues in that district."
Said to Be Directing the Guns of
the Chinese.
A. despatch from London says :—The
correspondent of the Express states
that Europeans are directing the Chi-
nese military operations. The corres-
pondent asserts that Captain Bailey,
of TLMS. Aurora, distinctly saw a
pruning a belief that a fast Atlantis
service trona Canada would pay at the
The Department of Public Works
Ontario has Mimed plane and speoifie
-none of the ice house and cold store
buildings in various parts of. the pr
vince, for whioh the Governme
will give grants.
The enormous volume of 4,107,00
tons of freight passed through t
American and Canadian mule
atilt Ste Maria last month, an
reaee of more than 600,000 tone ov
une, 1899.
Efforts are being; made by the Ole
ue Company in East Algoma, to e
ourage settlers of a desirable etas
OM points in Great Britain an
mope rather than from the old
rtions ot Ontario.
Three bad Indians from Minneset
cued over into the Rainy, River db
lot of Ontario a few days ago, an
ied to incite the Canadian Indians
rebelliou, but the attempt Palle
the alarmed emitters are quietin
lunetelments in Oanada are ver
pear in England.
retie total British losses in the South
rican war are 29,160.
Sir Thomas Farrell, the sculptor
resident 08 the Royal Hibernian Aca
my, 0100 at Dublin.
The American hospital ship Maine
s reached Southampton walla load
sick and wounded soldiers.
he British ferst-Masa oruiser Argo.
ut, with a crew of 687 mem left
mesa foe China on Tuesday.
ivasmae of Omagh, Tyrone, has
en arrested an a &arse olf
her ohild by otattng oft its arms and
a pi
waken, who was formerly employed to
drill the Chinese troaps, of being par-
ties to a plot to procure the escape of
of General Cliahg and themselves from
Tien-Tsin before the bonabardoieut,
go leaving the other foreigners to their
a, fete.
Statements are in ciroulation in
nt Shanghai accusing' the Russians of in-
disoriminain slaughter of friendly Chi -
2 nese nonniombetants, without regard
he to aro or Ser.
New Governor Installed With lin-
r- posing Ceremonies.
posed to deny that he was a great
"Peter's Confession and eitriot's iteeuke."
Blatt. IL Mee. Golden Texi. Mott. ICA
Verse 13, The email. The borders;
the vicinity. Caesarea Philippi. To be
distinguished from anoth•er Caesarea.,
A60 10, whioh was situated upon the
seashore. This was the ancient Dan
or Luise, •the northern limit of Pales-
tine; afterward called Paneas; en-
larged and beautified by Herod Philip,
who named it Caesarea in honor of ihe
emperor. • It stood at the foot of
Noma Hermon, near one of the
sour of the Jordan,. It is now oalL
ed Benin% Whom do men say that
I, the Son cif man, am. Our Lord
drew from hie disciples the opinions
of the people in order to help them a
moment hater to express their own
epaniona. "They needed at this time,
and in view of what was before them•,
a religious confession thus deeply
rooted in their oonviotions to enable
theni to confront the trying future."—
14. Observe that m000dy was
A despateh Brom London says 1—Gen- prophet. Seale supposed that Tohn, the
oral Sir George Stewart White, the Baptist had reappeared on earth.
hero of the siege of Laideienith and the ,Tbis was the opinion of John's murder -
r soldier who Was not afraid to own up er, Herod tiotipas. Some expecting
to it wherehe blundered, bee just: been Elias, Elijah, to come back 09 the fore-
"' installed in his new position as Geyer- runner of the Messiah, identified Jesus
nor of Gibraltar; The general arrived with him. Some thought teat he was
d at the famoue British fortress on Tues -.1 jeranias, Jerembah, who was popular-
., day, and was given a hearty reception jy regarded in much the seine Light
" by the soldiere. He made Several ad..; na, neja.h. Others agreed that Jesus
g dresses, which were well received, and ' was reinoarnetion of one of the old,
will assume the duties of his poet at I, prophets, irlthoet being so sure which
owe» Gen. White is now In his sixty- • coo,.
sixth year, and has worn the Queen's
luniform slime be was a lad. 'He has 15. 'Wbciril say ye that 1 am. "11
a breastful of decorations, including reenters loss to you and to me what
viaorian oross, and a others think of Jesus than what we
, knight in three of Great .BrItain'a think of him» everybody aim is in
.1famotts ceders of honour. For four error an •thie paint, and we look at
I years Gen. White was commander in
'chief of the British forces in India, to '3"e'u" 8"yer Ltgl't' '11 le well
i.,vnlilic89113.1.rost he succeeded Lord Roberta with us, however sad we may be over
the failure of others, And if every -
TOTAL CASUALTIES TO DATE we ere in error, it is as bad for us as
if there were no truth in the tini-
15 per tient. advenee wages
• been granted, to Lits 200 workmen
toyed at the Stanton Iron Works
he numbea' of emigrants sailing for
ada from British ports during the
late of ,Tune ivere:—Iiingliele 1,449;
h, 94; &etch, 211, awl of other na-
netlike, 4,725,
or 'breaking refs umbrel1a. amus0
binene fame an act which the
gistrate at Soutleivarle described as
ece at sheer eleekguarceera, John
rave, a Ciaolbeewell ceramiesion
ut, was sentenced to two inoethe
d labour,
taing the quarter ending June Penh,
British revenue decreases under
different headings total 41,7880.44; and
the inoreueei total Z580 000, leaving a
licit dimmer -lee of £1,203,144, due to de-
creasea in the Customs and excise re-
ceipts caused by withdrawals made
in Anticipation of the new budget.
