HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-6-14, Page 2TgE ]3RUS EL$ POO t�o YYaNalkulc ephson's Statement • 7 Habekuk Jopheons Statement Night bad fallen, and the clamor of the negroes had died gradually away, I was etretohlid ou the couch of skins which had been provided for; me, and was still meditating over my future, when Goring walked stealthily into Francisco, you could track xny stops tbe hut, My first idea 'was that .he by sudden deflate which baffled the had pomp to complete his murderous pollee, I warred against the whole holocaust by making away with nee, wblte 0008 as they for centuries had ':he lust survivor, and,' sprung to my warred against the black one. At last, slit (omelet. Turn to .your mop ea d elf to as I tell you., L sickened of blood, Africa. There above Cape Bianco, reel, deturIto eu tos defen rays Che last, He smiled whenhe saw the Still, the dight of u white face was ab- whore the laacl trends awny north and gotten, and Ms/Monad me clown again buir'ent to tee, and I determined to south from the westernmost point of t themuttnent, there it is that S0 timus While he seated himself upon- the nth- find some bull, free block people and p er end of the coulee to throw In my lot with them, to culti- define still reigns over his dark 'What do you think of me?" was cute their 1, tent powers, and to form subjects, unless retribution hos over - the astonishing question with whicb a nucleus fur a great culored nation, Lukes hien; and tbere, where the long he commenced our conversation. This idea possessed me, anti I travel- green ridges rain swiftly in to 0oar "Think of you le I almost yelled, ed over the world for two years seek- anal hiss upon the hot, yellow sand, it "I think you the vilest, most menu- ing for what I desired. At lust I , is there that Barton lies with Llyson lural renegade that ever polluted the almost despaired of finding it. There and the other poor follows ,rho wore earth, It we were away from these was no baps of regeneration in the : done to death in the "Marie Celeste," black devils of yours I would slave -dealing Suudanese, the debased i• laehed to death to break ber of solea of the little Lure and erases which Mir late master, lead euoouraged her iu, My young wife, loo -oh, my young vette!" u shudder, ran through his whole frame, "No /natter! I swore my oath, anal kept it. From Maine to lloride, and from Boston to eau showed me Prole tbat Leos HU they landed rue in Liverpool, wiloro I wise enabled to tetra one oe the Guinn boats to New York. Front the day on wbioh I found my- self one more Ln the Lot of my ram'- ly I have meal little ote what 1 Have ttlrtlergoue. The subject is still an in- tensely painful one to ane; and the little evbiele I have droppedhas been discredited, I now put the feels be- fore the Public as they occurred, care- less hew Pur tboy may be believed, and simply writing them down be- cause my lung is growing weaker, and I reel the responsibility of holding my pence. longer, I snake no vogue stranglet A 1 d government meet be provided, And ot•e here Jobe Bell shows itis genie. s m titan in any other direotiou, Witness Egypt, where the people are twine ye prosperousa0 they were twenty 'years ago, pay less taxes per man, anti yet provide an abundant notional revenue.. The diffionitY In a new oountt'y arises from the simple' life of the people. Whet is there to be taxed among peo- ple who live in a half -naked stale and eat nothing but rico and maize, something of that kind 1 -Here at home the consumer el beer and whis- ky pays ons -third of the revenue, and the remainder mimes mutely from the smoker, the owner of proporty,,and' ,the man In zeoelpt of a good income. New, the great effort of the British•in a new country Is to keep. the natives. to strict teetotalism. .eherefore, drink yields a VERY SMALL REVENUE, Very few people have any income worth speaking of ; the income -tap payers form only one. in a thousand ; while the postal service is likely to be carried on at a loss. Hence a pretty heavy duty has 'to be imposed on most imported' •oommoditiss, and generally there is a heavy poll -tax, ttr Fantee, or he mertcun ze something equally disagreeable. you with' my haeme P' i 4�'{ HIT 7j DER g q y "Don't speak so loud," pie said, with: jnegro of Liberia. I was returning Jt 1)UrJrJI EIPIRE 1L11Jt1 When all these great arrangements out the slightest appearance of irriem. Trull my quest, when chance tion, "I don't avant. our chat to he I brought me in contact with tbls, ALL ABOUT AN ART IN VJf1ICH HE So you strangle a me; + dwellers in the 18 A PAST -MASTER. h t•t :., desert, and I threw in 2.1.1)1 10t with out abort. 