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The Brussels Post, 1900-5-10, Page 7
- 4 ,w r .w y NI .x 10, i;ioo. DOCTORS AND PATIENTS, w,.R+ nearceis lanolin% Pre/Mee/1 lit teernpa'y Muter aha !idea el' eeir m ire lnznAtl- l{nNen. A. coal pony of G l erman ladies have oolleotad avideeee of the meat eon- vineleg aahal'eeter which slitave that the Graze for; .trying neWfangled ppi- sone end knife throats lentis many German praetitionere to experiment with them on patients without their consent, or under fraudulent repro. iientetions. Dr, Sohimmelbusoh, wishing Lo ox- peimenL to get information ooneern.. ing Intl minatory tumors, took a quan- tity of b0.ct1U from the diseased ear of a little girl and planted' theta in Lba blo leg od-pof oisoninga boy w,ho was Ruff orinll from DIED! Qi rcacr4Y, fA1 aha end ail) the month the boy wag dead, Tile post-mortem proved that he did not die of blood -poisoning, but of the disease a .tifieially planted In bine. His dying agonies wore horrible to sea and caused several of the nurses to ory bitterly, Only Sohimme lhusohswaa unmoved; to him the little nna pains were a gratifying confirmation of an alleged theory he had in bio mind, but which proved futile," The name doctor made a elmilar ex- periment on a young man 18 years old, who was ' also suffering from bloodpoisoning. He .planted in him the entire corruptive mutter of afall- eked furuncle, whereupon 50 oarbun- ole developed,. 'From a medical standpoint, they were very satisfactory," says the doe. tor, "but 24 hours after inoculation, my patient died, to my great surprise and disappointment." The experimen- ter adds: "1 learned nothing by the described investigations" A ZYMOTIC DISEASE, A man named Knau4p Galled at the Rudolph's. Hospital, in Vienna, to con suit the doctors with reaped to an abs - Gess be, had on his forehead. He was retained for a week, and one fine morning Dr. Grose, thenesisteot physi- cian' took him to the operating room and injected something hot into him, Knaus asked what the injection was good for, and was told it wouldn't hurt him. A. few days afterwards the man discovered, to his horror, that he had a zymotic disease.. He charged Dr. Gross with having; inoculated him with it, and the latter laughingly an.. swered: "1 am glad it made its appearance in the normal ooeree." , DEEP DEPR(A,PITY. Some of the oases show a depth of depravity on the part of mercenary pareats hardly equalled in criminal history. German professors and physicians seem to have no difficulty In procuring any numhee of boys and girls for their so-calfedf scientific tests, whether they imperil health and life or not. Often the father of the °held and the doctor "arrange things" over a bot- tle of wine; again, the little victims are sold for more or less money or favors, for the promise of rendering free medical service, for instance, Not a dew helpless children, it seems, must pay the penalty for little aots of in- subordination, laziness or other naughty behavior by a poisoned con- atitution, or by being crippled for life. The German ladies state' that their I action is a crusade against heartless- ness and a brutality that is spreading and impressing itself upon the char- acter of future generations. BITS Ob' FF= rrNLYITY. The scarab, in turquoise blue, is the all-important fetich of the moment. • The princess petticoat, for both street and evening wear, is a feature of madlsh lingerie, Worth is using a deal of net and tulle with satin in his gowns. There is a return to the ostrich fea- ther in millinery. Black taffeta, stitched in while, is much worn for afternoon frooks. Plaiting/ of tulle, on which chen- ille is sown like a card, form one of the popular hat trimmings. Draped taffeta toques, with a"obou" of velvet, are the ultra smart mode. The blank velvet skirt has sup- planted all others for wear with the independent bodices. Tulle and lane straw acid first place In the hats of spring. Russian lave; ooarse and heavy as it is, turns out to be one of the latest Dries for gowns corsmoulousty built. Smart fans have their sticks studded wll.h jewels. While veiling, trimmed with yellow lace, is to be a very fashionable