The Brussels Post, 1900-5-10, Page 5( MAI. 10, 1900 TtiJ R110t3IE1.0S POST BUSINESS CAROL 11/foNJEY TO LOAN AT 5 PER .LT -L Cont, 1',8, 8001(0), Brussels, 1(4, MoOilAOKEN.• • Issuer 0(marriage Licenses, 01. 1808 at f#r000ry,'f'arnborr'y street, Bru00010, R N. BARRETT,-- 111• W'oneorialArtiot, Bhgp—Next door North of the Standard Bank, Aadios' and Children's hair cutting a ahoolalby, �,ARMa FPR aALE2--'1'HE UN• I Dnn0IONI8D nab ooverai good Farms for Dale nad to rent, easy terms, fn Townotlipe of Morrie and Grey, F S, t1101T,Brueee e M. MORRISON, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, WALTON, ONT. MISS JEAN M'LAUCHLIN, —TEACHER OF— PiANO AND - ORGAN, ROBERT CUNNINGHAM- I118131iANea,. FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. M188 SARAH LOUISE MOORE, L. O. M.. Aoadomio graduate of London Conserva- tory Associated e Member of t tory of Male. also Mumitede o ber f, 1e prepared to reativo a limited no. Qualified of pupils for pupils sfor the Prinoipal'e Form i tthprepare oervu Conservatory of Mueio. 0rueeel0, Ontario. ALEX. HUNTER— Orolo oPthe Conveyancer, Division N Notary Public, Co. ,Loon ; Lad, Fen 'andlantanaand Agent; eer. on Fends Ofilee 10 and to loan, Colla- tions made. Office in Grnhum'e'Blool(, Brus- sels. AUCTIONEERS. FS. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- • nun, will sell for. hatter prices, to better men, in lees time and less charges than any other Auctioneer In Past. 1I nems or he won't charge anything. Dates and orders can always be 5(r longed at this ofllee or by o DENTISTRY F, W. TWEDDLE, (FORtrERET OF 00000000) DENTIST. Graduate of R. C. D 8., Toronto ; Post Grad- uate course at Batl(el's School, Chicago, in crown and bridge work. 1."Prlces same 0e in surrounding towns. Office over A. R. Smith's store, B russets, VETERINARY. JD. WARWICK— • Honer Graduate of the Ontario Vet- erinary College, 1s prepared to treat all die - eases of domesticated animals lin a oompet- ent manner. Particular attention pnid to Veterinary Dentistry. Calle promptly at- tended to. (Mee and Infirmary—Four doors North of bridge, Turnber'ry s6., Brussels. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCINQ. W• NI. SINCLAIR— • Barrister, Solicitor, 'Conveyancer, Notary Public, &c. Office—B tewart's Block 1 door North of Central Hotel.• Solicitor for the Standard Bank. G• F. BLAIR, BARRISTER Solicitor, &o. Office over Stand- ard tand• ardMony n Solicitor for elrates. Brussels. Money to Loaat lowat Aii • 0.OAIIERON— (Formerly of Cameron, Holt & Cameron) Barrister and Solicitor, Goderieh Ont. Office -1108011100 street, opposite •Col• borne Hotel. MEDICAL CARDS. E. T. SNIDER, H. D., C. M.; Licoollate of Royal Coll ofr o yoIolan and d Surgeons, Inflator ; Col- lege of 1'hyelei800 and Surgeons of Ontario. Diseases of Women and Ohildreo a special- ty. Nine years' experience. Office and 000 - id once, opposite Euglish,church, Bruseele, J. A. M'NAUGHTON, M. D., a, 111., Trinity University, Fellow Trinity Medical College,Membor College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ont, Licentiate of the Royal Col- lege of Physicians and Li000tiato of Mld- wltery,Edinburgb. 1—Telephone No.1.1, Residence—Mill street, Brussels. DR. Will,. L. HOLMES, 90100IOIAN, 00ROEON AND ACOM7011107R, (Successor to. Dr. F, 11. lintbflelsch) 01. D. Bellevue Hospital Mrd. 0o1., New York I MDC M Victoria University, Toron- to ; Member of the College of Physicians and Burgeouo of Ontario. Special attention paid to diseases of women, eye, ear, nose and throat, 10 t! D. F. SMITH, M. b. 0. M.. Graduate of McGill ('91)0p0, 8190(1001, &, We. A11 851001aity work eat0factallly trent- ed, Ciliac upstairs l8, 1110 Btrettmt Block Office hours, 0 to 12 It. m„ and 7 to 10 p. m. Specialist worst, math lie for eye, ear, •throat, &a.. in the oMoe nt hie residence, Elizabeth street, from 2 to 0 p in. All medicines will be dispensed portonally by the Dr. or under Ills Wrath supervision. Write. To -day for Our Catalogue! �c�$"�1p�l �t10ENTRAL�qv�iy' TT r�Kt>,, C/ J gleiN S) is tbbr(I„tttld Students are in