The Brussels Post, 1900-5-10, Page 1Vol, 28. No. 44 Pussy Cats ► Fuss Oats Puny 1 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1900 W. H.KERR, Prop, Where bare you been? T. FLE TCHEiR' S and pleaeed with what we have Been. We have just to hand a beautiful line of hand painted opal goods aleo the "Son- venir" plates. Our stook oG Jewellery and Spring novelties is now complete. We alweyt carry a very large and ele- gant stook of Ladies' and Gents' Gold and Gold Filled Watches, also Silver and cheaper grades in Boys' 11'atohee. Lad- ies' Maine, Rings, Bracelets, Broaohee, Cuff Linke, Friendehip Hearte, Hat Pine, Delhi, Belt Bookies, Blouse Seta, Beauty Pins, Purses, Pipes, Month Organa, Clooke, Silverware, Faney China, eto. IIrEyes tooted FREE end Glaeeea if required. T. FLETCHER. Issuer of Marriage Licensee. LAST I!UIWN LI111:RALS. ,INAUp& WONTING AND CONVENTION, Tho annual meeting of the Dant Huron Liberal Aasooiation, which iooludee both Dominion and Provinoial hidings, will woven in the Town Ball, Brueeele, on Wednesday, May 23rd, commenting al 1 p, m. On the same date and at the Sams plane a Convention will be held to nomi• nate a candidate for the °ominous. A. Campbell, M. P., for Kent ; J. McMullen, M. P., for Wellington ; Dr. 7IaoDonald, M. P., A. Hielop, M. P. P and others are expected to deliver sac/regime on the politioal issues of the day. An evening meeting will also be held, commencing at 7 45 &clock at which seats will be re• served for ladies, Five delegates are allowed from eaoh polling sub division to the Convention. McKillop and Hallett are not in the Dominion Riding but are. for the Looal Legislature. A large at- tendanoeis expected. J. A., Austin, County Court. Clerk at Brampton, is dead. J. W. Tierney, C. P. R. agent and Divieion Court Clerk at Arnprior, died of emallpox. D. a • osa CLOTHIER. THE HG BOYS' CLOTHING... D. C. ROSS' Boys' Clotbiug is not the kind acid by moat Clothing Stores and by the Dry Goods and Department 8toree—it's not the sort that ie pat together ae obeaply ae peacoat by the fweater prones—please don't oonve here for the' kind. If you want honestly made, artistically tailored garmente for your boys, we are at your aervioe, and at lower prices than other stores will sell you. Bring along your little fellow who baa never had a suit and we will fit him oat to the Queen's to te. OUR STOCK EMBRACE'S 'THE FOLLOWING Double-breasted 2•garment Boye' Middy Suite, Knee Pant Suite, Boys''Knee Pante, 3 CiarmentKnee Pant Suite, Boye' Long Trooeere, Boys' All -wool Reefers, Boys' and Young Men's Boye' Junior Snits, Sack Suite. Boye' Sailor Suite, ll We also entry a nice line of boyo' White and Colored Shirts. Collate and Ties in all sizes from 12 to 14. D. C. ROSS Clothier and Furnisher, New Advertiserrments. Lpoal—G, 79, King, Notioe-W. H, Kerr. Notioe—John Burgeee. Belle for sale—L, MoNeil. Cow for eale—Jea, GibOQO, Notice to buildere—a, Paul, Court of Revision—Wm. Spence. Servant wanted—Dire. J. Leckie. Currant worrne—G, A. Deadman. Someone has said—MoKienon & Co. Patents guaranteed—Viotor J. Enna, Picking and ohooeiog-3. Ferguson & 00. istrict ebbs WV its tort. Mies Vio. Cooper is visiting at Dr. Arm strong's. Mies Maud Sholdiee is spending it few days in Beaforth. L. McDonald has had the roof of hie roeidenoe re shingled. Frank and Mrs. Pridbam, of 'Kirktop, were visiting et Dr. Wagborn'e last week. Ladiee' Guild of St, Oeorge'e oburoh, held its regular meeting at H, Hamilton's on Wednesday. Walter Swallow has gone to Day Mille, Algoma, to spend the Summer with bio brother, Garman. Ladies' Aid of Due's ohnroh held a meeting ab R. H. Fergueon'e on Friday, in aid of the Ottawa sufferers. Humphries& Son have engaged the services of Walter Moody, of Drayton, as