bom- bin n lion. Little braids in all colors that Wane - late hcrostitohiug, are being imported to outline the seams of new( gowns. t The gown and hat of 1840 seem to be t the oiled that fashion iii aiming at. In the transphrent yokes of the now. est gowns there is no apparent shoul- der seam. d .Buttons set with real gems are the e current thing if one can 622006 them•, y Separate waists, and nut "blouses." to aro what fashion dictates for spring, 4i Palm leaves bid fair to rival the ev- si err -popular polls del for foulards, In- dia silks and ohallies, 131ack and silver is 8 coming popu- lar oombinatlon. Separate belts are no longer good form, eta everything now savors of the prim/ease effect, Rod tulle, spangled with rad paill- Bites is like! to seine: exceedingly Y n gy popular for evening frocks. • Alet de to Werk of jets, heads or jew- els, whish, unlined, is used to cover arms and shoulders, I5 a lute novelty for waists for the theatre or mini -Lor- elei (woasiOnJ, "Mitten 816epes" Arne in fine shir- red t rlifen. wtli be as:'d 10 the 0x0!0- of cion of gloves this coating 0as0n, It 8 is promised, 1v 011 e Farm, WOOD ASTMS VOR CROPS. Good wood ashes are usnuity took - ed 'upon) simply tie a source a potash. While (L ie undoubtedly true that ties potash is very, available and. is taken up, 431 the plan at voce,/ the good re - melte from( applying this fertilizer are partially duel le the enroll perreutage of; phosphoriet aoid, ranging from(1 to 2 pea' cent. and quite apereentage of lime, ainou'nting in aOme, =AWeks to 35 per vent, la evils of mineral origin the lime is very elfeclive in liberating plant food, particularly potash, The combined offect, therefore, of all three elenmente in wood aelvea le always ficial, Ashes have always been con- sidered an excellent fertilizer, The supply, however, le rapidly deoreas- ing, and in !many cases it is impar• /ibis to obtain thein. It la generally understood that hard- wood ashes' are much rioher,in potash Ulan o b n s ft woad, aucli as that from maple, poplar, r oo rotvood, and the like. Thie is true to a certain extent. However, softwood, ashes are much lighter than, hardwood end eousepe- tinily, weight for weight, the differ - once is not) so grea'tt\as la sometimes supposed. Prof. Voorhees' states that the average eommeroiol ashes sold for fertilizers Contain' about 6 !per omit,, of potash, 2 per cent, of phospberuo avid and 324 per cent. of lime. High- grade ashes have frequently contained from 10 to 40 peroene of potash. Leached ashes contain about 11-4 per cent, of potash, 11-2 to 2 per gent. of phosphoric aoid and 29 per cent, of lime. Tanbark ashes are poor in fertilizing content and seldom con - lain more than 2 per cent, or petunia. Limekiln ashes are also poor in pot- DalT., bol contain a vooy high percent- age of. lime, amounting In many oases to 50 percent. There is a difference of opinion as Lo the vagus of coal ashes. If obtain- ed from, anUiraeite coal, they contain a tra0d oh potash, 8 to 15 per cent. of lime and, magnesia, and some soda, The thief value crone wn application of this class, however, is supposed to be chiefly true to the machltnioal effect's upon the evil, At any rate oval ashes of all kinds should oe preserved and used as a top -dressing to grasses or a,bolot fruit{ trees and bushes, As ashes contain a large percent - ago of lime, itis thought advisable to apply them to the °laver orop whroh Precedes the field crop to be fertilized. They can, be Int (m at the rate of trona 1 to.2 tons per acre Lu the fall and winter, The olovee and must be broken the following) spring and tbe cultivated oropt planted. Thereafter to Maintain the fertility of the soil 500 lbs per aura should be applied either the, fol Law. winter or early spring, Where intensive vulturei rs praotioed, such es in the growing of potatoes, the application may be in- areaaed to S 1-3 tont Where large amounts like this are applied the ap- plication must be made the fall and winter previous, or at tease a part of it should ,be put on in advance. ;Far garden Drops a lighter application is sa,tisfaotory and may -be put: on very early in epriug. Ia any, event, whether