In response to a request from the
Admiralty that three vessels of the
auxiliary squadron should proceed to
Chinese wltlord, the Premier of Via.
taria, Mr. McLean, cabled an offer of
200 marines and, two gune. The Gov,.
ernment of Queensland also offered
the firtlisb Admiralty e gunboat for
service Ln Chinese water&
body else holds a. correat belief, and
The Boer War Has Cost Britain verse."—Tuenhall.
48,188 Officers and Men.
16. Thou eat the °lariat. the Son of
War Offien hen issued smother casual- precisely equivalent. The "Christ "
ty feet from •Soute. Africa, showing the iieeesi„e;
that during the week ending Saturday the Anointed Cue ; and
there were kilted. wetzeded captor. aeoessarily does not imply high spir-
ed fifteen offioers and 180 matt; ac- Gitoildal.,°.blaraila::*lirtiLs,111"116;m.butdt allyao
cedental deaths two men ; died of die -
8, cl'aPa'L'al from Landon says :—'11° the living God. The two terms are not
ease four officers and 191 men; In.
valided home, 72 officers and 1,806
men. The total casualties as 0» result
of the war are ; 48,188 officers and
Despatched Overland From Russia
Within Ten Days.
A despatch from London, Friday,
says despatch to the Standard
from Odossa says that more than 40 -
000 troops have bean despatched dur-
ing the past 10 days from Meadow
overland to Khabarovsk. It is added
that it is intended to raise the army
in the Amur Government, Central
Asta, to 200,000 men,
Defeats Erasmus' Commando With
COnsIderable Loss.
A despatch from Pretorta, says:—
Generals HeCtoti and Malmo had tour
dayefighting south -oast of Frail:ma,
resulting ths defeat of 'Remains
tiointuaudo with coneideralite toss
ieriaus and holy. Already Peter and
the inhere apprehended mare than
mere human excettenee in their Mu-
17. Blessed art thou, Stmou Bar-
jana, "Son of Joann" Peter is
"blessed with that blessedness which
appeal:time to the kingdom of God,"
like the saints on whom the Butt-
tudee of the Sermon on the Mount had
been pronoueeed. Flesh and blood
stands far humanity—for human
learning and acumen, Revealed it
unto thee. "The singular pronoun
is, not improbably, used here because
Peter is the one who answered the
question. There is, to say the least,
no necessity to suppose that Jesus
mune to refer to the revelation of
this truth as having been made to
Peter alone, and not to the test of
the apostles. The question of Items
was addtessed to them all. Peter
aaswered for them alt, as we may be -
!love. There is no 17008011 to doubt
that they believed whet he believed,
and tbet the same divine revealing
where had Come to him had also some
ilEdaolfit ARL.Xaift.w iiiirr40303241C2MAT;
La Bed 5 Inorathe—Had Given Up All Rol?,
of Getting. Well—. Eteznecly 1'ox444
Last to which "1 Owe BEy 141f0."
fletenoe lay established the
tot that all the nerious energy of our
bodies is generated by nerve centres
located near the base of the brain.
When the supply of nerve force has
kteon diminished either by excessive
physical or mental labours, or owing to
it derangement of the nerve mares, We
e first conscious ofa languor or tired
and wotn.oub feeling, then of a mild
form pi nervouttnese, headaohe, or
sto eivgbje, which is perhaps euo-
oeij ly =vow, prostration, chronic
indliesign, and dyspepsia, and agn-
H4klg of he whole system, In
this dey of hurry, fret and worry, there
are very few who enjoy perfect health;
nearly everyone has some trouble, an
aolm, or pain, a weakness, a nerve
trottble, toniething wrong with the
etomaola Ind bowels, poor bleed, heart
disease, or sick headaohe ; all of which
are Drought on by a lack of nervone
energy to enable the clifferentorgansof
the body to perform their respective
%nth American Nervine Tonic, the
marvelloteifdrre food andhealth giver,
is steetiefOnV ettocess, %wondrous boon
telitedi MA and overworked men
and women, who Aave suffered years
dieootiraffemeot and tried all manner
of ablates ts,ithotiii benefit. It is a
modern, a %Monti& remedy, and in its
Take follows abounding health.
It in unitise' all other remedies in
that it is not designed to sot on the
different organs affected, but by its
direct adieu en the nerve centres,
which are natnre's little batteries, it
*mules an increased supply of nervous
energy to be gensrated which in its
. -
turn thoroughly oils, to it Wife, thil
machinery of the body, thereby Oa.
abling 10 to perform peliectly Its dit
ferent funotione, and without the
slightest friction.
