HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-5-31, Page 5i114 13it1ji8SEILS .P.O$T • F"..5 CARUSt `" to •�1 BUS] neSS Min Teen IYieCallum and Jamas 3'as,, assisted by loom talent, The opera ieterial labors here on Sabbath, June 17, Mr. Larkin has been of First Pres. hose, the direetore Belle, ^! ' 'r '+ end atuong are tot' Ogilvie and light. Biokerailce, JY1, P, P., Montreal, and gall, 0, E. reliter, Of °ttawa. The company acts as agents for exporters from Europe to Canada and for exporters from Canada to.,•�-• Europe; also for British investors in Canada, It hae bean in existence for 8 _ _. �!•� • �•'! `*S ^ E4,-4-i*`5*•• •' a. ., ,i C .S- . /�// �,( �[ /�% /�� I f/ C I� \ ,/ Y Y o/ M & r� ,••y•-, - 33.1...1' .1,'R. t'I i r1+v N� •4 'O LOAN b' 5 PER cont. P. 8, SCOTT, 131•tisso1a, }. T (li�U-tl!& Listowel College e. Ilene was orowded, Wipgbatn °Maene oRneider this to be the moat 8uoaeaafal oolebration ever eondnoted In North pastor byteriun ohurob, Chatham, for over ten years, and the congregation hag prosper. ed in an unusual degree under hie minis. it MOQEAQKEN— • Iiut'cn. trations and le now • one of the largest and the district, y r • Teener of Marriage Lteeusaq,, pt. on at Orooery,'4urubsrry street, 13rueoe1a. 0QUAt^ 7'O ANY IN ONTARIO, A thorough, complete and praotipal train. ® Otar ilea, Hewlett tewnehip Council voted $26 00 most progressiveiu and and Imo one of the moat complete and handsome ohurob edifices in Western years and baa had a very aueonatal ^^ --- --• --- --- - •• - , �riy.ry � ��� t. , 1, career. THIS �' / WEEK-' 7� N. BARRETT- L L• TonaOrlalAxtlat, Shop -Z nXG QooC North n the cutting spec Ladles' mud Ohildr°n's hair cutting a specialty, ing in all branvhes of 0ommerciat work, atoopeiderably less than regular rotas. For full information apply Ecinma or college over I'ca4u111i to the Ottawa,Hull fire sufferers, The road t grader is being sant for weelr to eaoil Of the divieiopa of Bostick township, Thle le a good way tp improve Ontario, outside of the loess cities, The Oqn ra t g K Ka ton here give MC. Laristp a str end of 81,400 a e_ P year and a free'man�e the same as be ie now receiving in Chat- M N Y TO - LOA At Per Cent, �°/ 2 COStS of Loan VeryReasonable. Liberal Terms of Re. -payment. G. F. QLA/R, SOLIOPI'O1f, ,ka. Office over Standard. Bank, Brussels. ■ / l� - er I We make no commenter, but lot the goode and prices t a cele Por themselves, and they do soma loud talking. LISTEN ! +' P [f• Lane Certain], 2 Conan, 8 yards t'i1� l �' yards long, at 190 and 27o ; Lan ds long, long, at 600 and 750 ; Nottingham Laoe Curtains, 8} yards long, 54 iuohee 1, wide, nary, Notterns itis a rattler at 31; Fanny L`laune)ettee, at old prioea, So, 7a, 80, and 12so ; Slron Tweeds for boys' suits at 2Gq, 800 350 end Ir31 400; Grey Cotton, yard wide, only half n bale left, at 3 0 ; White Cotton, l I 87 tones wide, worth 8o for 80 ; New vrinte 84 inebee lust Ht Go ; a special line of Prints feat oolare; worth loowfQde7 hileSo 1 Qh �, P Gingliams, in !anoy°hepks and stripe, 124o, 16o and 200 f White and (.5' colored Piques, very speojal, 100, 12do, 16o, 202 and 25o; Fancy Organdies iT in new designs at 12 0, 200 and 250 ; 6 of Muelfae, large and email spots, 80, 10e, 124o and 15o ; All•over Laces, n blank and white, at 66o and 760 ; IL,' Black and Colored Satan, at 2So and 80a ; Black Sateen, for dresses and I shirt waists, 103, 124o and 160 ; Ladies' Shirt Waists, in white and color- t,..I I ed, 50o, 75a, $1 