The Brussels Post, 1900-7-12, Page 5JULY 12, 1000
cont. '.13.800'1W, Brothel's,
YV 1IsblroOi fACtEN-
too ntOr0o0ry,Tnaotreootoutols,.
N. BABRETT-- • Tousorlal Artist, Shop -Next door
North of the Standard Sank, imUloa' and
Children's halt nutting a epoulalty,
. vnner011=has several good .Farms for
gate and to rent,eaoY tonne, Iu 'Towneldpe
of Morris and Grey. P 8. SCOTT .B1.1488610
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
.73R,'fTSM=1..M. =VD,
tl U ELPH.
L. O. M.,
Aoadomie graduate lot London Oonoerva-
tory ot NLuslo, also Member of the Associated
Ittuoioian0 01 Ontario, ie prepared to reooivo
a iimfted number of pupil's for ibntruotion
On the piano, Qualified to prepare pupil a for
the .PrinoipaPo Form iu the Conservatory of
Brussels, Ontario,
Olark of tUe Fourth Division Oonrt,
Co. Huron; Conveyancer, Notary Public,
Laud, Loan tend [neurone° Agent ; Auction-
eer. Funds invested and to:loan, Oolloo-
. tions nude. Ocoee in Grabam'e(Btoolc, Brus-
EEB, will 'sell for bettor prices, to
better men, in loss time and lett chargee
than any other Auctioneer in Fnat filtt'on or
he won't charge anything. Dates and orders
can always bo arranged at this nfnoe or by
personal application.
(ronetnnLr ow enAwonTn)
Graduate of 31, 0. D 8., Toronto ; Post Grad.
nate course at Honol'e School, °bingo, in
crown and bridge work. ra'Prieea same as
iu earrounding towns. 21.
Office over A. It. Smith's store, Brussels.
• Honor Graduate of the Ontario Vet.
minors, Collage, is prepared to treat all dis-
eases Of domeetloated animals lin a compot-
eotmanner. Particular attention paid to
Veterinary Dentistry. calls promptly at.
tondo to. Office and In armary-Four doors
North of bridge, Turuberry at., Brussels,
Barrister, Boltoitor, ,Oonveyancer,
Notary Public, &a. Ofoe-8 towort'e Blook
1 door North of Central Rotel..
Solicitor for the Standard Bank.
Bolioitor, &o. Mice over Stand•
and Bank. Solicitor for Village of Bruseele.
Money to Loan at lowest rates.
.(rBr of oictoariCameron)BaT[teand lir,%Mon
Out. O1Oou-Bamtitou street, opposite Col.
borne Rotel.
1I. D., C. ;U.,
Licentiate of Royal College of Physicians
end Surgeons, Eingetoa ; Member o1 the Col-
loge of i•byetchtoe and Surgeons o1 Ontario;
Dlaoaooa of Womon. and Children a apooial-
ty. Nine yearn' experience, Office and roe-
s lanae, opposite liugllsh,olluroh,Bruesele.
.l[. 1L, O. 8I.,
TriultylUnlvoreity, Follow Trinity Medical
College, Member College of Physicians and
Surgeons, Ont, Licentiate of the Royal Col-
lege of Physicians and Licentiate of Mid-
wifery , btdinburgb. 1:3'Tolepbo ue No.14,
Residence -Mill street, 13rueeels,
rnearc1AN, 0Dn0E08 AND A0001301IE¢R,
(StteCessor to Dr,F, 11. HniblIcisoh)
M. D. Bellevue Hospital Med. Col., Now
Toth; M D 0 M Victoria University, Toron-
to; somber 01 the College of Physicians and
Surgeons of Ontario. Special attention paid
to deoases of women, Myo, ear, nose and
throat. - 18.01
M. D. C. M.,,
Graduate of McGill College, Montreal, &„
&a, All epoolalOy work satisfactorily treat-
ed. Officio upetaire in the Stratton Block.
