HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-7-19, Page 1Vol. 29. No, 2' BRUSSELS; ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY ;91 1900 New Advertisements, Looal--G. E. King. Qow for sale --Q. M. Filer. Horse stolen --Wm. Kreuter. Mother and eon—Dr. pitcher. New Blaokamith--•Wm. Phillipe, Important change—A, Steno/An, Does it pay ue to advertise—J. Fergu- son & Co, AWWWrext Reba, T3tue''a he. Mies Aggie Herbert visited at Brunets last week. Mice Ruby Duff visited In Wroxeter last week. Ed. Coultas, of Ripley, he spending his holidays at home. Mire Mand Roberts, of Orillie, is Welt- ing at John MOOraoken's. Mre. Will. Gardiner, of Teeewater, is visiting et John Gardiner''. Mies Jennie Diment hoe returned from a visit to Mende in Goderiab. Mrs, Rogers and Fred. returned home 0n'Tuesdey evening from Toronto. Mira Biokle, of Hamilton, is visiting bur mother, Mre. Walter Rutherford. Mise Aggie Lowry, of Belmore, le visiting her cousin, Mies Lily Rogue. Ken. Messer bae gone to Elora, where be baa eeonred a situation ae 'a draggiet. Mise Annie Rutherford, of Toronto, is visiting her mother, Mts. Welter Rather. ford. Plisses Maud and Lizzie Plenty, of Wingham, spent Sunday with 11iae Mabel Thome'. &:khtti, Townehip Council here last Monday. Fall wheat is being harvested in this ' lcoality, J. Leiehmao and Miss Maggie Browu spent the 12th at Listowel. Nies Hannah Bateman ie home from New York for a holiday visit. She is a daughter of ,Elijah Bateman, Miss Lyda Hall, tenober at Leeming. ton, Ont., and Mts. George Hall and son, of South Dakota, are visiting relatives and friends here. We notioe the young fellow who handles the ribbons on the white driver, from the 9th line, near Henfryp, ooming around on 8nniay nights quite often, There must be some great attraction for him. BCW �18CkS�l(ti Tho undersigned begs leave to intim• ate to the people of Brawls and locality that he has leveed the Blaakemith Shop in connection with Jno. Wynn'o Carriage e Works, Brussels, where be will be pleased to attend to the wants of the public). A general Blacksmith business will be done and horse -shooing carefully 9h attended to. Prioes Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed. WM, PHILLIPS, he t The root is.on Christian Eakmier's new barn and hip crop Wil! be' stored in it, Den, Igokmier'e beta with its etooe Wall and leau•to is also well on toward completion. Word was reoeived last week of the illness of Mrs,.MoKay, mother to Mre, George Dobson, who lives at Stayner. Mrs, Dobeon and son and her brother, Mr, Molay, left at onae. George Dobson also went to Stayner on Monday. Mre. MoKoy le well advanced in lite, Poor BALL,—A meeting of the Ethel Pooh Ball club was held in the Temper. anoe Hall on Saturday night, Joly 14th, at which A, Cole was appointed Captain'; J. Cole, Field Captain ; Jas. Leishman, Sea•'Treae. ; J. Lindeay, W. Lindsay, W. Stevenson and Z. McCallum, Com. to look after afield. The olub ie open to play at any time now with a few days notice. Team will line up ae follows :—Goal, J. Leishman ; Backe, A. Rapp and 0. Querrin ; Half Backe, W. Paweon, Z. MoOullum and W. Biebop ; Forwarde, Lindsay, W. Steveneoo, A. Cole, W. Lindsay and G. McKay. Carr e r•, Fred. Marsh is home from Sagina Mich. John Oliver, wife and son, Sunday in Listowel. Mies Belle Strachan left for Lend on Wednesday morning. Fall wheat harvest is at band and the whole is a dos crop. Mrs. Marsden Bmitb and daught were visiting at Beaforth. Mise Oobbon, of Bt. Mery'e, baa be vielting at Wm. Bray's, 16th con. Mrs. Bell, of Fullerton, ie visiting h daughter, Mre. Fletober Sperling. Mre. R. Dilworth and eon, Rneee spent Saturday and Sunday with frien neer Mount Forest. The new school woodshed B. 8. No. is completed. Peter Bishop had the a0 tract and did a good job, Robt. Davidson and Mrs. John L Davidson and children, of Toronto, a visiting at Thos• Davidson's, llth oo The gentlemen are brothers, Mise Annie McQuarrie is home fro the Conservatory at Chatham, where eh has been taking both a vooal and inetru mental comae, for her holidays. An addition 14x46, with stone fouoda tion has been added to the barn on Jae Fergueon's