HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-7-5, Page 22 TU 131i178813142 PO8T, /171.,r 5, 1900 NUTIBER.. PART III. Continued. ; death, but eat1 with the right to " Baron de liermansthal, the chief hie own privacy and the society oa of the police and half-e-aozen of his hie oWn sale. 31adame," be added. fl tortny le neglected. Most women beaaing cup of slated f out an men, will in the meantime be stationtorning to the Countess, who had seem to expect It to be always ready te rounding teaspoonful of baking ad in my bedroom, the door of evbiela atom' impaealve at first, but on for business, whatever care is given, 1 pet -odor. Seed tbe raieins, weal the ! k ow exactly Opposate to I whose facto row a look of Pity ',spread and it it _a6 f it to comet up to exPeettie eurrants and shred the eitron; mix the ' cA augur., line' the trait layer Ilse One- !GRIN A Alm vAsT popilliTiox foOrth eon of buttov, tine-ttalf etp of k time dark brown anger, one egg, a level he () teaspoonful Of °leant:gin, a saltepoone A GREAT EMPIRE WITH THREE RAO eath of (doves and maces, ope-fourM HUNDRED MILLION PEOPLE. pound each of raisins and currant -MA Oa RE OP THE SEWING MACHINE, , °twee of citron, enessousso sap tomb remelting gleiti fer commerce Orrercel All Ats rule a sewing mathine used by of molasses and strong black coffee, a Nations-Aso:mit Rtery or the CellwitiM ittuptem-Vbe One coterie» tit Prescott crises "The Present oriels in China is eig- nificant of a great and wonderful transformation, Tile Ina mighty colossus of heathenism is crumbling, A new celestial empire is being born out of the tbroee end travail of the ana tnieown's nig .eu. God is calling China to Thus wrote Rev. W. Remfry Hunt, the head of the Obristian mission in Central China, in his last official own- raunieatIon to, the missionary bead - quarters. As a bold and competent pioneer of the Gospel ho may have overestimated the oasis or the cause, but in view of the present situation bis words, written less than one year ago, have a strange prophetic - nese. God may be (tailing China in- to a new life, but or whom, or just how, is not so evident. If the Powers fail to bead Russia off the "new life" of heathenism will be a mere change from Confucianism to the rites of the Greek Chureh, a transition not at all acceptable to the Protestant world. And if escaping the Bear she becomes the prey of Christian England, tbe fate of India, is hers, whittle view of the future doubtlees influences John Chinaman, who is next door to India and knows what the dauntless Bri- ton has wrought there. But, after all, the one criterion in the Chinese situation is: "What do we get?" Is there sufficient gain to warrant the risk ? It is tbe criterion of the civilized nation and the un- civilized, since Adam. And when you consider it on all sides the gain is great from purely commercial point of view. aa you the stedy door. As ema as they have , as bar ayes met those of Andre, wall , seen that the spy is within they will 1 you allow nte to conduct you to your Aguarding every exit, own rooms, while we leave Monsieur Baron de Ilermansthal will eater tbe ! to effect the rapture a the spy, wiitoo we beliere 'the ecwinse machine res ; In a elm oven as other fruit cake, If !nutty by one door, while you, whom !surelat! will not tarry if be means ceives more attention and better oars,' more conveeient, this layer may be I Iremainder of the peke and wrapped in in ents instance a dressmaker using paraffine paper and kept in a closely rubbing his hands with delight, "tbat and his men, wbo saluted them both but one machine and employing two I covered tin pan or box, Spread a when our spy finds himself thus eon- as they went At the door of her machine claim boiled Ming thickly between the fronted, be will he only too willing own room she stopped ; evidently the girls as asSiStant °Ile hal' but once a week and never unbends 1 layers and ice the tog and sides of the ta sell us himself ante his silence for meant, withed to say something; it. It is needless to add OM' a new ;cake. Have the lowest layer red, the whatever we choose to offer him." Andre took her hand, forcing her to serving martinet in ber hands is worn I middle layer fruit and the top layer Zaika bad listened to his Excel- look him straight in the eyes. • out in a .very short time. I white. To make the ling use whites leney's discourse silently and atten- " Mone,ieur—" she began. Lively ; he did nut wish to lose 0810- '.