HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-7-12, Page 8swesesseseassoiseeeereise
14S .Qs
2nd Hand Camera 1
Wo have a 2nd hand Camera that We oan sell you for
$3.75. Will take a picture 4i inches square.
?halo. Supplies and Cameras !
We keep Photo, Suppljes and any Camera or Kodak in the
market We can get for you. The Vivo Camera always in stook.
Pure Paris Green !
Wo keep the best English at 25e. per pound.
Pure White Clover Miley I
The new honey is now in and I believe wo never had
Trains leave Brneeele Station, North
and South, as follows:
teoixoBonma, Goixa NORTH.
Examen 7:18 a,m. I Mail 0.10 p,m
Mixed 9:46 a.m. Express ...... 8;17 p.m
foal Reba tons,
A. Were amang ye talon' notae,
An' faith he'll prent it.
BUSINESS is a little quiet.
MANITonA excursion next Tuesday.
Clam Holiday, Monday August 0th.
Senn Board Friday evening of this
DON'T trot over the bridge or if you do
don't kick if you are fined,
A mamma from this locality apenb the
12th in Seaforth. Livery riga were at a
A 0 Fool clan board fence will be put
up on the East side of the Grey Branch
Agricultural Perk, Brussels.
nix orop is about ready for betveuting
and pulling will commence about the
end of this week or the beginning of
COURT of Revision conoerniug a sewer
commencing on William street will be
bald on July 28rd, at 8 o'clock in the
Oonnoil Ohamber.
a few people who are said to do
the most of their bicycling on the side.
walk. Somebody will get a "pinch" one
of these days for transgressing the By.
THE POST enters its 2903 year this
week, expressing its beet thanks to ite
supporters, and well wiehers for past
support. A special debt of gratitude is
due tbe regular oorreepondent who adds
so mach to the weekly interest, We
report oontingooe growth wit)) favorable
MUTARD Krmen.—The Stratford paper
Bays :—R. E. Hemphill, Government
spraying agent, bas left in some wild
mustard whioh has been killed by his
spraying process. The process kine the
mustsrdand at the same time does no
injury to the grain. It was experimented
on Louis Smith's farm near Tralee.
HYMENEAL.—On the 31st of May the
matrimonial bow was tied between W.
H. Holland, of Detroit, son of 0. W.
Holland, formerly of Bruseale, and grand-
80n to Mrs. Pearson, of town, and Mies while the farmers have been oongretalat-
Marie, daughter of the late Gen. Rose, ing themselves on the bright atop Foe -
of Detroit. Mr. and Mre. ,Holland are Peete, it hes been discovered that tri
At Home to their friends on Hermon
Ave„ 109, Detroit.
SwEwALxe.—The new cement wafke on
William street are completed as is the
section on the Weet side of Turnberry
street North of the bridge and Queen
Street, West of Tarnberry. Foundation
work is oompleted on Princess street and
River street. Two new crossings were
pat in on Turnberry street North of the
river. Contractor Lloyd is doing a first.
class job and F. S. Scott as inspector
looks carefully after all the details.
AT a meeting of East Huron and Grey
Branch Agricultural Society Direotara
last Saturday afternoon, in the Council
Chamber, Brussels, the prize list of East
Huron Fall Fair was revised, amended
and enlarged. President Ferguson o0.
mapied the obair. Fair dates are Oct. 4
and 5. A canueet will be held in Bens.
sets Town Hall on the evening of the
amend day ander the anspioes of the
Ag1. Society, for which first-class talent
will be secured,
Tan Teeawater News of Met week Says
:—Oa Thursday afternoon last D. Per.
gueon, (formerly of Breesels) missed hie
watch that bad been left in the pocket
of bis vest whioh was banging in the
odloa. Buepeoting that two lads nanied
Thos. Brody and Thos. Smith, wboee
homes are on the 12th von„ knew some.
thing about the missing timepiece he
and Constable Farquharson drove out
and were euooeselui in smearing the watob
and a new knife which had also been
token from Mr. Ferguson's store.
Next day the two lade were brought be.
fore Masers, McLean and Brink,' J. P's.
The younger lad, Smith, owned up to
taking the articles at the instigation of
Brody, Smith was fined $1.00 and costs
end Brody '$5.00 and oo5t8.
MAToramereti The nuptial bow was
tied at the reeidenoe of M. G. Riobardeon,
'oe Monday evening, by Rev. Jiro. Roes,
13. A., between W. 11. MoGauley, meta
(haat, of Blind River, Algoma, and Mies
Lizzie, eldeet daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Richardson, in the presence of relatives.
Mice Ida Clegborn, of Bluevale, played
the Wedding March ae the prinoipale
entered. The bride wore a becoming
aostumej of fawn, trimmed with white
satin and carried a bOgnet of flowers,
liar travelling dross was a brown.
After congratulations and supper were
over the evening was pleasantly agent in
mush), Bong, dancing, &o. Tuesday morn.
ing Me. and Mere. 1VvloGauley left en a
wedding trip to Sault Ste. Marie to the
tt000mpaniment of a shower of rine and
old 511pper5 and oarrying tbe good wishes
of relatives and friends for their future
beppteeee and prosperity, in which Tue
P059 joins,
ADDITIONAL local news on page 5.
SOME Fall wheat nutting will be done
next week.