farm,Oth otm., making quit ao improvement. Mr. Ferguson hae capital 100 sores and farms it well too W. Knight, wife and family, of Belle villa, are holidaying with relatives i Grey. Mr. Knight is Mathematics, Master in the Belleville Onlleginte, wher he has been for the epast 8 Years. He i awaythis hie we ek at o Toronto reading es amination papers. John McTaggart, 16th con., bee a tal weed with long roots growing ea If farm and he wants to get rid of it. To as certain what it is lee mailed a stalk of i to the Ontario Experimental farm las Saturday and expeota to shortly hea from the college people oo0cerning it. Time people of this section were quite urprised to hear of the decease of Mise Annie Reid, let oon., whioh took place n Wednesday of leet week. She bad been failing for some little time but few ought the sod so near. Mies Reid was 9 years of age. Funeral took place on Friday. Cram Cain. --Monday Jas. Lyno, let on., was experimenting with a long pole n moving away hay from•the hay fork in barn. The hay did not strike the ole direct and coming down about 20 eet caught Mr: Lyno and nearly broke ie nook. He was thrown in the mow tad bad his face eoratcbed and his neck ud chest injured somewhat. It was ortanate he escaped as well as he did ith a hay fork load coming on him in' re shape he was. He Bays he won't ex• eriment any more. w, ed on 00' ere. en e0 11, de 0, n• 0e n. •e • s e When Doctors Disagree M Colisult an Optician. Nervonanees—headaches—ei eepleaenese and dizziness, often puzzle the beet phyaioians, - Nine times in ten eye strain is the direct cause. Nothing can effect a permanent euro that dose not remove the cease. That le what oar scientifically fitted glasses do. Bane BAIaiNee,—There were Iwo barn raisings on the 16th con. lately, one last Saturday on the farm of Dnnoan MoKay where a large barn, framed by Louis Hickson, of Logan, was raised. Sides were chosen by John Robertson and Donald McNeil and after an exaiting race the aide oaptoiued by the former name out ahead. Tuesday a large barn wee raised on the farm of Wm. Mann. The frame work was done by Arab. Mc- Lean, non. 10, and although the day was ry wet and disagreeable the barn wag up in good shape.. John Robertson d David Claris were captains and after ively time the race was declared a are. MRS. T. FLETCHER,got an GRADUATE OPTICIAN, a I Also Graduate of Rstiaoeoopy, dr ANANIMPORTANT OHANCE- Wili be made this week in the prioee of all Summer geode. Not. withstanding the fact that the sale of Ladies' Blouses has been larger this season than ever before, still we have a number left. We do not wish to carry one over and are offering,the balance of our Shirt Waists at greatlyReduced Prices �'iGES Extra quality fano, stripes and checks, worth $0 50 for $0 88 New patterns in stripes and dols 75 58 Fanoy stripes with or without white yokes1 00 80 Only three fancy muslin' 1 86 1 00 While Pique, ineertion trimming 1 85 1 00 White Figured Muslin, very pretty All sizes in black Sateen Shirt Waite, very fine quality, for $1.00.x5 Ginghamo, Piquee, Mauling and ?Ante at oorrespouding low priee5, PARASOLS ! Bargains 1n Parasols. Extra good wane. Guaranteed fast dye. Never equalled, worth 750 for 60o ; Ladles' Stand Fast 7Jwbrella good size, worth 90a for 70b ; Ladies' Silk Hsieh Parasol, epiendid value, worth $1.00 for 80o. Only a few of the better ones left—$1,25 foe 81.00 ; $1.50 for $1,25 ; $2.00 for $1.70; $2,20 for $1.75. tEteauguall Fashion Shade and Feaster/ to baud. Everything Cheap, No FancyPrices. CCS, A. Strachan. W, H.YERR., Prop, The Clinton Newdlra nays of a former Greyite ; Joseph Elliough pail a dying Welt to bis brother, W, A., ofthe organ factory, one day lest week. He 10 quite an expert at composing and singing mask, Mre. John Minsholl, of Nebraska, le visiting under the parental roof et Wm, Smith's, con. 17. Mre. John. Kieling. also aaoompanied her and is visiting friends in this township. Slio ie a daughter of John Winmull, a former resident of Ehje townehlp, Mrs, Thoe. Pepper was visiting her daughter: near Hensel:. Charlie Pepper w08 also there last Sunday, making; the trip on hie wheel. Mre. Wesley Pepper and San, of