HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-7-5, Page 8• vwe.a.a.lanuaanaawiem.........roaessamorOMOLutclerntrlaikumamnummeasumasm 2nd Hand Camera I We have a 2nd baud. Canoes that we can sell you for 0,75, Will take a picture 4* Welles square. Photo, Supplies and. Oameras 1 We keep Photo, Supplies and any Camera or Kodak in the market we ORO get for you, The Vivo Oamera always in stook, Pure Paris Green ! We keep the best English at 25o. per pound. Pun White Clover limey Tho new honey is now in and I believe we never had better. Gr. A. DEADMAN, DRUGGIST, OPTICIAN, AND BOOKSELLER. BRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. sonfunni RETZNMON W. el. & B. Trains leave Bruesels Station, North and South, ate folloWe Goma Bourn. 00200 Ronne. -Sumas.," 7:18 a.m. Mail 2:10 p.m Mixed ...... 9:45 a.m. I Express ...... 8.17 p.m nal Rears parts. A ohiel's amang ye takin' notes, Am' faith he'll prent it. Jura. Moe= Wag a quiet day in town. Ron. Tuoxsos shipped a oar of tub batter to Halifax on Thursday. THERE was a light' frost last week but no damage of any account was done. Tan puree found and advertised in last week'e issue was claimed on Tees - day. Gem and Morrie Township Council reports aro crowded oat of this week's issue of Tan Peer, averse is at band. The orop is only medium. Fall wheat will be ready in another 10 days or tbereabonte, R. K. Ross will build an addition of 32 feet to the rear of his floor mill to be utilized for the storage of fuel, &o. 24 Oltinmace were writing this week at Brussels in connection with the Junior Leaving examination. Inspector Robb, presided. Jura 12th will be the next celebration. These bolidaye come thick and fast. Brussels Orangemen will celebrate at Listowel. Tins excavating ie about ready for the cellar at the new Methodist Parsonage, and A. Lowry will build the stone work at once. Gee. Gmenn's racer took second money nt tbe Hamilton races last week. Goebel Kosnig'e "Queen's Baron" won 8rd money at Stratford on Monday. T3115 Monday afternoon train was de• rayed for two hours at Goldstone by the bursting of a flue in the engine. Another locomotive had to be procured from Palmeraton. SATURDAY afternoon of this week, at 2 p. m., a joint meeting of the Directors of theEast Huron and Grey Branch Agl. Society will be held in the Council °ham- ber, Brussels. G. T. B. NO72e.-Ennoan MoArthur is cutting the hay along the G. T. R. in Brussels seotion of the road.-Baeker Vanetone shipped a oar of hOge on Tnes- day.-Paseenger traffics is lively. Agent Sutton handles the business with neat- ness and dispatch. Venn Rom - The Gerrie Vidette plumes itself on the Brussels -Gerrie base ball matoh of OM innings eaob in town on June 22nd after the following fashion :-Our base ball team were en- gaged to play inBrussele on the 22nd and it was expeoted that oar boys would get a drubbing. But our stalwarte oaine out ahead by a moors of 3 to 0. The game was not played to a finish on encount of rain. Had the game been finished our boye would doubtless have been much farther ahead. The boys speak very highly of the way they were need in Brussels. Mr. Coohrane, of tbe firm of Cochrane & johneton, umpired the game in a very satisfaotory manner. MR. DUTToN's FUNBRAL.-The funeral of the late John Dutton, of Stratford, took place on Wednesday afternoon of last week to the Baptist oemetery, Wood- stock. Many beautiful floral tributes to the memory of the deceased were re- oeived. Rev. R. R. MoKay, Woodetook, conducted very impressive fnneral ob- sequies et the house and at the grave, hie brother, Rev. W. F. McKay, of Stratford, not having been able to attend, se intended, owing to the critical illness of his little daughter. The beautiful Masonic) 8827108 was conducted by the looal lodge who marohed in a body to tbe cemetery. Many were present from oat. eide places, among them being Chris. Mo- Lellan, representing Tecumseh Lodge, of Statford ; G. A. Deadman, Brussels ; and Thos. McGillicuddy, of Toronto. The 'poll bearers were aoht Soarff, Christian Otterbein, 111aurioe Dawes, Et. A. 