The Brussels Post, 1900-5-10, Page 8Fi.
8SSA, $ !O8
JO, 1900
Aid Now Sicycie
We will sell you the beet Bfoynle
in the World for the money, oo trial
for from 1 to 0 months, and at the
end of the time yon can keep the
Wheel or retain it ae you choose,
We would not do this with every
Wheel bat We are not afraid to do lb
with the Qe eoenb. We bath yet to
find a better Wheel, We have ridden
them for several years and find them
the Wheel that naiads up, No need
to worry About repairs as we Mau get
them easily if required, but the
beauty of it is they are seldom re.
gained. We arm get you a brand
now Wheel -not a Creeoebt though-
for $25,00, if you waut one cheaper
G, A. Deadman,
,Agent for Crescent Bioyoles.
HE ' - L„ a0CPRE AND
at Deaiim an's Drug Store.
Coaster and Brake.
Let us . have your order for a
Creoent Wheel -no better for the money
-and have it fitted with a Ooaeter and
Brake. The beet thing: out, I am using
G. A. Deadman.
Trains leave Brussels Station, North
and South, as follows
Gonna 90099. 4of24G-Noatio.
Express Ile a.m..I Mail ..,.. 2:10 p.m
Mixed ..:..•..: 945 a.m. I Express 10:17 p.m
lard Itttas Tamar
A ohieI's amang ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
Soa000 Board Friday evening.
Harm frosts during the past week.
Tars annual musiaebe•sbave off fever
has bit the town.
Loath poultry breeders complain of
want of luck in hatching this Spring.
Taos. Newsome bas had wire fenoiog
put up at his property on John street.
The front forme was removed.
Bananas Foot Ball team will go to
Fordwioh on the Queen's Birthday and
take part in the tournament there.
I. O. Rlowaena has purchased a dog
oarttor his pony and with a new set of
harness tbe outfit looks quite tasty.
Nara Tueeday is the date the Board of
Health set for the completion of cleaning
tip of premises so as to be ready for the
Sanitary Inepeotor's visit.
Oven 2,000 butter prints were shipped
to a wholesaler last week from F. Mama'
factory, Mill street, Braetfels. The order
was got ont with a rush to fill the bill.
Tax Methodist church is asking for
tenders for a new Parsonage. Plans and
specifications may be seen at Rev. R.
Pant's. He is the chairman of the Com-
A STEAM drill for well boring is being
fitted up by Geo. Birt, the veteran well
doctor, and will aeon be ready for oper-
ation. Heretofore steam has not been
utilized by Mr. Birt. People should
make note of this.
G. T. R. -This week Ferguson & Mo -
Donald shipped a oar of cattle ; Backer
& Vanetone, car of hogs ; Geo. Beet, car
of hogs ; several oars of salt were for.
warded by the Enterprise Salt Worke ;
Clegg & Dames, oar of cattle.
Ons congratulations are extended to
the home circles of Dr. Davidson, of
Woodotook and 0. E. Turnbull, Guelph,
a on andas titer
r of a d ra•
over the arrival i
o rg
epeotively. We also shake metaphor-
ically with the happy parents nearer
100 conoiuEa of bees were shipped by G.
A. Deadman this week to Ohris. Grimold-
by, of Owen Bound, a former employee,
who will take charge of them for Mr.
Deadman. This atilt leaves Mr. D. a
goodly number of colonies to look after
here. He went to Owen Sound with his
honey gatherers.
A BABE BALL team hoe been organized
in Brussels with Jas. Thomson as Man-
ager ; Fred. Gilpin as Seoretary-Treas•
her •
Frank Roche, Captain.tain
number of the juniors will be the willow
wielders. There is said to be 914.00 in
somebody's bands from last year's team
that will put this season's team in shape.
MATnnarmuL. Early Tuesday morning
Rev, Jno. Rose, B. A., spoke the megio
words, at Roeelawn Cottage, the regi•
dense of Jno. Modrae, making Jno. W.
Kerney, the well known Brneeele groper
and restaurants', and Mies Sarah Mo -
Orae husband and wife. Mr. Berney
and bride took a short trip to Walkerton.
They commence married life with the
beet wishes of a large circle of friends in
which TEE POST very heartily joins.