Glencoe, who were visiting hare, have left for their home, calling at Seaforth on the way there. Simonson. — Notwltbstaudiog the heavy rain of Tuesday afternoon the social at Duncan Taylor's that evening was quite a summits, the peooeeds being $19.00 whioh no doubt would have been angmented had weather been favorable. The program consisted of an opening ohorne by the Strachan Sunday Bohool under whose sampan the entertainment was held ; solos by Miss Crooke and A. Strachan, of Brussels ; reoitatiooe by Miss Allie and Aeon MoKelvey , piano duet by Misses Ina and Servs Bryaos ; guartette by Misses Taylor and Straoban and Rob. and Tom Straoban ; violin and, piano duets by D. and Mies Taylor, Thos. Strachan 000npied the chair. A tasty lunob was served et the close. W a,l ton. Fall wheat barveet is here. A few from this locality attended the horse races at Seaforth this week. Rev. 0. M. Filer offers a ranch cow and calf for Bale. Notice elsewhere. Our Orangemen say a very enjoyable day was epeot at Listowel on the 12th. Messrs. Ferguson & McDonald shipped a ear of hogs and a oar of oattle this week. Walton L. 0. L. will be represented at the funeral of George Beaker at Brea. eels on Friday afternoon. Mies Ramsay left Brussels last Taes day morning for Manitoba. Elbe will visit for a short time at Winnipeg before proceeding further Westward, Tam POST omitted to mention that Frank Neal took -honors in his let year's course in medicine. With good health we expect he will make.a floe record for himself, Frank Neal will busy himself during his vacation by getting acquainted• with drugs in Jas. Foxe store, Brussels. Nothing like making bay while the sun 'binee. Gordon McDonald and Geordier'er - gueon oovered themselves with glory and perspiration at the foot ball match in Listowel on the 12th, when Brussels gave them the grand wallop of 4 to 0. Oar boys are no discredit to any team and are hard to beat. tatorrls. Albert Moes, of Brussels, spent Sunday at Jno. Perdue's, god line. Jno. Sherrie, 4th line, was on the Wok list but ie all right again. Mrs. Geo. Lowry and eon, of Bruesele, are visiting at Robt. Beach's, 8rd con. Mre. Leech, of Detroit, is visiting at the home of her father, A. B. Jaokeon, 1st line. Wit+. Bell and Mime May and Tena Smith, of Grey, spent Sunday at Harry Jaokeon'e, Alvin Wheeler, of Alma, was visiting relatives in Morrie. He is a grandson to (bas. Wheeler. Thursday of last week Jas. Evans, 7th line, lost a span of foals. They were twine and about a week old. Last Tuesday Mre. David Farquharson and daughter left Brunets for Solggarth, Man„ where elm will visit relatives and friends for a few menthe. Haying has been delayed owing to the frequent showers and now the wheat harvest is here as well so farmers are busy. There will be a little Weakening up, however, before the Spring crops are reddy. A head of wheat was found in Alex. MoDail's wheat field containing 87 grains, it being the first met with. There is a passibility of double that number being found in soma heads. Morrie won't be outdone by anything on earth. Doo. Caldbiok, of Bangor, Miohigan, was borne for a holiday visit. He fe a son of B. Oaldbiok, a well known Morris. ite. Bangor evidently agreee with our former Morris boy ag he ie both fat and flourishing. We with bim continued prosperity. The other day Jas. McCallum, of East Wawanosh, was quite seriaosly injured. Something went wrong with the bay fork in the barn and he climbed up to fix it. When it was eat to rights the oar took 141r. McCallum with great force to the and of the barn when be took a drop into the mow. On Friday morning of last week es Reuben Jewitb R at the farm of hie brother, L. Jewitt, the horse he was driving beoame frightened and ran away throwing him from the rake and breaking his collarbone, Apbyeioien soon attended to the injury end the patient is now getting along nicely. A new Methodist oburob at the Jack. eon appointment is mooted. The old one is too small and is oleo in need of repair and so instead of making au outlay for dace and enlargement a wiser proposi- tion is being coueidered of patting up a new brink building. A basement would probably be