HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-6-21, Page 5r
JUNE 21, 1900
e v,
()out, OM. SCOTT, Bruoeols,
e • Innuor of Marrtago L1copepo, 01.
ileo at8room•y1 1urnborryttroet, Brnseols.
• Tonsorial Artist. Shop—Next door
North of the Standard 136018, Ladies' and
Olrildron'e flair Putting a sPeololty.
Dllner0NL'D has several good Farms fpr
sale marl to rant, easy terms is Townships
01 Morris and Grey, F Fi. SCOTT,Brueee1e
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
231,2,TTSR3lx.6, ON'T..
L. O. M..
Aoadomie graduate 'of London Conserva-
tory of Music, also Member of the ABsooiated
Musicians of Ontario, is prepared to xeeeive
a limited number of pupils for lestruatIon
on the piano. Qualified to prepare pupil for
the Principal's Form in the Conservatory of
Music, Brussels, Ontario.
clerk of the Fourth Division Court,
Co. Huron; Conveyancer, Notary Publro,
Land, Loan rand insurance Agent ; Auction.
eer. Funds invested and to^loon. 001100.
tions made. 011100 in Graham's)B10ok, Brus-
• EEn, will sell for better prices, to
better men, in lose time and Lose chargee
than any other Auctioneer in Bast Limon or
he won't charge anything. Dutce and orders
can always be arranged at this office or by
personal application.
(80EMEnLY or enkiro Tn)
Graduate of R. 0. D S., Toronto ; Post Grad.
nate oonree at Haekel'e Sobool, 08110000, fn
orown and bridge work. la -Prices same as
in surrounding towns. 21.
Mice over A.R. Smith's store, B reis8080.
• Honor Graduate of the Ontario Vol'
erioary Qollego, is prepared to treat all dis-
Bllt mannerr..68tP xtionlOr attention paaiidet-
Veterinary Dentistry. Calle promptly at-
tended to. 011lee and Infirmary—Four doors
North of bridge, Turnberry et., Breasele.
V V • Barrister, Solicitor, t0o0veyanaer,
Notary Public, dco. Omce—B towart's Block
1 door North of Oentral Hotel,,
Solicitor. for the Standard Bank.
• Solicitor, &a. 0f000 over Stand.
ar•dMoney to Loan at lowestirates Brussels.
• (Formerly of Cameron, Balt &
Cameron) Barrister and Solicitor. Goderioh
Ont. 011l00—Hamilton street, opposite Col.
borne Hotel.
77.. o, C. M,,8
Licentiate of Royal College of Phyeielane
aid Surgeons, Kin eaten ; Member o1 the Col-
lege ofIhyeieianoand Surgeons of Ontario.
bitumen of Women and Children a Brecial-
tyy. Nine years' experience. 011100 and res.
103000, opposite i*nglish,ohuroh, Bruesole.
M. D., C. Id.,
TrinitylUniversity, Fellow Trlhity Medical
Oolloge, Member (foliose of Physicians and
Surgeous, Ont. Licentiate of the Royal Col-
lege of Physicians and Licentiate of Mid-
wifery Edinburgh. 811 Tolopboue No.14,
Resklohce—Mill street, Brussels.
rNx0IOIAN, stinenON AND 600000HE013,
(Su.ccessor to Dr. F. IL HalbIloiaoh)
Ti. D, Bellevue Hospital Med. 001„ New
York ; M D 0 M Victoria University, Toron-
to; Member of the College of Physicians and
8urgg0080 of Ontario. Special attention paid
to 0180x000 of women, eye, ear, nose and
throat. 10•tt
M. O. O. M..
Graduate of mown College, Montreal, &,,
&o, All specialty work satisfactorily treat-
ed, 011100 upstairs in the Stratton Blcak.
Ofl)ao hours, 0 to 12 a. 10„ and 7 to 10 p. m.
Bpoolaltet work, such as for eye, ear, throat,
e reef the
m2 to at his
m.ro All medminee w11
bo dispensed pertonaily by the Dr, or under
bio direct supervision.
Writo To -day for Our Catalogue 1
. J
251 'f r , `O'Git
1 Students are in attendance thin year
from Canada, United States and New,
foundland. Our graduates are always
sttooeeefnl in getting good situations.
W. 3. ELLIOTT, Principal,
The BL1Biness
on tarlo
Listowel College.