wood. worker for their establishment. Rev. 0. M. Filer ie away on a two weeks' trip to Stamford and Galt, at which plooee he will preach tbie and the following Sabbatb. The football club purpose renting grouude for the season, and will endeavor to make it interesting for some of the surrounding teams. Hugh Welsh, of Seefortb, was in Wal- ton Saturday. He is looking well. While in town, his horse broke ite tie. line and hastily departed, after spilling a tank that woe on the waggon. The runaway was captured a few miles out of town and little damage was done, A. NOTE FRntI DAIIPHIN.—MR. EDITOR. —Enolosed lied 51.00 for renewal of your valuable paper which ie a weloome visit. or in our home every week, for Tan POST givee all the news. Allow me apace for a few linea in your ooluroe ae it le nearly a year since we left Ontario. I must say we all like this country well. Leet Fall the groand did not freeze up until the last of November and we bad the finest Winter I ever eaw. There watt only a few inches of snow on the ground natil 6be let of Marob. Thie month came in rough. We kept oar house- plants all Winter from frost without any trouble. Seeding etarted here on the the 2nd of April and is about finished 3Lmiliva mar 41110o. Strictly One Price, The Lowest, Packing and Choosiug large DRESS GOODS, SHIRT WAISTS AND PARASOLS. Half the satisfaction of buying Dress Goods, Shirt Waists and Parasols is in the opportunity of selection which you have in our store, We wish to emphasize. that no other store in Brussels offers such an assortment of new Dress Goods, Shirt Waists and Parasols, as can be found here, New Dress Goods, Every day brings novelties to this department for the season's wear, the very latest in style and design. A look at our Drees Goode will convince you that everything new will be found in our stook. New Black Crepanes. Exolueive deeigne in Blieter. Plaid and heavy Cord Grounds. A floe nesort- ment to select team, Mohair and Silly Mixed Crepou in numerous patterne, at the lowest pride, New Blouses. Elegant Spring deeigne in fanny Cotton Blanes, wore opened out last. week. Of many of the best we have but one or two of a aize and people who like beat'beiae will bay early. Very etylieh biennia in Peroales, Cambrioe and Lawns, at 60e, 75e, 90,o $1,00,'54.25 and $1,50. New Waist Plaids. 5 pieces, 36 inch worsted Plaid in very choice colorings, special at 25 ole. 6 pieces Ali Wool, Drees Serge in Blank, Navy, Brown, Green and Garnet, worth regular 85 ole. This line to be sold at 26 oto. New Plaid Dress Goods. Stylish up to date Tweed Plaids for skirts, These goods make durable • and stylish separate skirts. New Parasols. Every etyle, oolor, or gnalily for rain or shine, large or small. Our stook ie now complete. Loweat prices, beat makers, most durable and fast Colored Coverings are pointe of Internet to the buyer and buying direct from the factory enables ne to fill all those requirements, $1,00 eteeirod, black nod natural wood and fancy handles, fast Color Union Silk Covering, Will wear well, 91.50 Twill Silk Covering steel rod, Para- gon frame, 24 inch rib. Pore Silk Satin de Chine and fanny Coverings at $1.75, 92.00 and 92.50 eaoh, 1.0 8-� JNO. FERGUSON & CO. now, April 30th, Our wheat and acme of our oats were all nige and green about e week ago. Fiehingie all the go jaet now ae the Valley river le just crowded with onagera and jaokfieh, I have caught over 40, some of them meaeoring 84 inobee in length. Moetly all our neighbors are Ontario people and !bey, have been very good to ue since we Dame here. Wiehing you every success I remain, Yours truly, GEO, J, TOWNSHIP STATISTICS,—The following in• formation- ie gleaned from the aeen anent roll of the townehip of MaKiliop for 1900: