HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-6-14, Page 5d t, ; r • JUNE 1 SOO BUSINESS CARDS. ONEY TO LOAN AP 5 PER cent, P. SCOTT, BrasaeIs. M00EACICEN— Wft. lamer of Married° Limning, Of. poo at rocery, Turnberry street, Breathitt, R N.BARRETT— L V • Tonsorial Artist, Shop -Next door Nertb of the etaudard Bank. Iaadiea' and . Children's haircutting a fipoalalty, • .� ARMS FOR SALE—THE UN - .a. DnsIO n n has good Varna is pale pad to gent, easy tense,in Townships of Morrie and erste. F S. N071T,Brmsole M. MORRISON, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, WALTOAM ONT. MISS JEAN M'LAUCNLIN, —TEACHER OF— PIANO AND ORGAN, zervsaEx,s, O OTT. ROBERT GUNNiNGHAM- 1NSURANON, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. MISS SARAH LOUISE MOORE, L. O. M.. Academie graduate lot London Conserve, tory of Moab, also Member of the Associated Musiolena of Ontario, to prepared to reactive a limited number of pupils for inatruation on the piano. Qualified to prepare pupil/sloe the Principal's Form in the Conservatory of Music. Brussels, Ontario. ALEX. HUNTER— Clerk of the Fourth Division Court, Co. Huron; Conveyancer, Notary Public, Laud, Loan rand Insurance Agent ; Auction- eer. Funds inveoted and to•loan. Collec- tions made. Office in Grabtun'e'B1ock, Brea- sole. AUCTIONEERS. F'• S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION - 1 • nun, will tell for bettor mime, to butter men, in less time and leap charges than any other Auctioneer In East Boron or he won't charge anything. Dotes and orders can always be arranged at this ogle° or by personal application. DENTISTRY F. W. TWEDDLE, (ron2IERLY Oa ti£AvonTH) DENTIST. Graduate of R. 0, D S,, Toronto ; Post Grad - Bate course at Haske1'8 School, 0bioago, io crown and bridge work. On -Prices same as in earrounding towns. 21 - Office over A. R. Smith's store, Smola, VETERINARY. TD. WARWICK— • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Vet- erinary College, is prepared to treat all die- easee of domesticated animale lin a compet- ent manner. Particular attention paid to Veterinary Dentistry. Calle promptly at- tended to, Office and Infirmary—Four doors Norah of bridge, Turnberry at., Brussels. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. Nkr M. SINCLAIR— • Barrister, Solicitor,'OOuveyeneer, •Notary Public, &a. Office -8 tewart'e Blook 1 door North of Central Hotel.' Solicitor for tbo Standard Bank. F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, 1.—u • Solicitor, &o. Othee over Stand- ard Bank Senatortor for Village o Brussels. Money to Loan at lowest rates, G. CAMERON- -LTA- •f} • (Formerly. of Cameron, Holt & Cameron) Barrister and Solicitor, Goderich Ont. Oiace—llamilten street, opposite Cul. borne Hotel MEDICAL CARDS. E. T. SNIDER, M. D., C. M,' Licentiate of Royal College of Physicians and Surggeon%, Kingston ; Member of the Col- lege of Physiolans and Surgeons of Ontario. Diseases of Women and Children aspecial- ty. Nine years' experience. Offioo and res- idence, opposite 1'lnglish,oburch, Brussels, J. A. M'NAUGHTON, 31.D.,Cl, ll, TrinftylUniversityy Fellow Trinity Modloal College, Member College of Physicians and Surgeons, Out, Licentiate of the Royal Col- lege of Phyelolnne and Licentiate of Mid- wifery,Edinburgh. larTelephoue No.14, Beeidenoe—Mill (street, Bruege's. DR. WM. L. HOLMES, PHYSICIAN, 80101008 AND 00000011E0n, ($uCcessor 10 Dr. F. 11. Ilnlbnclsch) If, D. Bellevue Hospital Med. Col., Now York ; M D 0 M Victoria University, Toron- to; Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, 8P0olel attention paid to diseases of women, eye, ear, nose and throat. 19.11 D. F. SMITH, M. 0. G. M... . Graduate of McGill College, Montreal, &., '&a, All specialty work satisfactorily treat- ed. Office upstairs in the Stratton Block. Ogloo hoyre,. 9 to 12 a. m., and 7 to 30 p, m. Specialist work, (nob as for eye, Bar, throat, &o., In the Moe at bis residence, Elizabeth street. from 2 to 0 p m, All medicluee will be dlepeneed personally by the Dr. or under . hie direct supervision. 