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The Brussels Post, 1900-6-14, Page 8
TUE BRU SALS DST JtarE i4, 1900 mer,... .. ._. _.. .. ._...." ". .. "�,..a� FLAGS (,,�� For the Something O SireaMers Jubilee See 7 pf �' ` and entirely the171 DrugSucre. , �\ .'i a e Celebration. cTt '' , new. ■( Vt " pyt ague, by P. A. Hawkins ; speech, by W. Still Going I ,a. MoOraeken 1 igetrnmental, ADM Jean © Monmuohlin ; (tddren), by G, F." Mair) "Tun I:Onetime SAllenirn,"e—Taesduy evening of able week'& meeting was held at the eiletbodiel ehtlneb in title glace for the Mimeo of hearing Rey. J. Ci, phear- er, le. A,1 eke/rotary of the Lerd'a Day Alliance deliver en addreee on the 0b• Bervune° of the fiabbath. After Rev. Jao. Holmen unnQunoed an oponing bymn Rev. ante Roes, B. A•, offered prgyer end M, P, S'T,✓�.�D.f Tli,U ,Ba N� OF C4X41a,�1 e oxer xpa9a b oD7 , HEAD OFFICE. - TORONTO UP (ODs Million Dollen() $1,04,000 OAPITAL PAID $000,000 RESERVD FUND • • +genies in all prineipai pointe in Ontario, Quebec,Manitoba, United States t0 FJnpland. r THE �.'0 TZHE 22ND, t AT DEAD MANS DRUB AND BOOK STORE. _ _ song, The $82,40 beanie' Oreeeent ie the Leader in i31d ones. We have sol short, one left and ail the Purply is sxbaneti and ed we aabnot get more. It is a ()reorient with Dunlop tires, the beet valga in the market, So long as by T, A. Plawbina, W. U. Darr wail the obitlrmen. The Whirr/Nee wero Qom limentary congratulatory tinged with regret over Mr. Roes' removal trona Brueaele. Many things were said plenty good enough to be put en a tombstone or in an obituary notice bot the I, 0, 0. F. were wise in making unit. After an Aroh, Hielep. P„ wee pealed upon to preside. He spoke a few appropriate introductory Minder and then ()waled neonfit Mr, Shearer. Elie topic was, "The Perlis of the Lord's day in Ontario." Four toreee ere at work in fighting the eanotitp of the Sabbath. (1) Irreligion ; (2) Seventh day advontiete ; (3) Tee greed of gold ; (4) The lash at plesenpe. Two new pleas are pub forth by persona holding the two latter moons (1) Convenience ; (2) Commercial et fault in "Tho L eecB Day not" faafault au enbling rho eco•J, oeeetnl eoloroement of the Sabbath and neoeeeity of the Christian' people to �r�■.�py.p �y ® man W SSS J S B A 1 CR. 'A �e110rai Rankin Bgainoea Tranaa0ted. Farmers' 1�Ot0a DlaOailntad, g DsMte Reined and Colleotione made on 0,11 pointe, SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT,uu Intermit •allowed on deposite of $1.00 and upwards, PPEOLIL ATxnNTION GIVSN TO SHE Li0LLE0TION 08 Fdnnzlorie PALE Down, Every facility afforded Cg6toitere living at a dietnnoe. N. GORDON ACTING Agnt'T. > +...e t�18,� �} /y Pf+ ZiS ( ,.y.Nlee'h W,Y A7 MI i• V du[1 For Potato Boge, the beet Eng- eh 23e, per Ib. at Deadme.n's Dreg and Oak Skore, T . ■[ g ) ■ sp/�t �1 Ltd,leC'l Bloy oleo w ✓ are in demand we feel like 'Weertjs. ing them. We are more and more pleased with the Crescent BicycleAatham. and would give a their note and words a hour's propene, toe cream, benagao end Oranges were (Repined with a liberal hand and the gathering wen concluded with singing "Auld Lang Syne" with joined kande followed by the 13atioaal Mr. Rosa alae many oommepd• able qualitiee and will bo greatly missed. He wee a member of Melville oheir and g 7 p� wy�,1� Tee �1�1q �( W�i;ti1 Leaf - his � ,i,N■ Prepare for the hph weather byto p laying one of our Folding or Palm Leaf ''ane, ^� -1./�,`dldm Che f Druggist, Optiolan and Bookeeller. sl� Large ge rF\iewa. d. the one who will show us better values in Wheele than we are offer• ing, It pays to get a good Wheel especially when abed tbe price of low grades in some makes.. G. A. Deadman, Agent for Creooent Bicycles. ea anger in the Sabbath often Hit after both in town and country and hie after eo ail a soloist were often nd the readiness to give aseietanee and ability in rendering his part on a program were aharaoterisbio of Mr. Boss. In hie pori- tion in the poetoffice he was prompt, ill• able and obliging. Hie many [rondo while well pkeaeed to bear of hie deserved pro- motion regret his removal from Brussels bat wish him every 5000ge5 in Toronto. 