5 would t 1 ' magnificent. tribe of r would YouB a wen on, .. amused smile, "I SUPPOSE! lam re-' Cham, Before doing, so, however, my hunlea.e tmonut 01 ll 01•14. itegatrra to 1p engineers, estate agents, etc„ come old instinct of revenge proml?te l me t rvHl„ ynvt^es new tae may, :nut are carried out, a lot of work still remains to be done. Butobers, bakers, publican% gro- cers, milkdealers, doctors, lawyers, JUNE 141 19Q0 Jacket of slate gray bbmespun, trim.. lucid with bius folds of the mime ma,- terial, One side has buttons and the other buttonholes, which close the acket, The revers are of white faille turning good for evil; Lor I been come i " to make one last visit to the. United Jlra,'4 A„ Pr v)drn-rhe A'e+rrrq ora from all quarters, or spring up from you.to escu e:' country.It need to help p asnva•n.r-iusn,r• or NOW <c, J amongtbe native population. e Ireturned. f •ora. it in the I t •' States and t "You l" Igasped, increduiuu:)1y'• 'Marie Celeste.' i \,'ben England, on her great civilise I scarcely be said that thea ope and tract only object is to make money. Hemel e to the eeyage Ltif, your in se , yU 1T)l; 1.111401011.t takes I e "Tea I he continued Oh there A s aver u large xaa is 110 credit to me In the matter. I tall), soca will larva told you by tats bogus doctors and lawyers abound, I am quite consistent. There is no g of country, with millions of human or would abound it regulations were � time, thanks to my mampula.tlon,' bete •s who have little idea of law nod reason why I should not be perfectly p 6 not made to prevent them. This duty both nom asses and ehrouometers candid with you. f wish to be kingoars entirely untrustweaiby. I alone order, and dune evhatever of Just and falls cm the governing body. It also over these f ellows-not a very high worked out the enures w111 correct .stable government, ner task is no has to deal with the adu1L-wet ht ambition, certainly, but you know instruments of my own, while the light one, says London Answers. Leg- sale of diseased meat, light. -weight what teaser said about being first in steering was done by my black friends bread, watered milk, and such things. a village in Gaul. Well, this un- nehmen are certainly born with a And very often so exorbitant are the under my guidance. 1 pushed Tiblss genius for governing, and the very lucky stone of yours has not only saved wile overboard. 'What!, Yea look profits demanded by business people' your life, but has turned all their Su)ely best of Clem are sent to the Colonies, that the 'Government has to step In surprised and shrink away. Crown colonies, proteotox.tCes. !±nd heads, so that they Chink you are you had guessed laid. by this time. I and fix prices.. This is ahigh-hand-' down from heaven, and my in- h other imperial possessions. Still, ed policy, only suitable to new' and the fronts are faced with the same material. Coat collar of homespun edged with a bias fold. Material required, 50' inches wide, 17-8 yards. • TESTED RECIPES. Creamed Cbioken,-One Pint cold chicken cut into dice, one tablespoon- ful butter, one tablespoonful flour, one half pint milk, salt and pepper to taste. Put the butter in a frying pan to melt, being careful not to brown ; when melted add the flour and mix well, then add the milk and! stir continually until it boils, add the chicken, salt and pepper; stir careful-• ly until thoroughly heated: If the Fruit Toast, -•*Heat a pint of stewed A ( 1 and awe0tenad strawberries n l pour over five sliver of oriel) whole wboat tenet which bas been buttered; serve at once, Spanish Duffs,-I•'at into -a sansa pan a (teacupful of - water, a table- ePoonfal of salt, and two oilnces of butter ; while it is boiling add eat - Mont flour for it to leave'the salute - pan; stir in Lino by one the yolks of four eggs, drop a teaepoonfnl at a time into boiling lard; fry them a light brown. Nat with couple sirup, Rhubarb' Pre. -Take off the thin skin, out the stalks in small pieces; add a little flour, place it in the pie. When the peat() is done remove the top. cruet and add sugar and butter, mixing it thoroughly with the rhu- barb. Put the top cruet on and serve warm. A little nutmeg grated over the top of the fruit before putting on tbe crust, if it ie relished. Banana Cake. -Cream one third of a cupful of butter with one of sugar; add two well-beaton eggs, half a cupful of milk and one cupful and three quarters of flour. When baked put on the top four bananas, peeled and cut in halves lengthwise; cover