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Pays for THE POST
QS l' to ??
Jan., 1901. (l tit
Vol, 28. No. 60
W. H.KERR, Prop,
New Advertisements,
Looe!—G, E, Hing.
Specials—Moltinnon & Co,
Sailor hobs—Alex. p6raohan,
Pieroe's Favorite Proeoription-G. A.
Miotritt Rehm,
Vine oxeter
Mies Jennie Miller, of Toronto, was
home Over Sunday.
Mise Graham, of Tisdale, is visiting
her deter, Mai. Wm. Kaake,
Miss Dttlmage, of Lakelet, is the guest
of Rev. A. Russell at Seaforth.
Mrs. Tlpling, of Goderiob, is visiting
bar sister, Mrs. Thomas Miller.
Misses Lena Rae and Lena Smith took
a trip to Brussels and Seaforth.
Richard Miller, of Toronto, brother of
Mies amnia Hiller, was here over Sunday.
John Knutson and wife were sway to
Waterloo visiting their daughter, Mre.
Lorne Miller, et Fnrdwiah, delivered a
open of colts to Wm. Kidd last Saturday
Db Lietowel.
Archie White and his mother, of Minto,
were the gueete of Neil White on Wed.
nesday of iaet week.
Alex. Campbell, who has been laid up
all Winter with his eyes, is away to Lon.
don to undergo an operation.
J. B. Voigt was laid up with rheuma-
tism on Sunday last so that he was not
able to walk about with oonifn t.
Miss -Sarah Bray, who has tis, n at
Orangehill for some time, was home on
Sunday accompanied by Mies Aikina.
Alex. Orr, hotel keeper, of Fordwiah,
was in Listowel on Mondaydelivering a
span of horses ho had Bold to Mr. Hey.
James Forsyth, who has been in MN.
may for some time buying wool for Pc-
Kalvie & Hemphill, wee hole on !Sunday,
The direotore of the Spriugbank cheese
factory met on Monday evening at the
factory. They Bold the June make of
cheese at 10 1-16o.
'Miss Jennie Miller, who has bean ailing
for some time, had an operation perform-
ed last week by three phyetoiane. We
are glad to say Mies Miller is getting
i7 ar.l Lena.
Mies Moran was visiting at W, H.
Humphries' this week.
Next Sabbath evening Rev. Mr. Filer's
subject will be "Behold the Man."
Mre. D. MoOnaig left on Tuesday for a
trip to Manitoba and the Northwest.
• A number of our sports took in the
football match in Seaforth last Friday.
Mre. W. M. Smith and Miss Maud
Sholdioe are visiting relatives in Paisley.
Walton was repreeented at the wedding
of ass. MoDonald and Miss Millie Archer
on Wednesday.
A number of our youug people attend.
ed an enjoyable party at Peter Gardiner's
last Friday evening,
The A. 0. U. W. have had Organ•
leer Bradley in town getting new mem.
bete. This Order ie booming here ao
about 20 new members have beau enroll-
Bev, R. Paul, of Brussels, preached in
the Methodist church last Sabbath in the
abeeooe of the pastor who, with Mre.
Tiffin and son, was visiting relatives at
Rev. R. W. Dever bas been appointed
to the pastorate of the Walton Metho-
diet ohnroh. Rev. Mr. Tiffin goes to
Romney. Next Sabbath will be the clos-
ing service in connection with his pastor.
The Presbyterians held their regular
service in the Methodist ohuroh last
Sabbath, their own churchhaving been
raised for the stone basement. The
evening meeting was held in the eohool
house. Mr. McKay took charge.
A most enanesefui garden party was
bald at the Methodist Parsonage grounds
on Tuesday evening. The weather being
mild and pleasant a large crowd gathered
early in the evening and thoroughly en•
joyed the good thinge provided for tbem
by the ladies. After supper a large camp
fire was lighted that cast a cheery
glow on the promenaders. Rev. Mr.
Tibia then called the audience to order
and a long and varied program was
given. The solos and diereses by
Masan. Willie and Mre. Willie Dad Mies
Beattie and the reoitatione of Miso Leila
Best, all of Seaforth, were highly appro.
dated by the audience and Mies Vera
MoDonald'e rendering of "Tho absent
Minded Beggar," was eepeoially well re.
oeived. Premeds over 670.
WEDDING.—A very pretty wedding took
picas on Wednesday at the reeidenoe of
Thos. Archer, 6th oon„ Elullett, when
his daughter, Mies Merilla, was married
to James McDonald, jr., of Grey. !Mice
Alberta Washbarn,'000ein of the bride,
was bridesmaid, while the bride's
brother, Hugh Archer, supported the
groom. The wedding party entered to
the strains of the Wedding Marcia, play-
ed by Miss Minnie Baines, of Wiarton,
and tools their planes under a beautiful
floral design, repreeenting a large bell.
When Doctors ct Disagree
Consult an Optician.
