HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1900-4-26, Page 8teert�m=,xi�•i4.+"t+MPr+?�q;+wrA +a»uwrFr-+,e
We can let you have a
Bieyele for 1, 2 or 3 months ou
trial, We handle the Wheel
that "elands up," rarely found
in repair shops and one that no
one can say a bad word for, at
about the price of some.
One 2nd hand Wheel left at
$17,50• Dunlop tires.
Ladies' Wheels from $85 to
$40. All Dunlop tires. About
$5 less with cheaper tires. Let
us show you a good wheel for
little money.
G. A. Deadman,
Agent for Crescent Bicyolee,
For Spraying. .
We have Paris Green, Sul-
phate of Copper (Bluestone) for
Spraying purposes, Have you
had our latest prices. Special
quotations in quantities.
For Biaiufectiu .
We have Chloride of Lime,
Carbolic Acid, Sulphate of Iron,
Soluble Phenyl, &c., for Disin-
fecting purposes.
Moth Balls, Camphor or In-
seot Powder for keeping away
Moths. Anything in Chemicals
at our Drug and Book Store.
G. A. Deadman.
Trains leave Brneeele Station, North
and Oath, as follows ;
Express ' 0:45 a.m,l Express 10:17 p.m
A ohiel'e amang ye bakin' notes,
An' faith he'll prone it.
AYEw cages of mumps and a ariet lee-
er yet Ip town, Tb4 lips 'warm weather
ehouldoleer bath out.
`1'. P. SEI11, the optical epeoieliet,
Will be at Fox'e Doug afore, Brussels,
on Wedueedny, May 16t11.
0,000 pounds of butter wee. shipped, by
Domintou apron, on Thursday by Robt,
Thomson, ao➢eigoed for I alifex.
THE Enterprise Balt Works are ship-
ping three Gere of their fine - dairy and
table salt to pointe in Manitoba thio
Moo. A. Cunnue, who by the way i8 a
great flowers, had
a maga admirer
oaoturower f
s flower axhibltion
in the shop window, It was a dandy.
Tag Seeferbh stage will coma at in a
very gorgeous style next week after being
in the hands of A. Semple for the pest
few weeks for painting and re•trimmmg.
W. A. Cntoil hoe disposed of his driv.
ing horse, buggy, harness end. cutter to
B. Berke. The latter Bold the horse en
hour 0r a0 after to George Olver, John
A NEW verandah and other external
and internal improvements are being
made at the, reeidenoe of John Leckie,
oorner of Albert and William etreete,
Mee. Hans Mnnn died in Logan town-
ebip on Tuesday of last week leaving h.'r
husband and three obildren. She was e.
dangbter•in•IaW to William and Mre,'
Mnrr, of Brussels.
FLAG seed ie ready for delivery at Brea•
sale flax mill and farmers ehould order
their supply early. The prospects for a
good sized crop are favorable but the
sooner seed io secured the better.
Now that the fine weather has Dome in
the Stage driving on the Seaforth route
has been handed over to Hugh W l iaw I.
+'Dick, es he is familiarly ca
bustle things at their livery barn here.
"FLonENOE G.," Jas. O'Leary's fast
pacing mare that was queen of the tart
in her day, has been sold at a good figure
to W. W. Ferran, the well known horse•
man of Clinton. She was delivered last
week. The purchaser intends going to
for raising fast stook,
Roan bills printed at The PoeT on
abort notice.
HEAR Miee Teseie McCallum recite.
She is tip top.
A WEDDING fe on the tepis, both parties
being residentsof town.
BRnsoELe horse dealers have been do-
ing a rushing'baeinees this Spring.
BIOYOLes are Ones more in daily use.
Phe streets have dried np and are now In
shape for wheeling.
A. OoneoEY lamed over 5600 00 in Ex•
preens money orders last Friday. He
Saye business is good.
Tan half mile rape track on the Grey.
Branch Agricultural Park is well dried
up and about ready for nee.