Office bouts, 0 to 12 a, m„ and 7 to 10 p. tn,
Speolaltot work, touch as for eye, ear, throat,
ago„ iu the oaf 00 00 bio r0atdence, Eilzaboth
street, ltotu'2 to 0 p m, All medicines will
no dispensed parsimony by the Dr, or under
hie diroot oapetvieioh,
Fall Term Opens Sept, 4th!
CEI 1 R,�9. M p' ''' i4�
- � ` Cyr
a t 'Te
&vat tocrl„ QMo
Tho Business Huron Old Boys
Listowel College.
A thorough, eempleto and practioal train.
ing in all brapobee of Oomtneroial work,
at considerably lent than regular rates.
For fall intot'mation apply
iteenis or college 000r PORI OMNI.
oc 1 Rehm lions,
Tug glorious 12th,
Benner,* ra0ee Monday, Aug. 0013.
The ,Goderioh correspondent says :-
"On the evening of Jane 22 at Viotoria et.
ohuroh, the Junior League held a fare.
well entertainment in honor of their
members, Misses Fernie and Mayfrid
Allis, who aro about to break the chain
of their- work in the League here.. Mr.
Shannon preeided and opened the enter.
tainment by an address. suitable to the
000aaion, being both hamorous and
pathetic. A. m¢siaal and literary pro-
gram followed after wbioh the chairman
called upon the Mimeo Fernie and May.
1110 Allis, mentioning at the same time
the pleasure it gave him to he present at
the presentation about to be made them.
Mies Bertha Million was then called,
who read an appro'Ihriate addreea and the
Misses May Wyatt and May Duff then
presented the gifts, which were a very
handsome red morocco ink stand orna
mooted with Mom de lies in rob oorner
in gold, little Mayfrid's prize, and a
handsome Japanese work box, tate gift to
Fergie. The ohairman then said "Many
hearts throb in unison tonight to recog-
nize the good work done by thee° two
young ladies, and to show their esteem
by presenting them with each soulful and
handsome gifts, which will cause them
always to be present with you in the
future, and yon with them in their new
home in London."
PoEEENTATION.-lilies J. A. Norton, of
Listowel, formerly of Brussel%, the elft•
oient teacher of S. S. No. 5, Mornington,
has resigned her position there. She in.
tends to attend the Normal oobool in the
Fall, having deoided to make teach-
ing her life work. Mies Norton, during
her incumbency at Irishtowe, won her
way into the hearts of all and was ex.
tremely well lilted both by her pupils
and by the parents. Before school closed,
for the term, the pupils gave tangible
evidence of their appreciation ot Miae
Norton's services by presenting her with
a gold chain set with opals and pearls
and a gold chain bracelet. The presenta•
tion wan a000mpanied by the following
addreee :-
Dean Tenonon,-We, the pupils of your
sohool, have Resembled here this evening
to say farewell to yon on your departure
from us. You have been identified with
our school for about two years, during
which time you have shown a deep inter•
est in the work, and we will always re.
member your valuable aervioes in help.
ing to bring the sohool up to its present
state of efllcienoy, although we can in Do
way reward you for the interest in us.
Kindly therefore, now accept this gold
ohain and bracelet as 0 token of our in.
Dressing admiration and esteem for your-
self and of our gratitude for your labors
in oar behalf. Oar fervent prayer and
wishes are that Christ, our Master, will
bieeed ou still a rant
y d g you a future of
aotive noefulneea in whatever sphere you
may be placed.
Signed in behalf of the pupils,
Mise Norton made a suitable and feeling
reply to this handsome compliment,
Elbe will be followed by the beet wishes
of all.
ADMEN! AND PnnoowroTION.-Mlee D. J.
M. Smith, dongbter of J. R. Smith,
Brueeels, sae been teaching for the past
three years and a half is U. S. B. No. 2,
Elms and Wallace (near Listowel.) A
few days before the end of the term she
announced her intention of attending the
Normal sohool at Toronto during the
Nall term. Aa aeon as the people of the
seatiou learned of her deoioion they set
about fading some means of thawing
Mies Smith the e000em in wbioh she was
held. She is an energetio, painetalcing
and industrious teacher. On Friday
evening her pupils aeaembled at Mr.