There are 53,010 acres in the townehip, the aeeeeeed-value of whiob is 92,006,000.. There are 2,580 days of statute labor ; last year, 4,149. There are 9,618 cattle, 2,199 ebeep, 2,190 bogs, and 1,783 horses, 3,994 aoroe of Fall wheat, whereas laet year there were 4,715 aorea, There are 878 names on the roll, or onethird of the population. The average number of cattle to eaoh I00 sores of land ie only a little over 12. <7rttnbrpole. alias Lizzie McRae wan visiting at Braeeefe for a few days thie week. Work le resuming this week by the dredge 2i milea South of Oranbrgok. A brand new Mayflower oame to the home of Wm. Perris last Friday in the person of a floe baby daughter. There was oo service in the Methodist church here last Sabbath owing to Coni- muoion being administered at the Whit. field ohnroh. A. C. Dames was away to Morrie on Wednesday attending the wedditig of R. J. Clegg and Min Lawrence, Albert ap- pears to be iron clad en far ae matrimon. ial allianoee are concerned. It would serve him right, next leap year, if some fair damsel braked across the veldt and took bim prisoner for better or worse. 11301Cril,ve, FAauIONABLE WEDDING,—On Wednes. day, May 9th, the residence of 0. W. Lawrence, Morrie, wee the scene of a fashionable gathering upon the 000aaion of the marriage of his third daughter, Miss Florenoe M„ to Robert J. Clegg, B. A. In the preaenoe of 40 gneete Rev. F. J. Oaten. Ph, B., deolared them husband and wife, While the wedding march was played by arra. Geo. Thomson the bride, gracefully costumed in white foulardde soie and wearing with the veil a wreath of white oaroationa and carry. iog a bognet of white rosea, was led to the altar by her father. The goeete en• joyed the wedding luncheon whiob was of the moat sumptuous obaraoier. Many were the valuable preeente to the bride, eilverware and choice china being prom. inent while other substantial things were not wanting. Mr. and Mre. Clegg left by the afternoon train for Toronto. On their return they will settle in Belgrave. Being widely known the well wishes whioh attend them at "the banging of the crane" should bring them much hap. pineae, The Belgrave orchestra played while the guests were at dinner. nor vitae. Mise Jennie Sellers is spending a week in Brussels. • D, Hamilton, of Wingham, spent don• day with Morrie friends. Mise Sarah J. Johnston spent Sunday with Mies Eliza Perdue. Wm. Forrest, of the 2nd, hae gone on a visit to his sone in Algoma. The farmers are almost through Beed• iog in the vicinity of Jamestown. Mra. Gibson, of Wawanosb, ie visiting relatives on the 2od coo, at present. John Pugh, wife and obildreo, of Bros• Bele, spent Sunday at Allan Rameay'e. Mre. Hoover, of Marnooh, was visiting her brother, W. J. Johnston, last week. Mies Martha Johnston is at Wingham tbie week visiting her 'deter, Mre. A. G. C. Mason. Mre. Jno. R. Miller ie away on a visit to her daughter, Mrs. L. Brown, in Tornberry. Robs. and Geo. Garniee, of the 2nd, have taken situations near London. We wish them mann. Mise Martha Fraser bee parohaeed a fine Craeoent bicycle from Bailey & Duff, agents of Blaevale. Rumor nye we may expect a few weddinge in the near fatare in Morrie. More particulars later. Last Sabbath, being Quarterly meet- ing in Blnevale, the aervioe at Browntown was held in the evening, Wm. Dalmege and wife, ileo Adam. Wren and wife, of Newbridge, called on George Pea000k on Sunday. James Wilkinson, 4th line, bae been bothered in hie getting about by a lame foot occasioned by a Dorn. A new bank barn will'be put up on the farm of Robt. Messer, North Boundary. The framers are at work this week on the timber. Walter Forrest, who baa spent the past six months with bia brothers in Al- goma, returned laet week to hie home, on