The Brussels Post, 1900-5-24, Page 8Imaxenserearamemeasiemeese FANS FREE When you are Making purobasee at one store ask fee one of our give. away Fans. They will be given away as long as they last, We have the better one from 5o. up, Rubber 23a13e. A fine stook of new Robber Balla, alp Base Balla and Base Ball geode. CF OQU ! AND TENNIS. We keep Croquet in stook in 4, 0 and 8 Ball seta a9 cheap as ever, and supply Lawn Tennis Rackets, &o. Your choice of 8 different kinds. G. A. Deadman, Drnggiet, Optfoian and Bookseller. $32.50 Bicycle I9 the beet valve we have to offer in Wheels. Sold two last Saturday. Think for a moment -a high grade Btoy, Me with Dunlop tires for only 032.50, A, few years ago yon would have paid three times the pride and many pay from 010 to $20 mere for a wheel that is no better if ae good, We would like to see a better Wheel than the Crescent. �Iot Cales Not only are the Oresoents selling like bot oakee but also the Morrow Coaster and Brake. The menufaoturere have put in new machinery and expect to turn out 1,000 it day, bob like many an. other good thing, it takes some 0 long time to find it out. G. A. Deadman, Agent for crescent. Bioyolee. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 6o0TREEN Ex0EN910N W. G. & E. Trains leave Brnseele Station, North and South, ae follows : Goma SOUTO. Goma NORTH. '0xpreee 710 a.m. I Mail -..... 2.10 p.m Mixed 9.46 am ,. 'Express 10:17 p,m ntaI 11,ethsem8. A ohiel'e among ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. Luau frost several nights. Smut June 22nd clear for Brussels big celebration. Son000 holidays on Thursday and Fri- day of this week. HURON Co. Council will mdet on Tues- day, June 5th, at 8 p. m. 60 CENTS in advance pays for THE POST to the close of 1900. Don't borrow any longer. THE POST is published a day earlier than urinal, owing to the Qaeen'e Birth. day coming on Thursday. INSPECTOR ROHR has a topic at the Teachers' Convention, to be held in Sea. forth next Friday and Saturday. THEan are 8 or 10 appeals in the Clerk's hands against the assessment of 1900 whioh will be heard on Monday evening, June 4111. ENGINEER Sem, of Brueeele Fire Bri- gade, ie arranging an attaohment to the fire alarm that will do away with the continuous rope pulling in ease of fire. OVER 200 names on the membership roll of.Brneeel8 Public Library this Sum. mer. There ehould be doable that num- ber when it is a free library to the reei• dente of Brueeele. THURSDAY is a public holiday. The Bank will be closed ae will the poetoffioe excepting from 8 to 9 a. m. ; an hour after arrival of afternoon' train; end from 8 to 6.30 p. m. ExouosloN.-The bills are out anaonno• ing the annual excursion to the Model Farm, Guelph. Date, Thursday, Jane „28th. Train. leaves Brussels at 7.16 a. m. Return fare $1.15. Reserve this day for an enjoyable opting. BINDER TWINE. -On another page of this paper will be found a lengthy artiole on the Binder Twine Company, of Walk. erton, and the co-operation principle on whioh the factory is to be run ie a good one; and should` meet with en. oouragement from the users of the twine generally. THE LONDON CAMP JUNE STH. -The dates of the annual camps of instruction are announced. The London camp will oommenoe Jane 5111. It it: expected that 8,850 men, oavalry and infantry, will be in oamp. No. 5 company hae pat in 000- eiderable time drilling already this year and will be in better Shape than ever. A militia order just issued makes • the an- nouncement that infantry corps, indepen- dent companies excepted, will henceforth be known as regiments instead of battal. ions. Inatead of the 83rd battalion, there now exists the 33rd regiment. AWAY THEY ao.-A. Conley, Brueeele, reports the following bioyole sales during the past week :-ano. Menary, Grey, a Common Sense ; • Win. Brown, Grey, Garf. Vanetone, Toronto, Colin Mc- Arthur, Brnasele, Maloolm Black, Morrie, Hugh Lamont, Grey, all B. & D's ; Jae: 't Lindsay, D 4e1, Wm. Strath, Grey, and Robb. Moore,Morrie each a Quickstep. 