HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-5-31, Page 4,e Vat. t��L���$ rrtt• THURSDAY, M4 $1, x900, OUR OTTAWA LETTER, Ottawa, May 2$ l --Whether it the effeot of that atmosphere of eoandal and general political orookedneee in which the Tory party lived and moved andhad its being for many years prior to its foes of power er whether there is some other tease, it appears to be a faot that Hon. eervativee are Sever go happy as when they are mixed up in Soma kind of an ""savory trapaaotion, either engaged in it in their own interests or oon000ling one with which to discredit their oppon. encs. Each Session singe the present Government took office some Stupendous seneati0n has been carefully prepared for the deleotation of the public end paraded in Parliament, in the Press, or on the with allthe appropriate ao platform, . CPPriat p ocmpaniments of a brass band and fire Werke. At oee time it was the Drum. mond County Railway"deal" at another it was the Yukon "steal,' now it ie "hood- ling" in oonneetioa with the Inbsroolonial and now ',trafficking" in raining leases and liquor permits in the frozen North • but in every single instance and without even one exoeption, investigations have shown that there has been abeolately nothing in any way reprehensible in the polity of the Government or in the aotions of ire members or enbordinates, and in more than one ease those who Leve been most active in making the disturbance have been compelled to speoifioally retraot the °barges they have so reokleeely made. THE WEST HURON AFFAIR. We have this week instanced a portion. tarty glaring instance of this unfortunate failing. Twelve months ago last Febru- ary a bye election was held in West Huron and Robt. Holmes was elected as a Government supporter. By the middle of Maroh the Conservative party became possessed of a certain information upon whish they professed to believe that a deal of erookedne ee had contributed r b uted to 1 Mr. Holmes settees. It was nearly four months later however or within a month of an exceptionally long and wearisome eeesion before the matter was brought to the attention of the House in any way, shape or form. Then Mr. Borden, of Halifax, brought the matter np and de- manded an enquiry before the Committee on Privileges and Elections. Although this was the !seat satisfactory method of dealing with the oharges it appeared to be the only one available at that late date and the Government at once granted the request, and gave every facility to the Opposition to prosecute their inquiry, plaoing no limit on the money expended and summoning scores of witnesses at the request of the Opposition although events proved that it was money thrown away inasmuch as they'had no material evidence to give. SURELY THIS WAS SUFFICIENT to satisfy any reasonable man of the Government's anxiety to unearth and pettish any wrong -doing that might have occurred but they went farther and ton. eeoted to allow the matter to stand over until another mesion in case develop. mente might occur in the meantime. Again Parliament met bat it was weeks before anything was beard of the matter, and when it was again brought before the House i6 was done in enoh a way ae to make it a foregone (tonolesion that the Government would be compelled to refuse the demand for an inquiry. The Opposi- tion having by their own neglect, inten- tional or otherwise, lost all reasonable opportunity of having the matter die. posed of during the session demanded all kinds of special departures from the recognized modes of procedure, whioh the Government very properly dsolined to concede. Then all the new evidence they could produce, and snob evidenoe was understood to be a eine qua non of farther proceedings, was a number of EXTRAORDINARY AFFIDAVITS from an alleged agent of the Liberal party in the riding, a man who hoe been convicted of various offenoes, who was a self confessed liar and perjurer, and whose word under oath would not be