HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-6-21, Page 3'ural+ 21, 1900,
Summer House of Sir Claude Mac
donald Destroyed.
A despatoh from Leridgn, Tuesday, train . Most of them were armed
firearms, :whioh they handled awk-
"The Inarinoa retreated, keeping up
a running fight for over 'a mile, and
killing between 20 and 30,
"The Boxers pursued the British for
80000 distance. Then mooing more mar-
ines front the train coming to Lheir
assisLance, Major Johnson's 10 halted
and poured a heavy, continuous fire
Into .Lha crowd, driving them across
the front of the reiulorcing blue -
pickets, who who punished the Boxers aov-
erely- with Maxims.
"The Boxers .fled; and the Euro-
peans, following up their success clear-
ed out two villages. The total loss of
the Boxers is estimated at forty killed
and wounded. Seven of their wounded
were attended by 8ril:ish surgeons.
The British loos was nothing.
"'Unless their loss causes the Boxers
to lose heart, .the international column
weft have much trouble before itr;ach-
es Pekin. The runway is so_ mucle,
damaged that the column only cover-
ed thirty-four miles Sunday and Mon-
day, and there is reason to fear that
with spears and swords .A few bad
the raid beyond is more badly dam-
Evidences of Gen. Niehs opel'alioas
ware found in headless bodies, The
says:—»loo only bit of information
which ebo British War Offioe h.smode
palette regarding the situation since
AL became important was the admts-
81011 yeaterdey that the summer ma-
dame 'u8 the British Minister in Pekin
Sir Claude Macdonald, had been burn-
Sixteeu British marines, reconnoitr-
ing in advance of the international
column marching to Pekin, fought and
ohused 2,010 Boxers Monday, killing20
or 3D. A correspondent aecampallysng
the column, in a despatoh dated Tion-
Tein, Juno 12, via Shanghai, June 13,
6.15 a.m., says:—
"While the working parties, ao
oompanied by a patrol. of 10' British
murines, commanded by (Major John
son, were repair1ng the line Monday
afternoon, eight miles beyond Lofs,
they encountered small parties of
Boxers who were destroying the
line. Toho Boxers moved away from
the advanced marines, and apparent-
ly dispersed Into the country, leaving
the rails moved and the sleepers
WERE 1.0 TO 2,000.
"The marines, when two miles in
advance of the ' first Lra(n, near
Lang Pang, suddenly percetved Box-
ers streaming front a village on their
left. It wits estimated that they
numberod 2,010, some of them being
mounted; and limy wore trying to
get , between the marines and the Austrian,'25,
whole country, presents a desolate as-
pect, entire vi11a•ges having been de-
"Tho expedition numbers 2,044, no
follo)ws:—Brittsb, 915; Germain, 250;
Russian, 300; French, 128; American,
104;. Japanese, 52; Italian, 40; and
Teat of the Leaoon, a Contprehenalre
Quarterly Rerlew —Golden Text,
Math. vi, 10—Commentary Prepared
by the Rev. D. lit. Stearns.
[Copyright, taco, by D. M. Stearns.]
Lesson L—The beatitudes (Math. 1v,
25, to 0, 12). Golden Text, "Blessed are
the pure in heart, for they shall see
God" (Math. v, 8). The 'Teacher is God
manifest in the flesh, and the words are
the words of God (I Tim. Hi, 10; John
xlv, 10), and the works are the works of
God, and He would reproduce both words
and works in some measure in each be-
liever it we were fully yielded to Him,
for we are here "In Christ's stead" that
the life of Jesus may be manifested in
our mortal bodies (II Cor. v, 20; iv, 10,
LESSON II.—Precepts and promises ,
(Math. vii, 1.14). Golden Text, Math. vii,
12, "Whatsoever ye would that men
should do to you do ye even so to them."
This lesson is also part of the sermon on
the mount, In which our Lord tenches us
of the Father, His love to us and care
of us and what our attitude to Ilim and
consequently to our fellow men should be.
Knowing our Father and having confi-
dence in Him takes away all anxious
care and causes us to live to Ills glory.
