HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-6-21, Page 41311, .rOST
Checrosezo Mast,
THURSDAY, fru n 21, 1900,
(name, tetenrf 'who a
Present on
Thureday afternoon witneeeed a eons
which happily for the reputation of oar
country and the dignity of Parliament,
is probably unique In its annale. The
000aeion was the consideration of a
motion by the Premier to preeent an
Address of loyal oongratulation to Her
Majesty upon the approaching termioa•
tion of the war in South Africa, and the
House bad listened with Mose attention
to the Premier as be introduced We
motion, With equal setiefaotion and
approval the membere received the re•
marks of the leader of the Opposition in
seconding the motion and every reference
by either of these speakers to the justice
of the British oauee, the gallantry of her
soldiers, the glorious aobievemente of the
Canadian oontingeats, the unswerving
loyalty of Canada to the Crown, the nn•
alloyed gratification felt by Canadians of
every rage at the 'moms of British arms,
and the unqualified oonviobion that ono•
oase would make for the advancement of
civilization and the good of mankind
were fervently cheered in every part of
the House.
Death of Mrz. G1aawtor.eo
London, Tune 14. — hire. Gladstone,
widow of the late Wm. D. Gladstone,
the lenglieb statesman, died at 6:40 p. m.
to day.
Mre, Wen. Ewart Gladstone was 88
Pere of age and bad been slowly sinking
for some time pest, at Hawardea Oaetle,
the family seat.
Nearly 51 years ago the handsome
Mies Catherine Glynne became Mrs.
William Bwart Gladstone, who was at
that time in bee 30th year. Mies Glynne
was the eldest daugbter of Sir 8tepbeu
R. Glynne, of Hawardan, P lintebiro, and
was three years younger than her bus.
band. Her attention was first called to
Gladstone, so goes the etory, by a re•
mark made by an English minister who
sat beside her at a dinner party at which
A roman YOUNG MAN.
Tben Mr. Boaraese.,the youthful mem-
ber for Labelle, who bas on more than
000 occasion secured notoriety of a cer-
tain kind by his ostentatious parade of
pro -Boer sympatbies, thought it fitting
and opportune to make a strongly
antagonistio speech., in wbiob be rehash•
ed mnobof the material which be had
plaoed before the House on a previous
occasion, the only difference being that
be appeared Ghia time to make a special
effort to express himself in terms as
offensive to the practically unanimous
feeling of the House and the nation es
his iogeonity could devise. It was per -
baps unfortunate that the House took
him as seriously as it did, though it was
scarcely possible to listen to the balder-
dash he uttered without resentment ;
WS' to a man no better able to appreciate
the actual situation than oan the mem•
ber for Labelle, to a mind so warped
that the densest black appears to him to
be white as the driven snow, the demon•
titration which he called forth on Thurs-
day afternoon simply gratifies an over-
weening vanity and gives an importance
to his behaviour far in excess of what the
oiroumstanoes warrant. If the hon.
member oan be reached at all he is far
more likely to be affeoted by the cutting
sarcasm of Mr. Charlton who observed,
"When Mr. Boaraesa is a little older and
had acquired a larger amount of ex-
perience he will be able to sae matters in
different a
di nt li ht to
that in which he
evidently sees them to -day," or by the
scathing rebuke of
Sir Wilfrid Laurier
who, in a voice stern with intense
emotion, declared that while the member
for Labelle had an undoubted right in
common with every British subject to
express his opinions, be certainly bad
been very badly advised as to the ()cession
be bad selected on which to do so,
I had occasion last week to refer to
- the evidenoe of desperation that were be-
ing manifested by the Opposition at
their unenviable position in being on
the eve of a general election, without a
policy and without a ory. The week's
developments have made thie more ap•
parent than ever, and no inoideot has
ebown it better than the action of Mr.