On of Messrs. Cardiff & Beet's bleak
roadsters took a whirl with a new top
buggy from the front of L 0. Riobards'
shop last Friday afternoon. The rig was
rather seriously damaged bat the equine
was not injured. Mr, Cardiff was florin
the rig at the time and as the bridle was
broken and polled off the horse's bead
by the ehorttie obain on the hitching
post there was nothing to bold tbe ani.
Mal by.
of our friends have been generous enough
to wish as "Many happy returns of the
day" over a birtb notice in last week's
PoeT, in which twine are reported as new
arrivals at the home of W. H. Kerr. We
beg leave to say we ate not the happy
party referred to as we oennot afford any
snob luxury. The blessing has come to
the home eirols of W. H. Kerr, the well
known baker of Gorrie, a gentleman, we
tract, who will always have bread enough
and to, spare, but he will knead the
"dough' if the above .mentioned moor.
ranee to frequent.
THEY'RE Aon RroET.-It is the fashion
of those who believe in the "good old
times" to decry our Pablio schools and
to say that they are now mere aboderian
kindergartens. This is hardly borne but
in the one of S. S, No. 10, Kinloss, the
Whiteohuroh P❑blio tobool, which is un-
der the oare of a single teaobet, Josepb
Stalker, and who ie sending up to the
midsummer examinations 6 for the En-
trance examination,. 9 for the Public,
School Leaving or Part I' Junior Leav-
ing ; and 5 for Part 11 Junior Leaving.
It may be added that junior Leaving is
the literary ontdt of ttie Second Class
Certificate of the Public school teacher.
The elcamination feet paid by this
echoed amount to $49,00.
1,r the meeting of Ilaet lNarpc. Linage
Board en Wednesday of tale weep, et the.
4merioan Hotel, Bruseele, 5015001 e0.
goul;te were pnesed and abatements Noe,
1 and 2 were signed, The deal with
the dietribubion of Lithium Enna.
TBE eligible acre lot, bounded on three
sides by Alexander, Thomas and Meehan.
to streets, bas been Bold by Was, J. Nor.
ton, of Listowel, to John Roddick, of
town, at 0fair figure. There ie a smell
r0agh•oaet hone and a ebeble on the
MVNIOIe42, t30ATte1za0,-ASeessor 00110•
ley handed Tum PoeT the fallowing sum.
wary of the Assesemept Roll for Brae•
sets for the year 19.00, aleo the ligates for
the year 1299 by way , of eomparieon :--
1900 = 1899
Val, Real Property,. 9315140 $278740
U Per. " 88575 36050
Taxable booms, .,• 8900 4000.
Total val, Real and
Per, Property and
Taxable Income 315140 318790
No, of Doge,,.,,54 54
No. of BRobes 8 2
No, Persona in family 1228 1193
No. of Cattle 119 121
No, of Sheep 8 15
No, of Hoge 30 57
No. of Horses 139 124
Births 16 12
Deabbe 5 5
Steam Boilers 12 12
The assessment as to vaoee is $1,360
higher then last year, Oar population
shows an inorease of 35. We were under
the impression that the canines had
largely 10oreaee3 bat strange to say the
number of doge in the two years Is idenli.
oal with one of an inoreaee in the female
perenaeion, A reverting to the tag
system would prove a very different state
of affairs we believe.
Goon OONOEBT,-A000rding to an.
nounoement the Conant in behalf of the
38rd Batt, of Huron same off in the
Brneeele Town Hell on Tuesday evening.
The weather watt most unpropitious, no
doubt diminishing the attendance bob
while the Hall was not orowded the pro,
gram was A 1, each performer render.
fog their part in a moat creditable and
pleasing manner, Barrister Sinclair,
who has taken a lively interest in mita
tary affairs, performed the datiee of
chairman with neatness and deepatob
giving a brief patriotic address at the
opening. The program wee as follows :-
Piano solo, "Qaohouohe Caprice," by
Mies Edith Combe, of Clinton ; solo,
"The flight of ages," Mrs. MoIvor.eraig,
of Toronto ; encore, "The man who oar•
ries the gnu ;" reading, "Old Ace," and
encore "Edith and her sister's bean," by
Miss Elia Fisher, of Goderiob ; violin
solo, "Hungarian idyl," encore, "Inter.