Norvouen ase—b eadaohee—eleepl eeeneee
and dizziness,, often puzzle
the beet phyeioiane.
Nine times in ten eye strain ie the
dlroot cause.
Nothing oan effect a permanent cure
that does not remove the mass.
That is what our scientifically fitted
gluten do.
Also graduate of ltotlnosoopy,
The ceremony took place promptly et 0
after which a beautiful supper was
served, of whioh about 60 gueete partook
and the evening was then spent in suit.
able amaeemente. 'Phe bride was dress.
ed in a hemming oade6 blue lady's olotb,
with white eatin trimminge ; the brides.
maid in grey cloth in trimmings of blue
and steel, The preeenbe were numerous
and beautiful. The bridesmaid was the
reoipieat of a beautiful opal . ring from
the groom. The numerous friends of
the groom in Walton and vicinity WW1
him and hie bride a long life and Palma
agar 03,,
Brussels on the 22nd.
50 Dente gots THE POST to the end of
Mise Ethel Dunbar is indisposed at
Ivie and Mre. Campbell spent Sunday
with friends near Varna,
We are sorry to hear that Mrs, Robt.
Livingston is seriously i11.
R. N. and Mrs, Powell, of Turnberry,
spent Sunday ab R. Pearson's.
Robb. McKay will take the eervioe in
Roe's church next Sabbath morning.
George Kreuter and Mies Minerva Att-
ridge, of Brussels, spent Sunday on the
Rev. D. B. McRae will preach at Bethel
next Sabbath evaning oommeuoing at 7
7 o'clook.
A goodly ;number of Greyitee talk of
ening to Guelph on the exoursion next
Andrew Hislop, 16th oon., has had the
painters at work on the root and wood
work of his fine residence.
Mies Nettie Brown, of the let oon., has
go,;e to Chicago to enter the Iliiuois
Traiuiug School fur nurses.
aura, Wm, T. Molise, of the North
Boundary, was speeding a couple of
weeks with her sister in Strathroy.
There was uo preaching at Bethel
°birch last Sabbath. Rev. Mr. Yehaud
will preach his farewell sermon next
Sabbath morning.
Mise Annie Hoy, who went to Miohi-
gas several months ago, has taken a eitn•
abion at Flowerville, with Mrs. H. Grant,
and is well pleased withher position.
The atone stabling at the bank barn of
Jno MoTaggart, lOtb con., ie oompleted
and a good job done. For solid progress
and fine farms people should visit the
16th con.
The bricklayers are at work at Teas•
dale Whitfield's new 2 story resideuoe,
lith con. It will be a comfortable and
modern building. D. A. Lowry and staff
are laying the brick.
Among the paeaengere who took in the
excursion to the West last Tut-eday was
Samuel Fraliok. Hie ticket reads to
Edmonton but he will visit at other
points before hie return.
Otto Berfeltz, 9th non., who was in-
jured by an eleotrio touoh of lightning
last week, ie able to be 'about again as
usual. This is said to be the second
time Otto has collided with this atmos-
pheric bustler.
Miss Sara V. McLaaohlin and Miss
Lizzie Calder arrived home from the
Normal school, Toronto, this week and
are now possessors of 2nd olaos votes -
Mona! teoobere' certificates. Our eon•
gratnlatione are extended to the young
Rev. Mr. Yellaud preached his fare-
well sermon on the Ethel circuit on June
17th. The Sacrament of the Lord's Sap•
per was adneinietered at Roe's appoint.
meat on that day. Mr. Yelland'e remov-
al will be deeply regretted. He will be
stationed at Bayfield.
An item in last week's Pose said Mise
Simpson, teaober in Turnbull's school,
was resigning. It sbould have read Ful•
tonal eohool as Mise Wiltae is the teacher
in the former. Mies Simpson intends
going to the Hormel school for the Fall
term benne her retirement. Sbe is a
good teacher.
Last Monday P. C. Duncan, of Baha-
ma Man., shipped a oar of stook,
bnggiee, household effects, eta., to Maui.
tobo. The last named belongs to W.
Hamilton, who, with his bride, left fur
the West on Thursday. Mies Jennie Mo.
Neil left on the same train for her Mis•
Bion work in British Columbia, and little
Mies Sadie Duncan returned to Estevan.
A. enooesatnl and enjoyable pia•nio wag
hold in E. Jaaklin'e grove, 3rd oon., in
oonueotion with Roe's Sabbath Sohool,
last Saturday afternoon. In addition to
swinge, refreshments, &a„ a program
was preesnted as follows : Address by It.
MoKay, chairman ; reoitatione by Mies
Cole, Mies Susie Pearson, and Mise Belle
Pearson ; inebrumentale by Ethel Or.