applied to field mope or to orchards, the ap- plication should be made amine time ahead of planting. The( ashes ahould be thoroughly and uniformly mixed with the surface soil. Where only a small amount is to be used, say, 300 tot 400; lbs per ante, it is best to sact- ter i4 about the hill. working it in well. In no rase put on a heavy ap- plication near the plant, as the cuustio effect is always injurious. As a gen- eral cute, for field crops when 'the ap- p110atioaP is made in the spring the ground is: plowed and the asliea scat- tered over the surface, wilicb, is then harrowed and prepared thoroughly for seeding. Where the soil is deft oient in phosphoric avid it will pay to add, to the application of ashes 31]0 to 500 lbs bone. For lawns, where a heavy, vigorous growth, or always desirable, the grass plants must, be well fed. The first spring apply a heavy coating three to tour toots, of wood ashes to begin with and then every spring thereafter put on 500 lbs, of ashes and a little, bone and the ,grass will have/ a dark green color, resist the effect of droutb and will crowd out the weeds. DOES LEAD OIL PAINT INJURE mewl Some 12 or 14 years since, rabbits gnawed apple trees' in my nursery rows badly says awriter. To indium rapid and sound healing I had painted with cornmeal lead and oil paint all roes whirs injured, The result was 0 my perfect satisfaction, The Wounds were not 'only painted over, lvut to prevent further rabbit' depre- alions the bodies of tees were palnt- d froth tbe ground two feet up. Two airs afterwards my eon called at - Otto» to the superiority of the trees t tinted overt those stundiug side by • de not painted. They wore more ' BBUBB1u s !tech (05x, !*01368, in diftaXetox' t#Wei krotard v( healed oYot entirelytl ro1 y le eight velars, l need to ptitnt tree woneta with putn ellall86 dissolved in ulaol101. Tbeit 18 'rota eXeneeaive and does near serve the purpose desired, ft urealrs, and fulls off leaving the wounds babe. Do not tear to no 015 pal*t an trine. Tao ,FAllllT W11LL, A nec#tlsity alt (Wary tarns is a good welt. Not only sheuld a ROW Well eohtain plenty of .waiter but that Wa- ter should be pure and the surround- 00ga of the well should be kept es tidy and clean as p0851141e, The well should always be located at a safe distance frocc possible sources of poeutfon; She brick or stone work should be, set at least as far down as the ground water -line, In cement im-. pervious towater; the top of 'the well should be raised about afoot above the surface of the ground and be provided. with a tight top to keep out all vermin, and the .surroundings ehould he kept' free oft ail eubslanees that might pol- lute the water. The well should never be used for a refrigerator, nor ehould the wwedi'ngi of eniikcans or other utensils be tarried ou in its immedi- ate neighborhood unless ample pro - vii S OII is made to carry ry away all wash water, Slope and garbage should be thrown on the rom7wst bene where they belong, Heart Palpitation. Japan tea drinkers try CEYLON GREEN TISA. It is absolutely PURE, JOTTINGS ABOUT, THE WAIL 11'41115 THAT WILL INTEREST YOU AT THIS TIME. RelOdst le paragraphs Precis the Beat or IYn4-What Oar Drove Soldiers Are Doing lu South Africa. A tangle shrllpnel ghat! Scatters 340 death -dealing pieces, Lord 11:itodenor is the youngest Maeor-4general in the British army The Gulus are inferior physically to their old-time enemies, the Boers. Exclusive of fewazitand, the area of the rTranavael is 113,042 square miles, A aluttoriug soldier Was oared of his i °dime imp nt by a Mauaor bullet passing through his throe'. An inventor has derived a mist or fog ,ball,. with which to envelope an !antagonist in impenetrable dark- ne89. Pedlars at the front have been sell- ing tiny squares of red tWill for a shilling apiece se poolet-handker- chiefs. Cavalry cover four miles an hour when walking, nine miles an hour when trotting, fifteen miles an hour galloping. To mobilize the entire force of the Boer army when war was declared took but seventeen telegrams from General Joubert. A gunner must find bis right range by oonstant experiment, as the course of a shell is