HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-6-21, Page 8,TF$E BRUSSSIAS POST
JuN>J 21, 1900
lltu"' J9LJarlil,',
FOR TIIE 92uu,
Paris Green
a n.
For Potato Bags, the beet Eng.
lieh 25o. per lb. at Deadman's Drug and
Book Store.
Pall. Leaf rass.
Prepare for the hob weather by
baying one of oar Folding or Palm Leaf
G. A. Deadman,
Dreggiet, Optician and
Tierce's ravorito
We have lately received a fresh
nupply of this popular remedy.
There i better mmolle a no b8 tr and 1
that is not so good as the kind we
boodle. In fall size bottles.
Ie in good demand. It ie very
eatiefaotory medicine for children.
Stewart's Dyspepsia Tablets:
Theee Tablets are giving good
eatiefaotion. We keep them,
G, A. Deadman,
Agent for Crescent Bicycles.
Traine leave Brussels Station, North
and South, se follows;
GoINe Soarer. GOING Sower.
Express 7:16 a.m, i Mail 2:10 p,m
Mixed........, 0:46 a.m. i Expreee 10:17 p.m
rug C,eivs
A. ahiel's amang ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
Dois'T mise Brussels on Friday.
HAIL I to Iter Majesty the Queen, long
may she reign.
Oen local strawberry growers are har•
vesting their Drop.
O. 0. F. pia-nio in D. Stewart's grove
on Monday, July 2nd.
Surma, flag staffs have been erected
by private parties in town this week.
THE POST Subeoription list oontinnee to
grow. 50 oente secures it to the end of
BRUSSELS section men on the G. T. R.
have been assisting at a filling job on the
railway near Listowel.
"TexAs Gus," Stratton Bros. pacer has
been taken to Lietowel, where R. Roche
ie training him for the 500800'6 circuit.
MleI MAaam MaitUORroN will take
charge of the Pablio Library during the
absence of her sister, Mise Minnie, in the
Tan removal of the front fence at Jae.
Jones' residence makes a decided im•
provement showing to good advantage
the well kept lawn.
Pewee 0011oole will close on Friday of
next week, 20th inst. Rural schools will
reopen on Angnet 20 and village and
town echoole on Sept. 4.
Fumes, the 22nd, will be the biggest
day Brussels ever saw if favorable weath-
er le oars. The 48th Highlanders' Band
will arrive on the morning train from
Kincardine. The acrobats and balloonist
came on Thnreday.
AN attempt was made Thursday night
to gain entrance to the Standard Bank in
this plaoe. The front and back doors
were tried but the intruders were frigb•
tened away by Messrs. MoLennan and
Hamilton, who sleep over the bank by
disohargiog their revolvers. Two auspice
ions looking oheraotere were seen round
town the day previous.
HANDS. -Postmaster -General Mulook's
plan of issuing stamps in a convenient
form for carrying in the pooket has been
parried out. A neat booklet, 3 by 2
inches, containing 12 2•oent stamps,
with oiled paper berween the leaves of
stamps to prevent their sticking together
when moistened, hae been leaned. The
booklet also wonteing handy information
as to postal rates, postofftoe savings bank,
money orders, etc. The booklets are
now on sale for 25 dente eaob.
BRDseELs CAMERA CLUB, -Monday even•
ing of last week a meeting was held et
Melville manse of those interested in
amateur photography. A club was or.
ganized, officers being elected as followe :
President, Rev. R. S. Anderson, of Wrox'
tater ; Vies President, Rev. John ROBS, B.
; Seo'y✓Preae„ G. N. Gordon. Brae.
eels Camera Club is the name ohoeen and
the members will meet on the second
Tuesday evening in each month to discuss
topios of interest and help one another
out of affinities nities in their work, As the
officers are enthusiastic lovers of the
camera we anticipate the olub will spend
very pleasant and profitable hours.
the gravelling contracts let on the North
and South gravel road by the Commits of
Grey and Morris townships :-85 yards
at Alex. Bryant', to R. Miller, at 29a
Dente per yard ;1 90 yards:North of Alex.
Foreyth's bridge, to R. Miller, at 40 oents
per yard ; 80 yards North of Alex. Mo.
Lauohlin's gate to Wm. Maunders, at 44
cents; $64 worth at 89 Cents per yard
South of 801 con., to Win. Maunders ;
$15 worth at 28 oents North of 120h con.,
ee to Wm. Meanders ; 095 worth North of
Wm. Oakley's gate, at 21} canal per yard
P', to Albert Oakley ; $60 worth at 38 oente
&r.. --..North of 17117 oon„ to Oharles Pollard.
t'' The work will be doee at once and under
Oar the supervision of Inspeotore. Parma.
-o: nent roadways 8honld be aimed at from
eves this and a certain eeotion macadamized
'1 every year.
