The Brussels Post, 1900-5-24, Page 4Zif rI SSV AY, MAY 94, 1900.
WEPT Huron Liberal Convention will
be field at Dangaonon, oa,Frkday of next
week, June 1, The local members and
ether 111. Pe will address the gather-
Meme 17. A. MODONeen, of Termite,
ie winding up hie little ball of yarn very
beautifully and if be attempts a mooed;
trial for the oivlo obafr, 100 obanoes to
t hie name will be "Dinnial" The oity
Council is often made a laughing stook
by hie erratic babiebpese,
A Concise= of antigen wIll look into
the queotlon of aeveral political cern-
peigpe, West Huron and Brookville being
in "the number. If there were half the
iniquibiee praotieed thab the Oppooition
eomplein eboub, wby were the oases nob
tried in the Election Courts ? With the
mase of evidence they eey they Oen pro.
duce, there (Mould have been no trouble
in unseating and disqualifying, but mob
action was sbudionely avoided.
Ona Most Gracious Sovereign, Queen
Victoria, celebrated her 81st Birthday on
the 24th inat., and is in the enjoyment
of a good measure of bealtb and vigor.
Many and momentous have been the
changes in the world, and more partioa-
larly in the British Empire, during her
long, happy and, successful reign and
today she enjoys the love and honor of
more subjects than at any time in the
poet. The only thought of sadness oomee
in the foot that she must soon lay aside
the earthly crown which ebe bee worn
with so muoh dignity and credit.
Throughout the length and breadth of
the British Empire, and among many
other nations, the National Anthem will
be heartily sung t
"God save our Graoioue Queen,
Long live our Noble Queen,
God save our Queen.
Send her victorious
Happy and glorioa0,
Long to reign over ns,
God save our Queen."
should 00 over the reads to oonotder the
Work to he undertaken, and report to the
Work of 000etreetioo auob ea heeling
gravel, ditobing and drainage, building
of bridges and oplvert0,.ehoold bo done
by ooatreot, and eupervleed by the read
No a000unt of labor or material ellould
bo paid by the Treasurer exoepb on the
eertiffaate of the road oommieeioner.
Minor work and repairing ,,should be
done by day labor, only the road commie•
eloper being authorized to operate the
If a member of the Connell desires to
interfere ht any of these matters he
sbould do so through the oommieslo0er.
The same man and teams should be
hired to operate the moohinery for the
entire season, or longer if poseib;e, as
they become profloient and do better
work. This applies particularly to the
operation of a. good read grader, or for
the grader a traction engine may be
Tile commissioner should keep a pay
roll, to return quarterly to the 000uail,
showing who had been paid end the
amount, the roll to be then filed for the
Theroll will sot ae a check on faecal.
ties on the pare of the commissioner.
Work ahonld be divided ae muoh as pos.
aible among the residents desiring it.
Work ahonld be oommeoaed with a
definite end in view and aoutinued eye•
tematioally from year to year if neoeeeary,
until the entire road mileage has been
brought to a proper standard.
Tse amendments made to the Public
School Act at the reoent session of the
Ontario Legislature comprise the fol.
lowing 1—Urban School Boards have
power to expend such sums ae they may
deem expedient, not exceeding $200 in
anyone year in promoting and encourag-
ing amnesties and other athletic eau.
eisee, and the power to acquire laud for a
eohool site or for enlarging premises al-
ready held is extended to provide for
athletios. When any teacher retires al.
ter serving twenty years or longer the
board of trnotees may grant him an an.
nual allowance not exceeding the eatery
he was receiving at the time of hie retire-
ment, or may in lien of such allowance
make agrant to such teaohere by way of
gratuity of each cum as will represent
the present value of the anneal allowance
aforesaid for his life competed on the
basis of interest at the rate of 4% per
annum. The period of cervine required
of a teacher or an. inspector before
voluntary superannuation has been
shortened from thirty-five to thirty years,
the provision that no payment shall be
made until such teacher or inspector is
sixty years of age being still retained.