BRUSSELS foot ball team went to Lie.
towel on Thursday and played a mateb
with bbe home olab.
THE Salt Works resumed work last
Monday morning, the neoeeeary repairs
required after the fire being completed.
Ie should be somebody's business. to
see that the seat trestles are removed
from Victoria Park and carefully stored
some place.
Mese= 110N. SINCLAIR 1e learning type
writing in his father's law offioe and will
soon be able to handle the machine with
neatness and dispatch.
Co. CO3IMf55IONER ANSLEY bas let the
job of building is short pieoe of gas pipe
fencing from the bridge to S. H. Jack.
son'e shop, along the bridge Southeast
D. A. Loren bas purchased 16 sores
of bush from .Tames Petah, 7th line,
Morrie, paying $800 for it. There is
quite a quantity of good timber on it
which will be cut next Winter probably.
Tam funeral of the little daughter of
James and Mrs. Danford, of Clinton, took
place Friday afternoon, Rev. J. Holmes
conducting the service at E. 0. Danford's
residence and the cemetery, The pall
bearers were Vera, Lolo and Pearl Dan-
ford and Carrie McCracken.
A. COusLEv disposed Of the following
bioycles since last report :—Fred, EunIs,
Grey, a Monarch ; Alex. Brown, Grey, a
Carnival ; Dammam Broca, Grey, an
E. & D. ; Chas. Ritchie, Morris, a ladies'
E. & D. ; A. Hislop, M. P. P„ of Grey,
e Scotsman ; Geo. MoNaagbt, of Grey, a
BART DIED.—Last Friday evening Elva
Margaret, infant daagbter of 0. E. and
Mre. Turnbull, Guelph, eu000mbed to an
attack of whooping cough, followed by
convulsions, aged 2 months and 1 day.
The remains were brought to Brneeele on
Saturday's afternoon train and the fan.
end, whish was private, was held on San -
day afternoon. Rev. R. Paul000duated
the service. Mr. Turnbull returned to
Gnelpb on Monday morning.
H. S. Eirre ecu ExeMINATioas.—The
nnmbar of candidates who wrote at esoh
of the centres in West Enron ie as fol-
lows :—Goderieh, 85 ; Exeter, 42 ; Bay.
field, 25 ; Emmett, 20 ; B:iatail, 19 ;
Zurich, 28 ; Dungannon, 21 ; Orediton,
16 ; St. Helene, 14. —Total, 270. The
examinere are Miss F. E. Ball, E. J.
Hagan, H. I. Strang and J. E. Tom, It
is expected that the results will be pub-
liebed in the local papers next week.
INJORINO Tao WHEAT.—Several farm.
ersepeaking of the crop prospects say tbat
Hessian fly ie at work on the whe
This dangerous little pest ie makin:"
havoc. It bores into the stalk at tbe
first joint and cute it almost completely
off. Wbetber the ravagee of the fly ex.
tend 80 other emotions then this 10 not
Meer, bat 16 will do considerable damage.
SUDDEN DEATu,—Brasselitee were sad-
ly surprised on Monday morning to hear
that an old and well known . resident in
the person of William Aldridge had met
his death under sad oiroametien0es. He
had risen early that morning from his
bed and dressed and in some way, that
will never be known, eitber missed hie
footing at the top of the stairs or became
dizzy headed, the result of which was a
headlong fall to the bottom, 055018113g in
ioetantaneons death. The side of his
bead was braised where it had come in
contact with the steps in the rapid des•
cent and a concussion on top of the head
received by the fall. A doctor wee called
at once who eoon ascertained that Mr.
Aldridge's neck was dislocated. The
projection on two steps of the etairway
was broken off showing the foroe with
which the body descended. Deceased
was born in tbe township of Beverly,
Wentworth Go., and was married to Mies
Grave Stark, near Caledonia. Hie early
pears were spent in Dnmfriee and Seneca
townships from where deoeased and his
bride came to the 8rd line of Morris
township when he parobased a 100 acre
farm, now owned by Quintin Anderson,
On disposing of the farm in 1862, or
thereabouts, the family moved to Braa•
eels where they have resided continuous.
ly, excepting a short time spent in Galt.
The aabjeot of this notice was aesooiated
with the late Ino. N. Kneohtel in the
banning business ; he also bought oattla
for the TI. S. market, and later kept a
grocery both here and in Galt. Me,
Aldridge was the oldest child in David
Aldridge's family of 12 Children, font of
whom died in iofenoy and the only ser-
viette beieg John, of Thedlord, who at-
tended his brother's funeral. Mre. Aid.
ridge wee away from home at the time of
the melancholy acoident, having gone to
Caledonia the Thgreday previous to visit
relatives and did not roach here until
Tuesday afternoon. Besides the widow
there are two children, David, of netts.
vide, and Mies Aldridge ab home. Mr.
Aldridge was in hie 7801 year. He wee
an enthusiastic Liberal in polities and
held adherence to the Presbyterian
obnroh. The funeral took place Wedae0-
day afternoon, Rev. Jno. Rose, 33. A.,
conduoting the service. The pall•
bearers wore :—A. Stewart, W. Smith,
J. 0. Halliday, I, 0. Richard.), P. Wet.
Son, G. Crooke. The sympathy of the
community in extended to the bereaved.
Taa Peer gontinueo to give the news.
