HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-7-5, Page 5BUSINESS CARDS, MONEY TQ LOAN AT G PETS Dent, 11',S, SCOTT, iiraseele. rvruORAOK1 Y Y s Issuer or M Lt1 Deo Lloensoa. Of, ileo atGroaoiy,Tui•ubctt' lioet, Brussel%, E. N. BARRETT— ARRETT—E•Tonsorial Artist. Shop—Next door North of the Standard Bank. Ladles' and Children's hair cutting a apoolalty, 1ARMS FOR SALE THE UN. L nn s N1 hits severalgFarms sale and to. rout, easy berme, Lu 'Townships of Morris and Grey, 11 S. SCOTT, Brussels M. MORRISON, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, WALTON, OFT, MISS JEAN M'LAUCNLIN, .—TDAOH1Ilt OP'— PIANO - AND ORGAN, rima• •as=r-iS, OFT. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM: matraeNOB, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH, MISS SARAH LOUISE MOORE, L. O. M., Academie graduate 'of London Oouserva- tory of Mush), also Member of tbo Asaooiatod Musicians of Oratorio, is prepared to receive u llmhtod number of pupils for instruction for tonhthe ino pal'9rm Qualified then Conservatory of Muria, Brussels, Ontario. ALEX. BUN TER— Clerk of the Fourth Division Court, Co. Huron; Conveyancer, Notary Public, Land,Loaihand Insurance Agent ; Auction- eer. ..Fenae invested and to'1oan. Ootleo- bone made. oflloe 1u Grahaur'n1Blo0k,B1us- sole. AUCTIONEERS. 1Ti • S. SCOTT man, will OASll oA r betterAUCTION- A. bettor men in lase time and less charges than any other Auctioneer 1u East Huron or eaulways beg arranged at thio 011180 nor by personal application. DENTISTRY F. W. TWEDDLE, (POnMEBLr 0P SEAPoBTH) DENTIST. Graduate of R. 0. D S., Toronto ; Post Grad - nate Douse at Haskel'• Salami, same in crown and bridge work. i Trioes e8 sumoa ae as in surrounding towns, Office over• A.R. Bmith'e store, B russets. VETERINARY. J-D. 'WARWICK— • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Vet- erinary College, is prepared to treat all dis- eases of domesticated animals flue compet- ent manner. Particular attention pail to Veterinary Dentistry. Calle promptly at- tended to. Ge and Inilrma North of bride , Tu nbe ry o41, yBrussels. Dore LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. lir. SINCLAIR— V t' • Barrister, Solicitor, 'Conveyancer, Notary Public, &o. CIBoo-8 towart'e Block 1 door North of Central Hote1.1 Solioltor for the Standard Bank. GF. BLAIR, BARRISTER, • Solicitor, &o. Office over Stand- ard Bank, Solicitor for Village of Brussels. Money to Loan at lowest rates. NI • G. CAMERON— . of Cameron, Holt & Cameron) Barrister and Solicitor. ()ethnical Ont. Ofuoo—B.amhlton street, opposite Col- borne Hotel. MEDICAL CARDS. E. T. SNIDER, 98. D., C. 11I„1 Licentiate of Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, Kingston ; Member of the Col- lege of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Diseases of Women and Children a special- ty. Nino years' experience. Office and res- idence, opposite 1.lngllalr,olrurah, Brussels, A. M'NAUGHTON, M. D., C, nl., Trinity)Vaivereityy, Follow Trinity Medical College, Member College of Physicians and Surgeons. Ont, Licentiate of the Royal Col- lege of Physicians and Licentiate of Mid- wifory,Edinbmgh, r:3Telopbone No.14. Residence—Mill street, Brussels. DR. WNL L. HOLMES, PHYSICIAN, BDBOEON AND Anaona1EUn, (Successor to Dr.T, 11.7inlUSeisch) Id, D, Belloyuo Hospital Med. Ool., New York ; M D O h[ Victoria University, Toron- to ; Member of the College of Pbyoielahe and Surgeons of Ontario• Special attention pail to 118000oa of women,. eye, ear, 11000 aul throat. 19.11 D. F. SMITH, M. D. O. M., Graduate of McGill College, Montreal, &„ &a, All 8 ootalty work eaLlofaetorily treat- oil, 0111od upstairs in the Stratton Block. 