4 targe number of friende went to the morning train on Thursday to bid him good-bye. great r wake np to the necessary remedy. The Lord's Day Alliance 10 endeavoring t0 Bast Ilaron Farmers' lnetitilte. farther this objeot and enforce the _, "' VVrOXOeteer. Mrs, Rogers, of Blaevalo, to visiting integrity of the Sabbath. It aloe believes compulsory on and the lawof Annual llleeting• . her mother, Mrs, Lowry, this week. Mrs. John Robertson is visiting Mre, everyaryetalizing. ee compulsory teat to every man, Buaoeeo — —" has -attended their efforts in moulding Tuesday afternoon of third week the public opinion 180 to 90 branahea are annual meeting of the East Huron new organized with branch moieties of Farmers' Inetitote was held in the (Joan- the Alliance ; legislative battles to the oil Chamber, Brneeele, President number of 29 have been fought bythe Strachan occupied the chair. Minutes g P Alilano° and in 27 success attended in of last meeting read and passed.Central foto or in park. The spanker believed Oommuaioation was read relative to the Governments were fully up to the grant to Prof. Mille' presentation. $5,00 electors on sentiment in this Sabbath was voted. Also one from FatStook Aseo• meetiop, $incl sym nth ail I whale 0iebion and another reletin to forma• remoesetranae arepreferredytn eget ad• tion of a Womage' branch of the Institute, jadioatione, but the latter will have to In reference to the latter en effort will be employed. A garrison lilts (thiaon's of be made to 9eoure au onteide lady speak- old is wanted every compo �itv. It er for neat Institute public meeting to was a splendid address of wbiel we have stir up this department. only room for the above brief report. The President gave a brief address Rev. Mr. Shearer is evidently the right referring to the work of the past year man in tbe right place and no one pre. and the neoeeeity of igareased interest man sent could fail to be aroused on the em. In the meetia a 1 g • portant matter eo ably presented to the Eueoutive Commibtee'e report was meeting. On motion of Rev. 3, Holmes, presented and adopted. 6 meetings eeoonded by Thos. Siraohan, iE was were held during the year. Report was denitled to of anize.a local branch of the cheering and Secretarywas thanked for Ontario Lords Day Alliance. Rev. Mr. it. Auditors' reportshowed the Ectal Shearer, explained that the membership receipts to be $147,02 and expenses $96,- P P P fee was only 50 conte per. annum and 43 leaving a balance of $51 58. Auditors that ladies and gentleman wero eligible. were Jae. Bowman and John MoIntoeh. The following officers were Ohesru ;— It wag agreed that regular mea Eioge be President, G. F. Blair ; Viae Presidents, held this year at Brneeele and Wroxeter. the resident minister(); Secretory, Rev. Supplemental meetings will be held at G. J. Abe Treasurer, W. H. Herr. Bluevale Welton Ethel, Fordwiah and Y ;the The pastors nominated the [nllewiug as Mnrdie'egechocl house, Mo]iEllop town- members of the Executive :—B. Gerry, ship. Thoa. Moore, H, R. Brewer, W. J. Mo• Directors were obosen as follows ;— Craokeu, Thos, Strachan, Jae. Bowman, Howiok, RR. Edgar and T. Gihaon ; Wrox- G. A. Deadman, A. Hislop, M. P. P., ()ter, J. Brethmaer ase D. Sanderson with ' Meetin ewes eloped, b as rtmE1 Mr. Abe Turnberry, T. Mosgrove and Jag. Elliott ; g 9 y Morrie, Jos. Smillie and W. H. Fraser ; offering prayer. 26 or 80 names were Grey, Jno. MoTsggart and A. Smith ; handed ill se members and 33.30 takes in W. H. Barr and G. F. Betir ; m aolleetion.The Executive 4 MoSiliop, G. Mardis and A. Gardiner ; room meet Hallett, T. McMillan and J. Hinohley ; o'olook p. m. on Satorday of thio week. Auditors, Jae. Bowman and Jao. MoIn• toeh. Blank, her daughter, on the B line, Turnbarry, 1rn Jewitt, of Bluevale, aconpjed tea pulpit of the Methodist churchhere on Sundaylast. Mies Annie McDonald, of the Grand Block, is vieiting friends in Grey fora few weeks• r a f J. W. Spotton, who has been ie able to sit o ailing, p a little we are pleased -to stets Mies Jessie Robertson, who hue been vieiting in WinRham and other places, returned home Saturday. Y• Mrs, Lowry expecte to leave the letter art of this week for Ottawa to spend a few weeks vieiting Friends, P The eke Eakhand family gave their enter - taiument in good Btyle in the Methodist abnroh 0n Monday evening, Lawyer Ste hens and fnmtl,y, of Teee• water, ywere alba lanes Gs of Dr. W • H. Brawn aur! tV. M. Robineov• dw'but �nn nnderaon of last Irtreeta. W etraork g, S , wasin by lightning. Not a hriak of the West 6 nhtmney was lift in its piece and one of the stove pipes had a }inch hole in die tater. The eleetweeny pursed along the actin and down between the partition and tore the plaster off, IE then caught electric wire and went outside, Cur• tains and blinds were burned. J. Breth- suer put the fire oat. The hair of Mr. Hupter's daughter, Maggie, wwe Binged. Mre. Hmpfer was sitting at the window at the •time of the flash. The lose is covered by igourauee which Mr. Hupfer had placed only a week before. The ligbtntng followed the wire down ()treat and destroyed generators opposite the Walker House and near the oataffilio P The damage to the electric light oompamy ie from $80 to $160. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. THE elm saw loge at G. T. R. yard are • People 'W'e Talk About. , TIL&YED FROM LOT 20, Gen 7, Morrte,'an or about Dray 20, three yearlings, 2 steers and a heifer, The latter is a row, one steer is redIn and white forehead, Avy iutarrnner leading to their forerehead. and the other red with star their willbethaukfuny BBcetvod. 