added to accommodate the Sabbath school and week evening ear - vices. Last Friday evening Ed. Bosman re- oeived a despatch from Winnipeg to the effect that hie daegliter, Mrs, T. G. Campbell, had died that morning. »The oaoee of death is not known but must have been very Budder and unexpeoted ae the family had reoeived a letter on the previews evening saying that all ware well: Mre. Batmen started' for Winni, peg on %hurley mottling and the faneral took piaoe on Monday afternoon, The parents and friends are deeply eympath. ized with in their tad and nnexpeoted bereavement, Jno. Sharp is home from St, Thomas for a holiday, p part of whioh be will Impend in the harvest field on his father's farm, 5th line. There, Skelton reoeived a telegram on Tbornday apprieinghire of the sad news of bbe depth of Its daughter, Mrs. Mc. Kenzie, of Buffalo, N. Y. She will be buried at Durham on Friday. It is raid a hall storm during the poet week rather played havoo with some wheat field(' in Hallett. Morrie bad BOMB of t$e hail but your correspondent did not bear of serious damage to Drops, Jamee'Donoen has resigned his posi. tion as teacber at Penetoogoiehene and will go to Regina, N. W. T. 'where be will take a course at the Normal Sobooi entitling him to teach in the Went. Mr. Daman has a let Waite oertifloate and be a good teacher, EDWARD MuLLrnAN PASSER AWAY,—Last Friday Edward Mulligan, whose tome is a abort distance North of Jamestown, was stricken with paralyeio and early Monday morning he pawed away, aged 76 years. He is survived by his wife, who was a Miee Hammill, and several children. The funeral took plane on Tuesday, interment being made at Wrox• 'ter cemetery. Crtt.nbroolc. Tom MoRae is home from Listowel. Flax orop is about ready for harvesting. Fail wheat hi fairly good in this looal- tty. Bliee Jennie Weir was holidaying at Brussels. There is a rumour of a rearranging of the Ethel circuit in oonneotioo with the Methodist ohoroh. A. MoDonald'e reeidanae is up past the seoond joists and will be a neat and oom. Portable home when finished. Will. Kreuter and wife have taken ap their residence in )3russels, taking the apartments in George Tbomeon's block. Wroxeter. W. O. Hazelwood received a fine new upright piano. Mies Sarah Allen was in Harrieton last weak visiting friends. Mre. White, of Toronto, is the peat of Mre. Douald Fisher, Soho Snell is the guest of his daughter, Mre. Tipling, at Goderioh. Mre, James Sanderson was the guest of Mre. David Fisher last week. Joseph Barnard, who hag been laid up with poison ivy, is better again. Thos. Hemphill & Son have purohaeed the oats of Bay.Broe., at Gorrie. Mr. Maxwell and family were the neat of sMr. Rob gprison last at week. Geo. Brown, teach er o Ottawa, burned diatriot, is visiting in townin , the Some of our Orangemen left an the 12th for Listowel with their overcoats on. James Allen left for Galt on Monday morning to attend the funeral of bis sant, Mre. Landret, T. F. Sanders, Howlett street, bad a shade tree destroyed last Saturday dor• ing the storm. Jae, A. Edgar, of the Boundary, is putting up the foundation for hie fine new brink house. Mies Jeanie Miller, who went ander an operation a few weeks ago, was able to take a 3 mile drive on Monday. James Ball and Wm. Muir, who have been getting out timber at Novae, Mus. koka, returned teat Wednesday. John Davidson is the Rued of bis daughter, Mre. Moffat, near Bluevale, bat eve are sorry to say le on the eiok lief, Mise Doff, who has been the guest of Mrs. Robertson, on Sanderson St., left for her home at Biaevale on Monday. Mr. MsEwan, teacher of the Poblio Sobool at Bluevale, gave Mr. Robertson and J, Brethaaer a call on Monday even ng. Walter Miller and Mies Maud Grafton, of the Gofton Hones, returned from a visit at Mr. Thompson'a, at Drayton, on Sunday last. Last Saturday night the cows that are Hewed to rue at large in this village got nto Charles Bimmone' garden and left a ad looking eight. The telephone poles are opin the illage now. The office will be in Geo. aakie'e tailor shop. The Company have wo tenth up in the village park with an 1 cook who belle from Fergus. The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist oburob here have a Garden Party on hureday evening at George Harris', set of the Maitland river. They have ugaged the Orchestra, of Harridan. If he weather it fine this will be the party. Thos. B. Sanders left for the Soo" n Tuesday morning. He intender to call n John Bove formerly of Wroxeter, on e American side of the "Soo," then he ill go to Mackinaw and return to Owen mind end Sydenham township to visit hands. N. Gadoke, eon of Godted Gedake, of e 2nd coo. Elowiok, had hie arm ampu• ted between the wrist and elbow. Some ars ago the lad got his hand taken off a straw cutter and the stump left ver healed up, so it was decided to ve another operation, Mr. Gotten, of the Grafton House, some. me ago has a corn pared until it hied. got worse and at last teetered 0o bad at the Dr. removed part of hie toe last iday, The old gentleman, although 84 ears old, stood the operation without king chloroform, and although confined hie bed to getting better. 0o0Nam.—Tho Village Council met on esday evening in the clerk's Milo, all ailment present except S. B. MoKelvie. e following a000unte were read and bed : B. H. Townsend, printing, $7 ; rk'e salary, $37,50 I J. Brethaner, seer $20; late treasurer, $20. Mies 1 . Lawrie was oleoted treasurer at a pry of $20 per annum. The aleck was taunted to write up the Bylaw !pro. Cattle from running at large m 7 p, m, to 6,80 in the morning. It ears the Connell have about enough de fu the Bank to meet the debentures tfall due on August 2nd, 1900, t0 wipe he debt of the village. The county is the same as last year, viz, $90.lm el ag mho D s ,nit Niagara Fatie, N. Y., pad Ironi the new G. T. R, bridge the rapids and was not seen again, a v A W 0 th fr Eh Ea ye in tae ha ti It th Fr ye to to Tu me Tb pas ole pee C. URI bus bib fro fan tha off.t rate �um into • Entrance Examinations 11 EAST ftCItOnia We give below the names of those who euooeeded in pausing the recent Entrann° Examinatlon in East Huron, Time who obtained 0O% of the total number of marks heve been awarded honor Mending. Past Candidate must have obtained 50% of the total number of marks and 38a% of the marks on each subject, Last year 733% of those wlio wrote nn this examination in East Huron pa -.,ed This y e ear but 57lj%. Th dilTioult mere this year were Spelling, Arithmetio and Grammar. More failed this year on the total than for a number of years. This shows that the Examination, eh a whole, was more difficult than newel. Both lists are arranged alphabebioally. BRUSSELS. HONORS. Driscoll, Ida Roes, Ada Funeton, Ella Gooding, Harry McArthur M. Modell, Willie MoKelvey, Barbara 'Thomson, George PASS. Dunlop, Anna Brown, Chas, Howe, Beatrice Forrest, Robert MoCafl, Maggie McDonald, Duncan Roes, Luella MoGavio, Frank Speir, Carrie Raynard, Irwin Taylor, Emma J. Riohardson, Jas. Telfer, Aggie Walker, Everett White, Dora Work, John Wilson, Myrtle CLINTON. HONORS. Bennett, Elsie • Soott, Katie Oantelon, Saida Wallaoe, May Cooper, Edna Alexander, 0. C. Hoover, Lela Badour, Edward Jackson Lilian Grigg, Hugh Levis, Hattie Stewart, Robert McCaughey Hattie Wilken, Karl Potts, Elva PA'S LIST. Amass, Fred. Mulholland, Harvey Brogden, Mary Mustard, J. W. Blake, Nora Piumsteel, Emma Boyce, Arthur Pearson, George Campbell, Darman Ross, Twee Cook, Minnie Robinson, Annie M. Irwin, Leanord Scott, Frank MOD, Tunes, Harold Taylor, Bella Jackson, Irene Watts, Hartley Ketohen, John Weet, Maude Love, George Wise, Peart Louxon, Mary BLYTH. HONORS. England, Mary Moore, Cornelious McDonald, Zella Stewart, Robert Brown, John Taylor, John England, Wm. PASS. Jaokeoo, Maggie Henry, Oliver Stewart, Nettie McLaoohlin, H. Webster, Graoe McMillian, Wm, Campbell, George Redmond, R. Carter Joseph Wilson, Sheary Hammond, 0. WINGHAM. HONORS. Hobbs, Laura M. Park, Ariel G. Jaokson, Jean S. Oonery, Wm. Linklater, Vine, P. Homnth, Exra, B. Nixon, Maggie Marselee, Reynolds PASS, Button, Stewart Millan, Florence M. Coed, Frederick Peareu, Mina Elva Fry, Wilfred Pilgrim, Annie 3. Jeffrey, Robert J. WCheater eliwool, G.Lena Kincaid, Harry Whittaker, Irene Obittiok, Nellie M. Wynn, Pearl Cummins, Eleanor Millhouse, H. 0. Dayan, Annie