affected by the atmos- pheric oonditions. An ordinary mule waggon weighs about 1,000 pounds and carries a load of 2,000 pounds, It is drawn by a span of ten or twelve mules. "Weary Willie" was the name given by Tommy Atkins to a Boer gun out- side of Ladysmith, whose shots fell far short of the British lines. Traction engines are employed at the front for the oonveyanoe of sup- plies. They drag heavy loads up steep hills, and save the struggling horses. For board which would cost you birty shillings in London, you moat ay £4 in Cape Town. Firewood osts five times as much as it does in England. Chief Khama, on the North-western ransvaal frontier has 1,200 armed men patrolling and scouting on Eng- and's behalf. A troop of Boer horsemen who per.. orm nightly in a German oirous have een forbidden that port of their pro- ramme which represents a victory ver Britisn redcoats. The German war authoritiea have uplioates of all bridges in France, t, in case of war, any of these A QUEBEC LADY RELEASED FROM GREAT SUFFERING. She fled Tried Many Medicines Without Aral!, Rat Ultimately Pound et inure .I Throngb the Use et Dr. Willttlu0' Pink 1.4444. Few bodily aflliotiona are more tar.. ribie than disease of the heart. To live in constant dread and expecta- tion of death, sudden and wi,l:h last ; farewells unspoken, is for most pen- pla more awful to contemplate than Ufa moat serious lingering} illness. The slightest excitement brings suf- fering and danger to such people. 4 For several years Mrs, Gravel, wife of P,B.A.Gravel, foreman in Barry's cigar factory, 51. John's suburb, Quebec, was such a sufferer, but; thanks to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills she is again in the enjoyment of good health. Mrs, Gravel says: - "My general health was bad. for several years, my appetite waa poor, and I was easily tired, but it was the frequent sharp pains and violent palpitation of ray heart{ which caused me the greatest alarm'. I tried many medicines, and was treated by sever-. t al doctors, but in vain, Finally 1 became eo poorly that I was not ev able to do any household work, and o was frequently confined to my bed, At the suggestion of one of my friends Idecided to try Dr. Williams' T Pink Pills. After taking a few boxes I began to gain new strength and 1 vigor. The pains in my heart were less frequent and less severe, and in every way my health! was improv- f ing. Icontinued using the pills, until b I had taken. eight boxes, when I had g completely recovered my, health. I o have gained in flesh; my appetite la good, and. I em able to do all my d household work without feeling the I awful fatigue I was before aubjeot to. I amt very, thankful to Dr. Wil- liams' pink; Pills, for they have .truly released me front much suffering, and bridges were destroyed, they Gould b replaced in six hours. Australian horses are especial! citable for the hot climate of th ape. 2,000,000 of these animals ar ow munching Australian fodder in tend of facing Boer guns. Otorr 'I•r s' • NAX`S TOTAL ECLIPSE, A4 Mipprt IY1U Ate Jlage to Ioenlr for Mlypolketleai rinnet.'Y1410en, The total eclipse of the sue, which °Mere on Ikiay 26 01021, 18 ilkely 1,o be iu its reeuits owe of tie, 1440th re- markable phenomena of the W04401'- 24,1 nineteenth, eenLury, Almost Invariably: total solar ac- lipses lieretofnre, have beep vlsiblo only free/ remote and more or less in- atoosaibie parts of the earth, '10 have 011,0 00000 mv[Chin easy reach, 011 the linea of machtravelled raiiWays, and in 1144 heart of a country where 001600e and civilization are at their zenith, is a moat auspicious event. During the coming eclipse a ep804a1 effort is to, be made to fled Vuleap, a plaint which; is only hypoUlotloal at present, having escaped observation because oh faintness of light, Sula posing that Vwloant 10 found, what kiwi of a world, will 11 prove to In? It fa difficult to understand how it can' possess any considerable size, and yet have so long escaped detection. Still, if dt Is aufficlentl °lose y to the sun, it would be hiddua tory effec- tually in' the glome, except at partl- oudarly favorable, womenta, As- suming su m gl that It is of habitable