A thorough, complete and preo1ioal train.
ing in all branches of Oonrmeroial work,
ut 000eiderably lees than regular rates.
For full information apply
Ite'etne or College over Post °Moo..
fxSiT:Cxt tbos.
ee — Kam Jaok on
LIME TIN14n —Miss e ,
of Elora, is vieltin$ her Meter, Mre. W.
H. Code.—Hugh Mo0rae, of Prioevillo,
was renewing old 0egaointanoee in the
village last week.—O. Ooseno, who was
attending the missions of the London
'Oonferenoe, returned on Monday of last
week.—Rev. 0. W. Bristol was in at-
tendance at the London Conference held
in Bt. Marys.—J. H. and Mrs. Kingsman,
of Wyandotte, are visiting friends in this
oonemunity.—Mise Dorothy Rogers, of
Listowel, was the guest of Misa Maggie
Sutton a few days.—Rev. T. W. Coeene,
are. 0oeene and Master Dewit, are
spending a few days nudes the parental
roof.—We regret that Lena Code and
Mre. W. H. Medd are ander the dootor'e
core, but hope that they will Boon be Pon.
valeeoont again.—Mre. W. Jackson sad
Mies Hattie loft on Tuesday morning of
last week for Toronto where they will
spend a week before starting for Matei-
tobs. They will be joined in Toronto by
W. and Mre. Mo0ormiok, who pnrpose
spending the Summer in Manitoba and
the Territories.
W vo1retter.
[Intended for last week,]
Mies Stokes', of Turnberry, was the
guest of Mre. Thos. Appleby.
Rev, U. V. Lake returned from the
Methodist Oonferenoe, at St. Marye, on
Monday, announcing all well.
Mr, Hodson, of Wingham, is visiting
on Oentre et. Mr. Lawrie, hie father,
is over 80 years of age and is poorly.
Tilos. Appleby and family, of Turn.
berry, were the guests of Thos. T. Ap
pleby, Sanderson street, last Buuday.
Mise Kate Robineon, of Ann street,
sports the latest wheel in towu. It ie a
raoyole and ie without doubt a beauty at
6'. Y. Dickson was at Berlin attending
court last week. On his way home hie
wheel gave out and he experienced eon•
oiderable delay.
Terre. James Dodds, of Centre street,
was lairs to rest in Bt. James Cemetery on
Saturday last. The pall bearers were
James Paulin, George Barnard, James
Sbefford, John Sanderson, Alex. Smith
and Reuben Badmen.
The following ie a list of the officers
elected in Forrest Lodge, No. 182, A. F.
& A. M., in Wroxeter :—W. M., R. Mil.
ler ; S. W., Wm, Mose ; J. W., Geo.
Spottoo ; Chap., Rev. A. B. Faruey ;
Treas., John Barnard ; Sec., Thos.
Brown ; Tyler, D. N. McDonald. Senior
and Junior Deacons and Inner Guards to
be appointed by Worshipful Master.
A Widow's Eovc'ARalr
Receives a eetbaok, if she has an of•
feneive breath through Constipation,
Biliousness or Stomach trouble, but Dr.
King's New Life Pills always Pure those
troubles ; oloao the system, sweeten the
breath, banish headache ; beet in the
world for liver, kidneys and bowels.
Only 250 at G. A. Doadman's drug store.
J. R. Williams was fn Goderiuh last
week as a juryman.
The Gerrie base ball team will play in
Brueselo on the 22nd and in Clifford on
July 2nd.
Mre, W. H. Clegg and daughter, Mise
Mable, have returned to their home in
the "Soo "
J. W. Green, of Tavietook, wag in town
attending the funeral of the late A. B.
About 10 o'clock on Friday morning,
8th inst., as Joseph Greer and another
lad were returning aorose the fields from
Major Kaine'e they noticed a man laying
under a tree near the fence of the Metho•
diet cemetery and on investigation it was
found to be John Haeket. A rig was pro.
oared and the old gentleman was o00•
veyed to the Albion Hotel in a genii.
unconscious condition. A Dr. was call-
ed and did everything iu hie power to re.
viva him but all to no avail and about 6
o'oiook hie spirit left this world and took
its flight to the God who gave it. De•
ceased had been a resident of this town-
ship for about 80 years. For many
veers he owned and managed the Maple
Leaf Hotel, wbinh was deetroyod by fire
some yeare ago. As near a0 can be am
Pertained the old man had loosed all his
money and bad been working wherever
he could get anything to do and altbongh
gone bad offered him shelter he was too
honest to live off others and refused to go
to the Hours of Refuge. Ile was last
seen about 10 o'clock on Tuesday night
and it is supposed that he went to where
he was found and laid himeelf down to
die and had been there einoe that time
until found on Friday morning. Hie
remains were laid to rest beads those of
his late wife in the Gerrie cemetery.