Haas Lav° taken a little drop and are
now quoted at 56,25 to 55,50,
MAesne. Beottg0 & VeNeroms gold 5,000
pounds of wool last week to Ur. Laidlaw,
of Tercets,
Dr, Mills, Prinelpal of Guelph Agri.
oultural College, has been presented with
e puree by the Farmers' Institutes of the
Province, in reoognition of his valuable
JAnlea BUgoase lost a valgable mere
this week from inflammation. This
Wong with two tools that died makes
rather rough going in boreefleeh for one
season. Better look next time we hope.
CIVIo RoL10&R.—In response to a large-
ly signed petition Reeve Thomson has
proclaimed Monday, Aug, 6th, ae the
01710 Holiday for Btueaela and oalle on
the basineeo people and eltizens generally
to obeerve it as snob.
Bfa SHIPMENT OP.OATTLe.—.Tbnreday of
this week a ehipmeot of SIX oars of
prime export cattle was made from Brue.
male, by a gentleman named Zollnee, of
England, a000mpauied by Jno. Scott, of
Lietowel. Thos. Bloomfield of BrnseelP,
will take charge of them on the ocean
trip. lid. Arnold and Sam. Burrows
also went along and will visit relatives
in Sussex and Birtningbam• The stook
will be sent to Manchester.
Boosaere RAOEe.—A program of hares
races will be given on tbe fine halt mile
track, Braeeels, on Monday, August
6th, at which 5775 will be hong up
in purees as follows :—
2,40 trot or pane225 00
2.22 trot or 2.25 pace ..
2.12 trot or 2.16 pace .. 226 00
4,)• furlong run, beats .,
Arrangements are being m
ed railway rates. The d
served as Civio Holiday in Brussels.
Robert Tbomeon is the Pres
F. Scott, Seoretary.
C.thfED,—Saturday evenin
Was invited to A. Hunter's
the preemies of a few frig
seated with an elegant gold
walking rice, on the eve o
tars for Toronto where he
reside. Barrister Sincleir mads a suit-
able presentation address and Mr Watt
responded in fitting words
years since he cam° to tow
ham and he was very rel
move, the chief faotor in hi
that three of his sons are
Toronto who will be able
home. Mr, Watt will make regular
visits to this locality in the prosecution
of hie work as traveller for
firm. A number of old fr
family went to the depot
morning to wish them Goo
were a One family and carry the good
wishes of many with them
LAWN PARTY.—Wednesda
this week a very pleasant oompan-v
gathered at the Slimmer reeidenoe,
the bank of tbe Maitland, Brussels, of J.
and Mre. Leckie, of Tornoto, to enjoy
their hospitality and at tbe same time
commemorate the 12th anniversary of
their marriage. A parbiool
was served on the lawn of
time was pleas0utly spent in Dragnet,
vocal and instrumental mueio, social
Mat, &c. Jack and Bob, t
of the host and honest, mads their ap,
nin full Higbland costume and
danced the Higbland Fling in regular old
fashioned etyle and they w
by Athol Stewart, of Toronto, Mr.
Leckie's nephew, who can tr
dances in a manner that w
to a professional. Flagg
reeidenoe and Summer hon
shades of evening gathered,
terne were lighted and e
fireworks given. The com
at a eeaeooable hour aft
their best wishes for the
nese and prosperity of t
and bootees,
5225 00
ode for redue.
ay will be ob•
ident and W.
g Robb. 'Watt
office and in
ods was pre.
headed ebony
f his depar-
wi11 an future
It f5 1211
n from Chat.
natant to te-
e galas being
employed in
to board at
the Wateroue
fends of the
on Monday
d -bye. They
to their new
y evening 0f
arty tasty tea
ter which abs
he twin sons
nere succeeded
ip the Scottish
ould do credit
flew from the
ee and ae the
Ohioses lan-
,ue display of
pony separated
er expressing
future happi.
he genial host
Tfvxe.—Jceeph Watson, of Toronto, re-
preeentative of the National Sanitarium
Association of Canada, has arrangements
made for a pnblio meeting to be held on
Friday evening at 8 o'clock, in the
Council Chamber, for the purpose of ar-
ranging an aesoofation here in aid of the
National Free Hospital for poor con-
enmptives, which has been in suooeseful
operation for two years past. From its
second Annual Report, a copy of whioh
now lies before us, we observe that last
year 99 patients were there treated for
aonsamption, and of these, 70 were great-
ly improved in health and strength, so
that they could return to their homes
and resume their work with a prospect
of goitre to come of tolerably healthful
lives ; and 21 of those so improved were
believed to be thoroughly cured. In
them, when leaving the Hoepital, no
trace of the fell disease was discernable,
nor could be found by any practical or
eoientifio test. Daring the two years
B11308 the Muskoka Hospital oommenoed
operations, there have been refused ad.
mission to it over a thousand applicants.
This startling fact reminds us of the
great need of euoh .insbitutioae in this
country. Prominent among the pauses
for refusal of admission was the want of
means on the part of applioante to pay
the necessary Merges. There are many
poor families unable to pay for the treat -
s e t or a nor fellow
Are the Scottish pio•nia et Ggelpb on
July Pod, W. F. F3oott, of Brussels, IPAG, Perrie, formerly of Grey, ewept the
heavy weight pries list nob taking three
lets and three or leer We' prizes,
They are hard to beet la title depart•
meat of eporb.