'Write To -day for Our Catalogue 1 CENTRAL S 1z DLLStratforLOTet Students are in attendance this year from Canada, United States and Naw• foundlend. Our gradnateN.are alwaya enboeeaful in getting good Nitaetione. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. Business �.�.esess Ontario �� Listowel Calle e, EQUAL. TO ANY IN ONTARIO, A thorough, complete end practical train. ing in all beeanobea of Commercial work, at cooaidorably lest than regular rates. For full information apply lteamh of College over I'014 Office. L. HARTT, LISTOWII L, PRINCIPAL. Winnipeg to World's Fair. AN INTERESTING LB11'EI1 P11011 Jr, It. GRANT. After a hurried preparation I tonic the omitted C. P. R. trine for New York via Montreal. I will not waste your time des- cribing the trio to New Amsterdam other than to say that the journey is made over the 0. P. R. 'yetem with regularity and comfort and the trip via Montreal to Now York will undoubtedly bocome more pope. lar ae it is better known. The views of the Adirondaoke and the valleys of Lake Cham- plain as then by daylight are eights to be pleasantly remembered. Therun le made In a little more than 12 hours and for the moth part over the New York Central system with the accompaniments of fast service and beautiful scummy along the Hudsou River from Albany to New York. Once in,;Now York oily the conditions Omega, everywhere Bottle and beetle eeeme to take pos009100 of everybody aid everything, The traveller, wit* hat to mu the gauntlet of the maby sharks and con- fldcuoe men who inleet a great otty, muni possess considerable 00011014, never appear to be in a burry, resist all gratultou, (2) services and withal be prepared to disburse money in a manner quite uukuown fn Canadian epics. Each Glass of travel, from steerage to Bret cabin, hag its Mala and temptable/ but for every scheme and device that in- genuity, Begotten of long oxporienee, could suggest appear to be levelled against the latter ease o1 tourists. You are waited on 0t your botel by polished orooke who in some umcoountable way know your name, residence, occupation and destination, and wnres yet, 010 able to name your intimate friends, are profuse with effort to aid you in countless ways, all of whiob, however, tempting tbev may appear, you can afford promptly to decline. The inexperienced traveller should confide hie wishesand his money only to reliable companies, the experienced ones need not this eu0aestIo0. I took pa00ege on the North German, Lloyd eteamemp Co., for the Mediter• renew], the first stop to be at Gibraltar, next at Naples and fluidly Genoa but at Naples I leave the steamer after what 1, expected to be a 12 days' soil nlmoet due East from New York. Great steamers and sailing omelets leave here every week for almost every country In the wide world. Hundreds of ferry boats are moving every day, some of them large enough to take on a complete railway train. Thousands of surface oars propelled by electricity, others by horses and themost portent modern of elevated railway trains in the world, move millions of people every day at a Oomlu01 charge 015 cents and I believe you can ride on the elevated a distance of27 miles for that amount of money but as I. want to tell you of my trip and not about statistics I secured my stateroom certificate from. the general offia° of the North German Lloyd people bore and then went to Cooke Tourist ohoo to see what I could do with them but decided to wait until I ranched Naples andvioit their °Moo there. You Dee their tickets would be no use to me if the ably went down in 0114.3000,1; just thought of that in time as he 'awes making out the cost of the proposed itinerary. Bright and early Saturday morning, 28th April, I eat my visible possessions together (two small bandbags for a 3 months' cruise) and started for the pier at Hoboken ou the New Jersey shore. Got there about half past ]foe and what