&h, Maearne r" he eaid, "do not Directions for ssee and care eccom-iof four eggs, one cap of water, two gle wpoet3 of the, plan that was to &Peak to the dead, bid. them good-bye. PanY each machine purchased, but. i beeping cups of sugar, a level nit. expose the spy to infamy. That spy and wish them Godspeed, and let ttena ' there are a few general directions spoon of cream tartar. Put the which apply '10 any and all maehln- 'sugar, water and ceearn tartar into a was bis wife, the Countess Wladimir go whence they came." Rostopcbine, the bearer of his own "1 c)wa you my safely and ray bon- os. For every ten hours' use the sew_ granite sauaepan; heat slowly to boil- tistorie name. our, Monsieur." lug machine should be oiled. tborough- ing, stir only until sugar is dissolved weae he oda in answer wets Be_ " You owe me nothing, Madame," Ir and alasurplus oil carefully cleaned and cook without stirring until it eellency he did not know; Hayes eve. said the young maxi, simply ; 'the away. The machine wben not in use spine a good thread ; then let it stand ?Jenny eatisfactory, for the Arabes- name you bear is still mine, and it should be unbanded and lite foot lift-. aside a moment only.. 'Meanwhile was but the ghost of Wladimir Ros- ed from the feed. It should be run I beat the .whites until very stiff, add ipeculier in his secretary's eemeanour; tenchine Who came to defend what atentlill-never, started or stopped gradually the syrup anti vanilla to with a jerk. I flavor, and beat vigorously until cool seder appeared not to notice anything how be spent the early part of the was his own." evening be knew still less; all he was "You are not going. Monsieur'?" she ()arc should be used in regard to the mougb to spread. distinctly conscious of was the all- said in entreaty, as the young man pervading thougbt: "Count Wladi- turned away. neir Roetopthine, must save his wife's She held out ber hand to lalm, and honour, bis own, at any cost, but once more their Mends were joined )ow?" By warning ber, of course,, But as they had been ten years ago, and the was not in tbe hotel; the young their eyes met, but pity and contempt loan had seen her going out; radiantly had faded from her enigmatical face beautiful, laughing and chatting now; she could read in bis that their gaily. She had not dined in the ball. parte had been exchanged, clean and oiled with the best eperua Would be haeme an opportunity of He bent low and klssed ter Icy cold oit, will be found very effective and speaking to her? 11 he bad, would fingers, close to the spot where the save many dollen. she listen? He had written to her a i old pope had placed the narrow gold guarded, carefully -worded' epistle, band-" In the name of the Father, Any woman of ordinary intelligence which she alone would understand, i and of the Son, and of the Holy may learn to clean the works of her sewing machine and keep it in good and he had bribed one of the hotel I Ghost." servants to place the letter in her I The next moment Countess Mad- running order. She abould learn It room. inal ' Would she get the letter? Would • • • • • • she read It? were the eternal ques- The arrest of Count Wladimir Ross tions that recurred to bis fevered topchlne, whom everyone had heliev- brain, as his Excellency, very excited, ed to be deed, and his subsequent was giving him some final instrue- trial on a charge preferred against tions, and then left him in the room him ten years previously. became the next to the study, face to face for talk of St. Petersburg society that balf-an-hour, with torturing hopes winter. it was said that high luau - and fears, while the clook ticked mer- rare was being exerted on his be- cilesely on. half ; that his Excellency the Trans- . ' • • •• • balkanian amaassador, accredited to How short, and yet bow Intermin- the Court of Vienna, moved heaven About the sixth year of the child the ably long, the minutes seemed 1 All and earth on behalf of the young true molars aopear. These are perma.. lad heard in the etudy taint a noise I Count Wladimir reeeived from His Ma- Ni at elicd I or, and their condition fre- and also around y ke in back and over 0W at once Andre Zaika jumped up, ev- man, who had been his friend and sec- 1 tient teeth. Once lost t hey are never k ery nerve tingling with emotion ; be retary for years. There fofe, when reelaced. Their appearance should be / -a mere, nothing, the rustle of a , jests, a gracious pardon, mitigated by quently noted. If lost, the jaw loses I the shoulders. Collar of black