attendaioe ibis year from Canada, United States and New- foundland. our graduates are always oueoeeeful ingettieg good eituation0. W. J, ELLIOTT, Principal, The ,. Buse ness Ontario Listowel College. EQUAL To ANY /N ONTARIO. A thorough, complete end practical train- ing in all branches of Commercial work, at considerably leas than regular rales. For lull information apply Moans of College over best 00109. L. FIARTT, LISTOWPIL, 'PRINCIPAL, A CHATTY LETTER FROM MANILA, P. 1, (Continued from last week.) If size le any orlterion of worth or value, 'he ohurahee of the islands, whether in Why or country, are easily fleet in each Oa0e as they are always large and imposing. In fact they domi- nate the land.oape and afford a clue to where a town may lie, hidden but for the huge built of its °herohes. The race of the friars is almost run, however, and they are ciranlating petitions and 'using 811 means to eoeroo signatures thereto, that they may be retained in the islands, though evidence is not looking to prove that for years they have, ae a Blase, been. grindingthe poor, standing in with the ladrones, debauching women and girls, h e n name and b y ever been accused i one r 5(e inetanaee of makingawn with people who seemed to interere w with th• it plane ; aiding and abetting the rebellion by eeoreting arms, ammunition, clothing and the perenns of prominent rebels when hard pressed for shelter, living in• formation to them, while, at the Came time, they were making loud proteetn. lions of allegiance to the flag of the United States, Only a few months ago a larae stook of inonreent clothing, Monger & Remington rifles and ammunition were discovered secreted in one of the churches m°the walled city, almost under the noses of the palace guards. When ens• pinion was finally direoted to that church the friars stoutly protested that nothing was eeoreted in the building, yet within 15 minutes the whole lot was found eeoreted behind the altar. The look of emprise on the feces of the friars was almost childlike. but the guilt had been brought home. A an offset to tbo enloono avant places have been opened in vorinno parte of the ray where soldiers may snood tbelr spare time very enjoyably absolutely without enet, or ,longer of becoming intnxicntod, The Army & Navy branch of the Y. BE 0. A., the Brotherhood of St. Andrews and the Soldiers' Institute have en011 opened tip moue and Otted them 00 with nine llbrar. len ; reading 000m8, where great oilre of the latent home Papers are alwn.vs kept on file,magoziuee and other periodicals •; par- lor' gimes of all sorts with plenty of them in which to play ; and groat at boon of all— writing paper, none, ink. envelopes are always lying in the corresponding room. in. viting the soldier in t0 write borne, Tho 1 Ole of having nn officer to certify that 8 lector is written by a soldier in 01,01019d by franking privileges granted those in charge of those pin ase by which we are on• aided to and aletter weighing one oz. for 2 cents whereas without it We would he tax. ed the sense as a civilian, viz., 5 cents for each halt oz. or fraction thereof. It matters not at what hour of the day any of these pleas are visited there will always be plenty of soldier,, found enjoying the bone - Its an freely furnisher. The Y tf 0. A. and 61,0 S ldiero' Irstitute have debates weekly and an occasional 0oneert, and weekly prayer meetings are held in nil, as well as Sabbath services The churches are being fairly well represented ton, the Unman Cntbolico landing, F,pireapal, Preo'rytorian, Methodist, Episcopal Methodist, all being represented. From Puerto Espana to Mein}, and near- ly the mouth of the Paste enclosing the walled city outside the outer moat ie n 011e broad drive way and walk called Lemoto from ite ereseent shape. It is the one good drivein the whole city, and is al- ways kept in splendid condition by the dept. of highwave and dept. of parks which has charge of the rows of trees which sopar• ate the drives from the font walks. steam rollers keep its surface always swath and by a city ordnance