Tam lama—The ineraing train took
102 50555ng505 to Listowel from Brunie
on Thgreday and the special followed
with 184, making 280 in all from hero,
86 were ou flow Bluevale and about 05
from Wingham. Brunie foot ball teai0
drove to Lietowel after dinner,
Bnnssens LEAne.—The following Mille
Tents have been made from Brgesels
during the past week Busker & Von-
etone, 1 or hay,1 oar wheat, 1 oar hose ;
Fergasoo & McDonald, 1 oar oettle ; Geo,
Best, 6 oars export cattle ; Clegg &
Damns, 1 oar oattla ; Kreuter & Bitable, 2
care loge ; Salt Works, 2 oars Balt. In-
wards, these were, R. K, Rose, 1 oar
Manitoba flour •, Air. Lloyd, 2 cars cement
for eidewalks ; N, F, Gerry, 1 oar binder
twine. For the 0 menthe, ending bane
30th, 1900, 1,008 oattla ; 240 sheep ; 6,.
296 hogs, and 73 horses were shipped
from Brussels. It would not be easy to
find a plane that ontsbips Brussels.
I. 0. 0. F.—Western Star, No. 49, 9.
0. 0. F., Brussels, elected the following
office bearers for the ourront term, who
were installed by A, Tipling, Dietrist
Deputy, on Thoredey evening of last
week :—
pent of b poorg1 tri p
taken down with consumption. For this
class—tbe poor consumptives—provision
is now to be made. An Hospital i0 80 be
ereoted and equipped, to be devoted to
their care and treatment exolosively.
The site is paid for, the plane are pre-
pared and the money is in hand and
promised tot its oompletion. For Re
continued matotenaooe however, an ap.
peal ie being make to the people of
Ontario and it is believed to be the
beet pian by whioh to make our people
aware of the greet need, and the oppor-
tunity to be helpers in this great work,
to form local aeeooietions at ell the bust.
neap °entree in the province. Already
snob aesooiations have been formed at
different points and it is hoped the
people of Brussels may organize in order
to give eyetematic aid to this Free
Hospital for the ooneamptive poor, and
hence the meeting as above announced.
At this meeting Mr. Wateon will make a
fall statement as to the good work that
bag been and is now being done et the
Muskoka Hospital, and ales as to what
it is hoped may be aaoompliebed with the
aid of the looal aeeooietions now being
formed. Our readers will doubting re.
cognize this, ae one of tbe most philan-
tkrophid movements of this pbilantrophio
age. We tenet the meeting will be large-
ly attended and that a good strong
association may be formed, worthy of
the oause and worthy of the community, sob, aid digeetioo, promote a5similatiee,
Reeve'1'bomson will omoupy the ohair improve appetite, rein 260 at G. A,
and general loose gentlemen a ill speak. Deadmen's drug store,
J. P. G., R. Johnetoo ;
N. G., S. T. Plum ;
V. G., F. Lambie ;
R. S., W. H. MoOraoken
F. S., Barn/. Wilton ;
Treas., F. B. Scott ;
Chaplain, R. Leabberdele ;
Conductor, Jae, Jones ;
L. S. V. G., W. Smitb
R. el. N, G., R. Henderson ;
L. S. N. G., F. Mc0raolien ;
0. G., W. Martin ;
A. MoGoire, Rep. to Grand Lodge,
Alexandria, 0. 0. F. No. 24, Brussels,
have done credit to tbdmselves and boner
to the laithtvinese of the Recording Seca
rotary, Walter Smith, who has filled the
position nearly ever since the Ooart wee
instituted, 21 yerrs ago, by malciug him a
life member. Mr. Smith ie always on
band, wet or dry, oold or heat melon no
difference to him and this is all the more
noteworthy when it le taken into acemaut
that be is no longer a young man but
past '71 years of age. Ie addition to the
recognition by bio brother Forestere Mr.
Smith will oelebre.be the golden anni•
vereary of his marriage on July 20113 and
he and Mre. Smith receive the emigrate,
Wiens of their many old friends. THE
POST hopes they both may live to enjoy
a good many years in the evening of life.
Mr. Smith is a oharter member of Brus-
sels Lodge,
HURON MEDICAL Assoc:waiom, — The
Huron Medical Association was in m-
elon on Tuesday in the Board Room of the
Oity Hall, Stratford. Besides the looal
medioal men there were present ; Dre.
Graham and Shaw, of Clinton ; Snider,
of Brussels • Stanbury, of Bayfield ;
Smith, of Mitobell ; Irving, of St. Mary's ;
Laing. of Granton ; Steele, of Tavistook;
Parke, of Woodstook ; Egbert, of Mil.
verton •, Paul, of Sebringville ; White-
man, of Shakespeare ' Cull, of Mitchell ;
McKenzie, of Monkton ; Nichol, of
Sebringville ; and Armstrong, of Mitobell.
Dre. Robertson, Montietb, Dunmore
and Devlin drove the vieitore around the
city, taking them to the Hospital, House
of Refuge and Sewage disposal Plant.
The doctors expressed great pleasure,
especially with the Hospital, and were
mach interested in the sewage works.
When the morning session adjourned the
members were Ianolled et the oommod-
ious residence of Dr. J. A. Robertson.