LEsson III.—The daughter of Jnirus
raised etlauk v, 22-24, 85.43). Golden
Toot, "Be not afraid, only believe." The
three instances of Christ raising the
dead—the ruler's daughter, the widow's
eon and Lazarus—are suggestive of this
among other things, that when Jesus
comes to earth for His people there will
be some who have just died, some bodies
on the way to burial and some corrupt-
ing, late that of Lazarus, but all the dead
bodies shall live again, they that are
Chrlst'e at His coming and the, rest of
the dead at the end of the thousand
year's (John v, 28; I Cor. xv, 23; Rev.
xx, 5).
LESSON IV.—The centurion's servant
healed (Luke vii, 1-10). Golden Text, Ps.
eiii, 18, "Like as a father pitieth his chil-
dren so the Lord pitieth them that fear
ILim." It Is a mistake to think that the
eats .be worthy to receive anything from
Cod. Redemption and all its benefits are
given to us freely in Christ and for His
sake (Rom. 111, 24; vili, 82). He alone ,
Is worthy. and it becomes us to pray, "0
Lord, though our iniquities testily
against us, do Thou it for Thy name's
sake" (Jer. xiv, 7).
LoeseN V.—.Jesus and John the Bap -1
Set (Luke vii, 18-28). Golden Text, Mark
vii, 37, "He hall done all things well." t
John the Baptist, great iu the eight of
the Lord, no greater ever born of wo-
men (verse 28 and Luke 1, 15), imprison-
ed for righteousness' sake and seemingly
neglected by our Lord, ends messengers
to net: our Lord it He Is the Christ or if
there le to be another. It Tooke as if
Sohn was offended, for the Lord Jesus
sent the message to him, "Blessed is he
whosoevee shall not be offended In Me"
(verse 23).
LESSON V1.—Testis warning and Invit-
Ing (Math, xi, 20-30). Golden Text,
Math xi, 28, "Come unto Ole all ye that
labor and are heavy laden, and 1 will
give you rest." To whom meek is given
of them 'shall much be. required, and the
elties here mentioned had privileges
above Tyre 'and Sidon and Sodom which
made their responelbllity all the greater.
There is molt to discourage one In this
world, much opposition to what Is right
acid much misjudgment of role's acme nod
editing, 'but there is rest In telling Semis
and in doing what He did, accept all as
trout God and say, 'a1 thank Thee, 0 Tea-
tossing VIh—Jesus at the Pharisee's
house (Luke vii, 80'60). Golden Text,
Luke vi), 60, a Thy feint bath saved thee.
There le little (tope for people who, like
this Slump, ronaIdor themselves right-
eous, tar the Lerd Jesms 681d, " I came not
to call the righteous, but shiners, to re-
pentance." What a deception the devil
practices upon us when be makes us
think that our clothing Is good when It is
only filthy rags and that we are rich and
need nothing when we are poor and blind
and need everything! (lira. toile 0; Rev.
17, 18.)
Lome; VIII. --Parable of the. sower
(Math. xiii, 1-8 and 18.23). Golden Text,
Luke v111, 11, "The seed Is the word of
' God." The Simon of the last lesson is a
sample of Israel as a nation, specially of
her milers and tenders, the priests, scribes
and Pharisees. They needed no Saviour,
having a righteousness of their own
(Rom. x, 8), and eo rejected and crucified
LEssoN IS. Parables of the kingdom
(Math. xiii, 24-33). Golden Text, Math.
xiii, 88, "The field is the world." This
is a continuation of last week's lesson
and describes more fully the phase of the
kingdom manifest in this present age.
Among the children of God will be found
the children of the devil to the end of the
age. These children of the wicked one
will be found in prominent places in the
church, like the birds In the branches.
LESSON X.—The twelve sent forth
(ler uth.Ix, 35, to x, 8). Golden Text,
Muth. x, 20, "It is not ye that speak, but
the Spirit of your Father which spenketh
in you." Those who are willing to be
sent forth by -Him as His messengers,
bearing the precious seed of His word,
must remember that they are as sheep
in the midst of wolves, that they must
not fear them which kill the body, that
they must trust the Spirit for the words
they are to speak and bave no anxiety
about temporal things.
