HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-6-21, Page 2T
"187," shouted the =Wilt in (Marge
of the division " Now then, there, 187,
wiry don't you senile when you are
A Ming Man, who bad been croace-
In in a. career by blmself, apart
:froin the group of other prisoners,
looked up wearily, as the moujik shook
him rougbly by the shoulder. He evaa
a very young man, almost a boy,
not a tramp yet of moustache over bis
finely -out Mouth, his great blue eyes was about to say,
string straight in front of him, de- " Couut Wlatliosir," be said at last,
epair-hopeless, abject despair, -writ- in mY Power Lo offer You an
ten on every feature of the young attern a Li ye. Th ro ugh your rebellion
face, The boy rose, and with weary against the. authority of the Tsar,
steps followed the moujik across the Your crime against his sacred Imre
wide hall, where 60/110 fourscore or so son, you have forfeited your liberty,
mem of all ages, and apparently all your great wealth, your illustrious
conditions, were huddled together, name. am prepared to offer You,
They had all stood their trial -a , In the name of His Most Excellent
mockery -and bad been condemned Majesty, whom may God continue to
whblesale to the mercury mines in save, a new name, wealth that will
Eastern Siberia, -the capital punish- Olaue you beyond ordinary needs, and
ment practically; but a punishment the right to go freely among your
that sometimes takes three years* to fellowmen, 18 —'
complete ; a daily, hourly torture, a The effect of his Excellency's last
fight against privations, disease, words on Count Wladmir. Rostop-
nominy, with a felon's grave, as ul- chine was startling in its intensity;
Umtata goal. They were all leaving hope that refused to be ()rushed strug-
Moscow 011 the following day, to be- gled for mastery over the now van -
gin their weary trudge across miles ishing look of des'pair ; all the young
af arid plains, scantily fed, scant ily man's faculties seemed centred in the'
elothed, perishing by dozens on the one urging intteaty to the Governor
wayside thrbugh cold and hunger. 10 proceed.
And young Count Wladimir Itostop- ! " If," resumed bis Excellency, "you
chine WaS one of those poor wretches, will agree to the one condition, His
Wealthy, high-born, the idol of st, Most Excellent Majesty the Tsar will
Petersburg society, he saw himself
transformed, after three months im-
prisoroent, into No. 187, one of gang
No. 2, en route for Irkutsk an the
Eli 1 What would you? He had eon-
sPired, at any rate had been sadlY
mixed up in that last attempt against
the life of the Tsar, therefore he must
die Oh, yes 1 that is inevitable. but
not for three years, Count \Vladimir
not till you have brought to the sur-
face enough mercury to pay for i his
gracious prolongation of your exist-
ence; after that you may pay your
debt to Nature ; your death will lie together with a substantial portion
at 'her door, not at that or the pater- of your confiscated wealtb. if you will
nal Government of your country. undertake to go through Lhe vitro -
The moujik, having reached the en- many of marriage with a lady whose
Iran,', of tbe hall, handed over 187 reputation is spotless and will al-
to four cosaques, who, having secured ways remain so:,
the young 171:4 Willi o, And le that nu e, asked Count
cuffs, led him through interminable Wiadimir, not daring to trust his
stone pasmages, dimly light ed by00- senses.
casional paraffin lamps, to a 0105- "No, not quite all," sate the 50, -
sive oak door, over which hang a fine eraor, but pray' ically so ; you must
wrought -iron bracket that bore the remember that henceforth Count
sign: "His Excellency Lhe Governor's Wiatlimir Ilostopehine is de id; that
Of Hee." Hardly had they led hide pri- after the ceremony is performed there
soner before this door, when 11 was will be a widowed Countess Rostop-
opened from the inside, and a voite chine, who will go into society, to
said: Court. That lady you must never ap-
"Have you brought 187, sergeant ?" proach, SlIP must never see or know
Yes, your Excellency." him by whose side she will stand al
"Bring him in, then, an'l wall out- the altar. To her you will be as dead
side with your men, till you are re- as to the rest of the world."