011loo hours, 0 to 12 a. m„ and 7 to 10 p.m. Specialist work, Buell as for aye, ear, throat, &o„ in the o180o at hie residenoe, Elizabeth greet. from 2.tnal p in, All medicines will be dispensed personally by the Dr, or under his direct supervision, Fall Term Opens Slept; 4th 1 CENTRAL J .,r ,J J J " 't'ferl, Ont.. No tete than eight largo business Colleges hiwo applied to us within the last six woolto for ourradnatoa to taco positions nu toaoi- ornfin their sohools. As niftily as ave bust - nose arms have applied to min ono day for outdo hoop, 11110 is surely the boot wheel for you, Catalogue frog, ELLIOTT, Prlilelphi, . good time, .R00elpts were $60,00, �,Plltip Business Outitr o e tast .l College. otire �°ol eg' EQUAL. TO ANY IN ONTARIO. .A thorough, Complete and praotioal train• ing in all braao11ee of Oommeroial work, at considerably leen than regular rates, 'Tor full information apply 111re1110 or tarmac over ,Poet °Mee. L. HARTT, h t4T9`'NIIf+, PRINCIPAL, 10iztx.ct 1,Z.etvzl Larntowel. Geo, and Mre. MoQallum have returned to town from Neepaws, Mao:, where they have beou reeidinp for the past year. J. Seburger, painter, of Ibis town, hes enured the contract for painting and glazing the COW Preobyterian olharah at Moorefield. Jos. Ainley is baying hie trams mai.. dance on William Direst moved hank on his lot, and a atone foundation and other improvements are being made thereto, J. W. Soott hoe returned to town after a buoioeeo trip to Montreal and Quebec, in the interests of the Morrie, Field, Rogers Piano Co:, of which he ie preei•. dent. Fred. Oarthow, son of J. M. Carthew, barrister, came home from Palmerston, where he ie a member of the Bank of Hamilton staff, seriously ill, and has been confined to bed, his illuees develop. ing into pleuro.'pneumonia and typhoid. The oharge against County Countable, R. Woods, of this town, for alleged impro• prietiee in aonneotion with the Dixon and Marlin cattle stealing case, was beard before Judge Barron last week, with the reanit that Constable Woods has been cleared of any imputation made against him while in diaoharge of its duties as constable. WW1 ton. Mita Myrtle MoLeod is visiting friends at Cranbrook. Alex. Lawrence, of Toronto, is spend- ing his holidays with friends in town. MoKILLOP Goi1NOIL met ae 8 Court of Revision in the Crawford House, Dublin, on Monday, 25th inet, on aseeseneentoi. oertain lands and roads in McKillop for benefit of outlet to North West drain, Logan. There were no appeals and the By-law was finally passed and signed, to raise the amount this year. Council met at close of Court of Revision and accounts for gravelling, grading, lumber and oui- verte were passed and paid amounting to $349,28. The exeouboro of the late Dean Murphy applied for Government grants whioh had aooumulated to $125, for Union eohool No. 8, As the eohool section had received the money it was paid to the executors. Council would re. mind all parties to be careful in bnildiog fences on road allowances. Some places fences ars 9 feet on roads and then the owners want ditohee 4 or 5 feet deep on roads to endanger travel. Oounotl adjourned to meet in Jones' Hall, Leadbury, on August 6111 at 1 o'olook p. m„ when all taxes and school rates will . be levied. Trustees of 5, S. Noe. 2 and 9 have not sent in their namee'or teachers', I am requested to send voters' lista to teachers. That part of the not in useless as the teaohers are away for holidays and and I do not know their names or ad. dresses. 3110. C. MoaniooN, Clerk. • Lnolano�s*. Rev, Mr. Olivant and family lett for their new °barge at Tbameetord. The membere ofAohfaid oirouit gave a hearty welcome to their new minister, Rev. Mr. Oaten, as the parsonage on Tuesday o1 last week. At the meeting of the Bruce County Council at Walkerton John Murchison, of Luoknow, was e1eobed County Auditor in plaoe of Mr. Butler resigned. By the bursting of a bottle James Mo. Garry, bar tender in the McGarry House, had his arm badly out between the wrist and elbow, with the broken glace. Dan. MoKeozie, of the 4th oon., met with a terrible nooident at a barn rale. ing on the farm of Geo; Irwin, on the 2nd of Kinloes. He was on the top plate of the building and toeing his balanoe, fell to the ground over thirty feet billow. One of his legs was broken and he was very seriously Injured internally and now lies at his home in a precarious condition. The members of the Epworth League met at the parsonage grounds and wit11 the peter, Rev. John Learoyd, had their picture taken. On June 23 a oommit• tee