Leith Dream filling; brown delicately; serve with hot jelly sauce. Strawberry Ice Cream: -'fake two pounds of fresh strawberries, care- fully picked, and with a wooden spoon rub them through a hair sieve, about half pound of powdered sugar, and the. juice of one lemon; oolor will a few drops of prepared coobineal; cream, one pint. When the sugar is dissolv- ed, ascertain that the sweetness is correct; then freeze. This will make a quart. When fresh strawberries i not in season, take strawberry jam, I the juice of two lemons, cream, to one quart. Color, strain and freeze. FRTJIT ON THE TABLE. It is an evident foot that the time- honored fruit -dish, with its assort- ment of fruit, no longer has any on a modern table; each kind of fruit is put by itself on a separate silver basil arran ed. An on come would have shot you that nay through fluence will be gone until you aro even these have their work out out dressing seams too thick add more die ar s y g y e out of the way- That is why 1 am 1 the partition, but unfortumttely you for' thein. Just consider all that has Ns not there. I tried again after - can not kill you" -this in the must na_ I wa 3 elle, Tibbs. I think the idea of suicide was : The veryfirst necessity of good Lural and dulcet voice, as if the desire earned out, rather neatly. Or cunt•se' to do so were a matter or comas. government and prosperity 1s a sys- tehen once we got on the const the tem of railways and canals, if the "You would give the world to usx me •rest was simple. I lead bargained that a few questions," be went we, atter a country favors the latter, this in pause; "but you are too proud to do all 011 board should (14; but that. stone itself is a big job. Surveyors are it. Never mind; r11 tell you one or of yours upset my plans. I also .bar SENT OU'e IN ALL DIRECTIONS gamed that. there should be no plund- two things, because f want your er. No one can s y we are pirates, to ascertain the best routes between fellow white men to know them wben \\-e have acted from 8 are le, not the various towns. Tender are in - you go back -if you are lucky enough from any sordid motive." vlted for rails, sleepers, station -fit - to get back, About that cursed stone - tinge, engines, and carriages, as well I listened in amazement to the sum - of yours, for inetunce. These negroes, as fur the invariable modern compan- mare, of his crimes which this strange Bri- ar at least so the legend goes, were ion of every railway -telegraphs. Ln - Mohammedans originally. While Mlto- man -gave me, all in the, quietest an.i most composed of voices, as though 510881.8,. artisans, and navvies are hammed himself was stilt alive, there hired by the thousand: Engine-dri- tvas a schism among his followers, and detailing incidents of everyday 00- vers, stokers, porters, mechanicians, the smaller party moved away from curienoe, I still seem to see him mit- stationmasters, signallers, telegraph Arabia, and eventually crossedAfrioe, ing like a hideous nightmare al the operators, have to be searched for. They took away math them. in their end of my couch, with the single rude Horses and vans are bought, stables exile, a valuable relic of their old lamp flickering over his cadaverous and coach -houses are erected, off ioes faith in the shape of a large piece of features- are built er rented, and a big mime black stone of eleeou. The stone was' "And now," 'he t:ontinued, "there Is' mercial staff is employed. a meteoric one, as you may have ' no difficulty about your escape. These Quite as important as railways are beard, and in its fall upon the earth stupid adopted children of mine will the police, the magistrates, and the It broke into two pieces. One of these say that you have gone bank to heaven higher snorts. The English surpass pieces Le still at pleeoa. • The larger from whence you came, The wind every other race in organising these, elect was carried away to Barbary, blows oft the land. I have a boat all and the curious reason of their euperi- where a skillful worker modled it into ready' for you, well stored with pro-. and strictly governed colonies. But the strictness of the gdvernment of new colonies is something we do not dream of in this land of liberty. Tc lake a single example, it is nut very many .years since the Governor of New South Wales could, of his own free will inflict five hundred lashes on a criminal, or sentence him to death, for a comparatively TRIFLING OFFENCE. Of course, our Colonies have not all been formed in Lhe same way. The history- of a new country is pretty much like this, as a