velvet, silk dre.ss. It was curious that he i an order that he should continue to 1 symmetry and is inclined to become narrow. Sleeves cut with pointed ruffs. Ma- ' I required, cashmere, 4.0 inches A baby's first teeth should be daily serial wide, 2 yards. wasted. At three years of age a soft PRINCE OF WALES' AUTOGRAPH. Hens tbe fault is attributed to tbe fruit. and flour it well. Mix thel cake in Machine without besitattan. Witen ' the order given, adding lastly the found with dressmakers and tailors wtite of egg beatep until st.iff. Bake shall ask to remain in the adjoin. coins nil 1" thougb here It is not (thew given made one or several days before the bag room, will enter by the other ; She took his arm, and be led ber proper care, and I think," added hie Excellency, 1 away past Baron de Elerreansthal breaking of neediest One dealer claims that nothing contributes so readily to throw a machine out of order as this. Anything tbat may give the machine 11 shock should be avoided. Should poor oil be used and the works become gummed in ranee- quenee 0 thorough oiling with kero- sene occasionally, and afterward wiped thoroughly and understand the use oi the attachments She should know how to lengthen and shorten tbe stitch, loosen and tighten the tension, both upper and lower, adjust the feed and presser foot, and every other part of the machine that will require attan. tion. CHILDREN'S TEETH. The milk teeth ars 20 in number. Their duration is about seven years. Corsage of pastel green cashmere. Vest and yoke of cream lace and mousseline. It is trimmed with black velvet ribbon ni tbe edge m of fronts, about(' feel so calm suddenly; his live out of Russia, no one was partic- emotion had vanished, his nerves „gassy astonished. seemed to have gone to rest. He push- ; AA usual, rumour had been alto - e,. open the door of the study, and , getter on the wrong seent. The young tooth brush should be procured and torted up the electric light. The Count's chief advocate was a beanie- the use of it carefully taught, Sugar Countess did not seem frightened or , ful woman whom society had long changes to acid in the mouth, so after even astonished at seeing him; she known end admired as the widowed easing confections, which, if the raised her eyebrows slightly, and her ' Countess Rostopthine, tend whose future beauty of the teeth is valued, lips were once more parted in that honour her husband had so bravely the mother will not permit to be fre- curious, half -contemptuous smile. ' saved by his noble self-sacrifice. And quenl the mouth should be carefully The young man seized her hand, and ea her honour also entailed that of with utmost calm drew her to the Russia, whose prestige would have sofa, forcing her by gentle pressure gravely suffered, had her agent been to it down near him I exposed and compromised, the pater- " Monsieur---" she began. • nal Government was obliged to grant "Boob 1" he whispered command- the young man in return both his ingly ; "there is no time now" life and the wee of his name. Truly there was none, for he beard He now lives in Paris with his Baron de Hermansthal's men lining young wife, whom he is said to idol - the passage outside, and presently Ise. They both go a great deal into the door was thrown open, and the society, but neither of them has ever °Meer himself entered the room, The touched on politics, since the night lady bad turued vero pale -the under- when Countess Rostopthine so nar- rowly escaped being branded as a spy. stood at once ; the hand that still lay in Andre Zaika's was icy cold. "By order of bis Excellency the . HORSES IN BATTLE. Transbalkanian Ambassador—" be- I ees-4. The swarmed .tre negularty cared Per es gan Buron de Etermansthal, '1 am afraid, Monsieur," said An- veterinary surgeon.. dre, who had risen very calmly and Horses wounded on the battlefield 5.10 duly attended to when no clanger somewhat ironically, " that there is same mistake." to human life is involved. The veter- Mistake?" said the chief of the inary officer in charge is expected to " pollee, who habeen a little taken follow close on the fighting line, and il aback, on seeing a beautiful, richly- together with a number of aids Lo the dressed woman and his Excellency's together, with a number of alas to secretary the only occupants of the inspect properly wounded animals and room. "1 e.nd ray men saw a person give. inetruotions Inc their removal or surreptitiously entering this door, and slaughter, as the case may be. The 1 