mezzo" from Oavalleria Rosticaoa, by
Mise Lenra Acheson, of Goderiob ; solo,
Bobnbert'e serenade, with violin obligato,
by Mre, Craig ; reading "Aux Italian"
with encore "The serenade,' by Mise
Fisher ; violin solo, "Love's dream after
the ball," Miss Aohesou ; solo, "Within a
mile of Edinboro' town" and encore
"Annie Laurie," Mre. Graig ; reading,
"The gipey flower girl," in gipoycostume
by Miss Fisher; violin solo "Wilhelm
Tell," Mise Acheson : olostugchortle by
di me
company and audience "Ho sweet
home." The National Anthem was sung
at the opening. The talent was all new
to Brussels, except by reputation
but they well deeervs the high encore
items expressed oonberning them. Mise
Combs handled the piano excellently ;
Mre. 101olvor•Oraig sang with good effect
and oaaght more than the Scotch midi.
tors when she told in song of auld
Edinboro' and dear old "Annie Laurie;"
Mies Fisher was quite at home in her
well chosen seleotious and although first.
class in her heavier numbers did nbarm•
ingly in telling about naughty Edith ;
Mise Acheson won favorfrom th e first
with the sweet music she brought out of
her violin and the audience would most
willingly have listened to additional se-
leotions, The quartette arm hold their
own with the best going and Brneeslitee
will e pleased to them baok again.
A London Italian trio played a number
of instrumentals at the opening
and der -
bag an intermission in the program.
The financial proceeds were $32 80.
8. wine fence is being put up at the 9
acre corner lot purchased by Inepeotor
Robb. The land has been plowed and
will be needed down and a stable built on
the rear end of the lot,
TEE town dumping ground this year
will be on the farm of W. H. Kerr, Eaet
end of Queen street. The entrauoe ie
through gate at lane to former brickyard,
just South of orchard.
COMPLAINT is being made by a ooaple of.
farmers adjoining Brussels of towns•
people who make their fields s dump
groand for dead animals, often forgebtiog
the necessary work of burial. The
Board of Health will have to be called
in to look alter tbeee oases if it is not
WzDNESDAY Walter Forrest, and line
Morrie, left TEE POST some BAC sped -
mons of copper quartz from Iron Bridge,
Algoma. Mr. Forrest spent the Winter
in the North and thinks there is 4 good
prospect of the mining industry being
developed with profit. Mines are being
opened up and prospectors on the ground
in some places,
BEY. J. Roes, B. A., handed TBE Post
a copy of "The Friend," the odioial paper
of Lord Roberta, at Bloemfontein,
Orange Free State, Africa. It is dated
Maroh 24 and contains columns of Pro.
olamations by Lord Bobs. The war nor.
respoudenta on the - staff edit it. Rev.
Mr. Rose hue a nephew with the let
Canadian Contingent.
°noon's AoT.-Inepeotor Miller laid a
charge against Joseph Emil, hotelkseper,
Lakelet, for Belling liquor to minora.
The case was beard before Magistrate
Roes, Gorrie, on Tuesday of last week,
and after hearing evidence case was die
missed. J. A. Walker, of Wroxeter, was
summoned before R. Miller, J. P., for
selling liquor on Sunday. He plead guil-
ty and was fined $20.00 and costa.
PRoeomsoED ALL REMIT. -Robs. Howe,
0.E., Inepeotor Canadian Fire Under-
writers Assooiablou, paid an official visit
to Bruseele on Thursday of trio week
and examined the fire appliances. The
fire Warm was rung and tbe engine
taken to the river with the bus team
from the Beattie livery. Steam was up
and water ready in 8 minutes. The
Inspector says if two hand fire eatin-
gaiebere are proo0red our outfit will be
0. k. If the firemen and the citizens
generally knew the importance of these
teats they would respond more readily
at the cell of the fire bell.
Woman Omuta -Wm. Kneobtel
old and highly respected resident aof
Braseels, left for Wingbam, where be
will make his horns, for a time at least,
with bis son Charles, Although Mr.