rule; First, seeds are carried to it on the 'wind; then birds make their way hither. Next there appear iu it -but' how nobody knows -quadrupeds and savages. By and by a few white men come along. Perhaps they are explorers; perhaps shipwrecked sailors; perhaps men es- caping from the law. Fishermen • were Lhe first real settlers in New-; foundland. Hunters' opened up many, new regions in Africa and America ; prospectors after gold and silver did the same. Then followed the farm- I ers, Later on towns were formed, 1 milk, A little ohopped parsley is an who has a little taste can imitate the improvemenh. The yolk of a hard- l arrangement. Take four plates of boiled egg also makes it richer. ' equal size; put on them some green To Cook Mushrooms. -Put 12 table- leaves - bay leaves, geraniums, or spoonfuls of thin brown sauce in a whatever .happens to be at hand - small slewpan to boil, then have six and arrange the fruits to soft the dif- or eight small mushrooms well clean- fereut kinds. Make a pyramid of ed and washed, chop them fine, and bright red apples, with"Sour apples for a base, three on top, and one on place in sauce and boll for five min- top of all, with the leaves in between. utes; Caste if it is to your liking; Lhe addition of a little sugar is an im- provement; a little cayenne, if liked, but on the third plate lay bunches of may be introduced. This sauce is al- grapes carelessly on leaves, and on the so good for cutlets, broiled fowl end fourth put bananas.. Lo . with Che four plates at the four corners your game. table is'dressed at once. Nota may 1 o Serve Asparagus. -Wash and be used instead of fruit on one plate, drain half inch lengths of asparagus tops, about half a pint of them, throw and figs and dates on the Melee, but them into plenty of boiling salt and beware of the old-fashioned fruit base water, and boil quarter of an hour or ket or dish if you wish your table to less until tender, then turn them in- be up to date, to a strainer to drain. When ready TO OIL A PINE FLOOR. to serve put them into thickened veal If the boards are new they will gravy, mixed with the yolks of two need to be saturated with rather hot eggs, with seasoning of salt and cage boiled linseed oil. Be sure that your enne, or into melted butter into whioh floor and room are perfectly clean and a little lemon juice has been squeezed. free from dust. With a broad paint Pickled Onions. -Take some viae on- brush put the oil on the floor, rubbing back and forth until the entire floor has been gone over. Leave it for an hour or so, • then with a weighted brush covered with soft woolen Moll polish, rubbing with the grain of Che wood until the floor looks smooth cud not oily. Remember that oil alone makes a floor dark. To make light- er, use one-third turpentine. If your floor has been used it will need clean- ing before oiling, this is done by rub- bing with credo petroleum. 011 oc- casionally after the Bret application with two-thirds boiled oil and one- third turpentine. This will dry quickly. ' going to 'help you to esoup5, since I ( g to be dune to a place like the Sou rd but you were awake 1 shat orlLy is that. they are naturally op- and ell sorts of tradesmen trekked to 1 the fashion which you saw to -day, visions and water. I eau anxious to These men are the descendants of the be rid of you, so you may rely that' measures. Instead of forcing on the original seceders from Mohammed, nothing is neglected, Rise up 01111 rot -i eoleny a brand-new system or taws, and they have brought their relic safe- low me" carried out from top to bottom by ly through all their wanderings until ' 1 did what he c rmniended, and he I English officials, they take the cus- they settled in this strange place, led me through, the door of the hut. ternary law of the country, cut away where the desert protects them from The guards baa either been with- all the cruel and unjust provisions, their enemies," . : drawn, or Coring bed arrateged mat -i and "And the ear?" I asked, almost in_ tee's witli them. We passed timbale! PATCH IT UP voluntarily. longed through' the town and across Lhe sand lain, with some simplelaws of tbe Moll- y p er CounCry. Special administrators ars the most disorderly citizens a Onae more I heard the roar or the , State can possess -thee is to say, the are appointed to draw up the new code sea, and saw the Meg white line. of possible thosegold, silver, and diamond miners, who i posed to radical and revolutionary them, Generally a country is first; really populated by agriculturists. Later on they discover coal and iron and