quired again." "Outside Russia you will be tree
The sergeant of cosaques pushed to begin life anew, under whichever
the young man within the room, ,and name or nationality, you may wish
left him standing there, while he him- to select. You are young; all Europe
self retired, closing the massive doors is open to you; you will still be cons -
with a loud bang. partitively wealthy; you bare to the
Count \Vladimir Rostopchine, whom hest of my belief no near kinsfolk,
all these proceedings did not appear and your friends \vitt maitre you, as
to interest in the least, waited pa_ they are 'lready doing, as one prat.-
tiently itt hea.t• what his Excellency neatly dead. Do you aceept ?"
wished to say to him. No doubt more " Yes, I aecept," said the young man
examinations, mitre questions to an- with a tinge of bitterness. "You have
ewer; be was used to these by now, shown me hell, hideous, terrible, and
and bad ceased to fear or hope for now you give me a glimpse of earth
them. again; ( would be a fool not to tmeept
"Count \Vladimir Rostopehine 1"
said his Excellently, blaudly, that you
are fully aware of what awaits you
to -morrow, nless---e
" Unless 9" said Count Wladiealr,m
amagemene "Is there an ueless?"
His Excellency paused for some
time. He was studying the young
man's wan -looking face through his
gold -rimmed opectaoles. Evideutly,
experienced Man of the world as be
was, he was somewhat at a lose as
to the best way of wording what he
ask you to fulfil in exchange."
" And that condition ?" askedCount
Wladimir breathlessly.
" Is, that you will freely give that
name, over which after io-day you
will , hays o furter right, to such
person as His Majesty will desig-
"And that person 9"
"Is a lady."
"You mean that the Tsar wishes
me to 11111117 501115—"
" His Majesty offers you any name
you might choose, and complete lib-
erty outside the frontier of Russia,
the alternative. 1 son ready to ful-
said his Excellency, after a slight fil His 'Majesty's ',auditions."
pause, during whieb he bad been cou-
"11 is well," said the Governorteutglaling,
teroplating, the young man with "hut remember one thing," and hi.
more curiosity than eompassion. Excellency's manner beeaxne solemn
The boy started. It was tbree and emphatic:, he was pronouncing
moaths since he had heard his name, Sentence of death: "Count; Wladirulr
since he bad ceased to be a man and Rostopcbine is condemned for hie
had become a number
".As you are fully aware,- added
his Excellency, " you have been tried
for high treason and lese-mujeste,
and condemned to tbo mercury mines
of Eastern Siberia -that is to say, to of Mgh
death "
"I am aware of that fact, your Ex-
cellency," and need not be reminded,'"
said the boy bitterly.
" To -morrow," resumed the Gover-
nor, "Count Wladimir Rostopchine
will cease to exist. His goods and
moneys become the property of the
Crown, bis talus is erased from the
list of His Majeety's subjerts.
The young Man gave a slight shud-
der ad the old Governor paused for
one moment, and, if possible, a look
of still greater clespeir overspread
his haggard features, but this time,
be said nothing.
" And to-morrow,"n
conteued his
Excellency Imperturably, "No. 187 will
start from Moecow, together with two
hundred more felons, on their way
to Irkutsk, their ultimate destination
treason and es Snob doomed to tor -
Ogre and death; 11 at any time in the
future, anyone -be he 01 5116 who they'
May -should know that ho hue 50
Las' escaped that doom, then the Rim,
sine pollee, whose arm is long, anti
Whoa° eye is far-seeing, will know how
to rearth and punish him,. even if he
have built au empire, and set Min -
self upon a tbrone. Ones more, do you
accept 9"
Count Wladlinir, who could not re-
press a shudder and was eboking withemotion,
emotion, dropped hie bead on hie
breast and wilt:401'0d:
That same night, at the hour of
midnight,. the gloomy prison chapel
prelented a curious appearance. The
candles on the high altar threw an
Intermit tent and flickering nett on
two youug forms kneeling devoutly
on a double prie-Dieu, their beads
bent under the benediction of an old
bearded pope who had just passed a
gold ring on the third finger of the
right band of each:
" In the name of the Father, and
of the Son, and of the Holy 511081."