0 Second han� Q P wheels were also sold to Chas. Lamont and Jae. McNair of Grey township. Mr. Oousley hae diepoeed of seventeen new wheels in all this season and a half dozen of eeoond handers. A Now PAPER POR HAMILTON. -The Morning Poet will be the name of a new daily paper to be published in Hamilton earlyin Jane. Hamilton has not had a morning paper eine the Speotator Com. pany dieoontinned their morning edition someears ago. The oitizens of Hamil- ton will hail the advent of the Morning Post with joy as they realize that it will cover a ranch larger field than it is poe- eible for the evening paperto reach. The new paper will be independent in politica, and will make a etrong feature o! tele- graphic news in order to take the plane, in many looalitiee, of the Toronto morn- ing papers. We wish the Morning Post every 8000089. Oonr09.-THE Peer has made oomplete arrangements for getting together a eel• leotion of ouriositiea, and is willing to devote considerable time to that pnrpoee during the next few months. It ie de. sired that the greater portion of the col. leotion be in the shape of coins and paper onrrenoy, and in order to make it as Qom- plate om: plete,and exteoeive ae possible all kinds of both will ;be.,,aooepted. It does not matter how old or how new they may be, and thole with the largest figuree on Twill be moat appreciated, because they are so vary rare around here. Those of our readers who feel like aiding ns in this new and unusual enterprise are requested to call and bring, or write and eeod, any specimen that they can contribute. In every instance in which a paper speoi- men exaotly like anyon hand le received it will be returned to the contributor with thanks. .,.Receipts foe-enbeeriptions, ad- vertising, and job work will bo cheerfully exchanged for any onrioeities of the kinds mentioned. Bnvosuis Court of Revision will be held on Monday evening, June 4111, at 8 o'clock. Tao Seaforth lawn bowlers will hold their annual tournament on July 10111 and 11th. BLINDLY fishing ie prohibited by law and ie ae much a violation of the Sabbath ae sawing wood or planting a garden. Now buggiee are going out at a lively rate these days and ie an evidence of good times and the good reputation our carriage makers have. F. S. SCOTT bag pulled down a small building to make place for a new stable he is about to build on his lot, in rear of his residence, William street. THE tops of the maple trees have been taken off on the row along Turnberry street, North of the bridge, and the tele. phone poles znoved in next the sidewalk. MOINTO8H & MOTAOoART: A meeting of the depositors of this banking inatita- tion of former days will be held in the Foresters' Hall, Brussels, on Saturday of this week at 1 o'clook. Ir ie said that Samuel Burke, of this town, has purchased a Palmerston livery. He will be able to give the beet of them pointers on horse -flesh but we rather think keeping a livery will hardly be lively enough for Sam. Now SwxwALxe.-The present expecta- tions are that new waike will bepat down on William, Albert, Princess, Elizabeth and Thomas streets. Some of these will be extensions of work done last year. There is room for a new walk on Queen street also as the present plank walk has nearly served its day. G. T. R. Norms. -The Grand Truck Railway has Wiled a circular to :motion foremen and men, ordering them to re- port eaoh morning to the agent the num- ber and deeeription of eaoh tramp Been the previous day, and the direction in whioh eaoh was travelling. This Wort motion is valuable to the Ontario Govern- ment. A Tozer. eolipee of the sun will 00000 on Monday forenoon, May 28th. 1n this part of Canada the eclipse will begin about 8 o'olook in the morning, and end a little after 10' 'o'olook, the phase of greatest obeonration .occurring about 9 o'clock. In this eeotion more than tour. fifths of the sane face will be hidden by the moon. TEACHERS' CONVENTION.