47 4 ALFRED BUTTON, Drnsseln P.O. - . eouTa500 nitro eioN w. a, c@ n. being shipped to Wingham by rail.. Oen red coats will arrive borne from Camp at Landon on Saturday, They Gare. Barker is home from Stratford. Juo. Fergueou visited Stratford thin — Trains leave Brussels Station, North And South, arddollowe: GOINGBOVTH. i ..,. NORTH. Express 7:10 a.m. Mail ..,,.. 2'10 p.m Mixed...,.,9:96 arm, I Express ......10:17 p.m are having a good time. WO. is little on the new Dement walks. A little delay was experienced in getting Dement delivered. g g lines Turnbull has had a cement walk put down from the street to the week. Min Lily Kendall is home from De. troit on a visit. Will. Lealherdale, of Seaforth, was in town last Sunday.. Mies Alice Davies, of Ethel, is visiting — �D ? Guaranteed. (,�!t }j rota' �AIJ b� . front door of hie residence. ExomnelaN to Model Farm, Guelph, 28th fiat. Regular morningtrim. g Return Pare'from Brneeele $1.15. Mies Jean MoLauohliu. Barrister Sinclair was in the Queen cit on legal baeinese lust week. g Mier Annie Putland is vieiting Mrs. N. Our fee returned if we fail. Any one send - ing sketch and dencrlptfon of spy invention will promptly reactive our opinion free 000- earning the patentability of same. "How to obtat¢ a patent" sent upon request. Pnt- nuts secured through us advertised for sale as rs at oaeive ori oini NOTIomla We b, out Ebro ug , TnE PATENT 1tr1P0nD, L, illustrated turd y circulated journal, consulted ltnn• widerby copytrlrioo aAddreset Investors. Se s J65EEVANS,1,8r Uo, (Patent Attorneys,) Evans nundtny, WasIiugt0n, D, 0, A phial's emang ye taken' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. Bnvoozos foot ball team will la a game with the Lookaow kickers at Rim carcina on Thursday of next week. B. Gerry at Blyth for a few weeks, Mrs. Joe Carter, of Goderiob, bas been vieiting Mrs. Sam. Carter this week. i g A. O. U. W. Friday evening of thio week. A mann from Dr. Ralbileieoh is to hand and will appear next week. k hae been removed TIM fence rovitn Viotoriaiteappersrance Don• p g p aiderably. Banat ClintonBLezR attended Division Oeurb at Claon Saturday where he hada mase- THE pilaster's brush is brightening up the front of R. Leatherdale's brook and Central Hotel, base fishing OOmen in on Satnx• day ofee this week. Anything lose than 10 inches le not legal bass Balling.P DON'T miss seeing Fred. Foster in his great balloon ascension and parachute drop at Brussels on June 22nd. JNo. Loxy, who delivers the express parcels for A. Coueley, has added a new light delivery wagon to his outfit. ON a yellow rose bull at George Howe'e reeidenoe over 1,200 buds were counted this week. It had e.boat 700 lent year. The flowers are fine. • Ownlo to the rain of Wednesday even- ing the Brussels-Wingham base ball match did not eventuate and our boyo bad their ride for nothing. SATURDAY a little man, 3 feet 4 inclose tall and 41 years of age, visited Br000e)e. tooted bis little tin whistle, and passed around the hat. Visitors of tbie stamp are always pastmastere in the latter department. Woaa was commenced et the Person- age by T. Newsome this week. The frame part has been raised, new sills put in and will have stone foundation pat under preparatory to brink veneering when the new 2 storeycottage is built to g the front Of it. Some atone has been ]tailed for the foundation. CuT Tan Gxtownpe a observe that at number of townpeople have out the grate on the street in front of their premises making a great improvement. Where there are vacant Iota the town caretaker should remove it. In some towns the grass is given to persons .who out it for feed for their °owe. Loy BOUGET,—Thi() week Jas. DOR, drgggiet, purchased a very eligible build- ing lot, with 821 teen frontage, on William street, from John. Leakier The ro art adjoins the fine residence of Dr.friendships Holmes lir. Fox will build a reeidenoe next year making the neoeseary prepar- atione during the coming Winter. THE athleti0 games at the Celebration THE on the 22nd fiat will be as follows :-100 yard rape, open ; 100 yard race for boyo under 16 years ; 50 yard race for girls under 15 ; old mane race over 50; and a three legged rase. In the forenoon there lag will be s hotly contested knee ball match between Gerrie and Brunets. The Dee• bre o Parker Oo. put up one of the moat amusing programs to be seen anywhere and their coming to Brneeele should be a 'big attraction to holiday makers, LAST week the Conte of Appeal dealt with this ons() of ]ossa interest :—Snider v. moved fo ey,—J. H. Mose, for defendant, for order directing payment by the plaintiff to the defendant of the costa