then it becomes industrial. But instead of it being an agrioul- tural country, it may be a mining country from the beginning, as some parts of Australasia and South Af-'I rice, Then the governing authority has a pretty hard time, for miners "'0h, that was the same story over again. Some of the tribe wandered • away to the south a few hundred years ago, and one of them, wishing to have goud luck for the enterprise, got into the temple at night and carried off one of the ears. There has been a tradition among the neg1oes ever since that the ear would come back some day. The fellow who carried it was caught by some slaver, no doubt, and that was how it got into America, so into your hands -and you have had the honor of fulfilling the prophecy." He paused for a few minutes, rest- ing his head upon his hands, waiting apparently for .me to speak When the surge. Two figures were stead - o[ lotus Englishmen -if posai a arranging the appointed us magtstt'.ates, and the thtngs are discovered: . gear of a small beat- They were the Finally, a gradual change in two sailors who bad been with us un I natives are trained to sat as police. I Curiously, these, no matter how save government takes place. Until the voyage. "Sete hi,m safely through age and ignorant they may have been, people are the surf," sued Goring. 'The two wen FAIRLY EDUCA'CED sprung in and pashas Me pulling ane' quickly fall into the spirit of their • , rn after tkean. With mainsail and 'ib profession, and, make first-rate "cop- and reduced to obedience to the the governor remains king, ane more• rye ran out from the land and passed Pers," peel and throw them atewpan of boiling water, set them over the fire and let them remain un- til quite clear, then take them out quickly and lay them between two cloths to dry. Boil some vinegar with the ginger and whole pepper, and when cold pour it over the onions in glass jars, and rte them closely over. Celery With Sauoe.-Cook celery roots in stock until tender. Make a sauce with a piece of butter, flour, a little salt and pepper and when boil- ed five minutes pour it on the yolk of an egg. Stir well and put In the who have lived in the country -aro rush to countries where these precious I celery, ing upon the shore the the law, safely over the bar, .Then my two l.ben, the education of the children than king. B L s th rttropa'u)ans tvithuul a word of fare - bus to be thought of, Schools are u a e community develops it well sprung overboard, and I sate built, teachers are employed, text- is given a voice in its own affairs. their heads like black dots on .the books, are imported, and, as a rule, Some of its most prominent members •f th "• the uative children come for instruc- are selected to form a council, which assists and advises the governor. And, lastly, they get a regular Parliament, which is cleated by the people, and rules the country as the people desire, But the governor still remains al a cheek, etee have gov- ernors in Australia, Canada, the Cape, and in our other Colonies which pos- sess a Parliament. lie has a cer- tain amount of power, but practically the people in these casco rule them-' selves. --�- - ' DIFFERENCE IN THE EYES. People ere right or left eyed just ate they are right and left handed, and, just as the right. hand is usu- ally the more powerful, so is the right eye. Only one person in ten is'1eft- sightod. It Is very pruhable that the vise of weapons during, countless ages hats had sotnetheng to do "with the extra power of the, rigbl eye. MODEST LITTLE WISH, Young Wife -I whit I were a moth, Young Rlusband-Why1 Young Wife- Se I could get into a•nite aam• as 013 - tion readily enough. Churches aro he looked up again, the whole expres-' beck to the aho.e, white I scudded 810n of his face had changed. His tea- i away tato the Meekness of the night built everywhere, of course. Banks tumors were firm and set, end he I Looking batik, I caught my • last are "posed et a very early stege ; ee changed the air of 'half levity with ' glimpse ori, Goring. He wag sias'Iiug arc- post-u[fices, r,ust0m-houses, and ry 'rb lie had s open before for ane o other utile) departments, They, are l p , upon tan summit of nsand-hill, and i ""�� •R roeit'�"'_, - ' "h`" ' very different from the Bank oP Eng sternness and almostLe t y the ri�il�g moon Lehina'hrm threw his land and the .Govornmrvt offices at "I wish you to carry a message gaunt, angular figure into hard relief. • back," he said, "to Lhe white raee, the 110 was waving his arms frantically home, and the employees bu.ve a rath- great dominating race