ao- oepted in any court in the land. There was no attempt to offer corroboration of this man's affidavits but on the other band the Government had a soore of affidavits from well known and reputable Citizens in answer thereto. In spite of all this the Opposition with great show of sincerity demanded the continuance of the investigation, ignoring the fact that they bad neglected to have that investi- gation before the properly constituted law courts of the land although they were in possession of all the evidence they now profess to have, and it was most in. tereeting and edifying to notice the fine paroxysms of holy indignation into whiob Oppositioniste worked themselves when the Government very properly de. alined to consent to any farther waste of public time and money. The session is now nearly four months old. When will the Opposition atop talking balderdash and get down to basinese ? They are making a huge mistake in supposing that this Bort of nonsenee is benefiting them in the country. The people are not the fools they take them for. SISIPLIPYING TRE LAN. A short bill of oonsiderable importance to the eettlere in the Northwest has been introduced by Hoa. Mr. Sutherland, to amend the Northwest Land Titles Act of 1894. Ag the law now stands executions against land have to be recorded with the registrar, but no provision is made for similiarly recording discharges or re- newals of write. The consequence is that the' record hooka in the different land titles offices in the Territories continue to show large numbers of writs recorded from time to time singe 1887, when the Torrens system of registration oame in- to force, many of which have expired for want of renewal, or have been paid off. The first two olatlaes of Mr. Sntherland'e bill provides for the registration of re• newade of write and of the discharge. g . By the third blouse provision is made for simplifying the confirmation of sales of lands for taxes, where the person who originally claimed the land has never opposed the sale or the applioation to confirm ib. Sinoe the bill bas been in- trodaoed by the minister several im. portent further amendments have been suggested and these are receiving the careful tondea ,o x alip n of the Deportment I and of the Government. SEED GRATIS INDEBTEDNESS, Another nada' memento also in Mr. Sutherland's °hargo is one dealing with TRE BRUSSELS POST the liabilities of the tarmere le the Weeb e grain a bythe t4 d at sa !ie . o thh Tae dt m g P p Ggveramopt. For years it has been the regulation for any farmer receiving a supply of seed grain to give a bond to thea t o iindebtedness,hair n mean #h@tg thereon not only hie own name e prin. pipet, bub the name of two other farmers n) severity. Inthe prgogse of time matters hair.° got somewhat oomplioabed, many of the securities have beoome worbhlese, and innumerable oases exist where the liabilities which have been'in- (+erred in all good faith by honed, thrifty and industrious eettlere have beoome a serioue incubus. The amendment to the existing law proposed by Mr. Suther- land nrit es land will.velem() sap I , ;leaving the original beneficiary alone responsible on the bonds, This of course will mean some loss to the public, treasury, but the loss to the individual farmer if the terms of the bond were enforoed would be a far more serious matter to him partioularly ae.he has not benefitted personally there• from. The prinoipls that some meaouro of relief should be granted is accepted on o i• nth sides of file Haase but the OPN e bu tion,—always generous with the public funds when they have no responsibility— to the oonnbry,—desires to wipe out the entire indebtedness and release the prin. cipale, as well as their seoaribies. At the present time however the Government oonsidere that its proposal goes as far as is equitable in the publio interest. D.O. M1ODONALD, M. IP., UNANIMOUSLY CHOSEN AS STAND. AHD BEARER. One of the Most Successful and Business. like Meetings