OUR mimeos and bricklayers have
started work for this season and expect a
bney time until the snow flies.
Pewee LIBRARY concert Thursday of
next week. " Mies Teseie McCallum, a
well known eloontioniet, is well worth
Tan, mouthy 'meeting of the school
Board was not heldinApril owing to the
date coming on Good Friday and no
pressing business demanding attention,
W. H. McORaoRne, who takes no sec.
and place as a grower of vegetables and
roots, has hie early gardening and seed
ing shout completed with good prospects.
Mao. is the early bird all right.
IT is said that a certain auctioneer in
Huron Co. has been doing business with-
out a lianas. Probably it will be cheap-
er for him as it may be for some peddlers
to get the neoeseary papers as tbere are
some eagle-eyed constables on the look.
out for enape of that kind.
WarsT DieLooeT1D.—Earl Baeker was
playing foot ball at school on Monday
when he was struck on the right wrist by
the ball, the result being a dielooation at
that joint. He ie now carrying his arm
in a sling. Foot ball ie responsible for a
good many of the pains and aches among
the youth of a community.
CoNOEUT.—Arrangements have been
madefor the third, and last for thio
eon Pchile Library Ooneert.The one-
talent is the well known and talented
elooutioniet, Miee Teseie MoOallum, of
Galt, whose reputation is more than Pro -
einem'. A good program of vocal mneio
will also be rendered by local talent.
The date ie Thoreday of neat week and
the place is.Bruesele Town Hall. No re•
served seats.
Serum hate.
GARDENING ie in fall blast.
Do Tor owe for Tan PoeT
TUESI'1Y. of next week will be May Day.
H. L. Jaoiisoe has put np a new awn-
Toe click of the lawn mower is beard
in the land.
PASSENGER traffic le heavy on the G. T.
11. this season.
Tau school teachers and pupils got
back to work on Monday.
TriE peddlare' waggons are once, more
on their regular tripe in some sections.
Soca fine strings of fish have been
ought at the dam daring the past week.
Asseasou Comm has completed his
roll for 1900. He had several tilts with
various ratepayers.
Tan painter's brush has been brighten-
ing np the I. C. Richard's blook. Fred.
McCracken had the job.
PHILIP AiENT has parohaeed a bike
sulky for the purpose of training hie fast
oolt on the track tine Summer.
Tan foot -bridge bas been temporarily
fixed eo as to permit people to cross. It
ie expected that the portion taken away
can be recovered and probably replaced.
Tan Teno a Olub is getting the lawns
in shape for this season. They expect to
be favored with the nee of J. D. Ronald's
and E. 0. Danford's coats this Summer.
A CASE or two may be heard, before
the Reeve, for driving over the oement
sidewalks where there are no crossings
and smashing the walk. That's the best
way to atop 1t. -
COUNCILLOR Roes, Wat. Ainley and
Alex. MaLauohlin sawed up the balance
of the beech log, used at the sawing
match, split the blocks and it was, pre•
vented to Mrs. Mnogo Wallace.
A SPECIAL meeting of the Council was
held on Monday evening to disease the
i some new hose
question of
hrohae n
i P R
' e•
tion 200 feet was previous.
for fire protea P
ly ordered, the necessary test to be made
ae guaranteed by the Company.
PR0PBRTY OWOBre desiring new oement
sidewalks should get their petitions go-
ing so that the work could be done early
in the nation. This is no small advan-
tage. Mr. Conery and staff will be here
to complete work at the bridge and would
be ready to take bold of the new work at
once,no doubt.
Tns Spring oatalognee from the large
pity departmental stores are now being
scattered throughout the country.
Sensible people who receive these oats.
throw to nee will them in the waste
•and keep right t on doing
at home, among the people who
help to pay ease and keep up the town.
