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9 1'Q T
JULY 12, 1900
THURSD,41", JULY 12, 1900.
W. J, BETAN is the D61E006010 Candi.
slate for the Presidency of the United
Staters. Re may be a very clever man'
this William Jennings Bryan but one
plunk in hie platform will give British
subjects npeoial moon to rejoice in hie
defeat --tallith irs regarded by many ars al-
most oortain, viz 1 -"Believing in pelf
government and rejecting, as did our
forefalhore, the alaim of monarohy, we
view with indignation the purpose o4
England to overwhelm with force the
South African Republica, Speaking ars
we do for the entire Amerioan nation, ex.
Copt he Republican ofiioe holders, and for
all free men everywhere, we extend our
[sympathies to the heroin burghere fn
their unequal struggle to maintain their
liberty and independence."
Ottawa, July 9th. -The haat week of
the eeeelon,-at tenet everyone bopee it le,
--although et this moment wo are none
too euro. Looking bank over the weary,
dreary five mouths that Parliament bee
been Bitting, one realizes the woeful , le money in Waken raieing for the Can.
mete of pobltc time and money canoed adien farmer,
by the inexoneable dilatoriness of onr A work by John kf,aoouu, naturalist to
PEOPLE who have been watching the
last manes in the fifth session of the
eighth Parliament of Canada must have
been streak by the extraordinary ohangee
whioh have taken place in the Oommoae
since the members of the House made
their first appearanoe after the general
elections of 1696.
Remarkable changes have taken place
on the floor of the House. Two Conner.
votive membere, one of them formerly a
Cabinet Minister, have deolared them-
selves in favor of Liberal principles.
Men eleoted as Independenbo have found
it possible to give a consistent support to
the Administration, An able and highly
respected First Commoner hae gone to
hie rest in the person of the late Speak.
er, IIon. Sir James D. Edgar. Death
hae also olaimed a Minister of the Crown
in the person of the late Hon. 0. A.
Geoffrion. Two other Ministers of the
Crown, Sir Oliver Mowat and Sir Henri
Joly de Lotbiniere have been raised to
the dignity of Lientenant•Governor,
whilst three aounoillore, Hon. David
Mille, Hon. Jamee Sutherland and Hon.
M. E. Bernier, have been called to the
Thirty-four men who eat in the House
early in the present Parliament are
there no more. Death has reaped a rinb
barveet in the ranks of the men who
Dame to Ottawa when the preeeob Par-
liament was young. Fourteen men re-
turned at the ejections of 5896 are no
more, and three others, W. S. Jameson,
of Winnipeg, S. P. Perry, of West Prince,
P. E. I., and George H, Bertram, of
Centre Toronto, who came to Partite.
meat the following year, have joined
them in the great beyond. Of the seven•
teen, seven Dame from the Province of
Quebec, seven from Ontario, one from
Prince Edward Island, one from Nova
Scotia and one from Manitoba. Eleven
were Government supporters and six
Opposition. Seventeen deaths in four
years in a House with 213 membere
shows a surprisingly] high mortality
rate. One man in thirteen has gone un-
der. Thio is doubtless in great measure
due to the exacting nature of the life for
men of mature years. Late hours, stuffy
committee rooms, little exercise, frequent
night journeys to and from the Capital,
and long sessions spent in hotels and
boarding houses without home comforts,
are certainly more exacting upon most
oonetitntione than even the methodical
grind of a busy life. But this is not all.
Few membere of Parliament are in snob
affluent oireametencee that they oan af.
ford to disregard their personal business
affairs and when to this le added the
worry of pleasing oonetitoente, keeping
in touch with what is going fowerd poli-
tically and with hie own sense of right
and duty, it must be conceded that the
life of a member of Parliament is not a
bed of roses.
onoouraging dairying in the Worst, Simi.
lar eaoge0O promises to attend the efforbe
of the Department to (Rummage obioken
raieing, A trial obipmont of (thickens
was Bent to England early in the preeeet
year upon whioh, after paying all charges,
a not profit of 63 cents alletr wee replized.