Ever Ileld. Spirited and Encouraging Addresses. Well Pleased Delegates. The annual meeting of the Liberals of East Huron was held in the Town Hall, Brussels, on Wednesday afternoon of last week, and was an old time rouser, both for the attendance, the harmony, i and prevailing, revalllng. President Straoha n occupied the chair. The fel• c on p lowing officers were elected :—President, Thos. Strachan ; Vice•Presidents, G. F. Blair and Reeve Isbister, of Morrie ; Seoretary-Treasurer, W. H. Herr ; And. icor, W. M. Sinolair. Municipal Ohair- men were chosen as follows : Bowiok, Atex. MaLnnghlin t Wroxeter, Alex. Monroe ; Turnberry, Jae. Gilmour ; Grey, Reeve Turnbull ; Brussels, Dr. Warwick ) Morrie W Laidlaw • Wing • ham, S. Graoey ; Blyth, John Moffett ; Hallett, Thoe, McMillan ; McKillop, A. Gardiner. The SearetaryTreasarer presented the anneal report. Following ie a list of the delegatee:— Offi:ers.—Thos. Straoban, President ; R. N. Duff, trite President ; G. F. Blair, 2nd Vioe ; W. H. Kerr, Sea.-Treas. Grey.—J. G. Tarnboll, Jas. Straoban, T. A, Moirthar, Thos. Bielby, Donald Orarer, Robt. MoOallnm, Jas. Mitchell, Hugh Lamont, Jas. Einetoa, O. Turnbull, Wm. MoAllister, Alex. Stewart, R. Dun- canson, Dongald MoTaggart, Alex. Mc- Kay, John MoTaggarb, Jas. McNair, D. Mohair, Conrad Bernath, Jno. Davis, C. Eokmier, Jobn Sanders, John Ridley, Adam Duke, Adam Turnbull, Alex. Perris, Malcolm Lamont, Angus Lemont, A. 0. Demme, A. Reymann. Jas. TGrn- badl, Chairman. Howick.—Jas. Burns, Thos. Inglis, John Scott, Alex. Sangster, Adam Soott, John McDermott, John Wilson, Mat. Wilson, Jas. McLaughlin, Jae. luster, Alex. Gibson, Jas. Edgar, John MoBar• lane, John Knox, Thos. MoClement, H. Hutchinson, Walter Ellis, Ernest Har- ris, Richard Batohere, Wm. Knox, L. A. Mason. Thos. Gibson, Chairman. Morrie.—John Craig, Jas. Soots, Dan. Laidlaw, W. O. Laidlaw, N. Caminge, 11. Bewley, Jas. Murray, Wm. Jackson, John Shortreed, Gilbert McCallum, Geo. Hood, Wm. Stubbs, Chas. W. Lawrence, Geo. Taylor, Jobn Lockhart, W. A. Mil. ler, Jobn Speir, Wm. Wilson, Hugh Forsyth, Jas. Sherrie, Jas. Stubbs, Wm, Isbisber, Jas. Cochrane, Wm. Johnston, Wm. Elston, Jos. Smillie, Jae. Ireland, Mat. Moses, Geo. Turvey. Thos. Miller, Chairman. Tarnberry.—JohnHolmee, Alex. Kelly, J. W. King, Wm. Messer, Joe. Pugh, A. Oteghoro, Robt. Miller, Geo. Fortune, Jas. Gilmore, Alex. MoPlierson,L. Level, Jas. McDougall. Jas. Elliott, Chairman. Wingham.—N. A. Farquharson, H. B. Elliott, Wm. Nicholson, Jobn A. Mo - Lean, John Elder, S. Graoey. Jamee Cline, Chairman. Brussels.—Jas. Fox, Jas. Tomball, Robb. Graham, W. F. Stewart, Alex. Stewart, Thos. Fletcher, D. 0. Rose, 11. L. Jaokeon, 7. Leckie, F. S. Stott, Wal- ter Smith. J. D. Warwick, Chairman. Blyth.—Tboe. Sloan, Jobn McMillan, Jos. Coombs, John Kaliy, John Moffatt, Wm.Oampbell. James Simms, Chair- man. Wroxeter.—Jobn Barnard, Jas. Allan, John Harris, John Douglass, T. A. Gib- son. Gavin Davidson, Obairman. A ballot was taken for the eeleotion of a candidate for the Commons. Dr. Mao• donald, the present M. P., who bas been member for thirteen years, was the um animons choice, and the remit was greeted with cheers. Stirring addresses were given by Dr. Macdonald ; James MokIoilen, the well.known member for North Wellington ; A. Campbell, the practical M. P. for Kent ; and A. Hislop, ht. P. P. for Eaeb Huron, after wbiob the following resolution was pegged by a standing vote :— Moved by Go. Councillor Miller, sea. onded by Jas. A. Cline : We, the Lib- erate of Beet Huron in convention as. sembled, desire to plane on reoord our appreciation of the patriotic stand taken by the Government of Sir Wilfrid Laurier in seeding to the aid of the motherland the various contingents of our brave countrymen, who on the field of babble have nobly maintained the best traditions of the Anglo-Saxon raoe. We are in hearty sympathy with the preferential trade policy of his Gov. nob only for the fisaoola l e "meet r Y benefit 