'Willie, 0. McLellan, of Stratford, arid Geo. Eferwood. ENTRANCE ExAMINATION.-The following are the number of candidates writing an the Entrance Examination in the Jasper). torate of East Huron this year :- Ex, Centre Boye Girls Total. Clinton 22 35 67 Wingham 24 34 58 Blyth 14 12 26 Total ....,60 81 141 Elettforth 86 35 71 Brnesele 21 20 50 Wroxeter 18 16 33 Fordwich 6 6 ' 12 Total 81. 85 166 Grand Total 141 166 807 The imminent for the first group of oentree,-Clinton, Wingham and Blytb, are Pelesere, Tiouston, Leugh and Robb and for the Stemma group, Eleaforth, Bras- sie's, Wroxeter and Fordwiob, Messrs. Clarkson, Shillinglaw and Robb. The reaults will be published in the looal papers about Silly 20th. WEDNESDAY AND Tnun8DAY were hot days. Doter forget the Garden Party at John Mooney's on Thursday evening of this week. EwoRTH League emblem attaohed to a pin found. Owner may have it by proving property. Tun Poss. Tan resioence of Mrs. Slenomon and Principal Cameron, Elizabeth street, looks very trim in its new dress of paint. &BETTOR BROS. pacing stallion took 4th place in the ream at Stratford on Wedneeday in a olase of 7. The first heat was done in 2.179. Lively 'going. To meet the expenees icif June 22nd the Committee will have to draw on the Bank surplus to tbe extent of about $50 or $60, leaving about 0100 still to the credit of the amount. FERGUSok, Alexander street, wbo purposes removing to Montana to reside with her deughter, offers her comfortable residence for sale. If not sold it will be rented if suitable tenant offers. INDDYDNIMNTFORBSTERS.-The following are the ofdoers sleeted in connection with Court Maitland, No. 699,1. 0. F,, Brus- sels, for the onrrentterm Warwiok, P. 0. 10.; W. 0. Livingston, C. R. Frank Reys, V. 0. R. ; W. S. Sellars, Chaplain; L. Danford, F. S. ; T. Corry, R. 8.; Alex. Forsyth, S. W. ; Hugh Mc- Kinnon, 3. W. ; S. Walker, S. B. ; J. Ball, J. B. Court meets fourth Friday in each month. Texem.-Itlesers. Blair, Fox, Cameron and McClellan members of Brunets Tennis Olub made a holiday visit to Lietowel hot Monday and played a match with the club of that town, the home team winning by a more of 4to 2 on the total. Following wae the official record Doubles - Hay and Livingstone beat Blair and Fox, 6-3, 6-7, 6-3 ; bloCiellan and Cameron beat Meyers and Thomp• eon, 6-3, 3-6, 6-3. Singlea-Thompson beat Cameron 6-4, 6-5 ; MoCiellan beat Meyers, 6-3, 8-1 ; Livingston beat Fox, 6-3, 6-3 ; Hay beat Blair, 6-3, 7-5. About the close of the month a return matoh will be played in Brussels. Our quartette speak kindly of Listowel's hospitality. New Broms.-As stated by TIM POST last weak Jno. Leckie intende erecting a brick bloats on Toroberry street. It will be 20i x 70 feet and 2 storiee. There will be a spaoe of 3 feet 6 inches left between the new building and the present Leckie block, although the front well will alma the gap. The briok wall of A. M. Mc- Kay & Co'e store will be utilized. Mr. Leckie is asking for tenders for the atone and brick work and for the exoe,vating for the cellar. A plate glees front will be pot in. Jno. Walker will be tbe ten- ant and the building will be ready for occupation next Fall. The wooden wall in the rear of the briok store °moped by A. Coneley will be tar papered and oovered with sheet iron to render it fire proof. BOWLING. -Monday