the streets of the whole city are 00)1101110 twice each day, Be the duet does not get much (Mame to fly. Every evening it is thronged with private carriages and many of the ponie0 attaobed to them an corer the ground at a rapid clip. At the point where it debouohee on the bay and throe to the North is a largo open spans which wee originally intended, from its appearance, to be a racing troth but never completed. Ou the Bide next the bay, a promenade has been constructed and a large 0overed baud stand in placed i8 the middle of the length of the promenade ; several km ea a week the populace is treated to selections by one or oth er of the regi• mental bade stationed in the oily. The baud which receives the heartiest hand clapping in not an America -to ono, but com- posed entirely of Filipino performers under the leadership of an ex -U. B. soldier named Miodt who was leader of the 0th Artillery band for name time. He will Boon take them on a tour of the U. S. The Filipinos area 100010 loving race and this has beau given a good deal of consideration in as0igu- ,ng statona to the headquarters of regi - rants that th',b were put in as thickly populated porton of the 'mentor over whIcb the commanding °Meer was to have control ao could possibly be found, Nearly every night the baud will assemble in tis plain and give a concert to the natives, who Seem to appreciate the favor highly. Itis an order that whenever "The Star Spangled Banner" is played that all offioo.e and en - Hated men of the If, S. shall uncover and remain se until the piece is ended. The natives have learn ed the custom too though pp 01,ehly they do not know its origin and they also 11000908 when paoolog a Deg die• Played anywhere officially, having Seen Office,6 nod men do the same 1.10' ore them, 00 Wanhiogton's Birthday 11 flags were presented to 5((s many Public 0ohools in and around the'nity ad appropriate exercises woe held to eooh case, uone,stmg of sing- Ing,reeitatim,e, no'ostios,(10., all bearing on the day and the 0veut. The aluldren (ell 8001n to be happy to bo at oobool and fr nil, English is One of the principal subjects taught, as well as the history of U, 8. There was 0 school for training boys for a seafaring life, fitting them to act as captains and mates, ft has been re -opened under the di radion of Admiral Watson and many of the old luotruatoro have been re- initalled. some pra01100 0088018 have been secured, and the oourae, 3 pare, is a stria[ (lit olWine19 one, so that graduates from it will be thoroughly fitted to 00uhmaud through having learned. to serve, Special atteutiou will be paid to the waiters of the orohtpolego mad Asiatic mast, while they will also obtain a good 1(uuwledge of the Euglish language, and oortitloatee issued by this school waif be ae good oe any issued in rho U, 8. or Ureal Britain. Id the country districts and outlying p110910000 oohoola aro being established as quickly as conditions authorize them. 00e feature of 11fe hero that deserves mention ie the Army 13000)101 00rviee, 10 this city there are 3 Beaorvo l001(38al0 minable of oaring for about 2,102 p°Monte of all hinds Irate the mildest die infers to a mind unhinged, from a broken finger to a patient full of boleti as is sieve almost miraOuloue, On Corregidor island is a hospital for chronic eases of dyooutory and similar ailments, a large one is at onvlte, while regimental hospitals, Oold and bri- gda11(011 tho'oflallol re "hospital ship all furut0r. ), cd to. the War. Dept, by Mise Beloit Gould is Ott head to this 0urp0 the 0181 Army 000)0" end 10 contioually 010)01,1(1 about with 000901 00060 abroad; guiue up to Clung Kong and Nnuasnl(f oueasionally, Oases which d0 not yield to tt•eatm0ut there are scut bank to the 03, s, to some of the levee Army sloe nitule until d1s011'u•ged by l•0ae08 t r , (o 81 , '1' or ro tic 1 ( t o1' t y ten o re y mitered o health, PUesv Uastltbnls bora aro attod out 89ltlr rho yo'y IaEool and beet aide to modern surgery, and !seting 10 carefully looked after under the euperlutemlanee of 0olnpetont flurage, The