This a pretty clear indication that there
lawmakers. The waste of time might
not matter usual, ler apparently it ie
worbh little to the majority of membere,
but the waste of publin money is a more
serious matter that is not eulimieotly
appreciated by the people. 33aoh day that
Parliament mite costa the country thous.
ands of dollars and for fully half the
number of days that the present 8880100
bee lasted the money blight j let a8 well
have been thrown into the river, for all
the good it did anyone. Days and weeke
have been waisted in the fruition diesels.
alon of abetraot notions, in talking against
time, in inveuting reckless and utterly
groundless ohargee againeb all and enndry
of the Ministers or any of the °Metals
that the fanny of an Oppoeitionieb might
The Government has displayed unex.
ampied patie0oe : towards the obetruotion•
iste, in fact one is inclined to think some.
times that altogether too much consider-
ation has been shown them. But it at
least has bad the result of establishing
the Government more firmly them ever in
the pnblio confidence, and leaves the
reepeotive parties in a poeition before the
country whioh the meet enthusiastic cup•
porter of the Government Could not
poeeibly desire to Bee improved.
It is oomioal, and decidedly entertain•
ing, to observe the energy with whioh the
Oppoeitioniete are whistling to keep their
oourage ap as the time draws Dearer for
e general appeal to the electorate. Pre.
dietioce of the complete annihilation of
the Liberal party and the triumphant
return of the Toriee bopower come thicker
and faster as the days go by, end one is
irresistibly reminded of similiar caper.
fences jaet before the great fight of 1896
and preceding every local election in this
Province for the past quarter of a win-
tery ; it is an intereetiog fact that the
stronger the indication of viotory are to
the Tory prophets, the more decisive is
the thrashing, they receive at tbe ballot
box. No one who hae opportunities of
feeling the public Salsa ab the present
time can donbt that the history will
repeat itself once more at this time.
the Geological Survey of Canada, has
jns8 been issued from the Government
press, whioh will be of great value to
those interested in the natural Watery of
Canada. It is the first part of a work to
whioh Mr. Marano has given many years
of study, and is entitled ',A Oetalogue of
Canadian Biota," In °amplling this
eatalogtle the author has endeavored to
bring together Mote on the range and
prating habits of all birds known to
reside in, migrate to, or visit the Northern
part of the continent. In addition there.
to be has included Newfoundland, Green.
land and Alaska, •
T40O EINES OF MENDS.The role of the working man's friend is
always a favorite one with politicians
when a general election ie in eight, and
the Tory party now, as always, laexeroie-
hog mach ingenuity in working it for all
it i8 worth. Bat the working man to -day
ie not as easily duped as he may have
been in olden times, for he is just about
ars well edooated and es well posted in an
intelligent knowledge of current events,
as any other elector ; it is a safe asser-
tion to make that witall his observations
aided with minute reeearoh into the
reoord of Conservative administration, he
will fail to discover mach evidence to
justify the olaime of the Opposition to
any right to the character. On the other
band the Laurier Government has abown
in innumerable ways an honest desire to
improve the condition of the wage earner
and a practicable ability to pot that
desire into effect. Ae the Toronto Globe
tersely observes :-"Workingmen know
whether or not wages have increased.
They know whether or not they have
more constant employment. me
They know
whether or not the old oonditione of de.
pression prevail in the Canadian labor
market. They know whether or not fan.
taxies have been closed or ran on half time
since the Conservative Government was
defeated four years ago. They know
whether or not the predictions of ruin to
Oanadien industries in case the Liberal
leaders obtained offices have been fulfilled.
They know whether or not factories have
been enlarged and the output of mann-
featured goods, for both home and foreign
markets inoreaeed. They know whether
or not Liberate are the foes of Canadian
labor, and whether or not they are bent
on the destruction of Canadian industries
and they are well able to judge for them-
selves whether or not a change of Govern.
ment at tbie juncture and•tbe consequent
dioturbanae of industrial conditions would
be to their advantage or to the advantage
of the country."
A number from the village took in the
Moorefield Camp meeting.
Riohard McCallum is away to Sault
Ste. Marie, where he will spend a two
weeke' vacation.
The water in the mill pond is low at
present, and the emali boys are greatly
in evidence oatohing frog's and disposing
of their hind legs.