(theatre, Mr. Rogers and Mies Belle Mil-
ler and L. Frain •, olnb swinging, Miss
Belle Pearson ; address, Rev. Mr. Yel-
land ; chorus by (hush choir. The
various numbers were well rendered and
the National Anthem was heartily sung
as a conclusion. There was a good sized
SUDDEN DEATH.—Very sad was the sur.
prise of many on Sunday last as the
news spread that Hattie J., god daogh•
ter of Thos. and Olevia Bielby, llth
oon„ had paid Nature's debb early that
morning. She bad been troubled with
bronobal asthma for a few years that had
impaired her oonstitution considerably
but was about on Friday and quite cheer.
ful as was her nature. Saturday de-
ceased had kept herbed and the night
following her breatbiog was hard and
her mother summated securing n physi•
ciao but • Hattie thought there was no
necessity, The sister sleeping with her
noticed that her breathing Was growing
shorter and almost before the family
could be aroused the vital spark bad
lied, Heart failure was eaid to be the
Sanaa of death. Demand WAS born in
I:iulletttownship and was 22 yeare of
age. She was a bright young woman,
patient and light hearted with a oonfld•
mg trust in the Saviour. Her friende
Were many by whom she was greatly be.
loved end her early demise is greatly re.
gretted. The funeral took plum on
Tuesday afternoon, eervioe being bold at
the home at 9,80 o'olook, Interment was
made at Brussels cemetery. Wide.
spread sympathy 10 expressed for the be -
reeved family.
On the farm of 0. Michel, lot 24, oon,
11, ie a fine orop of beardless barley. It
will average from 84 to 39 inobee In
length and is growing fine.
Mrs. Wm. Brewer and youngset sou,
7th oon„ left on Tueadey morning' for a
holiday trip with relatives and friends in
Dakota. We wish them a pleasant time
and a sate return.
Lan Tueeday Angus Shaw took train
at Bruesele for Moaoomin, Man , where
he will spend some time vietbing relatives
and friends and Deming tbo country. IIs
will also make Rat Portage a halting plaoe
both going and returning as be has tt eon
residing there,
Edgar Kellam, of Sombre, and Mee.
Armistead, of Grand Valley, nephew and
slater to Thos. Bielby, were here attend
lug the funeral of the late Nettle Bielby.
George Bielby, of Dashwood, was aloo
home, Hs is a brother to deceased.
Last Saturday an old resident of the
llth oon„ is the person of Loured
Michel, left for a trip to Germany. He
will likely visit Paris before he returns.
It is over 45 years since be mune ant to
this oonnbry. He will visit witb hie
brother and sister for a couple of months.
Mr. Michel sailed on Tueeday from Now
York. -
Waal, Done —Carl Engler bas added
another laurel to hie creditable parser
along educational linen by taking 1st
plass honors in mathemat•ine and phynioe
at Toronto University in bis 3rd year
term. It wan a stiff course and strong
opposition bat Mr. Bugler triumphed
and our hearty oongratc'ationo are ac-
corded him and the wish expressed for
bis future success. He will spend a
portion of his holiday at his old home.
The attendance at the Garden Party,
held at the residence of H. Ball, 10th
oon., on Thursday evening of last week,
was not Rs large as it probably would
have been bad the weather been warmer,
Rouge were well sung by Mr. Wilson and
Fred. Gilpin and a recitation given by
Mies ennuis aleNanghbon in good style.
The flnaooial results totalled over 520
which will go toward a fund to renew the
carpet and matting in Brnsaele Metho-
dist ohnroh, Mr. and Mre. Ball and
family were on the alert to make every•
body comfortable,
Friday was a most beautiful day for
the annual Sabbath school pia nit in
oonneotion with Bethel church Sabbath
school, 16th con. A large and joyous
oompany assembled in David Living..
°ton's grove in the afternoon and a very
agreeable time was spent, An hour's
program was presented, creditable alike
to performers and those who had the
training of the children. It was as fol.
lows :— Opening address by Master Rob.
Detwiller; song "The Maple leaf for-
ever," by teaohera and pupils ; reoftation,
Miss Sortie MoNaught ; chairman's re.
marire, W. H. Kerr, of THE Pose ; 1n.
stemmas', Ray MoNaught and Mies
Florenoe Robertson ; song "A better day
is coming," by pupils and teachers ; reci-
tation, by Katie Harbottle ; address,
Barrister Blair ; song ""Red, White and
Blue," by pupils ; reading, Fred. Smith ;
recitation, Mies Bertie MoNaught 1 in•
etrnmental, Mr. McNaught and Mise
Robertson. Miss Nina Iebieter presided
at the organ for the songs. After the
program a well arranged supper was
served in which all took an native inter.
est. Arefreshment stand also supplied
cooling dranghte, confectionery, fruit,
&o. The following is a list of the win -
nem in the different races and games :—
Mies Bray's olsse, minim; 50 yards, 1st,
Norman MoNaught ; and, H. MoNaught;
Srd, Geo. Mann ; Mrs. Livingston's plass,
the same race, 1st, Jas. Mann ; 2nd,
Wm, Harrison ; little girl's potatoe rape,
let, Nellie Harbottle ; 2nd, Katie Hata
bottle ; 8rd, Olive Oliver. Race for young
men, 1st, Geo. Robertson ; 2nd, Walter
Malley ; 3rd, Raymond MoNaught ;
three legged race, let, Wm. McKay and
Geo. Mann ; and, Geo. Campbell and
Oliver Qoerrin. Afterwards a game of
football was played between sides chosen
by Geo. Campbell and Wm, Fraser, re.
suiting in defeat to the team of Geo.