Exams= 70 Gomm.- The anneal
excursion to the Ontario Agrioaltural
Farm, Guelph, will be run this year on
Thareday next, Jane 28th, from all
stations between Kiooardine and Hen•
fryn. This exoarsion is run under the
auspices of the Farniere Institutes and
- Agricultural Societies and ie becoming
more popular euoh year. It ire known at
the 01001100 passenger agent'e office in
Toronto as the "Big excursion" among
those that are rue each year to the 0. A.
0. It affords a grand opportunity for
everyone to visit the oollege and view
the lawns, greenhouses and ell the
7061000 department6 of the oollege-the
staff of the college resisting the exoar-
eioniste 00 thoroughly inspect every
department. The return fare from
Bluevale is $1.20, train leaving at 7 a.m.;
Brussels, 31.15, train time 7.16; Ethel,
01,15, train 7.28 ; llenfryn, 01,15, train
7.80, Passengers will raters by regular
evening train,
Bitumen Orangemen will celebrate the
12th of July in Listowel this year.
TRIC Co. rate of be:adieu for 1900 will
be 1.1 mills on the dollar. Equalization
is the same as for 1899.
$6.50 per owt., live weight, wan paid
for hogs on Brussels market on Tueoday.
This is certainly d good pri0e.
Kelowxna ones say another wedding will
take plane shortly. The baohelor ex.
peotant groom 11ae the house rented.
THE Beattie bus is receiving an over.
hauling and a carryall he doing duty in
the daily tripe to the G. T. R. depot.
CATERPILLase are a good orop. In some
planes they are feeding aeon the maple
trees to the deetraetion of the green
drone of the latter.
Baueenrs Driving Park Association is
arranging for a day's noes on the half
mile track here to take place in July, of
which full particulars will be given later.
Co. No, 5 oomprieiagBrueseie 0ontia•
gent of the 33rd Regiment, arrived home
lest Saturday by special train. Oapt.
McTaggert's khaki uniform looked quite
the thing.
A SPECIAL CXOOrei0n train Wa8 run On
Thursday morning to Kincardine to en-
oommodate those attending the celebra-
tion in that town, Our Football team
went op on it.
Is addition to two sew tilting and re•
volving, leather upholstered chairs, R.
N. Barrett has pot in a new marble
topped wash stand, water taps, &o., en
hie barber shop.
De:rear ms will be sent over the G. T.
line to see that the recently issued orders
prohibiting people without any baeinese
therefrom standing about the etatione,
is being enforced.
FROM a New Zealand newspaper we
notice that Robert Kay, a brother to
Mre, J. R. Grant, of Winnipeg, WAS pre-
sented with $125 for faithful service res.
dared in oonneotion with the Presbyterian
TEE Entrance Examination commences
nest Wednesday, 27th inst., at 8.45 a. m.
64 applications are is for Brussels. July
3rd is the date of the Leaving Exam.
Pupile who only write on three subjeate
need not write until July 4th.
DR, KALner.EieoE in writing TRE POST
5Rye :-I have invested in a bicycle and
the worst experience I have had so far
was to run into a telegraph pole. I have
been threatened annihilation and arrest
by a few for riding a little too close to
some of their anatomical structures.
A mama feature of Friday forenoon's
celebration in Brussels will be a school
ohildren'e procession, leaving the public
school at 9 a. m., headed by the 48th
Highlanders' Band, They will march to
Victoria Park, (ferrying flags and will
sing patriotic Bongs. The base ball
match between Bruseele and Gorrie teame
will follow immediately after.
S uanit AND OoMrass.-Last week the
following decrees were eleoted in St,
John's Lodge, Brussels, A. F. it A. M.: -
P, J. Bishop, Immediate Peet Master ;
It, N. Barrett, Mester; Lao. Wright, Sen,
Warden ; J. H. Oameron, Jr. Warden ;
S. H. Jackson, Sen, Desmon ; Ohae.
MoQaarrie, Jr. Deacon ; Jur, Walker,
Sen. Steward; 0. Dodds, Jr. Steward ;
Jas. Irwin, Secretary; A, roneley, Treas-
urer ; I. r. Rioharde, Chaplain ; J. Y. S.
Kirk, Tyler. Installation takes place in
their Hall, Garfield Block, on Monday
evening of next week,
Blinn WON.-Bruseele Tennis Club
sent a delegation to Blyth on Tuesday
evening when an enjoyable match was
played on Mrs. Curtis' fine lawn in Which
the looal racquet wielders won. The
score was as follows :-Io singles, Tait
defeated Blair, 6.3, 6.0 ; Fox beat Deng.
las, 6.3, 6 3 ; Cook beat Cameron, 6 8, 6.
0 ; McClellan beat McMarohie, 7 6, 6.3.
In doubles, Tait and Dooglao beat Fox
and Blair, 7.5, 5 7, 6 8 ; 'Oook and Mo•
Mumble beat Cameron and MoOlellan,
6 2, 6.4. This was the first match for
Brussels this season.