The semiannual meeting of Howiok
Agrioultural Society was held in Don.
aghy'e Hall. There was a fair atteodaoee
of Directors and assistant direotore.
Pull arrangements wore made for the
Fall Show, whioh is to be held here on
Saturday, Oct. 6th. The revision of the
prize list 000apied most of the time.
Boma of the moat important additions are
buggy horee, ball -dozen brick, half-dozen
tile, Polled Angne oattle, etc. Prizes
are offered in penmanship in three dif.
ferent (Messes :-To children 10 years
old or ander, children 11 or 12 years old
and children 13 or 14 years old. They
are to write two stanzas of "God Save
the Queen." There is no entra008 fee
charged and the prizes are thirty and
twenty cents in each • rage, The
following prizes are also offered to
girls Hader 14 years old ander the same
oonditlo0e as the writing :-patobed
pante, one pair darned 'stockings or woke,
one pair knitted stockings or mite, and
six button Wee. The prizes are the
tame as in writing.
It G irdtea The Glebe.
.The fame of Buohlen'e Arnica Salve,
as the best in the world, extends round
the earth. It's the one perfect healon of
Onte, Corns, Burne, Braises, Sorsa,
ers, .A
Beside, Belle, Pelona, Intetna,
Paine and all Skin )Sraptione, Oaly in.
fallible Pile Pare. 20o a box at G. A,
Deadnlaa'e drug store.
(Continued from last week.)
Marquette, our next point, we reaoberl
at 2 a, m. This is the queen pity of
Lake Superior. It ie noted for ire fine
residences, its fiue streets, beantiful
lawns, wealth and social advantages,
and is known as being the gateway to the
great iron mines of the Northwest. The
immense ore docks are the first novel
sight whioh meet the gaze of the travel.
ler. It is a great hay fever resort and
booming mere popular every year.
Presque Island is a Paris similar to
"Belle Isle" of Detroit. Some of its
rook formations are not unlike those of
Maokinao island. We leave here at 6 p, m.
After winding through the crooked chan-
elwhioh cote off the voyage around
eKeewenan Point," we enter Portage
lake, whim yellowbrown
water proves
that we are nearing the greatest oopper
mines in the world, of whioh no adequate
description can be given in limited space.
While we were passing through this lake
we met an excursion boat filled with boys
and girls, who are not inferior to any
other class when giving vent to their
vocal organs. After leaving the lake we
enter Portage river wbicb is 20 miles
long from Portage lake to Portage chan-
nel. At 1.40 p. m. we see Grose Point
where we nottoe the copper smelting
works. Dollar Bay is the next point we
come to, whioh is about two miles frons
Grose Point. In Dollar Bay we have
smelting works, caw mills, copper wire
mills, &o. On the dodge are huudreds of
barrels filled with copper palled ingot.
We see also great piles of ofuders whioh
is the residue of the ore minus the cop.
per. Blooks of oopper of various forms
and weight are piled along thedooks here.
We remained at tbie place about one
hoar and a half, ample time to allow os
to go through the smelting and copper
wire works. I also noticed on the docks
several hundred iron barrels of glycerine,
which is used in the powder mill for
manufaoturing nitro•glyoerine. At the
mines the copper is washed and stamped
and then shipped in barrels to the smelt-
ing works, where it is made into bare and
blocks of different sizee and shapes.
After leaving this port, we aeon see
Ripley to our right, the Miobigao mining
eohool to the left, also the Quincy mine
to our righb. The eoenery along here is
simply grand. In some of the mines the
miners descend about one mile. These
miners can only work for four hours and lot 20, on •Lad ling, cleaned out. On motieu
have what they call four hour shifts. of Messrs Shaw and Jackson, Mr Code was
1 aommunieatiou a
city of 8000 inhabitants and lust actress
from this place is Houghton, whioh has
a population of 6000. We stopped at
both places. These two cities are most
picturesquely situated, with enormous
hills, from the apex of which numerous
mines belch forth smoke and fire, lighting
up the landscape et night with weird
glow and make a wild and romantic
bank ground for the two thriving cities,
which nestle at their feet. 47 years ago
the first settlers entered this country on
the old "John Jacob Actor" .and an ace
count of the privations and struggles of
this little band of 6 or 6 is most interest-
ing reeding. Two survivors have lived to
see these flourishing cities with every
modern convenience of telegraph, tele-
phone, electric lights, churches, schools,
land in loading on imn70000 %Matlty of
At 2.40 p. m, we Vase Bayfield which le
net now a proeperleg town, The other
4oighboring towers tntting the lead,
Idonee rent 10 cheap here, 90000 houses
renting for ono tlpltar per month, At
8,40 pp. m, we ewe to the Apostle
'Mende. Tiley are an extremely inter•
eating group of 20 Iolanda, mie•named
the Apostle Ielnndeby the while dinenver.