Nine oa8ee out of ten the people who do
their trading et home are in tbe long run
Tan Registrar -General of Ontario has
issued a circular, notifying medical men.
that if they do not report births, wbioh
they professionally attend, the penalties
of the lawwill be exaoted. There is un-
doubtedly some omissions to register, and
the oiroalter will have an effect in Dor
rating the evil, When this is done, if
done effectually, we shall see how far non.
registration goes to account for the de-
ficiency of pabliebed births, below the
normal rate.
it could be supported upon the grand
that appellant (Teener) bad violated
0Om0 one of the provisions Ot any ether
egotisn of statutes, in whio h o800 Apse;
may be further argued. This aaee bag
Attracted much interest both among
legelAnd bugle, es men,
Bit, RALnr0Ei0011 80yd in a letter to the
editor of Tens POST.—duet ae I $Dished
ney article, Eire, gelbileieoh, who ie here
title Week, and i got e gond genre. Ws
room 0n the North flan et tier hotel
and alt et once We noticed awoke comics
from under our deur wbioh leade to en-
Other room. Well, gay, I often beard of
fires is these large hotels and you bet we
got our baggage together in a hurry t T
grabbed the letter to Tan POST and ebpv
ed it in my pocket. People on our flat
were beetling in all direotiope. Now
don't laugh, it Wee no fun for the time
being, bat the smoke Dame from a defect-
ive chimney in the kitchen, the smoke
escaping through the grates, &o. No fire
occurred, however, and we were glad alb.
HOMO Or REruais -The County Conn -
oil Com/tee of the House of Refuge,
shnogeintfn of Meagre. MoLean, Snell and
fo• donnolly, accompanied by County Clerk
Wi Lane and inspector Coats, visited the
tee House on Tuesday of last week and took
et .,a stroll over the farm. They found
haeverything in apple•pie order and will
any so in their next report. They reoam-
lailend the addition of a heatiogapparatne
deed also the building of 100 rode of wire
edema, The old folks at the Home are
etwaftfng with„all the patience at their
f command for. Spring in earnest so that
huthey can move about and enjoy the sun•
el shine and balmy breezes once mora. The
'Mortality baring the past Winter has
iebeeo about the same vee in previous eea-
eteone or a little lase if anything.
A OAR of cattle by T. OIoLean ; a Der of
nate by R. Graham ; a oar of peas by
Baeker & VaosLooe ; a oar of hogs by
Geo. Beat ; two oars of nettle by Clegg &
Dames ; a oar of eggs by R. Thomson
and a oar of Balt by the Enterprise Salt
works wereamong the oat -going freight
during the past week.
LeeT 'Monday forenoon, under the
guidance of Meyer Watson, a POST rep.
resentative took a trip through the new
chair faotory and the Morrie piano mao
ofaotory in Listowel. The mayor hal
both eyee wide open in watobing after
the interests of his town and the pros-
pects are not by any means unfavorable
for the time to come. delegation from
TUoeDAY of this week a
Blyth, 000eieting 01 Reeve Garter and
Conaoilman Soott, visited Brussels and
took stook of oor new walks and made
enquiries regarding tbe sewers, prepara-
tory to the commencement of these mod-
ern, permanent improvements in their
burg. They have passed their By -lbw
and will get to work Boon.
NOT ',RT.—Monday afternoon of thio
week a meeting of the Directors of Grey
Branch Agricultural Booiety was held in
the Connoil Chamber to open the tenders
for the proposed naw Agl. Hall. There
were three tenders but all were consider-
ed too high by the Directors and on mo•
tion of D. Milne and W. McCracken
it was decided to postpone building epee -
Mica for another year.
ARRAN0E0IENTe are being made by the
Committee of the McIntosh & MoTeggart
estate to declare the 5th dividend, this
time 5 tante on the dollar, to wind op
the private bank affairs. A meeting
will be held in Bruaeele in May, the date
of whioh will be made known in a short
of the
time, when n a statement
will be given and cheques hatted for the
above mentioned dividend.