The morning's program consisted of a
paper on Medicine, The diet in Bright's
Disease," by Dr. Snider, of Brussels, and
discuesioo thereon, The afternoon's
program was ae follows : "Notes from
Chicago Clinioe," Dr. MoKenzie, Monk -
ton ; "A Caee in Praotioe,"Dr. Bethune,
Seaforth ; Dismission of paper read by
Dr. Shaw, Clinton, at April meeting ;
General talk, Dr. Duuemore, Stratford.
The "Question Drawer" was opened at
1.60 o'clock..
BowLINa TOURNAMENT. --Tuesday and
Wednesday of this week a Bowling
Tournament wart held in Seaforth, which
wee partioipated in by 20 rinks, Seaforth,
Clinton, Stratford, Harriston, Brussels,
London, Kincardine, Goderiob, Mitobell
and other places being represented.
Brussels bowlers were D. 0. Roes, Jno.
Hewitt, J. Irwin and J, N. Gordon. In
the preliminary our contingent drew the
bye and were beaten by Ed. Coleman's
rink, Seaforth, by 7 shots in the 2nd
draw. They took a bend in the Oen-
solabion contest defeating D. A, Forester's
rink, of Clinton, by 5 but were forced to
bite the dust by Weir's Seaforth rink by
8 shots in the 2nd trial. R. 8. Bays and
E. Coleman, both of Seaforth, won let
and 2nd in the Primary contests, and
Weir, of Seaforth, and Steele, of Strat-
ford, were awarded the palm in the eon -
solation. In singles D. 0. Rose, Brussels,
won from O'Connell, Goderioh, and J.
Hewitt, Brunetti'
and be in turn was
beaten by Oampbell, Goderioh. J. Hewitt,
Bruseele. had the bye and loot to D, 0.
Rase, Braesele, J. Irwin, Brussels, won
from Norrie, Kincardine and lost to Holm -
stead, Seaforth. J. N. Gordon, Bennetts,
defeated Richardson end Wright, Sea.
berth, and Lost to Helmand of the
same town. The bowlers were hospi-
tably entertained and "oaugbt on" to a
number of pointers that will serve a
good purpose in future tournaments.
JAMMY 12, 1900
ST4XD4R2) B4XJr 02! C4X W4,
Z4Weep.ezx,xteima ✓ae 1072.
CAPITAL PAID 'CP (Ono Million Dollars) • $1,000,000
RC 5700,000
Agencies in ail principal points its Ontario, ewlttebeo, llfanitotra,. United Staten &England.
VArei "tt4LaS Bowes.
A General Banking Business •Transacted. Farmers' Notes Dieoogntod.
Drafts Ieeurd and Qolleotione made on all pointe.
Intoreet allowed on deposits of 51,00 and upwards and compounded bgllyearly.
Bpnorssx ATTENTION Myatt TO Tam COM.imelON OF FARMEas' Saran NOTES.
Every taoility afforded Customers liyiug at a distance.
payable at any bank leaned Under $10.... Bo. 520 to 530...:12o
Money Ord�r� at bbe following rates :— $10 bo $20.. , ,100, 80 to 40, , • .140
Oyu July and August sale is now on.
$20,000 stook to be eleaghtered for 60
daye. Eggs, 18a ; batter, 18a.
G. E. KING, Wingham.
Comearmenno house with lot, pump, &s„
well Imbed, for pale or to rent, on Turn.
berry Street, Brunets. Further infor-
mation and the key may be bad by call-
ing at Tam POST. Possession may be had
et 0055-
Ew,tN & Iime will sell the balance of
baggies on hand at a big reduction in
price. We have sold about 60 buggies
this season already and expeotto sell 40
more so oome and get your ohoioe.
Ewan & Innes will have on band, next
week, a robber tired buggy for eale.
It gives great satisfaction when it has
been tried. Buggy top repairing a
Astounded The Editor.
Editor 8. A. Brown, of Beunetteville,
S. C., was ones immeoeely surprised,
"Throttgh long Buffering from dyspepsia,"
he writes, "My wife was greatly run
down. Bbe had no strength nor vigor
and suffered great distress from her
stomaoh, but ohs tried Eleotri0 Bitters,
which helped her a6 moo, and after
using four bottles the is entirely well,
oan eat anything. It's a grand tonin,
and its gentle Laxative qualities are
splendid for a torpid liver." For Indi•
minion, Loss of Appetite, Stomach and
Liver troubles it's a positive, guaranteed
sure. Only 60o ab G. A. Deadman's
drug store.
DENNIsoN.-In McKillop, on July 1st, to
Mr. and Mre. Joo. T. Dennison, a
GEE.—Ab Riobardson street, Port Huron,
Mich., on June 6th, to Mr. and Mrs,
Gyrus Gee (nee Mies Lily Holland,
formerly of Brussels) s eon.
KAINe.—Io Hallett, on Jane 14613, to
Rev. and Mrs. 0, C. Keine, of Pine
River, a daughter,
ALDn1n0E.—In Brussels, on July 9th,
William Aldridge, iu his 78th year.
Ronnxos.—Near Hampton, Dnrbam Co„
on June 30, Annthea Downing,
reliot of the late Franois Robbins,
aged 62 years.
ROTTAN.—In Elma, on July 4th, Etta
linden, aged 26 years, 11 months
and 4 days.