Milburn'°, together with their parents,
and older brothers and sisters. After a
very enjoyable evening spent with muaia,
conversation and plays, a ohorb addreea
was read and two of her pupils presented
Mise Smith, in behalf of the school, with
a handsome celluloid travelling com-
panion. Though taken completely by
surprise Mies Smith responded brbefly
but Feelingly, in a manner which showed
that the has the true ine0ioot of the
teacher. The following is the addroea :-
DEAR Mlss BtIT11,-It IS with much
surprise and regret that we have teethed
of your intention to leave us, to enter
upon a new course of work. We had ex.
peoted to bava had you with us as long as
the Department would alio* you to teach
on your present certificate, however, we
cannot be entirely selfish, and we ail join
in wishing you all emcees in the mimeo
we understand you are about to enter
upon. We are glad to see your desire for
attaining as fall a knowledge and as great
profoienoy, ae possible iu the moat high
and honorable profession you have
chosen. We would that all teaohere were
equally ambitious to do honor to their
proteesion. But we can not allow you to
part from ne without some expression of
our appreciation of the faithful work you
have been doing during the peat three
years and a half. Your untiring efforts
on behalf ot your pupllo deserve recog-
nition and even more important we
oouut the silent infliten0o of sterling
obaraotor. This
n little gift we
tender you
as a slight token of our esteem.
hope that it may serve to re°all pleasant
memories of the hours( spent in the ser•
viae of those pupils whom you have work-
ed so. hard for, who now 000180ly know
jest ltow to enema their regard, but who
will cherish, as a preoiouo thing, the
memory of yont stay amongst ae.
Signed in behalf of the sohool,
Riva HoeneT, ,,
FLaninot PRILP,
Biwa HEtvinn,
13. S. No. 2, Juno 20th, 1000,
No loth than eight hole Mule am colleges
have applied to us within the 1 tet six weeks
for Mir graduates to take positions a0 Math -
dentin their tahools. As many en five brie: -
pees Arms have applied to us In ono day tor
Mlles help. This in sorely the beet school
for yon, Catnlogno fro°,
O1LL*GTT, lrriltotpal, U
nae ,
J tl
G rlof l 4,-•' ne atopen
r awe
1 a were
and the letoh•etringe were oat in thio ld
Well to flee, and Huron Coualy reoelved
bank her own with open arme. The
great linron tract hag given many et1 its
beet Mone to other parte of the country,
but proof that the exiles 0i11 love the
old soil, and that they are yet welcome
longtime within the gates, woe afforded
in [striking measure in to,day's aelebre•
tion. The Huron Old Boys' Ae000iation,
of Toronto, a000mpanled by an even
larger number of old gir10, Dame to town
by the lake and were the recipients of a
very happy demouetration hoe weloome.
Friends wore met whose faces had not
been seen in many eases for two)), years,
spots were visited whinh the long per.
speotive of time does but magnify in the
memory, while due tribute wee paid to
the pioneers whose efforts laid out the
homes and the smiling farms of this
great Province.
1nE 01 0PT
Ba IO .
The exoureion left Toronto by epeeist!
Grand Trunk train ea 7 a. m,, a000m.
partied by the band of the 48th High,
lander°, under Mr. Slabber. There were
nine coaches in line, °containing between
300 and 400 people.
Among them
not(aed in theparty
were J. S. Willison, Pres, ; 1.
Moody, Say ; D. Woismdller, Viee,
Pres. ; H, MaMalh, T. McGillicuddy, J.
J. Bell, Rev. J. A. Turnbull, Dr. S'oene,
W. R. Miller, W. 0. Mackay, W. M.
Gray, W, E. Groves, t3. A. Smith, ia, W.
Murray, A. Muir, E. J. Walsh, John Mo.