er, who euplloda(t there waw vac 12
On one of the group "Madelane Island"
there in quite a settlement called "La
Pointe," an old Indian trading station.
This ie about 200 yeara old and oontelne
an antique Catholic) ohuroh, in whioh a
famous painting, said to be the work of
one of the old mestere, is zealously
guarded. Overtures were meal to gain
the oonsent of the priest for its removal
to the art gallery of the World's Fair
but were unavailing.
Journeying on, we soon reaoh West
Superior end Duluth, whioh was our
destination. We same to the N, P.
Boake, at 10 p. m., all well on board apd
quite eorry to leave the boat and re•
gretting to be at last oompelled to separ.
eta oarselvee from •the ',happy 'family"
whioh we had the pleasure to join while'
nu the boat. After bidding adieu to
the genial Oaptain and to the other ofli
oere of the boat, we made onr way to the
Spalding hotel of Duluth. Next morn•
ing we oroeeed oyer the bay to West
In 0onelueio0 I wish to add that we
were more them pleased with am trip
and it was undoubtedly one of di ;rand-
eeb tripe we ever had tbe p1' 000 of
taking. Our intentions are En , f• 1110 8 at
West Superior for some weeks. From
here we expect to go to ltiasi"�',a and
other pointe. I shall register here and
do some practicing, whioh will at least
keep me out of mieobief. There are ales
two well equipped hospitals here, whioh
I shall visit occasionally. We have not
received the last issue of Tax Pose and
are quite anxious to see aauount of your
celebration of the 22ad and also other
newsy items, whioh will no doubt
prove of interest to us. With kind re.
garde, I remain as ever,
Yours truly,
Da. F. 18. KAL11FL1019Ca.
West Superior, Wie., Jm18 27th, 1900.
Morris Council Meeting.
ed by Adam ,'eurahnll tbat Illy peeitl011 of
_armee k'errla 14011 081101'9 for a 1n014101pa1
drain ba r'oaelvetl and tba6 the Olerlt he
aotherleed to notify Jobu Roger, 0 L 0, to
make an examination of 11)0 area to be
drained, and prepare a report, plans, spool-
M atlone and 0080mate0 aad mato an 1009090..
input of all the lands 1tmblo 10 he n9001140,1
for said drainage-eanipd, Moved by Jae
McDonald, 9000ndad by11ob6 Llviogeton,
Mit an iron bridge he bulli over rho 'Mau -
champ Creek at lot Il, oon 10, and that the
Reeve auk 100 bowlers for same--Oarrlod.
The fellowine 00°ouute were presented,
The Ocurt of Revision met according to
adjournment in the Council Room, Ivlorris,
on June 25th. Members ell present 0E000 t
Mr g read
and passed. James o Robbery enterea of last d owner
N n • 2 con 0 : Wm Sboldiee entered owner
S 1 21, eon 0 ; Archibald McDonald was en-
tered M F lot 22,r1G1S, Bluevalo. Ouumoti n
o1 Mr Shaw, seconded by Mr Jnekson, the
Court of Revision was then closed and the
AseoeomentRoll BB revised and corrected
was adopted. Council business was then
proceeded with. Moved by Mr Code, second-
ed by Mr Shaw:. that we pay no bills for
grovel until the road lists are returned and
certified to bythe pathmaster-Oerried. On
motion of Shaw and Jackson the report of
the Reeve re letting contract of Gnomes'
drain was adopted. a petition signed by
Mr Oo0karline and others was presented
asking that a resolution of the Council be
passed under the provisions of the Ditches
and Watercourses Aot in commotion with a
drain on the 0th and 10th cone, Moved by
Mr Shaw, seconded by Mr Junk en, that said
petition be laid over for future consider.