There were no flowers, no music,
no incense, and there was no joy.
There was one broken heart -a young
man's, almost 11 boy's, who al Lhe foot
of the throne of God bade adieu to
home, kindred, name, The other fig-
uee-an enigma -swathed in white,
her face concealed beneath a white
satin mask, through wbich a pair of
dark eyes looked somewhat compas-
siouately from time to time at the
bent figure by her side. Once Lbe
eyes of the twb met., as, the pope
baying given the last benediction,
their hands were joined for the first
and only time. A look of inquiry was
answered by one ofpity, ande
mouth beneath the mask, smiled a
trifle conteinetnously. He who bad
been Count Wladintir Rostopchine
looked at that mouth; it was finely
chiselled, as teat of the Medici Venus,
and on the left side, just above the
upper lip, a little mole gave it an
arch and childlike expression.
The next moment the white figure
had disappeaeed.
His Excellency the Governor, who
had assisted ea tlie marriage cere-
mony in the capacity of witness, now
touched the yoi,ng man on the shoul-
der. He pulled himself together as
if waking from a dream.
"Tire blessing of God be with thee,
my sou," said the old pope.
" Ainen," said the young man rerv-
ently, and followed Count Gulohoff
through the dark chapel, at the door
of which four cosaques stood in readi-
ness to escort him out at Moscow, and
then beyond the frontier.
Count Wladimir Rostopchine was
The year 1889 was, without doubt,
the most brilliant that that gay lit-
tle city laudapesth had known for
some time. The exhibition was an nn -
qualified success and the town was
thronged with visitors of all nation-
alities, thus realising the dreams of
the worthy Loll ti councillors, which
was to make Buclapesth the Paris of
the East.,
As for the "Hotel Elungeria," it
certainly became dazzling in its cos-
mopolitan magnificence, when, after
seven o'elock, Lhe ozigany band of
Ra.cz Pali began playing in the din-
ing -room, and a brilliant medley of
notabilities of every clime and coun-
try assembled to enjoy the best cui-
sine and finest music in the world.
Russiane, Turks, French and English,
Germans and Chinese, Roumanians,
and Albanians, elbowed each other to
secure good tables, and till, past
midnight, conversation in every civi-
lised end moat barbaric. tongues near-
ly drowned the lively csardas and
pathetic love songs.
His Excellency Prince Radoviteh,
the Trausbalkanian ambassador, him-
self attracted by the gay crowds,
mostly dined downstairs. 'He knew
• "You need net 1811 MB more, your
Exetallency," interrupted Lhe youug'
man impetuously. "1 know what
'ewaits me there; I know of the hots
rots, the privations, the agonies of
a Siberian living Lomb, Is it to tell
018 01 thent you have Summoned MS
1/01.0 r
"8 merely wished to 5551180 rayeelf,"
^1 7
A Simla! Formula of a Creat Physician Is Or. CitaSe'S Nerve 110011 -
The Great blood Hadar.
There are imitators of Dr. At. W.
Chime, butt none who dare to repro-
duce his portrait and eiguature, which
are found on' every box of hie gen-
uine remedies.