from the League again visited the parsonage, and the President, D. C. Taylor, in a few well chosen words of love and appreoiation of Mr. Learoyd'e geuiel spirit, his well selected phrase. ology and his free and happy manner towards the members of the League preeeoted a picture of the group beau. tifully 'framed and renting on an mei. The Rev. gentleman and his family have removed to London, Wroxeter. Ctuteodnd for )act week.; A eunber of barn nictitate iu the vicinity lately. J. Brethauer wan In Liebowel on Thure. day on a buoineee trip• Mine Jennie Miller ie still improving we are pleased to state. J. Seburger, o4 Listowel, was in town on Saturday on business. Mr. Courtioe, df Morrie, wee the guest of Thos. Appleby ou Tuesday. alias Lizzie Wright, of Jamestown, is droeemaking in town at preeenb. Mr. Patterson has oommenoed to re- pair our sidewalks. None to soon. John Maxwell, of Brandon, Man., woe the guest of Mende in the village this week, Alex, Munn and familY , who have t been vieiting at Milverton returned home Saturday. Mee. Thos. Appleby and family, of Turuberry, were the guests 01 Thou. Appleby lust week, Frank Sanderson, eon of our Post. master, of Chicago, In the poet of his parents for a few days. Our electric light at the South end is not eo good lately, owing to the ldistriba• tor, whioh is undergoing repairs, Rev, C. V, Lake took in the Lawn Sooial at Mr. Leathern's, B line, Turn. berry, taut Wednesday. They had a Ffugh Root, of Jafneetnwn, wee the guest of John Rabortsan. Jobn Blaok of Turuberry, was the guest of hie perorate, Mr. Beberleon, a dee , a wee The workman who are building the Ford tvioh eohool house have the basement' completed awl some toot of solo briok'wall ypJno. and Mrs. Knutson, who have been vieiting in Waterloo, returned last week. While there they took in the Model b'ara) and the Berlin Park. pfr, Gidltie, of the Eleotrio light firm, moved hie family to town on Tuesday andwill reside in the Wok dwelling of 1. 0. Hazlewood, South of Gibson street, Mise Annie Vasberg, who hag been in John Ii nntoonle tailor shop, for a mother of years, left on Wednesday morning for Braoebridge, for at least two months' holidays with relatives. h'orctwielt. Sabbath, July 1st, the Itev, A. B. Dob. eou preached a sermon on "Patriobiem." Isaac Wade In giving hie house a fresh coat of paint, whioh will greatly improve the appearance thereof. The bricklayers aro at work on the new eohool house, tel the ereutioo there of will be peened forward without delay. 'Phomas Gibson, Alex. Orr and Di'. Spence were appointed as a committee to look after puroheehag pules, eta , for the erection of a telephone line. On Sunday, July 8th, owing to the Orange eervioe in the Presbyterian church at 2:30 p. m., there will be 110 eervioe at the nasal hour 11. o'olook in the forenoon. The Entrance and Continuation exam• inatione were held rho latter part of last week, William Watters went to Wing - ham to preside, while Mr. Soott,of Blyth, was iu ahargo here. A gathering from the congregations of Newbridge, Mayne and Fordwioh, met at the church and presented tbeir Pastor, Rev, R. I. Soaking, with a puree amount- ing to $40, on the oo0aeion of his leay. ing for a three menthe' visit to Europe, Jae, Faille, of Newbridge, was chairman. 13. Cooper and J. Patterson made the presentation accompanied by a few well chosen remarks. Mr. Iloekiug watt ootn- pletely surprised and in a feeling manner expressed his thanks for the gift and for the kiednese of heart whioh prompted it. Severalspeeohee, -music and a solo by Mre. Daubrook, and last bat not least an appetizing repast by the ladies, terminat- ed, what to every one connected, WA9 a very pleasant Lime. Ile Is a Wonder. All who see O. F. Collier, of Cherokee, Iowa, as he is sow, cheerful, erect vigor. ous, without au ache, could hardly believe be is the same man who, a short time ago had to Bit in a chair, propped up by ouebions, suffering intensely from an oohing back, in agony if be tried to stoop —all caused by ohronio kidney trouble, that no medicine helpeded till he end Electric Bitters and was