anon as it is not clear, tont itis signed by a
majority of the. interested parties, the Clerk
to notify Mr Oookerline accordingly-Oar-
ried. On motion of Messre Code and Shaw,
Joseph and Robert Smith were allowed to
perform their statute labor for Ni lots 20 and
21, eon 7, on aide line between said lots. On
motion of Messrs Code •an11 Jackson, Mr
Shaw wan lustruotod to have dit011 opposite
t ex end 0at Iota
ted o B
toHanooak a
tae true P
At 5.30 p. m. we Dome 10 and 11 on 0th 001, A was
received from W R Bolden, of Malesworth,
claiming damages for an accident alleged to
have been caused by sheep lying on the
road. Moved by Mr 6baw, seconded by Mr
Jackson, no notion be taken in the mat-
ter -Carried.
that her -C tiled, Onv motion of aeurers Over and.
sbaw, the Reeve and o meet
went in-
structed to borrow 8600 to meet current 0x-
(1enpoe. Accounts were ordered to be paid
as follows 1-
Jobn shorteeed, tile ditch $ 12 00
Wm Moses, culvert 9 00
0 Campbell, gravel 1 35
Jae Gulley, use of sera0er 50
R B Warwick, s 50
Beatty Bros, grayel 4 48
Goo Proctor, grovel 7 50
John Hopper, culvert G 0D
R 13 Warwick, material for oulvert 1 00
J H Brandon,eleaning out oulvert 60
J0o 0 Oaeemore, spikes and cleaning
out culvert 2 00
a 25
2 26
8 00
e 50
7 95
2 25
4 00
G 84
27 50
12 50
SECOND ONLY To "801)8."
After listening in the House for the
past five menthe to Opposition criticism
of the Prime Minister and his oolleagoee,
and for as many years and more, to the
same sort of thing in' the Opposition
press of the country,-oritioiem whioh is
seldom fair, and often quartile= and
childish, -it is a pleasant ohenge to note
the observations of imperial writers who,
from their broader standpoint and un-
trammelled by petty party prejudices,
speak fairly and honestly their mature
judgment on passing evente. The British
Weekly of June 14th, 'aye of Sir Wilfrid
Laurier'e recent opeeoh in the House of
Commons :-"Sir Wilfrid Laurier ap-
parently believes that 'many battles have
yet to be fought,' and he does not under.
of the problems
esti P
whioh will await us when Boomer is over.
British snbjeots the world over will re.
eoho hie prayer that the life of Her
Majesty may never more'be disturbed by
war, and that before her glorious reign
comes to an end, her eubjeote in South
Africa may have learned to appreciate
those British inetitatione, whioh in this
age and in every land signify liberty and
equal rights. Many of those who have
read with tears and with pride tbe noble
speeches of tbe.Frenoh•Cahadian Premier
during the war, must feel that on the day
when we welcome home Lord Roberta
and his army, the presenoe of Sir Wilfrid
Lander mast not be leaking to the gen-
eral happineee. In these testiu1 month'
we have learned what men the world
over are most precious to the empire.
Before all, end separate from every other
oomee the Queen's noblest subject, Field
Marshall Lord Roberts. After him ie
there any name we could mention in
preference to Sir Wilfrid Laurier 1"
In the course of a statement before the
Agricultural Committee the other day
Prof. Robertson teetifled that there were
last year in the Northwest Torritoriee no
lees than 42 oreameriee in operation,
whereas five years ago there was only one.
The total value, of the butter prodnood
goo 011vel',part payment on aeoo'ot
of oontreat 4oy b Drain No 11 ••.••$1870 18
A Reymann, equalizing 'Union ki d No
12, Grey and MOlilllop 4 00
Robt Bell, operating road grader, 5
days at $1,25 000
39 smith, repairing slue road 2, eo00
Oand4 400
Wm Ilray, _ dellverlug timber and rag
hobo for apiken f s 2 00
Jeno Latae, epfko0for culverts Ol
Thoe'Smith rapahing antvert ou bdy
troy nud` 171ma Grey allure 2 22
Geo troou oulyhare bdy Grey 1001
Elam, Grey share 0 00.