Campbell by 2 to 0.
/Or WEDDING BELLS. -5.30 o'olook Wednes•
day found an interoeted company num-
bering over 350 at peeve Turnbull's
come:maim residence, 4th oon„ to wit-
ness the eventful ceremony 01 marriage,
performed by Rev, Jno. Ross, B. A., of
Brnesele, between John Doig, a well
known young man of the hallo* Boun-
dary, and Miss Aggia M„ youngest
daughter oftheboat and hostess. The
wedding party took their planes on a
platform on the town, three sides of
whioh were covered with evergreens
neatly ornamented with small flags.
Miss Mary Doig, sister to the groom, was
bridesmaid ; George Turnbull, brother to
the bride, performed the duties of grooms-
man, while Mies Winnie Tornbnll, of
Brands, and niece to the bride, played
her part as Maid of Honor in good style.
The mamma worn by the bride was a
vary becoming one of white organdie,
bridal veil, &o. Miss Doig looked neat
in a dress of white mall and Mise Winnie
Turnbull wore white muslin over blue.
The job of shaking hands with an large
a company ae above mentioned was no
small contract and when osculatory ex•
ebanges were lidded it increased the
difficulty but the wedding party went
through the ordeal in fine style. An ale.
gent supper, prepared in Mrs, Turnbull's
beet style, was served, 90 guests being
seated at a time and good natured banter,
shat sed merriment were kept up with-
out mnob trouble. Before adjourning
fromlthe table the ofG0iating clergyman'
in pleasant, oomplimentnry and advisory
term, proposed the health of the bride
and W. IL Karr seconded the motion,
Wedding gifts were there in abundance
and of a moat useful and valuable
oharaotee and bespoke the popularity of
the principals, Tbs evening was
pleasantly whiled away, many ofd
friende exchanging greetings and new
acgtiaintanoee being formed, with the
addition of vooal had instrumental
music, dinning, &e. Mr. and Mrs. Doig
Will reside near Molesworth end com-
mence their sail on the matrimonial sea
with the beet wiehoe of a large eirole of
friends fn whioh THE Nee olaims a
part, flow Mr, and Mre, Tnrnbuil and lardy,
family managed to so skillfully care for
their hundreds of gueete on Wednesday
evening is an aneolved problem but
they did it to a nicely, Artist Brewer,
of Brussels, photographed the oompsny
on the, lawn in the evening.
Evostbenea —A very pleaeant evening
was epent on June 18•h, at Rowan Tree
Place, the reeidenoe of Alex. Perris,
when Mies Mapg'e Perrin, his sister, was
married to Jae. Grant. Gneebs to the
number rot about 70 were aesembled to
witness the marriage oeremony wbieb
was introduced by the playing of a
Wedding March by Mise Jean Ritohie,
Rev, D. Perrie, of Wingbem, brother of
the bride, was the ofliofabing olergyman,.
and was ably assisted by Rev, Jno. Rest,
B. A., of Brussels. The bride was at-
tended by her niece, little Mise Janeiea
Perrie, as Maid of Honor'. The bride
was very becomingly attired in a white
Swiss mnslin dress, with silk and laoe
trimmings„ and carried a bouquet of
bridal roses, while Mise Janeiea was
tastefully dressed in white and pink.
After the meal congratulations were
raid the wedding supper was served.
The tables were neatly and daintily orna-
mented with vines and flowers, which,
with a splendid display of viands, pre.
vented a very pretty appearance. At the
oonolusion of the sapper toasts were pro.
posed and heartily responded to. The
presents received were many, pretty and
useful. Mr. and Mrs. Grant are held in
high esteem by a large number of friende
who unite in wishing them a pros.
parous and happy married life. They
will reside at Mr. Grant's home on con.
14., Gray. THE POST adds its eongratu.
M w s -r s es.
Robert Thuell, fah line, is on the sick
Ieaao Farrand had a barn raining on
Statute labor is booming in this
L. Pepper bas a new farm hand. He
came on Monday.
Miss Olive Scott, of Bluevale, is the
guest of Miss Mary Torvey.
Mies Maud Peal spent Sunday at Wm.
Hall's, Grey. She went on her wheel.
Mre. M. Cunningham, 7th line, is ill
at present. A. good number are laid up
with bad ooldr.
Mrs. Harry Behers, Srd con., lett on
Tuesday for Deloraine, Man., where she
will visit with relatives.
Wm. Cole, of Ethel, is moving two
buildings for Mr. Young, 6th line. He is
an old hand and been at the business 18
Mrs. John Chisholm and daughter and
Miss E. Michie, from the township of
Esgoesiug, are visiting friends in Morrie,
the guests of W. Miobie, Gth line.