Monk, the member for Jacques Cartier,
in bringing before the House an article in
the Military Gazette cherging that the
Militia Department had purchased s
large quantity of worthless emergency
rations for the troops in South Africa
without testing its valne and without ap•
parently caring whether it had any valve
or not ; and as if this was not bad enough
the article concluded with a broad in-
einuation that the Minister personally
reaped a substantial benefit by so doing.
It may be mentioned right here that
when Mr. Monk was taken to task for
on his part be et once ran to cover by
declaring that was not his charge, be
bad simply quoted the article in question,
bot the inoident suffroes to show the bit.
ter partisan spirit in which the matter
was brought to the attention of the
House ; and the Minister was well with-
in the judgment of the House and of the
country when he complained of and re.
Booted such treatment.
Had there been a scintilla of probabil•
ity in the charges, or evidenoe in support
thereof, the Opposition would have had
every ja8tifloetion in oalling attentiou to
them, for a more serious condition of
affairs than was alleged to exist therein,
could scarcely be imagined ; but Dr.
Borden offered a fall and explic't ex,
planation to the House of all the oir•
onmetanoes in oonneotion with the pur-
chase of the emergsnoy rations in goes.
tion, showing that careful practical tests
had been made by thoroughly experieno.
ed scientists and with
°tiler two reside in England, one Rev,
Stephen Gladstone, being reobor of lie.
warden, while the other one, the Right
H000rable Herbert John Gladetous,is,
member of perliamenb for Leeds, with
the promiee of a brilliant political career 1
before hint. Two of the daughters are
married, one of them being the wife of
Rev. Harry Drew, vicar of Buokley. The
third surviving daughter, Helen, is still
unmarried and for a long time held the
honorable position of Principal of New.
hem College, at Cambridge.
Pare. Gladstone wag in all respeobs no
ideal wife and mother, She nursed all
her children herself and looked atter
them from infancy, as if she had not
been the lady of the castle, who wee able
to command any amcuut el aesietaooe
t't 1UN, 1
ne —see
.•,~. as W,ip;(ij ( VPs..f+r'ios%
1. N, ",,., „,•^'",,,.
Gladstone was present. "Mark that
young man,' said be, be will yet be
prima minister of England." 54iee
Glynne keenly sorntinized the handsome
and expressive features of the young
member of parliament who sat opposite
to ber and the following Winter made
his sognaintanoe in Italy—and the, next
year after that married him, her sister,
Mise Mary, being wedded at the same
time to the fourth Baron Lyttleton.
Mr. and Mrs. Gladstone had eight
children, four sons and four daegbtere,
of whom six are living. One daughter
died in infancy, in 1850, while the late
Right Honorable William Henry Glad•
stone died July 4, 1891, after a creditable
and suooessful parliamentary career.
One of the surviving eons is engaged in
commercial parasite in Caloutta ; bbe
0 to if
s0' (§p
a l nitG
that she might require. When out of
offioe Mr. Gladetous taught his elder
children Italian. The girls were educat-
ed at home by governesses, French and
German. The boys all went to Eton,
afterwards to Oxford,
Since Mr. Gladstone's death, Hay 10,
1898, Mrs. Gladstone had been fu failing
health. The Hawardan estate, which
MTB. Gladstone inherited from her
father, and which was the home of the
family fur many yeare, passed into the
Tate Mr. Gladstone's bands as owner in
1874, but he oonveyed it to hie eldest eon
two yeare later, and it is now managed
by the trustees of the latter's eldest son.
Itis a valuable property, covering four
square miles, with a rental of $90,000 and
valuable minerals underlyiug.
being aid
to fad•
i niche
attent o g
and more p
der. The farmers of Manitoba and the
din to
No g
are not as yet paying any masked at
tion to dairying, and the station at
Indian Head bas been oloeed down.
There is a faebory at Edmonton, how.
ever, which is well patronized and cap.
plied. Greater attention is being paid
to ranching wbiob id being successfully
carried on on a larger seals than hereto-
fore. The farmers of the prairies, Dr.