I,areu, Roger croaker, John Robertson,
James Turner, D. A. Eagle, A. Correll,
Adam Oath, D. M. Johnston, Dr. Mat-
lock, Dr. J. T. Canaan, Dr. E. Keefer,
E. Saeger, W. F. Caution and H. G.
The ran was somewhat tedious and
bot, and Godorith was not reached until
noon, though the monotony was broken
by the band debarking and rendering
ooleotione at some of the stations en
route. On arrival at Goderioh a great
orowd was found awaiting at the station.
Alter an exchange of greetings a prom.
Edon was formed, which moved off up
town in the following order :-
Major Young, 38rd Battalion.
48th Highlanders' band.
Detachment of 38rd Battalion, uuder
Liect.-Col. Verooe.
Goderioh Collegiate Institute Cadets in
khaki, under Capt. Snell.
Pnblio School Marines, in blue, ender
Capt. Jordan,
Goderioh Marine Band.
Carriage containing Mayor Wilson,
Warden Rollins ; J. B. Willison, P,es, of
the Toronto aesooiatiot and W. R. Milder,
Members of the Town Council in car-
Representatives from outaida munici.
pal ities.
Carriages containing Old Boys and
Banner oarried by Athol Stewart, eon
of J. Stewart, of Torouto.
Pipers' band.
Sons of Scotland.
Comedian Order of Foresters,
Citizens on wbeels and on foot.
Tne etreete and residenoes were decor.
ated with liege, bunting and streamers.
Among the mottoes were :-"Welcome to
the old Boye," "Should aald aoquaintanoe
be forgot ? " "The Old Boye and the
Old Town."
The ° Meial welcome was tendered from
a platform ereoted in the ocntre of the
mysterious ootagoo in the heart of the
town, to whinh the P rooes0ion morohed.
D. McGPllio¢ddy, President of the local
committee, was master of ceremonies.
After briefly expreseing pleasure at the
preeenoe of the visitors, he then called
upon Judge Doyle to deliver an address,
to whom he referred as a resident of
Goderioh for 50 years.
Judge Doyle, who made an exception.
ally happy speed), rejoioed at the oppor.
tunity of meeting and greeting their
brothers of the County of Huron from
far and near. Their venerable mother
received them with open arms and wet.
earned them to her bosom, as the
prodigal Boo for whom the fatted calf
would be killed, and there should be
peace and joy in the old home because of
the wanderers' return, (Oheere.)
"When I brat saw this spot on wbioh we
etand," he continued, it was a wilder-
ness of stumps, a place without shape or
form. Behold now the beauty of this
place. Thie spot is emblematic of the
beauty of the whole County of
Huron. Let any person who hears my
voice travel this county from North to
South and from East to West, as I have
done for the last 15 years and tell me
whether he has ever eeeu a more beanti•
fol ooun0yl than this ? (Applause) Her
climate is unsurpassed all the year ronud.
The prodnota of her soil at the Chicago
World's Fair won first prizes in compo.
tition with all the natiode of the world.
The fruit and the stook from thio county
take first piaoe in the market of Eng-
land, the greatest market of the world.
Look at her farmers ; look at their child-
ren ; look nt the indioatione of prosperity,
of intelligence and of thrift. Compare
them with the egrionitural Mantes of any
other oonntry ot the world and you will
find reason to be proud of the County of
Huron." (Hear, Hear )
Oontinning, Judge Doyle spoke 1' of the
prominence aohieved by sone of Huron
in native life elsewhere. He mentioned
that it was ably represented in the prase
of the cities of the Dominion, in the first
rank of medicine in several Canadian and
Amerioan oitieo, on the bench and at the
bar of Ontario and the Northwest ; it
has oonttibuted a Cabinet Minister to
the Parliament of Ontario, a Prime Min•
inter to one of the Provinces and a Lieut..
Governor to another Province. The boys
of Huron County were represented with
the aharaotorietio spirit and enterprise of
Canadians in the far Yukon and Alaska,
in every 0tate from there to Mexico, and
in the far British colonies of the world.