wheal 1 halm 10 and) fro; it may have been, eo en- er cosy liras. Stlil, they have to be and defy. Tell them that L have bat- courage me on, my mese but the gas- Lhore' tened on their blood for twenty years, tures seemed to me at the time to be Vet'Y soon the targe towns are 015- thnt I have slain them until even I I threatening ones, end. I leave often ited by those energetic business men became tired of what had ones been a thought that it wad morin likely that who roum all over the world in quest joy, that I did I.bie unnoticed and un- his old, savage intinot bad returned of profitable investments. These suspected in the face of every preemie when he realized that I was out 00 his construct tramways of Ile most, im- 1 0ll wbi+hthair eivilizal'o rid Id sag- power. gam that n int,ma.y, it tv s tt Cit•eveytl rand up-to-date pattern. Often ,,e,e,.• is -ea. ee...,a .. rr, . ,� .r,.xam. •, .,.'i s e+•sow,v�• „ ¢�..0-. gest. . There is'5id sates action to last. that I ever saw ter ever scall see indeed, o'er newest possess • ions are bele revenge when your 0718my does not of Setrtimus Goring. know whet has struelc,him. Tem notelecial to no need for me too dwell' Tavi'ry, i'iiorre, Cn have you as a nPau� my soh'a"y voyage. t ster.rd ter off in this respecl than our own English towns. They also START ELECTRIC LIGHT messenger, There is no need why I as well 0s I could for the eapartcs, and gas works, find out a good source should loll you how lhte great hate be-ltt was picked up up1al the fifth day, of water supply, and lay down mutes enmo born in me. See this," and lie 1)3 the Evil -jell and Afrive n Sleaze and service pipes. A muninipal body held tip his mutilated hand; "that Navigation Company's boot ',men- is quickly elaeted, eomd capable was done by 0 while man's knife. Myroam." Lelopportunity m0 take this o) p or•i.unit • man is put in charge of the affairst bather was white, my mother was a of tendering my sincerest thanks I.1 , managed by our vestries and aonnty Leave. When he died she was sold again, and I, u child then, saw her Captain Stornoway anti his officers councils. for the groat kindness which they' 01 course, the ways and means of goule new, clothes, e m rkab a Cures of Oy the Use of Or. Chase's Ointment, the Only Positive, Thorough aiad Guaranteed Cure for Every Form of Pies. 1f there is one single Feeder of thls paper who is at all'ekepticul regarding the value of Dr. Chase's Ointment es a pure for any kind of piles, the follow- ing statements by we'1•known business men of Western Ontario should be suf_ fieient to oonvinoe him tbat bis un- belief has no foundation. The only better ormore donvincing evidence you eau possibly get is to be ;had by a personal trial of this marvel- lous cure, By using Dr. Chase's Oint- ment regularly you are certain to be cured of this dreadfully annoying af- fliction, and will be just as euthusins- ,tic as thousands of others in praising this ointment, the only actual and absolute cure for piles. Here is the evidence. Weigh it care. ,fully and if a sufferer, as these mon. .have been, profit by their experience, *blob they Have related for the belie - !fit of just such persons, You need not .suffer for fifteen years, or even for Laren years, as these men have done, In a week or two you can be thorough- ly 1 rermancntly eared by using Dr. ,se':' Cie -Entente Mr, George Tltempsote, a leading merchant of Blenheim Ont., states;- "l was troubled with itching piles for fifteen years, and et times they were eo bad I could scarcely walk. I tried a great many remedies, but never found anything like Dr. Chase's Oint- ment, "Alter the third application I oh - twined relief, and was completely cur- ed( by using one box." Mr. A: Hayes, .Brigden, Ont., says: "I have been troubled with blind and bleeding piles for twenty years; tried everything T heard of, and got treat- ment from beet physicians, but noth- ing did me any good. Sent to Now York for medicines, but they did mo no good. I was advised to try Dr. Chase's Oinfmont; I got it box and usad it, and never leave been troubled estate., tout that in three years ago, It hes nee rt a great boon 10 1110." Mr, C. He moiler, of Bartle, Ont., Pose of courl.esy, stales: " For three }'ears 1 was a vice I The energetic man Is he who worke Ma of itching and heeding piles, and When'he is fired. tried nearly everything, never obtain- M mere then slight temporary re- , 1P11e ampLy wagon goes fastest and lief. A druggist i•eeemmendrd Dr. en Woe most. Chase's Ointment, and less than one Matey troubles are bubbles drat box completely cured