- The annual meeting of the East Heron Teachers'' Aesooiation will be held in the Seaforth Collegiate Institute on Friday and Satnr• day of this week, May 25th and 26th. The drat session will oommenoe an Fri- day at 10 a. m. Wm. Scott, B. A., of Toronto Normal School, will be present and deliver an address at eaoh session. Orin OWN Woe. -The Blyth Standard of last week says Wesley Walker, who for several yeare was a member of the firm of Walker Bros. & Button, furniture dealers, Wingbam, has tbie week opened out in the furniture bneineee. in Blyth. He has rented the store first door North of J. T. Carter's harness shop and is buoy getting it into shape for business, Mr. Walker is a young man who thoroughly understands the furniture business, ie courteous and reliable, and ie bound to give the public. every :Alla- faction. Not only will Mr. Walker carry alt kinds of furniture bat he is agent for the beat organa, pianos and sewing maohinee made. JUBmemlo0.-When the Dews arrived in town lust Friday evening about 6.80 o'olook that Mafekiag had been relieved, after the long and very trying siegea of 216 da a, the belle were set arm mg,whistles blew,flags were hung out and congratu- lations on rata• lotios were After passed around. A er tea a brigade of young lade formed in a protea. Bion and paraded Main street with whietlee, drums, tin pane, Hage, &o. Next came an old buggy in which was seated a stuffed suit of clothes represent- ing Kruger and after a tour around town Oom Paul was fired and on a bon- fire being etarted on the street the buggy was dumped upon it too and con- sumed. Another old rig was fixed up &o., n with a load of boxes, and set fire to and then hauled up and down the street by the boys and a big time was spent generally, Gons firecrakers, rockets, , powder,&o.,&o.,added to the gene and 9 , the relif of the pluoky little garrison un- der the daring Baden-Powell, will not soon be forgotten by Brueeele juniors or seniors either. A PATHETIC BALLAD. - Father, dear father, come home with me now, for ma hae some carpets to beat ; she got all the fornitere out in the ,yard, from the front door clean out to thstreet. The stove mast come down and be put in the shed, and the yard must be cleared of some gran, for it's time to clean house and old Niok is to pay -and the front windows need some new glees. Father, Beat father, Dome home with me now, and bring some bologna and cheese, We most 12 o'olook and nothing to eat -I'm no hungry I'm weak in the knees. All the dinner we'll have will be oold eorape and such, and we'll have to eat standing up, too, for the table and all are out in the batik, oh, I wish the hones.oleaning was through. Father, dear father, come home with me now, for ma is ae mad ae a Turk ; she Gaye that you're only a lazy old thing, and that she than put you to work. There's painting to do and paper to bang, and the windows and casing 10 earth, for itis house.oteaning time and you've got 10 come borne and revel fn aide and bold grub. F+ ]3.,U.USSEI4S AO&T MAT 24 19OQ McIntosh &, McTaggart. Estate, Pa Saturday afternoon of this Week, 26th Inst„ at 1 o'olook, a meeting of the depoeitore of the above mentioned firm will be held in the Foreatere' llall, Blae. hill Block, Brueeele, when a dnapoial statement will be presented and cheques iaeued to pay the all and lest dividend to the 150 persona interested. Thio pay. went will be 5% and will total the depth, ]tors 80 cents in all, For the convenience of those who attend arrangements have been made with -the Standard Bank to open their doors for an hour that after- noon 90 as to °ash the oheggee jetted by W. H, Kerr, the Secretary -Treasurer of of the committee, Last week a elate- ment was mailed to alt depoeitore as far as their addressee are known, W. F. STEWART received aoar of Mani. toba wheat this week. BnueeILe Foot Ball team goes to Ford. wiob for the Queen's Birthday, BARBffirea BINOLAI0 hoe been gazetted a Lieut. of Volunteer 0o. No. 6, Brussels, and ie caking for mei to fill up the ranks for the annual drill to be held in Landon next month. R. N. Barrett has ordered two new tilting and revolving chairs of the latent design and ie having the furniture• of hie tonsorial parlor painted and grained to oorreepond with the new outfit. TEE L, E. & D. R. R. has issued a handsomely illpetrated'souvenir, showing the Bummer resorts along thelioe. Ex- cellent photographs of scenes at Pont Stanley, ltoodean and the Mettawae are Toe heifer, purchased at