Quintin Anderson, 3rd line, has raised
hie barn and is having stone stabling
built under it this week, Garniee Broe.
bays the oontraot and are hustling it
A pea vine was pulled on the farm of
Alex. MoLaaohlin, North of Brunets,
Toesdny evening, that measured 8 feet.
Mao. line between 10 and 11 sores of peas
and they promise to be an excellent crop.
Thomas Wilkineon died enddenly on
Snnday last and was buried at Belgrave
on Tuesday, 19th inst. The funeral was
largely attended. A number attended
the funeral of the late Miss Bielby on the
same day.
Rev. J. E. Hunter called at the parem
tal home when returning from Confer.
mane at St. Marys. He will be stationed
on the Westminster oiroait next year,
mandated with Rev. T. Wesley Oosens,
formerly of Walton.
D. S. Errington, of Dungannon, was
calling on old friends here this week. It
is about 5 months sinoe be moved from
the North Boundary. Mrs. Errington is
a daughter of Thos. Jewitt. Mr. Erring.
bon, ea, is laid up with a lame baok. D.
S. is improving hie dwelling this Summer
and has a big orop to oars for.
Last Sunday afternoon Rev, F. J.
Oaten preached a very interesting and
iostruative sermon to the Sabbath Sobool
and Junior Leagners at Sunshine, hie
Copia being "Lessem from stones." A
obildren's choir sang "I've two little
hands to work for Jesse," Ruby Clegg
presiding at the organ. Mr. Oaten bas
a warm place fn the hearts of the child•
ren here and deservedly so as he has
taken a great interest in them.
CWT.—Morris Lost one of its aged and
respected residents on Wednesday of last
week in the person of Mrs._Meiklejoho,
relict of the late Sinclair Meiklejobn.
Deoesaed and ben husband were among
the early settlers of Colborne township
but came to Morrie some fourteen years
ago. She had been au invalid for many
years, and yet death came (suddenly at
the last. Oa Wednesday morning she
rose and partook of breakfast apparently
in her usual health. Later in the fore.
noon she laid down on her bed to rest,
and when her eon Donald came in to.
wards noon, be found that her spirit had
taken its flight. Deceased was a mem.
bee of Belgrave Pre,byterian ohuroh.
Two sons and two daugbtere are left
holding kindly memorieelot their mother.
The funeral Pools plane on Friday
from the homestead, 6th line, to
B.elgrave cemetery, Rev, W. T. Hall
conducting the service.
Herangsax,—On Wednesday, Jane 18th,
Joe. J. Sellers was missed from his
bachelor quarters and wben the mystery
was solved it was learned that he had
taken a quiet trip to Windsor, Ont.,
where at G p, on. he was united in the
holy bonds of matrimony with Miss
Mina Garniee, of Detroit, formerly of
Morris. The ceremony was performed
by Rev. Jas. Livingston, pastor of the
Methodist ohuroh. The bride wore a
becoming oostume of brown olotb, trim.
coed with silk and lace and was attended
by her cousin, Mies Lily Patillis. After
spending a few days at Wiudeor and
Detroit the happy oonple took the train,
reaching their home on Monday evening
and have taken up housekeeping amid
the best wishes of a large circle of friends,
Before leaving Detroit the bride was
made the recipient of many valuable and
useful presoate whioh attested her pops.
Sabbath School Workers and Christian En-
deavorers is Session.
Tuesday morning of ibis week the an.
nual County Sabbath Sohool Convention
assembled in the Methodist church, Sea -
forth with a good attendance, Rev. J S.
Henderson, of Hensall, in the chair,
The devotional exercises were oou lei t.
ed by Rev, A. L, Russell, B. A., of Sea
forth, after whioh the topic, "How eau I
get the most out of this Convention 5 "
was introduced by J. H. Million, of Gotha
rich. The gist of bis remarks was :—
Make preparation before Doming ; by
prayer ; by note book ; by asking ques-
tions at Convention. Nominating Com-
mittee was appointed as follows :—Dr.
Towler, Rev. Mr. Henderson, Mr. Mo
Clinton, Mies Washington • and Mr.
Million. Resolution Committee Messrs,
Hicks, Myers and Mrs. MoDowell.
Rev. Mr. Sewers, of Bruoelelta was not
present and his topic, '"Irreverence,
its pause and ours" was taken up by the
Convention. It was thought to be an epi•
demic ; that the home is often the cause ;
public Sohool teachers have much to do
with the cure as have the parents ; min.
ieter's aeneational remarks in the pulpit
18 often a pause of irreverent seed sowing.