iig(1 dint Idluhou of and Ito. serve hoopltal epee of the most eomploto and o0lveuleat In the world, Ie commotion with that hospital le a sehool of inetruotiou for nurses wUlol has been highly renem- lnondgd, One of the greatest poste in this part of the world is ante, Auto e( all cues sad ooloro aro everywhere, They got Into our foal, our water bottle%, our hada, eloth8 80 and some of thorn bite terribly, state too are itgreat nuleuuoe and not long ago un order was 005(6 to the U. S. for Lee onto to rid the 2 M, eloreUouaeo of the rate which infest them. Dogs and babies combine to (0880 uigbt hideous, and though the dog oatehere are busy every day and all day longyet the thorns at night dove not Bann to bo diminisbod by a tingle tone, Ltzarde too add their queer little voluea to the general hubbub, They are all nearly trans. permit, ad are to be forum ill alio wit every building In the laud, from little foliowo gamely an loan long to six and seven inches. Cr000dileo are numerous toe though not large, The largest f have seen was about six feet, though pteuty are to be foetid from three to four feet long. Snakes are plentiful Boa uoustriotora of. 15 ft, and Over are common. Ono day I. BaW 1390 Filipiuoo eatrylug ono strung on a bamboo pole with a acrd tied tightly aroma! its. oak They were trying to soli it and wait ed $20 nes. for it. Monkeys and parrots are to be found la large droves in too Parcae, and dour are said to be plentiful In the mo0ntai0e. All the main streets of the city are 11t by elotrtclty, though to the poor ogctioue the uatovo poput0tuu neva to light the (runt of their own dwellings, A plentiful emptily of Water is provided by the city waver works but the pipe is all above grouud so that the water 1o' tepid when drawn l rem the hydrnut and requires to bo kept in earthen- ware jars somewhere l0 6810 shade to ma8e it tit to ruk me ire it belled fleet to destroy auy, 'Orme of animal Ida Y 6 There fa u e but tele 1hone oxo hangs Lore Pur public to nee butt it leenearly always the checker to oy messenger than to rely o8, Gun telephone 0n systemtem. The new arrival if he comes during the raluy season is almost sure to be tee vlutim of diarrhoea or (lyevutory and 1f he done not take prompt m0000100 to have 1t stopped 1101090ry liable to pay his life as a result .i his 00relus8pesa. Those who get through ono rainy season seldom have any fartuer trouble, though abu0hilual bandages should he wore alwayo at night. At some future time 1 may again Bond you a further sketch but for the pleseut this will suffice, Tomo respeotiu sly, 0LI0Ea Mmrrn, C8."1.1" Butt. Edge , Manila, P. 1. A Widow's Love Alfair Reoeivoe a violent setback, if she has an offensive breath through Uouetipatioo, Bilioueneee or Stomach trouble, but Dr, Icing's New Life Pills always Dore those treubleo ; olean the system, sweeten the breath, 'banish headache ; beet in the world fur liver, kidneys and bowels. Only 25o at G. A. Deadman '0 drug ebore. LAN -towel. The Presbytery of Stratford met in Knox ohurch, Listowel, on Tuesday. M. Wildfang, merohat tailor, has tateo a bueiuess trip to Sault Ste. Marie. The 210oh anniversary of the Battle of the Boyne will be celebrated at Listowel on July 12th. Rev. D. Williams, rector of St. James church, Stratford, will oondut the auoi- versary 0ervi00 of Christ ohurch on Sun- day, May 13th. .1 W. [Meyers mud Lewis and Elaworth Bolton will leave about the middle of the m0010 for the Yukon, where they purpose spending the Summer. Little Johnston Godfrey, son of W. Godfrey, .station agent, G. T. R., fell while playing and cut hie lip so badly that funeral 0titahe0 were required to bring it together again. Principal Beckett of the Listowel Publio school was off duty loft week with an attack of measles, Mies Little was in charge of Mr. Beokelt's room during the latter's abeeo tie. In addition to the $100 voted by the town Council for the relief of the Ottawa - Hull fire sufferers, a most liberal response has been made to the appeal for clothing and household necessities. The license commiesionere for