the and, looking tip-top. Monday evening next Rev. Mr. Hobbs, of Wingham, will deliver hie popular lecture, "The -Triangular Man," in Etna. ehioe Methodist oburch. The big ehower that came on Monday evening and all Tneeday was a weleeme visitor and with warm weather now the growth will be immense. On Tneeday of last week Edward Boa - man raised an addition to his barn, which will be need ea a straw ailed. G. Haney, of Bloevale, did the work, This week J. Taylor, who owne the farm oppoeite Jno. Mooney'a, 511 line, was visiting here. He ie the poetmaeter at St. James Park pantoliloe, Middlesex Co. He wants to sell the property, Leet week A. H. Coehraoe, Ord line, took a position with the Naw Hamburg Manufacturing Co. They build portable engines, threehing maobinee, borne powers, straw mitten, &o. The arm will find Mr. Cochrane a competent and affable aeaietant. Mies Martha Beeman left on Th❑reday of this week for Winnipeg and other weetaro points. She intenda spending the Summer then, Her man young nn g y friends, while mining her from among Gam, With her a tate journey and pleas- ant visit, The 45 acre farm of A. Besiam, 411 line, has beep leeeedto Ii„ McMurray, of the earn line, ae Mr. Haelarn intends takings trip tp Daltota on a visit to hie three eons and two daughters. A letter from Jae, Perth, Napinlla, Man., formerly of the 0th line,,Morrie, nays.: "We have bought an improved quarter notion 5 miles South of this piaoe and have nearly 100 aortae of orop to pat in this Spring, We are all fairy well but will not say how we like the country for we have not been bare Jong enough to judge. I am anxloue to Bee Tam Poe'c aud,iied out how thione ore at Morrie, op please send it on to Napi t•„ At some future time when 1 have leisure I will write you a longer letter lidog you particulars as I see them." BottooD REPORT.—The following is a re port of the standing of the pupils of S. S. No. 4, Morrie, for the month of April, the names being arranged in order of merit :— Fifth olaes—Richard Oardiff, Mabel Nichol, Bertha Nichol, Fourth olaee—Everett Walker, Carrie Speir, Elston Cardiff, Lizzie Bpeir. Senior Third olaes—Annie Nichol, Pearl Sharpe, Ada Ma0utobeon, Tana Forsythe. Jun. for Third olaea-Eras, Jaokeon, Lorne Niobol, Frank Nichol jr., 011ie Walker. Senior Seeped olaea—Robt. Forsyth, Har- old Speir. Junior Second oiaee—Jennie Robb, Hannah Jackson, Cora Bpeir, Bennie Walker, Part Second aloes— John Bpeir, Willie MoGotoheon. First olaee—Graoie Robb, From Lizzie 3, MOLAucnLIN, Teacher. va rex',. John Cuthill intends going Wen in the near future, Ise a strong magnet that will draw so far, Cameron 'Bros. have sown some fine fields with flax on the farms of D. John. atop and J. Cuthill, John Wortley and his 'cousins, Misses Millie and Annie Bray, spent Sunday at R. Bowen's, 14th con. Court of Revision and Council meet. Mg will be held in the Township Rall, Ethel, on Monday, 28th inst. Alex. MoTaggart, 15th eon., has taken a. situation for the Bttmmer near Sea. forth. He ie a good worker. A Musical and Literary entertainment will be held in Roe's church Friday even• iog of this week. All attending • will he sure of an enjoyable time. John Smith and Alex. Roe drove over to Teeewater and spent Sunday at Jae, Jackson's, formerly of the 3rd eon. The Jaokeon family are reported to be well pinged with their new bore. The Union Sabbath Sobool, meeting in the Smith school house, resumed op. eratione last Sabbath afternoon. Mre. N. M. Riohardsou is the competent Sup. erinteudeot. Road work will soon be on the program and the Pathmaeters ahoald be very are fat to see that rooke are left in the gravel pit and that arrangements are made for union weed outting. The sides of some of our highways are a fright for