of the notion subsequent to deliver of q j g Y statement of defence. Bythe Pd pent on thea sal this part directed that PP plaintiff elect whether he would take P damages or an injunction. W, M. Doug. las, for plaintiff, opposed the motion. Motion dismissed with mete. Ton Daily Mining Gazette, Of HOngh• DID on ever see celebration • sraohute aro t y p Pl If not ethe ria,Prk,Friday next week on Victoria Park, ob lg. THE 48th Highlanders' Band, of Tor- onto, is one of the most popular musical organizations in this 0onntr `The will play at Brussels on June 22nd. y W. H. MOCoaonto was awarded the ref for supplying tbe liquid and fruit refreshments on Victoria Park on fruit June 22nd. There were three tenders, Maa's figure being $36,50. A raw inetaneee are known of boys interfering with the nests of birdie dila• trailing eggs and capturing the fledgeliage. T')tae interested in this kind of sport had better oto before theyare taught il lesson before a magistrate. ODD FELLOWS' annual decoration ser- vice will be held on Friday evening of this week, members to meet at their Hall at 6.30 o'aloek and from there march to the cemetery to plane the floral tributes on the graves of their deceased brothers. lenNTnvo and flags will no doubt be muob in evidence on the 22ad and the business mea are making preparations to supply the wants of the people at a low figure. Two large banners are up this week on T¢rsberry attest piling rattan- tion to the celebration, Friday of next week. ADDRESS AND PRESENTATION. — Laet week Alex. Roes, youngest eon of Wm. Roes, of this town, who baa epeut the past 7 years as deputy postmaster in Brussels, received the pleasing intima- tion that be had been appointed to a position 10 the COetome at Toronto atm good salary. Hearing that Mr. Rosa was intending to leave on Thursday morning the Odd Fellows decided to have a farewell gatheringin their Hell on Wedneeday evening for the purpose de- af theircr in showingartheir r who was petting brother who was the Recording Secretary. A goodly number of the brethren and their wives aeeembled and a most enjoyable evening was spent. The following was tbe program :—Reoi• ration by F. Lambie ; chairman's re- marks ; solo, by A. Roes ; presentation of a valuable ring with Society emblem to Mr. Roes, the following address being read by G. F. Blair and R. Johnston handing the gift : - AIr. 4. Rosa. heard 06 your nteoded em0Vnl nfrornav0¢z mtdst,where we have grown to look upon you 00 almost necessary to our welfare, we your or ices,express t0 you our appreciation Lo a your services, ail a brother in tete Lodge and as a member of our community, It in not often that it falls to the lot of any man to be RD endowed, and while arm- ly standing by his ooneeptiov of right, to b0 able by reason of his poeseesioo of those amiable qualities that endear, to have all men speak well of him, Thet you have in ()large measure attained to that enviable positron is mush in evidence eines it has become generally known that yon are 4000 to leave nil. We have both in Lod 0 and out of ft found you to be a man in the truest sense of that tone; fearleooly standing by lyour oonvictiope, where principle wee involved, but over uniformityootrteous to and con- opinions sot 080() of o miens of these who might not see eye to eye with you. While we here to -night are not'entitled t0 While speak for our village gas a whole, yet, as vintagers, we fool that we are votaing ole sincere feeling, though unexpressed, not g y Only of Rrueeell toe but of very min out. side our village, when we say, your removal from our midst will be a fell Ioee for manyClinton a day, The cheerful readiness with which youeverything lent your aid in musical lines, as wen as in many other ways, to everything that made for the pleaear8 and good 0f the commun. ity, we can enure you hue not 1100¢ neap- ba take s P Dai oamhllBhe lefts Fr day l of Archie, eco of A. M. Say, of Stratford, is holidaying with relatives in Brunets. Mies N. Putland returned to Chatham last Saturdayalter a 3 weeks' visit here. Mre. Carter and children, of Blyth, were visiting at Robt. Burns, Brneeele, Miae Lila Bartliff was holidaying in Seaforth.' The trip was made on ber wheel. Mre. 0. R. Vaaotone, of Sonthampto0, is the guest of Mre. W. F. Vanetone, Br metals. T. and Mre. Fletcher, Reginald Fletah• er and Mise Schrader Sundaed at Lncknow. y Mre. Gruff and Mre. Israel, of Sea.Brume's, forth, were visiting Mee. Watson Ainley this week. Miss Lizzie Moore is spending a few weeks on the 8th of Nairne with het eiater•in-law. Mre. James, er., and Mrs Harry Jamee, of Blyth, were Palling on old Mende in town last Saturday. Mre. Putland, Mre. Beryl and Nellie and little Mies Tobin were in Bluevale Thursday of last week, Robb. and Mre. McGowan and a❑ titer, of Blyth, were