North Perth met Friday morning at the office of the chairman, Stratford. Petitions for and ag0ieet the oontinuauco of the license to the Imperial hotel in Ltetowel were read and considered. After deliber- 0tiou the Board unanimuuely agreed that this hotel, owing to its location in the resldental quarter of the town, was not required, and the lioenee was refused. This honed will, in' ooneegmeoee of this action by the Board, be permanently closed. The petition against the license was promoted by the Rev. Mr. Hardie ad Rev. Mc. Irvine, of Listowel, to whose efforts the result is largely due. Mr. Rapp, the only shop license in Listo- wel, to whom a full year'o license had been grated, staked for two months' extension of last year's license as he wished to discontinue business at the end of June, the drinking habits of Liebo- wei being too mo0erate to support a shop license. His request was granted. W imael .otoot• tIntelded for last week.] NEWSY WRr$istme.—Wm„ eon of John Agnew, of Winghaw, has graduated in madloine at Colon -thus, Obio.—It is not likely the Foresters or the Orangemen will be able to run an exoursiun to Sarnia this year, on 0ewuut of the G. T. R. regulations which will not allow of more than one day, and the limiting of the number of stations.—Hugh Hamilton, nigbt•watohman at the Union factory, is laid up with a sore leg.—Mies L. Fleury received a elhequ8 last week for$100 from the Loyal True Blue Association, for the poyrneut of the funeral benefit claim of the late Mrs, T. Ettdea.—Edward Lewis has pnrcbaeed 2 acres of land on the B line from Dr. Chisholm for 6200. Court- oillor R. Beattie has purchased from the Lemmex estate, tbo lots on the ooruer of Viotorie street and Diagonal road, in front of the Union factory.—John blo0ool had the end sliced off one fioger by the planer in Bell's faotory.—L. 0. L. No. 704, Wingham, have deoided to discard their old flag, and will appear July 12th with n beautiful new banner,—Dr. Bruoe, of Toronto, was here and purchased one of Geo. lloe'a line horses for saddle and 00rriage purposes. The price paid was $200.—The Choir and Bible Class of St. Paul's church met at the Rectory and spent a few home very enjoyably, the en- joyment being tined with the thought of parting wibb a faithful ohnroh worker, Mr's. J. Golley, who leaves at an early date for the North West. After indelg• ing in game and, music, and the lunch kindly served by Mrs. Lowe, the Choir presented Mre. Golley with a 01or0000 alas in which was enolnoed a half dozen silver teaspoons, wily Mrs. Galley's name engraved thereon, Accompanying the momenta was an address,—In the ease of Fretwell vs, Morningstar, a Wingharn ease tried at the reoont Bitting of the WO Court of Justice Mr, Chief Justice Armour has given judgment in favor of the plaintiff, with costs,—VHS throe students hem this locality, Prank 14, Caesar, 13. F. Audereen and Walker R. Ardo, who have been attending the e Pennsylvania Dental College, have Mases d a 01014010 examination and will receive the degree of Dr. of Dental Surgery,—Alf. Carr, one of our young men, nee opened a tailor shop in Teeowater, Seven Ytarl In heel "Will wonders ever eesee 7" inquire the friends of Mrs S. Pease, of Lawrence, Nan, They knew she had been unable to leave her bed in seven years on amount of kidney and liver trouble, nervous pros• lr0tion and goeeral debility; but, "three bottles of Eleotric Bitters enabled me to walk," she writes, ''and in three months I felt like a new mime," Women suffer lug from Headache, Boaksoho, Nervous nese, Sleeple ene8e, l'Ielanoholy, Fainting and D,zzy Spells, will find it a priceless blessing, Try it, Satisfaction is guar, aoleed. Only 50o at G. A. Deadmoe's drug store. Oren earn :tex 1l(3.v W, Friday, Setarday and Monday the big elevator at Goderioh ebipped one hundred oars of corn for the East. An infant eon of Daniel MoDonald, of Dover Township, fell bead first into a pail of milk and was drowned. Milverton merchants close their plaore of besineee at 7 p. m., with the exception of Wednesdays and Saturdays, ' The