eertainly—" veterinary surgeon is naturally ex. " You certainly were sent here by posed to coneiderable danger, but if his Excellency," said Andre, "to watat his work is not carried out during for a spy whom the Ambassador sus- the progress of hostilities in all prob- poets of breaking open his bureau. Malay it cannot be accomplished al - 'Kola do not, I presume, imagine, tha 1 terward, tor, although the Royal Ar - the Countess Wladimir Rostopehine is my Medical Corps is allowed to p10 - here for that purpose." eeed to the rescue of the wounded men " It is just. as easy to suppose," all. under the Red Cross, the members uf Baron de Hermansthal, highly net- the Army Veterinary Department are tied, and still doubting, " that tbe not permitted to attend to the injur- Countees Wladimir Rostopehine is in ed horses, because they are not under a gentleman's room at twelve o'cloelt the protection of the Geneva colleen - at night for political purposes as for—" "As for what, Monsieur ?" said An- dre laity. "Pray oontinue. Why should net the Colintee$ Wladimir Rostop- :the combatant armies have been droe- , r i • chiral be at any hour the chooses, of en from the if told, a'partY of :veterin- the deg or of the night, in her hue- ary surgeons, with tbeir assistants, is bapd'a mine 0" Her huebatid -you, M. Zalkar said Baron Hermanethaa, struggling to re- tain official sangfroid, " My name, Moneietr, is Wladimir Roatopebine," said the young man proudly ; " an outcast and an exile Iran my country, one condemned to tion, whit makes uo provision what- soever for wounded animals. At the conclusion of the battle, 11 11 has been decisivis and one or other of The Gem tells a story of the Prince of Wales playfully declining to write in a lady's album. He said : " A lit- tle while ago I spent nearly an hour one evening writing verses in several albums. I even made up a verse so brushed and rinsed. Baby will soon badly put together that only a Royal consider this an agreeable pastime. An Prime or a Duke at the best could occasional visit to a skilled dentist have had the shame to write such stuff. Now, madam, what do you think happened to my verses? Well, th.ey were all sold at a good stiff price, a week later to provide funds to sup- port the Society for the Restoration of the Stuarts. Perhaps, Lady-," and the Prime laughed heartily, " if I write in your album you will sell the book to provide 'funds for the aboll- sent out to examine every animal that has Wien and to shoot scot as aro badly wounded. Those suffering from only slight injuries are collected and taken to the veterinary bospital lines, formed as fixed camps, and establish- ed on a similar basis to those of the Royal Army Medial Corps. also, when made in time, will not be aectomeaniecl by the usual dread. NEAPOLITAN CAKE. This cake is made in three layers.n For the red layer take one-third cop eact of butter, granulated sugar, red sugar and milk, one and one-third then of the monarchy in England. cups of flour, a heaping teaspoon of baking powder and tbe stiffly beaten Benevolent Lady -lou say you have a wits and six children? Where are tbey? Beggs e -I'm all alone. My boys and girls are at college, and ray wife is in Paris visiting the exposi- tion. whites of three eggs. Mix in the order given and bake in one layer. This is sufficient for one good sized pan. For the white layer make exactly as the red layer using all granulated Great ures Br ght Atbks,ut By the Use of the Famous Prescription of the Vener- able Dr, A. W. Chase, Heir are reported three eases in which Dr. Chase's faintly remedies proved a blessing of incalculable worth. There are thousands of oth- erjust na remarkable, for Dr. Chase, through his recipe book and home medicines, is the eunsulting physician 'in the majority of homes hi Canada and the United States. NERVOUS DYSPEPSIA. Mr, Joseph Geroux, 22 Metcalf Ste Ottawa, Ont,, writes :-"I was ner- vous, had headache and brain fag. I was restless at. night and could not sleep. My appetite was poor, and I suffered from nervous dyepepsia. Lit- tle business cares worried and irrl- tatqd me. After having used Dr. Chase's Nerve rood for about two mongol. I can frankly say that I feel like a neW "My appetite is good, 'lest and sleep well, and this treatment has strengthened me wonderfully. Dr, Chase's Nerve Food Pills are certainly the best I ever used, and I say so be- cause 1 want to give full credit where it is due." KIDNEY DISEASE. Mr. James Simpson, Newcomb Mills, alert les