Saunders states, have recognized the im-
portance and value of trees as wind
breaks and are planting rows of them to
proteot their crops and beautify their
homes. The agricultural outlook in
British Colombia is improving. The
fruit crop will be a medium ,.one, and
many more trees are being planted. In
the valley of the Fraser hay and oats are
doing well. When Dr. Saunders left the
west the clover was ready to out, and the
Corn and root orope well above the
ground. Owing to the prosperity of
western Canada an increased influx of
settlers is noticeable this year.
and the Premier himself added at a sub.
sequent stage of the debate that "If the
hon. member for Jacques Cartier makes
a statement upon hie own responsibility
that he has reason to believe that a fraud
has been committed he shall bays his
remedy ; but I am not prepared either
now or at any other time, for my part,
to consent to the appointment of a 0050•
mittee to investigate any oharge based
on mere newspaper rumor or report."
Farther in anewer to a request from Mr.
Foster for "all the papers connected with
this matter," the Minister of Militia in-
stantly complied, promising to bring
them down the following day.
In the hoe of title, Tory papers the
next motning beaded their report of the
proceedings with euob headlines as,
"Government forced to bring down the
doosments In the ogee, but reuses a
eommitte9 of investigation," "Afraid to
ioveetigate," and so on. A aria most be
weak indeed when it is neoeseary to
bolster it by seen deliberate and daring
perversion of the tenth.
Dr. Saunders, Superintendent of the
Dominion Experimental fame, has re.
Wetted from k six weeks' tour to the
coast. He epoaks enooaragiegly of the
development of the West, A larger area
of wheat has been put in this season
To the Editor of Tag Por) :
Tomorrow we will leave for Chicago
where we take the boat "Peerless) for
Duluth, We expect to be on the water
for about six days. I hope to be able to
write up a few pointe of interest for Tug
Poe/ later on.
Yesterday (Sunday) was Memorial
Day here in Mishawaka and I bad the
pleasure of joining in with the brethren.
Monitor lodge, No. 286, I. O. 0. F., of
this pisoe, observed Memorial Day in a
befitting manner. At 2 o'olook the local
lodge, Mishawaka Encampment, No. 79,
and Odd Fellows from South Bend, Elk-
hart, Goshen, Edwardeburg, Micb., Oae-
sopolis, filial., and other Indiana and
Michigan towns, headed by the Misha-
waka city Band, marched to the city
cemetery where appropriate exercises
were oondnoted, inoluding mesio by the
Band, ringing by the Ampbion Male
Quartette, prayer by the Ohaplain, re-
marks by the Grand Master, reading of
roll of honor by the Sscretary, dao•, Ito.
The address of the day by Rev. W. W.
Denham is regarded as one of the strong-
est and best memorial speechee ever de.
livered on such 0.0 occasion. The
preacher oloeed his remarks with the
following poem, wbiob was especially in.
tereeting to the Odd Fellows wbo were
present t
Cameral,teeembly ateete Rev. De, Allan
T'olbeeir as lredcrliter.
glary of the w°rk done during the goat'-
ler of a century which bas elapsed otos
the union of the virions branohce of the
Prosbyteriau Chm'oh :-,
Twentyilve yesro bee now °lapsed
Once the union of the various branches
of the Presbyterian Church, Doing
The '86th geueril esesrnble, of the this quarter of a oentery there has been
Preebytsriitn ohurob of Canada mot in oontrlbutod by the Western motion of Ills
85. Matbhew!a ohuroh, Halifax, on Wed- church about one and one•half million
uesday evening of last weep. The attsor • to l re for home ,lesion work. The
sine ab the I,pu,iug was large, COWinle• Iro'teee made duUUag this period has
ebanera being present from all parts of
the Dominion. The opening sermon was
delivered by Rev. Dr. Campbell, of Perth,
Out., the retiring moderator. Rev. Dr.