vital statistics for the oity of Stratford, for the month of April, (ire Births, 17 ; marriages, 5 ; deathe, 13, Mrs Henry J. Davie, of the 15th line of East Zorra, was killed by falling from the driving floor of the barn to the base- ment beneath. Nathaniel Oaverly, a blaokomith, em• ployed by N. Ladoualor at Pre000tt, while engaged at his work, dropped dead beside his anvil. Frederic) Kemp, a Montreal laborer, committed suicide by Choosing himself with a revolver because be was out of work and despondent. The vote in Essex on the looal option bylaw, which has been in force there for three years, resulted in a majority of 33 in favor of the by-law. County Clerk Davidson is to be County Treaeurer until the County Oonnoil'e regular 0000100 in June when a permanent treasurer will be appointed. The draft of 50 men for the Strothoona Horse, ender oommandof Captain Adam - eon, left Ottawa for Montreal and Bailed on the Vancouver on Wedneeday. St. Paul's Lutheran congregation of Ellice, has purohooed two new belle which have been bang in the tower. They will be consecrated on Sunday, May 13th, A nine yenr old girl was blown off a train a short distance West of Medicine Hat, Asea. She fell into a ditch filed with water, and was not injured. She was picked up by section men, who flag- ged the next train and put her on board. The alleged Welland Canal dynamit- erg, Nolan and waleh, visited Table Rook, in Queen Victoria Park, Friday, 20th ult., and were photographed in Sey- bech'e photo studio. They ordered the photographs to be mailed to the follow. ing addressee :—John Walsh, 34 Castle Green street, Dublin, Ireland ; John Mille, 181 Jameson street, Dublin, Ire• laud. Joseph Van No0Graud fell dead in the little Bethany ohapol, Toronto, while the eongre9ulion was eingle0, B. B. 0 ler, Q P., of Toronto, hue been advised b1 hie pbyeloiano Go take a rest and will emend work until September. Praneie D. Brooks, of London, Ont., le reported to have laberited a fortune of $9,000000 by the death of a relative in California, W. D, C. Massey bee 0tated that a local syndicate hats been formed to take over the supply of milk at Toronto, A °barter for 0 company with a capital stook of $750,000 has been applied for. The new aoneern expecte to ee01180 a urge saving in the expellee of delivering the milk, and every 8a0ltary precaution to improve the quality and purity of the milli will be taken. It 1/8,80100 The World. No discovery in medicine has ever ore. Med one q'tarter of the excitement that tae been oeueed by Dr, Icing's New Die- eovery for Oooeumption, Ire severest teals have been on hopeless viotime of Consumption, Pneumonia, Hemorrle'cr, Pleurisy and Bronehitie, thoueand0 .0 whom it has restored to perfect health. For Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Croup, flay Wever, Hoareenese and Whooping Cough it is the quickest, surest cure in the world, It ie sold by G. A. Deadman, who guarantees m010(001809 or refund money. Large bottles 500 and $1.00. Trial bottles free. P�mD Words! Skate grinding attended to with neatness and dispatch. I also Sharpen Horse Clippers, Soie• sore, bread knives and other edged tools in up -to date style. Saw Gumming and Filing attended to in a Workmanlike manner. Saris. faction assured. FRED. ADAMS, Shop on Mill Street, BRUSSELS. McLEOD'S System Renovator --AND OTHER— TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness', Palpita. tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neur- algia, Lees of Memory, Br000hitis, Con- sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General De bility. LABORATORY, GODERICH, ONT. J. M. MaLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer. I Sold by Jas. Fox. Druggist, Brussels 6,-. l..li"Gi al�ErU•.li'1J fagalR.lt�' cISaGsN Crockery! Having bought largely before the advance in prices we are offering.�.�1 Tea, Dinner AND. a Toilet Sets • .. at the Old Prices. A large assortment of Plain and Fancy China and Glassware. a SEEDS a The best Mangel, Turnip and other Seeds grown.