SEATS Gomo Lynam—The list of sub.
soribers for seats at the Military Concert
to be held in Brussels Town Hallissuf.
Solent already to ensure a deoided sun.
nee. Concert will beheld on Tuesday,
May Bib, the only change made in the
talent, as announced last week, will be
the substitution of Mrs. Flora MoIvor
Craig, of Torouto, for Miee Eva May
Aoheeon. Subscribers get the choice of
Beata when the plan of Hall opens.
BOWLmG GLOB —Last Friday evening
BraeaeIs Bowling C
tub was re -organized
with the following offfoere :—Hon. Pres.,
Inepeotor Robb ; Pres., 0. C. Roes ;
Vice Pres., Postmaster Farrow ; Bea.
Treas,, G. N. Gordon ; Committee, J.
Hewitt, A. Coseley, G. F. Blair and J.
Irwin ; skips, J. N. Gordon, D. 0, Rose,
Dr. MoNanghton and. J. H. Cameron. A
earplug of 56.60 was reported in the
Treasury from last season which idiom
oarefal finanoing.
LATEST WAR Newe.—Wspener reported
relieved—The relief was a000mpliehed
after severe fighting—The large Boer
forge now in a net—Lord Roberta' plans
working out to a charm -80,000 Boers in
a net in the Bouth•EaetFree State—Gen.
Pole -Carew making good progress to the
South—He will awing round to the East
to out off Boer retreat— Gen. French
making a rapid march to the East --
Leon Moyer, Boer general dead—The
Canadian Mounted Rifles and Strath.
conga have bad their first esperienoe in
BANKER TANNER.—•Ohiof Justice Mere.
dith Monday handed out the Divisional
Court judgment. In the appeal in the case
of Charles E. Tanner, of the firm of
Lune, Tanner & Co„ private bankers,
Blytb, who was oommitted to jail for
tell the ex.
months foe retests to
two m g
aminere in an examination for discovery
in a snit instituted by the firm's credit-
ors, what had become of certain property.
The Divisional Court judges refused t0
uphold the order of commitment. The
rase was largely deoided upon the con•
atit•ational question as to whether the
Provinoial Legislature had power to page
the aot under which Tanner was commit-
ted to jail, and whether ouch en at was
retroactive in fts effect. The property
was made away with before February
11, I81)5, and tbe assignment was made
on Jannary 81, 1896, two months before
the aot was passed. The judgment
gaga : "I am unable to see any differenoe
between the 500018fone of the Provincial
Ant and a provision in a oriminal statute
E whoever
shall have
concealed or
made away with the property with same
intent to defraud. ghall be deemed guilty
of an indictable offenoe, and it is oleer,
I apprehend, that each a provision Would
not be extended to cover Rots done before
the act wag paaged. It unneseary and
therefore would be improper t0 expected
an opinion upon the oonatitutional point
which hag been raffled. Tho order for
oominittneeot cannot be upheld nnlese
Mise Edwards was home fora visit,
Alias Lizzie Leetherdale le visiting in
Aire. Skelton, of Blyth, ie visiting in
Brussels this week,
Mies Sellers, of Blaevals, was the guest
of Mise Bectie Denbow.
Mise Gertrude Ewan is on the 'iok list
but we hope ebe will anon be o. k,
Miee Porter, of Atw>od, spent Sunday
with her aunt, Mrs. Jere Cous:es.
Mies Hattie Downing retn,•ned • to.
Goderiob High school on Monday.
Mra, Jno. Londeaboro , of Seaforth, is
holidaying for ie few days in lit telltale.
W. H. Willie, Mee. Willie an I -.Otte, of
Seaforth, spent Sunday at B. Gerry's.
J. Leokie and sena, of Toronto, are in
town.. The boyo have started to school.
Mre. W. 0. Stuart, of Wingbam, was
vieitiug her daughter, Mrs. Jas. Fox, this
1. 0. Rieharde mode a visit to St,
Marys this week. He went on his
Lorne Pringle was at Stratford this
week writing on an exam. at tbe Business
Jno. Finland went to Toronto on Mon•
day to consult a specialist in reference to
hie eyee.