and $1.25 ; Boye' Sweaters, navy and oardinal, 50e and tel 76o , Men's atd Printed Haodkerohiefe, epeaial So ; Men'e Suspsndera, I, I madeIl20e, for as ; Men's Plow Sboee, extension solea, special r , $1 S0 ; Men's Plow Sboee, 90 $1 and $1.26 ; The W)Iliams' Patent 4 d-tai i Juetable. Shoos, at $1.65 an(190:2, $., ; Ladtea Fine Oxfords, at.760, $1, $1.,25 fir( and $2 ; Ladies' Dongola Shoes, buttoned or laced, epeoial $1,25 ; Boye' I Standard Shoes, at $1, $1,25 and $1,50 ; Children's Shoes in endless ver - iety, Z'1AIiA2S FOR SALE --THE UN. .1, annstonTIRllaeanneal good Farina for L. HARTT the roads and should be an chisel lasso¢ to other townships, ham. Mr- Larkin lea yeung man, an able preaoher and en enthusiaetle, earn- eat worker, and will, we believe, prove to Bal° and to rout, easy tormo, in Townahipo of Morrie and. Grey, IT S. HOOTT,Bruseela L18'PUW17L, PRINCIPAL, - Yi'ox tlwlah,R be the right man In the right place here, i He gyp, M. 7[� + (� IRizt tilt itiu$, Wm, MnUcad, who has been stud in medicine at the Toronto Univereit yap'. will receive a warm weipome from the people of (9naforth. :MORRISONi Issuer Marriage L1Ce11seSf • rived home for hie Summer vacation, The Royal Tem g y piss intend u a - L. iwrowtil. of WAL•TON, ONT, li i s, rill. Wm. Crawford has returned ;union Lawn Socia( sometime in the future, near to and a committee has been appointed to ar make arrangers John Livinfet0ne, dra isb is around gK , again after being oonticed to his house for eeveral days with an stink of leen• f MISS JEAN M LAUCHLI+.4 .-TEACHER oF- - AND - ORGAN, PIANOla 2oRro sSaT.,+OZTT from St, Catharines • Binpfre Day was loyally observed by the children and teaohere of Blyth eohool, R. Douglas, who has been ill with grippe for eeveral weeks, is gradually reaovermg, ahte. James angeeand Thoa, Downs Mee. dames James Loree and Alex. Wyneee, and MYliea 0. JO beton attended the Die. •R. triot meeting of the Royal Tamplar] in H¢rriaton, The early caning movement in the bare Roy Hooking hae returned home from Toronto Ueiversiby for the Sommer ea. cation, having completed hie third year nurse in medicine. Chas. Selwood, traveller, has sold hie Takerman R 0 SE R T .0 U N N I N G H A M • INeuueNaD, FIRE AND MARINE, Iaeao Brown oommenced the stone. work for the new union blook Monday inning 21st nit, He hae a large staff at work and everything is rushing. - village hae fallen through, one 00 two of the signere of the agreement having fall. ed to keep lb, and the bueineee places will be open to irregular horre as heretofore. John R. Mre. MaLauohlin, 'brio i reeidenee on street East to Jae. Ronald, the prioe being, we under. stand, $1,100. Mr, Selwood'e family in. tend removing to Toronto. Dr. W. M. Bran hae Bold his dental GUELPH. Blue -vale. for last and who have been reeidenta of this villege end the tow¢ehip for many years, left 00 praotioe in town to Dr. W. A. McDowell, who has recently graduated from the On• SpectaclesMa/1\1'11'0N i I Co �L T 3 �i J ry r (yp1� MISS SARAH LOUISR MOORS, L. O. M„ Academie graduate iof London Conserve- tory of 8lasio,also Member of the Aosoalated Linoleum! of Ontario, is prepared to receive a limited 'lumber of pupils. for instruction on Lheplano, Q09115e to prepare pupilglor the PrinoipaPo Form iu the conservatory of Muefo, Brussels, Ontario. Untended week.] Mre. Pu h and Chester visited in Brne• K sole last week. John Hardy, of Culroeo, lvae viefting at Rotberford'e last week, lure, Fred. Mo0raohen, of