Miohaotltfnasarav0l ..,, ,0 '28
Wm Wilton,, aeoleting pugteoer run•
niugg lino on 91108 road 1, oon 8 . 1 00
Rlolrarci 30011(10, grading amd gravel'
ling at lot 91, cou 20 10
R Jabkifn. gradfua at 100820, coon) 00. 47
Mont Livingston, to 004' partite for
farm bridges on Fraser drilla
50 OD
The Goodwin 0o one eons, Harrison's 1,s, 50
Municipal Manual, 1900
W Riley, undOrbrushing 108.106 0,000 8 2 00
R Liviuggeton, Inspeot'8 Frage! Drain 7 Oil
Jae Me ate repairing culvert, lob 08, 80
2 00
amt 1"u 22 00
Samuel Duua, gra vol
S Dunn, rep's to road at lot14, eon 14 a 00
Ohae Quereugeaser,lumber, end 81m- 00 00
Min -
bar for oulverte and bridges...,•,
Wm a Ring,
repair's -approach to bridge 6 00
R Ridley, arav'0 on aide road 6, cou 8 10 00
J Douglas, timber for Clark's bridge 20 00
Jae Houston, buildingg Clark's bridge 88 00
N Gerry, epik08.for Olark's bridgeO5
Curtain & Connolly, pay's in full at
°entreat Tor Fraser drain & oulv'te 400 00
Wm Pollard, gravel 12 00
Moved by Adam Turnbull, eeeonded by
dt Livingston,
then adjourned co
meet again at the Township Hall at. the °all
of the heave, WM. SPLN014, Clerk.
tam L42010, 5ravel
R McMurray, gravel add plank
hospitals, &o. Houghton has a fine new Wma Turves,, gravel
hotel whioh will attract many visitors. BW
0 etokee, gravel
The "Houghton eohool of Mines" is lo. AProatarl ors, g ave1
mated here and there are many beautiful w M Scott, gravel
reeidenoee. Ha0000k is more of a busi- Geo Pollard, gravel
nese town, the stamp mills of the Quincy Norther
& Franklin mines end large emeltin J Santa, g10g bridge
g g :McCaughey, ft.800 r niton and culvert
and foundry works being located here. J Wallace, gmvelttng
All over the town the tall shafts of the P IIoaly, the ditch nod gravelling
Calumet and Hartle mines chow the wide , ]O Hraehnns, ditch on W boundary7. 00
„u ditch 2 00
extent of its domain, while theta of many corporation of B=88019, 1198 of grader 8 75
other names break the landeoape for miles R Aeebow, work wftk grader 5 25
around. Wm Jackson, building fence at Hall, 8 00
Jim Watson, levelling grounds and
In thio vioinity are located "The filling under shed.........8 00
Tamaraok," "The Osceola," "The Kear- F Heye, gravel210
sage," "The Allonra," "The Oeutennial," show ane Messer, gravelling 14 010
"The Mohawk" and many others. Mrs FOar, gravel 8 70
The Oalumet hae the deepest shaft in Mon eheddyu, boom work on grader, O 75
p WKerne 8 76
the world, leading abontone mile straight It Cardiff, team work on grader and
down from the surfaoc. No permits are moving macbine 10 25
issued to visitors to deeoend this mine Trod Brewer, oulvort
0 50
Jae Thynne, gravel 85
and the tourist mast be content to in. On motion o1 Messrs Shaw and 0080, the
sped the ponderous eogine6 of the stir• council adjourned to meet a"ein on the 0th
Ease machinery, the largest in the world. of Au urst next. VM
. CLARK, Clerk.
It baa paid over $65,000,000 in the past
86 years in dividends, and its stook at
present ie worth 8760 per share.