Mre, Wi'eon left for Buffalo ou Monday
after a two weeks' vieit with her eieter,
Mrs. Pearson.
Will. Bawtinheimer is home from 8t,
Thomas on a vieit in the sxpeotation of
recruiting his health.
Thos. McLaaohlie and W. F. Scott
attended the Spring show at Listowel on
Thursday of last week.
Bev. John Rose, B. A., is at Port
Elgin, attending the funeral of hie father
who died Tuesday night.
Mtge Maggie, daughter of Wm.
Cameron, has gone to Manitoba on a trip
after a sojourn of over a year here.
John F. MoOrae, of Hoagland, B. C.,
attended the Bachelor's Ball at Strat-
ford.on Friday evening of last week.
Fred. Gilpin is home from Toronto
where he bas been attending the Ontario
Dental College. The exams. concluded
lest week.
Mrs, N. B. Gerry and daughter, of
Blyth, were visiting relatives and friends
in Broeeele. Miee Beryl Potland return-
ed with her.
Mre. A. J. Lowick, of Tiverton, was
the guest ofMre. Peebles, Queen street,
last week. It is 8 years since the Lowick
family lived in town.
Mise Laura Peebles, who was home on
a visit, left for 'Paris on Wednes-
day of this week. Miee Laura has a
large circle of frieode in town.
Mrs. Jae. Ballantyne and son, Mies
Roberton and A. Roes were visiting at
thandClinton las
G Banday. The
father who ie
ladies went to sea
their fat
dangerously ill.
J. D. Ronald save the people of Ooli•
fornix are nearly all •anti-British vee far
as the South Airman war is concerned
and many of thew are as vigorously op•
posed to the Philippine war. Mrs. Ron-
ald will not return to Canada until the
warm weather Bete in as the Californian
olimate,away from the Comet, appeare to
agree with her.
Miee Clara Hunter arrived home
on Monday afternoon from Atwood
where she has been with her sister,, Mrs.
Moore, for the past three months. : Dor.
ing pt r
t of that time
Mies Hater wag
grin bee strength
' recovering g
ill butte k
cite 1
quite ninety we are pleased to state. We.
hope the fine Spring weather will help in
the work of complete restoration.
J. R. Grant, of Winnipeg, Manager of
the Federal Life Asearance Co. for Mani.
tobe, spent Saturday and Sunday with
his daogbter, Mre. W. H. Herr. He was
on hie way to New York from wbioh
port he sails on Saturday for the Medi•
terranean, and will visit Naples, Paris,
London, Edinburgh, Glaegow, &o., &o.,
being alined three or four months. Hie
many old friends here wish him bon
voyage, a pleasant viait and a safe return.
Tile Pose hopes to present its readers
with pen and ink sketobee of some things
Mr. Grant may see in bis travele,
ST4.N).4RD J34XJC 0l' CielAri4Del,
seas' F, S x,ex0 r-neigen 1E7P.
QAPIT'AL PAID UP (One Millen Dollars) •
Agenda in all principal paints in Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, United States 15 England.
A General Banking Bneineee Traneaoted, Evermore' Notes
Drat a Iesnrd and Colleatiene made on all points,
Interest allowed on deposits of 51.00 and apwardo,
Every facility afforded Onetomere living at a (Hobanoe.
Goals To Loam—Very few
were aware of the fact that Jas. Beattie,
finisher of granolitbio sidewalk work,
who spent last Bummer in town, and
Miss Florence, eldest daughter of Wm.