'that we believe will aoorue to Canada therefrom, bat also because of its influence in binding more Monty the Dominion to the parent land. We moat heartily endorse the Government's action in appointing a judicial commission to inveetigate the alleged irregularities in the Weet Huron and Brookville elsotione, a course we consider in every sense pre. Eerable to that of oommitttng it to a Parliamentary committee. We are in 'menta hearty sympathy with the general poltoy of Sir Wilfrid Leitrim's Government, and pledge °arselvee to sustain him by the return of a supporter from East Heron, 1 obi , W. cCongratulate t le � , G0p We be t g on @ re i Rosshie a cion to the I mlersh R i a es a p iI denim t� d n a of Ontario, and a a a @AMB him of ells unbounded eontidenoe in hie Govern- ment, and are in hearty sympathy with that ugu a. o a a t the progre@Riva p tier t1 n g tr 01, We desire to assure him that we will oontinue to give him our hearty sup- port in the future, se we have dour is the past, The meeting was concluded with cheers for the Queen, Sir Wilfrid Laurier, the Bose Government and Dr. MacDonald. At the evening meeting President Strachan gave an opening edcirgee after which Alex. Ross rang "The Widow of old Windsor Malt" in good style. Prob. a i e 'antes e M. P. P.,O a I few mb. Hi1 dw 14 ,p and was followeby John Leckie, who took an active pert in politics some years ago. Aliso Lyda Crooks rendered the solo "Beautiful isle of the see," most acceptably. Ur. Campbell, 48, P. for Kent, spoke for about an hour and dealt praotioalty and trenobently with a number of the leading questions of the day, "Johnnie Oanuok;' a patriotio song WOO BO well sang byAlex, Roca that he was enthusiastically encored and res• ponded with the grand song, "Soldiers t.f the Queen." Mr. Motdullen, Wellington Go., Af. P., humorously, pointedly yet briefly addressed the audtenoo. Dr. btao- Donald, East Huron's clever repreasote. rive, was the last speaker and returned thanks for the honor done him. A vote of thanks was passed to Miss Crooke and Miss Jean MoLanohlin (a000mpanisi) and Mr. Rosa for their assistance and the gathering dispersed with the National Anthem and oheere for Dr. MacDonald, Sir Wilfrid Laurier, the visitors end the Queen. Dr. MacDonald will be opposed by Barrister Dickinson, of Wingham, who ie already in the field and bard at work. East Huron was gerrymandered to rep. resent a Conservative riding but as Dr, MaoDanlild has ssooessfolly carried the banner through three oonteebs,-the Leat one with Mr. Dickinson as an opponent, —we expeot him to repeat the dose and win at the next election by good major• ity. It means work, however, by every Liberal in the Riding. HE N MISTHER GROGAN Ellen says,saysoba � elsC!ancy bee @ grow bpick wid Tammy Miller," she "An' who'e TAMMY Miller 2 flays says, Jawn, "fle's th'band. leder," she say), "an' ye muebb know," she flays, "that Means Glancy bag rid heir," Bile Rare, "net subnr•rn loiku ming," ehc says, "but hereto' majiaty," ehe says, "An Miesus Qlanoy bilis moi" she says, "that whin she goes to where th' bend is plsyin' an.Froiday no'ghb, Tammv winks to tb' :boys, au' thea sheroike U, ,'•auother little sbpet of red." (111ooAN. —Seaforth Sun. Describes the I'eculer Characteristics of Another Visitor. I bad another viebitor twilit wake, in tb' shape av a farmer tram tib' sixteens' canoission av Grey. His name is Doolan too, Pether-Jaron Doolan, an' a amain av Jawn Doolan av Nebraehky, an' also moreover a cousin av Msty Ellen's. I can't say that he is a well-to-do farmer, far although he has a decent house, an' a big bar-ro an his plane, I'm Barry to say be has a mortgage an it bigger than the bar•rn. He says to me wacoe, "Den- nis," he says, "I don't see how thim poor dieils manage to live an rinted far -rums, an' pay the big rinse they do, so I can't." Says I to bim, "Pether Jawn" I says, 'money is money, whither ye pay it out in the shape as not, or in th' shape aV