Knetcbel will be 72 year's of age next
August be ie an motive man yet, although
heavy work noes him up. He has been a
Brunets for 37years
ofBr sand was
known far and wide as a ega ae going,
industrious, genial barman maker.
After going out of business for himself he
went into the shop of H. Dennis, now of
Chatham, 16 years ago and when Mr.
Dennie sold out to J. Donaldson, Mr.
Knecbbel continued on in the shop np to
let eweek. Born 1n Hiahenh ,
sneer New
Bavaria, Germany, be came to Canada
when quiteG Y, a boy, learning the printing
trade in the German Canadian office,
Berlin, Onb., with Henry Eby, but ill
health prevented his continuing at it so
he took up harness making instead. He
lived 3 years in Heepeler before Doming
to Brsssels in 1862. Before quitting Mr.
Donaldson's shop an appropriate and
complimentary addreee was read by Mr.
Dowding, followed by the presentation
of a walking Dane by the staff, Mr.
Knetcbel made a suitable reply wishing
all concerned cootioned prosperity and
happiness, It there were more people as
honest going and Banishing ae "Willie"
Kneobtel the world would be a mach
happier spot to travel through than it ie.
TEE POST hopes the old gentleman may
enjoy the evening hours of life very hap.
WEDDING BELLe: The following is tag.
en from a St. Thomas daily, the groom
being a former well known Br❑seelite
"A very pleasant event tookplaoe Tuesday
evening at 8 p. m. at the residence of
Daniel Rneeell, j❑at West of Sbedden,
when hie sister, Mies Eva Rneeell, was
united in marriage to Josepb Hunter, of
Detroit. At 8 p. m, the bride, who watt
attired in a grey travelling east and oar,
ried a bouquet of white then, entered the
drawing room on the arm of her father to
the strains of Mendelssohn'e maroh,
played by Mies Mary Gilbert, of Shedden.
The ceremony was performed by Rev. J.
Henderecu, Kinder an arch oomposed of
the Stare and Stripes and the Union
Jaok, in the preaenoe of about fifty invit-
ed guests. Little Mies Alva Gonid, of
Detroit, niece of the groom, noted as
dower girl and carried the ring an a silver
tray. Atter the ceremony the happy
party eat dawn to a sumptuous wedding
dinner, after wbioh the bappy couple
drove to St, Thomas, and left for De•
trait, where they will in future
reside. The many beautiful presents re-
oeived by the bride dhow the esteem she
is held in by bar many friende
here." Last week Tam PoeT referred to
the above marriage but stated that the
bride's home was Sheldon inateed of
Shedden. The error wee in the wedding
invitation.' Shedden le located In Elgin
Oo., West 0M. Thomas. We always
kiok about Canada befog swathed to the
U. S., bat we geese the "annexing" men•
Boned ahead will be all right.
Business Locals.
OAe31 for butter and eggs. A. Conley.
CLOVER and Timotby seed for sale at
Beaker & Voust nee.
Breathes repaired oarefully and prompt.
ly at the Electric Light Works,
Ides. BALLAnTrNn will take orders for
out flowers and floral designs-oity green.
houses, Bee the fine bedroom sets and
ohinaware at her grocery.
Juan IN -A oar of Manitoba flour and
bran, from the Beautiful Plains Milling
Co., Neepawa. Now is the time to put
in your ebock for Summer,
WANTED. -Eggs, 10 0. cash -12 0. trade.
-We must respectfully request our
onelomers, as far an possible, to ebop in
the forenoon. G. E. KING, Wingbem,
Mrs, D. Q. Rosa Mid 'Vernon were visit.
Ina relating at Ethel for a few days,
Robs, Soott went to Ssatortlt last week
and enjoyed an old'timo ohat with bis
Weed, 53, 7G, Mglseen, of the Flxpoeitor,
0. P,11.. bOoginoer, W. 11. Btretben,
when headquarters ereBobrieher, le here
on a holiday 01011 with robabivea and
Wm. Aldridge, a well known roaidont
of Thomas ebreet, was on the siclt net
last week, bet 44 mooed xkalu ws 000
phased to notion.
Mrs, John Bayoreft arrived bomo last
Monday from an extended visit of over 5
menthe with her daughter, Mre, E, R,
Grandy at Detroib,
Mre. Leokie and Charlie arrived from
Toronto last Saturday and have got set.
tled in their home bare where they will
Rued the Summer.