Henry Mooney's sale last Winter by Wm. Blaebill, Breesele, . whioh broke away from them in attempting to get her home and could not be found, was dieoovered, last week in the bush on rear of farm by Mr. Heys. Of oouree she was dead, but not entangled in any way to have pre• vented her from getting baok to the barn had she so desired. PROVINCIAL EXAMINER. -We are pleased to know that J. H. Cameron, the well known Prinoipal of Bruseele Publio sohool, has been appointed on the Board of Provinoial Examiners. His subject for examination will be Junior Leaving Grammar papers. The work will be done at Toronto and will 000upy 10 or 12 days. Mr. Cameron will very oompet• eptly fill the bill and wecongratulate him on his appointment. J. L. LLOYD GOT THE OONTRACT.-A epeoial meeting of Brnasele Council was held last Tuesday evening to open ten - dere for proposed new grdnolithio pave. meat. All themembere of Council were present. The following five tenders were presented :-Royal, Guelph, 11fo. per sq. foot, arm:sings, 120. and 15o.; Guelph Pao. Co., 11o. ; A. Graham, Loo - don, 11o. ; P. L. Marden, London, 111 ; J. L. Lloyd, Walkerton, 10a. Moved by J. T. Rose, aecooded by Jae. Fox, that the tender of Mr. Lloyd be •acoepted.- Carried. Mr. Lloyd was present and atated that he would likely commence work in about three weeks. He hae had considerable experience in the business and his teetimoniafe showthathie work hae given satisfaction. Business Locals.. Casa for butter and eggs. A. Ooosley. Barnes repaired carefully and prompt- ly at the Eleotrio Light Works, Broseels. Jute received a car of Beed corn from Ulrich & Sone, Springfield, III., 11. 8. BARKER & VAN9TONE, Brawls - Earle 110. oaeh, 180. trade. -A fair, book -criticise it as yon will. Six weeks ago we suggested to. yon in the face of the most adverse criticism , to "feed those bene." During this first . campaign of the egg Beason we have admired the cal- umny of our enemies and the adulation of our friends, and are still here, strongly fortified in our Kopje, enjoying the event- ualities of the fight. G. E. HIND, Wingham. Rapid rlregreee le being made 00 the large addition to the Home for Iuoorablee on Dnndae street, London, The War ofdoe apuoupoes that eleven vessels will leave home porta during the next thirty days with 8,869 officers and mea and 2,885 horsed, Forty settlers and time earloade of etook were shipped from l4iohigan to Weeterp Oanda yesterday under the direction of Government Aernt Molnnes,, The Qaeeb has granted lard Strath cone and Mount Royal, the Canadian High Commissioner, a patent of his title to hie daughter, the Hon, Mra. Robert Jared Blies Howard, hie only child. Her husband le a well kpownSurgeon In Lon- don, Eng„ where he and Mrs, Howard bate resided for many years. liev. Joseph Wild, D. D,, formerly pastor of the Bond street congregational ohurob, Toronto, and now in ''barge of one of the largest obnrohee in Los Angel., es, Cal,, was recently invited to preach in Honolulu, Hawaiian ]:elands, with a view to aooepting a call there. Dr. Wild took ship for Honolulu, but when the vessel was signalled off port the captain was notified that if be entered the harbor he would be detained until the blague had been eradioated. The,00neultetien the captain had with hie paeeengere led to the vessel returning to San Frenoia0o without going near the shore and so Dr. Wild ie still pastor at Los Angeles. Canadt.an l e w• H. Jas. Oowan died at Galt• in his 98th year, Very Rev. Dean Murphy, of London Diocese, ie dead. Allan cooper, a colored boy, was struck by a train at North Buxton and killed. The guards • at the principal harbor fortifications at Halifax have been doubled, The Hamilton Steamboat Company's steamer, Mszeppa, has been sold to John MoLaoblao, of Owen Sound. The three -ear -old m y eon of Mrs. James Mann,Petrolea, a e was seriouslyin-aced 7 by a firetanker exploding ini p gheeye. Thirty buildings were destroyed by fire at Point Claire early Tuesday morning. Over 200 people are rendered homeless, At Odessa, Miss Hilda Smith jumped from s rig, alighted on her head on a stone, and received iojariee whioh caused