ble, ata editorials groecly misleading, ibe
cartoon eourriloue caricatures ; and no
better evidenoo pould be needed of the
feet that the Montreal Star at the pros•
end moment le owned body and bouee by
the Tupporiboe, than the fact that during
the present 9505100, hundreds of'tboueande
or evptee of the parer are regularly die,
tributed throughout the Dominion under
the frank of the Conservative Whip, be•
leg sent through the mails from the
Douse of Commons poet' office at the ex-
pense of the Canadian people. ' The
opinion of an eokuowledged party; jour•
nal, that has the honesty to acknowledge
Its fealty to the oaaee it eupperts alwaye
commands respoob, bubsuch a ludiorouely
barefaced attempt to hide beneath it
Moak of pseudo•independence, merite and
receives nothing .bot the contempt and
approbrium of honest men.
IEAF0NO T$E nlonnrros,
The advantage of the Soulangas Canal
with its greater draft of water is shown
already by the faot that the Oanada At.
lanai) Railway has inoreased the size of
its barges' oargoee from 25 to 50 per cent,
While the distance from Coteau—the
head of the oanal—to Montreal can pow
be covered in half the time that twee
formerly required to go through by way
of the Beauharnois Canal, One of the
company's bargee on her first trip this
season carried 34,000 buehele of wheat
drawing nine feet of water through the
canal, but on her second trip she went
through the $oulangoe Canal with 48,000
bushels of wheat and a draft of eleven
and a half feet, thie latter cargo being the
largest ever taken down the Lachine
Oanal. A further illustration of the ad.
OUR OTTAWA LETTER. vantages of the new looks is the fact that
barges nap now be built fifty feet longer
than the maximum length navigable
OTTAWA,' May 21. Although little or no through the old oanal.
progress has been made in the consider•
atron of the estimates the paesing of
Which seldom takes lees than six weeks
of the session, there are already indica-
tions of a reetlese desire ou the part of
the members to burry on prorogation.
This is not surprising, for the session ie
now well into its fourth month, and even
if every expediency is used to hurry on
the work, there is scarcely a possibility
of getting through before the end of next
month. So far, apart from the evident
desire in Opposition ranks to waste tithe
in all manner of frivolous disoussione on
side issues the proceedings of the session
have been marked by better feeling than
was antioipated. Itis tree the members
on Mr. Speaker's left have been indulging
in mutterings loud and deep of the
horrible disclosures they were going to
make, but nothing could more conclusi-
vely demonstrate the unbroken 0000800
of the Government's policy in every di-
rection and its aoknowledged strength in
the country, than the complete failure to
implement any of these threats by definite
motion, together with the repeated
attempts which have been made to drag
insignificant issues before the public and
magnify them into affairs of importance.
A notable event of the week lies been
the banquet tendered on Wednesday
evening by tbe Ontario Liberal members
and Senators to tbeir grand old leader,
Sir Richard Cartwright. From every
point of view the event was a notable and
significant one. Sir Richard has been a
tower of strength to Liberalism for many
a deoade, and his self sacridoing labors
for his country and his party are well
understood and warmly appreciated; but
however well a condition or a fact is
known and recognized, it dues no harm
occasionally to give it special emphasis.
The occasion was essentially a family re-
union, and it gave the opportunity for a
general exchange of congratulations on
the splendid work the party had accom-
plished for the country in the past, its
enviable position in the confidences of
the nation in the present, and the'mmgui-
fioient outlook for the future. Betting
aside all partisan prejudicse no observant
man, who values his reputation for corn-
mon sense and calm judgment, will besi•
tate t0 admit that
The benefits t0 be derived from the
abolition of statute labor and having a
thorough system of roadmaking are thus
outlined in the Municipal World :
'In every township it is now practically
admitted that the statute labor eyetem ie
of but little veins in making further im-
provement in the condition of the roads.