Nor are there any preparations that
oan duplicate the marvellous cures
brought about by thie great phymician
of recipe book fame. Here 'ie example
of the lettere daily received from
grateful cured ones: -
Mr. A. T. P. T,aleme, railway agent
at Clarenceville. Que., writes:-" For
twelve years I have been run down
wlth nervoue debi I ty. Iauffnred much
and oonsulted doctors, and used mod -
benne in vain. Some months ago I
)1eat ft et Dr. Chaetees elerv?eFootl, nsed
t*5 hos'ondtj healt ai5
rapidly that I ordered twelve more,
"I can say fronkly that this treat -
talent hole no equal in the medial
world. While eel ag Dr. Chaste; Nerve
Food I eoum feel ray system being
fella up until now I am strong and
healthy. I cannot recommend it too
highly, for Weak, nervous people,"
lkra. E. H. Yoram g of 214 Greenwood
tiveminsf, Jaeloson, Mich., is a reaogniz-
ed leader among the Lady efatembeea,
Foresters and other fraternal. socie-
ties and, is weli known throughout
the State for her executive ability and
apebel qualities. Mrs. Young has ra-
t cently recovered from nervous disor-
, dors, which she describes in Lhe fole
lowing worths:-
; "My social and other duties in con-
' motion with severed iraternal Boole -
1 ties lead drewn 50 neuch upon my
(strength that I found myaeaf all run
down in health. I was very nervous,
had no appetite, could get no real
rest from &eels and was. tregbied very
1 much with palne in the Read and
I back. I tried many eerie of tonics,
tIot aetslel get no permanent :help un-
tal 1 weed Dr, Cbeee's Nem Food, I
! took two Wee&aa dlieeted and found
I a perfect euro for my trouble. Their
eotion was yea, mild and effeetiva,
and 1 believe 'bete to be the beet
seedielne for nervous; troublee that
knew e-eee
Insist 011 bevitm the genuine and
, yoU can be abeoltitely etre of great
; benefit. Dr. Chimed Nerve Food, 50
Genes a box, et all amine, or Edelen-
eon, Bakee, & Co., Toronto,
tie many people, and was tienstantly
exchanging haedeheltee and greeting
With his various diplomatic+ friends,
while his. seeretary, I%X. Andre Ett
eilent c1 teolturn, p. usual, would
sit and gaze absently rotted, a ead,
almost yeareing, expression in his
ait$ Excelleney Prince Ratio**
tie kindliness. would from time to
time attempt to drag him Into Dees
versation, or offer to introduce him
to some et his' younger friends, but
M. Zaika aPpeared to be almost more
laidly sensitive, and to abrin] from
intercourse with his fellow -men; and
yet his Excellency belcl Jahn in greal
esteem gave him his fullest confid-
enee, and consulted him in most mat-
ters, both political and otherwise, for
he knew Zaika's judgment was Meer,
and his ootineele well worth follow-
ing. '
11 was now nearly Len years slime
Andre came to Mm in Belgrade, with-
out friends, without introductioes,
but possessed of a face and bearing
that invited confidence. and a na-
ture Met was worthy of keeping R.
He seldom spoke, and never smiled;
true he never frowned either, Mo-
tion seemed to have died. in! him. Once
only did His Excellency see 11114 8101)1,
and that was a day or two ago, when
merry laughter sounded in the hall
oL the "Hungaria," and the dining -
room door being thrpwn open; there
walked In a beautiful woman. She was
a Russian apparently, for she spoke
in Chet language to her oompaniono,
whom his Excellency knew well, for
they were diplomats mostly. Her face
was peculiarly lovely, her expression
sweet, almost ehildlike, and at the
corner of her mouth,. just above the
upper lip, there was a little mole that
gave the face the most piquant ex-
pression imaginable
Zaika certainly turned pale then,
and the glass he was holding smashed
to pieces in his hand. The next mo-
ment he had recovered himself, an I Lis
Excellency, with Lhe discretion pe-
culiar to his office, made no. remark'
on the subject..