Mmrraax.-The following note refers
to the 88rd (Huron) Regiment :-Provie•
ional Second Leiat, 0, Chisholm having
failed to qualify, hie Dame is removed
from the list of • officers of the motive
militia. To be eeoond lieutenant, pre.
visionally, H. 0. Dunlop, gentleman,
vice 0. Obieholm, retired. Provisional
Second Lieut. • T. 0. Bruce having left
limits bis name le removed from the lief
of the active militia. To be seuood lien.
tenants, provisionally, Oolor•Sergt. W.
Miller, vice J. 1?', Spooner, retired ; J. J.
Fisher, gentleman, vine T. C. Brnoe, re.
tired ; to be lieutenant, W. W. McVicar,
gentleman, to complete the establish.
DE00118rIO21 B711v10E.-The annual and
most interesting ceremony of decorating
the graves of deceased I. 0. 0. F. broth -
ran in Bennett cemetery, took place lent
Friday evening. Shortly after 7 o'olook
the prooeesion formed, headed by the
Fife and Drum Band with W. Grewer,
as Mamba', about 50 Odd Fellows Laking;
part. Many and varied were the beauti•
ful floral tributes carried to the silent
city of the dead, On arrival there the
following graves were visited :-Mrs. J.
M, O'Connor, Geo, and Mre. Hayoroft,
Mies Addie Best, Jae, Wilson, A. Good,
W. Radials, W. Cornish, A, Hamilton,
D. A. Smale, D, Scott, senlor and junior,
A. Stewart, P. and Mre, Thomson, and
A. Webster, The service wee 000dnoted
by i". Lamby, G. F. Blair, R. Leather.
dale and W. H. Kerr, It was a very
creditable turn out and breathed out the
brotherly feeling of the Order,
See the 336110on aaoe0ei0n.
DWI/ mise the furl preeented by the
Deebro•Parker Oompony at the Park oa
STnewnnnnx garden party.
ab Dr.
$nlder'e next Tueoday 000111119,
Act -
mission only 10 cents, Good program
will be given,
M, 11. Meonu, le. S.. bas 5050red
another aeaietaut. Hie name le Moore
and he is a relative of et. It's, The
young gentleman will be on the reserve
list for a while,
Onomezen Beenrpx is here tbie week
giving the A. O. II. W. a Doom, Hsie an
Old and eu000eeful band at the beate 's.
A special meeting of Brussels Lodge will
be held on Thursday evening of this week
to initiate oandldatee,
LAST Friday
Juo, while fttteq
tug a saw patting glebe in P. Ameut's
nail, had 111e attention momentarily call.
ed from hie work, with the result that
a very bad out was initiated on the thumb
of hie left hand nearly savoring it,
Exounslo6,-There promisee to be a
good turn out on Thursday of noxi weeds,
to the annual exoarsion to Guelph Model
Farm. Train leaves Bruseele et 7 15 a.
m„ and the return fate is 01,15. No
more enjoyable outing oars be taken at
this Beason of the year than a trip to the
MONDAY forenoon of last week there
was a bride! couple on the train between
Stratford and Listowel, With oalln de.
liberation and to the amusement of many
passengers in the oar the fair bride .ruse
from her seat and took her plaoe upon
her "hobby's"knee while his strong right
arm encircled her waist and prevented
her from falling off. It was a very yum 1
yum l sight and proved that all the silly
people are not deem yet,
SABBATH CE8E11vANoo.-Last Saturday
afternoon a meeting of the Executive of
Brussels Branob of the Lord's Dey Al.
limos was held in the eobool room of St,
John's abash. It was agreed that ser -
Male be preached on Sabbath, July 15th,
by each of the loan) pagers on the sub.
jeot of Sabbath Observance and .that a
oanvne of the business meq of the town
be made with the view of adopting an
earlier closing on Saturday nights than
that now in vogue. Report will be made
Saturday, July 7th, at 4 p. m. Mrs. W.
F. Vanetooe, J. Irwin and G. S, Rogers
were added to the Executive. '
i�aasiness Locals.
CASH for butter and. eggs. A. Conley,
Man for eels at 4o. 0 quart. MRD.
Wet. Bx, eau T,.
BmTOLEe repaired carefully and prompt-
ly at the Electric Light Works,
WANTED. - 100 tube butter weekly.
Everybody pays leo, oasts, 13o. trade
for eggs. If imitation ie the sincerest
flattery we might be pardoned in feeling
rather sensitively oar position. Note
the Genesis of oar Inspiration.
G. E. Knee, Wingham.
011UR01! UI11h3EM.
There was service in the R. 0. aerate
on Sunday and Monday mornings of this
"Our Eternal Destiny" will be the
topic at Melville Endeavor and the Ep.
worth League next Sabbath evening.
Rev. R. Pani was away last Sabbath at
Walton preaching for Rev. A. 0. Tiffin
in the Methodist charohee on that air•
At the Methodist Conference Rev. D.
Rogers, of Bluevale, was re•eleotedOhair•
man of the Wingham District for the
ensuing Conference year. He's popular
in the District.