The expense of the funeral was borne by
the Orangemen.
HDno80 DowN Tun RANanne,—' The
Berlin Rangers, with a *metal train, ar•
rived here Fridayevening to play off a
cup tie matoh with the Hurons in the
senior series for the W. 1'. A. champion.
ship. Referee Forsyth, of Burlin, start.
ed the teams going at 7 o'clock. Berlin
for the firet few minutes had the adven.
one taken
Cage, From n o r r by the
Rangers the Heroin' ran the ball up the
field, but the Rangers, with an equally
sffeetive run, returned it and emend the
first goal : time, 6 minutes. The second
game was an even one, oharaoterized by
close, bard checking, remelting in a soots
for the Heroue after 14 minutest play.
The first half ended with a goal eaob.
Ona kiok•0ff in the eeoond hall the
Hurons rushed the ball, and in two min.
Utes a lbw grounder from Stoney Jack.
eon made the Poore 2 to 1, In favor of
the Hnront, Now followed a splendid
exhibition of a fine hard game, both
teams showing excellent eombinallon.
The Heroin' right wing passed aotose to
Fhilayeon on the loft, who sent in a het
Phot, which was wall put out, only to be
returned by the Uueenie °brltre and the
90Are wee 6 to 1, ill favor of the Hurons.
The home team seemed now to be mite.
tare and two further goals were eoored
by him in guiuk eu0ceesion. The plucky
uphill work of the Rangers got them one
goal before the game ended, The Hurons
were preening the Ranger's bard and the
blowing of tile whistle left the sears 6 to
2, in favor of the Hurons, ending another
of a eeriea of initiates between these old
rivals. When they meet the game is al.
ways a hatd one, but always a gentle-
manly and manly exhibition of football.
Mrs. (Rev.) J. 11, MoBain, and ofti'dron,
of Ridgeway, are guests of Mrs, J. W.
Mo Bain.
Robt. Anderson and R. M. Ballantyne
were at Stratford last week, attending
Court ae jurymen,
George 17, Wilson bas emended in
carrying off theeohularehip of the first
year in Toronto (nodical OoUege.
Mre. R. S. Pelton and children left
Thursday of last week on a visit to relit.
tives and friends in Cornwall and Mon-
The Elmo Cheese Go. shipped on Wed•
naeday of laet week, the last half of the
May oheese-880 boxee—for T. BAllau
Lyne & Sons. Price, no per ib.
On Wednesday of last week, Donegal
shipped 128 cheese (balance of Mao) from
Atwood station, Kookton, 84, Newry,
125, and Silver Corners, 105, 18 of the
latter were first part of June cheese.
Price received, 9jro. per Ib. Ballantyne
& Sons were the buyers.
BlvCt. .
George Smith is busy oolleating all un•
paid dog taxes.
Our old citizen, James McGee, has
again been awarded the ooutroct tor
carrying the mail between Bayfield and
Walter McLean, who has been attend-
ing the Ontario Babool of Pedagogy at
Hamilton the past year, ie home for the
Summer holidays.
Bev. A. McLean left nn Monday morn.
ing of last week for Halifax, where he
will attend the general aesembly.of the
Presbyterian chetah.
J.111. Hamilton is having a verandah
ereoted in trout of hie residence and the
front of hie drug More is receiving a
treats dose of paint.
The finance committee of Bt. Andrew's'
oburab is arranging to dispose of the old
burying ground. Anyone having frieode
buried there should remove the bodies
before the sale ie made.
At the last meeting of Dutton eohool
Board, John A. Taylor, B. A., formerly
of Blyth, wpe appointed one of the ex
aminere to read the papers of the en.
trance candidates' for Elgin county.
A. Graham, sidewalk oontraotor,
started hie men to work on our grape.
lithie sidewalks on Tuesday of last week.
Petitions are already in for sidewalks 0a
both aides of Queen street from the
bridge to MoOounell street ; both sides
Dineley street from railway crossing to
Methodist pareonage ; hath aides of Wel.
lington street, and South of Westmore.
land street from Queen to Wilson street.