afternoon an en- joyable game of bowling was played by two rinks from Brussels Club at Listo. wel. The match was played on the lawn of Mr. Meyers and was well con- teeted, Brassels coming out victorious by10 shote. Our bowlers were enter- tained at tbe Zilliax hotel. The wore was as follows t - BRUSSELS. G. F. Blair, G. DrIoOlellan, J. H. Cameron, D. 0. Ross, els...20 3. Hewitt, Dr. MoNaughton, J. Irwin, (0.10. Gordon, ek 29 Ideeownsa J. Logia, D. L. &lett, McGillivray, B. McMillan, sk. 20 Rev. Moore, E. Gabel, F. R. Blewett, Featherston, ek. 19 Total 49 39 Bruesele winning by 10 shots. Listowel will play a return match here alertly. EOM= Soigne Deonsann.-Another of Seetorth's respected pioneers has de• parted this lite in the person of Robert Jones, sr., who passed peacefully away at hie residence in Seaforth on Wednesday evening of last week, having reached the ripe age of over 81 years. He had, not enjoyed his usual good health sinoe New Years, though be was not afflicted by any ptertionlar ailment, only a gradual giving out of physioal powers. Be had little or no suffering. Be was a robust and active man and few would have taken him to be nearly so old. He was a tailor by trade and worked with Wm. Oampbell while he was in business, and eine then with Bright Bros, He was a good and faithful workman, who always enjoyed the fall oonfidenoe of his em. ployers. He was of 8 genial, &medal disposition, alwaye looking on the bright aide of life, and was respected by all who knew him. He was a native of Oroyden' Surrey, England, and tame to Canada when oho a young man. He first set- tled in Toronto when it was known ag Maddy Little York. He oatne to See, - forth about 40 yeare ego and lime resided here ever eine°. In 1866 he starved with the volunteerat the time of the Fenian Raid exeiteroant. He leaves a widow and family of four sons and four datigh- tern, who will ever aberigh in affectionate memory a kind and thoughtful parent and a worthy 0101200, He wag an Epis- copalian in religion and a Oonservative in politics. The rennins were interred in the Maitlandbank cemetery Friday afternoon at 2 o'olook. Deceased was au uncle to James lones, jeweller, of Brne• tele Who %goaded the funeral, TILE BRUSSELS POST Noe Maur Hogg, Jobe street, kindly preeented Tim Pose with an elegant boquet of sweet peas and other garden tletyere laet week, the APO Of the kind We had reoeived tbie 986800. QED% BoLDe 1te 14,see.--The Heron Expositor Was tooting Per AloKillop oeer the We egg industry but J. Smith, 16111 eon, Of Orel, brought a hets'a egg to TEE POSTlaet Saturday that measured II x 79 Molise and weighed over 8a. ounoee raid We don't euppoee the hen that layed it expected there was any oonmetition on. Bnueenne HAM TRAM -Monday, Aug. GUI, hi the date decided upon for the holdiug of a program of races on the mile race treats at Salmis, There Will be three trotting rages and a mile run of whioh fuller particulars will be given later, The track le being tidied np and is in firetolties shape and tbe Committee expect to have some lively goers ae the data plaoea it in a &mit with other prominent points in this line of sport. DIED, Wedneeday morning Elsie Leotta, the little daughter of James and fare. Danford, of Clinton, died. The tunny were visiting in Bruseels and locality Saturday, Sunday and Monday and on aooeunt of the (Mild taking ill while here the home trip was not under. taken until Tueeday. The little girl was a bright &ail& nearly a year old, and its decease 12 mnah regretted. Funeral will take plaoe from the residence of E. C. Danford, Turnberry street, Brussels, on Friday afternoon at 2 o'olook. BAse BALL.