A few menthe ago when the Dail came
for volunteers to maintain Otto prestige of
the empire, the first contingent of
Canadians tbat left this oonntry was led
by a Goderioh boy, born in this vary
town, Colonel Otter, (Cheers.) The
conduct of that ooutingent since then
allowed of what 'stuff the British Empire
was made. "Lot us remember the no•
bility of our origin," Judge Doyle, said
In oonotueion "and wherever a Huron
boy to found let him uphold the dignity
of alis bounty and the prestige of the
British rage from wbioh we are all
sprung, that race which has built en em.
pire that enoirolee the earth,' (Oheero,)
llfr. AfoSlltloaady read to,ograme of
regret from Judge Johneton, Sault Ste,
Marie, and Capt. '10, Robertson, of iso
Northern Navigation Company. Judge
Johnson wired , s
t wither' f0
grant celebration.Buren has not and
will never take a bank plane in the build.
ing of this Dominion and the greater
Britain. God save Our Queen,"
0000100 0r' 00000011e,
Mayor Wall then read the following
addreeeof welcome :-"Huron Old Boys :
Allow me on behalf et the town and cons.
mi1t00 to give you a hearty welcome to
Ilnrou'a county town, ft gives no, No
home guard, pleasure to reooivo you in
the broadeet and most bro body Diannar
possible, and to tell you that the town 18
yours during your stay ; that the latob•
ttringleout, and that the most entire
freedom ie your porion while you stay
with us. There aro other old boyo on
earth beside tto» kIsron Old Boys, bat
the hearteof the people of Huron go out
first, last end all the time to what the
Soot would pall 'oor aiu folk' -our kith
kin, our flesh and blood. And when we
remember that Boron Old Boys have
done well at home and abroad, we feel
proud that they, who are abroad, have a
warm spot for the grand old county in
their heart, wbioh to have knowu ie to
have loved.
'In the old days of the Huron tract
grand men Dame from the old land, and
with thew and sinew and brawn and
brain laid the foundation for the prosper•
ity and peace that is within our borders,
and, later, in the seventies and eighties,
Huron did its there in helping to colon.
iza, to improve and to prosper the great
Northwest, then sparsely settled, and
with no great hope of the marvellous suo-
oees that it has ein0e attained. Not
oatafied with the work in the West,
Heron sent her sone and daughters to
aid in developing the moat Easterly por.
Mon of the Province, and the semen of
that movement is in evidence today,
when this magnificent gathering of
Huron Old Boys and Girls have Dome to.
gather to mingle once more with the dear
01100 who are here, to give a thought to
the loved ones who .have gone, and to
gather renewed strength tram the bran•
fog breeze of our grand lake to fit them
for life's duties for many days to Dome.
We welcome you one and all to the
privileges of the day, and our earnest de.
sire is that the day's opting will afford
you all such full pleasure that hereafter
the Huron Odd Boye' day will be annually
observed as the great Huronite home.
doming day by those abroad end by those
at home."
0[n. w,LLIe0N'o REPLY.
Mr. Willison replied on behalf of the
Toronto atemelation. "It ie my privilege
as President of the Old Boys' Aeeooiation
of Toronto," he said, "to express our ap-
preoiatiou of your very oordial welcome
to the old oonnty and the old town on
the lake. 10 is many years eines some of
as bava revisited the amine of our youth,
but while it may be true, as the familiar
old verse pate it, that
"Few are left to know,
Who played with us upon the green
Some twenty years ago."
it oertainly is not true that none are 1010
to greet u0, and certainly your welcome
does not lack either warmth or o0rdiality.
Some of us have not as moth hair upon
our heads as when you saw as last, but I
daresay that most of no have more than
we had when we arrived in the county,
(Langhter.) Few of as have come bank
as millionaires, and we are not disposed
to boast of our achievements in the com-
munity which now claims our citizen.
ship. But I think I can say that we
have kept our integrity and that we have
preserved our modesty. (Hear, bear.)