"How to make reviews interesting" was
the knotty problem Dr. Towler, of Wing -
ham dealt with. Review Sunday was
often vacation Sunday ; should take up
what has been already taught ; no nae
should take review consecutively ; Super-
intendent should make out the program
2 or 3 weeks ahead ; reviews ehould be
advertised and announced from the pul-
pit ; should not be used to show off
speaker ; let nothing interfere with re.
view, put it off for nothing ; get variety
in musio and persons use chart,
pictures, blackboard, have pictures drawn
on paper eaob Sunday and preserve for
review. Let ns make-up our minds that
we get nothing good without a great deal
of work being put on it.
The morning session was concluded
after Dr. Towler's interesting address.
attracted a Large audience, Rev. P. Alma
l a -
grave conducting the opening exeroisee.
"Our Aesooiation and its relations"
was assigned to Israel Taylor, the former
minute Secretary, now of Brampton.
He was not present.
Next oame a splendid address on
"Graded Sabbath school work and its
advantages," by Rev. W. G. Hanna, B.
D., of Mount Forest. The topic was very
luoidiy dealt with and a large fund of
valuable information given along the line
suggested. The advantages of grading
were summarized as follows :—(1) It
brings the work into harmony with peda-
gogical principles in the public eohools ;
(2) Thoughtful teachers strive to obtain
some plan along this line ; (3) It prevents
pupils getting where they should not get;
(4) It enables the Superintendent to
place teachers with classes for which
they are best adapted ; (5) It gives mile
an incentive to advance ; (6) Ib affords
one solation for the great question—How
Dan we keep the adults in the school : (7)
It makes our teaohing more systematic
and orderly ; (8) It tends to nurture
Bible students and qualify them for
future work.
"How long should the teaober remain
with the same glass ? " was introduced
by W. H. Kerr, who thought their re.
talions should be as long oontinued as
possible where good work is being done.
Rev. S. J. Allen, of Goderiob, introduo.
ed the subjeot "The S. S. in the home
circle." A Godless home is one of the
sad institutions of to•day. The inviron.
ment of the home has so much to do•with
the success of our work and we see the
necessity of training the parent and bo.
coming acquainted with the home life of
the pupil. The work done in the home
is the most permanent and many are the
illustrations of this seen in the world.
One of the best aids to home training is
the Home Department of the S. S. and
it ehould be tried. The S. S. ehould de-
mand from the home aympathebio, en.
thusiastio interest. We should use the
printing press and send a quarterly re.
port from the eohool to the home. The
lesson should be studied at home. Fa
nanoialanpport should be acoorded by
the parents. A visit to non interested
homes and help given along the teaching
of the Truth will do good. It was a fine
address and well preesnted.
Mr. Yellowlees, B.oting Provinoial
Seoretary, took obarge of a Conference
whioh was most interesting and instrua.
tive. The following are the questions
and answers ;—What is the teacher's
duty to absent pupils ? Answer—
Visit them, write to then, recognize
them, see the parents. Which is the
better asking questions or lectnring to
the class 5 The questioning method.
What are some of the oommou errors
made by S. S. teachers ? Preaching ;
reading insbruotion off lesson helps ;
don't prepare the lesson ; belling stories
instead of teaching. What is the best
way to maintain order in the class ?
Giting sobolars something to do ; win
their love and respect ; Mayo sympathy ;
be interested in thein. Is it ever per.
missibi scold e t o s o d or threaten? Disoip-
line must be maintained but the loss
scolding the better. How oan the
bomber secure home study ? Teacher
give questions to take home for answer
next Sabbath ; read the Saripturo for
daily readings. How often should the
teacher present the claims of Christ the
Saviour,? As often as possible. To what
extent is it wise for the teacher to do
personal spiritual work in the class ?
It should be the supreme object of every
Weather : the work should be done in.
dividually, What are the tesohee's week
day duties to his pupils f Know your
pupils when yon meet them ; pray for
them ; be familiar with them ou week
days ; invite them to your home.
The President reported for the Nom-
inating Committee as follows ;—Pros.,
Dr. Towler ; Vice Pres., Rev. J. S.
Henderson and J. P. Rose 1 Minute
Soo'y and Treae„ J. 0. Stoneman ; Cor-
responding Seo'y, L Harold ; Exenutivs,
D. Al. Gordon, J. herr, G. 11, Blair, W.
H. Kerr, J. M, Million, J, E. Tom,
J. H. Wilson, N. iq. MoOliubon, J.
Dustow and A, Young. •
opened with a song eervioe, after whioh
the program was proceeded with. Greet.
hags were received from Mr. Taylor, of
Berlin, late Minute Seoretary of Huron
Co. Sabbath School Convention. The
Seoretary was instructed to reply. "Only
a been of sunshine" was sung and Rev.
S. J. Allis offered prayer.
"The Sabbath School Teacher" was
the important subjecb upon which Rev.
R. Whiting, of Mitchell, based a most
practical address. Any person engaging
in the 5, S. work should be converted and
called by God to be a teacher. Oar ideal
should be high. Our work is bo bring
people to a knowledge of the Saviour.