dimen- sions, tvhat chance is there that living beings Gould exist upon it? If the Planet is discovered, one of the first questions to be solved twill be an to the nature and extent of its Mmes. pthha6nre.MeBiudngy mthneeahreeatto uthpeonsuint m'u'st be terrific. It it is situated half way between the sun and Meroury, or, say, eighteen million males from the former, then the solar heat and dight at its sua•faue are more than twenty-five times as intense as they 604 on the earth. Other things that will receive spec- ial attention, are the study of the coronal forms, and the nature of the wonderful mystic gaseous layers that sulrround the sun. Also the nature of the substance contained in the corona of the sun„ which shows a spectral green line. • QUEBEC UNITED, No Division of Opinion in Regan to Dodd's Kidney Pills Whatever. --- MIAs Anna Mongreit, of Grand heti Voices the Universal Verdict -Says She Feels Obliged lei Tot! Her Friends 01' lesdd's Kidney Pills. dire !terabit nam Been Abaci rarely Cured, Grand Melia, Que., April 30. -Miss Ancon Gtlongren, of the Village of Grand hletis, Quebec., has been oared a her kidney trauble of yearn statnd- ing by Dodd's Kidney 2i11s. Through- out this country it is becoming more and more common to hear of oures this fatuous medicine is making. The peo- ple of French Oanaata are not u class who are taken in by imitations or worthless preparations of any kind. They are u oonservattve people, and the reputation of a medicine has to be thoroughly established before they pin their faith to it. It: is therefore at most oonvineing sign that Dodd's e Kidney Pills are a sterliug remedy when French Canadians throughout y Quebec speak of it in the highest terms e of praise, and that moreover from a e knowledge based on their own exper- ience. Dodd's Kidney Pills are uow proved to be infallible in the euro of Kid- ney Diseases of absolutely every na- ture,.Bright's Disease, that terror of physioians; Diabetes, which used to be onlled incurable; Rheumatism, the af- fection which readers the lives of so many otherwise strong and robust ween and women of Quebec miserable, and which is the accompaniment of old age nine times out of ten through- out the Lower Provinces; Heart Dis- ease, not generally known to be the result of Kidney Disease, but which is so nevertheless; Dropsy, Urinary and Bladder Complainta, Woman's Weak- ness and blood disorders all kinds yield freely and promptly to Dodd's Kidney Pills Miss Anna' Mongreo, well-known in Grand 141etis, writes ae follows con- cerning her cure "I was suffering from a great pain in my side, which caused me moth pain and uneasiness. I had taken three boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills and I telt u wonderful relief, 1 continued to take them and now I am perfectly cured. Considering it only fair and ;honest to let the fasts be known, t feel obliged to tell my friends of the virtues of Dodd's Kidney Pills and to thank that medicine for the groat benefit I have received." I hope that *thea may be induced to 0 try this wonderful medicine." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure by go- ing to ,the root of the' disease. They renew and build Alt the blood, and strengthen the nerves, , thus driving a disease from the; system, Avoidnml- tationa by insisting that every box at you purohesee is enolosed in a wrap- 13r per bearing the) full trade mark, Dr. Williams' Pink Willa' for Pale People. If yours dealer dons not keep them ye they will be sent postpaid at 50 t oents a box, or .six boxes for $250, s by addressing the Dr. Williams' Medi- th eine Oo,J Brookville, Ont. Ladysmith street, Kimberley street, nd Mafeking street, are the names even to three long sheds, resembling Teets, which have been erected for itish prisoners in Pretoria. The famous shot fired in the Jubilee ar of Queen Victoria from a twenty- wo ton gun, to ascertain bow far a hot could be oarried, remained in s air sixty-nine and a half seconds, Al a erioket match in Ladysmith bowling and batting were both so dangerous to the spoutators that they remarked it wan muob worse than the Boer shells, and all solemnly retired to their