a jam. Importuned on route by vendors of every conceivable 0011- 0)010020 trio hots to trunks but fruit and Bowers 09em04 to have Bret place. Fortu nate 101 mo that I boated my etatoroom the day before as in the crowd and bustle I would bare difficulty, About ae Roman Catholic priests are on a pilgrimnge to Rome by the Trane" and seemed as it half of Brooklyn were there to see them of I did not realize so fully before that I was billed by a German Lino until I heard on every band a perfect babel 0? Gorman. French and Italian. Lees than one hour to get away and such hurrying and worry- ing. An incessant stream of people going up loaded and down light 00 three great gangways • Powerful steam m , err iok e ha rine completed the loading of freight early sadfiii busy Lowe lug the baggage Imo thebold, Scarcely room to get turned around on. deck. Fond leave takings ou every aide. One group of Germans absorbed my atm,. Mon, The whole family 000030a 10 be repro. tented, The ee0ond salute has already gouts clear around and the warning boll hoe toll. nteletlled R demonstrative as The bell most the explosive osculations increase in rapidity and as they threatened to bottom° indieorimivate I with- drew to safer distance and whether the whole party were engaged by the steam- ship Company for epeOtaaular purposes I will never be quite certain, all that I know is that I have not glume recognized any of them on board. The gangways aro down, the lines are loosened and the good ship Trane" begins to float away from the dock to the musto dr Home Sweet Home," the salutations of friends and the guttering of thousands of handkerchiefs. Ism told tuck scenes are of daily occurrence from one or other of the groat docks of New York, whence ships sail for every quarter of the globe. We are clear of the land pointing to the far East mid destined under most favorable conditions to be 8 days and nights bo. fora making a halt of a few hours at Gibraltar. Composed of one great family of 800 'mule everyone is disposed to be friendly ae we have to live together for 4,000 miles at least. Staterooms having boon taken possession of, the chief steward assigns to each paesenger his or her piano at table and two hours from the time we leave the dock everyone is comfortably seated around the many prettily doctorate,' tables in the elegant dieing sateen and Mile has been repeated with very tow absentees during the entire journey. I moat not fort get to meution the many floral tributes by the friends of the delegation of the eeoly ear to Rome already referred to, thousands roses, pyramid,, cylinders, harue„horse, Imes, basket' and hand boquota, the cabin' • ulog parlor and ladies' parlors bene M- elly banked with thorn and the delight. 1 02101'0 completely filling the ship °Very here and in this auspicious manlier we gin our trip. The fillip to Garman and so quite 'a percentage o1 the passengers, alk o f the Scotch being clannish I Maybe ey aro, but I forgive them after au ex. demo with our Teutonic friends, The eau ae well as the 000klug le in German. you timidly request bacon for breakfast u are eoutroetod with 'Truk dim spook'• d if in a moment of forgetiulueee you of '1 dr er fu w be T th po m yo au onggeot "aweetbreada” your hopes are uttered and your appetite takes flight a double dose 12 'Kalbemidder mit dolpilzen in Blattertoigpastete," Kind many ways, fond of good living in th eating and drinking but their ieine is inclined to be fatty and their mburger cheese oandwio1ee are oalou• ted ' rP persisted in to break n p , b a p whole namunitles. Mark the experiamed sen trevellee as dietinguiehed from the vioo. The former immediately as. (neo an easy nonobafauoo air and for ar they should by any misfortune bo ietaken for gronedlings usually make eoiouely °annin that they have all that ()owing to theta and addreto the oll(- re and servants of the ship from the ptain down to the bedroom steward th an easy familiarity tinged with a ggestion of their