We Dome book to yon on the 4th of July,
a day hallowed by the patriotio aesooi•
aliens of another land. But we come to
yon under the folds of the old flag -
(bear, hear) -and with a love for this
aotatry as deep and as genuine as any
that oar neighbors can feel for their
mighty republic, If we have one regret
it is touched by a °antenog in the ad.
dress. We would be glad if we could al.
so welcome to day those eons of Huron
who are eoattered all over our own
Canadian West, and who are planting
there a new and progressive civilization
instinot with that steady thrift and sober
patriotism which are Huron's beet elite
to her children. It is the simple truth
to say that from the men who were
cradled in Huron and Brace the West
has got many of ito leaders and moah of
its aheraoter,and as we traoe beck the
sources of Amerioan history to the homes
of the English Puritans, so in the years
to Dome, when the Canadian West i0 fill-
ed with the millions of proeperoas sub -
jots of an Imperial Britain, when its
thriving towns of have become
mighty cities, and peaceful homes oover
all its wide extending plains, the hietor•
len will trace the record of many of its
pioneer families and of many of its beet
aohievemente beak to these oountiee on
Lake Huron. May we hope that these
old boys' a0000iatione will do something
to keep green the memories of the pio-
neers through o¢ooeeding generations,
In the old lands they cherish their tradi.
tions and honor their landmarks. We,
too, should learn to gather the treasures
of the past as well ae to lay up treasures
for the future. Wo have a touching and
an heroic story in the lives and achieve.
merits of the pioneers who won this land
from the forest and laid it out in smiling
fields and inviting hamlets, and filled it
with homers and temples. And we are
waiting for the writer wbo will feel the
story in his heart and tell it so that the
world will listen, The pioneers Bleep
well in their graves on the quiet hillsides,
and we would not disturb their rest.
But it i0 titling that we Omuta say our
word of reverence as we paste, and aaeoai•
ate with this oelebrabion the memories of
the fathers whose monumente bre about
no and whose aohievemente'we inherit.
"I thank .you on behalf of the Old
Boye of Toronto for Ohio weloome, but we
expect to find our beat reward for Doming
bete to -day in witneeeing the prosperity
whinh evidently abounds in this beauti-
ful town on the. lake, and in mingling
with thous that we knew in earlier days,
and with those whose acquaintance we
desire to make, beoanse we are all child.
reel of the same mother, the old County
of Huron." (cheers.)
Dr. Rollins, Warden of Huron County,
also extended a welcome, giving to the
vieitoro the freedom of the town, the
freedom of the twenty and ace freedom
of the air, which wee unrivalled,
David Wetemilter, of Toronto, respond.
ed, saying that the welcome was all the
more appreoiated bonnet, of its epos•
tanoity. H0 0p0ke of the Melones wbioto
Harotlitoc everywhere aohievod, and said
that no other body of pec le under Uta
sun so live 1 up to the phi h[janotiott,
"Wbatevas thy band find to do, do tbat
with all 1 th y might,"
Alexander Muir,. of Toronto, 00 being
oalied upon, spoke In eloquent words of
the bravery of Canadian men and the
beauty of Canadian women, which, be
Maid, was unourp000ed anywhere 111 the
world. Atter a glowing reference to the
part played by the Oanadiano in the war
in Africa, he led, at the Cheirmau'o re.
Quest, in singing hie woll•known national
song, "The Maple Leaf."
The vieltore then dispersed for dinner.
711n ANTENNOON 10000001.
The afternoon was spent awarding to
the mood of the visitors, For the ma.
jority the attraction lay at the Agree!.
tural groeuds, where a long program of
music and epode wets run off. The High-
landers' Band and the Goderioh Marine
Band rendered a program on the grounds,
which wee highly appreoiatsd. The
sports included running and bicycle races,
daooing, fancy drill, throwing the tobrr,
and many other athletic event° whi"h
brought out the best of local skill. A
baseball game In tween the Goderioh and
Clinton teams resulted in a victory for
the home nine by a same of 24 to 0,
Many of the visitors walked down to
the harbor and viewed the artistic laud.