McCallum, James Gilchrist, Annie Rash, Fredrick Hanna, Bessie M. Soandrett, Fred. R. Hood, Maggie J. Sheriff, Herbert H. , SEAFORTH. HONORS. Freeman, Wm. Burke, Luella Livens, Marry Diokson, Norma PASS. Anderson, Pearl Sills, Mona Cowan, Pltemis Watson, Ida Oarnoohan, G. Wilson, Ellen Dickson, Emma Watson, Gretta Forbes, Jennie F. Archibald, Bartle Friel, Mamie Ellison, Lawrence Hodgins, Mabel Gunn, Gordon Horan, Mazie Hartry, Russell Holcombe, Edna MoAllister, Karl Hewitt, Hannah A. O'Connor, Archie Johnston, Lois Park, Alex. Knetohel, Lottie E. Reid, John Leslie McClure, D. Roberts, Jaok Rose, Hallie Sproat, Oscar Spain, Mase Smibhers, Tom WROXETER. H0N0ns. Their, Chas. McLennan, Sarah PASS. Brown, Russell Wright, William Garter, Stewart Crawford, Alberta Cooper, Peter Harris, Millie Dean, Ohariee Jackson, Mertha Rigging, Benjamin McTavish, Edua Riggine, Robert Martha Nellie McGlynn, Henry Stinson, Edna McLeod, Thee. Snell, Maggie Smith, Oliver Wells, Jessie Sanderson, Stanley FORD W ICH, PA's. Hainstock, D. P. Cook, Evelyn M. Johnson, Stanleutehison, Elide B. Magof6n, Robert McGuire, Mabel J, Strome,;'Ddward Wade, Elizabeth Wilson, Lindsay Andrew Howell, of Harrieton, pleaded guilty of bigamy. Andrew MoGown, of Denbigh town - chip, was killed by lightning, Miebasi Allan, of Hamilton, was drowned while bathing in the bay. A sailor named Cowell, bailing from Miohigen, was dementia at Wiarton while going to hie vessel is a mailing skiff. Willful B. Smith, of Hespeler, fell off a scaffold, a distance of twenty feet, and received injuries that may prove fatal, People We Talk About, Mrs. P. Scott was visiting in Wingham, Mre, 3, H. Cameron is vieibiug ju To. ionto, Mies Pe: Mitchell be borne from Belmore, in B R,eaand fprthM,re, Williamson 'pentL'ueeday 0StewartNSeaaght0nfortb. and Oiina Scott ars holidaying t oa Mies Amy Brett is vieibiug Mrs. (Dr.) M. for Mbar ies hoDunlidbarays. bas returned to Gueipb Mies Annie Beattie is home from Toronto on a visit. dayedblies Magistogie wOliver, Queen street, San. in Lel, homeDr. MaoDooald, 141, P„ has arrived from Ottawa. Frank MoGuire, of Wingham, spent Sunday at Geo. Rogers'. vMbeitingrs,t A. Good and Joey and Harold are riende at Ripley, viel4ng The MMre. issesFred, BlakewayAdam, os! Ohesley, are Mies Jennie MoNair, of Oranbrook, was visiting friends in town. Mies Fannie Friendahip is visiting her sister, Mre. Allen, in Wroxeter. Mrs. P. Adams and obildren returned from a visit to Listowel last Sunday. airs. Wllbee, sr., has gone to Grand Rapids, Blida., cm a visit to relativoe, Miss White, of Wingham, in spending a week or two with her fetter is town. Barristers Sinoleir and Blair were in Goderioh last Tuesday on legal business. Merill and Kirk Green, of Hamilton, are visiting at F. S. Scott's, William et. Mies Ethel Creighton is home from her millinery situation for her holidays. Mre, Downing has been bothered with lumbrief,bago bat we hope its reign will be Mre. Tait and Moe. St. Peter were vweek,ieitiog at Listowel for a fete days thio P. Scott and Doo. Warwick were at Detroit this week taking in the bores 08050, Robb, Wynn, jeweller, of Detroit, to holidaying with his mother and father in Brunets, Mise Bowles, of Chicago, is making a holiday vielt with her sister, Mrs. Robb. Johnston. Mrs. G. A. Deadmanand Roger left on Monday for an cutin in Moekoks for a ew weske, Misses Grace Gardiner and Matta Sperling, of Leadbury, are visiting friends n Brussels. Mrs, Jas. MaLanobi n, of Wingham, is enewin old mo pain nose ' g in Brunets 9 el locality. Will. Marr has been laid up with in• ammatory rheumatismbut is getting ver it again. Mre. T. J. Leather ale, of Hamilton, e visiting at R. estberdale'e, her rother.in.law, Mies Maud Hartry, of Seaforth, was ieitiug Mise Lizzie L atherdsle during he peat week. Misses Maoklem an Gaul, of Kin- erdine, are the gumbo of Mrs. John ong, Flora street. B. Gerry sod wife le on Tuesday for trip to the Northwest. They will be way for about two !months. Fred. Price, teller ina Toronto Loan o., was visiting his b other -in-law, A. anter, during the pa week. J. F. MoOrae, eon f Rev. Dr. Mc- rae, of Coiliogwood, isholidaying at hie