thistles, &c„ and the amount of damage done to farms near ie beyond computation. Read the law and be governed by it or else give up year job. Fatite1. Township Court of Revision and Coun- cil meeting on Monday, May 28. Mre. D. 0. Roes and eon, of Bruesals, were visiting at S. Ames' this week. The ()ober factory has a line display of buggies ready for parohaeers et their show room. The millwrights are pnehing the instal. ling of the new process in H. F. MoAllie- ter'eflour mill. Jno. McDermott, of Howiek, hae leased the Elliott residence in Ethel and moved here last week. We welcome the family to our village. Mre. Geo. Hogarth intends taking a trip to England this season. She expecte to sail on the Allan steamship "Tonle• ion" from Montreal on Saturday 26th ins@„ and will probably be away several months if the oheoge of climate is im- proving her health, which we expect it will. MONTHLY Renee. — The following allows the standing of the pupils in the eeoior"dept. of Ethel Publio school for the month of April. The names are in order of merit :—Jr. Ord.—Lizzie Mo. Lend, Mary Pearson, Wilfred MnAllister, Cecil Lindsay, Russell Dilworth, Athol McDonald, Geo. Wanner, Willie Brown, .A.rtbur Henry, Geo. Dunbar, Willie Badgley, Mildred Fogel, Sr. 3rd.— Maggie Osborne, Olive Raynard, Grover Gill, Leslie Fogel, Eva Caber, Ella Baneeld, Emma Kerr, Stanley Dunbar, Mica Elliott. Jr. 4th.—Mamie McAlli• ater, Eva McAllister, Geo. Eckmler, Diok Daviee, Oliver Lindsay, Lily Simpson, Minnie Bateman, Mabel Coates. Sr. 4th. —Willie Freeman, Carl McAllister, Henry Querrin, Eva Cole, Stella Dun• bar, Willie McDonald, Willie Lindsay, Maud Badgley, Gordon Imlay, Willie Goatee. Gmo, DOBSON, Principal. RE9oLnzios OF SYMPATHY,—The follow• iog reeolntion was passed by Court Ethel, 0. 0. F„ and shows that brotberly love is not overlooked To S. S. Cole, DEAR SIR AND Bno„—The members of Court Ethel, No. 201, danedian Order of Foresters, desire to convey an expreaeion of their deep sympathy with you and your family in the great loge you have enatained in the death of your beloved eon. And we beg to enure you that the sympathy of every member is extended to you in this the time of your exception. ally Bad bereavement, Aoaept our eym. pathy and may Be, who saw it meet to oall your little son to brighter raalme above, enetain and comfort you all and fill the void in your hoarse with His love and may the Son of Righteousness dispel all darkness and fill your hearth with joy and gladness in the hope of a glerioae meeting in the Reavenly Oonrta above where partings are unknown. Signed in behalf of the member°. Isaac Davie v was n • coldcnty all killed at the pumping rig of & Rawlings,, pear Martbavilie, lIt is etpt poeod he Was starting the engine, and in some way was thrown into the flywheel, ton, 4 flrussels Soldier, Pte. Leon F. Jackson. 011 Board 'T'roopship "Monterey,' At sea, The following notee are taken from a les ter written by Pte, Leon F. Joann to his father in Bruaaele, whsle on ebip board and three Jaye sail from Cape Town:—"We havebved on the troop ebip about 3 weeks and have had to take the reugb with the smooth. '!'here is tome dinette among the horsee on board and we bays /oat 148 of them B0 far on the voyage. They are all Iadieu ponies. We have plenty of good bard drilling and abooting practice every day, that ie all who can do 0o fur many are in the chip hospital and numbers of others off duty with sea 'dolmen. I nye not been etch at ail yet and gene I won't be now, although the ship is starting to roll again heavily. Suppose it is another tropical equal!. The day we aroused the equator we bad a big time. You know it is a angora among the sailors to be initiated the Brat time they prose the line, so a goad many of