R. Roche, who has been on the sick
bleb fol' the past week or mere, is able to
get about but will not return to Aylmer
Until fully recovered,
Mies S. L. Moore, mesio teaober, who
has been laid ap with inflammatory
rheumatism, is able to get about again
and was in town Brie week arranging for
the resuming of her elan.
Mrs. J, L. Kerr and Mies E. E. Barr,
are visiting at Guelph with Mre. 0 1„
Turnbull, They will extend their holt.
day by a visit to Mre. Cavanagh at Owen'
Sound before returning to Brussels.
Wendell Holmes sprained hie knee
while playing foot ball on the park
Thursday evening of last week and as
this limbhad a shake up on a former oo.
°aseion he tae been using a wad. ing Mane
to assist in his locomotion.
Mre. Bennett, sister to Jahn Tait,
Queen street, has been dangerously ill
during the paet week or 10 de:. d having
suffered a stroke of paralysis, She is in
a precarious condition but we; hope a
change for the better will soon set in.
Mrs. Peebles and family purpose leap•
iog for Manitoba next week to rejoin
Mr. Peebles. Several members of the
family are holidaying at Atwood this
week before going West. Their many
old friends here wish them prosperity in
their new home.
The following note will be of interest to
the people of this locality ae it refers to
a former well known Brnseelite :-Par•
anent toinetraotionsfrom the Seoretary
of War, Aobing Assistant Surgeon T. G.
Holmes is ordered to proceed to San
Franoisoo, and report to the commanding
General, and a000mpanythe battali not
the Fourteenth Infantry from that point
to Fort Wayne, Bitola., and return with
the companies of the Srveuth Infantry
front the latter post bo Vancouver
Barraoke; thence to accompany "Com'
patsy B. Twsuty.fourth Infantry, to
Fort Wright, Waeh.
People We Know.
Jno. Pelton, of Atwood, Bnodayed in
Geo. Good, jr., of Toronto, wan in
town last week.
Will. Gillespie and R. Oook spent San•
day at Seafortb,
Richard Service and family have re-
moved from town.
R. Mainprize was in Wingbam on
Thutoday of last week,
Bretton was th
PrnakB a eQueen city
for a few days last week.
D, Strabb, blacksmith, is at Tara
where be has a situation.
]tire, Bartliff and Harry were visiting
in Seafortb on Wednesday.
Sam, ()motion has been on the siok list
but is getting all right again,
Miss White, of Wingbam, was visiting
Mrs. Friendship, John street.
Mies Wilson, of Seafortb, is visiting
her bister,'Mrs. (Dr,) Tweddle.
Mica Jessie Halliday returned last
week' from an extended stay at London.
Rev. S. J. Allis, of Goderiob, was re.
newing old ftiendahipe in Brunetti ibis
The family of A. Gubr bath moved
beck again to town from Pre 16th of
Ed, Mole has gone to Manoheeter for a
few weeks to attend to the feather bad
Mr. MOQnarrie, of Winnipeg, is visit.
bog with friends in Brussels and relatives
at Orangeville.
Mise Lou. Behan has been on the
eiok list with an attack of the mumps
daring the past week.
#9T4XI RV 134XE 2F C4t7Y4D4,
o4at ramie T�? 0,4'7::.
CAPITAL PAID VP (Quo Million Delius) .
REEINAVfil FUND , _ , • $600,000
Agencies in all pivotal point. in Ontario, Quebec,Afanttoba, Malted State; c8137121 nd,
Brussels Council.
Tie regular meeting of Brussels Conn.
oil was held lent Monday evening, Reeve
Thomson in the chair. Present, Coun-
cillors Ross, Gerry, Wilton and Fox.
Minutes of last meeting read and
Accounts were read as follows :-
D. M. Scott and assistants testing
hose $ 5 00
Alex. MoLanohlin, salary 20 00
A. Conley, assessor's salary and
postage 42 16
Moved by J. T. Rose, seconded by N. F.
Gerry that above accounts be paid.'
Moved by S. Wilton, eeoonded by N.
F. Gerry, that Court of Revision be held
on the evening of June 4th, at 8 o'olook,
in the Conned Obansber.-Carried.