Brussels, is visiting at Jno. Gardiner's. PA lee Jemima Jauleeou, of Fordwioh, is visiting at at Lizzie G. Qae, of M Mise Lizzie McKee, of Molesworth, is adwy where the of lent weep for their toba, lonthey intend making their home. On Sunday Itov. J. W. Goflla, COngre• gational church minister of WIngtiam, oo0u ied the pulpit in the Methodie, p p p church here both morningand evening, whale Rev, Mr, Hoskin g preached in Wingham, tario Dental College, Dr. McDowell is well known here, having been born and brought up in town. He will make a worthy enamor to Dr. Brace, and we y join with his many friends in wishing him 8000808 in the well eetabliebed nal. nese which be is about to take over. It is also reported that Dr. Brace hae dia. five vers, a on Penelope pY need of J. street to J. S. Meyers, and will shortly T� � '� G �� ry � .GSI _ ` - •,.® - } y`•,` , .r ,LOSTOPPORTUNITES . , . NEVER RETURN. -OF ALL KINDS- LEX. 'HUNTER— A Clerk of the Fourth Division court, Oo. Huron; Oooveyaucer, Notary Piddle, Land,Loan(and .insurunce Agent ; Auction•y eor. Funds invested and to:loan. Ootlea- tions made. Moe In e-raham's'B1ook,Brus- Eels. vieitiug at Geo. McDonald's, ' 3n°. Jno• and Mre, McIntosh, of Molesworth, spent Sunday at Thos, Coulters, Mre. Garry Roy and son, of Stratford, are visiting relatives in Bluevele. Rev. Mr. Ballantyne, of Moles North, and Rev. Mr. Weer, exchanged pulpits Int Sabbath, vv roxe ice -7,- Some boys in town have a bad bac. of teasing quiet iaoffeneive citizens. The naw bailer and engine for the Electric light plant arrived last week.: A. Paulin has purohaeed the house Alex, Smith, at the ala nornere remove to Toronto, The annual Dietriot meeting, Strat• ford Dietriot, Methodist abnrah, was held here on Tuesday and Wednesday y of last week. Be,. 'H. A. Grakiam uvea elected Journal secretary. The follow- ing special oases were recommended to the epeoial consideration of the Conti Fitted to Correct all Failures of Eyesight, Sander �•°'W'11�®. and Eyes tested FREE by "Probe." Wash• ing Naehiaesr AUCTIONEERS. T3e1;;-rave. DIeteT¢Oae FIRE. -John Shiell, of Euot for $200 G. Spotton moved bio household effects to oacntle iedlouse 014.on Queen Barnard. St„ recently by n- gent Fund :-Rev. Wm. MoDonagh medi• oal'expenses 5108.00 ; Rev. J. A. Jack- son, medmalexpenses, 526, funeral ex- your say twine will advance latest Optical methods at in price. Prudent people are placing r "Plymouth _ In: ISIOn Court Office eau stheir it sap erdere cLaborTwine andna r Money. BRUSSELS, •was See them. They are Perfect. S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION• ' • ten, will eel for better prices, to better men, is lase time and lees obnrge8 than any other Auotiouaerin Fast Huron or cion an always bog arranged at this off,Hs and orders or by Personal application. Wawanoeh, met with a heavy lose on Saturday, May 19th, by the deetruotion of hie barn and contents by fire, How the Ore originated ie a m yetery. The ohildren playingort was gnt witht it was matches, but we are informed that thie ie untrue. So Par aa we can ascertain,are - T. Hemphill Sc Son, oatmeal millers, are al it. a large shipment of- oatmeal direst to aBall and Glasgow, Scotlandt Iaf firm, James Ball and W. Muir left Wedaea• day morning of lust week, for Novae, Bete molMuskoka, to engage in tbe.arection of a saw mot. pensee, 556. Bros. Conway and Farrell were recommended to be sent to college. It recommended that Rev. J. Ken nor be restored to the active work