LEssoa XL—Death of John the Bap-
tist (Bark vi, 14-29). Golden Text, Bph.
v, 18, "Be not drunk with :vine, wherein
Is excess, but be filled with the Spirit."
Some think that if they are filled with
the Spirit they will be sure to accompllsh
great things for God In the eyes ct men.
Sohn was filled with the Spirit from his
birth, yet he did no miracle. His public
work was only for a few months; he was
for months in prison and then beheaded.
But in him God was glorified. Peter, fill-
ed with the Spirit, saw a multitude
saved, while Stephen, filled with the Spir-
it, received stones enough to 1111 him.
Lassoo SIL—The feeding of five thou-
sand (Sohn vi, 5-14), Golden Text, )hath.
v1, 11, "Give us this day our daily
bread," There are hundreds of millions
without the bread of life, and we are,
like the disciples, inclined to let them buy
themselves bread as best they can. Oar
Lord says, "Give ye them to eat." We,
like Philip and Andrew, think it cannot
be done. The hord is as ready end able
to feed the hungry es when He fed those
Two Steamers Arrive With 4,000
Tons of Cargo for Boers.
A despatch to the London Timis
from Lorenzo Marques says Ihnl the
Boers continue to draw substantia(
suepliev from Doingoa bay, Two
steamers have arrived there with 4,-
000 tons of mega destined for the
Transvaal, -
Terrible explosion of one Le ('nnnteee
Aline. Alberta.
A Canniore, Alberta, enema( says:—
7yh-e hostserious gas, explosion that
0000 occurred in Cetalmore ntun, took
place on Wednesday afternoon, re -
milting in lb° instant death of eight
man and several slightly injured.
The names of the dead are ;—Pres.
er lJaye, Amend Regard, Tony Bol-
licit, Peter Cauifield, and three others,
foreigners, w10se navies aro not yet
known. The first throe Reeve large
The explosion is su9)0050(1 lo have
been due to one of the minors unlock-
leg bas safety tamp with 0 key wrong-
fully obtained,
T 'H f
Ghouclfero water powerconcerns at
Ottawa will make improvements eel-
ned a t $50,900.
Middlesex county receipts from Jan,
Int to June 5111 were 502,542, and ex-
pendllure $42,947,
The new Manitoba elooUou bill die-
frunehiaes Gal)oians and Dcuk)lobors
fee seven years,
Jack Roach, of Napanee bank rob-
bery uotorlety,is being tried at Mont-
real an a charge of robbing a cigar
store there.
l5ngtnesr Parry woe killed by the
ex+plostou of a boiler at. the Hammon
Iron and Steel Company's quarry,
near Sydney,, C. B.
I3, Waiters, axe mnnutacturer, o1
,111111, bus received a trial order for
a number of axes for use in tho Brit-
ish army and navy,
An attempt to poison 23 Bead of cat-
tle belonging to Geo. Gates, near
Kingston, was mode by putting Paris
green into their salt.
Wennlpeg iimmigretion returns for
May total 5,000, out of whack 1.483
were Galetnans. Total returns this
year show 17,000 now arrivals in the
Francis Kerr, a oily labourer, shot
and wounded his wife, (ban shot him-
self probably fatally at Winnipeg
They quarrelled over putting the baby
to bed.
Triplets, two girls and a boy, were
born to Mrs. C. S. Moore, of Perivale,
Manitoulin Island. The boy was
named:.Powell alter the hero of Mafe-
An attempt to wreck an electric
street car on the Penitentiary hill,
Kingston, was made by placing a large
boulder on the track. The car was de-
railed but no one was hurt.
A Montreal despatch says the Nobel
Dynamite Trust Cu., of London, has
scoured a majority of the shares o9
the Hamilton Powder Company, which
has been doing business in Canada
since the sixties.
The Government win improve the
Intorcoloninl Railway with several
pc/tearful. engines, also ears of Ibe
latest design. Over 20,000 tons of 80-
pouud rails will be ordered to relay
portions of the road.