caves. Lieutenant Douglas Campbell, of the Imperial' Light Horse. who was ounded fn the recent attack on Lady- ith, was also wounded at Elands egte. In the Matubele tvarbe had horse shot under him. Among the exhibits at a recent ower show two prizes were awarded primulas, named rospeutively "Lord Mule and "General French." am- ber fine speoimen called, the "Sir R. !ler" got a silver medal. The Krupp works' have now stopped e further turn -oust of shells ordered am England. It is insiouatedi that Hellen order, amounting to £2,- ,000, just given to Messrs. Krupp, really destined for England. Acoording to the last returns there £202, 772 standing to the credit of ejaukots in ships' books or at the ckyards. Tho number of depositors 23,000. l:',aoh man, on the average, a therefore over £100 to his credit, According to an offioer's letter, at nds Luagto the Imperial Light arse, who had uo bayonets, joined Gordons in the elm ego, and club - 1 with their rifles axis/ Boers who 'ed to stand and fight on the hill • t i 1 'retoria ie at present defended by s powerful .torts, and there are five es of mines and enormous entrench - eta. The ground all around and ut the Transvaal capital is fur' - ed with mines of 13 ddite and other h explosives. In Grosvenor Crescent., London, L tau vete hospital etor officers has been anged in a private house, and the hole ground that. it hasouo has da iso onplfor beds wit ro om h s elan for ata n- 0 to r" u nos. THE AGE OF WOMEN. At a literary salon in Paris, Balza° was once asked by a pretty young girl of 17 why it was he liked women she would cull passe. 'Why, monsieur, even when they are as old as 40 you w seem to enjoy their society 1" Balaeo sm looked at her earnestly' for a second fits and then laughed heartily. Then he remarked in a serious voice as though ifl weighing every word he said: "Per baps it lies in the feet that the wo- man of 20 must be pleased, while the ' of woman of 40 tries to please, and the Bu older woman's power consists, not as j has' been so of tea said, in understand- th ing and making the most of her own fr charms, but in oompreheuding and 600 with happy tad; Galling out and mak- is ing the most of the good qualities of 1 the man whose fuser she seeks." ,Balzao dared a great deal when he Is made one of this heroines 30 years of blu age. But slice than the limits of a do woman's youth have been oonsiderab- is ly extended. There was a time, and ha it was not so long ago, when a woman who had passed 28 wan described as "a ' Woman of a certain age," wbioh, as Lla everyone knows, means of an unser- H' taro Lige-a woman who no longer win the ell her ago. At present a woman in he good Menial, who knows how to dress d:u hermit, is considered young up to 95, top ad If elle remains thin, up to 4q years 1 of age; I think the reason of Lids is blv hat women live Inore active lives in lin hese days; to take delight in activity s a proof of youth, and also a hygienic, In vigorous and /bowed a better growth. a Since then I have thus painted all. any young =chard trees for two purposes t -to' prevent, rabbit injury and to t etnm,u'/ate the tree. Rabbits will not 1 measure which prevents from grow- ado Mg old. Such a change in ,Lhe way row of looking at thlugs has had its in- hig touch a painted tree, ,and I ant con- vinced that trove are stimulated in growth and health, Do not ender - eland that I ! d Ira paint t f he tree re hod � i S with aha heavy y aoat of paint ns I would wovd- i work -only a slight coating, enough barely to COMP the bark. For many years, when pruning tram, fruit, lawn, or street, I have painted 1 heavily and 4140 1 pvn TtlV h ova` g y va the wounds of all limbs, large or small, with ordinary, 1i444ap lead paint end I. T have fount[ nothing 10 produce w ooh rapid and satiafaotory healing 0 here colt, I can show where oak , tuano e onfashion; the women soman no , or: ger considers herself compelled, of -pre. t0r a pertain date, to adopt amnia! err ashions and colora. Women have come to realize the nod ruth elf ,the French saying that a wo- ' six 1 n s hos pian e dor than ul ha s o ] , 9 Ook di s, • inn Any • self-respecting mail will lie hen he hes begun