own'importanoo. leo the novice, he usually takes what oh at in bo on li la °o be no en fe to C tie ce oft wi 8c* No ho gets, ie diffident, somewhat eaoluoive,' building sited, 4147 ; W. Jaoksop, build. T M E B $• U S E 14 S POT fnoUned th meditate on the mutability of Chines in general 110)1 rgnilibrium of the abip in particular and fur the am day et two ie apprebOnaive of impending danger of 003 41010006 1411, thrloe elpeeed i8 he if be escapee it, The ,eye some and go, Tice ladies are mueit upon lite deok Jr/gaging Mtn. fortebly the rows of they arm chairs with steamer rugs, floods and aflk lined eon• bonnets muoh in evidence, The geot)e. men peeing the detests, in the evoking rooms playing shuflta board end making pools on the day's run of the (steamer, particulars of wbioh is posted up moil day at 12 o'oicuk, Out a week and nothing visible bat the blue expanse of water meeting the olvy everywhere ex. cepting the Azores which we passed utter G days. Porpoises gambol in the gun and the sportive whale is located 0v0ry now and then by a column of spray ebooting about 80 or 40 feet' in the air. Oa Tues. day, the 8th day out, we ranch Gibraltar having been iu eight of both Airier', and Spain for acme hours. The "Trane" oasts anchor and we eo ashore in a ferry boat, Io i0 It great treat to tomb earth again alter 8 days and aver no the restless waters of the great Atlantic*. Before entering the port of Gibraltar the Union Jaok was run up and I watched to gas if one American] 0oueito or the Germans ou bowed made demonstration but no they did not, I alone took off my hot and saluted that flag, the synonym of the liberty of the eubjeot, (Seamon of the people, expan. cion of trade and an opeu door to the world. The oiro0meteemes referred to evolved some remarks at dinner soon after through wbio) I came out a victor bathe ably attainted by a gentleman and lady who joined tie at Gibraltar of 8pau. ieh origin but by adoption Oanadlana. We ship anchor at sweet after spend. log two hours ou British territory and my forst experience in a eemieropioal climate. Here I saw lemoue, oraugee and bananas, Seo , growing upon tbo trees, delightful flowers of every deeoription, arches of them completely crossing the streets. Rose trees 30 and 40 feet high. M1ny of the residents are Spaniards, but the red coat of the British soldier is muoh in evidence and the general good order and 8uoday observance is owing largely to bis preee0ce. Gibraltar proper . ie neat, Menu and compactly linilt, hag flue buildiuga, streets and ohnephee, and withal the greatest fortrere In the world but who would suspect that hidden among terraced gardens and in mem homelike surroundings tbere should be weapons that could and would Jove's dread elemora counterfeit should oo• Oadi00 arise to awake t0 motion the great. eat fortress oa earth. Out i0 the lefedi• torranean again and the change in the waters ie no poetics myth, it does seem very real. The following day we pees South of the Ielated of Sardinia, one of Italy's posseaaione. The ialaud mama sparsely inhabited, with barren shore linea and few betides vieibla. O¢ Wad• nesday morning, Hey 94h, we eater the beautiful bay of Naples passing inside the Island of Capre. It is scarcely clear yet. Everyone on board aeetne to be astir and while it 1e geld "See N teles and die" it would surprise you to witness the pervereeoees,with which the gentle diremion was disregarded nod as if by 'some intention our arrival in Naples was ao planned the welcome or unwelcome news soon paeeed around that Vesuvius wag again in eruption. We could see from the ship at dense sone of smoke hanging over the summit of the moan teen but as there is a hurrying and scurrying to get ashore I moat, leave farther particulars for another letter. J. R. GRANT. Morris Council Meeting. The Oonuoil met in the township Hall May 282h, as a Court of Revision on the Assessment Roll of the present year according to advertisement. Chas Ritchie