visitors at R. d g y Mainprize'e on Tuesday, MCR, Robt. Rose and Phildren, of gin• carding, are vieiting with relatives and friends in Brneeele and vicinity. Mrs. J. A. Stewart and children, of Toronto, aro vieiting with Mre. Fletcher and other old friende in Brussels. John Vincent, ie Hanover, el vieiting his da¢ titer, Mre. Andrew Sample, and g old friends in Brussels and locality. Mise Minnie Mcneanghto0 expecte to leave on a holiday twilit with friends in Manitoba and the west next Tuesday. Geo. Rogers has taken a 0011100 in J. Ferguson & Co's store, and Wendell g Holmes ie behind the counter in A. R. Smith's. Mrs. H. L. Jackson and Lloyd have gone to Hamilton to visit Ielativee and well 0 [Yom there to Toronto and New• k j market, E Watford, of Walkerton, was vieiting R. Leatherdale on Wednesday. He drove an to Seaforth but will return Friday of thio week. Wm. Hewitt, of Paris, is renewing old in town. He is well pleaeed with his location where be hoe speer the peat year. THE POST welcomes the Dowding family to Brneeele Pram Godericli. Mr. Dowding to employed in J. Doealdeoc'a gHullett harness shop. George Barker has been daugerouely g ill daring the pact week but we are pleas• ed t0 report a change for the better as we g go to preys and we hope he will soon 6e aonvalee0ent, Dare. D. Stewart and eon, of Antigen. ieh, N. S., is visiting ber !other, John Broadfoot, for a few weeks. It ie ten years eines the was home and consequent. ly will note many changes. Chant Serra of Waterloo, will take the position rendered variant in A. Btraoh• , ane creta, Braseela• by R. K. Meth - eson'e going into business at Luoknow. Mr. gerr oomee highly reoommended. Next Tneeda Mre. Jae, Ballantyne Y Y and son and Miss Jean McLanobiin purr pose leaving for the WBBG. The fOYmer will join her husband at Calgary, Mies Mao will visit for a few months with relatives. She will resume her muei0 Claeeou on Tier C°Gmtu, SHORT HORN BULL FOR 17 SEnczoE, The undersigned will keen lereerv#oe at Lot 20,Con. 8, Grey, the Short Hurn Run. 8 baa urst HenryRed, calved July 20th 1898 bred by enrMoore, Trow - I1,•idge, Oat. Got by Prince Albert, aanl Roanliuo by Prince Solway; Dinah by Duke et Mor Queen 1 eprinafleld Lady by LivingPresident ()ton ; of Spring Creek • by PTesidBnt LtucOI,, ; of , by Vietor ; Lily by 051 - tun ; Victoria by Welvtrto0 (imp) ;Snow - drop by Pri000 Albert ; May Queoo byCoin- 0t; llatsy by Young Forrester (imp ); Young b itoablvgham, by use Lily by Ynuug DuFanner yoL(ly(1mp) by warden ; By Sorry, by Colonel, by Coating's Son of HuU• UaOk. Terms rt"ut. D. W.DUNBAR, Proprietor, Mr. Strachan declined re eleaHon and HURON CO. COUNCIL. was thanked by the meeting for his eelvi000 as President for the past 8 years. Business Locals. �HORT , HORN BULL FOR SEnvzoo.=rue undereigned will •keep for Service ou Lot 13, Con. 7, Grey, the Short Sora bull,"Perfection Prinoe." Roan, cal. nod May 2nd, 1898, bred by John Mor, leen, wi¢throp, Ort, 2nd owner Angus Lamont, Brussels. Got by Oollvvie Prince; corn, arifge don's Lady byy leerteotion ; Lady It (imp); Strawberry IStught by Rad Beaconsfield and by y Oled. efleid 3rd; Strawberryby Prince of Seaham ; Lady Lorne by Dixie Duke Theresa by Baron Solway1uke nate);;fsttrrawberry by Cobden (imp) ; Red ]teen by YOunc ]h•it- of mr aBootb o0 Jerry' bybyf young Sttar, jo0 Roseberry, by Woe's Son of Comet. Telma 4reasonable, ANGUS LAMONNr,prietor. An appropriate reply was made, jContinaed from page 4.3 At a meeting of the Directors held im- g the adopt- CASH for batter and eggs. A. Causley, Damn for Balt at 4a. a quern Dina. q Wyn, BLnsuml. mediately after, minutes were FRIDAY AFTERNOON. ed and officers were elected ;—Thoa, Mo. Millan, President ; Jas. Elliott, Vice Councillor authorizednoarand rc ase a President ; Geo. Hood, SeanTreae. Gouts were to purchase a suitable driving horse for nee at the Meeting then adjourned. —� Ion cream and Summer drinks at Mre. Kirke parlors, whirl') rare now open for the Summer. BICYCLES repaired oarefully and prompt- ly at the Electric Light Werke, House of Refuge: A motion by Mr. Torrance, amended W eel Cole. by Mr. Bowman, that the question of Mre. R. H. Ferguson is a ending a tbe grant to the Huron Old Hoye' cele- g P few days in Hallett, bration be re•ooneidered was lost on the Mr. Cranston is holidayiug et Guelph following division For — Bowman, for a couple of weak(). Cook, McEwen, Patterson, Torrance, 6. Josiah Hewitt and family, of Seaforth, Against — ponnolly, Chambers, Hoyt, were in town last weak, Hoye, Miller, McLean, McInnis, Snell, Stuart, 9. W. II. Herr had gone that •Mies Fanny Rogers, of Brueaele, was afternoon to the Methodist Conference at vieiting friends in Walton this week. Mr. Oranebor' preached very acceptably St Marys. in the Methodist church last Sabbath. The report of the Equalization Cam• Mr. and Mre. Coulter, of Dime, were m,0186 was presented and thesed. The g n. egnatized aasesemanta are the soma as visiting oyoungnes last year, an follows : people spent an enjoyable evening at W. Mann. EQUALIZED ASSESSMENT, der's on Wednesday. Bros• era. taP ingE5 dollar laark hill end n iu some email gy change. Finder will mmoh oblige loser by leaving it at THE POET. WANTED. — 100 tube Butter weekly, Wingham markets are not oorpaseed, Everybody til'. llo. Oaeh for egge and 15o, for butter. G. E. IQNd, Wingham. HOUSE AND GARDEN PLANTS.