Delegates were in attendance at the
Sabbath School and Oo. Endeavor 0on•
vection at Seaforth an Tuesday and
Wednesday of this week from the Meth.
odist and Presbyterian churches of Brae
Rev. F. H. Larkin, late pastor of the
First Presbyterian ohuroh, Ohatharn,
was presented with a gold watch by the
congregation, and Mre. Larkin with a
puree of money, on their leaving for Sea.
All the Epworth Leagues in Perth
oo0nty are to be visited between June 17
and July 26 by a missionary oampaigner,
Rev. J. L. Stewart, of Victoria Ilniver•
city, It is expected as a result the Meth-
odist young people of this county will
anile to support a missionary in the
foreign field, possibly China.
Rev. David Perris, of Wingham, 0000•
pied the pulpit of Melville oburoh last
Sabbath, he and Rev. Mr. Ross ex-
changing work. In the morning Mr.
Perris spoke on "The Final Judgment"
and in the evening the text-wae "Exoept
the Lord build the house they labor in
vain that build it" They were good
The office of General Seoretery of the
Sabbath School Aseooiation of Oatario,
made vacant some months ago by the
resignation of Alfred Day, has been filled
by the appointment at the meeting of the
general executive committee of John A.
Jackson, B. A., of Iroquois, Ont. Mr.
Jackson will likely enter upon big duties
abed July 1511a. He has for some years
held the position of prinoipal of the High
school at Iroquois and has a reword of
Sabbath sohool work manifesting in a
considerable degree the qualities neon.
spry to the work of the new offing.
Following is a fall list of the changes
in the final draft of the stationing own.
mittoe of London Conference: London
distrioe:-London, Colborne retreat, A.
K. Birks ; Hamilton Road, S. J. Allis ;
Siloam, A. Quaere ; Thorndele, R.
Thdmpson, 0. W. Morrow ; Delaware, S.
MoVittie, Stratford. dletriot-Stratford,
Waterloo street, A. H, Going ; Fuller.
ton, R. Hicks. Wingham district
Ethel and Henfryn, H, E, Corrie ; Rip-
ley, F. Swan ; Bervie, G. Baker, 0. J,
Wilson. Goderioh diotriot-Goderioh, J.
W. Robinson ; Clinton, Ontario street,
G. A. Gifford ; Walton, A. W. Dever 1
Toakeremith, W. A. Gifford ; Bayfield, J.
G.'Yelland. Exeter district-Elimville,
W. A. Walden ; Sylvan, R. A. Miller ;
Granton, B. L. Hutton. Strat11roy (lig.
atriot-Kenwood, E. Korebaw ; Martha.
vibe, J. J. Sinolair. Sarnia dietri0t-
Bosanquet, G. W. Revere, B. A. Wind•
sior district -Windsor West, G. A. Wil-
kinson ; Harrow, A. McMullen : Kings.
ville, 13. Clement; Ratbven, W. Bengh ;
Woodnlee, P. Myers; South edema, A,
S. Edwarde ; Romney, A, 0. Tiffin ;
Pelee Island, A. Rapson. Ohetbam dig.
triol-Oedar Springs, A. H, Shaw ; Mer.
lin, J. 0. Reid ; Tilbury, J. B. Kennedy;
Dover, C. F. 0181k ; Ridgetown distrlot,
Florence H. Kennedy Inwood, T,
Philips. S0. Thomeristriot-Spring•
field, J. Veale ; Avon, George Buggin ;
Malehide, 0. Moorhouoe; Staffordeille,
J. a, gaylpok; Shedden rind Lena, 'W. 0,
Bev, Jno, Flolmes preovbed the annual
Bennett tq the membere 0f Bruseele Tent
of the K. 0, T. M., the ladles of the L, (1.
19'. M. Mao attending. There were Mont
80 in the proneseio11, withelir KnightJ'go.
Wright' ate Marshal. After the oompaay
Wee sealed and the introduotor part of
the nervier) gone through with the pastor,
announced hid text, "Sue hath dcau
what elle oould," St. Mark 8.14. Tho
Maly atif l i its (1)Kind-
How09 was baai.
Boae ; (2)Inite eenential piritf saori•
Doe and sentiment ; (8) Individuality i
(4) Monumental firmneae of r000gnition.
The Weems adduced were ;-Love trans•
forma the moot humble service ; Werke
f alit hold not et midis works of
o u s a nl
self aaorifioe ; amidst conflicting d4tlas
do that nearest our band ; the willing
mind is accepted by what we bave, not
what we have not ; the assured immortal.
ity at gaodnees, The eermon wits a most
appropriate one, "Blessed be the Lord
God" was the title of the anthem, render-
ed by the choir.' Fred. Gilpin and W.