wholly oured by three bottles. Positively cures Backache, Nervousness, Lose of Appe• rite, ail Kidney troubles. Only 500 at G. A. Doadman's drug store. Motel.owortot. GOLDEN WEDDING. -0o the afternoon of Thursday of last week, June 21st, a large number of friends and relative assembled at the residence of Robert and Mre. Elliott to celebrate their golden Redding. Mr. and Mre. Elliott Oame from Dumfries, Scotland, over 50 years ago, and have spent 43 or 44 years of their married life ou the farm where the ogle. bration took plane. Their pioneer life, like others, had its own diffiuultiee and bardehipe,but through perseverence,thrift and industry they made for themselves a comfortable home which in the Provi- dence of 001 they are permitted to enjoy in the closing years of life's journey. The simple, earnest life of ,those many years have been telt and will be in the community and in the ohuroh with which they have been oonneotod, To them have been born 3 sons and 6 dough - tern, all of whom are still living and comfortably settled in life, except one who died a few years ago, They have some 46 grandchildren, all of whom, with the exception of one or two, were present to enjoy the festivities of the occasion. A number of valuable gifts were presented by the members of the family, the grandohildren and friends present. At the hoar of 5 o'clock all were invited to the bountiful spread that had been prepared. Immediately after tea Rev. G. Ballantyne, their pastor, af- ter making a few introductory remarks in regard to the happy mansion that brought them together, and referring to the helpful inauenoe they bad exerted, congratulated the aged couple on the happy event. A number of others were then palled upon and spoke kindly of Mr. and Mrs. Elliott and congratulated them on the anniversary of their 50th year of married life. There were also a number of pieces sung in aonneatlon with the 00oaelon when the pleasant gathering was brought to a Doose by all joining in singing "Auld Lang Syne." ,4.4,WOoci. The Bee is holidaying tide week. Mise Mabel Kidd is spending her va• nation at Belleville. W. 1R. Erskine hoe purchased the weigh scales trona George Loohbead and will run them in the future. Mrs. J. G. Heyd and son George are spending a few weeks visiting relatives and friends at Guelph, and at Lansing, Mich• Tlhe many friends of Robb, and Mre. May will sympathise with them in the lose of their baby, Stella May, who died on the 26th ult., aged 4 months. and 8 days. This makes the second death in the family during the past year. J. A. plump, 3r., is running a botcher shop on his own amount at present at Wapelia, N. W. T , and ie doing well. He has been appointed village aonetabls, having made one or two smote already in the discharge of his {Intim. Jake as likewise an indispeneabie member of the looal tootbali clue. A meeting of the directors of the Elma Farmers' Mutual Fire Iasmance Co. was bald at Atwood on June 5th. Min• utee of last meeting were read and Don. firmed. A claim was presented by Mrs, Hannah I•[enderson, Elma, for house and contents destroyed by fire. Also a claim from James Lindsay, Grey, for barn and oontente destroyed by fire, and from John J. Lindsay for binder burned in James Lindsay's barn. On motion made and parried, Hannah Seaderson'e claim was adjusted at $860.00 ; James Lind, eay'e olalm at $806.00 anti • John J. Lind. say's at $26.65. Applications for ineue. anon wore road and accepted tot $61,000, Dipbtlrerie in a mild tarok hoe atlaek' ea Thornton, son of Rev. and Mrs. Fear, and as a oonoegeePee the family have, been quarantined by the Medioal Health (Moor, Another case bas breken out int the family of S. Peter, 8111 Don. Elam. Iy the Dasa of Mr. Fear's boy, the Dr, is,ot the opinion that the primary oause is the oellar of the parsonage, whloh (s wet moot of the time, tut are meet of the ceilers on Boat Mail street, the result of inadequate attest drainage. CIleot inn. 