ue took the initiation too, They rig up a big tank of water on deck and attach a seat on the top edge. All dress up ae Neptune and hie followers, escorts, barbers, &a., after which we were led up to the throne of Neptune in tarn and questioned ae to our name, oocapatioo, wish to become a member of the Order of the Sone of Neptune and so 00. Next we were taken to the tank and planed on the seat. The Barbera com- menced with paint bi•usbme, lather and big woodon remora and when this oper- ation was over the Beat was tipped up and away bank you went into the tauk of salt water. Anyone undergoing this initiation will have the free protection of Neptune whenever in or near hie domin• 1008. Flying fish and porpoises are to beeeen in abundance and two sharks have been following the boat for the last two weeks to pink up the dead 'sprees. Yesterday we raw, and bad an excellent view, of three albatross' as they hovered over the ship for some time. They are very fine, large birds and pure white. A week ago tonight a fire was die• covered amidships in the galley, about midnight, and all troops rushed on desk and lined op in companies, ae ordered, Eaoh man kept bis plane like a veteran while the new was fighting the flames and the ship captain gave us great credit. The fire was in Boob a plane that bad the flames been uncontrollable we could not have reached the boats, However in half an boor the lira was out and all danger past. Dach of us Toronto boys was paid £5 in gold yesterday ae a present from the city They also gave tie 91.,000 life insurance and a eterling silver match 0000. Give best regards to my friends." Mr. Jackeoo went out as a member of the Special Service Batt., and on the same ship with the Btrathoona Horse. • Presbyterian Synod in session, The above 00010 of the Presbyterian Churob in Canada was duly instituted in St. Andrew's Church. London, on Monday evening of last week. The drat order was a sermon by the re. titling moderator. Rev. Mango Fraser, D. D„ Relax Church, Hamilton. The text was Rev. 2-10,'•Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of lira." The per- sona addressed were saints of God, and at that stage of the Christian Church they were Probablytt persecution.ed to severe hisexhortation was directlyad- dressedto Pofyoarp, the elder of the church at Smyrna. The martyrdom of Polyoarp was described, and hie magnificent loyalty to were given Doff heroisrmeon the attleflimid and in missionary fields. The 400001ou was pointedly asked, are we as ministers and elders and ohuroh members displaying auolr closely to Christu shall we Only arm. A g were exhorted, in moving sentences, to be thus faithful. After the sermon the synod asS formally o0a0tttnted, The /Manges made during the year in the roll of the synod were read and noted. Dr. Laing's motion, to the effect that the clerk of the eynod and the clerks o1 the presbyteries be a committee to weeder the m atter of misprinting in the dates o1 trans- lations, and also the reading of changes in the roll, and report was carried. The synod then prooeeded to elect a moderator for the cumin year. On motion of Mr. Johnston, Paisley, 0eoonded by Dr. Laing, the name of Rev Gustavus Munro, Ridgetowa, was presented, 8,0d ho was nnauimeuely eleet0,1, The tom eettea on bills and ondayOren rn- called to meet el 0 o'clock Monday morn- ing. Bartlett and Andrew Thomson were a ppoiated auditors for the treaanrer'e books. The hearty Nutlike of the synod were ex- tended to the retiring moderator for the faithful and efficient manner in which he Lad diaobargrd the duties during the year and for the sermon preached. The synod 0hen alt ourned. At Tusday afternoon's session Rev. W J. Day, of Simone, read an excellent pater on The Future Life;' followed by an interest- ing discussion, opened by ltR, Putti• grew, Glen Morrie. Rev, G. C. C, Patterson, Smbro, rend a paper on "Present Day . tug•' The discussion was load by Hey. James Malcolm, TeeDr.fa. The synod boa listened en Rov. Ar, Campbell, moderator of thewe general assembly, who 100100 on the Twentieth century fund. In the evening Rev. H, A. MaeOilliyray, in the absence of the convener, Rev. D. Drummond, 8a, Thomas, preeBated the re- port on "Church Lifo and Work," which oontaiund a number of important remain - me 'Mations. 