me The itching burst if WO huh touch them. mopped al. oneo, Ibe bleeding soon 1 11 is usuallysafe to snpsoot.Otho quit, and T have never mince !teen troy- 1 nein1v9to is sspimious of "ohors. bind with piles." I x1' wine man thinks 1wi00 before he speaks, and then he (loose t. Good fortune sometimes 0011104 to 4135 Oa in 11 very shabby looking c41'- 01140, NRI UNCLE SAM IS AT. ITEMS QP INTEREST ABOUT 7'111 BUSY YANKEE.. Neighborly interest in His Dolege-Mottos of Moment and Hirth (tethered from Hl. Dally Record. - Seven` counties In Western New York received' neatly $0,000,000 for their apple crop, In tbe Klondike region in midwine for the sun rises at 9,30 and sets from 2 to 3' P•m, ' J, W. Ohugc]iilt, D,D. Bartlet Prof- essor of Sacred Rheatoric and Professor of Illocution at Andover Seminary Mame, is dead, The exports of wheat tbis month have been 5,733,061 bushels, flour In- cluded, against 5,968,419 last . year, partly making up the decline in March', The scarcity of pigs iron has neeessi- tated a s spene1011 of operations at , the mills of the Burden Iron Company at Troy, NX , and the factories are closed. The fund to a Boston monument to Richard Hovel, the poet, has reached proportions suffictenl to guarantee the beginning of actual work upon the peojeot. The Navy Department at Washing ton has signed a contract with .the Holland Submarine . Torpedo Boat Company for the addition of some of their boatel to the navy. In the last thirty years the world's output of iron has more than trebled, and now exceeds 40,000,000 tons a year, of which the United Statospro- duced very nearly a third. Between three and four Chouennd horses for the use of the British fav airy, dragoons, mounted infantry and artillery are being purchased in the United States by the• War Office. In addition to the national military parks, at Gettysburg, Chickamauga, Antietam, Shilo, and Vicksburg, others are proposed at Stone River, around Frederiokeburg, and at At- lanta, The will of the late Jacob Justice, Philadelphia, bequeathes about 860,000 for establishing a dispensary at Mount Pleasant, Pa., for the fres use and benefit of sick and disabled poor 1persons, S, Robinson, a Boston policeman, has left a fortune of 553,000, of which 440,000, is to go to the town of Gil - maintaining N.H., and the income to be expended exclusively in building and maintaining good roads about the piece. , Mayor Carter Harrison, of Chicago, tells as true a story to the effect that he recently received from New York o letter enclosing a two -cent stamp with a request that a copy of the Chicago directory be sent to the writer by return mail. It is asserted in San Francisco that in 94 months over 100,000 Chinese, have been landed, and of these al least 100 a month have been admilted on the ground tbat they were born in that Slate, which fact entitles them to the rights of citizenship. For the nine menthe of the fiscal year the exports reached 83,053,832,- 675, an increase of 8105,899,720 over lest. year. The imports • of dutiable merchandise increased 876,148,067, The imports of gold decreased 846,470,- 378, and the exports 412,589,965. A statement of the NewYork debt up to Meech 1st shows that the ,gross funded debt is 5964,596,066, lass 5100,- 308,732 held by the sinking fund mom. mission, for the redemption of bonds, leaving the funded debt 8258,287,- 334. The temporary debt is 52,960,1100, Miss docile A. Wanous, of Minnea. polis, Minn„ was eleetod tbird vice- president of the American Pharma- ceutiea iAssociaLion at its last annual meeting in ba1'limoi•e the first time in the history of the association that a. woman has been given an office. Mise Wanous is the proprietor of a phar- macy in Minneapolis which hi con- ducted on thoraughly business -like principles. She is the most noted wo- man pharmacist in this country. Mr. Clark Woods, of Firlhville, near Boston, has resigned his position as sexton and clerk of the church, after sixty-three years' service. He sus needed his father in the officeand was appointed in 1836 and he is now succeeded by his nephew. His house is two miles from the church, and during the period of hie service, he vulked this distance every Sunday, a total of over 13,000 miles, not includ- ing attendances at funerals, mar- retges add special services. RAM'S HORN WRT1'710f.ES'. The little vices a're our, moral bac- teria. Prooraseivation is a virtue when im- plied to anger. Friendship gives no liceneo to die - Die CCltnse's Ointment is sold et 60 cents a box, or by mail, postpaid, on receipt 01 pries, by Etlmenson, Hates & Ca.