The teacher should (1) Know his mat.
erial ; answer children's questions ; don't
repress their wonderment. (2) Know
your Book ; teach ib ; love it. Get ready
to be a teacher. Go through courses of
training. It was an enthusiastic and
inspiring address.
"Throw ant the life line" wee sung.
Rev. W. G. Hanna was tbe' ether
speaker for the evening, his subject being.
"Christ the Model Teacher." He had a
mission and a commission, Seeking and
saving is our business. We are not
responsible for conversion but we are for
contact. We should feel it aa an absorb-
ing impulse. The Lord loved to teach,
so must we. He taught the Word of
God, it was His text book. The matter
of our teaching is not the lesson help, but
the Bible ehould be in our hand. Make
it our own. Christ did not begin his
motive work until 30 years of age, the
former years being spent in preparation.
The S. S. should feed neon the Word.
He made himself acquainted with the
persons, their habits and customs, with
whom be bad to deal, so should the
teaober. The inauguration of His min.
istry was with the holy anointing. We
need divine dirsotion and the anointing
of the Holy Spirit. He prayed oontin•
linty. Christ was free from officialism ;
was simple in His style ; adapted Hfe
teaching to his bearers; taught by the
law of association ; Ie repeated the
Truth with variety ; He employed
abundant illustration ; He taught by
question ; He always applied the Truth.
His personal oharaoberistioe we should
imitate, 1st, Love for our audience and
strong sympathy ; great teudernese and
patience; holiness of life. and, Teach
Christby the Word on Sabbath andiby liv-
iug pereouality. He gave us a faultless
example. Mr. Hanna's address was close•
ly followed and ehould be a fruit bearer.
After announcements for Wednesday's
session the meeting was brought to a
oonolusion by singing "Rescue the Per-
of the Convention opeued Wednesday
morning at 8.80 with a Quiet Hour.
Rev. Mr. Henderson took the leadership,
direotinghis remarks to St. John, llth
chapter. The thoughts suggested were :
(1) The Master has Dome ; (2) A personal
message ; (3) Mary's willing response.
It was a profitable service.
Rev. F. H. Larkin, of Seaforth, took
the leadership of the devotional exer-
In the absentia of the President, Dr.
Ferguson, the chair was taken by Rev.
Mr. Henderson,
A nominating Committee of Masan.
Myers, Cooper, McDowell and Kerr, and
Misses McPherson, Cash and Washing-
ton was appointed.
The Treasurer's report was read.
Total receipts, 697.23 ; expenditure,
945,00, showing a balance due of 57.77.
Miss Ross, of Brussels, was Treasurer.
The report was adopted. Secretary's
report showed 8S societies. Active mom.
bers, 1874 ; aseoofate member, 15515 ;
total membership, 3,889. A slight de-
crease is reported.
"More meat in the soup" was the
catchy title given to Rev. Mr. Henderson's
subjeot. Success is often due to the
manner in which our meetings are con-
ducted and more nourishment is nacos.
ceseary in the preparations of the pro-
grams. Remedies proposed to interest
young people :—Introduce spsoiol topioa
once a month such as the groat Mission
fields ; the lives of great men ; Bible
drill ; make it a braining school ; study
the ohuroh doctrines ; dig into the Truth
and gather the buried treasure; have
definite work.
A vote of thanks was given to Rev. Mr.
Henderson for the work he has done in
oonneotion with the Convention.
"All the way my Savior leads rue" was
Bung after whioh Miss Washington,
Junior Saporiatendeut for Huron 0o.,
presented a very interesting report of the
work among the little people, who have
held the Provincial banner. There are
in Huron 420members and they raised
5107 last year for minions.
4 new Societies have beau formed dur-
ing the past year, making 16 in all,
There are about 19 Mission Bands in the
Co. Miss Washington was thanked for
100r excellent work.
"Christian Endeavor and Bible study"
was introduced by Rev. Mr, Murdock, of
Clinton. The Bible is the infallible word
of God, Bible study dome not consist in
reading an 000asional chapter ; nor mem-
orising passogos ; nor holding ib in holy
awe. We ehould read the Bible systema.
Homily ; understandingly ; and apply the
Truth to our daily life. Don't allow
difamnities or problems to divert ne from
the study of the Bible. The eubjeob was
diem:led and the forenoon mooting
brought to a oloso at 12 O'olook,
the song service was oenduoted by W. II,
Kerr and A. T. Cooper took charge of the
devotional exeroisee and presided in the
absence 01 Dr. Ferguson, the President.,
Oflames were chosen for the next year
as follows :— Preeidenb, W. H. Kerr,
Brussels ; Vioe Pres„ Rev, T. J. Mnr.
doeh, Clinton ; Seo., Mies Washington,
Clinton ; Treas., Miss Oash, Seated)" i
Jr. Superintendent, Mies Maud King,
Blyth 1 Exeoutive, 5, Jr. Stone, Rev. Mr,
Anderson, A. 1. limper and I5ise Annie
Clark. Dates of Convention will he
June 18 and 19 and Clinton ahmeen as
the place.