H. Kerr gave a duet entitled "Pilot of
annual Moorefield damp meeting will
open on Saturday evening, Jena 23rd,
and oontinue until Monday evening, July
2nd, Rev. W.T'.Megan, of Hamilton,
nne of the most effective platform
spathes lo Canadian Methodism and
Whose sermons and lectures en greatly
delighted the people last yes r, will
preaoh Sunday, Juno 240b, a' d lecture
on Monday, June 25th, Ell 11j .+','•Down
in Dixie." Rev. John Frees dug, of
Brantford, one .09 Oaneda'e r: ,.t able
and efficient speakers; will pr. '.1h Sun-
day, July let, and lecture all Monday
evening, July 2nd,eubjeot, "A night in
the Holy Laud, or seems in Palestine"
assisted by eighteen persona in Oriental
oo900me. Rev. A. I. Snyder, of Can-
berra', Ont„ will preach and lecture and
will be ohairmao of the Oamp for the
season. Professor M. 0..Merritt, who ie
n grand soloist, will have charge
of the eervice of song end will al-
oe bald a mneeaaloaaveution during the
Damp, assisted by Mre. J. R Clarke, of
Oakville ; musician, Mies A. Snyder, of
Danboro'. Never hue Moorefield camp
had a better program peel the Asrmone
and !natures will be found fall of Gospel
tenths and very interesting.
0. E. BuDOET,-The Ot'awa Evening
J nmol bas asked one of the C. E.
Oounaillere, Dr. V. H. Lyon, of Ottawa,
to edit a O. E. column weekly in Be
pages, We have no doubt bat that Dr.
Lyon will do the Endeavorere of the
Province credit by hie pen. This is an
excellent example to give to other papere.
The Journal will lose nothing by this
kindnese.-Rev. 0. H. Sheldon, author
of "In His Steps," who is at present in
Great Britain, will on hie return to
America, work for the 0. E. Society dur-
ing October, November and December.
Let us remember him in prayer that his
work may be a great and glorious amass.
-Toe 6811 C. E. Convention met in Dub.
lin reoently ander the presidency of the
Rev. F. B. Meyer, B. A., of London.
We oau all understand what a tone Mr.
Meyer would give to the Convention, for
the obaraoter of hie well known works.-
Ooe of the books Endeavorere will want
to read, not only for information eon•
oerning its subject, D. L. Moody, but
also for real spiritual stimulus and help
is ti,e one recently issued by his son,
W. R. Moody. This is the life of Mr.
Moody. None can compare with it. It
ie fes01000iog se a novel and full of the
noblest inspiration. No young perorate
can do a wiser thing than get hie own
copy and read it with Dare. In it Mr.
Moody a!•i'l lives. -Toe County of Water-
loo annual 0. E. Oonvention meets in
Ayr on June 29th with a first olaae pro.
gram. Waterloo aspects to be out in full
foroe at Guelph in October Provincial
-•Oonvention, So should every other
PERSONAL ['ARA(4100l II i.
Frank Stratton wee in Toronto for a
few weeks.
D. A. Lowry was at Moorefield this
Jno, Leckie was in Toronto for a few
days this week.
Rev. D. Roger's, of Bluevale, was in
town on Tuesday.
The Kendall family will remove to
British Columbia.
Mrs. R. Brown of Oranbrook, is visiting
friends in Brussels.
Mies Pearl Leatberdale is ruelioating
in Grey at S. Hoggard'e,
Mies Mary Kerr, who epent the pant
seven months in Toronto, ie home.
Mrs. A. M. Kay, of Stratford, is visit.
ing Mre, W. H. Kerr, her eieter-ia•law,
Mrs. Howell, of New Hamburg, ie
visiting her !daughter, Mre. S. TaPlam.
George and Miee Mary Roberton were
visiting in town for a few days last week.
Dr. and Mre. Twaddle and ohildren
opens Sunday at D. D. Wilson's, Seaforth.
Mies Metbere, milliner at Miss Rod.
dials's, is visiting friende in Eastern
Misses Densmore, of Westfield, were
visiting the Misses MoNaaghlon, Victoria,
street, this week.
Martha MoLennan, the genial drag
traveller, of London, was in town for a
few days last week.
Mies Thompson, of Seaforth, and Mr.
Irwin, of Clinton, were visitors at 0. H.
Bartliff's on Sunday.
Miss Bessie Craig, of Winnipeg, is
visiting et Melville manse, She is a
niece to Rev. Mr. Rose.
Inepeotor Robb will attend a school
arbitration at Summerhill on Saturday
and another at Blyth on Monday.
Mrs. W. A. Lowry, of London, is visit-
ing relatives in Bruseele and Morrie.
Mr. Lowry ie Moo here for a holiday.
Mieeee Minnie and Eva Israel and Mr.
Ondmore, of Seaforth, were visiting at
Watson Ainley'e last Sunday. Min Eva
is extending ben visit,
S, Carter and wife, R. Deabow and
wife, Wm, Denbow, Mre. R. Williamson
and Jno, Hill attended the funnel of
Mrs. Lavie at Clinton last Saturday.
Mra. Thoinpson, nee Mies Kate Fergu-
son, of Livingston, Montana, ie here on a
vioit to her mother, Alexander street.
She will remain for a few weeks.