Moa a and new bre the n breakwater. akw to . Afte
supper the Highlanders' Band gave a
short mown in the public sgoar0, after
whinh the ground marched to the station,
led by Pte. Donald MoLean, the "big
Kittle," whose massive proportions found
many admirers in Goderioh. The vioi.
tore departed for Toronto at 8.10 p. m,
This' evening the citizens were entertain-
ed by a fireworks display.
The local arrangements were in the
ltande'of the following energetio oommit.
tee : - Denial MoGilliouddy, Presi.
dent ; A. MoD. Allan, Vioe-President ;
W. Lane, Secretary ; W. T. Mornay,
In a lawn bowling game between a
rink representing the Old Boys and one
representing the Goderioh Bowling Olab
the following Moore resulted :-Old Boye
-J. 8. Walloon, Dr. Sloane, A. Mal.
Allan and W. M. Gray -17, Goderioh
Bowling Club -Sheriff Reynolds, D. C.
Strachan, Dr. Hunter and T. O'Connell
Grode rich.
Mrs. R. G. Reynolds and Mies Claire
Reynolds have gone on a visit 00 Chicago,
where they will be the guests of the
Misses Trainer.
Consul Chilton and Mrs. Ohiltou have
robnrnod 00 Otto (31. 8. Consulate after a
lengthy absence. We are ranch pleased
to learn that Mr. Chilton is in firat.rote
Mise Ethel Aobeson, of town, wee one
of a quartette of students of the Ontario
Ladies' College, Whitby, who won a silver
nap in competition with lady students of
Victoria University.
Philip Holt, E. Campion and W.Prond•
foot attended a meeting of lawyers at
Toronto, at wbioh matters of interest to
the legal profession throughout the Prov.
ince were discussed,
The Ante= sittings of the High Court
of Justine for the County of Heron will
be held as follows : Jury sittings, before
Juetioe Ferguson, Taeeday, SepEember
11 ; BOO jury aittioga, before Justine
Fatoonbridge, Monday, November 12.
John A. Taylor, M. A., who is well
known in Goderioh, has been appointed
head master of Dutton high sattool. Mr.
Taylor hie been the soienoe master of
this school for E wo° y ears and hispro-
r -
motion to the headmastership shows that
his services are valued.
Hrs. Reynolds and the Misses Lizzie
and Laura Acheson have left on a trip to
the Paris exposition, sailing from Mon-
treal on Saturday on the Allan tine
steamer Tunisian. They are members of
a party couduoted by Rev. Dr. Withrow,
of Toronto, and their trip will include a
visit to Switzerland. They expeot to
return home about the middle of Sep.
The friends of Goderioh Collegiate
Institute wilt learn with deep regret of
the resignation of Mies Oharlee, B. A.,
from her position ea master in modern
languages, a position she has filled with
infinite credit to herself and with great
profit to the pupils. We understand that
Mies Charles is taking this atop on
amount of the oonditioq of her ballot,
which has not been eatiefeotory for some
time and wttiott is not improving as it
BINDER TWINE from the Central Pri son,
for the season o11000 w111 be sold to FARM-
ERS or FARMERS' CLUBS, for their own
use, in any quantity, from one bale to any
number required, at the following prices
per 1b. :
"Extra Standard," In bales of 50 1be, oath,
"Farmers' Bpeoial," in boles of 00 lbs. each,
Oath moat accompany each order or be
received before twine le shipped. Freight
1n 011 oases must be paid by purottaeer, and
orders will bo accepted for full bales only.
Io oases where a faarmer orders a greater
quantity than is required for bin own use,
the order must be signed by the persona join-
ing in the order and the amount required
by each must accompany it, as well as the
Poet Miles address of °moll applicant.
The twine is well manufactured, every
pound guaranteed of serviceable quality,
and it any prove faulty in nee, on being re-
turned, money will be refunded.
...Extra Standard" it held only in email
4nantities, but Farmers' Special," which
should prove of epeeist value to tanners us-
ing it, is in liberal supply,
Orders addree0ad to The Walden, Cen-
tral Prima, 'Toronto;" will reeeiv0 prompt
attention. JAMES NOXON,
Inepeotor of Priaouo
Toronto, July 100,1000 arliamant 82 9dingn.