complained of being too highly ly aaaeseed oo S 4 lot 30 eon. 8• On motion of Code and Jeoksoo the Asee-sur's vale. ation of said lot was sustained. Oa ap. plioation the following names were add- ed to the roll :—Jane Forrest, Robert Forrest and Waiter Forrest entered owners N I lot 25, eon. 3 ; Robert D, Bruce entered oweer lot 1, ' Belgrave ; Jas. Baal entered owner N e lot 15, eon. 7 ; Jne. Mills entered owner 13 4 lot 12, con. 6 ; Jas. MOOalI F. S., S e 26, eon. 8. John Bleck entered M. F., N 19, con. 9 ; Albert Jackson, F. S., 8 d 13, con. 0 ; Thos, Coulter, F. S., lot 13 and 14, oon. 10 ; Wm. Hewitt, M. F., lot 6, oon. 2 ; Jos. Yeo, M. P., lot 14, con. 2 ; Edward Moes, M. F., lot 10, 0011. 3 ; Ohae. Martin, M. F., lot 8, eau. 2 1 D. Martin, M. F., 5 and 6, con. 1 ; Frank Hill, M. F., lot 6, eon. 2 ; Ira Etcher, tenant lot (3 and 7, G. S., Bluevale. On motion of Cardiff and Shaw the Court of Revision was then adjourned autil the 24th of June. Qonnoil bnsinees was then pro.. needed with. Minutes of last meeting were read Dud Confirmed. A petition was p160091ed by a number of ratepayera asking that au arbitrator be appointed by the Council of Morrie with a view to the formation of n union sohool eeotion to be composed of portions of the townships of Morrie and Millet, ant of the village of Blyth. Moved by Shaw, seconded by Cardiff, that Jno. R. Miller, of the towu- ohip of Morris, be appointed arbitrator to act in the matter referred too,— Carried. 0c* motion of Code and Jaoit- son the Reeve was instructed to expend 330 in 'gravelling on road West of Bel. grave station. On motion of Cardiff and Shaw the Reeve Nivea instructed to expend 325 on e,doline between lots 6 and 6, Coo. 3. On motion of Cardiff and Code Mr. Skew was inetruoted to expend $15 in gravelling on sideline between lots 50 and 61, con. 1. OC motiop of Jaok. eon and Code Mr. Cardiff was instructed to expend 340 on °entre sideline con. 5, Oo motion of Cardiff and Shaw Mr. Code was ine4rootod to expend 310 in grovelling at lots 5 and 6, con. 7. Ou motion of Oordiff and Shaw Mr. Code was inetrnoted to have the hill ou sideline between Iota 10 and 11, con. 9, t in a proper tat n o r e a of repair. Moved F P p p by Juolsaon, emended by Code, that we auk for new tender° for completion of the Garneee drain unless satiefaotory ar. ran om a ome be made e L the Reeve t- morrow.—Carried, Moved by Shaw, seconded by Code, that we expend $100 each on East and West boundaries and 350 mole on North and South boundaries providing that the adjoining Municipal', ties expend an equivalent.—Carried. Ac. manta were Ordered to be paid ae Morn ;--A. Sloan, culvert W. B„ $1.00; J. Soots, oalvert $1,00 ; T. Maunders, te- pairing bridge E, B., $4.55 ; W, Jaolteon, Ing ranee, 30.00; 5, 0, oeselnar9, ap. preach, 310.15 ; McLean ee Son, lunlber, 08 66 ; duo. Watson, 0seeoeor'e salary, 470 ; W. Clark, part salary, I3y,13wg ISo. 4 304 5 duly read and passed, The Owaoil then adjourned to meet again after °Pert of Revision 03 Jnne 25th, W, OT,AR1t, Clerk, They strum It nick, It woo a grand tiling for this oommun. ily wheal (uale an enterprising drm as G. A. Deadman eeonred the agency for Dr. Kingio New Dieoovery for Consumption, the wonderful remedy that bee startled the world by its marvellone cores. The furore of enthusiasm 0000 it Lag boomed their bueinase, as the demand for it ie immenee, 71183 give free trial bottles to sufferers, and positively guarantee aour0 in Ooughe, Colds, Bronchitic, Asthma, Group and all Throat and Lung troubles, A trial proves its merit. Pride 500 and $1.00. VVxi t119.n. Little John Reid went fishing the other day and was sueoeoetul in oatohing hie big toe. 00 an afternoon in the latter part of Jude, the various fraternal eooietiee will hold Decoration day, On Monday of Iasi week Charlie Mo. Hennas left for Wetaskiwin, N. W. T,, where he will take a position in a etoro. Robert Oarruth Bed hie iiugere badly gaalled in a shaper in Walker & Olegg'e. Phe