Hon. George A. Drumlmonu, speak-
ing at the annual meeting of the Bank
of Montreal, warned the business
communis y the 1 there was n danger of
over -pro loot ton, and over -stocking by,
me"altants during the present year,
• Hon. W. S. Fielding has received a
communicaLion •signed by Sir Caven-
dish Boyle, Government Secretary of
British Guiana, and Mr. J. H. De
Jonge, enclosing a draft for ;ODD as a
first instalment to the Ottawa fire re-
lief fund.
5.11 horse ears in Glasgow will be re-
placed by electric, cars by January
A combine of the curtain manufac-
turers of Nottingham and Scotland
(e in .process of organization.
Time Peninstelnr and Oriental Steam-
ship Company, of London, has donat-
ed $25,000 to the indican famine fund.
The Secretary of Stale for India has
just pureluteed $2,500,000 worth of sil-
ver for coinage into rupees for Dir-
culatlon in India,
The statement of the British Board,
of Trade for the month, of May aloows
increases of £2,909,000 In Imports, and
£1,085,700 in exports.
A complimentary dinner was given
at the ,Savoy Hotel, London, to wel-
come home lir Henry Irving after
his Americom tour.
England is said to be gathering a
fleet at Malta with a view to land-
ing troops at Tangier, Germany to
give morel bucking in the move
against Front3e
Lord Radnor, owner of one of the
finest mansions in England, who was
for s 0011) yours Treasurer of the
Queen's Household is dead, aged 59.
Viscount Folkestone succeeds to the
The Earl of Dorney has refused to
take his seat in the Home oC Lords
because he believe 4 that he has prov-
ed aunotusively a miscarriage of jus-
tice against he law advisors of the
Sir Henry Oampbell-leannermn0, in
0 speech in 0lasgow, said it was for
the Government who had allowed the
war to deal with the results. The
members of the Opposition were only
enloolcers nod (lefties,
Kansas' w1041t crop will be over
80,000,000 bushels.
Gen. Ots, now at WtiehingLun, says
the !Philippine rebellion is over.
The United States army in the !Mit l.-
ippincs now numbers 82,000 men,
Cripple Creek, Col., mines hare paid
018,821,90t in dividends since 1893.
A Kansas Cii:y man has invented a
machin Lo pick chickens by elect
trieal Taus. • '
Thirty-two Chicago townies were
married in oho day at St. Sosoph
a011chigan, ' '
The 'netted States Agricultural lee -
puri nent will test dried beef tie army
emergency ration,
A grim explosion killed foto' men end
imprisoned 175 in n coal mine near
"'•r1011sl. or, Ohio, Friday. .
The Enemy, Defeated by a British
Force From the North.
A' despatoh• from London sayer—The
War Office publishes the following
despatch from General Kelly+ -.Bonny:
"Bloemfontein, June 12.—Our troops
from the north are at Honing spruit,
south of Itoorleval, where the Boers
cut the British lines Of Polnm'untea-
ti0n, having defeated tbo enemy, They
will by at Amerloa siding to-motfrow
ab 8 a,m,
"Gen. Knox moves out from Eroon-
stad to intercept the enemy.
"Fuller particulara later,'
A comparison of General Kelly -
Kenny's despatoh with the maps avail-
eblo shows, apparently, that the Brit -
tele line of commuuicationa out by the
Boers hos been restored by the move-
ment of troops from the north to-
wards Honing spruit, to reach which
place Lhey would have to pass through
Roodeval if they followed the rail-
road, The fact that Gen. Hely-Ken-
ny says Gon, )Knox will move out from
Krnonstad to "intercept the enemy'
Would, eoom to demooatrate that the
Boers are retreutng before the north.
ern British force, and that troops
from K000051ad, south of Honing's
spotlit, have been sant to intereepb
them, if possible.
The following despatch has been re-
calved at the War Office from Gen-
eral Forestier -Walker, in command of
the lines of oommuniration in Soulh
"Cape Town, June 12.—The follow-
ing is from Kelly -Kenny
"',luno 11.—No communisation from
Methuen since Tuna 7. He was fight.
Ing ,Juno .0 to the north of V'etchkop.
Steyr is near Reitz, The British pris-
oners sent to Vrede are well treat-
Laing's Nek Tunnel Can Soon Be
B epaired.