mberland County, Ont., writos: -"This is to certify that I was s ok in bed the most of the time for three years with kidney disease. I took several boxes of pills -different kinds -aad a great many other kinds of patent medicines.' besides that I was nosier treatmentby four different doctors during the time and not able to work, I began to take Dr, Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills, and since that time have been working every day although a man nearly 70 years of age. Dr. Chasers Kidney -Liver Pills have cured me." ECZEMA ON BABY. Mrs, A. McKnight, Kirkwall, Well- ington Gounty, Ont., writes: -"I feelit my duty to lel you know what Dr. Chase's Ointment has done in a very bad ease of eezema on our baby. We had tried any uumber of cures with- out any Permanent relief, but from the hour we commenced using Dr. Chase'e Ointment there was great re- lief and the improvement continued until there was coneplete cure. Wo think it the gren test of family oint- ments." Dr. A. W. Chase's portrait and sig- nature aro on every box of hie genu- ine remedies. Sold everywhere, TM - mention. Baton & (Jo., Toronto. THE MAMMOTH EMPIRE. China is larger than the United States with Alaska. It is 24 times larger than the German Empire and 80 times larger than France. It -has 4,400 miles of ooast line, 1,703 walled cities and a million villages and towns. Words fail us to impress on the mind the vastness of this greatest empire of antiquity, whose teeming millions, enslaved in the bondage of heathenism, cry loud and long for the light "to shine upon them that sit in darkness and the shadow of ,death." The fabulous history of the Chinese lies back a million years. The first dawn is clouded in the mists of the centuries. The real historical Maine is conteam :r.:ry with legendary Rome, China is the ancient Colossus; I Be- fore Israel was called out of Egypt China was a civilized Power. Frosts the time of Abraham China has had a settled form of constitutional govern- ment. She lifts her hoary head over the graveyards of ancient empires. HER ANCIENT GLonr. The Chinese had firearms In the reign of Edward Is engraving 1000 B.C.; made coins, 1100 B.C.; invented compass, MR B.C. The art of print- ing was practiced 500 years before Caxton was born. They made paper A.D. 150, and used gunpowder and arms about tbe commencement of the Christian era. Before Columbus dis- covered America the Chinese had a grand canal 1,200 miles long7, The great wall of Liela miles was built just 220 years before Christ was born in Bethlehem. We reach out after comparisons. A missionary writes: "When the arches of Babylon first spanned the Euph- rates, 'tetra the towers of Nineveh first cast their shadows into the Tigris, while Solomon in all his glory was receiving the Queen of Sheba in Jerusalem, when Jonah threatened Nineveh with destruction, when Isaiah foretold the downfall of Babylon, when Daniel prayed and propheeicd- through all these years the Chinese were engaged in their present pur- suits of agriculture, commerce and literature." China was 700 years old when the Israelites crossed the lied Sea, and had existed 15 centuries when Isaiah prophesied of her future con- version. "Lo, there shall come from far . • . . and these from the land . . „ , • • • • • , • - - Amore] march! n le egoist to bore, - lug London every three months, and ail the people ef the United Statea in loss titan a year and a half, Think of them living, Make them an army and let them north 90 miles -a day, and for days apd weeks and moths under the sunlight and solemn stars you will bear the ceaselees tramp, tramp, tramp of tbe weary, burdened, Pressing throng for 281-2 years. HER FATE Is SEALED. Yet ber fate Its sealed, Despite her ancient glory, her vast area and ber teeming millions, it needs but a faint power of pereeption and but little close study of the condition of things to see that Ohina, whittle for long cen- turies could boast inaperial strength, is weak -very week -almost on the verge of dissolution. Weak in ability to properly defend her ,borders, weak in the administration of her internal affairs, weak in the face of the de- mands of Western Powers, whose ex- istence is but a day compared with her hoary centuries. What a eon- trast is her attitude of half a cen- tury, or even a quarter of a century ago, to her attitude to -clay in her lelPlessness to resist the strong, ag- gressive, selfish demands of Western Powers 1 How quickly and how weakly she makes concessions