wound neoeseiteted oeveral etitohes, "Doo" Dingley had a knuckle split open in Bell's. Dr, James A. Doff, who prnctined with Dr. Irwin in 1894 is to be married this month at the Crystal Spring Bauch, Farmington, New Meaioo. The fortunate lade le Mary Ione Markely Grantee. The Orangemen o1 Wingbam have once more been eaooeeetal in making terms with the G. T. R. for their 0011001 excursion to Detroit. This year the entire trip is to be mode by rail, leaving Wiu:ham in the morning and reaching Detroit at 2 p. m. The date is set for Saturday, August 18th, returning on the following Monday. Luols.now, Mre. Jas. Bryan woe in Walkerton and Cargill last week on behalf of the W. 0. T. U. work. James McLeod, of Fort William, is spending a few weeks with his parents on the 6th of Kinloss. We extend our congratulations to Alex. J. McKenzie, of Kinloss, on his eucoeae in paaeiog the final examinations in medicine at Toronto University. On Saturday afternoon, Jane 2nd, while playing football in the Queen's Park in tbie village, a little boy named Charles Bowlan had hie leg broken at the ankle, Mies Ida Graham, who for the past two years hail been book-keeper for Hughes at Co., eo d and wood dealers, of Flint, Miohigaa, has returned home here to spend her holidays. There was a good turn out of the lead- ing rotepayera iu the Town Hall and the meeting uuooineouslydecided to proceed at oaoe with the construction of grano• Stifle sidewalks in the village. W. Cooke, wholives on the gravel road North of the village, had hie neigh• bor, Alex. Phillipe, °barged before Magistrate Lawrence and Reeve Taylor, with shooting a couple of °hiokous that were treepaesing on Phillipa' lot. The oath 000upied nearly two days of the Court, and resulted in .Phillips being flood $2.00 and costa in all nearly $10. Blvvia . W. W. Sloan, of Natchez, Miesiaippi, is here enjoyiug cooler breezes than those found in the South. No oowe will be allowed to run at large in Blyth daring the building of the granolithio sidewalks. The anodal meeting of the Weet Huron Farmer' Ina it t1 Ufe will be held at Nile on Wedoesday, June 20th. Alex, Macdonald, who has charge of G. F. Blair's law office here, euooeesfally passed his law examinations with honors. Maarioe Taube, manager of the Elite Oo noert Co„ visited hie father, Prof. Tanbe, on Tuesday and Wedneeday of last week. Mrs, G. E, Denetedt and Misses Pearl and May left Friday for an extended visit with friends at Stratford, Waterloo and Berlin. 0. H. Bennett, agent of the Bank of Hamilton here, wag married on Tuesday evening, 5th inst., at Toronto, to Mies Obambero, of Winnipeg. An exoureion under the auspices of the Weat Huron Perrone' Inetit0te will ren from all points in Weet and South Huron on Friday, 15th, to the Agrioul• tural college, Guelph. J. A. Taylor, B. A., of Mitten High eobool, has been appointed by the Edo. cation department a member of the Board of 0.0000iat0 Examiners to read the papers ofethe candidates at the ap. proaobing departmental examinations. Geo. Quinn has written home from Brandon stating that be found hie eon, Wm., who was seriously injured by a railway train a few weeks ago, not as badly injured ae was at first supposed, No bones are broken but the flesh ie bad. ly torn from both lege and hips. He is. in a hospital -at Brandon and doing well. What a Title 1t Tails, If that mirror of yours elm we a sallow oomplexion, a jaundiced look, moth patches and blotches on the skin, its liver troabie, but Dr. King's New Life Pills regulate the liver, purify the blood, give clear shin and riob complexion. Only 25o at G. A. I)eadman'e drug store. Goderiolx. The dietriot meeting of the I. 0, 0. F., for dietriot No. 15, will be held here on the 18th of June. E. Belcher has assumed the leadership of the choir of Victoria et. Methodist oharoh. He's a fine basso. The dentiate of town have agreed to aloe their e Beer offimes at 1 on Wwinek o 01 o0 e. daye during tbo months of July, Augaet and