JUNE 21, 1000
Meek Tees Treat entrered ama
VIlltill'i°1'0711Z(Llo1001'10,611116;01:1 114"-T"
Julian lealph, who, in a oonelder-
ably battered oondition has jest arriv-
ed M Englandsgives u foreible deserip-
Soath African warfare upon bis
ntioernofves.E:e effect: of seven mouths 01
;"13attered extereally, disorderedin-
side, unable to digest feed for weeks,
nursing bruises and ailments a half
doze e at once, I look upon this war
as having iti repaid me for the kindly
jubilant tolbe ie which I have dealt
with it,
"And, 011.1 how sick of it I am -
bow deadly ueutterably sick I am of
"The long monthof sand diet and
bard faring under Methuen took from
me a stomach whieh an ostrion would
have envied, and exchanged for it a
seooted-hand, worn-out apparatus
Which turns upside down at the ap-
Proach of any food except diluted
"A piece of Boer shell which hit me
on the chest made me faint and weary
for many days, and then a model me-
thod of alighting from a Cape east
into a trench with the cart on
top of me left me one -legged for five
weeks, after which 1 ftnind myself
with a low -class, no-a000unt limb in
which I have no confidenee. Upon
my recovering this inferior and make-
shift other leg, my horse shot me in-
to a high fences which Lore both arms
into shreds, painted one thigh like an
omelet, and the other like a South
African sunset, and left me
which I must keep as a perpetual sou-
venir of what we are all beginning to
speak of as 'the bore war.'
"Try to imagine the spirit of a man
fashioned in the image of his creator
"1 am going to Her :Majesty's little who finds himself thus gradually
soiree to -night, Andre," said his Ex- changing into an exhibit for a medi-
reliance, on the following day; "the cal museum, and you begin to obtain
hotel seems' more crowded than ever, a glimpse of Lhe fatigue with weieh
and I must impress upon you that I now view this war.
His Majesty's draft of the secret
treaty will remain in my bureau. I
should be afraid to take it about
with me at night."
" Your Excellency need have no
Lear," answered Andre Zaika; "1 shall
"We alt feel that we have seen uy
far the best and liveliest: of it. There
can be no new scenes or surroundings
what is to come. The Goer will
hide, the veldt will reach away, the
valiant Britain will endure -on and
in all probability, sit and read in the on and on ; no one knows how far, no
room until your return." one knows how long ! There may be
"Ah, that. will be very kind of you.
one more great battle, or there may
Good -night, Andre 1" not be, And then we may see six
And his Excellency stepped intohis months or a year of petty, piffling
carriage, en route for Buda, +leaving guerrilla work -by little bands, all
Zaika standing in the hall. It was a over the veldt -and this final pro -
lovely, clear frosty night, with a brit- tracted stage will be attendeci by all
Haut moon shining overhead. The
the discomforts of campaigning in a
Ming man watched the ambaSsador's
desert which was introduced to us as
carriage out of sight, then turned to
a baked and dusty Sahara, but is now
go in again, but the keen air tempt -
to be a wet, soggy expanse, growing
ed him. A walk along the embank -
colder and colder, until, daily for
ment seemed most enticing, and at
weeks, the pickets shell be found froz-
en to death at their posts.
"What an outlook! Whet a pros-
pect, for description by 0110 who has
seen it all and endured it all -except
the cold.
''And then the private sicknesses
and aceidents, and the public cheeks
and disasters. How all of it gets on
one's nerves and grinds and tears
them -until one loaths the break of a
this early hour of the evening -it was
not more than ten o'clock -with the
keys of the rooms in his pocket, all
within was quite safe.
To be Continued.
Interesting teem4 ottosereit sewn vircions
ben r
Five men have at various times tried
Lo murder the Queen. new day, the recurrence of meal Limes,
Some of the mountable in the Orange the daily struggle with Lhe censor
Free State rise to an. altitucleof over over the last petty sniping; yes, even
10,009 feet. the bugle calls for bed.