her death. The by-law to give the Toronto Rubber Shoe Company a bonne of $6,500, was parried at Port Dalhousie by 112 for and 3 against. The Booth Waterloo Liberals have nominated P. E. Shantz, of Preston, as their Candidate for the commons, James Livingstone, the present member,having g decided to retire. Two brothers of the unfortunate young mac Kane, whose back was broken in a shop in Gananogne by a falling shaft, have entered an cation for damages against the owners of the faotory. Samuel Branch, of Preston, builder and oontraotor, was riding to Galt on 0 bicycle, when a street oar running in the same direotion, oollided with him knock- ing him sense less. The right leg was broken above and below the knee, the muscles of the right hip tore and the pelvic bone broken. The Outario Government inspectors are fighting the San Jose soale in a new way, said to be very effective. Instead of matting down the trees, save in epeoial instaooee the owners are inetrooted in the use of ohemi0219, whioh are supplied at half coat. The pest is making little or no headway, Mrs, Jamee Peter, of Normandy, died recently at bar home near Orohardville. Mrh. Peter gave birth to three children, with another still unborn when the enf• fering mother euooumberd. One of the children, a girl, was stillborn, bot the other two, floe, healthy looking boys, are still alive. Two other young children are left. The deoeaeed Wag only 29 yeare of age. Perth Oounty. The transient traders' lieena iv o in - :nested to $100 in 51. Mary's, Romeo lodge, 1. 0. Q. F., Stratford, donated $20 to the Ottawa -Hill relief fund. Rev. Mr. Whiting, of Mituhell, was granted four week's' vacation duriug the Summer monthe, A number of merchants of Stratford are considering the matter of putting in acetylene gas, now that the ineoranoe companies permit it. The citizens of Herriston say that either the pork faotory or the High school will have to be moved ou account of the strong smell, whioh oomee from the Har. rietoo piggery. • Miss Alberta Doble, formerly organist of Trinity oburob, Mitchell, who bas been pureniug her musical etadie9 in Europe the past few .yeare, is visiting friends in Mitchell. Robert W. Birtah, 00131 Marys, eon of Robert Birtoh, of West Z irra, has recent. ly bought the Robrrt Spading estate, adjoining the corporation of St. Marys, 166 scree. for whioh he paid $10,600. The annual meeting of the Canada Congregational Womau'e Boaad of Mis- sions is this year to be held in . the Con. gregavional church at Embro. The meetings will be held May 30th and Blet. East Zorra council has seemed a atone orusher from St. Mary's to crush some atone fur the road beats in the neighbor. hood of Hickson, the farmers having gathered many heaps for this purpose last year. Mr. Sykes, who is employed with John- ston & Graham, carpenters, had the mire fortune to fall from theroof of the hosiery mill, Mitchell, on Saturday last, The young man received eevere injury, but is progressing favorably. A movement is on foot in Stratford to have boxes placed on certain street ow- ners to receive Contributions for the bet• tering of the roads.. It is intended by this means to have the large atones removed and the highways kelt in a better condition for bioyoliete, A party of 27 girls and 30 boyo arrived at' the Boys' Home, Stratford, from Eng., land very early Monday. They were socompnnied by Jae. Merry and Mrs. James Derry and family. The party, most of whom are under 12 yeare of age, came ont on the new Allan steamer, "Tunisian." They bad an excellent pas. Cage, and found the boat a very fine one in every respect. Thos. Sfattinley had a bad aooident at the:Gae works at Listowel on Friday, 18th inst. He was engaged in lowering the large iron holder into the tank and was etaoding onabuilt op pile of timber blooke, about 15 feet from the ground, when either by overbalancing or through a loose block he fell over backwards. His fall wan broken partly _ipy a brace, and. one of the workmen, Robert Hiogeley, happening just where Mattinley fell„ with great presence of mind naught him in hie arms. He was'notbfioourseable to hold him, but undoubtedly