Many Cannella expreee their willingness
to make a ohmage, but they have not
eatietied themselves with a eyetem to
take its plane. The following is an out-
line of the townobip eyetem; whioh is
being oommonly eaoepted. • A careful
study will make its merits plain, Coun-
cils, however, which expect to see their
way clearly from the beginning will be
very apt to be disappointed. The only
way is to move ahead with courage and
the details will fall into line.
Do away with the statute labor roll
entirely. If this line le x01 favored the
labor may be commuted ata rate per day.
This ranges from 26 cents to 75 Dente in
the townships now commuting.
If etatnte labor ie entirely abolished
levy a rate on the aoseeement of the
township to raise the money required.
For road purpoaee, divide the township
intoe convenient number of divisions,
usnally four.
Apportion the money among the road
divfetone, viz., importance of roads, work
needed on them, benefit resulting to the
greatest number of people, amount of
traffic, amassment, eto.
Appoint nue township road commis.
stoner, or, if preferred, one commissioner
for eaab road diviaion,to advise, aonealt
With, and carry out the direobiota of the
The office of road oommieeioner should
be canner to that of townehip olerk or
Councillors should not sot ea commie.
clarets as
the are 0 to undue
idflnenoe from reatepayers and their term
of Office 1e uneettaln,
& general plan for road improvement
should be laid down by the Council for
the oommieeioner or mina mieoioners to
Thio plan ahonld specify the width to
be graded, width sad depth of road metal,
oheraoter of drainage, etc., of all roads.
Roads of importance should not be lees
than twenty feet between the inside
edgee of the open ditches. No road
ahonld be of less width than ..eighteen
active militia. To be aeoQnd lieutenants
provlelopally, a. 0, Maarten, gentlemen,
Omit, Vanetone retired ; J. Gait, gentle.
man, vine S. Il, Kent retired, 0'o be
canoed lientebant, supernumerary, ��
Jordan, gentleman. '..Pp he %tomtit lien.
tenant, provieinnalIO, W. M. Sinclair,
gentleman, vice 11. le.t. Grant prompt.
The immigration returns for the month
of April indicate that both in numbers
and quality the influx of settlers into the
North West is decidedly satisfaotory.
No lees than 6,636 persons were register-
ed at Winnipeg as new comers settling
in the West, being 1,000 more than the
number received in April 1899, and ex-
ceeding also the total of March wbioll
W8,8 itself an unusually heavy month.
Of this 6,536 no less than 1,171 came
from the States. The total of immigrants
which have passed through the Winni-
peg immigration office during the first
four months of the present year are
close upon 12,000,—not a bad start.
will be in the words uttered by the guest
of the evening, when he declared that the
four years which had elapsed from 1896
to 1900 had been pre-eminently fruitful
years in the history of Canada during
which she had made gigantic strides both
morally and materially. In these four
years, said Sir Richard, we have shown
our American friends that while we are
willing to carry on trade with them still
if they abut their doors to us we are not
merely able to etand the blow but to
prosper and develop our trade and nom.
meroe in a greater ratio than even they
can do ; and we have shown our friends
on the other side of the Atlantic that
Canada oan send to the field soldiers well
worthy of taking their place alongside the
greateat veterans the empire can produce.
Continuing Sir Richard uttered a well.
timed note of warning against over -eon.
fidence in preparing for the approaching
election, with the reminder that how-
ever good and righteous a cause might
be, it might easily stiffer defeat if
thorough organization and strenuous
work were neglected. Eternal vigilance
is the price of liberty.
One of the humors of the political situ-
ation is the position occupied in Canadian
journalism by the Montreal Stam Early
last session the Star issued a circular let.
ter to itsoorrespondents throughout the
Dominion, informing them that in polite.
cal matters it was strictly independent,
though in some unaccountable manner
the idea had got abroad that it was a
Coneervativo paper supporting the Tories
both in federal and provinolal politics.