—MISS Sally hue tomato, cabbage, cauliflower and oelery plants for sale, alga some beanti• fat flowering plants. 'Tomatoes, either green or ripe, for Bele when era= n arrives, . . REP -1. EtTATE_ "— �` i J,j AR11 FOR SALE 103 ACRES South Hutt (01 27, Can. 6, Moats Tow neblp, withie l mile of Brussels, 0well- g iliaibnuao, 11 , lot h.B,,e ndapxing ()reel, o0a10 he h+.at', e 1 it'. Aleftt:uui o•osees thn rear. .+bent ea , ,•i, a riml or aid a young bearing ei chard. Apply to -1. A,0NAOMAN, 9i -t[ Dtuggiet, 13 meads, - " ACRE FARM. FOR SALE, 5OBeing Lot 17 and S7, Lot 10, OoD, I5, Grep. On the premises la a comfortable to puic'haeare. Liberal farina will b given Farm Gould be divided, making the 100 and the 60 saner ate. For further partlaulare se to prion, tome, Sec., apply on the premieoe or It by letter t0 Oranbrook P.O. 45•11 JAMLB CIITHILL. Mrs. Weir and family have moved v ma their effects to Wiarton where they will m �� r afuture._ 'd e Ire a m Yeaide i n the and• daughter, of Townships. e a e r en Gaylord, Kith., areand.renewingand ht suis• gee et a 00 a 04 W� 050000 in Walton and vicinit. q p m c en,,,,,, m a We arepleased to ante that Mise Ma c m m 0 g' re wa HW 9,a gie McDonald has creditably passed her i 40019 92000951/ first year exam. in Toronto University. Colborne .8 8 0 00 00 8 49 00$1989921 Goderiob 0800 450 2003778 2009228 Mies E. Magill and Stanley Bnobanan, Grey 8100 4000 2007822 2012829 and the Misses Magill and Watson, all of Hay 3400 10(00 1798290 1808228 Blytb, 0 ent Sunda at M. Morrison's. P y Eowiok34 00 13550 2302190 2815690 The poet office store 1s being improved 40 00 4050 2141840 2146190 McEfllop 4000 4000 208,440 2046490 by the addition of a new coat of paint. Morrie 82 00 3300 1707406 1770700 Sample Breen of Brume's, are doing the SEa¢le 42 00 2n00 18()1200 1838800 toilet sok. y Stephen 34 00 10000 1983886 1949486 The funeral of the late John Driscoll, TUOkeremith -47 00 7900 1916819 1828214 Tor¢berxy 81 ori 4750 1106607 1111357 who was accidently kilted by befog struck Osborne 4700 7300 2000900 2014200 by a train at Wiarton, pawed, through E WawanoahSi 00 960 1293971 1291871 here on Wednesday. W Wawaoesb 89 00 0450 1418050 1428100to _ _ Rev. 0. M. Filer will preach next Sub• 929039980 barb in the morning from the teat, "Whet thinkye of Christ 2" and in the evening,use, SC -AMR I=D, _ Gne bride, on June 13, by Rev. D. Psrriahome of � Rosa, B. nA , of iBrne elted ell Mr. Jas. Grant to Mies Maggie Perrin, both n[ Chewy township. HAMILTON—MCNE1L.—At the reeidenoe of the bride's parents, Grey, on Juno 13, by Rev. D. B. 1oRue, assisted by Rev. Mr. Balield, os, ee, Wm. Hamilton, of Coalfield, Ailsa., N. W. T., to Mise Ella Annie, daughter of Mr, Lauohlin McNeil. MaSAY—PsEy.—At the xesidenco of the bride's father, On the 0th inst., k y Rev. D. B. Hearse, of G'Yaubroolc, Mr. Joseph McKay, of c0n.10, Grey, Mise Elmira Maud Peet, second eldest daughter of Mr. W. Al Peet, of the ]4th con. of Elmer SELLER()— GAONIaO, BeI W men., AIiG00 FARrf1 FOR SALE.— In 646 soros, Domtrlot¢ Oba,section,near Southwestmen,boundary0f hiavitsea, Dver 100 ()0608 under cultivation. fine two•etoeoy house coating over $1000. 8 miles from rail - way ; river Soule pusses through taro ; veal' choir cool supply. 00 through S4W0. Apply t0 JNO. D. RONALD. fi�INE FARM FOR SALE.—BE- Gm Lot 21 18 t Oen. 0,Morrie tdwnahfp, eon ruining 96 Horse or arab-clang land. There ie 0 house, burn, orchard and good ware. and farm in well fenced. They() ire 35 acres 1n Fall wheat ; 15 acres in -ha and 46 teeres pasture. POaeooelon ooutal be given utou00. Farm adjoins the village of Bras• y61s. For furtlt6r particulars us to price, terms, 60., writs to JAMES LIVINGSTON, M, P„ Butlers. 