-Litet Saturday evening a Ban Ball matoh was played on Victoria Park, Brunets, between the boom team and the Wingham nine, resetting in a victory for the visitors. At the oom. menoement it looked ae if Wingham were going to run away with them, the pitohing of Angus being rather a puz- zler but after tbe 3rd innings, in wbioh the willow wielders from the Northwest got 6 runs, the game evened up better and some good playing was done by both sides. In addition to Angus, Alderson and Skeato took tarns in the pitoher's ban but were no improvement on the first named. Thomson and Hamilton, bat. tory for Brussels, did well but the sup. port was faulty at times. Allison pitob• ed for a couple of inninge. Brunets' weakness appears to be at the bat. Umpire Taoker, of Wingham, was a dandy, meting both teams. Apparently ha desired to give both sides a good ehow and when be blundered on one side he evened up with a bigger blunder on the other. The more was as follows :- BitintaBLe 11 0 WINORABE 11 0 Thomson 0 1 Alderson Downing 3 1 2 2 2 8 Scott Hamilton 1 LSkoecaktriedsge ..... 1 3 1 3 Pearson 2 Roohe2 Allison 1 3 1 4 Orr 1 2 Moore Kerr 0 4 Hamilton 0 4 1 2 Armour 1 3 AfoLaueblin 0 0 Angus 2 Total ..... 9 27 Total 424' 1 8 4 5 7 8 39 Brussels 0 0 0 0 1 3 2 8 0-0 Wiugham 1 0 0 0 1 1 2 2 4-14 With praotioe Brnesele hex tbe material for a very good looal team but they want to perfect themselves with the stials, as Wingham won on bad play on the part of their opponents rather than brilliant work by themselves, bat of course that belongs to the game. 0. 0. E. Pao -Mo. -The members of Court Princtees Alexandria, No, 24, C. 0. F., Bruseels, along with invited guests, held 0910010 in the grove of D. Stewart, North of Brussels, on Monday afternoon, which was a pleasant affair. Anstme- meats were provided in the shape of swings and a tag of war, the only trouble with the; latter being to get ropes shout enough to hold the strong men. After - n00111 train brought High Chief Ranger Elliott, of Ingersoll, and on his arrival the program marked oat was proceeded with, ooneieting of mule on the bagpipes, by Masers. Ballantyne and Stewart ; violin and organ selections, by Mre. Thomson, Miss Miller, Jae. Bowman, L Frain, Jno. Leckie and D. Stewart; harmonica, Angne Brown ; duetts by the Misses Speir, who also responded to a well deserved encore ; speeohes by Geo. Rogers, Jno. Leckie Sas. Bowman, High Chief Ranger Elliott and W. H. Kerr. Mr. Elliott made the address of the day dealing with the development of the Order and giving reasons for the nn- qaalified progress in its establishment elute 1879 with 400 members. He said it was not an insurance Company, but a great fraternal, oo-operative Society, run at minimum Web, inenranoe ranging from $500 10 02000 as candidate wiehes. There are now 37,000 members in (the Dominion and the surplus in the treas- ury e,mounte to $906,000: The death rate in 20 years only averaged 4,93. No intention of inoreaaiog the rates charged at the present. 40% of what is received is put to the reserve and a million dol. tars 18 fignred on by the close of the year. 9158,000 was paid last year in death olaime. Oar money is all invested in Canada and the whole business is managed by our Higb Court to whioh every subordinate Ooart may send a representative. 7,016 new members were added in 1899 and for the firet six months of this year the old record for same months is surpassed and the Higb Court figure is 8,000 for 1900. The fro. ternal features were dwelt upon and the time taken of the sick and needy. 107, 000 was distributed in siok•beasfite last year. Medical examination for &amis. 51011 to the Order is rigid but poor risks are not wanted and as a consequenee of Clio care the average age of the 0. 