era. (or hiidinm. Rev. Roblecan be secured A. Pear was elected to the Stationing Committee. Rev. H. A. Binder Covers r -Pure The standard. Bank $3.00. Tho material eloae would cost more at present prices• of Canada. Ball BearingChurns. Prepared Pa��.t 85a. per quart. New shades of color, Floor Paints, dry in 8'honre. Every can of Paint guaranteed. DENTISTRY nger e1lvwaseaaota low.: me, and was delayed byanaccident to hie harness, which almost y an nad hie horse to ran Frinmpal Spotton, goes to Wingham fie one of the presiding examiners for the Entrance examinations on 271h, 28th and School Committeend anRev. G. B. Andrews end layman Heal, Epworth League Oom- minae ; Rev. G. H. Thompson and lay. IVIoney Orders Oar stook, bought before the For amoupbe of Fifty Dollars and under Now advaie the ce in cmc to get 000. will s0012 be sold out. issued by this Bank, payable at par at any aharter]d Bank in •Canada, with the exception of Branohee in the Talton Die- BICYCLE'S *riot. RATG p ; bicycle i$ the Haogerp The only perfect Fauber Hang - Under $10hanger is the "One• en City er. Dominion, Garden City and Peden $10 to 20 . . . 0.10 are equipped with the Perfeot Hanger. 20 to 80 0.12 Lamm Movrors Se our 16 in, out for $4.00. Our present stook only to be sold at these low prices. Harvest JOLarve is (j Tools Purchased before the advance in price. Come and share the profits. F. W. TWEDDLE, (aoauclx,Y OF ENTTBT,Aoama) Graduate of 10, 0, D e., Toronto ;Post Grad - nuts Burse at Hsake]'s School, Chicago, in crown and bridgework. M-Prioes same as in surrounding towns. 21 OflloeoverA,R,smith'sstore,Brussels,RATE'S awe The bar of his29th y.baggy was broken and be did notreach home until hie baro woe in ashes. The fire oconrred about o'clock ; the hired map was wonting around around the barn,•and seeingerooke, began to fight the fire. He wept into the silo, could but thethat hey fire oproadrea againr, scale dropped to the bottom and kicking of some boarde,, of June, Alex. Gikeov, John Harris, John Doug. hexeAattended 1pthad Reform John at convennard tion held at Brussels on Wedneanay of last weak. A verhandeame and cab denial wire fence has been erected around the Pres. h here A bee sdima and me Fund Com- may Barrett, Carson, mutes ; J. E. Carson, Annual Conference Missionary committee and T. D. Stan. ley alternate. J. Ferguson, B. B. Stein- boll, R. H, Boort, A. H. Loft, H. L. Rio°, A. Burrett, R. Robb, J. E. Carson, Thos. RoMabb, Jiro. Ward, O. eW. White, H Grier, B. McKay, R. W. Young, Denzil Faoey, VETERINARY. thende horses out butagot out. He uooeeded in quantity ofthay, 900 boreele of wheat, at, largea quantity of other busby a verylaterian amount of work, post poet holesetting the wire was qa okl� done. The fence hae been painted a very$0.08 j yBdelegatee to the Arown and T. D. nnual Conferencewere . T D. WARWICK— forty flee pigs, tuan calves, hoer grainD. neem, and other property were all destroy. dark green, and adds materially to the appearance of the premises. Goderich. $0 to 0 0.14 i�.4 J, N. GORDON, Agent, iiialSsELS e Q IllicCoe v S tJ•Honor Graduate of the Ontario Vet- winery college, is prepared to trent all die- eases of domes a rtedite animals tin a 2ompot- ent manner. Particular attention paid to Veterinary Dentistry, OaBe promptly at- tended to. Office and Infirmary -Four doors North of bridge, Turnberry et., Brueels. ed. There 1s au inenranoe of $1,500, but 1YIr. Shiell reckons that hie lose will;not be lees than 51,000 