'Phe discussion whiob follow- ed 000upied nearly all the balance of the 0v ening warden, Rev. Mr. Henderson, A pppiu, presented the report of the augmen• t atio,e oommtttee, just before adjournment. At Wednesday morning's session Rev. R. report au Babb th sehooie 81wkpresented oh n pt Bd th- ol- lowedbydiscussion. Rev, J. S. Henderson, tan presented the report on "Young Peo- ples a ooiotioe " which wa0 also dimmed.T appeal of Rev, Mr, Larkin, of Chat. ham, against the decision of the presbytery in the ease of Botany anemia efts, was o0. Grieving the synod a attention wheu the noon adjournment was made, Rev.11r. Robertson addressed tho synod upon the work of The home 1321080one and augmontation, Re oh v J nRo s e B A, of Br Uaa01B 2'0 0.d a Paper on the implication r ] P o ;the question in rates and tonne ofDdu •o r 00 P 2 for admission to full cavo 01 bit ; and you to Bello the he the Word of the Old and Now Twta 1011 to ed the Wordy 0GodM L n Ross was follow- ed by 1120 Rev 10 Mo5opuan, M A, of Wh'mt" Tho following etagdiug aommltteee were then appointed; Ohuroh Life sed Work --Rev R of Oaten, ton, convenerthe conveners of g.ppresbytery Alg0 JiMoa iliijvray, L Jane 1 Bobe ll g01, 1- dew, Watford t Dr Battlabyy, ;Chatham ; P A McLeod, Atweed; Robs Henderson, II n^ olleeter; Jan Malcolm, Teeawsterl Isaac. McDonald, Mesa • MMoGregor, and T"Nis- bit, 11' Heid and el. T McGregor, elders.' Augmeutation—lieu Alex Henderepn eon. vouer ; the convener el of presbytery main I4 - tees, and W It Wood, yg D It McKenzie. 0 14 SSSabbath ,e ]lol Hodge E1G Geo 4 11, Doe- vouer • A MoWilltsms, k1 W Panton, ;l - S'letehor andJ AIsLaren, and John Moyers, Robs McQueen, J C Ilgkford, eldgre, with the oonye was ofpresbytery ogmmltteoe. Toting Peoples' Booleties—Rev J 8 Pendor- 000, convener • conveners ofpreabytory eommitteea; neve Jae Wilson, Glencoe; J S Cunning, Walkerton: l,' 0, Boll, NapBier; A Grant, St Marys ; John Young, H amilton ; A.A Graham, Petrolie, orad Joseph Riobard- sou, Woodstock; John Loohead, London, and J P Rose, Exeter, The synod then resumed itshear(ng of the aagainst the Presby to Larkin and ham Y 00 Mr Mel:ntes, of Thomasville, spoke on behalf of the presbytery,' and Mr Larkin replied. 3. evnodinal committee consisting of Belle Dr McMullen, Dr Johnston, -A Henderson, N Cockburn, with I Rutbborn and 0 It Somer- ville, will investigate the matter at Botany on Tuesday. May 21, The thanks of the synod were tendered the meaner and aloe -bearers o1 8t Andrew 6o the railroads andh for the use of the the pree0 for the oourtesles extended to the synod. The synod then adjourned to meat neat April in htratford. CHURCII CHIMES - Maitland Presbytery next Tneeday at Wingbam. Rev. Jas, Anderson, a Metbodiet min- ister, died at Belleville. A children's service will be held in 8t. Johne ohuroh next Sunday morning. The incumbent will preeoh. Rev. an. Wilkie, Missionary from Indere, India, will preach in Melville oburch on Sabbath, May 20. St. John's Young People's Chapter will consider the topic -'At the bowie of Simon the Pbarisee" on Thursday even- ing. St. John's oburch forwarded over 500 poouds of clothing, quilts, &o., to Rev. Mr. Smith, of Hall, Que., on Tuesday of this