0. F. memberehip after a life of 20 years is on 84 years, The C. 0. F. sick benefit feet' are lower than any other Soolety and there 20,000 members in it now. No money hoe been lost by bad investment since the Order was founded. To keep the members posted a monthly offloial organ is published giving full informa- tion. In closing a pithy, praotioal ad. dress the High Chief Ranger referred to his former reeidenoe in Huron Co. and stated that this Go. had more Conde and more members than any other Co, in Canada and expreesed his pleasure at the opportunity of visiting the banner 0o. of Huron. Refreehmente in the shape of eaudwiobes, oaks, pie, tarts, lemonade, &c, were screed, alter whiob the Natioeal Anthem was enng by the company and the proceedings bronght to a close. Wol. Blaebill presided ae °halo - roan for the afternoon. A special meet- ing of Court Princess Alexandria was hew in the evening which Mr. Elliott attended and went into the internal Workings of the Order. A. hearty vote of thanks was 0000rded H. C. R. 10111011 301 big visit and addrees. Mr. Elliott ham been a prominent worker with the C. 0 F. eines ite Sneeption and well &eaves( the honore he has received and the ee teem lo.witiett he is held by the brother- hood from the 41120110 to the Para*, lire was the guest of Reeve Thomson while In Brtielfele, PIRE.-A.b00 7 0'am* Monday 10000 - Ing the lire alarm was rung, ibe ateble of an*. D. Ronald being on nre, caused by the 9180(00 ef ashes ie a wooden yowl. The struoture horned so quickly that it was 0000 Wel tvith the grotled, The Ore engine was placed at the eerner of Church end Tornberry etreet, and the. danger of the fire spreminlo to reeidenoe 00,11 removed. to a.hiltiou to the stable, whioh was a good One and nn• ineured, there was a outter, bicycle, stoma, storm sash, dm., eo that the loes would possibly run from 9190 to 9000. After the Are the engine was taken to the river And the tank renlled, The morning was fortanatelly calm or more serious consequences might have meted from the burning stable as its looation was not far removed from Mr. Ronald'e rosidenee. Business Locals. Casa for butter and eggs, A. 0ousloy, Mmx for pale at 4o, a quart. Moe. Wo'. BICYCLES repaired carefully and prom pt- ly at the Electric Light Werke, Brines's. Hams le going steadily. We have got in another large stook in genuine Black and White rubber trimming, also niokle, silver and plated harness trim. mines. The harnees will speak for itself when tried. Yon can get any part in this line you want, clusters, %hip, &o, Ewan & Innes. WANTED. - 100 tabs butter weekly. Everybody pays 110. oiseh, 130. trade for eggs. If imitation is Lb. sincieresh flattery we might be pardoned in feeling rather sensitively our position. Note the Genesis of our inspiration. G. E. Kim Wingham. EWAN & ISM; will Sell the balance of buggies on bend at a big reduction in prioe. We have sold about 00 buggies this season already and expect to sell 40 morb so come and get yonr choice. Ewan & Lanes will have On band, next week, a rubber tired boggy for Bale. 11 gives great satisfaction when it has been tried. Buggy top repairing a speoiality. DOMINION DAY AT WROXETER. The celebration of Dominion Day at Wroxeter took place last Monday but owing to aounter.attraotions the attend - a000 was not ae large as usual although a goodly number of spectators were prim. ant to witness the afternoon's program. Drayton Band wee early on the scene and enlivened the proceedings during the day. After a procession made np of Band, bioyoliste, red coats and a few oalitlinrap• ions, bad its parade, a game of foot ball between the juniors of Brussels and Wroxeter was called on at the Park. Tbe former won a goal early in the play and during the balance of the hour allot. ted, the sphere was not permitted to enter either goal, although a number of times it hovered dangerously near. Harris Hamilton gave good eatiefaotion ae referee. The teems were composed of the following players :- Bnossncs Wcoxamart L Herr Goal A. Hem hill Beaks a PrVk" ht McGuire- 47... . ............................. W0amotaroiliiii.