Wb118'X a:ea.
Our Band is ruining again.
A foundry may be started in town.
Dr. Agnew has removed his offices
from the atone to the Macdonald block.
R. A. Douglass, of Markdale, has per.
chased A. Morrow's drug stook and taken
poeeeoeton at once.
During the thunder storm ou Wednes.
day night of last week Mre. Morrow's
barn was etrnok with lightning.
Herman Voigt, an employee 01 Button
& Peasant, unfortunately bad his head
severely jammed between a oar and a
poet, His ear and face were badly out.
Button & Feseant's Chair Factory em.
ploys more hende than any other mans.
featuring 00000011 in Wingham. A few
years ago they began with 25 employees,
today their payroll lists three times
that number.
John B. Elliott in the land of the Star
Spangled Banner, a former Wiogham
boy, has been promoted to the very re•
sponeible position of train despatober at
Itasca, Wisconsin, on the Chicago, St.
Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha road,
W. G. Howson, of town, ie the poeaes•
nor of the premier dairy cow of this lo-
cality. She is a Jereoy, Millie Beech,
registered in the American 'Jersey Cattle
Club stook books. Her record for seven
days, June god to June 8th, may prove
interesting to dairymen. In the seven
days she gave 250 poundeof milk, an
average of 37 pounds a day. The butter
made during the same time weighed 18
lbs, 10 oz. which is one pound of butter
to 14 lbs. of milk. She was fed each day
61bs. oat ohop and 5 Ibe. bran as well ae
pasture grass. • Millie Beeob is 4 years
old, weighs 820 lbs. and has been milking
01 days.
Li tie to ex ol.
Night prowlers aro reported to be
F. S. Howe hae put in three new Oree•
Dent revolving barber chairs.
J. J. Montgomery, of Toronto, return-
ed to town and has taken the f0rmanship
of the Banner.
Quite a number of residents of this
neighborhood took advantage cf the ex•
oureioue to Manitoba and the Northwest
on the 19th.
0. Tabberuer has been appointed treas.
nrer and 0o11eo1or for the Listowel One
& Electric Light Go, A redtlotien in the
prion 0 gas is promised in the near
Andrew Foeroh, who is about engaging
in the furniture bossiness', being a member
of the Listowel Furniture Co„ has die -
posed of his butchering bueineee to E.
Thomas Bartja, the young man who
bad three fingers and a part of hie hand
duelled In Reese's eawmill last week, is
progressing as well as could be expeoted
under the circumstances,
Rev. Mr. Hardie, of Knox °burs'', and
Wm. Haddove, lay representative, left
town on Monday 0 last week for Halifax
to attend the General Assembly of the
Presbyterian Church of Canada,
Jacob Bray, a well known farmer of
Elmo, met with an 000id001 at a raising
at Wm. Niehol'o 4th eon„ whioll will lay
him up for a time. While etandingsome
distance away he wog gtruok ou the leg
by a low beam, to which a team of horses
was hitohed, and which swung around,
striking him on the leg and :maturing
the bone in two plaoeo.
TILE 131 U& 3 1L1S POST
Mies B, Rogsre' plass fn the Listowel
nSunday tooheoohedassembled at the
reaidepoe of Jas, Rogers, Raglan et„ for
the pgrpoeo of eayiag good bye lv their
olacemate, Rueooll Geese, who left on
Thursday morning to take a situation on
a newspaper in Regina, N. W, T., and to
make him the reoipient of a bapdoomo
'Rea ier's' Bible, a000mpenied by an ad.
Seven Tears An Dad.
"Will wonders ever cease ?" inquire the
Mende of Mrs. S. Pease, of Lawrance,
Kau. They knew she had been unable tq
feave her bed in seven years on account
of kidney and liver trouble, 180rvons pros•
tratiou and general debility ; but "Three
bottles of Electric Bitters enabled me to
wells," she verde), "and in three menthe
T felt Hite a 11830 person," Women auf-
foring from Headache, 860ka0he, Ner•
vonene80, Bleepleesneov, Melancholy,
Fainting and dizzy spells will Gad a
priooleee blousing. Try it. Sat(efaotiou
is guaranteed, Only 50o at 0. A. Death
man's drug store.
Presbytery of Maitland.
The Presbytery of Maitland held an
adjourned meeting at Whiteohnroh on
June 12, the Moderator in the chair,
Rev, F. A. MoLenuan, olerk pro tem.