The dumping ground will be on the
farm of W. H. Kerr, 9th con., Grey, this
year. Entrance at lane.
Application was made by J. A,. Creigh-
ton for permission to pat up a wood -
et th
his remises John etre e
onpremises, ,
property being in the permissive fire
M'ovedby J.'1'. Roes, eeoonded by Jae.
Fox, that permission be granted, an
onblioe of the building being presented. -
A petition was presented from 9 of the
owners fromWilliam street to
Cypress and 'West to Tnrnberry streets
asking for better sewerage.
Moved by S. Wilton, eeoonded by Jas.
Fox, that Jno. Rogers, P. L. S., of
Mitchell, be engaged to take the levels,
make plan and estimates and that a By.
1aw prepared be in a000rdanoe with the
same Carried.
Moved by N. F. Gerry, seconded by S.
Wilton that tenders be asked for the
oonstruotioo of cement sidewalk, tenders
to be in by June 4th, and that the advt.
be inserted two weeks in the Contract
Record: Carried.
Moved by S. Wilton, seconded by J. T.
Bona, that tenders 1)13 reoeived up to next
meeting for eoreened and nneoreeued
gravel, the game to be satisfactory to
A request from Bengali caking Brno.
eels Connell to petition Co. Council to
purchase a steam road roller and atone
crushing maohine for use in the County
was endorsed.
Oonnoii then adjourned.
A General Banking Bosinese Transacted. Farmers' Rothe Disoonphed.
Deane Ioaurd and Oollootione made on all pointe.
Intereet allowed on deposibe of 92.00 and upwards,
Snider. ATTENTION mon TO Tug oor.na0TION 09 FARMERS' 840E NOTES.
Every faoiilty afforded Onetomers living at e, distance,
J, N, GORDON', Ammo Aetna.
M. V. McInnes, Canadian Government
Agent, ebipped fifteen Garman-Amerioan
families sad four oars of stook and effects
from Michigan to Western Canada last
Two Niagara Falls boye, Beverley
Hawley and Fred. Clarke, were sappos•
ed tobe lost on Sunday afberuoon till
late on Monday, when they were found
mashed to death under a fallen pile of
zaz axxo xxonao.
CLROG-LAwneawn,•-In Morrie, at - the
residenoe of the bride's parents, 00
May Mr. IL 3. lay
toMies y dOaten,
daughter of Mr. 0. W. Lawrence,; all
of Morris.
KsaNev-Mo0naa,--At the residenoe or
the bride's father, on Tuesday, May
8th, by Rev. Jno. Rose, B. A., Mr,
John W. Ii;erney,. it, Miss Sarah,
daughter of Mr. John McCrea, all of
Earacar.-In Hallett, on May let, James
Elliott, aged 90 yeses, 8 months and
23 days..
Poaxn.-lo Whiteoharoh, on May $rd,
Eliza J., wife of James Found, aged
67 years and 9 montba.
Roraima -In Elms, on April 26th, Annie
Robbie, aged 27 years,
2s2 T0001 t ,e3 S6AR3CA'I'0.
Fall Wheat . ...• 80 60
Barley .,.... ... 88 40
Peas 58 60
Oats 26 27
Batter, tube and rolls 11 12
Eggs per dozen.... ... 99 109
Flour per barrel 4 00 4 50
Potatoes (per bus)20 20
Apples (per bag) 1 00 1 00
Salt per bbl., tail00 70
Hay per ton 7 00 7 00
Hides trimmed 6 89
Hides rough 5 5
Sheep skins, each ....•80 1 00
Lamb skins eaoh25 25
Hogs, Live .. 5 50 5 80
Wool 8 13
Gansaan servant wanted. Apply at
once to MRS. 3..LEOKTE, Brussels.
Gaon cow, in calf, for sale. Apply to
JAS. GIBSON, Brussels.
Boaex Spaniel lost. Anewere to acme
of Jaok. ALP. BAE3IER, Brussels.
Burma for sale, light seoond band
phaeton, in good reppair, cheap.
REV. JNO. HOLMES, Brussels.
Tram' BRED Jerseyheifer calf for eale.
Calved on April 27. Apply to
THOS. NOWSOME, Brussels.