above the insurance. He will begin at once preparations for re building. _ 1D-Cwoott. M, Corrie nipped a oar of flour to pP Montreal last weep. A new aemeot floor will be put in the Agrioultural Hall here. Jno, Mitchell shipped three oars of maple bloake to Liverpool, England. The Point Farm ie alreadybeing Ce painted and fixed up for the coming sea. 000. The Weet Huron Teanhere' Association iUggy - ;� The well known firm of Poor Millionaire. Samuel Bkalitzky has secured a ailua• met here last week, on Friday and Satar• LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. .1 Lately starved in London because he could not digest hie food. Eariy nee of Dr. King's New Life Pills have tion in a general store in Walkerton. C. H. Holmes has got men to work excavating the cellar for his new store, day. collegiate Institute and the central Empire Day was celebrated at theiimij - 1 Season E �iA 811NNES VM. SINCLAIR-• • Barrister, Solicitor,'conveyanaer, Notary Public, ,ka. Offioe-6 tewart'e I31ook 1 door North of Central Hotel., Solicitor for the Standard Bank.yeveuing, would caved him, They strengthen the atom• aoh, aid digestion, promote assimilation, im rove appetite. Prise 25a at G. A. p. a pP Deadman's drag store. which he 990908°B creating this Sommer, O. H. ie a plucky fellow, end his enter• prise is to be commended. Mr. Wilson, a negro, of Dresden, gave a lecture in the Hall Tuesday on eohool Tho GOderioh Organ Go. made three shipments of organa to the Mother land last week. The bricklayers are at work on the " R Skate grinding attended to �� with neatness and dispatch. ;,y' I also Sharpen Horse Clippers, Sote Me- CARRIAGE MAKERS, are to the front with a "Slavery Days." The speaker was for reeidenee for Mre. W. A. Rhyne, on St. F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, Ge Sonoitor, eco. Office over Stand- nd Bank. to Loran fie5 r V1llageaf Brunch. ..., Witr�lribrn• Mr. Day, of Wingham, has purchased the MaLean Livery and bus business of - Walkerton. twentya years a slave, so could speak trona experience: It was quite interest. ing. He was accompanied by his wife and child. There were about sixty David street. Mre. Colin Campbell attended an ea• eoutive meeting of the Grand Co¢noil of Ontario, R. T. of T., in Toronto last sore, bread knives and other edged tools Large Well Select- in ap-to•date style. a9� Vl/ .4 9 Saw Gumming and Filing attended ed and d 'enZ k'inished to in a Workmanlike manner. Satie. LL 6LA,Ld6 ai faotion assured. FRED. ADAMS,STOCK OF,........ Shopon Mill Street BRUSSELS. Buggies, Wagons, Road Carts, Etc., G. CAMERON— M• (Formerly of Cameron, Holt ,¢ Cameron) Barrister and1 Camitoc, 0011 ' Out. Of�oe-Hamilton street, opposite col- borne Hotel. The Union factory is running over. time for a couple of weeks on account of the rush of orders. Dr. Roes hae disposed of his dentistry bueineea to Dr. Jerome, the former pro- prietor, and Dr. Holloway, of Clinton. people present, A, W. Brandeoberger bas built a aide- walk from G. T. Be traok to his hotel, an improvement that will be appreciated by many. -Adam Berlet and Dr. Kidd have eaoh had tasty fences put up in front of week. N. D. Rongvie has presented Huron lodge No. 92, I. 0. 0. F., with a Cana- diem flag 12 feet by 6 feet, and the same flew from the hall on the 24th. The annual meeting of the West Huron MEDICAL CARDS. Dr. Jerome was long connected with the business and is an old resident of town. It is definitely settled that an exons• their respective propertiee, and Joseph Molloy a new platform in front of hie store. Reform Association for the election of officersgaed other basiae, will be held at Dungannon on Friday,June let, at 1 ���{ �1 i1\? cLE OD y S that they are seining at CLOSE rices. Already p they yrs Y1 !