There was a fair attendance of mem.
bare present, Rev. R. Henderson eat ae
corresponding member. G. N. Dunn's
trial exercises and examination were
sustained as satisfactory and the Presby
tery proceeded to ordain.him to the Goa.
Cel ministry.
Rev. A. O. Stewart preached an able
sermon from Acts 10 33.
The Moderator ant to Mr. Dunn the
questions of the Formula to which he
gave sabieteestory answers, then engaged
in prayer daring which the minister-
eleot knelt and was solemnly set apart to
the oflloe of the ministry of the Gospel
by the laying on of the hands of the
Presbytery and prayer. The Moderator
gave Mr. Dunn the right hand of fellow•
ship and induoted biro into the pastoral
charge of the united congregations of
Wbiteohnrob and Langeide, and admitted
him to all the rights and privileges there•
to pettaining. The members of the Pres-
bytery also gave the right hand of fellow-
ship. The newly included minister was
addressed in suitable terms by the Mod
orator and the congregation was 0ddrees.
ed by Rev. W. T. Hall.
Mr. Dunn was inbrodnoed to the con-
gregations as they were retiring from the
Next meeting of who Preebytery will be
held in Knox Church, Teeswater, Sept.
18th, at 9 80.
Ray. J, MAONAnn, Clerk.
The Juste Seasione of the Peaoe for
the County of Heron opened in the
Oocrt Houle at 2 p. m., Tuesday, of
last week, before His Honor Judge Alae -
eon. Three oriminal chargee were
named for trial, oonepiraoy to defraud
oreditore, assault, and perjury, end 7
civil suits were on the docket, three by
jury and four by the judge alone. The
civil °Guess for trial by jary, were,
Steep ve. Warren, an aotion for damages,
for certain applee not being up to con-
tract ; Baker vs. Leddy, an notion to
recover on a contract for building a
house; Campbell ve. McLennan. an
aotion to recover the value of a tomb.
stone. The uon.jury oases were : Denby
ve. Lee, an aotion by the plaintiff to rank
as a creditor on the estate of Alex.
LMitoitell ; Gardner vs. Cooper, au aotion
to recover the price of plastering a
number of bowies ; Goderioh Engine &
Bicycle Co. vs. Henderson, an aotion to
recover the value of a number of bioyales
sold to defendant,atter vs. Mo-
Mioken,ten aotioand B
to recover on an old
The following gentlemen formed the
Grand Jury : Robs. Armstrong, Stanley ;
H, B. Chant, Clinton ; John Elder, Hay ;
Allan Fraliiok, E. Wawanoeh ; Thos.
Hamilton, Hullett ; John Kinslake,
Usborne ; Acheson Laird, Howick ; Don-
ald McKenzie, As''field ; John MoDwan,
Stanley ; Patriok O'Connor, W. Wawa•
nosh ; J. R. Williams, Gerrie, and John
Walker, Tuokeremith. Mr. Williams
having been elected foreman, His Honor
addressed the jurors on the oriminal
oases that would be placed before them by
thecounty attorney. Be defined what
oonetitutee an assault with intent to do
bodily harm, how defrauding oreditore
was established, and what perjury
meant. Hie Honor dealt at eome length
with each of the crimes and directing
attention to their other duties, they re.
tired to the Grand Jury room to com-
mence ooneideration of the bille.
The first ease, Steep vs. Warren, Ives
then Palled, and, a jury having been
sworn, commenced and lasted all the
sitting, and when it was adjourned at 6.15
p. m„ 4 witnesses had been examined for
the plaintiff and 5 for the defendant,
Court opened at 9.80, Steep vs. Warren
being resumed, and several witnesses
were examined for the defence. The one
closed at 10,80 and after the counsel and
His Honor had addressed the jury
brought in a verdict in favor of the
plaintiff for 5100, and for defendant 020
which meant•ooete. J. T. Garrow, Q, 0.
for p1ff., E. Champion, Q. 0. for deft.
During the morning the Grand Jury
presented a true bill for common aeeault
in the Queen vs. Allan, and on the oonrt
resuming after noon recess, a jury was
sworn to try the ease, which was opened
by county attorney Ira Lewis, who gave
the jury the crown's view of the ease.
The plaintiff, "Dad" Bogie, gave evi.
denos of the offence oherged, and tome
half dozen others followed, and the de•
fendant, hie brother, and Jonathan
Miller gave evidence for the defeaoe, P.