} ... Bootle 8 Hamilton .a.m ,...,.A Rae Geo McKay lt Cardiff Centre ...... Smith W Roche ...... I" wing j 11MP°Slirthn o uo.d.... .... ... 11, R. win, { WekMiReesJao r A. new foot ball and expenses fell to the lot of the Brussels youths as a result of their winning. Dinner over the pro. gram was rammed at the Park the open- ing event being a half mile bioyole rase in heats. Some lively riding was dons but A. MoIvor, of Goderiob, was too fleet for the party and took 1st money with 1'. Cowan in 2nd place. To a well played waltz by the Band H. Wigbtman, of Wingham, gave an exhibition of his 'skill on the Black wire. He also performed a number of olever feats with knives, boxes, dm. Mr. White- man does all he undertakes vary well and appears to be quite a favorite with the public. The Base Ball match between tbe home nine, with J. Moore, of Harriston, in the box, and the Cargill olub was well fought out and °lose enough, even to the last innings to be anybody's game, 112e soore being a tie at close of 8th innings. Additional partioulars may be gleaned from the following score :- WnoXtrall R 0 CARGILL 11 0 2 3 0 Clark, 2 3 Bmaol r, 0 0 Robinson, gb ... 1 3 Rae, se 1 8 Loughleen, p ... 1 4 Brawn, 1 2 Neleon se 1 W Kaake,2b 2 1 Markle: lib 1 2 AlVilaae nk!bef 2 2 Bow'es, of rf / 0 5 Andereon,lf0 4 imamithiebortn,if 1 4 NOlark,lb ...,.. 1 2 Totals - 10 17 Totale 11 2-77 1 2 8 6 0 7 8 9 Wroxeter 0 0 8 0 1 0 2 1 0-10 Cargill 0 2 1 2 1 2 0 2 1-11 Wroxeter upheld its old time reputation for lively base ball and Cargill was fairly entitled to its hoiels. A three mile bioyole race brought out the staying powers of the contestants and the winners were Molvor, Cowan and Yeah, In the half mile oironit for looal wheel Men the awards went to Kaake, Rae and Hemphill. These are not all the fast bike riders either ae Jack Brawn is supposed to be speedy enough to keep many a professional aunties along. NOTES.-Mesers. Sanderson and Gib. son, of Toronto, were among our visitors on Monday. -4.00b. Moffatt had a bad gash oat in hie leg Monday morning while assisting in firing a militia from a small cannon. -The acrobats announced failed to materialize.-Robt Black helped keep down the duet on the track with the water tank from his mill. CHURCH CIIIMES. Bev, JI10, Helmets will preach at Oran - brook next Sabbath afternoon. Melville Sabbath Sohool pio•nie will be held Friday afternoon of this week in D. Stewart's grove, Brunetti Nertb, 13,07. Mr. Burwash, of Salem, who superannuated this year, will open a store in Wingham to which town he has moved. A. week from next Sabbath morning demons will be preached in Melville, St. John's and the Methodist ohurchee on "Sabbath Observanoe." A. report 01 1110 County Christian cleaver Convention Wall given at the Up - worth League service last Sabbath even. Ing in the Methodist obutell, ST.4.7YAI2.7) BiliNE OF a4X4.7),A, zfam,A.7:04.,,,,z0111-x17z, 11372. HEAD OFFICE) TORONTO CAPITAL PAID UP (One Million Dollars) • 111,000,000 RKSKRYDI FUND • 5900,000 490"q 88 in ii Princilmli Points iROntarfo, Ottebee, Manitoba, United States «51009(03111. ggReasszs Restaram A. General Banking Business Transaoted, Farmers, Notes Discounted. Drafts 'salmi and 001100tiOne made on all pointe. • SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Interest allowed on deposits of 91.00 