29•01 , a es a e on the subject, "Christ or Berabbae." a congregation Totvve 0 a v b v The con re ()tion of Daff'e church is .. and m a 0 8 : 9 engaged in raising the edifice, preparatory Villages. x m $ el 3 il n to patting a atone well under it to fora 6 H a C. Case ie taking — e en Wednesday, aim 13th, by Rev. JAB. Livingstone, Mr. Joseph J. Sellars, to Mies Jetnina Garnier, both of Morrie, t FOR SALE IN LTIII;L VIL- neon•—The propertyof the late John Elliott, 2nheistin, or a olid brisk house, t with 1.0050 0(10150,1 and wioedehed, good ntnblo nuc i ¢oxo of land, all in flrat•oluee oovditiov, If not sold -will be rented, Pae• session at any time. For pat Haulers apply to war, SPEN0111, Ethel ; ALEX. PATTEn4011 silt; or Du,Mo0411bv •Y, Mt. Forest 2001 m basement. charge of w� W' the work. Reynold 8,865003 0190 8 89040 $ 80680 y Thegarden ail at the Methodist myth 105280 20475 215065 136890 ,party Brussels 207465 36000 902965 221600 Parsonage, on Tuesday, 1901 inst., prom. 661385 94240 69.5685 691890 ices to be exceptionally good. A first. Exeter 950050 48125 498175 939950 P y Goderiob 1051280 82225 1102400 875800 casae program 1e being prepared and is done to make the evening's Moulton 192osa 1600o0 y gg Seaforth 572910 00210 039400 612900 entertainment moat enjoyable. Wingbam 901470 06290 557700 854700 R°R. A. C. Tiffin, who has been sato() WYosOtoY 97776 Y3108 110014 80160P —ort thev Methodist ohnrah hares for the poet 58052260 3 pears, has been appointed to Romney, Total equalized aeaeoemont, 932938230 on lake Erie shore, Sent Oo„ and will be _ n= om- Bunn. —In Seaforth, on Ma 29th, y Hermon L., infant son of Albert and Mar Brett, n gad 3 weeks and 1 y 6 day, DEexe.—In Turnbarry, on ibionda ', Jame , ] 411,1900, later Deana, aged 80 years, 1 month and 4 days. MAXWELL: —In Morrie, on Sunday, June 10013, Johnetou 11•Ioxwell, aged 80 years and 2 months. �IRST • CLASS FARM FOR Snip.—Lot 17, 000. 9, Township 01 Gray. 100 00680 more or less. Sltunte 4) miles ft'om;Bensnels and 2 miles from village et 1Athe1. All cleared excepting 0 5 seise o'. ooae Jo good eo a bush sat. Bulla, 4 and fences it ooa ror air. Good watts, An Fall oplowino gave, Price and forme of payment 001111• 1 #Carlen l0 W. Di. BINOLA IR 50.10 03()6110006, 40., Brussels. ton, Mich., speaks of a former Bruseelite follows ;—"Chas. Grower, radiated. PIf theublia! have ao esteemed you how than are your brothers in the CII ()Kahl CRIMES. as proprietor aL the Twentieth Center barber she in Century P the Sbelden.Dee building, has jtlet added a fifth chair to the equipment of that popular plane and now bas five competent men to look after the wants of big custom• ere. Is addition to himself and bis brother, he bag reoured the services of Charles De Rumba, of the Iroquois Hotel ebop, Buffalo, N. X„ Bay Bpenoce, mon ton House, Grand Rapids and Ed. Closen from the Plankington House shop, MEL Waukee." TUE Poen is leased to hear of "Chick's" 0000060. P Lens MMooAREES.—Before Mies Jean MaLauohlin left for her proposed tripof P P S,or 8 weeks in the West, the L. 0.T. M., Of Brunie, deoidod to have a ecoael evening in their Hall and last Monday was the date chosen, and amort agreeable and enjoyable time was spent by all. An excellent program in whittle all did well was rendered as follows Reading by Mien 3, Ritchie ; solo, Mrs, W. F. Stew• art ; reading, Bonnie f3weet Bessie," by Mies Josie Badhan ie ; solo, by Mies Rankin, of Wingham ; reading, Mrs. D. C. Ross ; Mies MaLanahlin expressed her thanks to the ladies for their kindnese. At en ieterrnieeion in the program, ice cream, cake, lemonade and oonfeetionexy WOrO aoryrd. eve, who grand and noble work 0f Oddfellowehip, give ready and tow Ino appryou a t the ever ready and villins part you have takoa in onr Noble order. YOnT e0ncontien of your anti en and obligations as a member of tui() lodge, whether 1n relation to the brotherhood or to those outside its b0unde, hay been such as to commend you to our °etoorn and sincere affection. We, one and all, wish you that euceese wbi0h we foal assured teener the reward of earnest, intelligent, pure manhood. Our hope for you ie that the oncoming years wiii ever make you a truer exponent of those noble and excellent principles o lvhioh our Order ie founded. we ask you to accept this ring nil the visible type of that 004000 but ineeparable bond that ]Inky lb together in a brother, hood olfriendo,afriendship that we trust in its permanent and ranting gvalltiee gives Ietvidence of the truth of those linea 0 the human0bond t when bo says v1 tills beantiLul „Like the va4e (n whish roses kayo once been distilled, You may break, ori May abetter the vase if you will, y y But the meant el the rosea will berg round it stilt." Signed ou balani of Western Star Lodge No, 149 i, C, 0. F, RacenteTO.0,feeble Grand, 1'. Leatmn, Secretary. Tho donor made a suitable reply. Ad' dress by Postmaster farrow who eon. eluded by presenting the guest of the 0000103 with a gentlemen's toilet angel Rev. G. J. &bay will abtend tha Synod of Huron in London neat week. Rev. B. J. Arlin, formerly of Braasele, will remove floe Victoria street, Gade• rich, to the Hamilton road Werth, Lon- don. Co, Sabbath school and Endeavor Con, vection will be held in Semforth Tuesday and Wednesday of next weak. G. F. Blair