Under British rule the cotton cross 1"We are all eiser. some are emit
of 'Egypt has doubled, and now am- , with sickness, most are sick of the
mints to over 500,000,000 lbs a year. war, and many are sick in both ways,
At Queen Victoria's table an odd
cu.stora, which originated ill the time
of George II., is preserved. .As each
I could forge thousands of signatures
to.that statement, and you might pub-
lish them. You would not hear a
their eompleinte to make instead of
My SIM 1 ahould.have been imam' and
not atop uf the.wieltedt creel veldt.
"And these were Guards, mind yott
-the Best few thousandespread over
the Bret few Grenadiers, Seete,
Goldsteeame 1 'London pets' you have
often called therm 'tin soldiers,' and
you have laughed et them in yew'
London Imams and newspapers. Well,
they 111.4 saab complain at that, and
they are net complaining at this. The
officers were geed to take anything
we could give them to read, and the
men did eat opium small offermge of
tobaceo, but It is only just to say that
"Down the line Ivo came to a As, -
tion and camp, which presented
picture of misery as complete as any
that I over saW in Chinese . slum,
Whitechapel alley or negro barracks
in New York, It was misery pared
down to the raw, though none of its
sufferers .seemed aware of it. The
beastly veldt was a mosaics of little
pools and sodden tufts of sage, There
were three or four shellfire, One, the
largest, was made by throwing a tar-
paulin sheet over two pllee of boxes.
It was only breast high and covered
but it served as the mess room and
retreat for the officers who name out,
by the way, in their wringing wet
Mothes to ask us the usual shopworn
questions aboat the latest rumor that
Mifeklag was relieved, and another
that Buller had done something.
"I could see. into their tent and no-
ticed that they lived on bully beef,
tinned milk, tea and jam -delicious
things for a pienic-if the plonks does
not last seven months on end.
"Each of the other two shelters was
made by throwing a porous blue army
blanket over a pole and pinning down
the sides so as to make a burrow two
feet high and six feet. lung. It seem-
ed to me that it raust be slightly wet-
ter and a hundredfold more disagree-
able in such a hutch than out on the
veldt. It was out on the veldt that
we saw the Tommies ; the poor, ne-
glected, all -suffering, woe -begone
looking, but none the less devil-may-
"The Tommies were walking up and
down in the rain. Their overcoats
were not only solacing wetsbut, for
some strange military reason. were
split behind straight up to the small
of each man's back so as to expose
alt of each teg to the wet. A few
had put blaukets over their coats and
were also walking, walking, walking.
One was seated on a box with an au-
dience of three others on boxes and
was singing a musio-hall ditty vigor-
ously througb his nose. Several who
walked about, were whistling.All
seemed either very happy or reitson-
ably so.
They had been soaking wet and
chilled to the bone for days. They
could cook nothing, boil nothing, heat
nothing, for not a dry thing with
which to make a flee could be found
upon the soaking veldt. They doubt-
less had plenty to eat, hut it was all
tinned stuff, and must have been tak-
en cold and eaten each thing by itself,
without a chance of making 't tooth-
some combination. Plenty were dy-
ing, plenty were sickening, others
must have felt. very uneomfortable;
yet those who were of the mettle to
survive were whistling, singing and
eraelring jokes; They are welcome to
crack one at me for speaking of my
own tronbles, where men have to live,
es I saw perhaps 2000e living between
Bloemfontein and Norval's Pont."
A. Volcano lined 10 for ;lore
Inno Mlles.