A despatoh from London, Thursday
says;—The despatch from Lord
Roberts clearing up the situation at
Pretoria and along the oomtnunica-
tions stands alone. Military observ-
ers, noting thea no mention is made
of prisoners, assume that Gen, De Wet
got away with his forces pbactica)ly
General Buller entered Volksrust
Wednesday, passed through Charles-
ton, and encamped near Laing's nek.
The tunnel was not much damaged.
Both ends were blown up, but the en-
gineers think that repairs can, be ef-
tooted in about four days. The ad -
vane troops of General Buller saw
the Boer rear -guard four mites dis-
tant yesterday. It was • estimated
that 8,000 Boers were withdrawing.
The townspeople at Ermelo counted 15
Three hundred Free Staters re
from guarding Van Reenen'spass have
gone to join President Steyn's com-
mundo in the Eastern part of Orange
River Colony.
Gen. Rundle has sent notice to the
I Frac+ Staters that unless they Herren-
! at once, their farms aand other
possessions will be confisoated.-
President Kruger, according to a de-
spatbh from Lorenzo Marques, keeps
a locomotive with steam up attached
to the coir in which he concentrates
Ono Executive offices of the Govern-
ment, and he intends ,to leave Macha-
dodorp soon, and to establish the
Transvaal capital, at Nelspruit, in the
mountains, a fine defensive region.
The State printing press is operating
al Mriehado•dorp producing leaflets
containing war news for distributing
among the Boers. It is again reported
at Lorene° Marques that the British
are advancing tnrough Swasiland.
Lord Roberts it appears, however,
countermanded the order given to
Strathoona's Horse land on the coast
and penetraLe to the Transvaal
through the Swasi oountry.
30,000 Troops at Pekin's Gates to
Oppose the Marinas.
A special despatch to London from
Shanghai says the position of the Le-
gations at Pekin is most critical. Ac-
cording to this despatch 30,000 Chin-
ese troops am drawn up 0u1side the
gates of the city to oppose the re-
lief force, and guns are trained oat
the Amerioan, British, and Japanese
The America 0, Russian, and Japan-
ese Ministers have sent couriers ,10
Tion -Tin raking for 2,000 troops of
each nationality.
The United States gunboats York-
town and Sestina left on 'L'hursrl,ty
for Tong Ku, There is no foreign
warship now here.
It has been learned in offieial quar-
ters that, although it is ecpeele,l the
Government at Pekin will show no
further resistance as soon as it shall
perc.e:ive the powers are detormiued,
the commander of the international
forces hes been insLl•uetud as ini)iot
a sharp lesson in tate event. of any
resistance, and not to brook any de-
lay in re -opining the gates of Pekin
if he finds them closed,
Majuba and the Pass In General
Buller's Hands.
London, June 12, 0.12 point—The War
Offioo hos issued the following:—
:Buller to the Secretary of War;
"Joubert's farm, June 12, 5.05 pan.—
Encamped four miles north of Welke -
rust.. Laing ;s nek atod Malaga were
completely erecutlied by he Boers lost
night .• Gen. Otory, from ingego, is now
coaling over the nek,
"I nave had to camp, here for want
of water.
"A onrroe( list of yesterday's ease-
allies will be sent as soon as received."
Roberts Finishes His Report of the
Battle Near Pretoria.
A despatch from London says :—
Lord Roberts reports to the War Of -
floe, undo. rdate of Pretoria, Wedues-
fice, under date of Pretoria Wednes-
day, as follows ;—
" Methuen advanced to Honing
spruit yesterday and found all quiet.
Kronnstad to stroag)y held. Methuen
returned to -day to R3lenoster rriver,
where the railroad is being repaired.
'We were engaged all yesterday with
Bothtt's army. The enemy fought
with considerable determination, and
held our cavalry on both finlike, but
Ian Ilemilton assisted by the Guards
Brigade of Pole-Oarew's division,
pushing turward, took the hill in his
front, which paused the enemy to fall
ba•ek on their second poeitiun, to the
eastward. This they are still holding.
It is slightly higher than the one we
have captured. The great extent of
oountry which has to be covered un-
der modern conditions of warfare ren-
ders progress very slow.