Blashill, of Bruaeele, were united in mar-
riage last December, Rev. A. C. Tiffin, of
Walton, tying the knot. Bah however,
ie the ease, and vee the season for side-
walk building is once more here Mr. Beat-
tie bas engaged with the Ingersoll Co.
and removed, with his wife, to Lon.
don this week where they will make
their home. May Dame Fortune smile
upon them in their journey through life
is the wish of TEE PosT. Mica Ida
'l1, who
has been home
om. Lon-
don on &visit, accompanied her sister and
will probably remain in the city.
it +nee
" BootmINe. Organizer Torrance, of.
,ietowel, has been in town doting the
clout week giving the Canadian Order of
nforesters a boom. Thursday evening of
;cast week 4 candidates "rode the goat"
Ned Ttmeday last 10 more were initiated
abibh probabilitiee of adding from 10 to
20 more on Thureday evening. After the
bueineeo was over Tuesday evening there
watt a abort program of 100810 and ad.
drone ' after wbioh Reeve Thomson
treated the Coat cart to foe cream and oake,
Mrs. Thomson 'Melded et the organ foe
the program. A hearty vote of thanks
wee paged 10 the Reeve end hie good
lady for their generosity. Court Prim
one Alexandria hes 110 membore in good
standing and ie in a floueishing oondi.
tion. Mr. Torranoe, who ie a twin broth,
of of the late Rev. W. Torrance, form-
erly oe Walton, f0 an enthn0iastio retold.
or and is a great 01100600 as an or waltzer.
He pea from here to Goder)eh,
Eras Mama. AesoaIATIoN.—A meet.
ing of the Heron Medical Association
was held in the Town Hall, Clinton, on
Wednesday of last week, with Dr. free
ham, the President, in cbeir. After the
preliminaries, Dr. Shaw, of Clinton, read
a' paper on "The feasibility of forming a
joint Stook Phyaiaians' Co.” It was well
received and discussed. Dr. Graham, of
Clinton, then delivered the President's
address, dealing with dome tbings relat-
ing to " Thephysioian as a business man."
Dr. Turnbull, of Goderioh, gave a very
iutereeting account of some of the surgi-'
cal work he bad witneaeed in Berlin re-
cently and showed two modern instru-
mento of'speoial interest to the members.
Dr. Machell, of Dublin, deeoribed some
oases in praotioe which bore some anfgne
features. On the invitation of Dr. Bob.
erteon, of Stratford, the next meeting
will be held next,Tuly in Stratford.
MnaRE GETS GEF.—Ghariea Patrick
Moore, at one time a resident of Bras.
eels tend a gentleman who has been muoh
before thepnblio for the last five or six
months in conflation with shoddy cloth
and cold storage, came up for trial before
Jndge Barrett at Walkerton. The charge
againt him was that he bad by mane of
false pretences obtained moldable eeanri-
ty, to wit, a promissory note from Chart.
Ernst, of Brant. There were two or
three other indictments against him, but
they all amounted to the same thing, and
it was clear from the etart tbat it one
fell through all would, After being sent
up for trial by the magistrate, the charge
wag investigated by the grand jury, and
true bilis returned. Bat Mr. Moore
elected to be tried by the county Judge,
benne the posponement, The prisoner
wag defended by H. P. O'Conner, while
Mr. Jeffreys, of Guelph, and Mr. Dixon
represented the crown. The first witness
was Charles Brat, end he proved to be a
'lin u 0.t
e t i
o b
e. Instead R
he began n at the
Bret end of hie story R
end of it, and he bas a faculty ` for mix•
ing thing. Then 7obn Boddy was called,
the Jude.
t but b
i ht a oc R
He told aetra g y, ,
hold that he had glean hie note for the
cloth, and that nothing wino' Mare
might have promised to do et some future
time, though cover fulfilled, wee a orimi-
nal offence. In this 0008 an action for
oivit damagelmight lie against 'Moore.
Tho ease wee diemtesed.
ltdre, Joseph Burton ie home from Lon.
don and her health is greatly improved
we are pleased to state.
Mre. Thos. Hall, Alexander street, will
celebrate her 86th birthday on Friday of
this week. Barring her rheumatism the
old lady is fairly smart and THE Poem
extends birthday congratulations.