Stromboli, one of the Lipari Islands,
Artificial yawning sbould be resort -1 protest f rom any. one." 1105 constantly and usefully pertorm-
eft to in cases of sore throat, buzzing such was the frittne of mind in ed the function of a lighthouse for at
of the ears, catarrh, and, like trouble. which he left Bloemfontein, "with its least 2,000 years. Circular tn. outline,
The number of rooms In a housetof 2,500 enteric patients, its maddening the island oubninates in a eonleal
windows or doors in a room, even of dull, routine of life." • shaped elevatiota due to past voluante
runge on a ladder, in Siam, must al- But as the train pulled out on its agency, W1/1111 l'ISOS to the height of
ways be odd. way to Norval's Pont he saw a sight 3,090 feet above sea level, and is vis-
'fhe amount of gold Coin in actual which seemed worse. :En his own One over an area having a radius of
circulation in the world is estimated words it was, "nothing but an illimi- mere than 100 miles. During the day
by the Bank of England °Metals to table apoagy, sLudgey bog, With t1 masses of vapor are seen issuing from
be about 885 tone. driving cold rain beating upon it. And a point. high up the mountain Hide,
' During the present centuey, 400 hu- living upon it, without tents, were and al, night suceessive displays of
man lives, 025,000,000, and 200 ships soldiere- I red light, envying in duration and in -
have been lost in fruitless efforts to SOLDIERS EVERYWHERE. tensity, somewhat resemble those of
find the North Pole, Mentally I asked forgiveness tor bay- I a gigealle flashlight on the 00118. 'Ube
There are 00,000 polieemen in Great ing, during even one moment, thought flashes last from under one to bver
Britain. Of theee England bas 41,832; of my own discomforts and worries. 1 twenty minutes, gradually ineeeasing
Scotland, 4,744; Ireland, 12,105; Wales Some of those ineu had beau twee to 0 ruddy glow, and as gradually
guarding the railway a. whole month.
They had begun the Lask immediately
at the end of the awful strain of the
Field Marshal's programs 'from Gras
Pan to Bloemfontein, when they
marched as no Europeans ever march-
ed before, and were starved as none
ever should be again.
"Now the bitterly cold driving rains
had mime and turned the veldt into Stromboli note tte a "leading" light."
a marsh. And here / found them To such an extent 10 this the ease
like so many half -drowned rats, wet Itahria,lho
dts nolttighieh TT:mold aierte: boirpianiemigrnoll aro
marked by light helloes, nothing of the
kind is plated.upo_.11 Stromboli..
1,283; the Isle 01 Man, 52.
Riunaway horses are unknown in
Russia. When an animal bolts, the
cord is•poilled, and the horserstope.as
soon as it feels the pressure on the
Before long the sandwich -mail will
have a serious rival in the altraetive
sandwich' -woman, Who le already mak-
ing her uppeatanee in the streets of
Switzerland, in proportion to the
number of inhabitants, preducea more
books than any °thee countey, the
Proportion being one book to ewers,
8,000 Swiss. •
Tim Ehedive a Egypt receives a
eatery of £100,000 a year, and has, also
a private fortune invested in produc-
tive farms and cotton plantations in
the Nile delte.
fading Ilevey. 'CMS iSla0tt is referred
to by several very anoient writers as
the great natural Pharos of the West-
ern Mediterranean, Now It serves
the Same puemise, for the constant
streamof traffic passing Lo and from
the Preece and Italian ports in the
Gulfs at Genoa and of 'Lyons, through
the Straits of eleasina, for which
as the veldt beneath them, wet as the
air around them, shivering, playing
drum tunes with their teeth, cough-
ing, walking,. and stamping to keep
Warm -doing everything except Isom -
"I 9 My eoraplaintS? Why, beside
those men, I was a dike with a
palace 01 comforts. And if 1 had
HoW. do You keep your losses 51 (1(0
recce from your getordia»is
Oil. 'emend the. 30 1115 rake, I the rge
thorn 119 to runineg expenees.