This, the letter entered, was a mistake,
for it favored no political party and was
prepared to deal with public questions on
their merits regardless of party. Open
the face of it it would appear somewhat
strange that the management abould con.
eider it necessary to Impress this upon
its own employees, foe surely the poliey
of a paper should be intelligible to its
own staff, however enigmatic it might ap•
pear to the outside public. The circular
created considerable amusement at the
time among those who received it, and if
the columns of the paper may be taken
ae any criterion
to the instruotione contained therein to
send in fair and unbiassed reports.
There is dot a mare unoompromieingly
Tory pubiication in the Dominion of
Canada today, nor dose any paper pub.
1ish euoh notoriously
unfair re
Rorts or
such partisan editorials as this same
"independent" Montreal Star, and its
adjunct, the Family Herald. Its patio,
eevaitteell . Pearn r0118143.
"I had a bad cough ler eaveiiteee
years" writes Mrs. Bawl 7lamilton, of
Lawnville, Tenu. "No doter or meal -
nine could cure it until one year ago I
began to nee Dr. King's New ,Discovery
for Coneumptiou, which did me more
good thus all other medioinee I over used.
IS . truly a grand ours for otubborn
Cougbe, Colds and Throat and Long
troubles," Poeitivelyoaree Consumption,
Pneumonia, Grip, Bronohitle, Asthma,
Hay Fever and Croup, Price 50o, and
$1.00, Trial bottles free at Deadman's
drug store.
Rev. A. B. Dobson attended the meet.
ing of the Synod in Toronto.
Wm. F. Downey hae gone to Anton
where he hae accepted a position iu a
baker shop.
James Young, sr., has again been con-
fined to hie bed but we haps he will soon
be able to be around again.
W. R. Cook, who has just finished his
final term in the Toronto Medina! school,
arrived home on Tuesday night of last
Beginning ou Sunday evening last tbe
evening service in the Methodist ohuroh
will begin at 7 o'oluok instead of half
past six, and will continue during the
John R. MoLanehlin bed hie home.
bold effeote shipped to Manitoba. Mr.
MoLaunhlin is going to the West to as-
sist Robt. Wilson on his ranch, and Mrs.
MtLanoblin will kelp house for them,
The Fordwiah Photo Gallery was open-
ed in the Downey block for the first time
on Wednesday and Thursday, May 23rd
and 241b, by Mr. Vaezent, who will also
be in the same plaoe every Wednesday
The Royal Scarlet Chapter of the
Orange Dietriot of Howiok, met in the
Orange Hall here on Tuesday evening of
last week. There were quite a number
of the Knight Oompanione present and
after the raising of a candidate and the
transaction of bnsineae tbe following of-
ficers were elected :— Companion in com-
mand, Matthew Dane ; Expellant Com.
panion, B. B. Oook ; Obap., A. M. Spence:
M. D. ; Scribe, John Donaghy ; Treas.,
James Fallfe ; Sir Kt. at Arms, Iseao
Wade ; Inside Herald, Angus Mo0urdy ;
Outside Herald, Edward Armstrong.
Duly in the year the comnilesloaer menbary rep0rts'are thoroughly unrolls,
Very Surprising Reports,
Come in for Dr. Pitcher's Back.
ache Kidney Tablets -Cures
are made of Ills that they
are not Advertised for.
A mass of strange symptoms are often
reported as relieved by Dr. Pitoher'e
Baokaohe Kidney Tablets, s)mptome
that are generally oommon to tiler dis-
eases than those of the kidney et,d blad-
This, however, is not at all surprising
when we consider the fait that thekid-
neye, the urinary tract, and the bowels
are the great waste pipes of the system,
end the perfect working of those organs
means the elimination of ell sorts of Ma-
terial that retained and re -absorbed would
cense trouble in all directions. It is due
theu to thie riddance of the system by
the kidneys and bowels of waste sad
dangerous substances, liquid and solid,
that relief is obtained hi so many in -
stemma from symtorne they are not ad•
vertised to oars.