� y y� have disposed of many Buggies and the Prospects are good. System nonovato `J Call at our Show Roomsand see for yourself, —AND OT88a— TESTED REMEDIES f3�7eela1 attention jivem to Repairs, Re ai72ti72� Z'TW72772b72s SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE p y 3 , �C , t i , ssel • For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Ewan �T limes Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleepleeenese, Palpita. VV i�. Vee! YJLl.�1J' .L LLIJ .1 Brussels. tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neur- algia, Lose of Memory, Brouohitie, Con • ® E. T. SNIDER, M. D„ C. DLO Licentiate of Royal 0011018 of Phy°ici 01- and sur hone, Kingston ; of of the ()pi- lege 01P ysioiaua and Surgeons of Ontario. llage Diseases of Women and 0hlldren especial. ty. Nino years' experience. odtoe and res- iaouce, opposite 9nglieh;ehurnh, Bruaeelss. cion will run to the Forks of the Credit by Minerva Encampment No. 47, I. 0. 0. F., Wingham. The date is Friday, June 15th, and the fare from Wingham for the round tripwill be 5125• Resent. Carr have disposed of their business to .Thos. Blagk and Wm. Drum. mond, who are now in posaeseion. A. I3. Carr expecte to leave for the Soo at an Mrs. J. W. MCBain and Mrs. J. A. Turnbull were at Bewdley, Northumber• land Co„ attending the golden wedding of Mr, and Mrs. Benson, Mre. Benson bein their eieter. Mr, and Mre, Benson g were fifty years married on Wedneeday, 16th May. The event was fittingly oom• memorated. The wedding cake was deo- orated with gold lineal, surmounted by o'olook. R. b. Williams presented the junior classes of the three ward schools with miniature flags, so that the little ones wore thempinned to their breasts on Empire Day. During the past week eeveral more doge have died, supposedly of poison. An effort is being made to have the J. A. M'NAUGHTON, Ili D., C. DI., Trloltyitnivereity,rellow Trinity Medial oflthe Royal and Surg oLiicentiiatof early date, and Free, leaves this week to join his family ' in Woodstock. The official meeting of Wingham Metb• odiet church was held on Thursday even- int+, May 17th. The offering eooretury, two Union Jacks, with the respective dates of 1850.1900 on them. They were the recipient of many beautiful and costly gifts in token of the memorable event. - •oonnnil offer a reward of not lees than 5100 for the discovery of the poisoner. Some of the doge around town are now Wearing wire muzzles as aproteotion from the arta of the poisoning fiend. The doge one Onti lee of Physicians and Licentiate of Mid- watery Edtabin•gh, r-o-Telophone No.14, Residence-Mel street, Brussels, H, Park, presented a moat encouraging report. The pastor's salary of 51,000 wag reported paid in full aud'a balance Astounded The Editor. Editor 0, A. Brown, of Bennettsville, S. C., was once immensely surprised. don't understand the utility of the con- trivanae and in some Mee have decided objections to wearing it. and UrinarGall Kidney Disea es, fit. V tug' Dance, Female Irregularitiee and General De.More bility. ' DR. V1rMs L. IIDf MCS, annotate, 901%0E001 AND t000to0110n (annotator to Dr.t', 0. IR¢1bileleop) AL, D. Bellevue Hospital •Med, Gm., New York ; &I D 0 Al Viotor[a Dufveraity,Toren- to ; Member of the College of Physicians and Burgeons of Ontario. snaclalnttantiou paid to piioeaeee of women, nye, ear, none aux throat. 