ey and laghteen wars
PleallAt 1 lloo Peninsular War-
lord Nelson Was 11 P1011 leanialu at
Military precoeity never hoe remelts
ed the tage It assumed lea England
years ago, For instence, it was quite
a' common thing for en English boy
at Eton of Hairow to he gezetted a
Captain while bo wee atruggling with
Lisa pone asinorute, and defying dis-
cipline by' going oat of bound;s, .and
when George III, was Eling many a
young public; Bacot boy was tient
etraight from tee oboe room to ,fight
the Spaniards as a lull -blown Lieuten-
ant 01 Cepialn, while even Colonels
of 17 and 18 were plentiful almost: tie
Even Wellington was Lae leen pre-
cocious than these favored youngsters
for he had to wait untie he was; 24 be.
tome he was gazetted Lieutenant Col-
onel, and Lord 11Volseley, in spite 01
his phenomenally rapid promotion,
only reached the same rank at the
age of 28, and Lord Roberts had to
wait 10 years longer. In these slow -
ea. -moving days an officer is fortun-
fete if he blossoms into a Lieutenant
Colonel naucb before 40.
But white the boy Majors; and Coloes
els of the last century were chiefly
content to air their uniforms in Pell
Mall or Piccadilly, many boys much
younger even than themselves were
fighting their country's battles at sea,
which has ever been the great nursery
01 boy-fightera. .
Lord Nelson was taken away from
the grammar school in Norfolk at 11,
to serve on the Ralsonnabie, under
kis uncle, Captain Suckling, and ac-
quitted himself so well that he was
made a Post Captain at 21, a very re-
markable example of rapid promotion
due entirely to raerit.
Admiral Lord Collingwood, who was
Nelson's second in command at Tra-
falgar, left school at 11. to join his
relative, Captain Braihwaite, on board
the Shannon, but be had to wait 11
years for his Lieutenancy and five
years more for his post Captaincy, and
Admiral H'irdy, Nelson's Captain and
friend, was a midshipman on board
the Helena when be was a bay of 12.
Even these marvelous rewords were,
erupted by the son of the first Lord
Gardner, W110 was a midshipman at
10, was wounded a year later and was.
made a commander at 17.
Admiral Rowley signalized his en- s
trance into the teens by promotion
to the rank of Lieutenant, and was
Captain in (mainland of a frigate be-
fore be reached his twentieth birth-
day; hut even this precocious boy
must yield place to Sir Fleetwood Pei-
lew, who had ;sole charge of a war-
ship at 10, tied at 18 was Captain
of a seventy -10m' gun frigate.
Lord Lyons, who in later life was
in command of blue fleet delving the
Crimean War went to awe on board
the Royal Charlotte, at the age of 11,
and a short time later was fighting
under Admiral Duckworth in the Dar-
Admiral Provo Wallis, who died a
short time ago was able to look back
on nearly 0 century of naval service,
for he entered the navy before Tra-
falgur was fought, when he eould not
have hewn '111010 than seven." But
there is at least one example of a
boy who WAS appointed to a man-of-
war when he was little more than 5,
and some years before he left settee!.
Of English Adminals now living Sir
Nowell Selman was ansidehipman at
12 and Lord Clanwilliam et 13; while
General. Sir Evelyn Wood, was v. "sea -
dog" at 14, and was winning Lhe ap-
plause of an army by deeds of reck-
less bravery in the Crimea when be
was only two 700.15 older.
Confidentially, said the undertak-
er's wife, Mr. Smith hasn't paid the
bill for his wife's funeral yet.
Isn't that scandalous? exclaimed
Mrs. Gabble. I should think he'd be
ashamed to lel p001110 sea how little
he thought of his wife,
.nYes, and his brother John, when
his wile was busted, paid the very next
Hulet 'Petered like he was glad Le
get rid of her. didn't it?
nxcuss OF RESPECT.
Office Boy. Say, the( new type-
writer girl puts on a heap 0 airs!
Elevator Boy. What does she do?
°Mee Boy. Even' when th• boss
ain't no/whores around she calls him
Meter Janes.'
Yoteve got your linen milt Oil
trifle early, Hopkine,
'Yes, but my folks are interteded in
n. rummage mile; and when I rry tny
clothes around with me I know where
they are.