to take his clothes 12 and his wits) asks him if he mailed that, • hotter to -day, r ^ Henry J4mes, the novelist, ta . to re- turn to America, next fall, after a long absen00 (n searoii of material for a new novel. ROPES IN TWENTY KNOTS, There are over twenty rope knots used in military engineering, in ad- dition to which for pontooning and spar bridging there are several differ - ant forma of lashing and brseeng. AN UNHAPPY LOT. That advertisementsaid my bald- ness could be cured if I would send a sample of my hair, Well? None of the men in our offiro could spare Ire the sample. Thomas E. Vale, chief burgess of the o1d town oe Carlisle, Pa., is the youngest burgess in the Slate, He is 90 years old. AEl1 0 F E !Cl tit! CIDP t) TBA,.. - 1lh L c �`.e t 'j_ ()j "I . 1194 up train 4otbins but rho anent NM cinematic, You caul help Itkln4' 14;.• LEA0 PAOxA0E°. 20, 34, 4e, 00 and r`!1►�i�s^I►�ib -" ya 'M>vw"ta 1p► �R, laro 4,;10 Ar 'a4 'f,!1•'M � 64 8[11[I8 IP You 1244 select the color on any paint chart 1 but how about the • quality? How will it look next year, and tot' years to Como? 1 It is best to get the lasting mal- a4'=',®a.rn,a.r�..,,;,aw sty hi paints a it's the only (rind that isa good investment, �pyRamsa�gmVmbss V► Paints, are that kind. For gale by all good dealers. i - it A, NM 3 SOD, PM Makers. 1191 e MO TREAL IB12. N t•' '� •Ctq.'p.•s'�••Mq�' ,', �.m.•�+�.'1►"NV'�V'svt►•e.r�i TOMMY* CARRIES HIS POINT, Tommy Tooker? Yeas, m'a'am. 1n this sentence, Esau, go to your seat, parse'. Esau. Esau'8 aimoper noun, masculine gen- dor third person singular How do you make that out/ Isau, 'Usau, Esau-ouohl There are over one hundred gold_ mines in the immediate, neighbour- hood of Johannesburg, stretching out on all sides o$ tbe city. The monthly output of the alines was fifteen tons of gold, and will: be muchl more when the Transvaal is at last under good government. Remember ,'Ii,EMEMI3,ER. We don't advertise for mere effect. but for business. We know that, u6 yoiu are eubjeot to cramps, that yotu should hhve a prompt, efficient remedy on hand. Nerviline-nerve- pain Dura -has a wonderlful and ha.- m:ed Ot.'e curative 'power. It relieves un one minute, it cures in five. Pleas_ ant to the taste and the best known remedy for pain. Great Britain is building seventeen new warships, France four and Russia twelve. -� 4 GOOD CORN SHELLER FOR 25e. A marvel of ohea,pness, of efficacy, and of promptitude, is contained in a bottle Of that famous remedy, Put- nam's Painless Corn Extractor, It goes right Ito the root of the trouble, there acts quickly but so painless Shutt nothing is known of its opera tion =tit the corn is shelled. Beware of substitutes offered for Putuam's Painless Cbma PSxtraetor-safe, sure and painless. Sold at druggists, Senator Beveridge Is to spend his next vacation abroad, when he wil make a tour of Germany, England, France and Italy. W. P. C. 1022. CALVERT'S Carppile biaiofectants, Soaps, ow. mont, Tooth Powders, eta„ have ibcece awarded 100 medals and dlplomao for oaporli excellence. Their regular nee prevent intent one dleeesee, Ask your dealer to obtain supply. Lists matted froo on application. Fe C. CALVERT & CO., MANCHESTER - . ENGLAND, r: .i.. . tnetrument9, Drums, Uniforms. Etc. Every Town can have a Band Lowoet prices over o toted, lino oatelogue 600 134 testi./mail04 troo. Write m for anything In Muelo or Musloa( Instruments. sA Whaley Royce & Co., ToroawlodD , IIr`�a, LIA Mills, Milts A Haltef� Bar risters,eto.,removed to Woelo Badge., R10111 v r mond t3L., Toronto. Catholic lyra err eooke,nes0r,oe,or,r J eIflxOe, 8o0pulerer ROSgtous Plctnres, Statuary, and Oituroh Ornaments. Edueetlonal Works. Mall orders motive prompt often. tion. • D. & J. IMPLIED & 00., Montreal, POULTRY, BUTTER, EGOS, APPLES, and other PRODUCE, to ensure beet results coulee The Dawson Commission Co., Limited, eon Wast -Market & Colborne 8t., Toronto, • Dyeing ! Cleaning 1 For the rer7 host nand your work to tho "BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING CO." Look foragent In roar town, or send aireob, hfantreal,oronto, Ottawa, Quebec Linenen � r,,gE pal err for 144040 nation i aYfrL'p 6a,® (lie( karohlefe ulatbe Hooke, e(a So,o, thing stem one needs warrented tndoItble block ,$ rad ink put up In neat etre box with name, ink and Pada, alt complete 350 each, 413,60 per doe, or deer s5 00 Try 000, your ntooayy 001008031! sol 99a�tletwoe,ryY na Got eeod postage 0 70. O.O. 