BLACK Alumna eggs for hatching from
well fired fowl. LESLIEr EBBE,oBrussels,
BRown,-In Morris, 011 May 2nd, the
wife of Dlr. J. A. Brown, of a son.
Oosnic,-In Grey, on May 8rd, to Mr,
and Mrs. Jno, Claris, a eon.
DAVIneoN,-Ia Woodstock, on April 80,
to Dr, and Mrs. Davidson, formerly
of Brunets, a eon.
Pox, -Io Brunie, on May 7th, to Mr.
and Mre, Jas. Fox, a son.
Hoaoznn tie. -In Blyth, on April 28th,
the wife of Mr, Eli Roltzhatier, of a
Hsuannn,-In Grey, on May 2, to Mr. and
Mrs. W. Reuther, a eon.
KeeNAnnAN.-In Morris, on April 26, to
Mr, and Mre, Jas. Keenaghan, a son.
MoLttou.-InTrowbridge, on the 80th
ulb., the wife of Mr. Alex. McLeod,
of a son.
PERafa.-In Grey, on May 4, to Mt. and
Mrs, Wm. Perris, a daughter.
Tuoonunr,.-In Guelph, on May 5, to Mr,
and Mre. 0 'Tl. Turnbull, former
residents of Brnesele, a daughter.
Wtwee .-ln Brue0515, on May 0th, to
Mr, add Mra, John 11. Wilbee, a eon,
LL SAM bulls for sale • 2 rising 2 yeare and
the other a year old. llegistered
a stock and
in good condition. L. 510010,
Orsnbrook P.O. Lot 17, Con. 14, Grey.
Offers will be reoeived, by the undersign-
ed, up to May 18611, for the purchase of the
remaining a sets of the late banking firm of
I BIntend-
t nd-
in nooeb. se e a may examine Brussels, ase, In e
°face oo G. P. i examine ueaete at
oGos of G. F. Blair, Solicitor, Brneeele, or
a n Inttin him.
m obtain all motion bywriting e
Y 8
W ]iERR , o[ Committee.
8. Seo
Notice to Builders.
Tenders will be reoeived, up to May 21st,
ate p.m , for the erection of a Parsonage
for the Methodist Church, Brussels, The
lowest or tender not necessarily
ed. Plans and specifications may
at thena of av. Pare,alri sea sirsot
near G. T. R. station, where all information
will be given.
R. PACO Chairman of Committee.
A. OOIIBL'EY, Secretary, V
Tenders Wanted.
Tenders will be received by the under-
signed up to May 20th, for the erection of a
wood shed at school house, 8, 3.No.O, Grey,
The lowest or any tender not necessarily
accepted. Plans and apeoifloatigns may be
Been at P. J. Bishop's, The job of :repairing
fano and levelling sobool ground will also
bo let on same date.
P.J. BISHOP, Seo,.Treas,
4143 Lot 14, Oen. O, Grey, Ethel 1e.0.
Notice Is hereby giventhat the Municipal
Connell of the Corporation of the Township
of Grey, County of Huron will meet as Oourt
of Revision at the TOWNSHIP HALL,
ETHEL, on Monday. May 2841s, at 10 o'clock
a. m. Parties interested will goyerothem.
solyee accordingly.
WM, SPEECH, Clerk.
Patents Guaranteed.
Our fee returned if we fail, Any one send-
ingg sketch and description of any invention
will promptly receive our opinion free son.
earning thepatentability of same. How to
obtain a patent" went upon request, Pat.
ants secured throughus advertised for sale
at our expeuee. t'atante taken out through
ns reeeivs 55100rAL Notl0 E, without charge
in TEE PATI0NT R200 onb, an. illustrated and
widely circulated Journal, consulted by M ea-
nfaotaxera and Investors, Sono for sample
• Geo' room Address VICTOR J, 18YANS&
0o, -(Patent Attorneys,! Evens Building,
Washington, D, 0.
bores on Qom; street ; also aplano
very lam 'land, ono of the been makes for
three hundred and !iffy dollars. Mast be
sold before the lot of A5011. Apply to.