and upwards. Snorer, Amsurrou cum TO TIM 001,I,KOTION or PAMERIM' Stns Norm Every Malay afforded Cutomere living at a dietanoe. J, N. GORDON, Ammo Arum'. Rev. Dr. Johnston, of London, has de. olined the call to Hnox church, Toronto. A meeting of Wingham Distriot Ep- worth League Ilxeoutive will be held at Wingham shortly to arrange program for the next Convention 17111012 will be held at Gerrie. Next Sunday Itev, Mr. Abey will eon. doot eervioes at Summerhill and Holmes- ville. Mr. Hovey, of Wyoliffe College, Toronto, will fill the pulpit in St. John's ohurob, Brussel. Owing to failing health, Rev. S. Sellery, B. D, of the Central Methodist ohurob, Woodotook, formerly of Bruseels, has been granted a three months' vacation. We hope the holiday will fully restore him to hie former good health. There were probably 200 people attend- ed the Union Sunday School pio-nio on Townley of St. john's and St. George% &anthem, Brussels and Walton, in Mr. Sholdioe's grove along the gravel road. In addition to the usual pio nio program there was a series of raoes that afforded the children a good deal of pleasure, 7BC)MDTn".. BELDEN.-In Winnipeg, on June 21st, to Mr. and Mre. Jae. Belden, a eon, Commas -In Elma, on Jane 28rd, the wife of Mr. James Cookwell of a daughter. FRABER.-In Morrie, on 5008 25th, to Mr. and Mrs. m. Fraeer, a daugh- ter. HANEY.-In BilleVale, on June 24111, to Ur. and Mro. Geo. Haney, a son, Nronon.-In Elmo, on June 28112, the wife of Mr. Wm. Nichol of a eon. esx.taxemeassozo. Cnoose-Fain. - In the Presbyterian church, Clinton, by Rev. Alex. Stewart, on Wednesday, Jane 27111, Mr. W. L. Clams, of St. Louis, Missouri, to Mies Dollie, daughter of the late Thomas Fair. OSBORNE -HatomvEs.-In Listowel, on June 27, by Rev. Henry Irvine, Mr. Ohara Osborne, of Grey, to Mies Nettie Hargreaves, of Listowel. ZDSESIDD.. DU/MOBIL-In Olinton, On July 4, Elsie Leotta, infant daughter of James and Mrs. Danford, aged 11 months and 14 days. EIMINGTON.-At Glens Hill, on July 2nd, Mary, daughter of David and Mrs. Errington, aged 22 years, 3 mons. and 13 days. ONE CENT A WORD COLUMN. AN apprentice wanted, about 16 yeare of ago, to learn the trade at RONALD EIRE ENGIRD WORKS. THE PEOPLE'S COLUitfilli jpOR SALE. — 4. BEATJTIFUL 4. hr'mo on gneen Area*, furnished OD withal% at a bargain. Apply to DDSS M. OAMPBELL, Brussels, 001VIFORTABLE 13RICK 10108. 01)8000 for nate or to rent, Alexander street, 2 doors South of Public Soboo], Brus- sels. House in good repair, 9 acre of land, and good cellar, well, dm. Small finite in 000100, P088868100 eould bo given ab once if Mildred, For further partioulars apply on the premises to MRS. FERGUSON. WM Tenders Wanted Sealed Madera will be moolved for one week only from date hereof, for stonework, briolcwork, roollug and plastering a store to be erected 00 101000010, Speadioations may be seen at the residence of the undersigned. The lowest or any tender 001 neoessarily ao- oepted. Dated July 5th, 1000, J. LECKIE. Separate Tenders will also bo received for exertvation, REAL ESTATE. FARM FOR SALE -100 ACRES -South Efalf Lot 27, Con- 0, BIOME Tow !whip, with in 1 mile of Brussele. D house, buildings and fences in good eon. 'Brion. The lathes a amine meek on the front and river Maitland mosses the roar, About 00 mires timber and a young bearing orchard. Apply to G. A. DEADMAN, 46-tf Druggiat, Brussels. 1.5r, ACRE BARN' FOR SALE, t.1 Being Lot 17 and 13 0 Lot 10, Oon. 16, Grey. On the pra101000 is a comfor table house, bank bars, orchard, dia. Liberal terms will be given to purchas:we. Farm 00010 110 divided, making the 100 and 1120 00 separate, For further partioulars air to price, terms, 40., apply on the premises or if by letter to Oraubrook P.O. 4641 JAMES CUTHILL. L.A.RGE FARM FUR SALE.