Holt, Q, 0., who defended, made a strong
presentment on behalf of his client ; the
Grown attorney made the beet of hie case,
and His Honor made an impartial obarge
to the jury. The muse
was given to the
fury at 5.10 and at 5,40 they returned
to the court with a verdict of not polity..
The jury introduced a new plan for the
presentation of their verdict. ; while in
the jury room they Belied for paper and
read born it ao follows' : "Goderioh, June
18th, 1000.. Your Honor,—We, the jury
eeleoted to try too case, The Queen vs,
Allen, unanimously find the defendant
net guilty;'
While the jury was dieouseing their
verdiob in the Allan auto, Baker vs.
Leddy wait e0iad,a jury sworn and the
trial eommenoed, It waif not oonoluded
when the court rose et 0.25, 00 Ste ecu•
Maslen ofpl plaintiff's ai tiff'0150.s
At the teething emission the grand jury
presented the following true Mils The
Queen va. Jae. Miteho11, perjury ; the
Queen ve. 30110 Dfitoholl, fraudulently
receiving ; the Quenu vs, Mex. Mitohell,
fraudulent transfer of property ; the
Queen ve. Jag. Mitchell, fraudulent re.
ooiving ; and the Queen ve. Alex,,Mitobell,
fraadul045 0000ealment,
The suit, Baker ve. Leddy, was not
through when the oourt Adjourned al 1 p.
sta., 5 witnesses having thou to be ex.
arnined, and the teseion was resumed at
i 2 p m. and the Daae thou oontinued.
To gave Ilex Child
Prom frightful disfigurement Mrs,
Nannie Galleger, of La Grange, Oa.,
applied flunkleu'e Arnica Salve bo great
Goren on her head and face, and writes its
quiok cure exceeded all her hopes. It
worlte wonders in Soren, Snuffles, Skin
Eruptions, Outs, Burne, Soaldeand Piles.
Cure guaranteed by G. A, Daodme'
Perth County.
J. 't1, Reynett & Sone, oonteotionere,
Stratford, have decided to disconeieue
bueinesa for a time. Mr. Reynett has
been in business in Stratford about 30
Master John Bradshaw, sou of Ald J.
L. Bradehaw, of Stratford, has just o0m.
p'eted a miniature man•of•wat•, rigged
out with all the pans and other pars-
phrenalia found on board au ironolad.
As the vessel was all made by himself he
is naturally quite proud of it. It is about
3 feet long and the other dimensions are
in keeping.
While delivering meat at the house of
A. Johnson, Stratford, Tom Bowes, who
drives Ubeiaoker's butoher cart, met
with a very painful and disagreeable
accident. As he was leaving the house a
big St. Bernard owned by Mr. Johnson,
rushed upon him and knooked bite over.
Not content with this the brute seized
him by the eboolder and held him down,
despite the efforts of the members 0 the
family to drive him off. When he finally
let him up the boy left with a very ugly
bite o11 his shoulder.
BERVIOti,—The undersigned will keep
for service at Lot 23,000.8, Grey, the Short
Horn Bn11. 'Elmhurst Boy." Red, calved
July 20th,1880, bred by Henry Moore, Trow-
bridge, Ont. Got by Prince 'Albert dam
Rosalie° by Prince Solway ; Dinah by Duke
of Moreflold ; Bprincfleld Lady by Living-
ston ; Queen of Spring Creek by President
Lincoln ; Oowelin , by Victor; Lity by Sul-
tan; Vrotorla by Woivfston (Imp); Snow-
drop by Prince Albert ; May Queen by Com•
et' Daisy by Young Forrester (imp); • Young
Lily by Young Fanner (imp) ; Lily(imp) by
Warden; Beauty, by Rockingham, by Sir
Harry, by Colonel, by Colling's Son of Run-
back. Terms right.
D. W.DUNBAR, Proprietor,
SEnvicz.—The undersigned will keep
for service on Lot le, Pan. 7, Grey, the Short
Horn bull,"Perfection Priooe." Roan, cal.
ved May 2nd, 1895, bred by John Mon icon,
Winthrop, Ort, 2nd owner Angus Lamont,
Bruseele.' Got by collvnie Prince; dam,
Perfection's Lady by Perfection ;- Lady
Knight by Red Knight (imp); Strawberry
Ord by Beaeo0sfleld Ord; Strawberry by
Prime of Benham; Lady Lorne by Dixie
Duke ; Gillyflower by Duke of oubon'
Theresa by Baron Solway (imp); y
by ()obese (imp) ' Red Rose by Young Brit-
on ; Lady Dane (imp) by Sir William by eon
of Air Boothe Jerry, by Young Star, by
Roseberry, by Lafon'a Sou of Comet. Terms
reasonable. ANGUS LAMONT,
47- P,Oprietar.