'Rev. Dr, (Gifford, the pew pastor of the Qnturiaetreet ehproh, Ooonphed hie pniplt last Sunday, The Heron Rifle Association Ma made app'foation to the Government for the uaualegrttnt and ammunition. On Tuesday of last week, Mary Mo. Kegg, aged eiglity•four years, died at the House of Refuge where she has been an inmate for four years and for three years and Raven months was bedridden. She oame from Goderiuh whore she has rela- tives and the remains were sent up there for interment. 'There are still eighty- three inmates at the hoose who are en. j,yiug the Summer fairly well. Mies Clement was presented with several handsome pieces of silver by the members of the Senior League and othere, while to Miss Freeman the Junior League gave a blaok marble °look and her. S. S. oleos a gold fountain pen. Mre. Clement was the reotpientof a baltdozen silver knives and forks from members of the Ladles' Aid before they lett with Rev. Mr. Clement for Kingsville. The first wedding to take plane in Willis church was performed by Rev. Alex. Stewart at 6:46 o'clock Wednesday morning of last week when he pronounced the words which made Mise Dottie Fair and W. L. Clams, of St. Louis, Mo., man and wife. The fair bride was one of our most popular young ladies and loving hands beautifully decorated the church for the 0000eion. The wedding maroh was played by Mies Irwin as the bridal party entered the ohuroh and took their plaoes beton the altar. The bride, who was given away by her brother, W. D. Fair, was charmingly attired in a travel- ling suit of grey and parried a briquet of while roses. The bridesmaid was Mise Jean Cavan, of Paris, who was dressed in white and carried a boquet of red roses, while the groom was supported by Harry Oluoas, of Chicago. After the ceremony, whioh was witnessed by a large number of friends the bridal party drove to the station and left on the East ,bound train amid the traditional showers of. rice. The wedding tour will include a visit to Niagara Falls, Buffalo and other oitieo, ,after which Mr. and Mre. Olnoae will take up house keeping in St, Louie. The good wishes and congratulations of their onmero05 friends in Clinton a000mpany them. The presents were many and handsome and bore teatimony to the es. teem in whioh the bride is held. The groom's gift to the bride was a broach with pearl setting and to the brides• maid a pin in the shape of a horseshoe with a diamond setting, while the true tees of . the church gave a handsome Bible whioh was accompanied by a letter stating that it was as a recognition of valuable service rendered' the ohuroh as organist for a Dumber of years. Seventeen Years of Torture, "I had a bad cough for seventeen years," writes Mre. Sam'l Hamilton, of Lawnville, Tenn. "No dootor or medi- eioe cured it until a year ago I began to use Dr. King's New Discovery for Oou. Gumption, whioh did me more good thau all other medicines I ever need. It is truly a grand ours for stubborn Coughs, Colds and Throat and Lung troubles." Positively Dares Consumption, Grip, Pneumonia, Bronohitie, Asthma, Hay Fever and Oroop. Prioe 50o and $1.00. Trial bottles free at G. A. Deadmao'e drug store. Goderiuh. The waterworke chimney is completed, to its full height of 152 feet above the ground. Geo. Porter has been appointed rector's warden for St. George's ohuroh in place of E. Heaton, resigned. Miss Stella and Alfred Holmes, of De. broil, are visiting at the residence of their uncle, R. W. MoKenzio. By a change in the -G. T. R. time table the afternoon mixed train now leaves at 8;15 instead of 8:35 o'olook. The garden party given by the ladies of St. Peter's church was a rerliarkable amuse financially, the net proceeds being $200. Mies Elizabeth Wilson Left on Monday morning of last week for Grimsby Park, where sire will take a coarse in elooution. She will be away for five weeks. At the meeting of the Synod of Huron Philip Holt, Q. 0., was, elected a member of the exeoutive committee and a sub- stitute delegate to the Provinoiall Synod. Maple Leaf Lodge, No. 27, 'A. 0. U. W., will celebrate the 21st anniversary of their organization by attending divine eervioe in a body at Knox ohuroh on Sun. morning, July 8th. By order of the public library board, the reading room will be dosed during July and August from 5:30 to 8 o'clock p. m'., except on Saturdays, when it will be oloeed from 6 to 7 o'olook only. Huron Lodge, No. 02, L 0. 