saved him a great deal. He struck his head on a heavy iron pipe, cutting hie head across and bruising his forehead over the right eye severely. Corporal Jamas Wilson, of Stratford; better known looally as "Shooting Jim- mie," was born in Edinburgh, Scotland,. Sept, 21, 1827. He landed in Montreal in 1854, joined the militia at Baker's Corner East illiamebargl under Capt.1. Jae. Bakes in 1857,the volunteer Gxand Truk RailwayRies in 1866, n th 6 and e 49111 Battalion, Hastings Riflee,� in 1872, under Capt. P. H. Hambly, Sir Maoken- ete Bowel] being the Major of the bat- talion at the time. He served ales in the 29th . Waterloo Battalion at New Hamburg, and is now on the detached service of the 49th Battalion. Corporal Wilson has had twelve children, six sone and six daughters, ten of whom are living, his five living sons being onthe roll of the 28th Battalion, Be also are two grandsons, while his deceased son, Cor- poral John Wilson, wae buried with military at Stratford honorst 8 in 1888. Like himself his eons are expert marks- men. In all, Mr. Wilson Nae won 125 prizes, with the Snider•Enfield ride, inoluding medals and cape. He bears medals for service in the Fenian raids of 1866 and 1870, and nothing has given him greater pleasure' than hie long mimeotioa with the volunteer force of Canada. Lows, -In Grey, on May 18, to Me. and Mrs. Will. Lowe, aeon -still born. MaKuNNON.-Io Winnipeg, on May 19, to Mr. and ]Yore. P. D. McKinnon, a daughter, MAOn0NALn.-Io Wingham, on May 16, to Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Macdonald, a eon. RturouL. In Win ham, on May 14, to Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Rintonl, a eon. Bunia.-In Toronto, on May 22nd, Rev. Dr, A. Burne, formerly of Hamilton Ladish' College, aged 66 yeare. Gnikvn.-In Harpurhey, on May 21, Jae. Grieve, aged 60 yeare. BnIELe,-In Winthrop, on Saturday, May 10th, Janette Sueeannh, eldest daughter of Robert Shield, aged 6 years, 2 menthe and 11 /lays,, 8,714}r1'.D42W ,B4 ►'xT, 02 .C%t/Y✓.7.D4,t VW-et,m+ $o a 1.470. HEAD OFFICE, " TORONTO, CAPITOL PAID UP (One Million Dollars) 01,000,000 RESERVE FUND 9600,000 Agencies in all principal points 'in Ontario, Qaebeo, Afanitpba, United States rt England, flatrisswhs Bowes,. es,. A General Banking Business Traneaotetl, Farmers' Notes Discounted. Drafte Leaned and Oolleotfone made on ell points, SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed on depoeite of $1,00 add'upwarde. 0080018 ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE .OiLdo05'foN Or FARMERS' SALE NOTES, Every facility afforded Customers living ata die bathe. J. N. GORDON, Amnia AGENT. cc 'Gra 00 .,r -Z ZA AMX 7TF, Fall Wheat Barley peas Oats Butter, tubs and rolls .. 11 Eggs per dozen ........ 9f Flour per barrel 4 00 Potatoes (per bus)..... 20 20 Apples (per bag) . . 1 00 1 00 Salt per, 1313l., retail..,.. 1 00 70 Hay per ton . .., 6 00 7 00 Hides trimmed .. 6 6d Hides rough 5 5' Sheep skins,aaoh 80 1 00 Lamb skins each 25 25 Hoge, Live 5.75 6 76 Wool 8 18 60 62 88 40 56 55 20 27 12 10$ 4 50 MONTREAL, May 21.-Reoeipte of live stook at the East end abattoir this morn. ing, 500 head of cattle, 200 calves, 75 sheep and 50 lambs. The demand was fairly good and prices were well "main- tained. Cattle -Choice sold at 4.fo to 5o per lb ; good at 890 to 4fc ; lower grade, 20 to Bo, Calves, $2 to $6 each. Sheep, 4o to 490 per Ib ; lambs, 4f o to 50 per lb. Hoge, 50 to 6c per lb. TORONTO, May 21. -Wheat dull, but steady, with little or no export demand for Ontario; Ontario, red and white, 04fo to 65o, north and west, and 6571 to 660 east; goose wheat, 720 east and 71c west; Spring east, 66o ; Manitoba No. 1 hard, 7790 Toronto and west, and 78fo lake and rail. Flour quiet ; straight roller, in buyers' bags, middle freights, $2.50 per bbl bid, and $2.60 asked ; special brand in wood, $2.90 to $8. Mill• feed dull ; bran, $13.50 asked, and aborts 914.50 asked west. Corn steady ; No. 2 American yellow at 45ko on track here, and mixed at 45o. Peas continue quiet ; oar lots are quoted nominally at 57o north and west, and 58fo east. Barley, No. 2, 42o west and 43a east, and No. 1 43e