Lorne Hunter left on Thursday morn.
ing for Sarnia from which point he goes
with a surveying party to Northern
Ontario. Ile will be away several
D. M: Fergueon, the bustling dry goods
man of 511801oed, spent Sunday ho 336110.
sole with his mother, preparatory to tak•
ing a trip acmes the Atlentio on a par.
oheeing tank,
ST4XD, RDD ,84XI' OF C.1N,4D4,
; e ❑7.eesaTe :mii'm aewO.
OAP1T1L PAID UP (000 million Dellars) • $1,000,000
RIOSIIIRVE FUND . - . • 0090,000
dgertaiee lot ail prinaipai p0tnta in Ontario, Quobep,Manitoba, Hatted States rO,ianglattd.
A General .sacking Bualnoes Treneaoted. Farmers' Notes Diowounted,
Drafts Iaeu':i and Collections mads On all points,
Interest allowed on deposits of $1,00 and npwarde.
Senora ATTENTION wpm TO TEE 001.1,110TIoN Or 31oeu nB' Seto NOTES.
Every f oility afforded Customers living a diet noe
J, N. GORDON, Ammo AOr1NT,
Mrs. Wilson, of Trowbridge, is visit.
ing her daugbter, Mrs, al. FI. Moore,
Mre. A. E. Treleaven, of Dungannon,.
wee in Bruseele for a week visiting ,her
father, Rev. W. Norton, and old friende.
Mr. Treleaven is away to Sault Ste.
Marie on a prospeoting tour.
Russell Fletcher, eldest eon of our
townsman, T. Fletcher, ie home for a
couple of weeks of well earned holidays
from Obicago. Reg. Fletober returned
to the Windy City last Saturday morn.
Smith and wife, of Wierton,
were visiting at D. Stewart's during the
past week. They left on Monday for a
visit with relatives at Detroit. Mr.
Smith were a former operator and bag-
gage man at Brussels G. T. R. and is now
agent at Wiarton.
W. B. Ballantyne, Editor and proprie•
tor of the Emerson Journal, and a gradu-
ate of THE Poem, was home on a visit.
It is 8} years same he was in town, We
are pleased to bear that prosperity is
attending his efforts in the West. Mr.
Ballantyne Dame down with the Press
1E1 a lt: rave.
Rev. P. J. Oaten, Pb. B., will preaoh
hie farewell sermon next Sabbath even-
ing. We are pleased to know be will not
be very far away at hie new oironit, Aeh•
field. He will reside in Lnoknow. Rev.
A. H. Brown, B. A , of Kerwood, will be
the new pastor end is highly epeken of.
A GOOD MAN GONE. -Last Sabbath
evening, Thos. Wilkinson, an old and
highly esteemed resident of this looalty,
passed away to hie reward quite sudden-
ly at the age of 74 years. He bad been
at a birthday party at hie son's home,
5th line, on Saturday but bad a weak
spell and another early Sabbath morning
reealting from heart failure. Mr. Wil-
kinson was en Englishman by birth ; a
eueoesefut farmer until hie retirement
here and was a consistent and faithful
Methodist class leader for many years.
It is not to be wondered at that the
future was bright to him and hopeful
of crown wearing. 5 sons and 2 dough•
tern are left behind with the mother to
remember the love and advioe of a kind
father and a loving husband. The
children were all home for the funeral on
Tuesday. Interment was made at the
Brandon cemetery, Rev. Mr. Oaten non.
daoting the service.
Mentor -Ch.
Granolithio sidewalk laying is the
order of the day.
A large number of visitors were in'
town on Tuesday and Wedneedeyattend-
ing the Sabbath School and Endeavor
Big peeparations are being made for
the horse races to be held here in the
near future. . The new grounds are being
fitted up in good style.
D. D. and Mre. Wilson arrived home
on Thursday evening of Ian week after a
somewhat extended visit in the Old
Country. They are welcome bank.
The G. T. R. should change their track
so thkt the train would land passengers,
baggage, &o., on the platform instead of
dumping them off on the "devil's strip."
It is only justice to the public.
MA1101118 111 Jnen.-Oa Tneeday, June
12th, Will. D. McLean, of the "Huron
Expositor," realizing the truth of the
old saying "It is not good that man
should be alone,' took unto himself a
wife in the person of Mise Florence M.,
eldest daughter of the late David John.
eton, of Seaforth. Rev. Mr. Raseell per.
formed the ceremony at the home of the
bride's mother in the praeenoe of a
number of the immediate friends of the
contracting parties, at high noon. After
the ceremony the guests eat down to a
sumptuous wedding dinner, to whiob it
is needless to tray all did ample joetioe.
The happy oouple then drove to Dublin
to take the afternoon train for Detroit,
Chicago and other pointe on a short wed-
ding tour. However, Mao. did not escape
the "good wishes" of his many friende
here, in the shape of rine, &0„ as a good
number evidently thought it worth while
to take a trip by train to Dublin to show
their appreciation of the bride and groom
in a "grand reception" as the train pull.
ed in. Mr, and Mre, McLean assume
the duties and pleasures of married life
under very favorable auspices and amid
the beet wishes of many friende for long
and prosperous journey over the Bea of
INDUCTION OF A PAsTon•-At a meeting
of the Huron Presbytery, held in the
Presbyterian ohuroh, Seaforth, on Wed.
needay of last week, Rev. F. H. Larkin,
B. A„ Ph. D., was formally induoted into
the pastoral oharge of this ohuroh.