Allau Pollook, principal of Pine Oollege,
Halifax, R. S„ was unanimously eleoted
An interesting fonotien took plane,
when Rev, Dt•. J. S. Biaok presented bo
the Assembly the pen used in signing the
arbboles of union in 1875 by the Moder-
ators and clerks of the uniting churches,
Dr, Black was Chairman or the oommit•
tee on that occasion and supplied the pen
which was used by Rev. Dr. MacGregor,
Rev. Dr, Cavan, Rev, Proolpal Grant
and Rev. D. Snodgraes, the Moderators
of the ohurohee which then by uniting
formed the Presbyterian ahurob ih Can•
ads. Ib being 25 yeare ago, Dr. Bleak
had the pen enoaeed in a solid silver tube,
denoting the silver wedding of the church,
Dr, warden was made the custodian of
the relic, which will be need in t agoing
the°hooks oonneoted with the century
fund, and kept on exhibition in the
church office, Toronto.
The report on statistical was p•e ented
by Rev. Dr. Torrance, Guelph, i , a brief
speech. Some of the Preebyterlee bad
been dilatory in Bending their :•eturne,
and the fignres contained in th : report
would have to be taken as a ,•,imam.
The returns showed wonderful improve.
merit and progress along the line. There
had been an increase of 166 in the mina
bar of pastoral charges, and a total of
10,118 members had been added upon
profession of faith alone. In the large
membership of 210,326 only 94 cases of
discipline has been reported, which be
oonsidered s moat gratifying record. Ie•
creases had to be noted in the number of
baptisms, but deoreasea ie the number of
Sabbath school workers and in the 0001•
ber of missionary and Yung peoples'
societies. The financial statistics were
satisfactory, showing a decree -e in the
arrears of stipend and increase in most
of the items of revenue, For oangrega•
tional purposes $1,841,199, and for all
purposes of the obnroh $1,384,397 had
been collected, an increase of $114,241,
outside of the century fund.
Rev. Dr, Cowen, seconded by Rev.
Dr. Somerville, moved a resolution yaw
bug on record an soknowledgemeut of Dr.
Torrence's valuable services for many
yeare as the statistician of the church,
and the motion was heartily agreed to.
The Moderator read a cable from one
of the miseionariee in Hanan, which
read : "Honan still safe." The reading
of the telegram was received with great
The proposal that a college of ex -Mod -
v' the 1 s've
store be
farmed ham a azo u t.
e g
right to nominate for the eloderatorship
of the General Assembly, did not receive
the neoeeeary support and the present
method will be continued.
TSB overture in favor of extending the
power of Synods so that the General
Assembly should be relieved of much of
the routine ab present transacted was
referred book for further consideration
by the Presbyteries, to report at next
Rev. Dr. Warden presented a glowing
report on the Sabbath schools pablioa-
tious, showing a subetenbiel surplus.
He was followed by Rev. R. D. Fraser,
the editor of the Sabbath sobool therm,
tura, and on the motion of Rev. Dr.
Thompson, the Aeeembly commended
the publioations to the church. While
the motion was before the house, John
Grierson, missionary, Halifax, expressed
bis disapproval of the system of cram-
ming the minds of young children with
the shorter catechism, some of the ques-
tions of which were apt to be addled in
more mature minds. Mr. Grierson pro.
tested against some of the features of the
literature leaned, bolding that it opened
a back door to ritualism.
For the Committee on the Aged and
Infirm Ministers' Fund, Western section,
Rev. A. H. Scott, Perth, reported, re-
marking that the feeling in the West was
in favor of reducing the age limib from
70 to 65 yeare, and of increasing the an-
nual gift to the beneficiaries. The report
was adopted with one or two amend.
The report of the Committee on the
Aged and Infirm Ministers' Fund, Wes.
tern notice], showed that 79 annuitants
have drawn benefit from the fund during
the year, the several payments calling
for the sum of 915,809.55. As compared
with the preceeding year, this is a de.
urease in number of four, and in amount
of 9130.66. Compering the year oovered
by this report with the preceeding one
the following points were noted : That
in congregational contributions and don•
ations there ie an Maumee in favor of the
present year of $647.56. In interest
Decked with
so brilliant and
Naar too tip, I remember, were three gold-
en links
And the Heart and 13 and on the right.