18 yon have been reading of the ro
markable gums wrought by SPA
American Nervine, a9counte of which
we publish Prone week to week, and
are still sceptical, we ask you to in:
vestigate them by ooreellpondettes, and
beoeine convinced that they men true
to the leiter. Such a course may
you menthe, perhaps yeare, of
in and aniiety.
The words that follow srp
but they emanate fr.8th. the Wear% e*dj
speak the sentiment, of thotistiltde
women i,p the United Mates 4nd 000,t'
ado who know, through experienoe, 3f
the healing virtues of the South
American Netwine Tonic,
Harriet B. Hall, of Waynetown, SE
prominent and snuck respected lady;
write e ste follows :-- •
"I owe my life to the great South
American Nervine Tonic. I have
been tu...hol for fivevmenths wit
scrofteloite traou'r
and suffered wit in gestiois and
nervous orostrahign, Rad gtspp u
aJ bppee If getting d tdesi
threl denims, with 140 rOlje W110 '
first bottle of Nefilne Tnnio If0roveit
me so much that 1 was able to walk
about, and a few bottles cured me en-
tirely. I believe it is the best suedi•
eine in the world, 1 cannot ream.
meld it too highly."
Tired women, yen you do bettey
than become mocppitited with WA
truly great remedy It
Sold by G. A. Deadman.
to them Peter speaks, in a similar
way, ou behalf of the company, as
well as for letniself, in John 0. 67-70.'
—Dwight. My Father wheel is in
heaven. The divine source and tune
tale of truth.
18. Thou are Peter, "Thou are Reek,"
and upon this rock I will build my
ohurch. See Mate 18, 18 and John
20. 23 for evidence that the blessing
given to Peter wae shared among the
twelve. "The rook element in Petee
was his confession." The founda-
dation of Christianity is the
truth that Jesus is the Messiah, the
Son et the living God. Gatos
of Will. Rather, "gates of Hades,"
or Ural. Death Is herr figured :lea
city or fortress through whose gatee
terrible armies march forth; but
death whkh conquers all the earth,
is overcame by the power of Christ.
1.9. 1. will give unto thee the keys
of the kingdom of beeven. The DOWer
of adminting to and exceeding from
that kitigdona. Of aurae, this power
WOO exercised subordinate to Christ.
Tee apostles Were never matte Inde-
pendent of theta' Master and Lord, but
when be had departed front earth
complete power for the building up oe,
tee Churee was to be delegated them,
Nor are We to understand this to
nems merely that persons were to be
excluded trona or admitted to the
kin•gdom at Peter's will, according to '
the Reinambst notion, or at the will of
all rho apostles. The emphasis of the
mulling is on, Wage, not persons. It
We$ simply it warrant given to Peter
and through elm to all the ripostioe
to mart taws eor the government of
tee Churoh, Not even Peter, but
Christ alone has power to torgive sins
and admit to heaven -
20. They should tell no imam inie
prootaination might read to pont:kat
results antagonistic to Christ's plan/
' N'roen that time forth. Tune previously given obscure the
timutiouas of 'his peesion and death
Mita. 10, 35; John 8. 14, 'but new 10s
began to speak plainly on the sub-
jept. Tioie was necessary to give the
I disciples a true understanding of his
entagdoen, and to guerd them against
Seltrialh ;errors. Must go. Note tee
"must." ell: behooved lent," Luke 24,
6. See also tthec strange, sad verse,
:Luke 13. 33. "'It WoS necessary uhat.
he shetuld go—teceseary for the out-
' workizig, of the devine pian; neeeisaryi
for the interests of Inc kingdom, and,
tor the interest at universal men.'
IMorison. Biased again lee, third day.
He who, foresaw hie own deaLb fore-
saw also Itis tritiraggh over death.
1 22. Peter took him, "Took Men
aside," ce "by the hand." This shall
notbe unto thee. "It wound be ruin-
,' ens to thy oauLe",..— a sad evident*
I that a man's theol•ogical tweed may.,
; merit our Lord's caramendation, bes
tion,ceptiou cif divine Vieth may be
183. Get thee behind me. eaten. lin
• Was apostrophizing the tempter, who
spoke with Peter's tongue, rather than,
the apostle himself. Aw, offense, "A
atumblingeblock." "18» who is at one
moment a rook may in the next be.
come a stone 01 stumbling."—.Abbott,
Thou eavoreat, "Thou regardest ;"
that is, "Tau eolie the dear() of the
world for a temporal intern, not God'
plan for an atoning Redeemer." •
24. 11 any man will. It any man
wish or determine,. Take up his 05050,
and fellow me. "The only way to
tollow mo Is to deny one's self iiCen
to the extent of denying for God and
Renew -men as I will do,"
25, 26. Theo verses riemend Ihimedit
and prayer rather than explanaLieb,
Read elther life or soul threlighottt,
and the essential uteatilnir is tis, seine,
The eternal life of the kingRan of
heaven 58 the ono thing nestleul,