TuRNnuLL.—In Guelph, on July 6, Elva
Margaret, daughter of 0. E. and
May Turnbull, aged 2 menthe and 1
HOLnANo—ROoe.—In Detroit, on May
81st, Mr. William E. Holland to
Mies Marie, daughter of the late
Gen. Rose, both of Detroit.
RENNEno—C000EaLINE.—Io Wingbam, on
July 2nd, by Rev. R. Hobbs, Mr.
John Kennedy, of Blyth, to Mies
Lizzie Oookerline, of Morris.
MaGtimev—RloaennsoN.-In Brneeele, on
July 9811, by Rev. Jno, Ross, B. A.,
Mr. W. H. MoGanley, merchant, of
Blind River, Algoma, to Mose Lizzie
L. eldest daagbter of Mr. and Mre.
M. G. Richardson, of Brussels.
SEurn EoINTosee—At the Methodist
parsonage, Lietowel, on July 27, by
Rev. H. Irvine, Mr. Edmund Smith
to Mies Kate McIntosh, both of
Grey township, Enron County,
Business Locals.
Casa for batter and eggs. A. Oaueley,
Mitac for gale at 40. a quart. Mao,
WM. Bummer,.
House rake gest found. Owner may
have it by paying for the advt.
BIOROLES repaired oarefully and prompt.
ly at the Electric Light Works,
HARNESS is going steadily. We have
got in another large .stook in genuine
Black and White rubber trimming, also
nickls, silver and plated harness trim•
minge, the harness will speak for itself
wbeo tried. You can get any part in
that line you want, dneteee, wbipe, &a.
Ewan & Inners.
A. 'Poor MllllenOtre
Lately starved in London beoaase be
oonld not digest his food, Early gee of
Dr. King's New Life Pills would have
saved him. They strengthen the atom.
1010'0 25=x+0 AQARY:EPZ,
Fall Wheat 70
Barley 87
Peas 59
Oats 26
Butter, tnhs and rolls .. 14
Eggs per dozen 10
Flour per barrel4 00
Potatoss(per peak)
Apples (per bag) 1 00
Solt per bbl., retail 1 00
Hay per ton 6 00
Hides trimmed 0
Hides rough 5
Sheep skins, each 80
Lamb skins each 25
Hoge, Live 6 25
Wool 15
in our lobs, Toronto, Millfeed steady at
$16 to $14 for short {vest, according to
location, and ell for bran West. Barley
steady ; No. 2 is quoted at 41 o and No.
3 at 40e. Bye firm et 644a, middle
freights. Corn ebeady ; Canada yellow
is quoted or 430 West ; No. 3 new Amari•
oan yellow is quoted at 62o, Toronto.
Oats steady ; mixed, 36l° and wbito at
27.4. Peas steady at 62o East and 610
West, Butter supply, dairy, firm ; pails
and tuba, steady, at 160 to leo. Common
medium, 12c to 14o ; mammary, easier ;
tube and boxes and prints at 20c to 201o,
Eggs offerings, fair demand, moderate
market, easier, et 12.3 to1$o.
Wool—There is a good deal of wool
offering by the large holders in the
country, bob the absence of any demand
for export makes buyers here oau&ious,
and there is little or no business being
done at present. Sellers and buyers are
fully a cent and in somas cases 2c apart.
Fleece—The offerings are fairly liberal,
Holders outside are asking 17o and in
some aaees 18o, but local dealers are only
bidding 160.
Palled Wools—Are dull and unchanged.
Nxtras are voted at 20o to 210 end
supers at 18o to 19o.
4 50
1 00
7 00
1 00
6 50
AN apprentice wanted, about 10 years
of .age, to learn the trade at
home on Queen street, furnished or
without, at a bargain. Apply to
__- —
61I38 M. CAMPBELL, Brussels,
Inmxom for sale or to rout, Alexander
street, 2 doors South of Publio600001 Brus-
eels. Rouse in. good repair. a acro of land.
and good cellar, well, &o. Small traits in
garden. Possession could be given at once
if desired. For further prtrticulars apply on.
the premises to MRS. FERGUSON. 0211
Sealed Tenders
Addressed to the andersigood, and ender.
sed Tenders for dredging, SnroIa, Ont.,"
will be received at his silos until Tuesday,
the 24th Mat., 3900, inclusively, for dredging
in the Harbour of Sarnia, Ont., a000rdiog to
a plan and combined specification and form
of tender to beseen at the office of H. A.
Gray Esq., Engineer in (barge of Harbour
and River works fur Ontario, Confederation
Life Building, Toronto, on application to
the Postmaster at Sarnia, Ont., on applica-
tion to the Po stmaster at Chatham, Ont„
and at the Department of Public Works,
Persons tendering are notified that tea dere
will not be considered unless mala on the
form supplied and signed with their aototl
Each tender must be a000mpauied by au
endorsed bank ohegae made payable to the
oeder et the Honourable the Minister of
Public Works, for two thousand 180,000,00)
dollars, which will be forfeited it the peaty
decline to outer into a ooutraot wb au called
upon to do so, or if he failed to complete the
work oontracled. for. If the tender be not
satel.end the cheque will be returned,
The Department doesnot bled itself to
accept the lowest or anytender.
By order, R07,
Aoting Secretary.
Department of Publio Works,
Ottawa, 10th July, 1000.
Newepapers inserting this advertisement
without authority from the Departmeut
will not be paid for i6.