We departed from Hancock at 0.80 p.
m. and are bound for the oily of Aah-
land. humor has it that this city has
been destroyed by fire, 81noe we wore
there, having beau ignited by forest fires
whioh swept the city. After a good
night's rest, we rose and found a fine,
bright Sabbath morning. Alter listening
to a abort sermon and prayere by a do.
voted Chrietian gentleman, who happened
to be on the boat, and after partaking of
a good eubetaotial breakfast, we wont
out on deck where we the the islands of
Michigan, Magdalene and others. We
also observe Point Ohuquamegoo, the
oldest settlement on Labe Superior.
Father Marquette wag its first Battler
and no doubt a good many of your
readers have read the history of this
most important and interesting prie01.
At 9.45 a. re. we reached tbe city of Ash.
land, a oity dame 16,000 people. Here
we find lumbering, iron,mnd fish. About
800 tone of iron was taken on our boat
bete. The bare of Iron are piled on the
docks like oorda of wood, each bar
weigbing about 00 ponnde. We are
now 80 miles from Duluth, A abort
time atter leaving Ashland, we page
A TItoneaatl Tongue$
Could not express the rapture of Annie
E. Springer, Philadelphia, Pa., when Dr.
King's New Discovery cured her of a
Hacking Dough that for many years had
made life a burden. She says : "After all
Whet remedies and dootore failed, it Boon
removed the pain in my oheet and I eon
now sleep soundly, something I can
scarcely remember doing before. I feel
like sounding he praises throughout the
Universe." Dr. King's New Discovery
is guaranteed to oere all troubles of the
throat, obest or lunge. Trial bottlee free
at G. A. Deedman's dreg store.
was over 4103,000. This givee some idea a good sized town tolled Washburn,
of the value to the farmere of the North- lumbering and mining point. We did
west and to the country generally of the not oall at thi8 point, as we were behind
week of the Agrioulturat Department in time, doe to the extra time spent at Able,
Patents Guaranteed.
Our fee returned if we fail. Any one need-
ing sketch and description of any invention
willpromptly receive our opinion free con -
corning the patentability of same. How to
obtain a patent" sent upon request, Pat-
ents secured through urs advertised for sale
at our expense. Patents taken out through
Ile reee1V0 0PEOIAL N0Tr0x, without °barge,
in Tal PATENT RE0010, an illustrated and
widely circulated journal, consulted by Man-
ufaoturere and Investors. Sand for sample
00117rm:0. Address VICTOR J. EVANS &
Co., (Patent Attorneys.) Evans Building,
Washington, D, 0.
(Toy Council Meeting.
The Municipal counml of the Townellin of
Grey met at the -Township Hall June 251h,
pursuant to adjournment, Members ware
all pro1Ont, Reeve in the shah'. Minutes Of
last regular and special meetings were road
and passed.
Several ootnmunlcatone were .read mild
ordered to bellied. Petition of Duncan Mc-
LauohRn and 508110 81or authority to ex-
tend a (!]toll boder tbo DItohea and Water-
eoursesAot through and into more than 7
original township tote to aproper outlet.
ltfove8 by Robert Llviugaton, seconded by
Isaac Lalr8, that this Ccunoll authorize the
extension of said ditch to a proper outlet
provided the coat thereof does not exeeod
$1000,00-Oorriod. Moved by Jamaa MoDon.
ata, seconded by Adam Turnbull, that Geo
Oliver be paid the sum of $1,870.10 00 00.
eouutot contract of Govermneat Drain No,
2 and outlet as nor lOngineer'a oertifinate-
Oarrled. Moved by Adam Turnbull, seooud'
ed by James bloOonald, that Pathmaetora
h'eguiring, the use of the road grader in their
road diVteton shell make application for
same to Rotrt Sall, lot 1e, cou 8, he being the
(10x000 0101,101058 by the Ooueoll to 000.0,18
the said grader-Oarriod. Applioatone-
hobt Murray for wire fonoe on side road 8,
atlot i5,tion ui Beery Hays for wire fence
on side road 8 at 10110, Don 8, and Wm'Hol •
28, eon 0. 7lovod by Kwan Lake, e000udad
by1tLlvin obon,that the Council pay for
ball rho wlro used In said fenaas Oarfbed.