Wm. 0. Newsome, Queen St., Brnesele
says:.—"During an attack of Baokaohe
and Kidney trouble some years ago which
was quite severe I procured a bottle of
Dr. Pitcher's Backache K,deey Tablets
at James Fox's drug store and can con-
eoientiouely say they anted lithely, stop.
plug the trouble easily and gently. I
did ,not use one-half the bottle. I think
early bard work is having its , fleet at my
age eeventy.four years."
If you have the slightest symptom of
Kidney or Bladder trouble you Dan teat
this great medicine free. Arrangements
have been made whereby every reader of
this paper can obtain a trial paokage of
Dr. Pitoher'e Backache Kidney Tablets
absolutely free by enalosing two aent
stamp for pectase to the 1.? holier Tablet
Co., Toronto, Ont, When giving eddreee
mention thirr paper,
1'f yen are POnvl0Oed Pitohor'e Teelete
r 1 a
tyoueau t a t
1 wan..
e whet o , N
ei%e for SOD. per battle, Ifnot
Obtainable at druggiet'e, craned free of
postage ou receipt of cost,
The vault and safe of R,; 0 -. Boater's
private bank at Bnrlingtou were
wr P d
with nibro•glycerine, but al 200 in the
bank was overlooked by lbs thieves.
A lob of whoa! children were thrown
down and some eeriouely dturb by the
collapse of Beats ereoted in the 901k at
logersoll for the Queen's birthday Oele-
The eigbt•year•old daughter of Etter.
son Main, of Galt, w00 very seriously
burned by a flreoreeker thrown on her
dreee. Mrs. Main reoeivod painful in.
juries in patting out the tire.
Just received a Gar of Fresh.
Lime; which will be kept for
sale at my residence during
the Summer.
Proprietor, Brussels, Ont.
Barred,, Buff and.
White Boob.
Eggs and Fowl for sale
in season.
Eggs $1,00 per setting.
Correspondence Solicited.
We have the following different varieties of
S�e�e Tui'Vlps
Lemon Bros. cirque will be in town on
June 2nd.
J. W. Broderick purchased the stock of
groceries and orookeryware of N. Robson,
(Minton, at a chattel mortgage sale.
Alex. Macdonald, late of Messrs. Gar•
row & Proudfoot's office, bas taken charge
of G. F. Blair'e brenoh adios at Blyth.
The dog-poieoner is again at his mem-
thus work, and soma half-dozen canines
are said to have succumbed within the
past few days.
A. P. McLean, who hat been in bnsi•
neer for forty years in Goderieh, bas de
oiled that it is time for him to retire
and Beek the rest that is duo him after
wrestling for so long a period with the
cares and worries that are part of a uper-
obant's life.
Richard Gray, charged by his mother,
Mrs. Gray, of Mitebell, with stealing a
sorrel mare belonging to her, was before
Judge Masson. The complainant, how.
ever, did not appear, and it was represent.
ed tbat she could net be found. Crown
Attorney Lewis asked for a fortnight,
which was granted.
James Bays, an old and respected reei
dent of town, passed away after an illness
of two months, at tate age of 61 years.
The deceased was employed for a great
many ,pars bo oonneotion with the Ogll•
vie elevator. The funeral took plate on
Sunday afternoon to Maitland cemetery
under Masonic 008910ee, Bev, S. J. Allht
also conducting service.
The Sigual sea e:—The water and light
committee of the town oourtail met last
Thursday teeming, and ex oounoillor Wm,
Campbell, whose interest in municipal
affairs never Sags, was preeent as an 00
louker. The committee wiehad to disouss
in camera the advisability of appealing
the Holmes coal case and NIr.Oempbell
was asked to withdrew. This be refused
to do, claiming that he had a right to be
there, and his pereistesce broke up the
meeting. Next evening the committee
met again and Me. Campbell not turning
up, they went into the case f0 eonfereuoe
With the town solicitor and decided to
enter an appeal.
John Galt, our postmaster, James C.