Ingersoll, Ont., July 10.—Tho Meese
market held here to day 1,100 boxes were
boarded ; 914 offered, lent no sales were
made ; salesmen held for 91.3. They were
mostly last week of luno. Attendance
East Buffalo, N. P., July 10.—Cattle—
There was nothing on sale today, fresh,
arriving a sew bead over, which were
peddled out et about Monday's values
Calves—Only a few head of holdover.
troth Monday were on sale today, and
for these values were about steady at
Monday's prioes, and all were sold. Sheep
and Lambe—Only a few head on sale to-
day ; value nominally $6.25 to $7.50 for
felt to prime Spring lambs ; 54.40 to
to choice6.90 for fair to wethertsve,yearling$ to la ; good
to choice mixed sheep, $4.40 to '$4.75.
Hoge—About 800 were on solo today ;
good medium and heavy hop,$5.86;
mixed packers, $5.83 to $6,90 ;Yorkers,
$6.871 10 $6.90, principally $5.901 pigs,
sold at $5.86 to 55.00, largely $6.90 ;
renghs, $4.85 to $5; etage, $3.75 to $4.26„
The close Wee weak.
Toronto, Ont., July 1L—Wheat firmer
at 710 for red and white West ; Spring,
700 to 710 for No, 2 and 720 for No. 1
East ; Manitoba , steady at 94eo Toronto
and West, for No. 1 hard ; 9210, shoat
Fort William ; 95ec, grinding in transit,
and 91 0 Mialancl. Fleur steady ; 90
per Dont pabonts at equal to 110.85 in
barrels West. Manitoba flout firm at
114.06 for strong bakers end $6 for pabente
South Half Lot 27, 000.5, Morris
Tow nsbip, within 1 mile of Brunets, D W11-
ing house, buildings and feline in good eon-
ditiom The tot bee a spring creek on the
front and river Maitland months the rear.
About 00 acme timber and a ming beartug
orchard. Apply to 0, A, DEADMAN,
46.11 Druggist, Brussels,
Being Lob 17 and S a Lot 10, Col,
10, Grey, on the promisee ie a comfortable
00805, bank tram, to pu,), 40, Liberal
''terms will be given to purohasera. Farm
could be divined, molting 0,10 1.00 and the 00
separate. Foe further psrtianlars as to
pride, terms, 40., imply on the premien or
if by letter to Oraubrook P.0,
4041 JAM148 CUTHILL,
Gr Iter
We Guarantee every
pound we sell to be
t .beoh.te1y ?ixro
And the price is
25o. per ib.
.47' -•fir
d'oz'e Drag Stores
1Ne hot 20, N 4 Oen. O. Morrie township,
eoutaining 98 acres of (trait -elan laud. There
is a house barn, orobard and good ware-
house, nuc{ farm is well fenced. There are
80 acres is hall wheat ; 15 acres in bay and
40 acres pasture. Possession eould be given
at Once. Fain adjoins trio village of Brus.
sole. For further particulars as to price,
terms,&e,, write to JAMES LIVINGS'PON,
61,P., Baden, . 22-tt
040 acres, complete notion, nom
Soubbweet boundary of Manitoba, Over 300
warn ender cultivation. Fine two'eboroy
house coating over 31000. 8 miles from rail-
way ; river Sourisneesos through farm
near cheap coal eupply. Prion 34000.
Apply to 3140, D. RONALD,
SAr,E.—Lot 17, ooh. 0, Township of
Grey. 100 agreemore or lose, Situate 44
mites from,Biueels and 2 miles from village
of Ethel. All deemed exoopbiug 5 agree of
hardwood bush. - Buildings and fences in
good repair. Good wells. All Pall plowing
done. Pries and terms of payment ouap-
plication to W. M. SINCLAIR
20.05 Barrister, ,fin., Brussels.
T. -41A101 aSALE.-180
u�R n dSouth12 Consisting olit
of the North 4 of Lot BO, Con .3, Bast Wan
nosh. This is an excellent stook tarm,bobhg
inning well supplied with ggoodring water, itis
situated about 9 miles train the thriving Vil-
lage of Blyth. A largo part of It is under
grass. Buildings and fouoes are in a fair
state of repair. Easy terms of payment w111
be given, For all information apply to
11-tt G. F, BLAIR, Barrister, Breese's,
neom.—Tllo property of the lata John
Elliott, oonsiting o1 a solla brlolt house,
with frame kitchen and woodshed, good
stable and 4 acro of land all in flrst,olase
(erudition. If not sold will bo ranted. roe -
nation at any time, For pa)tieulare apply
to Wan, SpoNon, Ethel 1 Aram, PATTEnso0
Galt ; or Du,MolffznvEy, Mt. Forest 3011
Isocal Improvement
Court of Roviziona I
PUBLIC NOTICE or hereby given of the
sitting of the Court of Revision at the Town
Hal), Brussels, on Tuesday, the 7th day or
August, 1000, at thehour of 5 p. m., for the
hearing of appeals pursuant to trio Statute
in that behalf respecting the propene com-
mit sidewalks on the South side of William
street between East 5145 lot 440 and side-
walk on Turnberry street; on West aide of
Elizabeth street between the North aides of
Frecieriok and Catherine streets; on the
West side of Albert street between the aide-
-walk on North tilde of William street and
South side of Queen street ; on the North
aide or William and River streets bebweeu.