Lake that
Adam Turnbull, oeannded Turn
Lake tllab this Oonndl allow they ter ° rry
Connell rho sum of 2"8 per day 700 ev0h•y
clay's statute labor clone by them ou the
hoe[Wary between Grey and ut on saiy, and
atsa pay for halt the gravel el put on said 00(11
-139001010. Moved by Jab 101oUonald, 0oton10-
Fitted to Correct all
Failures of Eyesight,
and your Eyes tested FREE by
latest Optical methods at
Division Court Office,
Sete�, ►®o at
—ASP 00',IIn1—"
For Impure, Weak and Impoverished
Blood, Dyepepeia, Sleopleesnea0, Palpita•
time of the fleter,LiverComplaint,Neur-
algia, Loan of Kettlery, Brouohitio, Son.
etlmptaon, Gall Stenos, Jaundice, Kidney
and Urinary Dieeaooe, St. Vitus' Dance,
Female Irregnlarltiee and General Do.
J', M, MaLhOD,
Prop. and Mannfaotnrer,
Sold by Jot, Vox, 190(83)1101, lir/r(aelo
At 41 Per Cent.
Costs of Loan
Very Reasonable.
Liberal Terms of
Re -payment.
Office over Standard Bank,
British Columbia.
Hod Cedar Shingles
AND --
North Shore
fine and Cedar
We have a number now ready and
are gutting up 65 Buggies for this season,
Now is your time. If you want an A 1
Buggy oall at the
Brussels Planing -tills
Also Doors and Sash of all Pat
terns on hand or made to order
at Short Notice.
Estimates Furnished for all
kinde of Buildings. Workman-
ship and Material Guaranteed.
Skate grinding attended to
with neatness and dispatch,
I also Sharpen Eforeo Olippere, 8010'
sore, broad knivee and other edged tools
In up•to date style,
Saw Gumming and Piling [Attended
to in a Workmanlike timelier, Nage.
faction ventured.
Shop on Mill Street, BRUSSELS.
t ,, a at
Yon clan afford to follow the above
injunction and then call on
A. COU L ,Y3
Who is clearing out the balance of a
Bankrupt Stock of
Hats and Caps,
at unheard of Low Prices.
Yon oan get a good Cap
for the shall sum
Every one of them must go so oall early
and make your choice.
Canadian Express Agent.
t Greatly Iteducea Prices.
▪ e�-9
• v-1
where you will got the very BEST and
as cheap as the beet can be got. Wo also
have Wagons and Halt Trucks, with any
size tires that may be required,
Field Rollers and other articles too
numerous to mention.
Rimming wbeole, repairing, re.
trimming and re painting promptly
attended to.
Be sure and give ns a cell and see
What we have before buying elsewhere.
(Ta,e. Cobor, Ethel.
E have done a very large trade in
Ladies' and Children's Sailor Hats
this season so far, but in order to make a
clean sweep we will offer the balance we now
have in stock at Greatly Reduced Prices,
Our former prices for these goods were
cheap—now they are cheaper than ever.
Don't miss the opportunity while they last. Cr.
Our stock throughout in all
Lines is well Assorted.
Everything Cheap. NoFancy)
C Prices.
July Standard Patterns to hand.
Free to those
A F 1 Sheet P
for them.
wlio call
New Victoria
5 PT., 6i PT. AND 6 F'r, Cc'r.
Highest Drive Wbeel Made,
Brass Boxes,
Roller Bearings,
Seventh Roller for Elevator,
All the IateaMtnd beet improvements
Nd N
Oxford Clipper,
Front and Rear Cut
With Moller and Ball Bearings.
Serrated Ledger Plates if desired.
ABIs our Agent to ehow you the New
Patented Ball Bearing
Knife Olip.
epealally 080
=et • ='..3.adw"'=2
'tele.1el we reifii;,;
We alga manufaot,ro the beet and moot complete line of Cudtiyetfug and Setup.
iilg Implements on Earth, comprising spring Teeth (killivatars. (fitted with grain
and grace 'towing attaehmenbo 11 de8108d.) Spring and spike Tooth [farrows. 1)tee
Harrow, tdrnin Drills, (all kdnda), florse flakes; (friction and ratohob dump,) oto.
It you need anything
in 0010 1103 send for our 1000 Ilh,otrated datalogue,(eent
free.) Yen will find 1t very 801,611 to your interest to do so.