— -LA 040 acres, coniplato 'motion, near Southwest boundary of Manitoba. Over 100 acmes under cultivation. Pine two•storey house costing over 81000. 8 miles from rail- way; river Souris pateek through farm; near cheap opal supply. Price 54000. Apply to jNO, D, RONALD. JULY 1900 axis Green We Guarantee every pound we sell to be Abolutely rine And the price is 25o, per ib. .4 T---.44screer Fox's Drug Store. Loin FARM FOR SAL]3L-1310. .1. 10000100,101 Om 5, Morris township, containing 08 acme of first-class land. There (0 5. house, barn, orchard and good warehonse, and farm is well fenced. Micro aro 85 mores iu Pall wheat; 1000500 in hay and 45 acme paeture, Poiniession could be given at once. Farm adjoins the village of Brus- sels, Por further particulars as to price, benne, die., write to JAMES LIVINGSTON, 20, 12,, Baden. 22.11 1.1O10 SALE IN ETHEL VIL- A- Leant -The property of the late John Elliott, °awarding 01 a solid brick house, with frame kitchen and woodshed, good stable and 4 aoro of land, all iu first-class condition, If not sold will be rented. Poe- m:40810n at any time. For particulare apply to War. SEENOB, Ethel; Amax. 12420105000 Galt or DR,MolIanvity, 001. 1202501 2011 714 IRST - CLASS FARM FOR SA/db.-LW 17, oon. 9, Township of Grey. 100 sores more or lees, Situate 14 nines from:Blussels and 2 miles from village of Ethel. All oleored excepting 6 times of hardwood bush. Buildings and fenoeo in good repair. Good walla All Pall plowing done. Price and terms of payment on op. Mention to W. 00. SINCLAIR, 20-tf Barrister, eke., Brussels, T_TIARIT FOR SALE. -150 ACMES JL. OonsistIng of the South 4 and South 01 5110 North 9 of Let 80, Con 2, Suet Wawa - nosh. This is an excellent stook farm,being well supplied with good spring water. Otto situated about 3 miles from the thriving TO. Ingo of Blyth. A Immo part of 11 10 under grass, Buildings and femme aro In a Dar state of repair, Easy terms 01 101710001 will be given. For all information apply to 11-tf 12,13', BLAIR, Barrieter, Brussels. FARR FOR SALE. — FUR aide Lot 21, Concession 10, MoKillop, containing 100 mime, 80 aims cleared and ready for crop, being well undardrolued and well fenced with oenar andblook ash. The halftime le timber and pasture. There is small orchard and three good wells. There is a good frame home and wood shed, a. barn and stables 01x80 feet, also sheep house, pig pen, implement houee and all other necessary out buildings. 31 10 19 miles East of the North gravel road and is oon• venient to schools, churches, p001 01000, 810. 00 74 milefrom Seaforth and 10 miles from Brussels. It le one of the beet farms in the township and will bo eolci on easy terms as tho proprietor wishes to retire, Apply on the premises or address Winthrop P. O. WM. MORRISON. 111.1=1.1.021a946.•111m...• A. R. Smith's Store News! Confidence Is said to be a plant of sure growth. If proper- ly matured none is more certain to reward the labor be- stowed on it. We are daily.; reaping the reward of Confi- dence our Customers have placed in our advertising. Here are a few of this week's bargains :— PARASOLS - BEAUTIES! They are here in all their glory. The Parasols 1 How shall we describe them ? Beautiful ; Lovely ; Entrancing; Give it up. Can't do them justice. Come in and see for yourself. LADIES' Fine Bongo% Buttoned Shoes Regular price, S2,50 Sale price, . 1,25 Good range of Ladies' Low Cut Shoes. 1101-8' gifh' .. At Reduced Prices, Men's Boots and Shoes: A. Cases and Boxes coming in at Rear Entrance. Men's, rotthe and. Boys' Clothing Sold and distributed to all parts of the Country, and still the rush con- tinues at R S M ITS _ H 2 Champion Clothier.