Ann street and East side of lot 225 ; on the
East side of Albert street between William
and Queen streets; on the West side of Turn -
berry street from North side of 108 38E to
River street; on the West side of Prlucase
South Bide of Williamtstreetts ;ide 0 on the Son uth
aide of Frederick street betweenloBsoboth
street and West side of lot 022 ; on the South
BBBiasst aide,,Queen
and West sieet de of At n Oxenn , e'toye'
the speelal assessment of the coat thereof
upon the laude immediately bent fitted. pur-
suant to the reports of the 070gi098r, dated
for the first one above mentioned street
June 4412, 1000 ; the next sic, bus 9th. 1900;
and for the balance Julv end, 1900, now 0n
Ole in the Olerk's office, The estimated coat
of ibe r"id impro••entonte is es follows t—
ee lith el'7'• .1,111001 s'r••ot, 5572.00; West side
of 10'izn1 ,'i, ytrrf,. 531700; Wast aide of
A ihtrt,.tr,'0, a1O8 rl ; ioo,th aide of William
au,l 11 iv. r 11150te, 0745 00 ; East side ni Al-
osrt stn' t,-710700; 110-t Fide of Turiheny
etl'Bot 3215.00 ; West aide of Princess street,
5174 0d; Sough side of Fredoriek street, 3141.-
141:00 ; South side of Queen stint, 5140,90; pay-
prineipalf4and into estual e combinetual d, instalments
proposedbeing at4tlo beer eapeuially assesseer annum d t therefor
oousitt of es set out in sohedulee hereto at-
Brussels, July 10111,1000.F. S. SCOTT, Clerk.
Assessment Schedule.
Boo not 21, Concession 10, McKillop
aoutalaiag 100 man, JO acres pleated and
ready for Drop being well uaderdraiued end
,wolf fencedtwitll cedar andbhtek ash, The
baleen 9 mbar and pasture. Thorn la a
small orchard and throe good walla, There
is a good frame bongo and wood shed, a
barn aid stables 51x80 foot, also shoo h
bonito, pig pen, implement bonne end all
other uo00e5ary cut buildings. Itis 14 wiles
Eget of the Perth gravel road aid ie lou•
vealnnt to 0oho010, °hurehne, post 0111ae, oto.
Is 74 wilMS from Snafortb aid 10 milds from
remote. it la oho of the bast farms in
the township and vv111 be sold 011 oa5y tonne
Sp the proprietor wlebes to retire. Apply
on the promisee or aileron Winthrop r, O.
WeL M01t 1430.10.
South Side William Street
Lot Or part
of Lot
part of
Total Ass't
4.10 Ross, Wm 204/0238
432 - Roddtnk, E l 200218
488 Menzies, Jae 204/5218
437 DoWolf, Prelude 204/5219
410 Menzies, Robt 204/0218
428 IvlcOeokeu W H 000b8210
800 800 307 Deakin, John 1204/0218
Mato 310 pt311 Kalblietech, F H 1308/0318
Pt 611 Scott, 10 & W P • 582/9218
Muuioipal Corporation 0f Bregaale 204/8218
Rest Side of Elizabeth Street
N Howe,Jane 000/2970
M Boss,Davld 000/2070
410 Wilson, Catharine 078/2070
003 Strachan, Barbara 51.0/2073
Municipal Corporation of Brueeelo 400/2070
Weal Side of Albert Street
207 208,., ..... ,.,Porbee, airs John 342))1528
200 Crawford, Mre Saint 202/1628
8310 211 Mc Dougall, J N 200/15228
N4 310211 Tait, Johu 203152
Municipal Corporation of Brussels 192/1628.
North Side 'militant and.lbivm' Streets
225 17 pt 201 ,,.8aott, F 3 092/0770
W pent Thomson, emerge 308/0770
228• Avory, Lucy 800/0770
220 Moore, Thomas 300/7770
218 Fleury, MI's In 000/0770
207 Forbes, Annie 428/0773
202 Wlltou Wm 3a8@770
107 Melville Church 000/0770
193 Leathordale, R 410/11770
e Ainleyy William 070/0770
23 Melville Cburob 008/0770
Municipal Oorporatiou. of Smola 1084/0770
Ent Side or Albert Street
212 218 Henry, Mrs E 292/1514
514 Lott, Mary 274/1014
215 Ellis, Alex 602/1014
Municipal Corporation of Benguela 416.1314
west Side TRI'nbcs'ry Street
333 Brewer, H R 200/2180
412 '1nak, 3 0 270/2100
421 Warwick, JD 204/2110
1 Williams, Hugh 204/2130
2 lilrt, GOorge 200/0180
n Ability Wm 28/2180
Muni0lpal Corporation of 0ruese's 784/7180
Nest Ude Princess Street
107 108100.,Melville (Thumb 00//1080
200 Sample, Anthony 204/1680
Aiuufelpal Oorporeelon of B tousle 402/1680
South Bide or Frederieit Street
023 024 Deadman, G A • 008/1284
002 Itmgora, Georqa 838I1284
Muhloipai 0orporatiou of Brussels 248/1081
MOHAIR Side Or (instil Street
10 pt 422 Teals, J 0 18//1228
W pt eee 409,Reott Peter 002/t8e8
4 e Currin, John 023/1328
liluuiolpal Cerpuratlou of llydssole 810/1368