week. Next Sabbath Rev. W. Penball, of Blyth, will preeob in Brussels Metbodiet church. Rev, Mr. Helene will take anniversary services at Blyth. "Vision and Service" will be next Bab. bath evening's topic at the Epworth League and Christian Endeavor at the Methodist and Melville aerobes. At the Fourth meeting of the Quarter. ly OMoiel Board on the Bayfield circuit, Rev. E. A. Shaw, formerly of Belgrave, was unanimously invited to remain for a. fourth year. 9th anneal Sabbath School Convention of Brussels District will be held in Mel- ville ohuroh on Tneeday, May 291b. There will be three sessions and a good program is being prepared for eaoh which will be issued in due oonree. Tne"12th;,•naataly._1i-seionary eolleo- tion in Brueeele Metblidikv, •Bnpday. school was taken last Sabbath afternoon amounting to 55.17 and oonoiodi❑g the year's givioge whiob totalled $54.00, au average of $4.50 for the twelve collections. The W. F. M. S. of Melville ohuroh con. tribated 940 to the India Famine Fund. Mre. Skene, treaearer, forwarded the draft to Mies George, the W. F. M. S. Treaenrer at Toronto. The Standard Bank kindly gave the draft without ex- pense. Last Sabbath even jog about 130 partook of the senorita/it in the Methodist ahorah. Rev. Mr. Holmes continued hie series .of discourses ou the Epistle to the Philip. piano in the morning and in the evening compared "Broken cisterns to the living Springs," Rev. Jno Ross, B. A„ preached another sermon on "Prayer" last Sabbath mora. iog, from the text, Psalm 22.2. In the evening the topic was "The Prodigal's Elder Brother." The two main divisions were I Rio commendable qualities ; II His moral defects. Mies Eva Daggs, of Chatham, assisted the Methodist choir loot Sabbath evening taking the Bolo in the anthem, "Guide me 0 1 Thou Greet Jehovah" with good effect, Bhe also contributed the solo "TheLord of Ages," after the sermon. Mise Degge has a sweet voice. WOMEN'S MISSIONARY SOCIETY. — The Anneal Wiogham Distriot Convention of the Methodist Church Women's Mie. eionary Society will be held in the C. 0. F. Hall, (opp. Poet Office) Wingbam, on Wednesday, May 23rd. Program.— Morning session, 9.80 a, rn,—The Dox- ology ; responsive Soriptare reading ; prayer by the organizer ; the Lord's Prayer (in concert) ; roll call and re- ports ; nomination of district organizer ; words of welcome, Mre, (Dr,) Towler ; hyma, "Blest be the Tie" ; prayer and praise aervioe, Mre. Gayler, White• ohurob. Afternoon session, 2 p. m,.— Opening exeroiaea, Mre. Cunningham, Kincardine ; hymn and Scripture lesson I prayer, Mrs, Lawrie, Gorrle ; minutes of the morning session ; greetioge from sister societies ; solo, Mrs, Fawcett, Tiverton ; pape, "The importance of gathering children into Mission Banda," Mise M. Agnew, Teeewater ; dieonesion of "Paper" ; music, Conference on Auxiliary Work, in the following order : The prayer hour and cycle of prayer, Braasele delegate ; watch tower, Ethel delegate ; proportionate and syetematio giving, Gerrie delegate ; oar missionary periodicals, Kincardine delegate ; anneal thank -offering and T. C. T. F., Sinless delegate ; mioaionary work at borne, Teeewater delegate ; scattered helpers scheme, Wbiteohuroh delegate; duet, Mrs. Him:take and Mre. Mann ; collec- tion ; addreee, Mre. Wright, London, President of London Branob. On the evening of the 22nd at 8 O'olbolr, a Pub, lio meeting will be held in the Methodist eboroh, when addressee will be given by the Rev, W. Rigsby, of Sinoardine, and ;Rev. Mr. Oaten, of Belgrave, and Mrs. Gordon Wright, of London, will give the report of the t p Eonmenioal Mieeianary Conferenoeheld in New York oily. Col - Wain. Di/legatee requiring billets will p,leaea notify Mrs, (Dr.) Tokler, Wing. f yam1 Wave Aiaq 20th.