west and 44o east. Rye quiet ; oar lots went 510 and 52o east. Oats easy ; white oats, north and went, 240, and east east 27fo. Buckwheat quoted at 50c west and 510 east. Butter, 180 to 18}0 ; eggs, 12o ; potatoes, 34o to 37o per bag ; hay, $9 to $9.50 per ton ; turkeys, 90 to 110 per pound ; chickens from 500 to 750 per pair. ONE CENT ,A WORD COLUMN. GOOD cow, inoalf, for Sale. Apply to JAB. GIBBON. Brussels, REGISTERED Jersey heifer to sive on shares or to pasture. G. A. DEADMAN. SBRVANT wanted. ' Apply at onoe to MRS. MEA1IN8, Su ; 914 Main 9t., Hamil- ton. 46.2 APPRENTICE wanted to learn tinsmith• fag, &o. A hustling boy. Apply to 40- N. P. GERRY, Brueeele. Tama' BRED Jersey heifer oalf for Bale. Calved on April 27. Apply to THOS. NE W SOME, Brussels, BLACK Mixoaom eggs for hatching from well bred fowl $1,00 per setting of 15. • LESLIE HERB, Brueeele. THE PEOPLE'S ;COLUMN. FOR SALE CHEAP, A GOOD solid brick residence, located on Turn - berry street Brueeele. - • .. Apply _at THE.308'P. f71HREE THORO' BRED DUR- LL HAM bulls for sale 2 rising 2 yeare and' theytither ayeer old. -]Registered stook and in good condition, L. McNEIL, Cranbrook P.O, Lot 17, ton. 14, Qrey. FOR SALE. _ A BEAUTIFUL home on Queen street • also a porno very little used, one of the best makes for three hundred and fifty dollars. Must be sold before the 1st of April. Apply to MI88 M. CAMPBELL, Brueeele. AHUNTER, LICENSED AUO- • TIMBER for the. Comity, Ex er - ienoe of over 14 years, knowledge o of who to sell to. ill guarantee eitisfaction, It to to sea 4 . a farm call on me. y y Moneyto loan at a 4pl per cent. Meeting of Huron Co, Council,: The Counoll of the County) of Buren will meet in the Council Chamber in the town of Lioderich on the first Tuesday in Juno next at 9 o'olook p.m. W. LANE, Otbrk, Dated at Goderloh, May 21, 1000. "Shoulder 'Arms I" All persons desirouss of enlisting for eo - vfoo in No. 6 Company, 89rd Regiment, Should apply at once to the. undersigned ne our Beim ant is expected to meat lar the annual drill on or about the 5th of June. Those enlisting within ten days from this date will be entitled to the sum of 80c. per. day additional to the usual government pay. W. M. BINCLAIR, Dated May 28, 1000, Brussels. COURT OF REVISION. • VILLAGE OP BRT7837008. 1lotioe ie hereby given that the Municipal Oounotl of the Corporation of the Village of Brueeele, County of Huron, will meet as Court of Revision in oho COUNCIL CHAMBER, BRII88ELS, on Monday. .lune 4th, at 8 O'clock p. m. Parties intor0Bted will govern thomeenres accordingly, F. B. SCOTT, Clerk. Patents Guaranteed. Our fee returned If wo fail, Any one send- lugeketah and description of any invention will promptly rooeive our opinion free con - earning the patentability of eamo. "How to obtain a patent" sent upon utmost, Pat - outs secured through as advertised for sale at our expon00, latents talion out tbrougb ne reooivo 0PNo1AL NOME, withOnt (Margo in THE PATENT Racoon, an illuotraterl and widely eit'oulatod journal, consulted by Man. utaoturors end Investors, Send for eamile 0007 Isaac, Addroee VICTOR 9, 00VAN8 & (Jo., (Patent Attornoys,) Egano Betiding, Waehingten, 11,0, PEN ITI N'I'IARY SUPPLIES, r SEALItD TENDERS addressed "Inspector of Penitentiaries, Ottawa,"and • endorsed ' Tenders far Supplies," wilbe reaelved un- til Saturday, 70th of June -inclusive, from parties desirous of contracting for euppliee, for the geoid year, 1900.1001, for the follow- ing MMti talons, namely:- . KSt,iogetVou lnoent PoniteotldePaulary, Dorchester l7onitoutiary,Panitenttary. Manitoba Penitentiary. British Oolumbia Pepiteullary, Regina Jail P0,000 Albert Jail, Separate tenders will Ito received for. each' of the following olneeea of supplies : 1. Flour ((laminar, Strong Baker's') 2, Beet and Mutton (Fresh. 0. Forage. '4, Oonl (Autbrnoite and bituminous.) 6. cordwood, S. 007 0. Groceries:Goads 7. Opal Oil (In barrels ). 0, Drugs and Meilieinne, .10. Leather and Findings, 11. Hardware. 