Maeson (son of Judge Masson) and Henri
Jordan have joined the militia as second
lieutenants, Messrs, Galt and Masson in
connection with the Wingham comuany.
contain the
tin orders
The min
following refereeet to the 633rd Baton
battalion Seaond•Llent. R. Vanstone
having failed to qualify, hie name is re•
moved from the list Of of9oere of the
(Hall's Westbury,
Sutton's Champion,
Skirving's Improved,
Sharp's Improved,
Bruce's Select'd East Lothian
Royal Norfolk,
Hartley's Bronze Top,
Carter's Elephant,
Wille Swede,
LFettercairn Green Top,
We have a number now ready and
are getting up 56 Buggies for thio season,
Now 15 ypnr time. If You. Want an A 1.
Buggy Dell at the ' •
Also Grey Stone and Yellow Aberdeen Soft Turnips.
The above Seeds we recommend as the best we can buy
in any Market. All are Reliable.
Our stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Beady -
made Clothing, Hats &. Caps are up-to-date and well assorted.
June Standard Patterns and EVERYTHING °HEAP.
Fashion Sheets to band. NO FANCY PRI0ES.
-- T H L
i 9
where you will got the very BEST and
as cheap as the beet oen be got.` We also
have Wagons and Half Traoka, with any
else tires that msy be required.
yield Boilers and •other articles too
nutneroue to mention.
Rimming wheels, repairing, .re.
trimming and re painting promptly
attended to. -
• Be euro and give no call and see
what we have before buying elsewhere.
J 1Oa Cober, Ethei.
the $at
Fon asp afford to. follow the above
injunotion and then Pali on
A. E
Who is clearing ort the balsam) of a
Bankrupt. Stock .of
Hats and Oaps,
atunheara of Low Priam.
You don get a geed Oap`
for the email sum
, .10
Every one of them must go eo nail early
and make your choice.
LMOKLt 81,0030.
Canadian Express Agent.
D. 0. 8066' Boys' Clothing is not the
hind sold by most Clothing Stores and by the Dry
Goods and Department Stores—it's nob the sort that
is put together as cheaply ae possible by the sweater
process—please don't Dome here for that kind,
If you want honestly made, artistioelly tailored
garments for your boys, we are at your service, and
at lower prices than other stores will sell yon.
Bring along your little fellow who has never hod
a suit and we will fit him out the Queen's taste,
Double-breasted 2 -garment Boys' Middy Suite,
Knee Pant Suite, Boys' Knee Pants,
3 Garment Knee Pant Suite, Boye' Long Trousers,
Boys' A11 -wool Reefers, Boye' end Young Man's
Boye' Junior Suite, Saab Suite.
Boys' Sailor Suits,
t ' We also carry a nine line of boys' White and
Oolored Shirts. Coders and Ties in all eizee from
12 to 14.
Clothier and Furnisher.
S j ring Prints
AU Spring Goods at
Old. Prices at .•.
Agent for Parker's
Dye Works.
Now Victoria
5 FT., 5i FL AND 6 Fr. OUT,
Digbeet Drive Wheel Made,
Braes Boxee,
Roller Bearings,
Seventh Roller for Elevator,
All the latest and best improvements
Oxford Clipper,
Front(and Rear Gut
With Roller and Bell Benringe.
Sstraled Ledger Plates if desired.
Ask sur Agent to thew you the New
Patented Bull Bearing
Keith Clip.
i t.
t°unl'llel only when
sea:tally ordered '•`
We also manufeature the best and most oompiete lino of enitivaling and Seed-
ing hitplenients on Berth, comp icing spring 'Yoolb Cnitivntors, (fitted with grain
an,1 gross sowing attaehmente if tlb+irr$) Spring and `pike Tooth ffin'ro s, Dine
Ilarrotv+, hi•elu 13i'iils, (alllt;nd!), 110080 Ilnkt's,.(friction and ratchetdamp,);eto.
If lou need anything In our 1n,5 send for our 11103 Slluitratod Catalogue, (sent
tiesLau wilt nail It
1 ver to your intermit t
y room y U to Co 80.
THE NOXON CO., Limited,