Near the top of the flag-etuff three arrows
were twined;
Above them ayoung turtle dove,
Right under the links in letters o' gold.
Was the motto,"Truth, Frieudehip and
"God bless the order,' an old mac said,
As he tried to keep pane with the ranks ;
Tboy cared for me, they honored my dead,
T bey bave crossed over Jordan's banks ;
When Death laid hie hand on my only eon,
Without asking they mime to attend;
He told me they come under God's emu -
As the widow's and orphan's friend,
"With fraternal care they carried him out,
Down where the willows wave ;•
With brotherly hands they laid him to rest
Close by his mother's grave,
Don't think it strange that I honor these
Of the tripfe links, heart and band,
May the order extend, may it flourish and
And the sound of t11e gavel reach every
Stand Arm by on r banner, eo pure and so
Let no stain mar its beautiful folds ;
The truths that we learn from our rituals
each night
Are more precious than silver and old.
In the battle of lila we have trials and
Carso ;
All 1 who bas not been by tempest toss'd 5'
But if true to the motto, “In God We
We'll get nearer and nearer the owes.
Following the decoration of graves, the
linea reformed and returned to Odd Eel.
lows' Hall where the Rebekah Lodge
served light refreshments to all local and
visiting Odd Fellows.
We had a heavy thunderstorm here
last night. In Elkhart, a dietaooe of 10
miles from this oity, they had a terrifio
tornado and at least 200 shade and fruit
trees were destroyed. Many houses
were unroofed. The weather over here
is very warm. The oberriee on the these
are just about ripe, This is a great
oouutry for fruit. In many plebes peach
trees are planted as shade treee. With
kind regards, I remain,
Yours truly,
De. l', H. KALDFLgre00.
Mishawaka, Indiana, June llbh, 1900.
I saw in a distant city
Far over the pathless sea,
A scene in the days of my childhood,
That will always nem grand to me.
I beheld a vast column approamtng,
With banners hall clouded in duet,
Andl read ou its pure falde when righted
Onrmotto,"In God we truce"
I saw as the oclumn moved forward
In the ranks both the young and the old,
Arrayed in garments of splendor;
Their regalia wasorimson and gold,
There marched the prince and the peasant.
Methinks I oan see them all now,
At they moved to the eoul•etirring music,
With the knights of the anvil and plow.
They wore 00 bbsbr broads strange. devious,
Orossed gavels, crossed axes and keys,
The pens, the swords,the hoor•glase,
And a fresh budded rod from the troos,
One had the bow and the quivyer,
Another the
Aoedressed serpent-twined
Carried proudly the Volume of dol.
Then came an old man bsariog hard on bis
los must have passed throo•soore and ten;
His tottering step and liis wrinkled brow --
How 1 wish I could NO him again,
Ha bowed to the tearing on the right sad
left ;
Ho was pleased with hie chosen lot
And he seemed to Say as they proems us by,
'Forgot it nett target it not to
Than a beautiful banner, hold bigb in the
I wandered to the oirous, Jobe,
I sat beneath the tent
And saw the man from Borneo,
Likewise the tatboed gent;
I heard the toothlese lion roar
While mea in spangled olothes
Walked fearlessly into his den
And whacked him on the nose,
I saw the seared elephant
Spout water from hie trunk,
The salamander eating lead
And other metalled jonk,
Ind heard the merry clown get off
The jokes we used to know '
Some twenty yeare ago, John, '
Some twenty years ago.
The same old horses waddled round
The same old sort of ring ;
The name old oomio vocalists
Proved that they cont( not sing
The same old hippopotamus .
Was granting with disgust.