Business Locals.
Cees for butter and eggs. A. Conley.
CLOVER and Timothy seed et'MoOraok-
CLovaa and Timothy seed for Bale at
Baeker & Vaostone'e.
Biomes repaired carefully and prompt•
ly at the Electric Light Works,
CARPET 'weaving. _ Satisfaction, gnaran•
teed. Robert Anderson,
Ellen street, Brussels.
Paean Beed peas for Bale. Over 41
bushels grown to the more last year.
t Lot 80, Con. 4, Morrie.
Mae. BALLANTenn will take orders for
out flowers and floral designs—oity green.
houses. See the fine bedroom seta and
chinaware at her grocery.
Jae is—A oar of Manitoba flour and
bran, from the Beautiful Plaine Milling
Co., Neepawa. Now is the time to pat
in your stook for Summer. ,
BAEEEw& VANeroso.
EGGS 1 Bees 1 ROOK 1—Farmer—Good
morning 1 Mr. Pedlar ; ain't seen you
since last Summer ; wbat't wrong ?
Pedlar—Did you not. get my card ? Yoe
see we've joined the Commercial Travel.
ler'e Aes'n. I will send you my advance
card every week quoting you prices of
butter, and eggs, so that when you go to.
town you will be posted. But to answer
yon squarely, the prioe of better eines
last Fall was just a little Swire for tie,
and there's nicer goods to baodle than
fowl, so we just let your merchant have
the lot, Eggs 12o. trade ; 10o. cash.
G. E. KING, Wingham.
CoNERT.—In Wingham, on April' 911), to
Mr. and Mrs. John Conery, a daugh-
Here.—In Seaforth, on April 10th, to
Mr. and Mre. R. S. Hays, a eoa.
MALoisY.-30 MoBillop, on April Gtb,
to Air. and Mre. Patrick Maloney,
twin sone.
Just received a car of Presh,
Lime, which will be kept for
sale at my residence during
the Summer.
BLACI: MINORCA eggs for hatching from
well bred fowl. 81.00 per settles of 15,.
LESLIE IMRE, . Bruesele,.
4 Y¢An Old mare for sale, broken to
drive or work. JNO. SPEIR,
WRIGHT— GmsoN. —On April 6th, at
the Manse, Mollillop, by Rev. P.
Musgrave, Mr. Charles Wright, ,r.,
- to Miee Margaret Gibson, both of
Lot 21, 4th line Morris,
PR' 1 26, 1900
home on Queen street ; also apiano.
elbundred and flay the best
sold before the
191 of OA67E BELL, Brussels.
• TION0ER for the County. Exper-
ience of over 14 years, and knowledge' of who
to sell to. Will guarantee satisfaction. If'
you want to sell or buy a farm call ou 3110.
Money to loan at 48 per Dent.
040 awes. complete section, near
Southwest boundary of Manitoba, Over 100
aore6 under cultivation. Finetwo-storey
house waiting over 81000. 8 miles from rail-
way ; river Bowie paeeoethrough farm ;
near cheap coal supply. Price 81000.
Apply to JNO. D. RONALD.
n MaSlllop, on April 811
the infant daughter of Charles Dol -
mage, aged 11 days.
FDLToos.—I L Grey, on April 22nd, Janet,
reliot of the late Wm. Fulton, in her
79th year.
Mea.—In Logan, on April 19, Rose, be-
loved wife of Henry Muer, aged 30
W0ITTIN0HAM,—In. Edgeley, Aesa., N•
W. T., on April 18, Mary Jane, be.
loved wife of F. G. Whittingham,
formeriy of Morrie, aged 41 years.
0923Vsso37-4S xa.A.rsarss.
Fall Wheat ••••.•
Barley .. .........