"Details of the casualties have not
reaehed me, but I understand they tore
moderate in numbers.. The only fur-
ther casualties reported Lo dale are
two officers wounded."
In the afternoon of the same day
Lord Roberts cables:—
" 'rhe
"'Che enemy evacuated their strong
position daring the night, and have
retired to the eastward.
" Buller's force and mine have af-
forded each other mutual assistance.
Our 000upution of Pretoria caused
numbers of Boars Lo withdraw from
Laing's nek, and Buller's advance Lo
Votksrust made them feel their rear
would ahorlly be endangered."
Col, Carter's Column Suffers Heavy
Losses in a Battle With the
A despalch from Accra, Gold Coast,
says:—Detatis have been received limeof anther serious reverse to the re-
lief columun
n der Col, Carter
Major Wilkinson, a day's starch north
of Prelim. There were heavy casualties.
The Latest rumors repnrt a fdrthnr
disaster to e. detachment on the north
bank of the Praha, which is now flood.
cd, and where the Ashantis ware found
strongly tautrenched.
• Captain Willooviree 'rdvanee has been
delayed by rains, which have destroy-
ed the bridges in the Prahu road.
The continued absence of news from
Kumassie tends to confirm the pessi-
mistic views as to the so(ety of the
Gavei'nor and his staff. The coast
towns are apprehensive of their own
The British gunboat Magpie, stitLien_
ed at Amore, is the sols: protection tor
the (mast.
Owing to the difficulty euoountered
in er00001ng Derriere, the enforcement
of a labour ordinance is threatened,
but such n step is considered 0nndets-
able in view of the 'present temper of
the inhabitants and the unprotected
condition of the colony. Tho general
opinion .is that the present: force is
inadequate to cope with the Sit 11 t((!,
and the tooa.l Government apparently
fulls to recognize its gravity.
Notes Are Being Manufaotured In
His Railroad Car.
A, despatch from London, b`riduy,
mays:—A despatch tram Lorenzo Mar-
ques, dated yeetertley, sans;—.'I'resi.
dens Kruger la holding on to his gold
tinct issuing paper cotes front a press
in his Exemttive car, The Boer nov-
0000110011'4 coin stook is exhausted; and
the officials aro now paying outplain
gold clines nnstaauped. Sons who
have declined to ameepl Halos have
taken their salaries in1
gn d bare. The
Boer Government is still paying out,
much gold in Lhst wuy."
Wan and Women in all Walks of Life Tell of the Remarkable
Cures Wrought by South American Neriine Tonto.
Newspaper edieors are almost as
sceptical as the average physician on
the subject of new remedies for sick
people. Nothing short of a series of
moat remarkable and well authenti-
cated cures will incline either an
editor or a doctor to seriously consider
the merits honestly claimed for a
Hundreds of testimonials of won-
derful recoveries wrought with the
Great South Amerioau Nervine Tonic
were received from leen and women
all over the oountry betore physicians
began to prescribe this great remedy
in chronic cases .of dyspepsia, in-
digestion, nervous prostration, sick
headache, and as a tonic for build-
ing up systems sapped of vitality
through protracted spells of sick-
During hie experience of nearly a
quarter of a century a0 a newspaper
publisher in Paris, Ont., Editor Col-
well, of The Paris Review, has pub-
lished hundreds of columns of paid
medicine advertisements, and, no
doubt, printed many a gracefully -
worded puff fur hia patrons as a
matter of business, but in only a
single instance, and that one warrant-
ed by his own pe-sonai experience,
has he given a testimonial over his
own signature. No other remedy
ever offered the public has proved
finch a marvelloua revelation to the
most sceptical as the South American
Nervine Tonic. 1t has never failed
in itsepurpoen, c: '. ?; 'Hs : „n -d wh"n
doctors and other medicines Weare
tried in vain.