'YOUNQ, 1 Adelaldl 1 ' East, Toronto. O'KEEEFE' i Lls`>'tYT'IOP MALT Iotlgorotoa cud aemnYa�hem,. LGOYD W000,`Coroeto, OE0II1RAL AGENT William Dean Howells has contri- buted $100 to a fund for the relief of widows of Amerieau soldiers killed in the Philippines. TO GUILE A 001,0) I8 08E DAT Take Laxative Bronco Quinine Tablets. Ail druggists refund the money tt ib fails to tare. ado. al. VP, Grove's stgaature Is on each box Butlers in families of wraith and culture in Cbioago have farmed a stub, $100 Reward, $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least apt dreaded dillies sto9eeioondathat beenett* e. 1{aa,l in O otuarrh Care Le rho only positive caro note known to the medical fraternity. iris Catarrh being a cons - Motional 41006X8., tauiros n constitutionalstakeniinter- nally, Halle Catarrh Cure is taken lntor- nally, aotleg diteotiy upon the blood and ma0oa0oof tits oyetem, thereby doe. thef aroyping the euode1loa of the disease, and gNingS' the patient strength by building tip the oonotitutfon and assisting nature in doing its its cural curative proprietors at they oiHn'er0b ee{Hua drod Dollars for any eoa9 that it fails to cure. Send for 11st gIioAald11d'db, r7)•e'deaomr•uoigfy1Pgt.iPeaJh'eiCsmLl *a15Y &CO., Toledo, 0,7ara the boob kers. James G. Bia;ne 18 r011eoting Ivor husbend's letters for publication in a biograpby. _ Y MONTREAL HOTEL DIRECTORY. The " Balmoral," Free Bus0,0;24: H©tel Carslake ]lnropasn Plan. Roa Iran, 51 .. day up. Opp. Q.T.I8, ntetloo, Man. anal. Oeo. Oursinkr x Cu., p'rop's. AVEA1U13 HOUSE--F„mili aoiol rat , 81,08 par day. ST. JAMES' INOT£L••apDQ.T.R,Dopot, 1,011100,7, Rtrst•ohtse Commercial M0deru irpe: prnr0moots--/stns moderate. M r• p Q /2 / C f Itt�'/ i iern/4 elbon," AvIca, y"/Yili71A 0. R G ®F l N G and Sheet metal Works. Rod or Orem. 81.91T0132 301111,104063411,1; Hlopiy Publlo and 00106 8ohoole Toronto) Roo0,1t, Ptleb, veal Tar, oto. one by our TILE (Mo Now OI1r Bend• Ings, Toronto, done b) aur ere). Motel Collings, 008 uiuee,et0, Estimates turnlebedftobw8m0,rheaor!0pmOriTHC&pSdSAtloaart&tWldmerSye.,Toronq FURS. FURS. Importer and exporter of • Raw Furs and Skins. Con- signments solicited, 13igh• est prices paid for ginning. H. JOHNSON, 404 St. Paul street, Dfontreal' Michigan Land for Sale. 111 000 301485 0000 FARMING LANDS-AR$NAll Tomoo Osmium end Crawford Counties. Title p. feat. On Michigan Central, Detroit & Mackinac a Loon Lake Railroad., at mem tenting from 82 to per mote. Thee Lands aro Close to Enterprising Nabllili. Towns, 0huroha, Bohoole, oto., and will be sold on w1 rou,ouable term., Apply to 18,00. PIERCE, A ggear, Wo,t Bay 0itr, hn,b, tlr J w, OUR1'Is, Whlttomore,1006, °keenest and Bost Covering In the 8Yortd. E6,ggp PIPE BOI ER Covering Steam and Hot and Hold Water Pipes Ooltieborsso Bo Pipes. Kitchen Boner., ate. Tor particulars apply, to MICA BOILER COVERINOyCO., Limited Toronto, At0041001 and London, CANADA PERMANENT Loan and Savings Company. IN00arOaxmxn 1820, The Oldest and Largest Canadian Mort• gage corporation. Paid-up Capital, - - $z,doo,000 Reserve Fuld - . - 1,200,000 goad Moe -Toronto 8t., Toronto. Branch Oh4uoe-Wlnnlpog, Man„ Vancouver, BA DEPOSITS RECEIVED. Interest allowed, eeeentte :e 115UED ter 1, 2, 3, 1 or Spots, 0111, lutero,t coupons o4 ta4 od, 1I0NEF LENT ou seonrltyot rote Mats mortgages. Got Minna and 31ooioipal .Bu0ds, stn. Tor further partloulnre apply to J. NI;R43BRT MASON, Managing Director, Toronto JAS. a. ARNETT, Manager. JOSH J, MAIN, Supt. and Treat' Tho Canadian Heine Safety BOILER Esplanade, TorontoOpp. Sherbourno St., 1,-b High Claes s W ' $ 6 Water Tube Steam Boilers, for All Pressures, Duties s ILRd Fuel. SEND P010 D5SCRIPTIVB 08TL Eia. ,ThroreT. atootrlo.,4gbt"o.. 11,mlted e T. Roto, Co., Lin .Cd, eler20GOs �14hc➢]aeeoyBnrrlof0y,0, Limited. Tito Witten Publiel'In1 q ", i mltq�L Ali of Toronto, whore ballots mor to men worktttai D.