inth'reet, an' tb' man who pays four hun- dred dollars a year fur riot to )let ae well off as th' man who pays four hundred a year inth'rest," I Bays, "It's sixes," I says, "an' ye can't git over it." Bat Father Jaws ooddn't see it in that loight, I suppose he tines it's wort' a gud dale to be a praperty owner. He bas a bard toime to gib slang, poor men, but he manages by women' paper ashore, an riddymade shoots at 84,88 and foive per cent diebeount aff fur Dash, to wiggle alang eat so bad. He's too bard np to take a paper, an' as a nansegaince he's nab encumbered wid a superfluity av knowledge. But he's a very quiet man, an' as a matcher av 000ree, be hasn't meth to say. He's nat a bad.luokin' man whin he gibs fixed np, but be would look betbher av he Needn't geese his boots. I'm no jade, but I can't say I admoire a erased hoot. Well, he come out wid Toole Wilhelm, in bb' new yally ehtage, an' he tnk a sate in th' kitchen, an' me an' Mary Ellen, an' Jawn Doolan, tram Nebrasbky, did the talkin'. Now Mary Ellen kapee a jag av raebberry vinegar in tb' cellar fur viehitore only, an' I added a few dhraps av Dawson's toot•aohe rimidy to it wan day, unbeknownebt to Mary Ellen. Raehberry vinegar in itself is a paioeahle dbrink wid no more ahoap to it than a glaeb of milk, but whin it's praper- ly daothered it takes a ladein' plaoe in sooiety. nether Jaws hadn't gat rid av that raebberry vinegar more than two minutes whin he opened hie mout and shmoiled. Tbinke I me man, "another wan o' thim an' yell be jinin' in th' conversation," so I says, "have another shwally av Eh' vinegar," I says, "twill do ye no har•rm," I says. Well, we bad wan all 'round, an' thin Pettier learn brnk loose. He blathered about th' wither, an' th' crape, au' a new ehtoyle air hay.fark that Sam Hinabley was troy. in' to Bell him. As lang as he shtnek to agriculture he was all roigbt but outside ex that be putt his tett in it. He ehtar- ted in an tb' War. "D'ye t'ink," he says, "that th' Boers will iver be able to take Petrolia 8" he says. I filt sorry far him, but fur th' loife ev me I oudn't give bim a oivil answer. "Ob 1 I dinnaw," I says, "bet I link they'll be able to take Sarney," I Saye, "Don't he so smooth - tic, Dennis, eaye Mary Ellen, "au ehe deg th' p'int as bur sharp ilby into me ribs. "Macy Ellen," I says, "don't be so p'inted in yer remar•ke," I says, "Air Buller Iver takes Santiago, it'll be all day wid tit' British," says Pother Jawn, "It will," I says, "an' all nixt wake too," I Bays. "Yee both crazy," says Jawn Doolan, cram Nebraehky. He t'ought I was in meet, an' I had a bard toime to kape me floe sbbraigbb. "They tell me," Bays Pether Jawn, 'they tell me that Gioral Oranjy an Lord. Kitchener are oomin' to Oauady to troy an' raise nine money fur th' Boers." "Fur ]riving make," says Jaws Doolan, from Nebrasb. ky, "fur biviss sake let's chance the sub• jeot," he says: 8o Pether Jawn,"Cita "I can,,"n eb avePettier Jawn. "I'm t'ankful fur that," says Jaws Doolan, "blaze away," he Faye. An' Pother Jawn abet his Sean an' tuned book in bis chair an' let bur go. It wint somet'ing loike this :— • Perth County. A very large orowd attended the sports given in Mitchell on the Queen's Birth - deg. The weather was floe and the sports good. The lacrosse matob'between Stratford and Mitchell was won easily by jlfibohell. Boors : 7 to 1. Seaforth band rendered firet•olase mord(+. Horse races —Free for all, purse $209—Mise. Del - march, Goebel it Koenig, Mitchell, 1, 1, 1 ; Wilkie Collins, Groosb Bros., MIlver. tun, 2, 3, 2 ; Aunty Shucks,R.'1, Barnes, London, $, 2, drawn. Time, 2.28, 2 27, 2 21, Running Dandy Dinmoob, jr:, Kelly, Stratford, 1, 1;' Ed. Dandridge, MoOollongb, Loudon, 2, 2 ; time 53, 004 250 paoe, 2.40 trot, puree 9150—Queen Baron, Koenig, Mitchell, 4, 4, 1, 1, 3 ; Gerrie G., Groosh Bros., Milverton, 1, 1, 2, 2, 8 ; Allan Line, Geo. Baxton, Gods. mob, 3, 2, 3,3, 2; Orooje, R. Pollakowsky, Mitchell, 2, J, 4, 4, 4 ; time, 2.34, 