Highest cash price will
be paid for any quantity of
Wool, to be delivered at our
Backer & Va ,Atc .e
6.91M31.11.111.1140.61(41.5000 4,110111..16111.10.,W1
331.1"2-211-.I, !
pedals This h Week
The policy of this store is to give our ouototnere the benefit of
all our wider .prioed purchases. We are oonetently on the alert for new
lines of goods, no matter how large the quantity, provided they Pan be
bought ander prim), The many miasmal values whio8 we are now offering
show the great saving to you through our methods. Thle announcement
forms an extraordinary flet of exoeptiocal values,
Organdie Mulling, new patterns, worth 20e for 15e.
k'aney Alnslino, iu beautiful elleete, worth 150 for 121o.
Prieto, in light grounds, Net colors, worth 100 for Gu,
, Ladies' Cashmere Hoeg, fiat blaok, worth '25o for 180,
.1,. Wnrt,et'o
ir J,J
0.118011 Hose, fast b
iaoo, w
th 8e f
Heavy Ribbed H e0, Brewt Yalea 2pa1 e
for Ga
.Met'e [inttou Backe, eaamlass
4 Carne for 20o;
1112 Men's Union Books, very animal, 2 pairs for 250,
Grey 001ton,yard wide, now worth 5o for no.
1)) Bleached Cotton, yard wide, worth Se for 5c,
Ladies' Bummer Vote, in great variety, at 6e, 8e, 100,
350 and 50e,
OOttonades, in etripee and ()becks, worth 15o for 24o.
hlxtra heavy Cottonadee, now worth 80c for 20e.
Check Gingham%, fast oolore, worth Bo for 5o.
Now Parasols, fancy handles, worth 76e for 50o,
11'be best Odeon Shirting at old prioee, 10o and 12dc.
150, 20e, 250,
Wilton & Turnbull
Headquarters for
of All Kinds.
Farmers should see our
Field. Fence,
Best Fence on the market.
Barb and Plain Wire,
All kinds harvest 011001s.
Binder Twine.
Paints and Oils.
S. W. P., the best Ready
Mixed Paaints'made,
always in stook.
Bu v
E N r
The well known firm of
are to the front with a
Large, Well 2elect-
ea and. Well Finished
STOCK OF.........
Buggies, Wagons, Road Carts, Etcr,
that they are sellling at CLOSE prices. Already they
have disposed of many Buggies and the Prospects are good.
Call at our Show Rooms and see for yourself.
Special attention given to Repairs,
Re -painting, Trimming, 4-c-,
Ewan & Innes, - Brussels.
Fitted to Correct all
Failures of Eyesight,
and your Eyes tested FREE by
latest Optical methods at
Division Court Office,
The Standard Bank
of Canada.
Money Mem
For amounts of Fifty Dollars and under
iooued by this Bank, payable at par at
any chartered Bank in Canada, with the
exception of Branahoe in too Yukon Dio•
Under $10 . . $0.08
$10 to 20 , . . 0.10
20 to 80 . . 0.12
80to50 . . 0.14
d. N. QORDON, 080111, BLtUSSI'1LS
I -laving made a largo addition to my Blacksmith Shop I am
in a better position than ever to attend to my Customers.
Taro viretais
All kinds ou hand, both for new work or repairs, and prices
the lowest.
General Blaeksmlthing IN all lines will bo promptly at
tended to as usual and satiefac•
tion guaranteed.
Horse Shoeing • I ]lave made a specialty of
this line for years, and if
you have any horses that interfere, over -reach or troubled with
bad feet, bring them to me, I will relieve or clue them in less
than three months or will make no charge.
'wagons & 13uggies. I am prepared to supply the
above at the very lowest
prices, and best quality, either of nay own make or from tho
largest Factories in the Dominion.
Thanking my numerous easterners for their very liberal support in the
poet, and hoping by strict attention to bneinee9 and satisfactory prickle,
t0 secure a 00ntinnan0e Of the eame,