and W. H. Seri have been asked to introduce topics. A large attendmnoe in expected. Next Sabbath morning on 11 o'clock the membete of the 1i. 0. T. M. and L. 0. T. M. in Brunets will attend service in the Methodist church on which ea- 0aeion Rev. Juo, Holmes will preach the annual sermon. The members will march from their Lodge room, Stewart bleak, and will occupy the centre Beate in the ahumb. The following officers were sleeted in Melville Endeavor Tot the current term Hon. Pres., Rev. John Roee ; Preen 3, B. MaLanohlin ; Vioe PYee., Mies B. Irwin Reaording•Boo'y, Mita Sarah Forbes Corresponding•Sec'y, Mian Mary Rose Treas., Fred, Wilson : Organist, Mies negate MaLaeohlin ; Convener of Made Com., T. A. Hawklu t ; Ushers, Fred. Wi18t1P ripe ,Tae, Phaw, leaving in n few weeks for his new field. The Finance Committee reported. IIs will be succeed by Rev. A. W. Dever, again, reoommendisg that no Potion bo who was ordained at the 000206BnOa just the DNI. CENT A WORD COLUMN taken in reference to motion of closed. Mr. Dever baa been at college Meeerg. Stuart and Oonnoil in regard to tOC the pant' two yeare and !H a fine Y g P the istelest on the County's inveetmeate, spirited young man and will no doubt and that a bylaw be passed authorizing make a worthy successor to Rev, Mr. the Warden and Treasurer to borrow for Tffin who hue rendered flrst-oless service, °arrant expenditure a sum not exceeding The Garden Partylast Fridayevening, g $10,000, The total estimated eapendi• RE028TERED 'Jerre heifer t0 gays On y shares or to pasture, G, e, DEADDLi N. Stem bores for Bale, weighs 1200 to 19001be. Wall work {v any harness. 40.2 B. GERRY. �� AR 1�I FOR SALE. -150 AOREH Ooueleting of the South i and Smith of 1110 North i of Lot 36, Con .2, Boat wawa 00011. This is an excellent etoolr farm, boleti well suppose with good spring water. It 11 re Mateo ab nit 8 miles from the thriving vat la es. 0f Buildings y015. aargnd largoit Dare10 uncial 9tata of repair. Eney forma 01 payment wtl. uii given, i9":`i�information ieiopin,uagole s ea of the LeOnai Aid of queer the (Amnia, tore for 1900 would be about $40,800 and u n er ohnrcl, at D. MaCnaa 't, was g the roaeipte $4,002.12, leaving to be largely attended end proved a decided tho ) THE PEOPLES COLiiP� S $86,377.18, requiring a rete on agu01. equal- enemas; despite the coldness of the Ized aeaeeement of the County, $32,335,. weather. A g londid program 280 of one mill and one-eighth hth 0f a mill P p R m wen given, g in which speeches were made by Revde, on the dollar, and it wag reoommended A. W. Molntooh and P. flfnegrave and A. that enah rate be levied. The report was gleno M. P. P. Bolos were rendered P, Ti�OR SALE. ^ A. BEAUTIFUL 1 Uome oh Qveen street, turmel •ad or without, at 0 bar civ. Apply to MISS D , CAMPBELL, Br008aie, �1ARi11 FOR SALE. — F01 0anteinfngL100 0,Oeot soassi rse , 11a1dlnm randy tororop uolog well undordxaihod ant well fenced with cod a r and blank ash, Th, Uulauce t() thnUor nuc p¢sture, 4'hera f0 , mall oeohaad and throe good waifs, Tbor, i() a.geOd frame hover and wood shad, horn 1000 stables 51x80 6000, also 01160 henna, 010 peva implement limbo and nil 01100 uo0sseary out LuilQlagg, It to 1i rnllel BeeteltheNorthgravel read and is eon vonlent to ;Wheels, churches, post office, oto In 01 miles from Soateral and 10 miles from 216001013. 1t is Duo of the boat (arum h the township t and will be add on easy torrei vitt a prpremienprior t eboo to rdea Winthrop Ariel! WM,101013101803 adopted.by P Mies Wilts° ' Messrs. Roes, of Drug• The Clerk was instructed to pnrohase eels, and Gemmell, of Tncherernith. Ontario Statutes for the nee of the Conn. Maes 0. Mooregave a violin selection that oiliern. B lave were passed to a uallze the was mach appreciated. Misses Ellie y' P 0 Ryan and F. Thompeos contributed piano ; respective asaesemgnte of the 'several eoloo and Misses x'ergueon and Mopon- munioipalaties in the County and to old a piano duet. Mr. °renoton oflroiated { { i �TEZ;R SPRAYhD I RObI TIiT; promisee of the undornlgned, Lot 78, Con. B, Grey, on or about May 16th. Smell, rod and white, 2•yenr•nld, Any informnNom loading to his recovery trill be thankfully roue mut PETER MaKAY, 48.01 Ethel P. D, ; authorize the Warden and Treasurer to as cliairmun, Proceeds amounted to ; borrow money for Countypnrp0eoe.Teacher 3100.00, Clinton, Wingham ileneall Wanted. -- ; and were propo0od ail the plane of meeting for the December session, cud Wingham was Daring the month of May the Stratford chosen, the eeesion to commence en the Water Supply Company pumped 25,. flrak'1 Tuesday of Deoembor, (126,620 gallonO Of water. • Teacher wanted for S. S. No. 8, Oroy, to tee Margo atter holidays, Dial° or female, ApplloatloOO 1'OOelvodup toJim° 25f 11, 42 0 f1oaoeta1'y, 000015(0011 P, 0,