The same old Persian ox
Wee kicking rip the duet
The same old orippled acrobats
Crawled painfully around,
The maned oonbortiooist_
Wae Drawling on the ground
And ladies rode on bare•baok steeds
• d
Tomuelo sad and slow—
The eared std girls' we used to See
Some twenty rate ago.
b000 Vary marked. In 1875 there were
132 mission fields and 86 augoS' a cad con-
gregations in the Western seotiun of the
ohuroh. Since that date 6.41 now iris,
eian ISolde have bean organized, making
ptotal of 860, Ot this number, 913 Hand
been merged into other oongregabions,
162 are now upon the aagmeoted list,
880 on the list of home mission fields,
and 23.8 have become self-supporting, go
that during the last twentyilve year the
Home Mission Committee bas fostered
and helped to eelf•sopgport 218 oongre.
mented charges 162 ions and rallied tomise ohe r, fields, alltue ofupf
wbioharevow giving generous help to
the various departments of the work of
the church.
YL Dazzles The World.
No dieeovery in medicine has ever
created one quarter of the excitement
that has been paused by Dr. Ring's New
Discovery for Oonsumption. Its sever.
eat taste have been on bopelese viotime of
Consumption, Pneumonia, Hemorrhage,
Pleurisy and Bronchitis, thouaande of
whom it bas restored to perfect bealtb.
For Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Oraup, Hay
Fever, Hoarseness and Whooping Doagb
it is the quickest, sweet ours in the
world. Ib is Bold by G. A. Deadman,
who guarantees eatisfaotion or refund
money. Large bottles 50o and 81.00.
The exports for the division of Stratford
for the month of May amounted to
Important to Breeders and Horsemen.
Veterinary Caustic Balsam..
A reliable
and speedy
remedy for
— ,- Splints,
'>� 6pavine,
eta, otoem
. tom- ,� _s l •;� in Cattle.
TRAO10R& 0508 pamph-
let wbloll aoaompaaies every bottle, giving,
scientific treatment in the various diseases:
It can be used in every ease of veterinary
practice where stimulating applications and
blisters are presoribed• Ib has no em'E100%
Every bottle sold is guaranteed to give satis-
faction. Price 75o per bottle. Sold by all
yyand country storekeepers. Pre-
S 1 , �S 1 Luap Jaw
there is an increase of $755.95, and •n
ministers' rates ten increase of 953.50.
The inoreaee from interest most be coo•
adored satiefaatory, when it is remora.
bered that there has nob been any large
addition to the fond for the past two
years. Ministers' rates appear to be at
a standstill, and can scarcely he said to
indicate increased interest. The cub.
stantial gift of $1,148.50 from the
Hymnal Committee was aoknowledged
with thankfulness by the committee.
From the report of the agent of the
Century Fund it wall be seen that up-
wards of $700,000 bave already been sub•
earibed, of whish $301,218 is for the
common fund. The Treasurers report
that on May 81 they had received $65,.
601.02. The preliminary expenses in
oonaeotion with the launobiog of the
sobeme, printing, oto., ae also the ex-
peneee of the oanvaes, amonnt to 96,700.•
06. The Sabbath sohoois of the ohurob
were asked to make a contribution of
$10,000 to the fiend in connection with
Cbiidren's Day iu September iast. In
response to this appeal the aim of 9100.
223,86 bas boon received, after deducting
the expenses of the Sabbath School Com.
MAW, The "Souvenir Savings Banks"
which your committee decided to iesne
are being largely used and will he pro.
dilative of good results. Already 88,500
of these have been gent out, and it is to
be hoped that the nee of them will be.
tome general in all the Sabbath schools
TO prevent oorner.oatting and proteot of the ohurob.
the boulevard, the Perth Matual Fire The following 10 a summary of the
Inenrano° Company, Stratford, have pat Mame Mission report presented :—
np an iron railing at the cotter of Ou.Tke 'Home Minion report (Western
tario and Waterloo streetr, I section) contained rho following sum.