andfatber's, Tnrnber street, Brussels, Earle Whiteley, of Kiooardine, is ending part of his v Dation at James Jo He is a nephewto Mr, and Mrs, 0556, Mies Ball, of Welland who is a tenoher the Beameville Highschool, is the pest of Mrs. (Rev.) A ey at St. John's Dicey, I. Kingswood, of 8. Thomas, was rei fora few days dnri g the past week the is such a busy man be could stay longer. Miss Hattie Downingis home from deride for her vaoa on. She stood and on the honor rollof her class at e Oollegiate. Mre. Gerry and Mies Thurso, and Mies hie Leatherdale and red. Gilpin oeie- ted Ring William's day with Seafotth ends on Thursday of last week, award Hart was called to Owen and on Wednesday o attend the eral of his uncle, the ate Christopher moldby, formerly of rosoele. . J. Johnston end wife, of Meaford, e visiting at Robt. Jo oston'e, Bras. , daring the past week. Re is an old well knower resident f Meaford. orm n a eonof t Arthur Mofiu're is sing a sore hand caused by t being ped in•tbe 0aneage machine in W. shill's botcher shop where he is em - ed. no. MoNaaghton, D. D. S., of Pen Yen New York, le hon on a holiday t to Broesels. Re is Ieyoungest son Ronald MaNaugbbon, Primmest) street, bag a large ojrols of friende in this nutty, m notioed the name o John MoBain, arty of Brussels, figuring in the list rise wioaere in the foot races end ping at the T. Eaton & Oo's, anneal nio recently held ab Toronto. Mr. ain is an employee o the firm and is e an athlete. ank Neal, 600 of Postmaster Neat, of ton, will spend a couple of clays each in the store of Druggist Fox daring motion as a genetical training in eation with his medical operas at ity IJoiveroity, Toronto. Re has red upon his 2nd year. re, Stewart and eon, Antagonieh, who have been visiting at John dfoot'e for several 'eke, left on nesday to visit retativ s at Seaforth ocality. They will also spend a s et Brantford with Mre. (br;) n before returninghome. Mrs, art is a daughter of . Broadfoot'e. io d to d L e d to ft t r past 0 ry b St. a ti T F a a t 1 B if h k u h e tl P E C f m pl „i a di on of w a th Mr. icor Batobart, of the Teeowator , gave Tran rosT a identity tall on rday while wheeling through to ford. He Was very favorably im• d it o e With our main m i street, 0 B bade trees ranolit g i Ito walks, The Guelph comp that pet down our walks teat have a o0nteaot in Teeswater this with 0, H. Oonory in Command, a a 0 b L a 0 H 0 go eta J J In g re he bu no M Go sec tb Liz bra fr i E So fun Gri J War gels and N 000 nip Bla ploy Ya viol of and toe W form of p jam pie. quit Fr Wal week the v coon Tris eats 14f N, 8 Boa Wed and 1 whit Wats o Stew Ed News Sato Strat poses and coni year your Mrs. Janice Willtineon and daughters, of Grand Rapids, Mloh., ars vieibiug relatives in Demount and locality. She' IS a daughter of Wrn. Jowitt and wife, MM street, Jamoe Grimoidby, of Owen Sound, ;vas renewing old feleedahipe in Bruseele and locality. Ne wile called home owing to the serious illness and sitbsegaent death of his father. Mrs. Baeker, Mre, IInnghan&kf. tq'•lla and daughter, of Zurioh ; Mrs. bjresub, of Exeter ; Mrs, Keene, and, Ed, Ksena, qS Stratford ; Mrs, WIng, of Berlin ; prat Mrs, Wetlaufer, of Blyth, are here to attend the funeral of the late Geo, Baeker. Will. Baker, second eon of -deceased, ie also on bis way home from Boner's Ferry, Idaho, in response to a telegram, and is expeoted to -morrow in time for the interment. Robb. MoNaugbton, eon of D. Slc• Naughton, of Bruesele, was married en May 20 to Mies Stacey, at Battjnenu, North Dakota. It may not be too late to extend oongratalations, Mr. MaNangh• ton and brother Ed. are in the building and contracting business and have two bloke and a large R.0. ohuroh, 60x100 ft, . to build this Stammer. The latter will be stone tbrougbout, We wish them sue. ones in their enterprise. t111lJRCEI CHIMES. Rev, Rural Dean Hodgins left Seaforth on Tuesday for a three months' trip to Carberry, Manitoba. Thanksgiving services will be bell at several points in Manitoba over the ex. peotalion of Proviuobal Prohibition. Tuesday Rev. Jas. Brook, the oldest Methodist minister fn Canada, died at his borne in Kingston, aged 