of im- mense and painful significance to one nation after another. Observe bow she has been stripped of her terri- tory. Her interior borders in 111 and Turkinstan have been ravished from her by the Russians, whets° iron grasp and relentless pressure have con- tinued without interruption or serious check. Her nominal sway over tbe southern kingdom of Annam has been overthrown by the volatile and in- solent French, whose coming is a bane to sous, land they take. Korea, by a eombination of causes, has en- tirely escaped her influence and eon - trot, Formosa, with its lofty moun- tains and camphor forests, has gone to the Japanese. Manchuria is virtu- ally under Russian control, while choice places are being snapped up along the coast without much regard for ceremony, The great nations of Europe are seated, or sailing, in ex- pectation on her shores, waiting and watching until the inevitable division of the spoils brings the good fortune they aro seeking. • e NEW WAR MATERIA4 few.* ArSeured IrraeDlon Writhe( Evolved prom Armored Railroad Trains. It ham been found, In the war in South Meath, that the armoured trains rue on the permanent railroad crooks have not Proved 00 efficient go wee expected. Tills le due mainly to the fent that the Boers were able to locate them me readily, since the were, of Doi ,confined to the rail- roads, Alter ' destroying the road- way at any point, they could. at °saes locate their guns to cover the point wbere the armored train would be etopped, and prepare to destroy it on its arrival; for armored trains -are protected only against small -arm fire, it baying been found impracticable as yet to protect them uagainst artillery fire, But a train protected against rale fire is still of great 'service in War; therefore England decided last fall to have a number of armored traction trains constructed for service. As • they go across country they are not confined to the railroad linos, and so they cannot be so easily awaited or taken when mean. Unprotected traction engines wean used for transport purposes in 1870, the Germans moving their seige gum around Meiz by their aid. In the war in South Afriea they have had more extended application, but when un- protected by armor they are so easlly SUBJECT TO CAPTURE, even by the enemy's raiding parties, that they require a convoy of troops to protect 'them. It however, tbey were armored, the gun detachments of the guns transported, or in came other material is transported, of gums specially mounted, could protect tbem- selves, a.nd artillery would be requir- ed for their oapture. For these reasons England had six such traction trains constructed, each consisting of one armored engine and 4 bullet-proof cars, 2 of which were recently completed and tested. In the test the oars were loaded with pig iron to represent the load to be oar- ried on service, and two 0 -inch bow- itzers were hooked on at the end of the train, making the load behind the engine thirty-three tons. With thin load the engine found no difficulty in ascending a hill as steep as 1 to 18. The engineer has only two narrow slits on each side of the fire box as Peep -holes for observation in (steer- ing, nevertheless, be took part of the train, one car and a howitzer drag- ging behind it, over a newly ploughed field and through a gate only ten- inchem wider than the engine. The wheels, for ordwary road, have rivited to them strips of tees, about 5 inches across and 2 inches high, form- ing regular teeth, giving an excellent bit on the ground; for very soft ground speoial spuds are provided, which section of T iron, about 5 inches deep, flanged to hook over the edge of the wheel rim, and so arranged an to be put on or taken off quickly and readily. For still softer ground, a rope is provided, by means of which, la wen fastened to any fixed objeot ahead, the engine CAN PULL ITSELF ALONG. The boiler, engine and gears are in- closed in one quarter inch nickel -steel plates, capable of resisting the small - arm bullet at 20 feet, stopping shrape nel or shell fragmenes. The care are designed to take a B- ina breech -loading howitzer and its limber inside, or a 4.7-10011 500. If the guns are dragged. along bebind, the cars are used to carry ammuni- tion, 100 rounds for howitzer or 125 for 4.7 -inch gun, each. The cars are protected by 1 -4 -inch verlioal armor, and 3 -10 -inch side armor, inclined at 30 degrees. Icor loading and unload- ing each car Is provided with two in- elined rumps of heavy steel. The