A round Table Conference on "How to
recapture lost territory" was capably
managed by Provinoial Sso'y Cooper.
Two Societies bad been lost last year,
Reasons were called for as bo why losses
were reported in membership in some
places and given as :—Laok of respponsi•
bility an set out in the pledges r closing
Society for part of year ; ainungat mere.
here more than spirituality. The disous.
Sinn should do goad,
Mr. Conitss, of Chicago, sang "I'll go
where you want me to go,' with good
"Practical missionary work" was die.
cussed by the Convention in the absence
of Mrs. Pentland. Systematic giving was
strongly recommended and the abandon
menti of socials, &o., to raise money.
Giving to a definite mission was con.
sidered better than indisoriminately.
An ideal Junior Society was represent-
ed by the Clinton Juniors who did their
part in a most interesting and efficient
manner. The program consisted of an
opening hymn; prayer by A. T. Cooper ;
Lord's prayer in concert ; repeating
pledge ; reciting of Psalm 121 ; solo by a
little girl ; paper on "How and for what
we should pray," by little Miss Holmes ;
the books of the Bible and their keynote ;
closing. Alias Ethel Howson is Superin-
tendent of the Society and Mies Maggie
Davie assistant. They did their work
well and demonstrated what patience
may do with file Juniors.
Barrister Blair, of Brussels, stirred up
an animated discussion over the topic
"Christian Endeavor and social Prob.
Isms." There were two decided opinions
on the question and Revde. Russell and
Murdock, and Messrs. Gerry, Cooper,
Myers and others book part in the dia.
°ussion that ensued.
there was a large audience present. A.
spirited service of song and exhortation
was in charge of Mr. Coultes, and Rev.
Mr. Jewett, of Hensall, conducted the
devotional exercises. W. G. Willis sang
a fine solo, and Rev. W. G. Howson, of
Cliuton, gave an enthusiastic address on
Young Peoples' work.
Closing address Was taken by Rev. Mr.
McKenzie, of Stratford, who acquitted
himself most creditably.
A consecration service brought the
evening session to a conclusion.
Henderson. of Hensall, is a host in him-
self. If other pastors in the County
could be inflect -dated with a little of his
enthusiasm it would be better for S. S.
and Endeavor work. Their absence from
the Convention was commented upon by
many.—Seaforth people are "All right"
as hosts.—Mr. Yellowleea visit to the
Convention was enjoyed.—There is room
for revival of Junior Societies in Huron
and Clinton gave a good object lesson of
their utility.—What could be more ap-
propriate than to have Miss nosh for
Treasurer.—There were possibly 10 ladies
to every 1 gentleman delegate present.—
A. T. Cooper, the Provinoial Secretary,
is a hustler and is already drumming
people up for the Provincial Convention
ab Guelph next October.—Note books
were very much in evidence.—Conferences
take better than set topics and do more
good.—Rev. Mr. Hanna, B. D., of Mount
Forest, a former Morris township boy,
is no discredit to his old home. Hie
addresses were exoellenb,—Dr. Towler
will make an efficient President of the S. S.
Association.—A complete change of o ffi-
cers took place this year in commotion
with the Co. Endeavor.—Huron lost two
good workers when Israel Taylor and W.
C. Myers moved to Brampton and
Brantford respectively.
Lcrtdb lir
Wm. Haokwell and Arch. McKay spent
Sunday in Palmerston.
Mies M, E. Rae wheeled to Cranbrook
and Ethel one afternoon last week,
The home of Daniel Rigley has been
gladdened by the arrival of a baby daugh-
A large number from this locality in-
tend attending the sports in Brussels on
the 22nd.
Rob. Mitchell, of Bornholm, bas gone
to Parry Sonnd where he is engaged as
engineer in a sawmill.
Misses Allis Dundee, Mamie McEwan
and Mary E. Rae wheeled to the garden
party on the 15th, at Arch. Somerville's
in oonneotion with Cavan Presbyterian
oh torch and had a moat enjoyable time.
Moles—wore tl'ri.
Weddings mem to be the order of the
re, Bennet6, at Wingbam, ie visiting
at Oharieo Mitchell's for a few days.
Wm, Oakley has sold his fine defying
mare to Frank Jacques for a good sum.
Rev. D. B. AIoBae, of Craubroolt, and
Rev. Mr. Ballantyne, of thio place, ex.
changed pulpits on Sabbath.
Ws understand Mrs. Wm. Oakley is
very siok again. She has been visiting
in Brunets for the past week.
A silver wedding Was given at the
home of Isaac Whaley on Monday even-
ing last. It was attended by over 100 of
their friende and all repotted ib quite a
enemas. The presents were numerous
and wetly.
The Queen's hotel at Lakefieid was
destroyed by fire.
Work ou the Niagara:, St, Catharines
& Toronto Railway extension began at
St. Catharines.
Henry MoKendey, of Detroit, threw
himself in front of a train batmen Hoax
and Wiodaor and wan Mod.