September. The Knitting Faotory has over '70 hands employed at the present time. Orders for their anperior goods are eon. etantly coming in. The dog poisoner apparently has let up for the present, possibly on account of the reward of $50 offered by the town commit for hie detootlon. The ezenrsion to the Agriouitaral tool. lege, Guelph, under the auspices of the West Huron Parmoret Institute, will take plane on Friday, "June 16. Fare from Godtrioh and return, $1,25. J, W. and Pere, Venatter wore tit Wingbe:n ettpndieg the funeral of Mre. Vao01.10Pa tether, Peter Deane, whose death ocwrrced 00 Monday of leo.( week, The voting for the Oleotien of a eehoel (melee for St, George's word resulted in the te.8leetlan of M. Nioboleon. Mr, Nieholeon received 52 votes and ear. Bernell 31 ; majority for Mr, Niuholeon 21, In oonneotioh with the Stratford Y. U. 0.,A„ Maitland Humber won fleet prize for profioienoy In me0ha0)0al drawing. Hie price W00 a handeomo Bet of drawing instrumento. Mail. is a clever methane) and eve do not wonder et his moms. R.13. Williams, local manager of the Batik of Commerce, prseented eaoh of the anembere of the Goderioh Knitting Go. with pretty little Union Jolt flags with whiob to deeorete themselves 0)1 "Pro - toric Day." Weald's Cluunplen Healer. "I tried many remedies to cure plleo," writhe W. R. Smith, of Latham, III., "bot found no relief till I used Arnica Salve. I have not been troubled with piles elude." Grandest pile mire on ra L and beet salve in the world, 26o per hex at G. A. Doadman'a druggist. Grey. SOIIoor, REPORT.—The following is the report of S. S. No. I, Grey, for the mouth of Grey ;—P. S. Leaving—V. Armstrong 346, G. Bielby 191, Sr. IV—Not report• ed. Jr, IV—B. Davidson 627, F. Dend• son 819, M. Cardiff 513, L. Dickson 509, B. Rands 432. Sr. III—T. Bielby 258, M. Dark 198, W. Stevenvon 148, J. Hog• gard 197, G. Dark 25. Jr. III—M. Runde 277, B. Dark 324, M Hoggerd 233, W. Whiting 148, Annie Glassier 69, Alf. Glassier 10. Sr. II—L. Blake 284, L. Grant 262, J. Stevenson 221, H. Rozell 196, T. Dark 174. Part II—F. Lemon, S. Armstrong, Ino. Dickson, B. Steven- son, T. Whiting, Ie.Alcook, Jae. Dickson, J. Armstrong, A. Dark, R. Craig. Sr. I F. Alcook, L. Glaeeier, J. McCallum, L. Switzer, Pearl Dark. Jr. I—M. Steven. eon, A. Grant, V. Butwell, E. Whiting, S. R. 0000,20, Teacher. POHOOL REPORT.—The tollowiog is the report of the pupils of 8. 8. No. 9, Groy, for the month of May ; the names are arranged in order of merit ;—Sr. 41b— Ella MoNaugbt. Jr. 4th—Ethel Mo. Naught, R. Detwiler, Sr. 3rd -0. Oliver, N. Harbottle, F, Harrison, W. Mann. Jr. 3rd—W. Bray, G. Moon, H MaNaaght, W. Mann, N. McNaught, W, McKay, li, McKay, W. Hanley. Sr. 2nd —R. McKay, K. Harbottle, M. Mann. Jr. god—W. MaNaaght, 8. McKay. Sr. Pt. IL—A. Meehan, 0. Brown. Int. P1.II,—W. Elisiop. Jr. Pt. II.—F. MoNaueht, E. Bray, R. Roes. Sr, Pt. I.—A. Mane, W. Noble, R. Cummings, M. Came/singe. Int. Pt. I.—P. Harrison, A. McKay, L. Locae, 0. Brown, Jr. Pt. I.—M. Bray, G. Moleay, A. MoKay, E. McNaught, M. Rose, E Kelly. Mese N. J. Issfsrgg, Teacher, A Deep Mystery. It is a mystery why women endure Baokaohe, Ifeedaobe, Sleeplesaoeee, Nor. vous0ess, Melancholy, Feinting and Dizzy 'spells when thousands have proved that Electric Bitters wilt quickly cure snob troubles. "I suffered for yeare with kidney trouble,' writes Mro.Phebe Cher ley, of Peterson, Ia., "and a lame back paiued me eo that I could not dress my• self, but Electric, Bitters wholly oared me, and althougb 78 years old, I 0m able to do all my own honaework." It over. comae Constipation, improves Appetite, givoe perfect health. Only 500 tit G, A. Deadman'e drug store. H. H. Fuller, member of the Legisla- tive Council of Nova Scotia, and head of a wholesale hardware at Halifax, 'e dead. ee1 Wailld Highest cash price will be paid for any quantity of Wool, to be delivered at our Store. Backer & 7anstone Brussels. Spectacles —0F ALL KINDS— Fitted to Correct all Failures of Eyesight, and yonr Eyee tested FREE by latest Optioal methods at Division Court Office, BRUSSELS, The standard Bank of Canada. Money Orders For amounts of Fifty Dollars and louder nonce by this Bank, payable at par at any obartered Bank in Canada, with the exemption of Bronobee in the Yukon Die- trlat, RATES ES Under $10 . $0.08 $10 to 20 . 