There was a large congregation present
to witness the impressive services. Rev.
Mr. Stewart, of Clinton, presided, and
after a most eloquent, praotioat and
insinuative discourse by Rev. Mr. Sewers,
of Bruoefield, the new pastor was duly
obligated by Rev. Mr. Stewart. Rev.
Mr. Musgrave, of MoKillop, afterwards
addressed the pastor, in appropriate
words, which oontained math usafnl ad-
monition for both pastor and people.
He Was followed by Rev. Mr. Fletcher, of
Thames road, Ueborne, who delivered an
admirable addtese to the people. These
ceremonies oonoluded, the pastor was
conducted to the door of the ahurob by
Rev. Mr. Martin, of Exeter, and intro.
clued individually to the members of the
congregation. The oongregation. was
then invited to the basement, where the
ladies had prepared refreshments and
wbeee a couple of Insure were very
agreeably and mildly spent. The
physical and 000ia1 needs of the oongro.
gallon having been thus provided for,
all again aeeemblod in the audience room,
Where Mr. Stewart once more presided,
and ea drone were delivered by Revs.
Meagre, Mnegrave, Sawere, Goldsmith
and Larkin. These addresees were inter-
spersed by most pleasing mn8ioal eeleo•
tione from the choir, inoluding an excel.
leptly rendered Bolo by Mrs. Somerville,
and a duet by Mre. Somerville and 91r.
Soots. • At the close of the program the
services of Mr, Stewart, Moderator of the
Season, during the vacancy were verbally
and tangibly aoltnowiedged in a fitting
manner on behalf of the oongregation,
theSeseion and the Managing Cont.
minae. The proceedings throughout
were of the most interesting ohnreoter,
and such as will be long remembered) by
all present. Rev. Mr. Larkin enters
upon the duties of hie new charge under
the moat favorable oiroumstaocae,
F. B. Wade, barrister, of Halifax, was
nominated for the Commone by the Lib•
erale of Annapolis, N. S.
Rev. Adam Murrrnao, of Zion Con•
gregational ahurdh, Montreal, who was
accused of sympathizing with the Boers,
has resigned the pastorate.
A. F. Harrlson, found guilty at Strat.
ford, of having counterfeit amine and dies
for making them in his possession, was
sentenced to two years and six months
in Kingston Penitentiary.
730 ZN.
BAnmoN.-In Elena, on June 8th, the wife
of Mr. James Barton of a daughter.
FovND.-In Gerrie, on 13011 inst., the
wife of Mr. J. S. Found of a daugh-
Lova.-In Elmo, on June 101h, the wife
of Mr. Wm. Lova eta son.
PErrnn.-In Morris, on June 18:11, to
Mr. and Mrs, L, Pepper, a eon.
VIPON7, In Elms, on June 81h, the wife
of Mr. Wm. Vipond of a daughter.
Does-TnntlnnLL.-At the reeidence of
the bride's parents, Grey, on the
20th inst., by Rev. Inc. Rose, B, A.,
Mr. Jao, Doig, of Howiok, to Mise
Agnea M„ youngest daughter of Mr,
Jae. Turnbull, Reeve of Grey.
BIELHr.-In Grey, on J1100 17017, Hattie
J., eeoond daughter of Thos. and
Olevia Bielby, aged, 22 years and 4
JoNEINs.-In Turoberry, on Jane 8th,
Robert William, infant eon of Mr.
and Mre. Will. Jenkins, of Listowel,
aged 2 months.
DAVIS -At the borne of son, E. Lavie,
Holmeeville, on Jane 1401, Mrs.
Lavie, aged 78 years, Sister to Mrs.
Jno. Deabow, Brussels.
TraDaLE.-In Lietowel, on June 11th,
John E. Tisdale, aged 88 years, 6
months and 8 days.
WmEnvsoia.-In Redgrave, nn Jane 17,b,
Thos. Wilkinson, aged '74 years.
FARM horse for anle, weighs 1200 to
1300 lbs. Will work in any harness.
40.2 B. GERRY.
Teacher Wanted.
Teacher wanted for 0, S. No, 8, Grey, to
take charge atter holidays. Male or female.
Applications received U 1M. B ine 20th,
40 9 8e0ret1117, Oranbrook P. 0.
Patents Guaranteed.
Our fee returned if wo fail. Anyone send-
ing akotoh and description of any invention
w911 promptly receive our opinion Iran con-
cerning the patentability of same. "How to
obtain a patent" sent upon request. Pat.
ante secured through us advertised for sale
at our expense. Patents taken out threugb
pe receive BPEOIAL 8007x00, without charge,
in THE PATE87 REnonn, an illustrated and
widely circulated journal, consulted by Man.
ufaetursra and Investors, Send for sample
copy PnEE. Address VICTOR J- L+'VAN6 &
00., (Patent Attorneys,) Eyans Building,
Washington, D, 0,
For the Jubilee Celebration..