M165 M, onstri EI,L, Br0100e,.,
a TIONEBRfor the County. 'Brom-
lance of over 14 years, and knowledge of who
to eell to. will guarantee eztisfaebion,: If
you want to sell or buy a- farm call on me,
7.10057 to loan at 4f P50 ceub,
Insect Powder,
Moth Camphor,
Chloride of Lime,
Carbolic Acid,
Little's Phenyle,
Caustic Soda.
We have thein -Strictly one
Quality -the bust, at
Pox's Drag Store.
I J 040 aorea, eomplute section, near
Southwest boundary of Manitoba, Over 100
Just received a car of Fresh
.0ho58e un
. Pine tw
Lime, which will be kept for 127:y; rlYer Sn]aa sB miile0rorm
ar oeaP coal supply. Price $900,
sale at my residence during Apply to JNO, D. RONALD,
Ina Lot MN t Con. O. Morris township,
containing e8 novae ofarst.elaea land. There
is a house barn, orchard and good ware.
bou, anti farm 10 well fenced. Tllere are
s0 aorLe eo in Fall wheat ; 15 acres in hay and
40 aures pasture, Possession could be given'
at once. Farm adjoins the village of Bros.
sets. For further particulars, as to pride,
terms, 50., write to JAMES LIVINGBTON,
M, P.,. Baden. - 22-13
the Bummer.
T. P. Smith,
Graduate of New York, Philadelphia and
'Parente Optical Colleges, will be at
TENDERS will bo reoeived by the Conn.
oil of the Municipality of Turnberry up bo 4
o'clock p, m., MDEBAY, MAY 28111, for the
Widening and deepening of the drain ore the
10th and llth concessions, ltnown as the
Armstrong Drain. Security to the eablefas..
tion of the Council will he required for the
faithful performance of the work according
to the pronto and spetldoationb of the Town -
Alp Engineer. The lowest or any tender
not neeesearfly accepted. Profile and apeal-
floatIone eon be neon at the Clerk's Wilco in
Motivate on and after Monday, May 14th.
next. Information.' as to paymeata on En-
ggiueer'e Monthly Letimates can be obtained
from the Olork or any member of the Oouu-
ell• Towbars to be addroaaed to John Env
gaeaey ora,°lonk JO3NY33U101188, Tp, Olork,
fluovale, AIay511,1600.
May Y 16 t M 16th,
I Call early and avail yourself of
his valuable services.
LAOn,-The property of the late John
Elliott,. oonelabing of a solid brink bones
with frame kitchen and woodshed, good
stable and i acre of laud all in ' first-otase
condition. I1 not sold will be rented. Pos.
session at any time. For pa, tlonlare apply
to Wal. SBENOn, Ethel; ALEX. PATTaao0N,
Galt,; or I1n,11dalinnvns, Mt, Forest 201f
0.10,31-1,01 17, con. 5. Township of
Grey. 100 acres more or lose. Situate 44
miles from,Blussels, anti 2 miles from village
of Rtbel. All cleared cm:eating 5 acres of
hardwood bush, Buildings and fences in
good repair. Good wells, All bail plowing
done. Price and terms' of payment on ap-
pBoatinn to W. M. SINOLtIB.
20-01 Barrister, Aso„ Bruseele.
-Consisting of the South 4 and South i
of the North i of Lot 80, eon.2, East Wawa.
nosh. Thns. 15 an ex
cellent stook farm,heing
situated about 8 miles frominthe thriving .
lage of Blyth. A large part of itis under
grass. Buildings and fences are in a fair
state of repair. Easy terms of paymentwill
be given. For all information apply to
11-tf G.F. BLAIR, Barrister, Brussels.
A. Smilli
has without question a
large.and very fine
stock of White Goods.
Comii Down.
No trouble to show Now Goods-
That's what we are here for.
If you ever saw of Dress Goode such
a beaubifal array ;
If you ever heard of Bargains like
we offer you to -day ;
If such Trimmings, Silks and Cotton
goods e'er met your eyes before,
Your patronage we never will solicit,
any more.
Sole Agent in Brussels for
Priestley's Black Drees Goods.
As the days grow warmer
and the sun more dazzling g the
Parasol becomes a necessity.
Never before have we had such a
tempting array, such pretty
handles, such Exquisite Quality
and such
Ate R.
..Moderate ate COStA