0. F., elected officers on Monday evening of last week for the ensuing six months : N. G., Chas. Reid ; V. G., 'Oliver Rhynae ; F. 5„ W. P. Clark ; R. 5., W. W. Mao- Vioar ; treasurer, C. A. Nairn ; repre- sentatives at Grand Lodge, W. F. Clark and Dudley Holmes. The employees of the Kensington turn• tore factory have organized a baseball club, to be known as the Kensington baseball olub. The offioere are as follows 1 Hon. Pres., P. G. Rumball ; hon. vioe•pree., J. Shannon ; prem., W. Hinton ; vioe•prea., C. Keene ; eco.- treas., 11. Robinson ; members of exeou• five committee, C. Griffith, E. Irving, Simon MoKay ; manager, H. Edwards ; captain, McCartney. The fire alarm was rung at 1:45 ou Saturday afternoon, June 23rd, fire hay. ingbroken oftt on the Li mbed C o's road at the harbor, alongside the new elevator. The hoes -wagon made a quick run to the mane and the fire, which was blazing for several yards along the road, was soon extinguished. The first stream of water thrown was from the elevator, from which two lines of hone were worked, The fire is supposed to have started from a spark from a locomotive. Such a road, built as it is of skim and sawdust and mob material, is a oonstant source of danger, partionlarly to the a levator, from Which it hi Separated Only by the rail. way track, Care v. Sonorr. Bemire—The following le the report of 4 S. No. 9, Grey, for the month of Julie, The names are arranged in order of merit.—Sr. IV —Nile McNaught. Or. IV I7thel MoNaught, Bob. Detwiller. Sr, III—Clive Oliver, i''rank. Harrison, Nellie Embattle, Willie Mann, Jr. II1 —Wilbert Bray, Harry MoNaught, Geo, Mann, Norman MoNaught, Willie Mann, Weeley McKay, Henry Moliay, Willie Hanley. Sr. 7I.—Kate Harbottle, Rob. 14foltay, Maggie Mann,, Jr. IT—Winnie MoNaught, Sadie MOKay. Br, Pt, 55— Alfred Machan, Catharine Brown. Inter. Pt, II—Fergus MoNaught, Ella Bray, ilea Jame, Alex Mann, Walter Moble, Roy Oummioge, MyrtleOamuoings. Sr. Pt, I —Pearl Ifarrieon, Alice Moltay, Lizzie Llama, Olive Browe, Jr. Pt. I—Edna McNaught, Hathorne Bray, George Mo. Kay, Ethel Kelly, Agnea McKay, Maurice 11.oe41. Mtmm NINA J. Women, Teacher, to remitting a subscription to DIE POST, Dr. G. R. Martin, dentist, of °roe - r of the 10th cum., well, Midh„ formerly o p , Grey, writes ;—"I suppose you nre ourions to, know how the Martino '.re getting along in Michigan. Well, .41'y are all getting along well and hare 440 acres of laud here with good buildings. Father sold $1000 worth of produoe elf an 80 sore tam last year. Joseph is building a barn 60474 feet this Summer with stabling underneath. James is also erecting one'54x80 feet with eight foot basement and I put up an 3800 barn last eeaeoo. David C. ie practicing dentistry at 816 Grand River Ave., Detroit, where he would be pleased to see any of his old eaeooiates;• either professionally or eooially. We are quite amuted some. times at your items in regard to the amount of freight shipped to and from Brussels in one week. The last week in May there was shipped from Croswell 71 oars of bay alone and in the Bret week in June 54 oars so you see we have a smart little town over here. If you don't think so just Dome over on the 4th of July and we will demonstrate to you that it ie a fact. Well, I will have to aloes wishing you a glorious time on the 22nd." w141 {York AI Nlg11t. Countleee thousands have found a blessing to the body in Dr. King's New Lite Pills, whioh positively pure Con- stipation,Sick Headache, Dizziness, Jaundice, Malaria. Fever and Ague and all Liver and Stomaoh troubles. Purely vegetable ; never gripe or weaken. Only 250 at G. A. Deadman'• dreg store, STOCK FOR SERVICE SHORT HORN BULL FOR SERVroZ.