Something entirely new.
See them at
°on's Drug Store,
home on Queen street, furnished or
without, at 0bargain. Apply to
- _
MISS M,. CAMPBELL, Bruseele.
Con. 7, Morrie, on or about May 20,
three yearlings, 2 eteare and a heifer. The
latter is e'roaa, ono steer is rod and white
and the other red with star is forehand.
Any information leading to their recovery
will be thanitfully received.
97.4 ALFRED BUTTON, Bruseele P.O.
Routh Half Lot 27, Con. 5, Morrie
Tow nabip, within 1 mile of Bruesolo. Dwell-
ing house, buildings and fences in good con.
(Mien, The lot has a spring creek on rho
front and river Maitland crosses the rear,
About 00 aoree timber and a young bearing
orchard. Apply to G. A. DEADISIAN,
45.10 Druggist, Brussels.
Being Lot 17 and 8 5 Lot 10, Gob,
15, Grey. On the premises is a comfortable
Louse, bank barn, orchard, &a. Liberal
terms will be given to purchasers., Farm
could be divided, making the 100 and the 50
separate, For further particulars as to
pVri0e, tonna, &o., apply ou the promisee or
if by letter to Oranbrook P.0,
640 aoree, complete section, near
Southwest boundary of Manitoba, Over 100
acres under onitivaiion, Fine two•etorsy
house coating over :1000. 8 reline from rail-
way; river Souris pasties through farm;
near cheap coal supply. Price 54000.
Apply to JNO. D. RONALD.
mei Lot 20. N 0 Con. 6. Morris township,
containing 08 aoree of first -oleos land. There
la ahouse, barn, orabard and good ware-
house, and farm is well fenced. There ate
85 acres in Fall wheat ; 15 pores in hay and
45 acres pasture. Possession oould be given
at once. Farm adjoins the village of 13rtla-
eels, For further particulars as to price,
terms, &o., write to JAMES LIVINGSTON,
M, P., Baden, 22•tf
LAGE, -The property of the late John
Elliott, consisting of a solid brick house,
with frame kitchen and woodshed, good
stable and acro of land all In drat-oia..s
condition. If not sold will be rented. Pea -
session at any time. For pattieulww apply
to WM. 97E1160, Ethel; ALux. PATTERSON
Galt ; Or 11R, MclenavEs, 71st. Purest 201f
SALE. -Lot 17, 0013. 0, Township of
Grey. 100 mores 13106e or less. Situate 91
tot's, trop., ,1.018ce1e cud 2 mi10efrom village
01 A;tb e1 11seated excepting 5 mores of
harem, td 1 veli. 1 ulblinge and fences in
good re-.' Ir. O and 00110, All earl plowing
dole. 1 rias and tm•me of payment en mp-
plienrnu to W. 111. SINCLAIR,
20 1f Barrister, &a, 131118801s..1IARM Ji'OR SALE. -150 ACRES.
a. Consisting of the Bonth 1 and South 1
of the North d of Lot 110, Con .2, East WILWit-
s04, Thr; le an excellent stook farm, being
welleupplied with good opting water, his
situated about miles from the thriving Vil-
lage of Blyth. A largo part of It is under
grecs. Buildings and femme are in a fair
Onto of repair. Ems terof payment will
be given, For all information ms ormation apply to
11-t1 G.F. BLAI1t, Barrister, Brueeels.
12 sale Lot 21, Oonoeseion 10, OreRillop,
containing 100 aaroe, 80 antes cleared and
ready fororop being wolf audordralued and1
well fancied with sed ar and black ash. The
balauoe is Limber and pasture. There I9 m '
small orchard and three good wells. There
isa good frame house and wood shed, a
barn and stables 61E80 fent, also eheep
!louse, pig pen, implewout house and all
other000000ary out buildings, Itis 11 miles
East of the North gravel road and es oau•
veuiont to soboole, churches, poet otiloe, etc,
Is 74 tulles front eeatortb and 10 miles front
lirneools. It is One Of the best farms in
tbo township and will be soldon easy forme
us the proprietor 77191108 to retire. Apply
o n the promisee or addroee Winthrop P.0, •
lit Greatly named. I'rioes.
▪ a-1
• 0�-1
E have done a very large trade in
Ladies' and Children's Sailor Hats
this season so far, but in order to make a
glean sweep we will offer the balance we now
have in stock at Greatly Reduced Prices.
Our former •prices for these goods were
cheap -now they are cheaper than ever.
Don't miss the opportunity while they last,
Our stock throughout in all
Lines is well Assorted.
Eveyvthiiig Chea,,. No Fancy Prices,
July Standard Patterns to hand.
A Fashion Sheet Free to those who call
for them,