1041 membershipon hand. e as follows aator reported the the roll July let 1899, 289 ; added during the a .down. year by letter 42, an trial,. 80-total,l 8. removals, 24 ; died during the year, 9 ; dropped,- 1. Total 417 lees removals and detaihe, 28, leaving present membership , 380, or net increase of 100. The San- day eohool report showed 32 officers and teachers, 906 pupils, average a;ttendanoe 190, raised by the eohool 5128.35. The "ice, Through long euffering from dyspepsia," he writes , "mv wife was greatly run strength or atom and She had n0 an from suffered great distress from her stomach, but an tried Electric Bitters whioh 1'nlped her at once, and after •using.fo0r bottles, she is entirely well and eau eat anything. It's a rood tonin, and its g gentle laxative qualities are splendid for for id liver •" For indigestion, Lose of eohool trustee boardThe seat of M. holson on has been be declnclic ed vacant on account of nonattendance as required by statute, and an election will be held to fill the vacancy. Mr. Nichol. son was one of the repreeentativee of St. George's ward. At the annual meeting of the Tennis Club the following ofiiaere were elected ;Having -Hon,•Pres„ J. T. Garrow ;vice, W. L. Elliot Ores., Dudley Holmes Vioe•Pree., LABORATORY, GODERICII, ONT. J. M' . MOLEOD, made a large addition to my Blacksmith Shop T am Prop. and Manafaotarer, in a betterposition than ever to attend to m Customers. y Sold by Jas, Pox, Druggist, trowels eQp4t,r�, D. F. SMITH, M. D. Epworth League is in a prooper000 con - dition Witte 74 members ;junior lengne 9G members ; money tnieed by. League apbetite, etomaob and Traver troubles it's a positive, guaranteed sure. Only 50o at`l G A DeSdmao's drug store. ; Miss Marian Sheppard ; Seo.•Treae , Ian Clark ; Executive Oom„ Mies Her• ton, Mre. Lay, E. Garrow. 1 �i��l ���w++ >� hand, All kinds On both for neW �V01'1[ 01' repairs, anti prices SHINGLESJ the lowest. Co egg Cradnato oP AIoGIll colloge, Aiont sal, ,, ke, Alt specialty work satialt,otorily treat- ad. Office upeta r° in the Stretton Wools. Moo hours, 0 to 12 a, in., and 7 to 10 p. m. 3peelall°twork,-ouch calor eye, ear, throat, ko,.idfrom 2 toat hie teeldenoe, Elieabeth ,Elmet, from 2 toe p m, 411 medloipas will fie dispensed personally by the Dr, or under Os climb supervision. $16711. OznanuATION,-Cu Thursday the fire. men condoned the most suooeeaful 24th of May celebration everheld in Wing, ham. The morning g lune flue and warm, Esoureionieto from North, South and Wet arrived in large numbers. At 1 o'clock the town was orowded. Atter din• nor a grand procession was formed at the etatorth• Wm. cline has returned from a visit to Chicago. •• Thursday, Jxcursi n the G. T.aR. will rnn a special excursion from SOnforIll to Niagara Palle, A little son of S. Hoboes had the mitt. fortune to fall on broken glass and out The Kiely house on North steet has been purohaeed by Dudley Holmes for the sum of $2,000. A. J. Maugor's prop - arty 0n Essex street, oomprieiag a bone and lot, has been purohaeed by A. Ego. n°r4 Inland Revenue officer, the price be- ing 5700. The residence at the corner ofti Wellington and g Quebec streets, lately owned and occupied by S. and Mre. TN all lines will b0 promptly at- British Columbia General Blacksmithin tended to as usual and satiefac- r a°� tion