—The undersigned will -keep for service on Lot 18, Con. 7, Grey, the Short Hornba it "Perfection Prince," Roan,cal- ved May 2nd, leas, bred by John Monition, Winthrop, Ort„ 2nd owner Angae Lamont, Brussels, Got by Oollvnie Prince ; dam , Perfection's Lady by Perfection ; Lady Knight by Red Kuigbt (imp); Strawberry 8r0 by Beaconsfield 9rd; Strawberry by Prince of Benham ; Lady Lorne by inxie Duke ; Gillyflower by Duke of Bourbon Theresa by Baron Solway (imp) ; Strawberry by Cobden (imp) ; Red Rose by Young Brit- on ; Lady Dane (imp) by Sir William, by son of Mr Booth's Jerry, by Young Star, by Roseberry, by Lafon's Bon of Comet. Terms reasonable. ANGUS LAMONT, 47- Proprietor. off. WOOL! The highest Cash Price paid for any quantity of Wool delivered at my Store- house, No. 1, Brussels. Also for grain of all: kinds. R. GRAHAM, Brussels. Spectacles r4 MoKINNON 'QMp SOLI" Y2'=1. Hot weather Goods. This week we are fully prepared for hot weather with a fall range of light Summer goods in allthe newest styles and fabrics, ' The hot weather is now upon us in earnest, and there 10 no use suffering with heat when you Dau got nine pool goods at prions like these :— Ladiee' Summer Corsets; all sizes, at 35o. Ladies' Sommer Vesta at 5o, 8o, 10o, 15e, 26e and 50o. Ladiee' Gloves, in tang, browns, greys, eto., special, worth 20o to 200 per pair, 2 pairs for 211o. Ladies' white and oraam Tafotta Gloves at 150, 20o and 26o. Ladies' white and °ream pure Silk Gloves at 26e, 85o and 500. Ladies' Crneh Skirts, very special, worth. 750 for 50o. Ask to see them t hey are a great snap. Lttdie"' Crash and Fonoy Skirts at $1, 3150 and 32. Fine 'Zephyrs, for drawee and waists, at12o, 15e and 18e, ne f Organdie Moulins, n t 6 , a plain and acral designs, at 12i>a, I5u and 20o. Blaok Stripe and Cheek Itlueline at 16o and 20o, makes a pool dress or waist for Summer. B'euk Greuadier Silk and Wool, 42 inches wide, 75o. Swiss Check Muslim, stripe and checks, 8o wed 10o. Spot Musliue, large and small •pots, at 8u, 10o, 12ie and 15o. Pique, white and pink grounds, with spots and floral designs, at 12e and 15o. White Pique, small and large cordo, 100, 120, 160, 20o and 26o, Allover Laces, white and Dream, 60o, 65o, 7oc and 31. Ladies' Lace Ties at 200, 25o, 85o, 50o and 75o. { it"ilton & Turnbull Headquarters for CENEFAL' HARDWARE BUILDERS' SUPPLIES of All Kinds. Farmers should see our •imerio1ny Field Fence, Best Fence on the market. Barb and Plain Wire, All kinds Harvest 'Tools. Binder Twine. Paints and Oils. S. W. P., the best Ready Mixed Paints made, always in stock TRY US. WILTON & TURNBULL. Buggy Season EWAN &NNES The well known firm of Opened imme-- Large, Well Select- ed and Well Punished STOCK OF......... Buggies, Wagons, Road Carts, Etc, CARRIAGE MAKERS, are to the front with a that they are sellling at CLOSE prices. Already they have disposed of many Buggies and the Prospects are good. Call at our Show Rooms and see for yourself. Special attention given to Repairs, Re -painting, Trimming, 4'C., Ewan'& Innes, - Brussels. —OF ALL KINDS— Fitted to Correct all Failures of Eyesight, aid your Eyes tested FREE by latest Optioal methods at Division Court Office, BRUSSELS. The standard Bank of Canada. Money ®rt.e z n i d For amounts of Fitt Dollars re aka under famed by this Baal , payable at par at any chartered Bank in Canada, with the exoeption of Branches in the Yukon Die• triol. RATES : U4der $10 . . $0.08 $10 to 20 . . 0.10 20 to 80 . 0.12 80 to 60 . . 0.14 3.11. 80110014, Agent, Imm.tuSStLS Having made a large addition to my Blacksmith Shop I am in a better position than ever to attend to my Customers. woo= WO A11 kinds ou hand, both for new work or repairs, and prices the lowest. General BlacksnithingN apnrdomspattly fa to guaranteed. Horse Shoein I have made a specialty of • this line for years, and if you have any horse that interfere, over -reach or troubled with bad feet, bring them to me, I will relieve or cure them in less i than three mouths or will make no charge. wagonsC Buggies. I am prepared to supply the above at the ver lowest prices, and best quality, either of my own make or Isom the largest Factories in the. Dominion. Thanking my nnmerone ouetomers for their very liberal support in the past, and hoping by'striot attention to business and satisfactory prioes, to eeonre a continuanoe of the same. S. T. PLUM, E3RUss. i.,.s.