2.891, 2.801, 2.30}, 2.40. "Come all ye plonghbyee, Whereiverse may be, An' liethen to th' sthory That I will tell to ye." I fnrgit th' resht, but I was glad whin it was all over. I haven't room to tell ye army more about Pother Jawn at prieint, bow I e know nfxt wake t 111 let Y k w bu @hpint th' nfxt day wid him. But bettor 1 olose I musbt tell ye what Mary Ellen had to Bay about Minna Clancy. We web talkin' about tit' band an' Mary A Thousand Tongues Could not express the rapt, re of An- nie E. Springer, of Philadell1, e, Pa., when Dr. King's New Disc,cuy cured her of a backing cough, that fur many years bad made life a burden, She Bays "After all other remedies and doctors failed, ib soon removed the pain in my chest and I oat now Bleep soundly, some- thing I oan soareaty remember doing be• fore. I feel like sonnding its praises throughout the Universe.' Dr. King's New Discovery ie guaranteed to oure all troubles of the Throat, Ohest and Lunge. Trial bottles free at G. A. Deadman'° drug store. THEY MI SO WELL PEOPLE ARE GLAD TO TELL, The Public would Doubt only for Local Testimony freely Of- fered in every place where --Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kid- ney Tablets are Known. E. 0. Danford, merohant tailor, Torn (terry St., Brueee!e, says :—"Some time ago bearing of Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tablets I procured a bottle at the drug store of Jae. Fox and took them home for use in my own family. The patent suffered from baokaohe due to a kidney trouble and reports the result as very estisfaotory, consequently I feel I can give this endorsement." Mrs. R. Hiogston, Mill St., says :—"At times fora long time I have been troubled with a weak baok doe to kidney trouble. Some time ago I beard of Dr. Pitobe'r Baokaohe Kidney Tablets and got a bottle at the drug store of James Fox. I think them an excellent medicine as they anted well with me and at the eame time gently, easily and gaiokly." 11 you have the slightest eympton of Kidney or Bladder trouble, you can teat this great mediaioe free. Arrangements have been made whereby every reader of this paper oan obtain a trial package of Dr. Pitoher'e Beckaohe Kidney Tablets absolutely free by am:lesion two cent stamp for postage to The Pitcher Tablet Toronto, Oat. When giving address mention this paper. If you are convinced Pitohee's Tablets are what you want, you can purchase regular size for 50 cents per bottle. If not obtainable at druggist's, mailed free of postage on receipt of price. S. B. Coleman, of Oxford Mills, was drowned while fishing. The Tavistock weigh scales destroyed by an iooendiary lire. Two men got into the Bank of Com• merge at Dundee early Saturday morn- ing bat were frightened away by Ledger - keeper White who disoharged hie revol- ver. IF YOUI WANT A GOOD PAINT TRY IT, Wilma Turnbull. hIss Tuck, aged 1$yea, pali. • milted @aioide at her home hoar Water. down by ung arbol a taking o i od It farill,0'She ftlol s. The fame of Buottlen'a Arpin Salve, as the host in the world, extends round the earth. It's the one perfeot healer of Cuts, Corns, Burne, Brume, Sores Studds, Boils, Ulcers, Inolona, Miami and Pains and all Skin Empalme. • Only infallible Pile cure. 250. It box at G. A. Deadmau's. brug store, A QUESTION of Spectacles, Do your eyes tire easily 7 If so, you need Glasses. Do your eyes burn 7 If so, you need Glasees. Does the type beoome blurred in reeding? If eo, you need Gleaaes. Do you suffer from frontal headache ? If so, Glassaa will help you• Do you know if you have perfect eyesight 7 If not, we oan inform you. It will Cosi you Wonting.. Having the latest and most tip to. date method of testing your eyes we guarantee satisfaction. MRS. T. FLETCHER, GRADVATIII orTI01AN, Also Graduate of Retinoscopy, PENITEN'T'IARY SUPPLIES. SEALED TENDERS addressed "Inrpeotor of Penitentiaries, Ottawa,"end ear trend ' Tend ers for Supplies," wilbe received un - 111 Saturday, 10th of June, inclusive, from parties desirous of oaatraobing for supplies, for the natal year. 1000.1001, for the follow- ing institutions, namely Y:— Kingston iia stun renitolat . SG. Vincent ae Paul Pe ottentlary. Dorchester Penitentiary, Manitoba Penitentiary. British Columbia Penitentiary. Regina Jail. Prince Albert Jail, Separate tenders will be reoeived for each of the following olassee of supplies : 1. Flour (0 enaction Strong halter's.) 2, Beef and Mutton (Fresh.) 