guaranteed. Red Cedar Shingles lab --- North Shore Horse Sheer I have made a specialty of g• this line for years, and if Pine and Cedar you have any horses that interfere, over -reach or troubled with bad feet,bringthem to me T FOR $ALE AT THE , will relieve or cure them in less three months or will make no charge. Brussels Planzn([rllsnitT nm re ]rod to supply the S Wagons & Buggies. p u l p y above at the very lowest Write ENTRA9 Te -day for . ICI t Our • ty � Catalogue y. l I I , r] ., ,Ni i _. . R u I l4 riders. Y , airle. Town Hall and mantled to the park, The following was the order :-Marehat, Robt. MoIndoo ; Goderioh band of 42 pieces ; Queen Victoria, little girls in decorated carriage; imitation of army ofitoers, mounted Infantry, detaobmente of Boers, artillery and Maxim guns, Red Cross Society amnia -non, IiinOnrdine band inoluding baseball clubs and bicycle On reaohipg the park the little Bang, "God eave the Queen,"Major hie hand severely. Mr. MoNabb, P. L, 8,, of Wingham, ie in town taking the levels for the new granolithio sidewalks along Main meet. Mies ]i. Johnson, trained nurea on the B111ialo State I3oepital, ie vfefting gar parente, Wm. and hire. Johnson of this Plate. At a meeting of the Presbytery of Chatham, held at Chatham on Monday Of last week, the gall extended to Rev, Megaw, hae been sold to Jae. A. Wilson for then= of $676, The narrative of the Huron Old Boys' Aesobiation, of Toronto, have decided to .gold their first annual exanraion to Goderioll, om Wednoedey, July 4th.than They are making arrangements with the Grand Trunk Railway far an exceedingly low fare on that day, and no doubt a large number of Huron's former sone will enjoy a grand day's outing on the shores tsroe i Also Doors and Sash of all Pat rices and best quality, either of m Own make on hand or made to order P tl Yr y Or from the Short Notice, largest Factories in the Dominion. Thankin m e Estimates Furnished for all g y, nun:tons ouetomere for their very liberal support in the kinds of Buildings. Workman, paet, and hoping by strict attention to business and eatletantory phase, ship and Material Guaranteed. to none a nontin¢anoe of the same. P. AM E NT. c i' i i i / AR r'f C'ail lea.,... ram I e•.:. l �S�' i"f e � U 1 �b ' f t danoing, Students are in attendance thie year ehildrev, ^om Canada, .United, State and New- landlavd. Our graduated are always eporte 000000fal in getting good eitnatione, baseball 'W. J. ELLIOTT. Termeina1.. Id Clegg gave an address of welcome, after whioh •a program of piping, 7llgbland singing and drilla by school nodal: the direction of Mies his Hottghton, wag given. The athletic) bytery, Were then run off, followed by a lee game between Winghaut and on Godericb, Wingham winning 17 to 10, date rho evening a eoneert was elven by end Mt. Larkin by the congregation of the I'fest •Presbyterian olturokt, Seaforbh, wt a nooepted by Mr. Larkin, any trenelatiOn was ordered by the Pres. The formal induction oexamen. will be held in the Seaforth Atwell the 14th or 15th of June, the exa0* to be fixed by the Huron Presbytery ttr. t.arlrin trill nnmmonne hie min, of old Lake Huron. It is anderetood that the band of the 48th Highlendere at wf11 accompany "the boys" on their trip, Monday of last week E. Heaton, barrister, of Goderiah, lett for Toronto to assume the position of manager tot Canada of the Eatopean Exporters' and Inveetcre' Assooiatian, The president of the new 001Oau0 le the ROO. G. NV- M p 7' N..a.F \ � a�•R � r