Butter, tube and rolls
Eggs per dozen
Flour per barrel
Potatoes (per bus)'
Apples (per bag)'
Balt per bbl., retail
Hayper ton
Hides trimmed
Hides rough
Sheep skins, eaoh
Lamb skins each
Hogs, Live
rNG Lot 29. N t Con. 6. Morrie township,
containing 08 soros of drat -aloes land. There
ie a house, burn, orchard- and goodware-
bottom, and farm is well fenced. There are
35 scree in Fall wheat ; 10 aaree in hay and
45 acres pasture, Possession could be given
at once. Farm adjoins the village of 13 rue -
eels. For .further particulars' as to price,
terms, &c., write to JAMES LIVINGSTON,
M, P., Baden. 22.01
Insect Powder,
Moth Camphor,
Chloride of Lime,
Carbolic Acid,
Little's Phenyle,
Caustic Soda,
We have them—Strictly one
Quality—the best, at
Fox's Drug Store.
\„JI -• Apply to THE POST, Bronchi.
am—Being 8 i Lot 21, Con. 7. Morris, .
containing 100 soros, more or lose. 60 soros
seeded with timothy and olover ; well water-
ed with springs and creed; bush, fended,.,,
providing good 1088 for cattle. P08s888lon
given at any tame. For particulars apply to
ALN%. BXBLOP Proprietor, or BI089 8RD
BN WLET, Morr(5.
on P4111 etreet,Bruseele, The boucle
is a comfortable one, well fated up, with
collar, hard and soft water, &c, There Is
also a good stable. Fruit trees in garden :
over one•gnarteer acre of land. For price,
or W. II. 8ERpR of THD osITNN, P 18 -Etter,
Leone-The property of the late John
Elliott, oonei8tiug of a solid' brink house,
With frame kitchen and woodshed, good
stable and 5 sore of land all in first-class
condition. If not gold will bo rented, Pos•
session ab any time. Por pa'tloulere applyto
Gait or Do, MaEELYBY, Mt Forest Ethel Aram.PATT$2015
eAr,E,—Lot 17, Den. 9, Township at
Grey. - 100 corse more or lees. Situate 44
wiles from,Bluesole and 2 milesfrom village
of Ethel. Allcleared excepting 5 acres of
hardwood bush. Buildings and fences in
good repair. Good wells. All Fall plowing
done. Price and terms of payment on ap-
plication 'to
p-plication'to W. M. SINCLAIB
29-0- Barrister, 0..0., Brussels,
Consisting of the Routh 5 and South 8
of the North t of Lot 88 Cori A, East Wawa -
nosh. This le au excellent stook farm,being
well supplied with good spring water. It is
situated about 8 miles from the thriving Vil-
i -lage of Blyth. A large part of it is under
grass. Buildings and fences are In atair
state of repair. Easy terms of payment will
be given. For all iuformatidn apply to
1141 G. F. BLAIR, Barrister, Bruce els.
9 13
4 50'
4 0020 20.
1 00 1 00
7 00 7 00
6 6e
80 100
25 25'
6 50 5-60
8 18
a Crockery Crockcry!
Having bought largely before the advance P,,,
in prices we are offering...,
Toilet Sets5....
ab the Old Prices. A large assortment of
Plain and Fancy China and Glassware.
The best Mangel, Turnip and other
rown .
Geo. Thomson., TO. .
A. R. SMulli
has.ftvithout question a
large ass, very fine
stook of Vhite Goods.
B1ouse ,
Comms Down.
o trouble to show New Goods—
hat's what we are here for.
If you ever saw of Erne Goode such
it beautiful array ;
If you ever heard of Bargains like
we offer you today ;
If such Trimmings, Silks and Cotton
goods e'er met your eyes before,
Your patronage we never will oolioit
any more.
. R. SMiTH,.
Sole Agent in Brussels for
Priestley's Black Dress Goods..
As the days grow warmer
and the sun more dazzling the
Parasol becomes a necessity..
Never before have we had such a
tempting array, such pretty,
handles, such Exquisite Quality
and each
..Moderate Cost,