rear of each car ean be opened, and by means of the traction rope the en- gine 0011haul up the load. This, new war material 1$ carefully studied by all military nations, since it will undoubtedly find even greater application in a future war, and be- cause of the Immense importance of transportation in general for an army in the field. Draught animals every- where are being displaced by other forma of power, and the domain of war is no exception. It is all the more important to study this new ma- terial under the present cIrcumstan- °es, because it is being tested under war conditions, and the results will furnish the best available data for any future application of it, ! SUMMER SMILES. A. Wild Goose Chase -Yes, both the criminals got away. without any troa- ble. What were the pollee doing? Chasing theories. Dealer -Five dollars for this beau- tiful painting ? Wby, man, the frame is worth more than that. Connoiss" seur-Yes; but not with that picture in it. Did you read my latest novel, entit- led A Terrible Experience? asked the novelist. Yes, answered the blunt- ly candid friend; and that's what It Wee. So Mies Primrose has purchased a kodak f Yes; I presume she thinks she can catch a man that way. Sure, Pat, and why aro ye wear- in's yer coat buttoned up loike that on a warm day loike this? Faith, yer riverence, to hold the shirt 01 haven't on. Blanche -Old Blowitz said he would marry me if he were twenty years younger ? That would be exactly my age. Blanche -0, Cholly, tbis 15 so sudden. Teacher, suspiciously -Who wrote your computation, Johnny ? Johnny -My father. What, all of It ? No'm; 1 helped him. He -When is a woman's happiest age? She -Well, a woman's happiest Bt age is when u has got ole enough to feel that she doesn't have to keep on pretending she is young. She continued the conversation. No, sir, I wouldn't marry the best man on earth. Of course you know, be urged, -that it is not the custom for the bride to marry the best man. A Falling Out -And why did you leave your lest place? Cook an' Me had a fall& out, mem. I don't see wby you ehould leave for such a lit- tle thing like that. But we fell out o' th' third -story window, mem Ala, she sighed, as she looked pota ENORMOUS POPULATION. The missionaries leave taxon en- sively out anross the spreo.ding ftelds, THE ENO there's netting so 7010 as a day in one. Oh,I don't know, he anssvers of Sinina." ingenoity, imagination and riMiorie to pariences at tbe club, four kings are eadcwith rcollections of' recent ex - convey, any adequate Ldea or the vast not so plentiful. and teeming milliote of the Chinese. The fact that there are twice aa maty as there are in the four continents of Africa, North and South America and Oceanica, ought to be solemn enough in its appeal on their behalf. The whole population of Canada could STRATEGY. The mosquito was reconnoitering among the papers on the country storekeeper's desk. Good morning, suddenly cried e bookworm, peeping from behind the g FATRiario WAR STAMPS. '21.10 colony of Victoria has adopted the device, of 188,11115cie g special war stamps in aid of its local pctiriotie be accororamlated in a single Chinese leaves of the general leder. fund. These eternise were !made even- thmosquito politely, Perhaps you city, The five millions of IVIadagasear A.11, good morning brother, replied able to the public last month. They e can give me the information I seek, Can you give me t list of the people in town who have not yet bouglit tbeir wire screens or netting? would only be a seventh part of the single province of Shantung, In Ilonan, Antoci and Kiangsu, the Eroperor of China rules over 80,000,000 of people. A. hundred cities' of the size and capacity of London would hardly accommodate Lha 400,000,000 of the Chinese ram. Turning to the funereal arithmetic, what facts tato ON TBR SAME PLANE. You argue Him an idiot, angrily ex. claimed the husband. know tt, my dear, cahnly, replied his better half. 'roil see, den't There is no killing* the layspicion Os I Thirly-three thousand die daily! A. million a month are dedng in Chinal waet to take an unfair (Advantage of dist deceit has otos begotten. - Tae pallid ranks pass away like a grim you. • George Eliot, depict colonial troops at the front. They are of iwo OlaSeee, first and sees end, The first are sold for 2s.,. the second fur ls. Forty thousand have been printed of the one, '20,000 of the other, and it is anticipated I hat the sato of them will add stung 015,500 to the putriotic fund,