0.10 20 to 80 0.12 80 to 50 . . 0.14 J. N, 00$))054, Agent, BRUSSELS ii_„„.,,,,,„,..„ -„,„,..„,„,,e, MoKINNON & CO., 1 JUNE MILLINERY Vlore is no more attractive spot to•day than our Millinery Department, replete with all that is menet and pretlieet in headgear. A veritable prradioo of all that ie oorreot in Millinery, and at prioee which will be a eurpriee to all who respond to oar invitation to see what we are doing here. Tide week we show epeoial lines at reduced prioee Ladles' Sailors, in groat variety, at 16o, 20e and 260. Ladies' Trimmed Hate, very epeoial, worth 31 60 for 97o. Girls' Trimmed Leghorn Flats, regular price $1.25, far 98o, Ladies' Hate, trimmed with chiffon, flowers, 10uther0 and wings, at 41 75, 32.50, 36 and $4, Ladino' Hawearer,ta, trifrom $Lmmed 95to order on short notice and becoming to the to 410. 3P4-tR OL 9 Y We have just completed a large parollaee of Parasols at re• duoed prioee and we are selling them while they last ett prioee like these:- IA.liee' Perasole, fanny handles, worth 75o, for 50e. Ladies' Parasols, eteelrods, fancy handles, covered with twilled eorab, worth 31, for 60o. A full range of Parasols in blank and colored, with steel rode, very stylish handles, covered with plain and twilled silk, gimlet and earth silk, at $1.50, $2, $2.50 and $3. CASH AND ONE PRICE, LOST OPPORTUNITIES .. • NEVER RETURN. Binder Trio "Probe." say twine will advance in price. Prudent people are placing their orders for "Plymouth Twine," be- cause it eaves Labor, Twine and Money. Binder Covers. $3.00. The material alone would 0001 more at preeeut prices. Ball Bearing Churns. Our stook, bought before the advance in pride, will soon be sold out. Now is the time to get one, BICYCLES $35.00 and up. The heart of a bicycle is the Hanger. The only perfect hangar ie the "One-piece" Fauber Hang. er. Dominion, Garden City and Perfect are equipped with the Perfect Hanger. 'Washing Machines. See them. They are Perfect. Pure Prepared Paint 350, per quart. New shades of color, Floor Paints, dry in 8 hours. Every can of Paint guoranteed. Lawn Mowers. See our 16 in. out for $4.00. Onr present stook only to be sold at these low prices. Harvest Tools Purchased before the advance in pride. Come and share the profits. McKAY Co r�>ei 13uggP Season EWAN &INNES The well known firm of Opened CARRIAGE MAKERS, are to the front with a Lar r Large, Well Select- ed. ,{� '�J' ed. and 'Nell Finished STOCK OF Buggies, Dragons, Road Carts, Etc, that they are sellling'at CLOSE prices. Already they have disposed of many Buggies and the Prospects are good. Cull at our Show Rooms and see for yourself, Special; attention given to Repairs, Re -painting, Trimming, 4'c., Ewan & Innes, - Brussels. More Room Raving made a large addition to my Blacksmith Shop I am r�y�in a better position than ever to attend to my Customers. ��, on Ur El All kinds on hand, both for new work or repairs, and prices the lowest. General Biaoksinithing IN all as usual n �,t eft at- tended- tion guaranteed. laTorse ShoeingI have made a specialty of • this lice for years, and if you have any horses that interfere, over -reach or troubled with bad feet, bring t hem to me, I will relieve e O1 cure them lees than three months or will make no charge. Wagons & Buggies. I am prepared to supply the above at the very lowest prices, and best quality, either of my own make or from the largest Factories in the Dominion. Thanking my numerous 0netoneers for their very liberal support in the past, and hoping by striot attention to bueinase and satisfactory prices, to secure a oontinuauoe of the eame, S. T. PLUM, B1RUs$EL$•