8. Forage. 9. Coal (Anthracite and bitumiuons.) 5. Cordwood. C. Grooeriee. 7. Goal 011(in barrels.) 6. Oxy Goode. . 0. Drugs and Medicines. 10. Loather and Fiadiage, 11. Hardware. 12. Lumber. Details of information as to form of con- tract, together with farms of tender, wilt be furnished On application to the Wardens of 1110 variou9 inetltutione. All supplies are subject to the approval of the Warden. 011 tenders submitted must Byway clearly the institution, or institutions, whiob It to proposed to supply, and must bear the endoreatiou of at least two responsible sureties. DOUGLAS 4 STEWART, Iuepector of Penitentiaries. Department of Justtoe. Ottawa,May 6th. 1000. HURON POULTRY YAR ALF. RAEKER, Proprietor, Brussels, Ont. Barred, Buff and. White nooks. Eggs and Fov,1 for sale in season. Eggs $1.00 per setting. 1 "Correspondence Solicited. 00.8m GGIESI We have a ;number now ready and ere golfing tip, 55 Boggles for Ibis seaebn; Now ie your bums, II you wanb an A' 1 Buggy' °all at the SOBER CARRIAGE FACTORY,_ - ' T H L, wbere you will get the wry BEST and as cheap as the best can be got. We, Cleo have Wagons and Half Truoke, with Any size tires that may be required. Field Rollers and other artiolee too nnmeroue to mention. Rimming wheels, repairing, re - trimming and re painting promptly attended to. Be sure and give us a gall and see what we have before haying elsewhere. Jane Cobor, Ethel. Shoot the Hat ! Yon tan afford to follow the above ' injunction and then gal) on A. OOUSLEY5 o nanceofa •in t the balance h tions 0 it 1 W aIs g Bankrupt Stock of Hats and Caps, at unheard of Low Prices. You oan get a good Dap 10 for the Rued sem %i of �/ Ever one of them must go eo tall early told make your ohoioe. A. COUSLEY, I,PIOS'S BLOC1i,. Canadian Express Agent. We' have the 'following different varieties of ip cods Cdr T1lri!R8 ilIall's Westbury, Ban ghol m, Sutton's Champion, Skirving's Improved, Sharp's Improved, Bruce's Select'd East Lothian Royal Norfolk, Hartley's Bronze Top,' Carter's Elephant, White Swede, Fettercairn Green Top, Also Grey Stone and Yellow Aberdeen Soft Turnips. The above Soecls we recommend as the best we can buy in any Market. All aro Reliable. Our stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Ready- made Clothing, Bats 3r. Caps are up -to -(late and well assorted. June Standard Patterns and EVERYTHING CHEAP. Fashion Sheets to hood. NO FANCY PRIOES. Strachan® seri rints ' inghams All Spring Goods at Old Prices at ... Agent for Parker's Dye Works. E S. NOXON Now Victoria BINDER. 5 FT., 5} 00, AND 0 FT. 10T. Highest Drive Wheel Made, Brass Boxes, Roller Bearings, Seventh Roller for Elevator, All the latest and beet improvements weemaulee WiateVeRene kitlfgtt-ett THE Oxford. Clipper, Front' and Real' Cut .. MOWERS , ALL. SIZES, Witlt Roller and 13a11 Bearings. Serrated Ledger Plates if desired. Ask our Agent to show You the New Patented Bsll Bearing Knife Clip, supplied only when spool idly ordered, uemi uwoud; We oleo inanefaoture the beat and most oomplote line of Cnitivnting and Seed - lag lutpielttenls on Earth, comprising ~print; 'I'oolh Uultivntors, (fitted with grain and grass sowing attachments if desired,) sDrilig and !'pike Tootil Ilnrrow8, 1)Esc ilarrowa, Grnia finita, (all )dude), House Oars, (friction and ratobet dump,) ate. If you need anything 10 our flue send for Our 1000 Illustrated Catalogue, (sent fio.) Yaou will nn it very rotor to your interest to do so. JOHN LONG, THE NOXON CO,, Limited, AGENT. INGER,'SOLL.. ONT.