12, Lumber. Details of information as to form of cen- tred, together 00.traot,.together with f tion of tender, will be furnished on app ligation to the Wardens of the various iuBtt1u duos, All supplie6 are subject to the approval of the Warden.. A11 hoiden submitted must specify clearly the institution, or iuetitutl one, whioh it is proposed to supply,and must bear the endorsation of at Tenet two reap onolble sureties, DOUGLAS & STEWART, Inspector of Penitentiaries,Department. of Justice,' Ottawa, May 6th, 1000. REAL ESTATE. VARbI FOR SALE -100 ACRES -south Half Lot 27, Con. 6, Morrie Tow nsbfp, within 1 mile of Brussels. D we11. ing house, buildings and fences in good con.. ditloa. The lot hes a spring creek ou oho trout and river Maitland crosses the roar.' About 00 acres timber and a poring bearing orchard, Apply to G. A. HEADMAN, 45.00 Druggist, Brussels, K0 ACRE FARM FOR SALE, LBeing Lot 17 and 31 Lot 10, 000, 16, Grey, On the promises ie a. oomfor table house, bank barn, orchard,' &o. Liberal terms will be given to :purchasers. Farm could be:divided, making the 100 and the59 selparate. For further particulars as to price, terms, dc.. apply ,on thepremises or if by letter to Craubrook P.O. 45-tf JAMES CIITBILL, Farmer and Merchant Support it I' Oar :of, Wino and Iron Eaoeivee the commendation of both hand and brain workers. It strengthens the body and mind, drivee away that tired feeling' and invigorates the whole aystam• We mention ,this as a particularly good medioine for thiseeason of the year. One bottle will oonvinpe you that we are right.' TRY 17, AT---""nr Fox's Drug Store. LARGE FARM FOR SALE.- 040 acres, 4onsplets eeotion, near Southwestbonndary ofMaottona. Over 100 acres under cultivation. Fine two-storey house Misting over $1000. 8 miles from rail- way; river Souris passesthrough farm; near cheap coal supply, Price $4000. - Apply to 31,10, D. RONALD. L E ZINE FARM FOR SALE.—BE• - xno Lot 20, N t Con. 6, Morrie township, containing 98 acres of arst-class laud. There is aboose barn, orchard and good warn - house, and farm is well fenced. There are 85 acres in Fall wheat ;..-15 acres in hay and 40 scree pasture. Poseeseloa could be given at once, Farm adjoins tbo village of Bras - sole. For further particulars ex to price, M,B., berme, B&o,,aden. write to JAMES LIVIN92-0tf8TQN, E1�IlOR SALE IN ETHEL VIL- il LAGn.-The property of the. late John Elliott, consisting of a solid brink house, with framekitchen and woodshed, good stable and 1 acre of laud all in first-olaas condition. If not sold will be rented. Poe- sesslon at any time. For paitioulars apply to Wox. SPENCE, Ethel'; ALEx. PATTEae0N, Galt; or lhl,Moi0ELvNY, Mt. Forest 2ptf FIRST - CLASS FARM FOR BALE. -Lot 17, 000. 9, Township fit Grey, 100 acres more or less. Situate 45 miles from,Btuseel0 and 2 mileefrom village of li MMol, All cleared excepting 6 acres of hardwood bush. Buildings- and formes is clmod repair. Good wells. All Fall plowing one. Price and tarots of payment on ap- plication to - W. DC SIN0LAIR�,( 20.tt Barrister, 10„ Clnssoia. FARM FOR SALE. -150 ACRES, Consisting of the South 1 and South t of the North 5 of Lot 30, Oon,5, East Wawa - nosh. 01113 is an excellent stook farm, being well supplied with good spring water. It is situated about 8 miles from the thriving Vil- lage of Blyth. A large part of it is ander grass. Buildings and fences are in a fair slate of repair. Easy terms o1 payment will be given. For all information apply to 11-tf G. E. BLAIR, Barrister, Brussels. TYLES Waists LADIES' OXFORDS Of every De:igni for your choice we'll consign, and 'our prices cannot fail to please. Special offers at A.Ri. SMITH'S . • The makers cut them 11 low in style, we cut them 1r //' . i 7 / low in price. / 0/llrf r A. R. SMITH r`h ✓i 15E x,54 coNoet ,041,7 s .k.�E Mt l/S IIID'' 1 �r tt� jdttitter fiffflllllia tAMP Look at Yourself Dressed in ono of our Suits and you will be astonished at the elegance of your appearalice. • Wear it a few months and you will be astonished itt its wearing qualities. Ask the price and you will be astonished at the figure. • 1VIisery Takes Wings When we supply you with a comfortable Shoe. We will give you a goodW a willshare fit. e b r with you our profits. We will make you happy if you give us the chance. A. R, SMITH. AG R. SMITH.