Important to Breeders and Dortomon,
Eureka Caustic Balsam.
A reliable
and speedy
romody for
Sp lin te,
etc, elm, in
,'I, Borns and
Lump Jaw
in Onttlo,
TnA0 0 MAIM "Sae pamph-
let which a000mpaniee 07007 bottle, giving
stieutido treatment in the various diseases,
It can be used in every ogee of
Every bottle sold istrtt00 give untie -
tuition. Prleol'er bottle. gold by all
ndrnrolyy nTIRuBUyp Ilo VERNPT
MDDI0113COMPANY, Lsondon,Out,
Now for Bigger, Duialoso
We awing into July with the record back of us of the beet trade
We have ever bad and we aro all the ;more pleased beoauee every day we
are winning new friends who have not been aooustomed to such excellent
goods for the money as we are asking Ohio month, nor have they had such
satisfaction in buying ae they exporfenoe here. Brit, while bnainees has
been unusually brisk, we feel greater possibilities are before us, that Ohio
store's business can he extended to a larger degree, that more people may
profit by run, unequalled buying and selling faatities. To that end we are
petting forward every effort by offering greater indtoements for visl0orc at
tbte store, Nest Tbpreday we eominenoe by oellbeg
Ladies' Fine Cashmere Hose, worth 25o for 180.
Ladies' Fine Outten Hose, Peet blaok, 5 pairs for 250,
Ladies' Heavy Ribbed cotton Huse, worth 15a, 2 pairs for 25o,
New Prints, 34 inches wide, worth 100 for 5o,
New Prints, Past cetera, worth 10o for 7&o.
Extra Heavy Prints, fast aolore, worth 120 for 100.
Grey Cotton, yard wide, worth 50 for 3de.
White Cotton, yard wide, worth So for Oa.
Good Sewing Needles, worth 50 per paper, for 20,
Good pine, full count, per paper 1c.
Gine Valencia Raisins, 3 Ins, for 250.
Cleaned Ourrante, best quality, 3 lbs, for 250.
Baking Powder, 14 the and sealer, for 200,
Beet Gold Medal
BakingPowder, , 0oco eiz a for 60
Extract of Vanilla, regular 80, for 5o. ryt,
'- vs'r�r��2*v� r2Sr3GrC G*�Y11
n &Turnbull
Headquarters for
a n d.�
of AH Kinds.
Farmers should see our
Best Fence on the market.
Barb and Plain Wire,
All kinds Harvest Tools.
Binder Twine.
Paints and Oils.
S. mr. P., the best Ready
Mixed Paints made,
always in stock.
Season SWAN &ll'flES
Immo - Gauge, Well Select-
ee and Well Finished
The well known firm of
are to the front with a
Buggies, Wagons, Road Carts, Etc.,
that they are settling at CLOSE prices. Already they
have disposed of many Buggies and the Prospects are good.
Call at our Show Rooms and see for yourself.
Special attention liven to .Repairs,
Re -painting, Trinanving,
Ewan & Innes, - Brussels.
Having made a largo addition to my Blacksmith Shop I am
in a better position than ever to attend to ply Customers.
won vtritaltRE
All kinds on hand, botli for new work or repairs, and prices
the lowest.
General Blacksmith
TN all bulls will bo promptly at-
ner iu g tended to as usual and satisfac-
tion guaranteed.
Horse Shoeing. h]aienemar e yaeae;ciaanyd oiff
you Dave any horses that interfere, over -reach or troubled with
bad feet, bring them to me, I will relieve or cure them in legs
than three months or will make no charge.
Wagons & Buggies. I am prepared to supply the
above at the very lowest
prices, and best quality, either of my own make or from the
Largest Factories in the Dominion.
Thanking my numerous ouetomere for their very liberal support in the
poet, and hoping by atriot attention to bueine00 and setbofaatoey prises,
to tenure e. continuance of the same.