Systom :Renovator
—ANA 0111E11'--
For Impure, Weak and Impoverished
13lood, Dy'eppepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpita-
tion of the Ileest, Liver Uompleint,Neur-
algia, Loss of Memory, Brouohibie, Qom.
semption, (lull Stafiee,`Jaondice, Kidhey
and Urinary1)iseases, St, eritub' Dance,
Female II•regularitiee and (;ienaral De.
a. M. M-aLEOD,
Prop. and elanufaotnrer,
Soldjoy Jae l'oX. 1111.0=1,11, Brussels
The highest Cash Price
paid for any quantity of
Wool delivered at my Store-
house, No. 1, Brussels. Also
for grain of all kinds.
British 'filetlitn'bla
Red Cedar Shingles
ot'tl1 Shore
Pine and Cedar
Brussels Plalila J[ lls
Also Doore and Sash of all Pat
terns on band or made to order
at abort Notice.
Estimates Furnished for all
kinds of Buildiuge. Workman.
ship sad Material Guaranteed.
At 41,i Per Cent.
Costs of Loan
Very Reasonable.
Liberal Terms of
Re -payment.
S0LI0IT01t, Aa,
Once over Standard Bank,
We have a number now ready and
are getting up 55 Buggies for this season,
Now is your time. If you want an A 1
Buggy oall at the
ji.rx.a 21, 1900
Skate grinding attended to
with neatness and dispatch.
I also Sharpen Horse Clippers, Seim
sore, bread knives and other edged tools
iu up -to date style,
Saw Gumming and Filing attended
to 11 a Workmanlike manner. Satire
Witten eseored,
Shop en Mill Street, BRUSSELS,
i. x
You can afford to follow the above
injnnotion and then gall on
Wllo is clearing out the balance of a
Bankrupt Stock of
Hats and Caps,
at uuheard of Low Prides,
You can get a good Oap
for the small sum
Every one of them must go so call early
tend make your ohoioe.
Canadian Express Agent.
We have the following different varieties of
ca r n,
Lir1 .•,y:. r.. ••
(Hall's Westbury,
Sutton's Champion,
n Im
kirvl s
1 `I..., Sharp's Improved,
S \Al 0 [10 If Bruce's Select'd East Lothiau
al N r iz
lin 0
Hartley's Bronze Top,
Carter's Elephant,
i. White Swede,
Fettercairn Green Top,
Also Grey Stone and Yellow Aberdeen Soft Turnips.
Tho above Seeds we recommend as the best we eau buy
in any Market. All are Reliable.
Our stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Ready-
made Clothing, Hats & Caps are up-to-date and well assorted.
Jane Standard Patterns and
Fashion Sheets to hand. llVP•.liY'l'[t fvG iEAP
? U FANCl 1'1tIOObES.
where you will get the very BEST and
as cheep as the best oan be got, We also
have Wagons and Half. Traoke, with any
ease tires that may be required.
Field Boilers and other arliole5 too
nnmerOne to mention.
Rimming wbeele, repairing, re•
trimming and repainting promptly
attended to.
135 euro and give ns a call and ace
what we bave before baying ulsewbum'.
no. Gober, Ether.
New `Victoria,
6i- t'T. AND 0 P0. COT.
Iligbeet Drive Wheel Made,
Brass Boxes,
Roller Bearings,
Seventh Roller for Elevator,
All the latest sod beet improvements
On fors Minn,
Front and Rear Gut
. :MOWERS ..
With Roller arid Ball Bearings,
Serrated Lodger Plates if desired.
Lek our Agent to show you the New
Paontett. Ball Bearing
Knife Olip,
Supplied War.
specially ordered.
We also manufacture the boat end most oomplete lino of CulLlvating attd Seed-
ing Intpiemeuts on Earth, oomptiaing Spring 'Tooth Cultivaltms. (fitted with grain
and grace cowing attaehmonts if dseired.) Spring and ,Hi)ike Teeth IfarroWs, Men
IMnrroivs, Unlit 1)1'1lls, (all kinds), iforse Bakes, (friction and ratchet dump,) eo.
Ie you need anything 1n purl lire send for our 1000111usbrated Catalogue, (sent
fsos.) You will And it very touch tp your interest to do so,