96 years. Miss Eva Booth, Salvation Army Oom• missioner, gave two ebirringaddreeses ab Grimsby camp grounds on Tuesday to large audiences. Annual election of officers and Teachers' tea will be held in the Metho• diet ohuroh next Monday evening. Tea served at 6.30 o'clock. Mr. McKay will assume charge of Mel- ville churcb pulpit next Sabbath and will take the weal services until Be,. Mr. Roes returns from his vacation. Knox oburob, Galt, will for soros tiros worship in the Opera House till the repo• rating is completed. $2,100, with extras for epidemiding and cleaning up, should make a decided difference in the appear. anima of old Knox. Tbe destrnotion of mission stations in Chios proceeds with all the Jury of the Boxers. Missionaries are fleeing for their lives where possible. His Satanic Majesty should keep some 1 y m venially warm P P y location for these Chinese monsters. Coaxra SSTONo,—The Methodists of Tiverton had a pleasant day, Tuesday of last week, for the laying of the ooroer atone of their new oharoh edifice and there was unite a large turn oat. The ceremony was performed by D. M. Jet.. myn, of Wiarton, according to the rites of the Methodist ohnrah. The Halal mementoes were placed within the stone, Rev. Mr. Rogers, of Bluevale, chairman of the district, presided over the gather- ing. Speeches were made by Reeds. Meagre. Baker, of Bervie ; MoLaonhlan, of Port Elgin ; Rigsby, of Kincardine ; and McQuarrie, of Tiverton. The Sara gees Indian Band farniohed very ahofoe music and gave a oot4Oert at night. Tbe prooeeds of collection, tea and concert amounted to $282. Rev. H. D. Tyler, pastor of the church, is worthy of eon• gratulation' and he was banked up by an efficient committee. As announced last week sermons were preached in three of the churches in Brussels last Sabbath in connection with the work of the Lord's Day Alliance. Rev. Mr. Ross, in Melville church, dis- coursed from Dent. 5 and 12. (1) The giver of the Sabbath Law ; (2) It's obli- gation ; (3) Its operation ; (4) Its outlook. It was a thorough going, practical sermon on the queetion.—In St. John's oborah the inonmbent took the Mosaic oom. maodment as his text and showed the rigidity with whioh it was kept compar- ed with . the modern European or American Sabbath and faithfully urged his followers to "Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy".—In the evening - Rev. J. Holmes took the topic "Should bnsioeee places olose at 10 o'clock Satur- day night." He gave numerous reasons as to the beneficial meths that would follow this course of action and gave the young people, particularly, a good altars of wholesome adobes, These disoonrsee should set people thinking at least, se there is ample room in Brussels and locality, as well as almost every section ,of the oountry, to Dail a halt on the open desecration of the Lord's day. 1trnssef0School Board, The regular monthly meeting of the Brussels Poblio Sobool Board was held in the Board Room last Friday evening. Members present, J. G. Skene, W. F. Vanstone, Jae. Turnbull and W. Blaehill, The minutes of the last regular meet- ing were read and passed. Moved by W. F. Vanatone, seconded by Jas. Turnbull that the Seoretary pro• Dore 200 poet oath and have them print- ed to be need in sending notices of meet - lags bo members of the.Board,—Oarried, The Board then adjourned. The highest marks obtained by any candidate at the meant entrance examin• ations were taken by Mee Jeannie. Bain, of Oarliogford, who took 888. This is an exceptionally high standing when it is considered that the maximum mark le about 1,100, The vital steadiers in Stratford for the half year ended Jnne 30th Last, show that there were 06 births, 86 marriages and 44 deaths. The liqueur for the half year ended June 80, 1899, were : Births 78, marriages 48, deaths 54. W. H. Mullins, the well known young Stratford boy, who went with Supt, Fitzhugh 0( the Grand Trunk, to the management of the Central Vermont Railroad, to pot as private 5ecrebary to M r.Fftzb ub' g ,is a tpresent eating general manager, Mr. Fitzhugh is absent for shone two menthe in Colorado and 141r. lllallue has nseamod bis dntien in the meantime,