- Geo. rown-Geo. Thomson,T. OCER 'Szliti.J"'1.N` sile•L.9"l..l•'{..l'R,.J''l.J•'L.IR..,J`t.."C-1•rc'l-•' PARASOLS UMBRELLAS Our Shirt Waists are quick sellers and up-to-date in style. Call and see what you may have for 50c each. All new goods. Ladies' and Children's Sailors at 15c, 20o, 25c, 40c and 50c that will sur- prise you. We have just received and passed into stock a large and well assorted range of Para- sols and Umbrellas. Extra good value at 50c each and up to $2 75 Our 50c, 75c, 90c and $1.00 lines are the best value we've ever offered. SHIRT WAISTS SAILOR HATS May Standard Fashion Sheets Free to those who call for them. D The Standard Patterns are Cheap and Satisfactory. None better. telex. Strach 11 f I3 MoKINNON & \•L 131—=1-1. SOMEONE HAS SAID "You might as well be out of the world 5(e out of Fashion,', and the trite saying has 010011 truth in it, No neoeeeity for the ladies of Blyth and vioinity tve0riug ancient, antiquated Millinery when then have a large up•to•date millinery eotabliebment lilts thio in their midst, where they nen gut the latest Paris and New York styles at =eh lower prices than you have to pay fu larger towns. Tide department, under the able manage. meet of Mise Beloit, ie rapidly growing in favor, New cootomers are being added to our list every season. We trim hate at any price you want from 75o to $10, Ladies' Hate, trimmed with gauze and flowers, 75o, C. and $1.25. L (dies' Hate, trimmed with chiffon and flowere, $1.50, $1.75 and $2, Ladies' Hats, beautified with chiffon, feel/here, buckles and flowers,' for $2 00, $3 50, $4 and $5. bailor Hats, in great variety, for 15o, 25o, 50o, 750 and $1, Silk Gauze Veillago, large and small chenille spots, in all the new ooloro, from 5o to 500 per yard, Ladies' Silk Capes, trimmed with black sequin and wide lane, for $4, 94.50 and $5. Ladies' Brocaded Satin Capes, for $3.50 and $4. Ladies' Brocaded Cloth Capes, for $2,50 and 98.50. Girls' Tame, in new designs, for 25o and 350, Girls' Caps, in new colors and shapes, 20e and 25o. 11CcCINNON & Co., ELYTY LOST OPPORTUNITIES , .. NEVER RETURN. Binder Twine. "Probe." Cay twine will advance in price. Prudent people are pleoing their orders for "Plymouth Twine," be. Cause it saves Labor, Twine and Money, Binder Covers. 93.00. The material alone would coat more at present prices. Ball Bearing Churns. Our stook, bought before the ndvanae in price, will soon be sold out. Now is the time to get one, BICYCLES $35 00 and up. The heart of a bicycle is the Haagen. The only perfect hanger is the "One•pieoe" Fauber Hang. er. Dominion, Garden City and Perfeot are equipped with the Perfeot Hanger. Barn Door Hangers. We are importing the latest improved Hager. See it before you hang your door. Steel traok at 5a. per foot. Hangers old price. Pure Prepared Paint 35o. per quart. New abodes of color. Floor Paiute, dry in 8 honre. Every oan of Paint guaranteed. Lawn iVdowers. See our 10 in. out for $4.00. Our present stook only to be Bold at these low prices. Harvest Tools Purohased before the advance in price. Come and share the profits. McKAY & Co. Bu Seas I EWAN &INNES The well known firm of I CARRIAGE MAKERS, Opened, are to the front with a, Large, Well Select - cd and Well Finished STOCK OF... Buggies, Wagons, Road Carts, Etc., that they are seining at CLOSE prices. Already they have disposed of 7 Buggies and the Prospects are good. Call at our Show Rooms and see for yourself. Special attention given to Repairs, Re -painting, Trimming, °c., and all Work Guaranteed. Ewan & Innes, - Brussels. CHANGE OF BUSINESS. Having purchased the stock of Groceries, Fruits, Crockery, Glassware, &c„ from my son I intend to carry on the business in a way that cannot fail to be both pleas- urable and profitable to the public. Grocery Stock Fresh and up-to-date. A. Specialty TEAS. made of TEAS. • 1 ,.7 The Choicest Fruits and Confectionery. IN CHiNA AND GLASSWARE We take no second place. BAKERY Continued as usual and Satisfaction assured. The patronage of the public solicited and our part to merit a continuance of your trade. we will MRS. BALLANTYNE, do BRUSSELS.