"I was prostrated with a particu-
larly severe attack of '.Lm Grippe,'"
says 11 Ir. Colwell, ' and could And no
relief from the intense pains and dire
tress of the malady. I suffered day
and night, The doctors did not help
me, and I tried a ntlnaber of mQdfi
cines, but without relief. About this
time I was advised to try the South
American Nervine Tonic: Its effeeto
were instantaneous. The $rals dose I
took relieved me. I improved rapidly
and grew stronger every day. Your
Nervine Tonic cured tele id a single
The South American Herrin°
Tonic rebuilds the life forces by its
direct action on the nerves and the
nerve centres and it is this notable
feature which distinguishes it from
every other remedy in existence. The
most eminent medical authorities now
concedethatfully two-thirds of all the
physical ailments of humanity arise
from exhaustion of the nerve forces.
The South American Nervine Tonic
acting direct upon the nerve centres
and nerve tissues instantaneously
supplies them with the true nourish-
ment required, and that is why its
invigorating effects upon the whole
system are always felt immediately,
For all nervous diseases, for generee§
debility arising ft•pl1h enfeebled vitals
ity, and for st000i oh trouble's of every
variety no other remedy can possibly
take its rlsg.
Sold by G. A. Deadman.
I���'e511u�s ,�MOit9is CANADIANS.
Cannot ddvanee Far Until the Tun-
nel is Cleared.
A despatch Conn Loudon, Friday,
days:—Lee:u. Railer will be unable to
advance further mutt he gala .,applies.
Ile will prohable wait until the tunnel
has been cleared. Nearly every farm-
house his troops passed flail a oldie
flag. The Brie iih tuck nothing with-
out paying for it, •ail ,i brink business
was done in milk, eggs, br: alt, and
obickens by thrifty 11' 0'e,, itt's who
wore pleased to get se !mach English
money. One NV 401,1.11, whose husband
and two eons have Leen fighting,
said ;—
"You British are unlike our people.
They took sty 11010010 in exelo iigr Lor
sheep, and made me make tattler,
whieh they never paid for. 1:Ion Mend-
ing to have my teal 00010. 1101110 at
0000." •
Usually the first question a Baer
woman lone )d;—•'Will my hushaad he
allot if he is c.iptureil.1"
One young Hurn was pulled front un-
der the bed, and he weni on his knees
begglug 1.300' British patrol not to shoot
President Steyn is In Personal Coln
A despatch to the Lonctun 'Tele-
graph from Shimmer's nek says that:
the Boors etre aggressive along the
whole length of. Lbe : oneknl-h'iks-
burg line; A atl'ong force menaced
Vicksburg Wednesday, and the Bri-
nell outposts Mitred t0 the village.
The 13ritlsh gnus 1.hen °peeled the
on the burghers, who retreated. 7'he
Boors are also active 10 the west-
ward of Soilekill.
President St.eyn is at Ult kop with
the linin Mager. ins p0000'nao doubt-
less •tm°punts for the activity lir the
Invalided at the hate of Forty to
Seventy Per Day.
A despateh from Ottawa, Ont. says:
--Capt. 8L Rodgers, writing from
Winburg, 1'Itly 0th, stales that great
ha vor is being oausod by disease in
the ranks of the Canadians. On tho
day of writing 4)1 min h:td beim sect
1" the hospital in charge of Lieut.
Gordon Sttewart, and 70 more were
to go the following day. The mou
were suffering trout fever, chiefly
The Royal Canadian Regiment had
been so reduced Meet the roll only,
showed 074 mea out, of 1,035 who left
Canada. Some of the noulpauies had
but one offieer. The draft at man sent
out to replecie the Canadians who
1 •d b en Lnvelided, etre, had arrived:
' Kunmsl Relief Column Again ;engaged
. 00111i lite Rebels.
The London Dirtily Express has the
following from I?rasho, dated Thurs•
dal y
"'There has heon another tight. on
the line of communication of aha Ku-
ntassi relief expedition. No details
totem beet ot.rivially supplied.
Tbere aro 10,11(10 Ashantis surround-
ing Kumasi, and 5,000 facing Ilia re-
lief force. The leaders of the rebel-
lion include Aahantu:lh, Queen of Ofo•
The bubonic Plague has been stamp-
ed out in Argentina.
Six new eases of plague and 4000
• deaths nee reported at eine°.
American 110050 moat is being sold
[n Sweden as smoked reindeer meat.
Lord Curzon reports trial. 5,770,000
famine sufCorers itt India aro beteg